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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-12-4 22:38 编辑
6 E2 b# p% T& K" F; m1 K* K# Q# v, F+ V6 X' g
差点忘了,当天还发生了一件事,对后期可能有不小影响,& q% w- M1 k$ C7 j) o4 P
3 W% r9 ^3 t1 \" T" b& G% _也怪当初本人有点大意,没有在北方山路上留一个营级单位侦查,
0 C: o# J4 s$ q4 g! u2 S+ J% [过于依靠飞机的侦查能力了,而且侦察机主力都进了大陆,留下侦查的是一个轰炸机队
8 i5 J  m" H. U5 E5 H- E& }9 N4 P侦查能力不强,在整个北上的近20天时间里,一次都没有侦察到这只日军部队3 }& R, Q$ B$ h" z2 T
由于新版不需要进攻空城,而会主动判给对方,所以不知道目前日军实力,已经派4发轰炸侦查了0 t9 C# m* g& T3 {% y# T, U4 e
由于前期在阳光附近被击溃800AV左右日军,且长期没看到泰国仆从的影子. N- D( p; f5 B4 \
估计北上的是泰国部队,6百战力左右。巧合的是盟军这几天改属了锡兰岛上的3个团部队,& X* \  z; _6 \! ~' E
正好当天在仰光卸载完毕,而且还正好是铁路运输状态,3百多战力,外加制空权还没完全丧失& L6 k% H7 I! R) n
还有机会,当天又有5w补给进入了大陆战场,共计32w了。# M& Z7 K) B- q* S
仰光附近的盟军水面战队是赶来守卫港口的舰队。/ j& _4 _) S% i2 A; f0 y
) Y+ d4 O. f; [& c) m7 o# g
0 J5 V1 U8 }3 h% N9 T经过几月训练,荷兰空军主要技能接近70左右,轰炸机的主要技能训练的是对海,60-70左右* ?; D9 X! N: t" |" `+ f
可惜机场只有4级,估计很难打出大的协同,不过已经将所有飞机都设置了对海进攻,5 U7 S  l0 d1 G9 g
) Z, l( c/ y9 a+ z5 v0 Z还是能有收获就看明天的了,在这个紧要关头,菜花出差了 8 P( O! \* g8 Z4 p  o# S% L* \
# g7 u0 `3 k! [  [; w" t8 C
1 Y8 t$ k% Y% F' N: g& X, h6 `如果KB南下或者双方反应,那就是天命了
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9 \% m7 B. F9 C6 F4 ^1 [wangqifeng 发表于 2014-12-4 22:20
% m- P  U5 e6 T+ p, |2 D
" M1 z8 F) B6 t) `估计也难有更好的效果,日军已经增援到180战力了,按说也不少了,但是盟军调整异常好看
& v! a# ?: l% {; U# m! v& |防守的荷兰军队也就是一般货色,由于太靠近米里,没有撤回来,就干脆死守当地。
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 03, 42: N3 f: Z6 \8 h$ z' j5 F
当天触发了大量ss攻击和反潜攻击,不过仅命中阿根廷丸一雷,还是哑弹& @- U2 E% y' |1 a7 b
PT也遇到了登陆编队,也仅仅命中一雷,造成近百名日军落水# I5 W2 W, X4 H& h, N( ^" Y
巨港被炸得稀烂,35军在西安成功转世。加尔各答的B17和吉大港的双发都没有起飞* K; b, [$ b6 h
导致今天依然不知道缅甸日军实力,转进到附近的3个团侦查显示对方只有一个单位。7 W! M0 b1 M2 A" w
- a' b- e* K6 T  l9 u' I
昨天KB驻岛云集孔雀港附近,后续登陆编队也就在一天之外,荷兰空军受命全部出击9 Z8 L) u2 z( D5 M( w
58也特意赶到附近准备检漏,然后就没有然后了。: U8 P' c% `) Y  h* Y
5 ?) P; b1 R. C: a3 s0 T反正盟军就为了拖时间,日军愿意等就等吧,荷兰空军继续训练了。
/ J3 Y# K1 i; N+ |2 v7 [' F019仅凭一发鱼雷就拖延了整个日军登陆计划,应该给艇员全体嘉奖啊。
; z0 O5 a! \5 [
. z9 i3 M& x7 n2 k; `" l* A+ x-----------------------------------------------------
& e8 H+ c) F% t5 q* mASW attack near Oosthaven  at 46,97
4 G1 H* b' u( Q# RJapanese Ships1 A) `; m2 Q8 K- c
      CA Aoba
1 D2 q: B' z5 y( y' K      CA Chikuma8 A4 ~* B# [1 P& e
      CL Jintsu
5 E; |, P* z; Y3 A      DD Mutsuki8 g9 ~5 z  G( J1 I# f# i! @, \
      DD Urakaze' p4 M' z. V! [3 `$ ], K: L* G* O
      DD Akebono/ ?" t2 A0 |! T- @1 k3 ~8 _
      DD Oboro3 c2 D4 j3 z3 |; }4 V" o
      DD Shigure+ S: |; G- V! T3 h+ W0 C) i
      DD Kasumi
0 Z, @4 z7 L3 \9 {/ hAllied Ships
  o. N) B% X- @4 I3 I9 }      SS Seal + T6 m, ], H# o1 e# |
SS Seal is sighted by escort
- q* G6 ]5 R& ^9 dSeal diving deep ....
