3 ?: ^" Y U( J" ]! i4 f飞虎队再次升空,如果前几天的表现算抢眼的话,今天的表现只能用惊艳来形容了2 ~4 [$ M6 _) v6 ?
/ }! w* p8 |# p! @& a估计是日军前期损失了不少精锐,飞行员经验有所下降,且近一个星期长时间的扫场
I% _8 g9 e0 r; w估计也让日军飞行员累积了不少疲劳,而盟军则相应产生了好几个王牌。 0 L% {- t5 G+ H5 d; N
新加坡照例打下几架陆攻,大陆的安康由于菜花安排失误,出现小规模突击。# @9 }. f: G9 B
8 }% A! k$ U7 N/ g! x------------------------------------------------------------: k. v2 O$ A9 d, E, N
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53 5 [: g+ E7 d- J9 H4 A- Y) s* y
Weather in hex: Clear sky
2 h9 b* _; a5 I. V+ CRaid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
, ]0 e3 D0 f1 F2 `Estimated time to target is 10 minutes 8 j P; X [( L
Japanese aircraft
0 p+ i' K6 i2 f) V6 T9 _5 U/ k A6M2 Zero x 45
& j; l U! c8 O4 ~/ K RAllied aircraft
4 \& h* t B4 {, I9 u H81-A3 x 13
: U8 q' N6 ^0 p- `) a" w Hurricane IIa Trop x 8
* G& G& w! Z5 k0 o" ] Hurricane IIb Trop x 27
G% m" S# k, T+ @ P-39D Airacobra x 16/ Q' }) w: N6 ? T$ r
P-40E Warhawk x 10 1 e! B7 z: ~+ e1 W" s1 U
Japanese aircraft losses& H3 n& B1 K' g+ l/ |; H0 E! F" R
A6M2 Zero: 8 destroyed
/ r' u4 _1 M4 b4 W9 Q' @' qAllied aircraft losses
" _4 g& @/ T2 M3 \- W Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed/ f1 y0 l7 O- ]( n% g; k6 R+ W' }* R
P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
& X% M6 Q% O) ^& t/ I5 KAircraft Attacking:( m, H. m: p* m* B5 v
16 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
- T. J, U- h6 h4 m5 OCAP engaged:" G* q! m P. Q/ w+ D' U6 A5 r
AVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (0 airborne, 11 on standby, 0 scrambling)! M9 T8 K: C" L+ ^# d4 Z9 `
5 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact." B. y' D$ Z. b3 N! T8 d( M- f4 r
Group patrol altitude is 20000 1 | @' e [7 i/ G7 P
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
0 h5 W% S/ F$ C% C1 XAVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 7 on standby, 0 scrambling)7 Z+ L, i3 L# ?$ F; |! V8 _6 b+ z @
3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.2 d: s* n8 D+ ]& m! s6 A* r. H
Group patrol altitude is 20000
9 B8 e$ g! n6 w: l4 c( w! x* m Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
3 x! z' J" F3 Q2 R# lAVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)' i' e, j( T& C J' {7 x; I
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.' J7 A! P2 `! {
Group patrol altitude is 20000
! g' L) Y; x! f6 @% P Time for all group planes to reach interception is 25 minutes4 i1 z; J- Q- b$ Y' T- ^
No.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 9 on standby, 0 scrambling)
! u* t/ k" w M 4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.$ E3 N, V7 q( g+ {0 D( I
Group patrol altitude is 20000
# ]% @" J: _3 k4 [4 d5 \' {0 J Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes
' ~: H. o! c; w3 M# O2 a HNo.136 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 2 on standby, 0 scrambling)
, u8 m+ Q6 X8 F 1 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.2 L: `2 a8 t! L) k- l9 r1 r" X
Group patrol altitude is 20000
$ ], K* o, R! V5 I3 c/ r5 N+ g Time for all group planes to reach interception is 20 minutes
; w3 ~: g8 ^$ V* S- R! h/ K3 Q2 E4 _: n! VNo.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (0 airborne, 8 on standby, 0 scrambling)
+ ^2 ^" z% {/ x4 j1 F" ~7 t: | 3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.% k8 O7 \" B( q S! D4 P0 W- c
Group patrol altitude is 20000 6 M7 R$ r0 [* \7 @
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 14 minutes
/ _" r$ s" K% E- d* S: HNo.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (0 airborne, 6 on standby, 0 scrambling)
4 g9 C$ g; X# S" j+ W' ? 2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
3 D* o: H+ A! |% A* I Group patrol altitude is 20000
0 V3 \0 |( G0 S5 N' l Time for all group planes to reach interception is 23 minutes
- e. h! J- S. p# W, M--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 {3 O1 _( L3 m" J2 ^+ tMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53
0 f, Z8 W2 n8 `( \Weather in hex: Clear sky ' C) k* ~5 y. x' E
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.( R" n. ?' J( `- |# \7 H6 c
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes : K5 G& O" j9 ?
