AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 12, 426 R- g5 q# L4 Z* `
日军继续轰炸新加坡,当天又有约20架日军轰炸机被击落,2 y% Y0 u8 L* P! W0 b% L
0 ~; F4 S# k. R! |' t, P虽然死伤人数依然多于盟军,不过盟军已经有4个营级单位被歼灭了,, w$ H! u- M8 r1 E* Y
% Y" K6 @; Q+ o- H9 E6 \1 Y5 @+ E- J8 S( D# a5 A: {2 f6 v
-------------------------------------------------------3 x6 k$ D( ?- J9 Z0 E- @+ `6 S
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84
+ @ ?' Q+ m5 F; A! d$ h0 IWeather in hex: Overcast ' ]2 R! K n' j
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
9 z9 z; }2 E# b# X) I$ d/ ?( {Estimated time to target is 13 minutes ! ~! B- x. Z8 O& n- V
Japanese aircraft6 L) e7 y. [3 F7 O4 @
G3M2 Nell x 7
6 \# k5 v% [% F8 I8 P* b/ d G4M1 Betty x 13 4 Z0 ~- O9 v$ R0 ?
Japanese aircraft losses
0 [/ [5 a" Y% x1 o$ b G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged# Z# |" d& N7 T9 i( \1 U" t6 I
G4M1 Betty: 11 damaged
/ k0 J$ g* W- ?/ }) q G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
; J) l7 k7 B% I( ]. bAllied ground losses:
% l! S, t5 L3 K7 ^0 o 4 casualties reported
2 d4 J5 ~% f7 y" { Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
0 Y3 m$ @) b% q) L- G( t& M Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ [3 E% X: q6 n% l6 \, n E$ O
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + L. T* X1 b3 v
Airbase hits 4
8 `" ^9 A: Y( D6 ^# F6 ]9 ARunway hits 24
4 ^3 w' f( O) l) q x; H! w+ F+ K9 O" o4 E------------------------------------------------------------ s* c9 Q6 }" X. K% M Y3 x$ i! r
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 + ]2 f4 |5 b1 f
Weather in hex: Overcast
! k5 c6 d5 t \2 k P [Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet./ q- u! D# G) n$ e! I
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
9 `0 W% Z4 @' ?$ r uJapanese aircraft
1 Q: C" m$ |3 q+ S% _+ O+ e G3M2 Nell x 31/ O5 R" T6 l. v% V8 i, U
G4M1 Betty x 14
! \: k7 M1 x" t3 OJapanese aircraft losses1 i: y' P% P' N% v! n: m
G3M2 Nell: 17 damaged
; }0 |* C8 M; z3 y G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
" y+ n }. \& ]& b, U G4M1 Betty: 9 damaged
& D* E& K; h% H3 E8 t9 v7 ?. |! c G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak ! C: {" \. y6 S/ e) z
Airbase hits 6
( E1 {1 i# z& {' Y3 G) fAirbase supply hits 1& p) H, c% [& l: A
Runway hits 30
. V4 A( W( l7 W! n-----------------------------------------------------------
# j. J. I% m% T6 O0 a* A. E( YMorning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 + \0 k7 M4 G: e; H
Weather in hex: Overcast , Z) @. j S$ R9 F
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.! ?3 |' [: N3 p
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
1 R/ ?7 {' d# B# {+ \Japanese aircraft
5 `- N, k; M# L. s Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
/ G& Y* s; j1 q, h, M' L Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 118 S9 n1 _: p8 i* l/ b' n/ r: f
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8
/ e- e, \: c7 I" r/ ZJapanese aircraft losses
4 G' @1 F- W9 R0 p Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
& y% m& G# F. U3 z" D- X- A Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak# y1 H5 ]+ H- k7 x
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged
% ^9 y7 k/ T' I( c8 M$ N" {Airbase supply hits 2$ U$ T" w8 @, e# r: ]& K
Runway hits 3
) d. B- n' d, X- H1 j) D--------------------------------------------------------( c; M5 U; d, j3 c$ s6 j
Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 % v& Z D1 e7 S0 T
Weather in hex: Overcast
, T/ x* z B5 w/ j1 G0 d9 oRaid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
( z+ |! U' N6 v, @9 J8 \Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
+ z- G4 ?# k: [Japanese aircraft' r* G# d5 B7 D
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9 , }; k' f: P& S: G8 v
Japanese aircraft losses
L: ?( o) h/ m. Y! t Ki-48-Ib Lily: 7 damaged
' @3 V0 y9 V7 L( P4 uAirbase supply hits 1
& a) j7 ?+ x6 T, e6 }: ?6 H) OAircraft Attacking:9 _% ?$ }( z; T$ l0 H5 Z
9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
) k9 V0 i! O: R' V9 w Airfield Attack: 4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
/ y! S' l2 v; u# `% O1 Y" H* B--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; v4 _+ v; w: P& q0 J. ?Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84 6 r [0 n; m% \- k( f6 {; ?