3 P& x5 Q3 m' v6 G# hDD Akebono fails to find sub and abandons search4 A* U+ K; I. R% Q$ |  d
DD Oboro fails to find sub and abandons search
: L/ z; `+ d5 g- t* N# d8 Y6 kDD Shigure fails to find sub, continues to search...
6 J2 ?9 q$ y6 R5 EDD Kasumi fails to find sub, continues to search...
; g% I5 Z- s: A  R, Y7 dDD Shigure fails to find sub and abandons search/ T; t7 }2 x, Y% I
DD Kasumi fails to find sub, continues to search...
& @8 M: h5 u* l8 IDD Kasumi fails to find sub, continues to search...
" {: v: U4 p9 }3 qDD Kasumi fails to find sub, continues to search...
6 q* D9 J+ _: a# a" o$ ]DD Kasumi attacking submerged sub ....( u" C0 i, F3 Y; [  Q5 W6 v% \  N) ]
DD Kasumi fails to find sub, continues to search...
4 S( {0 F% k2 k; L0 T1 L/ `# ^9 HEscort abandons search for sub
3 g! k5 m1 `  O, K& m/ T7 o--------------------------------------------------------------------
% r5 m1 U5 F% ]: B" TASW attack near Merak  at 48,97 3 D* O6 |! k6 d. v6 h
Japanese Ships. J& k: H& l4 Q; L& ]& q
      CL Kinu
8 D, [  X+ Y) o  F      DD Nenohi( ^1 g! b5 j7 }. m) D3 t( H/ A' Q2 D
      DD Yugumo- \7 J# W' d/ i
      DD Matsukaze, K+ B- l7 U- |( `9 U& l
      DD Harukaze
$ q- v" I. _; C5 E/ a- ?      DD Asakaze
5 t; K5 s/ ~8 t$ |  h2 [Allied Ships
; L3 e/ \2 |+ a      SS Skipjack, hits 2
2 U3 X0 L9 b/ W( y/ j8 q3 `( F7 S+ cSS Skipjack is sighted by escort
7 n0 j1 w; d9 h: UDD Matsukaze fails to find sub and abandons search1 {3 A; T8 A, T) h* k: o
DD Harukaze attacking submerged sub ....7 y8 Q( `/ I/ P6 U' ?, R
DD Harukaze is out of ASW ammo
: ^2 Z& s8 o& P/ N7 o2 M; WDD Asakaze fails to find sub and abandons search  [0 I6 Q, D7 ]3 C/ l( |
DD Harukaze attacking submerged sub ....( j6 d( b; u. M
DD Harukaze is out of ASW ammo3 E; T- v& z; n7 n, U% z
DD Harukaze is out of ASW ammo2 z( p  D: k- Q
DD Harukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
" f$ i3 B. y. k! ]) DDD Harukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
( i( Z, m3 R, S0 _: y1 w/ _+ ]- pDD Harukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...9 @0 r8 o$ v6 q! S3 ~
DD Harukaze fails to find sub, continues to search.... f3 i- |; ?" r# S
Escort abandons search for sub
. ^( W5 @3 U5 y. O--------------------------------------------
3 p4 c. v: T& F- aSub attack near Batavia  at 49,97 ! c! Q. P1 Z+ H) M, b2 ?1 Y
Japanese Ships; ]3 c% S# I3 X) [$ o
      xAP Argentina Maru
* @* W" e" k8 K  X0 y+ q      DMS W-10 . j8 O: q& l- W% S
Allied Ships1 [8 q; n; v8 t+ J; w* f+ k+ `
      SS Pike
3 n4 Q% R3 x: J) h% kSS Pike launches 4 torpedoes at xAP Argentina Maru( B7 F1 ^7 D, V# k" x
Pike bottoming out ....- m. u9 U4 [+ v- P7 P& M" r% c% N5 ^$ Z
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search..., D' o: R3 \8 `
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...
0 p" s. @% H/ n  ~& m4 f! j7 nDMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...: l5 @" B* Y/ d! q4 f4 q' h
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...
7 I- Y2 T4 H) F$ x* \DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...
/ v; @5 {- E1 w3 zEscort abandons search for sub
+ Y+ B& y7 R+ B----------------------------------------------------------* k  B- S7 o5 B7 j
ASW attack near Batavia  at 49,97 6 V% L8 H  g- p- o% i* [. R
Japanese Ships8 @' R( n0 P9 Z1 d3 R
      xAP Baikal Maru, t& I/ D, H: }9 A" X8 Q4 @
      DMS W-10 " }7 V3 ?3 m1 u; R  m
Allied Ships9 p9 P( T! P& S/ R' c, d$ |4 I7 `
      SS Sturgeon . r- R9 R7 ]* L  Y4 U9 c
SS Sturgeon is sighted by escort! d6 w- {, }: f3 D2 }) Q# B
Sturgeon bottoming out ....! u; e! V" Q' [3 R3 U. i% @% I
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...