Japanese aircraft
- ]/ b* e, t5 v9 Q, ?8 e; r A6M2 Zero x 38
# b( M/ n' @, s z" rAllied aircraft
2 E; A) U3 E' S* E H81-A3 x 12
7 ]( r$ T3 S+ |1 Z. B2 Y Hurricane IIa Trop x 8; I C1 @5 q5 @1 i
Hurricane IIb Trop x 19: W% `; g. D6 a8 H
P-39D Airacobra x 9
5 F G5 p; q% T5 B% } P-40E Warhawk x 7
5 |. b% G& d$ J; o6 BJapanese aircraft losses4 i8 k; M& k- N
A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed
+ {! Z1 y" x( \. m: v3 D2 p! PAllied aircraft losses
: ~0 _. G1 g) |6 R X" C Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed2 L2 I" L$ J* _$ j9 f
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
) w; o2 }4 ~ dAircraft Attacking:
! ]5 W3 I8 ?. c0 z" T& y4 A 16 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet+ ]& U: e: ^6 s9 q) C0 A5 R
------------------------------------------------------5 c" R0 E# y+ I. v
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53 / V o5 e" n5 a" O
Weather in hex: Clear sky o3 n: E/ @0 u5 [5 N' ^( v
Raid spotted at 43 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.. v/ N( W/ P; `& P8 _
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
- H2 w+ l5 w, w9 i6 vJapanese aircraft# }3 [8 d4 I/ F, }. Z
A6M2 Zero x 31
) w/ C/ j7 U' x. ^" w/ kAllied aircraft* n3 O9 T9 r: `) d+ [# d: F
H81-A3 x 10: n& H& G+ ?) N
Hurricane IIa Trop x 50 o$ M2 \% {1 J' f& E% f
Hurricane IIb Trop x 15
7 W2 _5 ?% @* |! K P-39D Airacobra x 64 |) u) Y6 Y: a: E \
P-40E Warhawk x 4 : G* B% m) E6 O2 B$ q" n
Japanese aircraft losses
: ?$ q; V z9 B: D5 r% y. y A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
3 n$ i5 `- `, b' JAllied aircraft losses
' k( m) Z$ E |7 I+ t H81-A3: 1 destroyed8 t- g: N2 _' v& \
P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
8 S8 }' h# a4 N# R' |Aircraft Attacking:
1 M% |; h* l( ?: Q: L. q 14 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
7 B, ?) _0 ]: Q6 m: E) f! Y8 [---------------------------------------------------------------% D% q J& S( I* q* K# E' K
Morning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai % a% d/ g: z6 n
Weather in hex: Overcast ; z% ], m* K3 }% X
Raid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
- N* f# u5 ?3 AEstimated time to target is 19 minutes
1 `6 w1 k* Y/ X' u& W: LAllied aircraft
Q2 Y+ P& R" B W) O2 m2 W Wirraway x 3
; _) T+ V4 z+ O6 GNo Allied losses
8 w* r6 q! Y) S5 c$ J' A% h, \5 P; gAircraft Attacking:$ X2 P' K4 G0 b% G; b
3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet* Z0 L' v# K& U0 \2 R
Ground Attack: 2 x 100 lb GP Bomb! L4 T" k: |3 F7 t* E- J! N* N
& T: d. W+ _1 [) d7 R [0 L' rMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53
! v: G6 b2 G& {' [Weather in hex: Clear sky
9 I' B( k( C* r9 }5 u4 H2 y8 BRaid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet." ]1 ~ U q' K
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes ( r) L2 j$ E& g2 n! m4 I
