发表于 2013-8-29 09:26
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Sep 16, 44, ~$ B6 |2 N4 t1 |
$ S W& p: a* e- m3 S
3 Q9 N2 C, Z6 h) |3 i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 P) w# q) [6 A. SAfternoon Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47
# _+ u5 K p1 l6 t# a5 d& a( ^' m. o
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms6 I& I9 ?% [' d/ ` r/ U
2 T; {9 V2 w/ l Y/ c6 ~- j, r
Raid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 47,000 feet.
6 \# Y E0 E AEstimated time to target is 10 minutes5 ^, V' }5 U! c! N. p* Y* W
+ U# l5 Z) K- k: e" f% i L: J
Japanese aircraft4 D+ d9 s/ ~8 R8 }3 M7 U
N1K5-J George x 27
$ e9 e' Z: c" p0 e1 M1 v7 F, j Ki-84r Frank x 97( z4 K; q0 X2 h7 `# S& e/ \ n* w
# Y$ ]4 q% u+ c" R/ s3 lAllied aircraft
( |; @! d9 e6 \/ _9 s7 M7 f5 \ Thunderbolt I x 45. @$ f2 s& k/ a$ r
W5 m/ l+ C( o1 U9 F7 q1 x
Japanese aircraft losses
* M9 x; u' ^4 b% X. e/ U& P Ki-84r Frank: 10 destroyed" w# K* Q0 {3 }& N9 e. ^+ U0 |
7 r+ j1 f9 V; {4 `# hAllied aircraft losses
- D. @1 v" [! N# T- C) ]) [% ] Thunderbolt I: 1 destroyed/ M1 Z; a/ ]4 A3 i
+ D3 F4 n$ M) xAircraft Attacking:; ?2 P" G% Z1 o) ]5 U. l
31 x Thunderbolt I sweeping at 42000 feet7 w3 d: o$ X4 ?+ h4 D( z7 n
% T1 j! U) |" V/ ^8 d1 d
CAP engaged:& f3 M1 b- g. r* J+ r% O0 v
S-402 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 10 on standby, 13 scrambling)# e P! f1 v; g# U" X
4 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.& R' f# i+ T& ^) k
Group patrol altitude is 39000 , scrambling fighters between 39000 and 39370.
, o( W3 {! r9 L: b: R. T2 | Time for all group planes to reach interception is 41 minutes- _$ E0 n% h' S& u6 @% P
87th Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 17 on standby, 24 scrambling)7 a. {. g7 S X- W3 s
8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.+ H# a& y4 m5 ^4 Z, v# R
Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters between 35000 and 38270.
. u5 @6 r/ s; U! Z6 D, p- n- R& n" P Time for all group planes to reach interception is 36 minutes7 {' ^7 I/ {! {
203rd Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 17 on standby, 23 scrambling)
. [' }/ ]! x' B3 y 8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
, p4 W- i. s/ H$ y: C T( v( s4 k Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters between 38000 and 38270.1 _# \( D; B" N3 o9 M) l# Y
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 35 minutes" a. w& C% E5 e" D
2 s' C. n% Z% j9 C
9 q& \3 Y$ [% ~ U5 @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ b# \4 }" Y0 m9 S
Afternoon Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47
/ ]/ S0 _! M* u1 P. j2 q( r( Z! K$ E0 @5 L: J G+ J- o, ?, E
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
% o) {$ a* y; B7 V- R
6 A5 ^0 O5 g. m4 }1 \3 uRaid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 46,000 feet.: a9 F2 p3 c; z0 Q* [2 A! v
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
( _( G* |6 n4 i8 ?8 ]% @
E" d( {) Z, c4 O. QJapanese aircraft( G- d2 p- N' x( V+ j/ z
N1K5-J George x 274 K2 L: O/ Q3 X# L- D+ n+ ~
Ki-84r Frank x 55
0 W3 A& f9 C' |. S8 y) o0 Y% v, ]- }2 k) s6 I, a
Allied aircraft
( _4 V% R K7 A" v. J! D/ C8 Q+ v Thunderbolt I x 45
- O0 ^- x9 A5 s
- t& V3 q" F( w FJapanese aircraft losses3 {2 n, _9 G' C" z8 T8 y$ k
N1K5-J George: 5 destroyed
# M% h1 @. A1 I; L0 q4 v& { Ki-84r Frank: 11 destroyed
! L$ F. e D- @2 f
- s* y# Y6 h+ a8 P' Q4 RAllied aircraft losses7 x/ ?: `0 Q5 @% D! q
Thunderbolt I: 1 destroyed" n$ P* }8 N& H: T
" g! }9 T/ ~7 u6 gAircraft Attacking:
2 S- J6 Z& p1 R4 Q: f, k 25 x Thunderbolt I sweeping at 42000 feet; V. q( n8 `# r6 s1 e
3 p7 C9 S! g; ]4 v; M9 i# m# ?. L
CAP engaged:
- t7 L+ A T0 h) BS-402 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (0 airborne, 2 on standby, 10 scrambling)
% T3 p# v: V, r8 A 6 plane(s) not yet engaged, 9 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
6 k9 r6 L. B" X0 H! F# F Group patrol altitude is 39000 , scrambling fighters between 39000 and 46000.