' L, D* J! G5 L8 @DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...
' M2 x9 @! S4 iDMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...7 N7 O8 T5 P! |2 Z3 D% Y+ o
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...& q; S/ _4 c. Y! s8 D  B& |
DMS W-10 fails to find sub, continues to search...' f" ~7 O& n* e
Escort abandons search for sub
/ P: R  n$ _6 S& J, N5 D9 @# b---------------------------------------
8 I# X/ u/ m5 M' p, ]  MSub attack near Batavia  at 49,97
3 _2 J" v/ J, t, jJapanese Ships
/ ]5 P: j8 {* q* f! v! x/ e& G' w  j% m      DD Yugumo
, h/ s6 g' u6 z5 P1 i      BB Ise
4 C5 V+ A3 v6 F7 t! b      CL Kinu$ K# ]# c7 w- r2 D
      DD Harukaze
; p4 S! j9 U5 u4 h* ]/ b      DD Nenohi
0 p: [! q* ?; n      DD Matsukaze
2 c; n. l) a. e% `      DD Asakaze % Y# B- |7 n0 J+ J; o; W: Q
Allied Ships5 W% v- @, |' c2 B' b
      SS Searaven
! m" V& V6 Z( |SS Searaven launches 2 torpedoes at DD Yugumo
4 S7 l# ~3 A: k% H/ V$ C* l  u# l$ nDD Matsukaze attacking submerged sub ....
; K( N0 Z/ f1 X' n- W! DDD Asakaze fails to find sub and abandons search
8 C. k" v- A/ J' ^; c. FDD Matsukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
: U; L/ f# z, p4 @( l& y% p9 EDD Matsukaze attacking submerged sub ..... T  B# ~9 \7 X- N
DD Matsukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
- i' r8 J3 }4 ~5 _+ j. sDD Matsukaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
/ v9 V  x& b/ S+ e8 Y+ h& W4 sEscort abandons search for sub 9 f5 {- X7 s9 r& ~6 n6 e0 y
- s( u6 h  F8 {7 GNight Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,97, Range 12,000 Yards
: J  Y' Z2 V& u9 b  y  h6 BJapanese Ships) Y+ J5 H7 q; o: x1 q
      DMS W-2$ d- I0 [9 _% z# C: J$ W2 m" L% ]
      DMS W-94 o! ]! d" r- g5 P2 ]2 Z
      DMS W-106 W+ ~! _- O8 @
      xAK Sinsei Maru- c( @# b$ v. u- |) O  U
      AMC Saigon Maru
/ D9 S% W7 E0 p- U+ z! ]      xAK India Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire
2 y/ Q, i8 g) e9 I, i# {, \" s# z      xAK Victoria Maru
+ C- D8 x4 ?  i' N5 k$ k* h! i1 \      xAP Argentina Maru& h$ C/ P% E+ p* E" C: c& k
      xAP Baikal Maru ; S& X, ]1 {9 S9 P  M/ d; q' g
Allied Ships7 J" b4 J: o) c) ?- F; o7 }6 B* ?7 v
  L' o! x* G0 T9 |' M8 b/ A7 J      PT-32  U* x+ b: ?) {$ y" i" I( X' t
7 I, ^. G. e  k( m( u      PT-35
8 ^# z1 [# V  v/ ~7 F      PT-419 t7 Y" F. N1 f0 ?% ^1 P% G. i: }! p
      PT Q-111
* P0 F5 O; g8 w: K+ b1 }      PT Q-112
4 N6 ?+ b2 Q7 i3 i0 f" l8 mJapanese ground losses:$ g( k7 \9 s% v0 d
      93 casualties reported# U$ I+ w2 m% f9 u* e: [# }7 q& u8 F5 B0 C
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 b  _0 U1 s, O9 l
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled2 u9 x3 y4 N( b/ p4 ]" F
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 1 disabled
# |3 f. T! H8 o& MImproved night sighting under 100% moonlight
& `7 @# u9 Y5 lMaximum visibility in Clear Conditions and 100% moonlight: 12,000 yards
: x% M1 S, n2 j  bCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 12,000 yards: ~8 p$ t$ u5 r
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 12,000 yards+ X) v! A" ^. g- {3 R/ O
DMS W-2 engages PT-41 at 12,000 yards( U- i* o. r3 [
PT Q-112 engages xAP Baikal Maru at 12,000 yards
) O2 ^; k; Y( q" sRange closes to 10,000 yards