Weather in hex: Overcast
6 q5 S" W1 I( _0 y9 B+ h0 JRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.4 y% O( k1 N0 P% j3 V% B( p
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
2 C7 n; Q! {% D/ S gJapanese aircraft" \- b) W# z, ?6 a+ T! |+ {( ?! I
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 14
5 ~+ y% y# ~! g+ B! | Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12
6 P) U4 s$ a! f# T( fJapanese aircraft losses; E/ c: j+ x9 n/ K
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 damaged
: l2 E7 j. C0 @! x" Z Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak + t% m, F8 A; z, ^& D/ j. r
Runway hits 2
9 D2 C; c+ i( m Q--------------------------------------------------
' T* }8 _; r- V9 PMorning Air attack on 1st Mortar Battalion, at 82,48 , near Ichang
/ l! l5 t( P. h) k9 X/ ^Weather in hex: Clear sky ( v9 ~; \8 G1 q/ I6 T
Raid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.# A8 e. A% X" @( v) T7 y0 n
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
& x* N5 \- c1 { v. I9 s+ `- HAllied aircraft, ?& I* p, f9 I" n* I# \7 X
A-29A Hudson x 8 6 t5 W1 k) `* X5 `1 K
No Allied losses 0 p) C2 Y# K" @; X4 p$ s8 {' W
Aircraft Attacking:' G9 E3 t1 F; V+ o* h3 Z% ^! Y9 b
8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet8 a3 k& U8 \/ R2 h
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb " o3 z% o% {' Y; e4 M* ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ Z' i5 s7 t( Q) r
Morning Air attack on 14th Guards Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai
7 v- l5 o A( f4 }Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 4 t: T& x5 a3 M8 W; i0 C D
Raid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
- X8 T ]3 k7 G( XEstimated time to target is 0 minutes
1 s3 g! u1 z% Q8 \Japanese aircraft
& x* j( q3 O" I6 e9 V/ S7 C4 T A6M2 Zero x 2
8 f" G6 }, M" t. b) D; A( v- [/ vAllied aircraft) E0 e/ ?) Z: N' j# Z
Wirraway x 3
7 R, M5 m3 i2 i2 NNo Japanese losses " f7 A0 L# J& t7 j
No Allied losses N9 `3 c8 F) W0 c. ?/ r
Aircraft Attacking:
2 B& D" G' m+ ], s8 r. ] 3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet' n; }, k& D" O
Ground Attack: 2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
* \% B* s- x8 d( E8 m7 w/ j-----------------------------------------------------
! K$ v' a$ G v5 o: fMorning Air attack on 5th Recon Regiment, at 57,53 , near Chiang Mai - W# T2 F) ]+ X9 ?6 M. c7 _
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
6 p/ M- N, ^: V. a, i; E( D1 z& ARaid spotted at 2 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet." m+ {3 T7 i3 ]7 P1 g
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes
3 _, l% y' n8 q) l rJapanese aircraft
6 ~6 c' M# m( A; n# t8 L p A6M2 Zero x 3
; k9 f0 P9 f4 }# `7 M N7 EAllied aircraft. W* B8 u4 z) g; B0 k
B-17D Fortress x 7
9 Y' i3 r& ^( n. I5 \No Japanese losses