Japanese aircraft
0 v% i) y y7 V+ G0 I/ Z) n A6M2 Zero x 22 4 c/ C; z. j& d+ ?$ c
Allied aircraft8 K" Q* v3 P4 R0 U. I. V
H81-A3 x 6
: S) m7 `3 Z( f' V0 s& s Hurricane IIa Trop x 3
6 _# a6 @' T; D8 r Hurricane IIb Trop x 10
' ]+ X3 G. w- ~4 \ P-39D Airacobra x 3" S. L4 ?! n$ B7 z) F3 q
P-40E Warhawk x 2 + g* F; i. j: d* Y5 ~4 ^
Japanese aircraft losses
% F6 i$ z% u! l# v A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed
3 P, N0 e" U2 z6 c' JAllied aircraft losses
% ]# q4 c8 @2 t" B H81-A3: 2 destroyed* B* j& g) ~' `5 j u: z
Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed+ a8 x- M: r' P& W+ X
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
- Q. e U: d4 B; C" y$ aAircraft Attacking:
0 _/ Y7 x8 d0 J2 @6 m2 ^$ d 2 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet# q4 s. U, x$ A, c( S& D5 t
---------------------------------------------------------------0 a/ u2 p, G5 D3 A$ ~
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 9 N! l$ ?/ w. c7 d
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
1 g4 O8 x& c# f, D2 [Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.1 j2 B+ ~/ `8 f+ w$ q7 n7 Y9 \) e
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
d! i* `' g- N) M: v$ {% k0 ]Japanese aircraft
F6 w$ h' J2 B2 ] G3M2 Nell x 8
/ _: i/ A7 T; R* E4 K' j2 n+ BJapanese aircraft losses
2 ]1 g; N# P" L3 s# Q G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
3 |% r: j" @9 y3 P' T4 E2 Y G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed by flak & @# q; _% Y- H+ q+ I
Airbase hits 1; ], W: j& ?& A& A, F$ W; q: ]
Runway hits 2
7 w. x6 u$ _* Z) x. u' G9 MAircraft Attacking:
7 @) }7 A+ @# S, @3 E& C" t 5 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet *
6 O/ R; d6 \+ w. u Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb . {- q3 b/ Z! u8 |3 p$ U$ B
/ q4 a5 p' R4 c+ u* ]- y2 LAfternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 - O/ E% q: `8 W i5 Z
Weather in hex: Moderate rain 2 Y4 r& U# W9 V$ ?
Raid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.7 B, w$ H6 ?% ?1 X2 ~( Y* g
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes # L4 N' `7 q! u5 T
Japanese aircraft9 J5 |7 P, \+ B* ?! d
G3M2 Nell x 6 1 M- K( _5 \5 E2 y- f& C6 P
Japanese aircraft losses9 k9 C* u' Q; y6 }' H
G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
5 a8 Q8 E' Y: x G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak % l' {+ } Q/ }
Airbase hits 1
2 X$ |& z$ \" t. Y' L$ u! [Airbase supply hits 1" Z; B' g, E g( B
Runway hits 2
. a" D0 r0 Q3 ~) BAircraft Attacking:
* }0 E- j0 e9 _ 4 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet * 8 ^6 J) |) F5 b3 V& \
Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb6 |( ~" d6 f& Z# M. T$ O
. f2 ~+ M$ i# N8 c7 ?! gAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 ( O6 J6 e) t1 l7 T6 }" V1 p