3 V# {4 @& r4 j& s& XRange closes to 8,000 yards" `3 N7 x' F& K; V* {
PT Q-111 engages DMS W-2 at 8,000 yards
6 k8 O% Q0 m  T+ O7 J8 {DMS W-9 engages PT-41 at 8,000 yards
  C$ ?* R; J8 Z1 f( LDMS W-2 engages PT-41 at 8,000 yards
; C4 h" B$ R5 b4 I, ?) a/ [. p) Y( J7 @PT-32 engages DMS W-9 at 8,000 yards
1 S5 s; E5 c. c) dRange closes to 5,000 yards& E  s; B( b4 \# c9 V
DMS W-2 engages PT-41 at 5,000 yards; y$ |( r, @6 K& u
DMS W-2 engages PT-31 at 5,000 yards3 v! K- l* e2 s( l* |  ^. }5 i: \
DMS W-2 engages PT-33 at 5,000 yards
1 z9 G) P! B9 c7 E: W1 xDMS W-10 engages PT-31 at 5,000 yards
, f7 P  m) U7 W$ M* A7 TMassive explosion on xAK India Maru
/ ]7 q- S6 T5 e( w* S5 [0 ?PT-32 engages xAK India Maru at 5,000 yards/ c( }7 e8 [0 N* [* h' [
PT-33 engages xAK Sinsei Maru at 5,000 yards6 ^0 r: e1 ^8 w. f( @
DMS W-10 engages PT Q-111 at 5,000 yards
' V! t" q- P" F$ e' y: qDMS W-2 engages PT-41 at 5,000 yards/ z* ?; k+ P7 {( |/ s
DMS W-10 engages PT-33 at 5,000 yards" `( A7 P8 Y' C/ ?! u$ o
PT Q-112 engages xAP Argentina Maru at 5,000 yards
+ R) ?+ J5 {5 y+ c; XPT Q-112 engages xAK Victoria Maru at 5,000 yards' g! _( T2 H. P2 Z! s" m* N3 C
PT Q-111 engages xAK India Maru at 5,000 yards& \7 w% Z0 L+ M% ~. ?4 [9 S
PT-41 engages DMS W-10 at 5,000 yards
  D9 r7 }  z. f5 [) OPT-35 engages DMS W-2 at 5,000 yards  ^4 q( D' ~. I# s- o
PT Q-112 engages xAP Argentina Maru at 5,000 yards, `) Y- I2 o# q. B5 N
DMS W-9 engages PT-31 at 5,000 yards
9 T8 m0 u5 z  V: Y2 h* ^3 zPT Q-112 engages xAK India Maru at 5,000 yards
0 K, `/ J9 u- s/ `- MPT Q-112 engages xAK Sinsei Maru at 5,000 yards
2 D% F6 E7 d$ |) I# @8 q3 X3 C8 @$ GGallegos D. orders Allied TF to disengage9 M! |, X  L6 |4 u3 r( C  _
Range increases to 6,000 yards2 N( K7 x3 ^$ ^$ b/ C
DMS W-10 engages PT Q-111 at 6,000 yards2 _& F5 r5 i: r7 f4 r
DMS W-2 engages PT-41 at 6,000 yards) B- s- x, a/ t$ l) R; F" t
DMS W-2 engages PT Q-112 at 6,000 yards3 d& s2 B  B1 V8 p0 _" u
DMS W-10 engages PT-33 at 6,000 yards0 B) z9 m$ }( R8 X- D( |& w: D
PT Q-112 engages xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards. ^' O. W& z3 ]0 [- X
PT Q-112 engages xAK India Maru at 6,000 yards
" s, M1 p& p5 h+ D' d; c6 ePT Q-112 engages xAK Sinsei Maru at 6,000 yards) R0 U; ?$ \- d$ P
Range increases to 10,000 yards
0 E( G# l, k; g/ `! a5 p7 G. ADMS W-2 engages PT Q-112 at 10,000 yards5 z# c+ A) B2 {2 u( Z
DMS W-10 engages PT Q-111 at 10,000 yards
2 E) z7 F- h4 c2 sDMS W-2 engages PT Q-111 at 10,000 yards
5 r: v; {/ o, Y, OPT-32 engages DMS W-9 at 10,000 yards
9 Z5 W7 P# X) K$ QDMS W-9 engages PT-31 at 10,000 yards
0 }% ~2 D* x; Z. WTask forces break off...
( \6 H# F/ v# L$ t2 i. i$ ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 r( X) O0 D8 I* \6 N
ASW attack near Batavia  at 49,97 8 C# d; d2 Y2 {
Japanese Ships
2 ^/ b6 x) k$ e, a8 `$ ?      CA Ashigara
, [. g0 s4 k/ M5 y: w/ a! u5 @  U      CL Kinu
+ f2 `8 d) k. w) e( s# O      DD Harukaze
1 r7 o& A& @3 R$ P+ [$ m      DD Nenohi( L; v! `/ J# W! @6 [! s- T3 a
      DD Yugumo
: g, l) G& [, w9 O( y      DD Matsukaze
5 i' X3 H' m1 ~  w% b$ @6 Q/ R      DD Asakaze 2 D! j( J! c6 L& C# \
Allied Ships
* D0 C; R  T: J1 |" Q2 R& |" f      SS KIX
8 y$ S( D2 [: c6 a, p( X9 JSS KIX is sighted by escort6 q/ `7 `% f' ~( Y; h
KIX bottoming out ....