9 J8 f! d$ e" ^/ b/ v0 y/ [No Allied losses % D& r: {0 i6 k
Aircraft Attacking:- v0 g6 x3 j" C0 q0 s" T- J
7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet* x& E5 O! s0 q8 M
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb/ B3 n, k/ u4 O3 D
- v, ?& Y2 m6 L# P% F; u; LGround combat at Singapore (50,84) . Q% p; i; W2 ^4 r& G6 Q4 K* F
Japanese Shock attack
$ H2 x$ C: L# K5 v) gAttacking force 114175 troops, 1167 guns, 279 vehicles, Assault Value = 3363 $ P3 }! E1 d8 B
Defending force 41460 troops, 478 guns, 291 vehicles, Assault Value = 818 6 ?+ L0 c7 l t- c
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1
% X* ^: t% a8 s. X% YJapanese adjusted assault: 1562 7 H7 c# ?1 {# N _% s8 I
Allied adjusted defense: 1457
: J, m Q) J+ v* W2 F' JJapanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 1)
4 {. M ~& H8 E' j! t3 ~# nJapanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
+ p8 T6 i! z$ M( P- d2 ZCombat modifiers& P( ]9 i$ h S1 n# g4 n3 m7 r
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)5 R" A( ^( X- q7 g+ N
Attacker: shock(+)
$ t: \0 C y+ IJapanese ground losses:& p; p1 G8 D$ p1 f" ~
3756 casualties reported# T9 |/ D [! R* s( q! k; c7 n
Squads: 83 destroyed, 447 disabled
" b, ]4 X- N: W2 v Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 69 disabled& k$ w/ p0 X# _: } ^2 ?5 B
Engineers: 2 destroyed, 42 disabled6 y1 E; W' x, S& ~
Guns lost 47 (3 destroyed, 44 disabled)3 Q4 Q4 _: \. i8 ?0 d+ ]9 j
Vehicles lost 20 (2 destroyed, 18 disabled)
7 g, |( H1 V% w4 l. A+ i7 U3 W8 T4 \Allied ground losses:
; Q; q) E- }6 R 2916 casualties reported
# J! U: Y0 k8 i9 i w. p Squads: 89 destroyed, 152 disabled
9 \( V n2 R" m: s5 s) ]. o Non Combat: 130 destroyed, 73 disabled) ]- g4 m7 p+ ?$ h+ G$ W8 C/ p+ q
Engineers: 15 destroyed, 48 disabled5 h; @4 l7 ]" J1 C( }# z
Guns lost 32 (10 destroyed, 22 disabled)
' O8 \# t% N: c& ?' q' W: P Vehicles lost 60 (33 destroyed, 27 disabled)
6 n/ B: L9 Y/ S" Q1 s( j D Units destroyed 4 0 `( J- C/ c0 Y, i& ?
Assaulting units:. [0 z. ^, s6 o- c4 X9 n9 K0 G
56th Recon Regiment
' r$ j+ G2 }" }' y# \+ a 41st Infantry Regiment( R" a5 ~* Q& M# w+ w4 O
3rd RTA Division1 u" Q/ K% B( t& i5 q- x
91st Naval Guard Unit
: Z Q4 J; d, G* g9 Z& p1 B: v 55th Infantry Regiment
|: q- f- b2 v2 t* x3 c0 N% ] 4th Division
. B& }) u/ Z# j1 J III./143rd Infantry Battalion
* T- g9 P% n. h) ~6 t f 12th Engineer Regiment- p9 `5 h/ q( v! F/ A
113th Infantry Regiment4 I1 ]3 M# x5 h, K
4th RTA Division
! J# F' `/ T8 ~+ ] 11th Infantry Regiment9 L7 g8 z; _: `' r4 n
56th Infantry Regiment
/ T; x9 @# b$ w* L% c" i 4th Ind.Mixed Regiment
% D; E0 o' v1 a* [& L 148th Infantry Regiment2 S, r. I$ |% t% g8 i+ K
38th Division
8 [% X/ m4 B" U: c* ^ 5th Engineer Regiment4 o' o# _; E1 c9 |6 g
15th Ind. Engineer Regiment$ i% v+ d0 ]! ?+ C! X/ z7 [! Y
4th Ind. Engineer Regiment