4 d0 d, m* u0 D7 k9 H2 j; C Time for all group planes to reach interception is 33 minutes
; n) A( R& N$ ?5 ]% ~87th Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (2 airborne, 3 on standby, 12 scrambling)
; P2 P; o3 @, Z, T 2 plane(s) intercepting now.$ S2 [7 t; G T! ^ a
7 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
; G3 E; S2 h! c D6 @2 p Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters between 35000 and 45000.
7 G' j" U8 u8 U( X2 H. l3 d Time for all group planes to reach interception is 37 minutes
! R R7 O- G8 N" @# T203rd Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (2 airborne, 3 on standby, 11 scrambling)8 O x9 W& T- r3 m; H; K' h* w
2 plane(s) intercepting now.4 S! N! S( H6 J. i9 P5 e0 C% c
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 9 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.+ O) G! G& }) A. l+ B) e
Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters between 37270 and 42000.
" V+ K. T/ H7 m) K2 T: T1 E% n: R- t4 z Time for all group planes to reach interception is 45 minutes4 c3 G4 O# P+ j. R( o( G
! i; ]5 B: ?' ^# K% a, a7 U @2 m! I
, O0 [+ X3 s, m5 J
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, e4 X7 k& }9 O# s: Z
Afternoon Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47
3 g: d# |6 \( g& l: n) G" G( k$ U/ k3 y
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
- h) R3 N6 u, v% y* `0 l
$ `- h/ Q' B7 |# L4 q3 @; bRaid detected at 22 NM, estimated altitude 48,000 feet.
2 H& h; U1 P* N; eEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
3 } L0 W; o$ N, l: A( x1 q
2 B/ T# c: B3 ~& T9 U, F( y `Japanese aircraft4 k) l2 g7 s+ d% F
N1K5-J George x 6" u$ t. ]1 i1 h( f* b2 _4 E1 s. K
Ki-84r Frank x 192 h) C# ]0 r6 N
9 z0 u) g& \ P/ i4 h5 Y r
Allied aircraft
5 K# l- e. q" b( j5 E Thunderbolt I x 45* _& b6 u) G i c* {' Y
0 L* V; d' v# Y1 }! p ?( d1 p
Japanese aircraft losses
- O1 ~. L2 c8 y N1K5-J George: 1 destroyed* ]) C6 L3 ]0 s: q9 `
Ki-84r Frank: 9 destroyed
5 e) ^! Z( [4 x! x: u
- E8 S* }1 ]2 H8 W6 h. oNo Allied losses
& K7 O! n2 o8 A* a9 g; F7 B+ L1 ]5 o
Aircraft Attacking:
8 n t4 z6 i# P0 f" D) {) z 39 x Thunderbolt I sweeping at 42000 feet/ @, y) F# q# K8 o# D
- l9 S! V: O. lCAP engaged:
V) P" M/ ^" b' TS-402 Hikotai with N1K5-J George (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling) t! N5 n$ M6 C+ \+ Q
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
# {- a& Z1 a# \8 p- b* V, L 3 plane(s) not yet engaged, 2 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
d! Z) t/ h2 x Group patrol altitude is 39000 , scrambling fighters between 39370 and 43000.! m U0 U2 w: S/ R# A7 |: h
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 27 minutes
4 m/ _3 P. `8 x+ B/ s R! {87th Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)- K, x. ~! |6 e" ^* @. e7 Z/ `
11 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
. r9 h0 a6 W* U3 t' q5 _% v$ h Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters between 37000 and 42000.
7 U6 `, N2 N" h( X; l1 h( z9 x& \ Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
! j" K# G8 O8 {, {203rd Sentai with Ki-84r Frank (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling), p8 x" d! v7 |" G4 \" f
2 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 3 out of immediate contact.
( u/ r$ M G# r g3 l: x Group patrol altitude is 38000 , scrambling fighters to 42000.3 b; w; m1 |, _- f1 P% G6 L
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 35 minutes |
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women." |