- ?9 m( c" H3 {: kDD Matsukaze fails to find sub and abandons search
# P9 l( D, ]2 ~DD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...  h: i. o# m0 j2 x; ?4 X4 I
Escort abandons search for sub ( ^, W1 K& e% v3 n) E# ]$ ^/ s
2 G1 z1 e! C# {4 {4 RSub attack near Batavia  at 50,96   K6 x, O, c5 J" Z$ S
Japanese Ships
5 ]* i9 C0 O! n+ I, Z5 a  T      CA Ashigara
5 \7 t% w8 Z% r      BB Ise( |1 Z2 J0 Z1 `3 r8 T7 x8 n
      CL Kinu, o* I8 ]3 R$ ?# Y) @
      DD Harukaze
* L* k* f0 |" d4 d& Y& O/ C  }3 B      DD Yugumo
2 |! g9 {, P, A4 z- b( Z      DD Matsukaze
! W; ^, W1 w' F7 _2 [5 v- r      DD Asakaze
) E/ V. G  B' f2 A4 E( lAllied Ships; q3 G" `4 L& K" b1 q, Q7 d$ x* l
      SS Pike
# _# j0 ^& x6 S2 \( }/ X; TSS Pike launches 4 torpedoes at CA Ashigara8 R: u3 v5 Q' g
Pike bottoming out ...., v  I+ n7 ?7 o8 }# ^$ `
DD Matsukaze fails to find sub and abandons search$ L7 V* N1 T9 X" y( n! O
DD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
" |+ P3 J. _/ i# _! k  EDD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...& j3 O: F4 Z# [' ]) J7 t1 N! `
DD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...
1 \& Z9 [' c/ _1 w4 B& u& DDD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...# N& R; C: S, G  a- g5 ~( }  n8 u2 ^3 |
DD Asakaze fails to find sub, continues to search...4 Y6 g; @5 i( y
Escort abandons search for sub
9 l) j+ }9 ~2 D$ L) E7 j% {----------------------------------------------# H' Y( _6 K7 `5 W6 Q: G. e
Morning Air attack on 9th Division, at 81,43 , near Ankang " W) }9 ?8 Q+ ~/ D+ i* u
Weather in hex: Light rain   M5 s3 {! C6 e3 M' [( u5 r6 ^* G5 H
Raid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.5 H) q4 r+ w% Z( H7 h
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes . u+ I& c8 g; @, @
Allied aircraft
/ A8 f2 h0 d: N$ P( d0 d( ^* o+ s+ W      A-29A Hudson x 8 ' x! h$ e" M* F/ h( c
Allied aircraft losses" _# D0 A: J2 E: V. Q
      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged
% H: N* S+ [, V1 j  C8 Q: m. NAircraft Attacking:
, h) v! p; h. ]7 D2 j$ O       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet8 P& H& h" {. D
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
- p* U1 e6 |8 W5 B- h4 K+ v- K-------------------------------------------------------------------7 s9 [4 s, F1 _. L1 H) j8 q
Morning Air attack on 6th Division, at 81,47 , near Patung
* c. ^4 W' b. F0 s. H& N% o$ UWeather in hex: Moderate rain 3 s: i" o! R+ B/ p# K
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
$ h' ]9 Y4 n% H, lEstimated time to target is 4 minutes   R% B3 M$ |7 l9 I+ ~1 N% E" S
Allied aircraft% y  e5 T5 x" i
      SB-III x 4 & p. Z2 K1 |2 `6 F" [% @- i, C
No Allied losses
) Q/ J" X# R1 Z4 _1 fAircraft Attacking:  R7 F4 v1 Y2 s& X
       4 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
& C0 V8 t0 A& B/ b9 Y8 D               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb 2 L) x* U: G/ F: l' @, {
% L5 C9 E- Y2 @- D" {3 z' ~Afternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  $ v6 ~9 D* g3 r. y
Weather in hex: Overcast 5 l1 f! L# m# R% e
Raid spotted at 9 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.# `. z- d& x: A! F' G8 M. R3 O- y
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes 6 w8 x6 H( a7 B4 t- \
Japanese aircraft* U3 q" W  R" F! F( P
      A6M2 Zero x 44- z; M5 c' u$ F. }' a
      G4M1 Betty x 180 V6 `* Y' \9 t) I4 v8 P
Japanese aircraft losses
" `% k4 I4 s( {8 Y8 R5 e7 I- a2 A      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged
' \& F2 e/ \) v6 [" s+ ^- ~# r      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak ; l' _3 p& O& c9 ^8 X& o! v
Airbase hits 3
, X6 M" a9 x- {' ~0 I% SAirbase supply hits 34 \4 ~0 ~+ }* B" d
Runway hits 6' ?& s$ x: L4 Y9 m! t
------------------------------------------------------------' l' ]! X8 c* q& V6 g9 G8 c. j
Afternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
4 S+ I5 l- `7 ~+ Y/ {* J) R2 hWeather in hex: Overcast 3 V- ~, W2 L1 D* j
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
; h/ l- Z* \9 ^1 L+ ~& _Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
( B4 C1 ]" J: ?9 T* y3 TJapanese aircraft