Weather in hex: Moderate rain / G# Q' N; C2 P: Y7 r8 E& ]
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.( |4 |& s3 l0 x' f
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
. s- M! J6 s" L' @+ N' h% ~# |* hJapanese aircraft$ a* ^; y, l6 a, K
A6M2 Zero x 7& X/ h% p3 s0 M1 M
D3A1 Val x 9
' @1 ^+ W3 u9 c, AAllied aircraft
5 v0 _% p! O/ ?- m4 P3 i H81-A3 x 1, K4 s& H: E5 `/ f0 k/ S; v
Hurricane IIa Trop x 1# U% k1 m$ o) ?4 d9 w/ l
Hurricane IIb Trop x 3
$ @9 H/ a8 V& K/ |$ N% W P-39D Airacobra x 7
) s1 j1 D3 l/ t2 w, D2 Y4 R* q4 { P-40E Warhawk x 1
3 T V( {( D* {, j* JJapanese aircraft losses
/ |9 P! Y: v( u" R5 N7 k A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed( s' v" n ?; F! v- J ^" c" T% u
D3A1 Val: 5 destroyed ! U+ s; U7 r. M! r6 t
No Allied losses
$ Q, k: g( o6 S4 A% c& DAllied Ships% s( I0 N1 @: I
xAK Santa Elisa, Bomb hits 1, on fire & N/ _( s1 P' V/ I% Y
Aircraft Attacking:
( E9 I6 _# K0 s" b% V 2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
/ ?0 [% U1 l# ~# K7 ] Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
$ m" t% a% M8 m# k- `7 f8 RCAP engaged:& d( J6 x U8 d5 _+ X& F
AVG/1st Sqn with P-39D Airacobra (2 airborne, 5 on standby, 0 scrambling)
. r! I% i: s6 A1 f7 v4 s( m) q 2 plane(s) intercepting now.
. H M- J0 D6 L& o, L6 c- K2 s Group patrol altitude is 20000
$ z8 a( S1 _! {4 E& B Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
- S$ d' F4 {% o4 j2 b2 C 6 planes vectored on to bombers: j/ s# z- c( f% u
AVG/2nd Sqn with P-40E Warhawk (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)2 r* ^; N2 x( I- n1 N1 F
1 plane(s) intercepting now.. s' h B9 A% I2 n. ^
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
, n0 e/ x3 T! [; G0 |6 L1 P9 _ Raid is overhead
& d( g2 h( q# g- X3 ?. sAVG/3rd Sqn with H81-A3 (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)8 G$ }% e3 m8 m7 x
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
4 Z/ x0 ?$ n% q" j9 e0 c( x Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.' d! x/ e) Y8 k) \! y: \3 ]! ^" s
Raid is overhead/ W0 b4 `! p$ z
No.67 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling); N) h. ]! S/ {$ E6 [% _* l# b! c
2 plane(s) intercepting now.' j& X: m2 }! q8 D
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.8 P- m& \5 d: j) d1 x. d$ A6 H
Raid is overhead/ f7 M9 x ^+ h' i
No.232 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIb Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 v" S# ~4 x5 \2 R- Q) q1 A 1 plane(s) intercepting now.3 C6 E6 L' P/ T% z0 J- t( z
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
2 T& R5 ^$ `6 S5 c3 t0 {( d- E' q1 { Raid is overhead2 V: n m2 G N" \+ Q
1 planes vectored on to bombers8 ^% B- O5 s- L% A3 ]0 j
No.258 Sqn RAF with Hurricane IIa Trop (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
: C+ U0 h. L6 Q/ R8 F 1 plane(s) intercepting now.