9 V) f2 p( m2 D z, s 56th Engineer Regiment6 e' `- b* n. j, r* T
21st Infantry Regiment7 A, \0 H6 G) e& a7 x
55th Engineer Regiment. T5 U2 R! [: Y+ |
21st Ind.Mixed Brigade# k, B& P+ i8 v1 g
6th RTA Division, S- d9 l! Y( e' J' f1 P
Imperial Guards Division
, d! K3 J3 J" I; l3 A# j# Y 2nd RTA Division
1 ?0 h( E# B# F e; { 21st Division* x, ?: {) a- w; B
112th Infantry Regiment9 K5 Y7 r( J2 V5 z% R; B$ Z, q
42nd Infantry Regiment4 E0 |$ n8 K- T* l: S3 Q$ j) Z7 g6 a
114th Infantry Regiment/ x; G& E6 [: P3 a
I./143rd Infantry Battalion
, S% e* K) q8 a9 Z- z; z 7th RTA Division; Q" a6 i: j! o. \
11th Shipping Engineer Regiment
$ O; L" q7 P3 O8 S3 q 56th Field Artillery Regiment4 v% j7 y: P- p1 H I
3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2 p/ O l9 Z! I- m8 w9 P K& x 15th Army5 P) ~# f# y% b0 x7 X9 h; S
5th Field Artillery Regiment
8 V" n2 F/ g* Z6 z 25th Army7 [* q% }" n- W; q
14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion8 G) Z: [" C0 q% W2 d6 _
34th Field AA Battalion3 [; o8 i) Q3 h* n# }
55th Mountain Gun Regiment% ^1 O7 j% E' v# F
18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment, | T! }4 D# ] `0 P5 e6 ~" j. z+ N
21st Fld AA Gun Co 7 q1 a3 t7 T* n7 v% L9 a( Q' X
21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
4 n8 Y6 M1 k: \$ s: y" eDefending units:$ j5 ~% [2 S* a/ B
2nd Loyal Battalion! {1 v; ]+ x5 W9 v* H( S3 q
1st Manchester Battalion
/ l0 Y! u1 R# H% x 11th Indian Division
8 o4 Y( v: ^8 V A' W 3rd SSVF Battalion6 L- L% D9 W& e/ o3 P2 \
2/17 Dogra Battalion7 K7 v- n e* @# J3 ?- e
3rd Cavalry Regiment5 k# v/ L/ o- t2 @1 Z
5/14th Punjab Battalion
, L, J+ y" w9 B, v! S 27th Australian Brigade3 P7 H K0 e; |: Y0 r
SSVF Brigade
5 r2 G9 Z P8 M4 U# n8 o: k, E 1st Malay Battalion, p; c( P9 n O! i9 q" l( W
22nd Australian Brigade
* W& K4 t4 T7 |9 F: R8 N 9th Indian Division
5 T3 W8 K- x% x 1st Mysore Battalion
$ i- v; W0 w( Z/ P. s( Z III Indian Corps
; [+ J& j+ s/ w) T 3rd HK&S Light AA Regiment
1 l R! y& \/ ]- g0 ~ 109th RAF Base Force
3 ~4 Y3 `& }8 I6 U+ a0 _6 R+ F 110th RAF Base Force
1 s s5 C: u* K6 T/ A: M Malayan Air Wing ! q( U8 J0 z; j3 b1 o" |
24th NZ Pioneer Coy
S. I9 O1 ^" g" E0 w 1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment/ Q& z) x# p6 n7 k% @
1st ISF Base Force( K* F* ]# z: \+ b
111th RAF Base Force
7 h. k9 d! s4 a3 ? Singapore Base Force7 D4 Z4 L1 e8 C$ M" V
22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment9 ]% w1 W( N9 }
2nd ISF Base Force# j! P& U; Y. v% N2 d* H( g
AHQ Far East
, K8 y1 O! `. k4 I! w$ A% f Malaya Army
" e- }+ _* b$ o$ Y7 \5 X' Q Singapore Fortress* n- y$ J& N" r
2nd Gordons Battalion0 E+ X" y4 N6 o8 e$ `" e3 M
112th RAF Base Force
7 X% Z+ z6 W4 Y/ I( S* P7 A! ^ 224 Group RAF
; D, f5 a* u: i& c% ~% o2 G 3rd Heavy AA Regiment& k( `6 R, V$ \) w4 h( v2 t' k
223 Group RAF
) W$ A: w1 X- B, i 109th RN Base Force |