1 J$ t- Y2 R+ U- w5 E      A6M2 Zero x 16( }; I# ~- J3 Q. l- z# J
      G3M2 Nell x 23% Z; M' ?  p" ~$ D( i; I: u
      G4M1 Betty x 23
' ^3 h" H% L4 Z) n1 aJapanese aircraft losses: S7 {) Q) o! Y3 n
      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged
( c3 M8 h* q6 I+ N- O( I( ]6 @      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
; L/ _, Q3 ?$ ?; v      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged : Z  b  |2 J! S+ v7 M+ D
Airbase hits 5
2 n) c/ L+ ~* S' y5 a3 p4 o) uAirbase supply hits 2
8 f7 u% O4 g7 \# qRunway hits 197 S2 M) E' c' t
. d( Z4 Z) S6 _6 {% E7 y: u7 qAfternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91    P( a6 k5 v0 T. [: i3 c2 F$ \
Weather in hex: Overcast 3 f" K) Y9 S' t6 \; M0 s
Raid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
+ M8 ?2 T' B0 n+ oEstimated time to target is 1 minutes
# V& d& _2 |5 w" L. N! u9 {Japanese aircraft
: i, a& {- u, q) Q/ _! Z      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 31 4 f" I1 }; Q; f8 A* X4 M3 _
Japanese aircraft losses8 k" V. L' y, G/ I6 v* {) w1 c
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
  ]2 S4 P7 N) @! b: x) d      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak 2 ~6 k0 P' x5 I; u# X
Allied ground losses:
" p4 ]; k1 t- W. n3 N! c      5 casualties reported
" v  g. U) T6 s. P: k# j         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 o, t- [; L' V3 ~6 j" q: d4 J
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; E) K, ]5 e" W9 E( N( l% |: T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# v( E1 l0 s5 i) A; j" mAirbase hits 5
% Q2 a2 N2 Q( `5 W" oAirbase supply hits 1
  Q% j# R9 s5 v# {Runway hits 8* Q( X3 o4 L5 W& N( q  ]
------------------------------------------- * E0 R0 M5 C! [' a9 _9 b
Ground combat at Sian (83,41)
5 ~: W& x. P9 Z- t7 MAllied Shock attack
% D( `$ |/ Y1 K9 z/ }: g# ZAttacking force 1798 troops, 34 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5 % H) j/ R) }  j* N; S. u3 q
Defending force 18075 troops, 102 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 524
- U) [: ]! k+ m5 V+ VAllied adjusted assault: 0  / L. ^) e$ y7 Q0 _
Japanese adjusted defense: 231  9 L% ?) b/ \4 G- c
Allied assault odds: 1 to 99 (fort level 2)  
( z7 k7 Y% d! \/ h  e8 aCombat modifiers- m. w2 A7 \1 F7 S- i; {1 @
Defender: preparation(-), experience(-)1 i& k% }0 s% `2 k1 P# g! h! z
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), fatigue(-)  v* r  V" P: \' k6 y
9 a2 i0 G5 v  F( jJapanese ground losses:: ^5 f' n3 d& |) [8 p; M+ x
      9 casualties reported
9 f( R  w6 h0 C0 q         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled: _. t$ a5 Q2 u3 N# A
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% e* n' q& y" n$ W( I! S         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* m5 L0 F4 S' `; t) P' S. @$ U& o# RAllied ground losses:2 [# s3 M7 Y6 ]* `
      592 casualties reported
% Y! c& }3 b2 y0 b# A         Squads: 43 destroyed, 0 disabled
( O) i2 Z4 X" c3 {3 s         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 15 disabled
- r; v9 }2 d' ]         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 {& N( S3 E# ~$ X8 i+ y2 a9 k- L6 p      Guns lost 20 (20 destroyed, 0 disabled)
& ?$ C5 {* q3 |, {Assaulting units:
/ \% B6 p: Y/ x7 F, e( Z$ J) d$ u    35th Chinese Corps 1 y6 O; R, [9 Z! K
Defending units:6 s7 ]3 p0 S( E9 y
    4th Ind.Mixed Brigade3 C0 H$ J$ n+ A' g. L# ?: h
    102nd NCPC Route Brigade
/ \$ U9 |4 |! g* ~/ D; K; O) t5 l    8th Ind.Mixed Brigade" g5 V  T5 L8 A1 b4 ]$ Y' M; m# q
    15th RGC Temp. Division
/ I7 G! m- N* y1 M3 V  r    North China Area Army
+ B  U, I1 O: B* c8 U    69th JAAF AF Coy
  l* Z: E% P( q; o5 [# N    19th JNAF AF Unit
) P) e; n  ]6 @/ v9 {3 m$ ^1 L! k# g    68th JAAF AF Coy  8 u1 A& m: C6 f. ~6 X) x, _
------------------------------------------0 D" |, g/ _6 e9 `) \
Allied Unit(s) surrounded at Sian
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  `; A- J- O6 |感觉达拉根坚挺的原因是当地的沼泽地形,如果从旁边登陆再过河突击达拉根
2 [) E: {( d2 e2 O: z2 C. g估计也难有更好的效果,日军已经增援到180战力了,按说也不少了,但是盟军调整异常好看
1 i: s, q" D7 n" w; k防守的荷兰军队也就是一般货色,由于太靠近米里, ...