& g! x: J! g: A- f9 x Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.! A1 d+ w: U) w
Raid is overhead
9 N( A7 h3 g2 h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, n0 D8 \' B- a, U( RAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Singapore at 50,84
5 L1 b# E* b' ]2 Z6 l w! [Weather in hex: Moderate rain
7 q u! w" k. S+ q8 ]6 vRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.+ R# p; e9 U- h: d7 ^+ n: \6 C. i) H
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
# M* C0 b. k& l2 |8 KJapanese aircraft( X3 D" `( g' N
G4M1 Betty x 4 ; P. N9 s6 G% S' t3 C3 o' J) o+ y
Japanese aircraft losses
6 |1 ]! E* [+ z4 h8 W7 A5 h+ x G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged, R2 I1 H% W4 h8 z
G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
6 D* B7 R# ^% Y% Z# E4 KAllied Ships
/ _4 T, [5 ?; h, v4 z0 L2 S ML No. 423 % [$ Q+ P; q+ O( E
Aircraft Attacking:& r( t ~+ e i; y/ V4 ~, f
2 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
- i* \2 Z: Z% ~ a! o. n Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
2 W3 H3 M$ U: @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" a; U0 {$ N g0 @ gAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Singapore at 50,84
5 `) j c' ]+ o2 D7 X8 d* j* RWeather in hex: Moderate rain ) i; w9 i' ^2 f- ^
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.# ^4 }- y2 Q- n2 I% m' v/ V
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes & G+ C; U) U$ B, I; p- U; v; ]) I! F
Japanese aircraft9 C+ {! s5 U2 u) s# Z2 |" H
G4M1 Betty x 6
+ _1 @+ v. [" \0 T0 X& fJapanese aircraft losses
4 ]; Q: k, m& Q/ l$ [* \ G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak ' c6 ~8 Q" K3 C% ]5 F& n8 E
Allied Ships
( x" N0 ^( j- F* F# g1 R# N ML No. 362
. B' i8 O9 |* W0 H1 Q HDML Pahalwan
: | H7 n1 ?, B! P. SAircraft Attacking:/ \; h6 o; U/ y9 s/ X. O( X
5 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet( I8 G( T/ |3 @' V6 ]
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
9 E( `9 `" q5 Y& F" W' \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ d+ Y4 S# }' _4 L
Afternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84
- @ Z. K2 |& L, ?Weather in hex: Moderate rain
& p$ U* d& y; h5 ^9 R, tRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
: e6 B/ O- E' X' Z3 }/ SEstimated time to target is 10 minutes . I* v9 {1 w1 m5 k- S# ]
Japanese aircraft
" D# u G: }% J7 D2 d9 ~ Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18 * O! _! f$ E; w4 x
Japanese aircraft losses9 P( w! G" w( X: B2 l ?, T
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged 0 p1 u+ l1 \( Q/ k8 q
Airbase supply hits 1
$ H- ~, p2 Z" YRunway hits 1 & [" Z; K% c9 j- J, f0 ^
Aircraft Attacking:
% J" B( e. @6 ^2 b: N5 e8 E 9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet *
- k. H4 _$ J" \+ S Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb0 `; o( Z4 @! ~4 m8 V, F/ V4 a
9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet * ' ]. g i& @3 x. B/ I- L* K( j4 Q
Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
M' t% J/ O0 ~6 ]" S" r6 L4 u2 T--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 D# S/ h$ a# gAfternoon Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84
& [, @* ~" ~) n d: CWeather in hex: Moderate rain ; \' f' {0 |' H! ~6 W
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
1 Z9 Y/ Z: Z9 m1 ^Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
* s& \: \/ S/ E/ O, x! p7 UJapanese aircraft
8 A3 K. N5 {! ^9 T: r' _9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily x 13 5 U# n6 {: J4 B; T9 C
Japanese aircraft losses, A; _3 b3 S1 ^/ Y* R% f
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged i1 [: D) y7 H! d! R
Airbase supply hits 1
5 e7 }( [( J/ r: \# r! \& BRunway hits 1
. r$ @: v0 q6 j5 a3 ~2 c( A. A-------------------------------------------------------------