" ?! B% G8 P8 mzer0 发表于 2014-12-5 22:45
5 o) o2 _2 O2 f! t, e( W# j. c$ z冒着岸炮登陆,各种混乱+损失,比过河突击什么的亏得多,同时,卸载船队也可能因为延误被空袭,多有不利。1 c7 E$ E4 g% R5 p( c7 ~4 }
, W: B7 z$ p0 i  }/ q冒着岸炮登陆,各种混乱+损失,比过河突击什么的亏得多,同时,卸载船队也可能因为延误被空袭,多有不利。
1 P+ j& d# n# Y# ?+ A  {) G从旁边登陆再过去,2个海警轻松搞定,而且没啥损失。
1 x% {8 V4 H* o" l' p* lwangqifeng 发表于 2014-12-6 03:28
$ L! q0 H+ U& K: @2 b, g1 K! C7 j
6 m2 b1 l1 D! i不过2个海警能否轻松搞定很是怀疑,毕竟也是过河突击,外加沼泽地形。
  m1 C$ i1 K6 m  Y本档的日军也休整了不少时间再突击,效果依然很难看,
9 y1 I9 L) L+ ^0 N' \在没有看到恰当的战例前,倾向于认为是当地地形的关系,
. ~; z! H. c7 p要加快步伐,可以考虑突击前炮击一次。当然这种小地方,就是被盟军拖延下,也没啥大问题。
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-12-8 23:45 编辑
1 I/ R1 N' |. ?5 o. p
5 D0 ~/ i. M9 n9 oAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 04, 42
% s1 ~+ |7 F0 R0 ~* V9 _9 ~当天荷兰海军偷袭新加坡,发现当地有CA编队驻守,未取得战果,反而搭进去1cl1dd。) |* G' ~8 o% \, _$ p/ [' V
' ^  V" c4 o; \% \0 zKB继续往苏门答腊岛北部撤离,缅甸的轰炸显示当地是第1突击团,这个部队不太熟悉9 K1 p7 g7 I2 I0 i. v: K& G/ ~5 ?
( f# \1 E8 l, M- u. [/ q
) ?+ D6 v* N' Z/ e7 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: l" i6 @! a! \/ [
Night Time Surface Combat, near Singapore at 50,84, Range 7,000 Yards 5 m8 F3 U" N* ~; H
Japanese Ships
% S% x' ~; U- w9 ?9 k' g" a( W' b      CA Takao, Shell hits 1
- J, B3 t- ~7 a. j      CA Chokai, Shell hits 18 R- {  o/ e/ A6 j
      CL Sendai, Shell hits 1
1 F* B6 r8 ~" d$ a# T. x! _, G1 Y1 q5 X/ z      CL Kuma, Shell hits 10 _3 ^8 ?9 \5 D( ~: L  q! L% _4 v* S  R
      DD Hagikaze
0 R7 x. y% }: Z8 b; H" `      DD Oshio
" i) d1 M$ {% v2 S$ b      DD Michishio
% j) n3 e& L2 H+ k      DD Yamagumo, Shell hits 1,  on fire
) h. _% C) B! ?1 s      DD Asagumo, ?0 \- N$ c# G; d' ~( v
      DD Akatsuki* h' L1 a+ ~; v* B  o8 E, D- R
      DD Ikazuchi 7 G% G5 K( x0 a% P& B
Allied Ships
2 B8 o9 l2 L  E' G6 y0 [  C      CL Sumatra, Shell hits 2( v8 T+ U# W2 `& \0 h
      CL Danae, Shell hits 1
! ^5 \% B4 O6 k6 k! b      CL Dragon, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires; P3 q7 M; U" r& j
      CL Durban, Shell hits 3) m, Y& i8 U1 k
      DD Vampire) ]. n% c$ }0 v1 |
      DD Vendetta, Shell hits 1$ f. v4 C8 L- c8 ]4 Q( i+ k9 Q
      DD Banckert, Shell hits 1
! Q) F' Z/ j: k4 K& `      DD Piet Hein, Shell hits 3,  on fire
8 ^: S/ \* @0 i( n* F3 zImproved night sighting under 96% moonlight- t8 Y& G9 ]" ^, Z2 t% w2 G
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 96% moonlight: 8,000 yards; M- f/ X/ s$ w# f
Range closes to 17,000 yards...