6 H2 G: s2 K; V, B9 |! ZAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,53 . p7 o* @1 r5 R' z8 |/ V& A8 L
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
) X4 }& o' F6 R3 L( K. ?Raid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
d, B2 K7 t9 u; KEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
4 s" L3 ~) s* g" C( UJapanese aircraft) f3 i, B6 a* {+ {3 O
A6M2 Zero x 9
# X; k7 q- V6 y8 \2 h& g Ki-51 Sonia x 18 ) ^% m3 Y% x. r, m" ~
Allied aircraft' C" {' l% p! @3 c! u7 P
H81-A3 x 1
6 ?4 ~4 ?5 y: V" D8 ?* K: D! p P-39D Airacobra x 5
" R* F+ F) K7 b% a# A P-40E Warhawk x 1 ) R# a' W' ?" j' p4 j. V
Japanese aircraft losses/ ]+ c" ]7 ?" s$ ?4 M) p
A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed/ V" Q" f) y4 L* o+ c
Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
# Z7 }- w' H9 M- BNo Allied losses
$ h A3 _' l: x, w l& l( v3 ], _/ kAllied Ships
; O5 E% X3 W% v" T! J xAK Jalapalaka$ O: \( h: b7 Q+ R/ }
xAK Hunan
6 L- a: \: F2 B: H xAK Jaladurga' g+ m) c' f- ?# @, g* h
xAK Indianan, heavy fires, heavy damage4 {- `. J. Q; a
xAK Liran & n2 w$ u3 n* s2 t
Aircraft Attacking:
8 H/ G2 T3 M- p, {; x5 Y p 16 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet
/ Q+ F8 H4 ?; i' h5 W* _ Naval Attack: 4 x 50 kg GP Bomb! o/ G1 g/ J2 g4 P9 r r
& F9 D% D. Q% R4 V$ A3 A, QGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
1 |4 w4 n, q: p# c6 ?% u; PJapanese Shock attack
# A6 S9 T& m; x7 UAttacking force 74007 troops, 962 guns, 896 vehicles, Assault Value = 2356 7 ]& F* B- Z) D& u
Defending force 105253 troops, 655 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2910 : U& E; d3 G9 @" c% k2 a9 V
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3
$ l) m5 n- c t- E8 { g% H: QJapanese adjusted assault: 35
3 z- C: z3 [ D' r% |/ q6 ZAllied adjusted defense: 9511
" J9 o* a, I2 a6 t7 W' y$ I' RJapanese assault odds: 1 to 271 (fort level 3) * y, a2 v, Z t. Q: y F& l# t! `1 p6 j, L
Combat modifiers
; @5 R' Y' i* b( ?. @* ?+ _Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), preparation(-)! ]+ W9 q2 ^% X* `3 K: ~
4 E0 D3 @ e! Y, g' PAttacker: shock(+) . M- e6 a* ^! q; H. X5 N! }" Z
Japanese ground losses:' a A" h0 s& m
382 casualties reported
9 P+ v' Y5 u+ r8 M Squads: 0 destroyed, 23 disabled2 E1 {2 F4 D1 E
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 57 disabled6 Q4 h! X9 U4 Q) G+ ~8 O. g& s
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled7 }7 X/ C( a' v& l* r
Guns lost 22 (2 destroyed, 20 disabled)
5 Q5 m$ G; P$ Z" M/ } Vehicles lost 199 (20 destroyed, 179 disabled) 7 }# K$ j4 X& j' B
Allied ground losses:
7 ^9 W+ O/ _$ s1 O8 t, ] 367 casualties reported
7 y; l2 t" J2 |2 e9 j( r) q Squads: 1 destroyed, 45 disabled* g* q/ c8 }( N8 l; a# y, ]
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled9 A9 f. ?* B! w/ ^' n: A, v% j
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled ) T2 T- X3 x8 e7 E0 E& a! T( I3 L3 Z
-------------------------------------------------------------- * l. c6 E$ {8 ^
Ground combat at Ningsia (84,33) 2 x1 p) J7 ?4 ?/ f8 U/ F1 r, A
Japanese Shock attack
. o9 B- q5 ^# w. xAttacking force 5851 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 349 8 Y! x3 z. B( N3 [4 a5 R
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
2 x* \6 m" u* R; z% `" |Japanese adjusted assault: 192 2 `) y1 `8 E9 [
Allied adjusted defense: 1
8 V2 c& d5 R J# C: DJapanese assault odds: 192 to 1 (fort level 1)
% f5 E" }/ m$ w4 `7 A4 M6 n G4 QJapanese forces CAPTURE Ningsia !!! $ j, R2 u; Z7 Z# Z0 B5 Y! U. u
Combat modifiers
1 M) \/ G1 L' f5 k/ i kAttacker: shock(+)
1 L$ Q3 M9 Q8 Y J+ ^$ n( u) B1 u! rAssaulting units:
! R7 \/ d; m5 o$ Z 2nd Ind.Mixed Brigade6 S3 {5 F. J& e# \
4th Cavalry Brigade8 k% W; p2 n$ Z% V4 \
1st Cavalry Brigade
4 [! R! a8 C# a9 R 7th NCPC Infantry Brigade |