5 W: ?. i* L+ p4 n( q* y* _" hRange closes to 11,000 yards...
( ~' o; X! T2 H9 T! r  ]Range closes to 7,000 yards...8 ~$ ?/ w2 C6 F4 {
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 7,000 yards
9 }4 Z0 D  h4 A. ]CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 7,000 yards
( Q5 v2 `" _; [2 hWatanabe, Seishichi crosses the 'T'! u/ ~9 e! p2 Z4 I
CL Dragon engages CA Takao at 7,000 yards* C% Q" D- M3 d5 f* |
CL Dragon engages CL Kuma at 7,000 yards$ K; F8 L3 c- D2 |2 r, q( r4 `
CL Kuma engages CL Sumatra at 7,000 yards  |1 a9 Z) @6 q9 \6 ]# B
DD Piet Hein engages CL Kuma at 7,000 yards
$ q0 ^% s( X+ B/ v9 g% [) DDD Vendetta engages DD Yamagumo at 7,000 yards
8 Y7 U/ v6 j# {$ {" DDD Piet Hein engages DD Michishio at 7,000 yards1 v5 ^6 C% @+ x# N4 U3 H3 D  x# [2 B
Range closes to 4,000 yards% y& Y. V) u$ E5 d' m
CA Chokai engages CL Dragon at 4,000 yards% j! r# s. I5 K6 L: R
CA Takao engages CL Dragon at 4,000 yards7 D# h- x7 _6 P: _/ I1 Y. Z
CL Sumatra engages CL Kuma at 4,000 yards) a! V- n/ ?( {
CL Sendai engages CL Sumatra at 4,000 yards1 u. J. \4 c7 T8 Q% }3 @
DD Michishio engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards( Q7 D: y& _. S0 H4 P: V- y
DD Michishio engages DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards* [/ O" a& y( }; b3 C8 j. @: h" y
DD Yamagumo engages DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards1 e, o* A0 h$ H8 Z" G8 H, J; P3 t8 R" r
DD Vendetta engages DD Michishio at 4,000 yards
! N9 ?" X: F& S. pDD Oshio engages DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards
% K" r6 e, M0 R: x8 E: J' ]DD Piet Hein engages DD Hagikaze at 4,000 yards6 u( O7 Q6 e+ k
CL Kuma engages CL Durban at 4,000 yards0 A9 K. W& y0 k
CA Takao engages CL Durban at 4,000 yards8 X3 Z9 z$ N$ Q6 R/ O' j  Y
CA Takao engages CL Danae at 4,000 yards5 f, D: f+ x: @
CL Sendai engages CL Sumatra at 4,000 yards
1 P7 A. c2 ~+ VDD Ikazuchi engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards2 a5 s0 z, t) I% O2 r
DD Akatsuki engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards& p( H; @! b  X9 f( ?- n
DD Vendetta engages DD Ikazuchi at 4,000 yards( U# Y  G0 H+ f+ Z
DD Piet Hein engages DD Yamagumo at 4,000 yards
2 |- L( A; D5 r$ ~6 jDD Michishio engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards, m( L% I8 @, U& ~8 \8 P- l
DD Vendetta engages DD Hagikaze at 4,000 yards% @0 w# e$ z' v% K6 M. a
CA Chokai engages CL Dragon at 4,000 yards1 h& }; b+ y; N. S
CA Chokai engages CL Dragon at 4,000 yards
) c! N* u% e; r% G- x: QCL Dragon engages CL Kuma at 4,000 yards' F+ p2 M* n, \2 h" l$ f
CA Chokai engages CL Sumatra at 4,000 yards
3 E4 Z9 V4 Y  V. [/ b0 H" MDD Ikazuchi engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards
# E8 B: o  G5 C7 PDD Akatsuki engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards
! T! a) l! m# G9 u4 |" v$ LDD Asagumo engages DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards
6 s2 ?3 J6 D+ u  UDD Oshio engages DD Vampire at 4,000 yards
5 e% W3 f8 S* u6 k' q# l" JDD Michishio engages DD Vendetta at 4,000 yards
  D" c: K! `) f6 |4 {3 QDD Oshio engages DD Piet Hein at 4,000 yards4 d0 R9 V  @) d' x, |$ s
Range increases to 5,000 yards( L/ E% a( U# `/ \. M
CL Kuma engages CL Durban at 5,000 yards
; V( z2 V" u& LCL Sendai engages CL Dragon at 5,000 yards
  W/ O$ x2 q6 j+ O, W3 \CL Kuma engages CL Sumatra at 5,000 yards
" n) D$ J: Z4 q5 `% a7 o  lCL Kuma engages CL Sumatra at 5,000 yards
  B4 a9 S- o6 J- \+ J( M9 }3 SDD Ikazuchi engages DD Vendetta at 5,000 yards$ c7 J6 ~8 l' f0 D2 j' B1 L
DD Banckert engages DD Yamagumo at 5,000 yards
0 Q2 E) A, N0 o5 j# d( N1 ADD Vampire engages DD Asagumo at 5,000 yards1 f- x+ i2 Y$ z% b: y' ^9 ~# K' G
DD Vampire engages DD Yamagumo at 5,000 yards
3 D2 m* y; W  e& a1 J& R7 Q* Q+ aDD Michishio engages DD Vendetta at 5,000 yards3 ?3 a& h  l0 r3 y( K' h
DD Oshio engages DD Vendetta at 5,000 yards
& p% }# l% D; w8 ~( bDD Hagikaze engages DD Piet Hein at 5,000 yards' g6 ~) V) h7 V% n2 K
Range increases to 9,000 yards6 P2 e  Y# S, m  v8 X  G0 [+ A
CA Chokai engages CL Durban at 9,000 yards
- S. R0 H% R3 R  s8 x& ^CA Takao engages CL Dragon at 9,000 yards: F( d5 N/ x9 P$ h3 m! [% j! Y( L
CL Danae engages CL Kuma at 9,000 yards
! t) a7 b( K2 `3 S  Z5 l4 \CL Sendai engages CL Danae at 9,000 yards
! y0 l' u* ^* D* EDD Yamagumo engages DD Banckert at 9,000 yards
. ~4 ^0 f3 ^  ^- @DD Asagumo engages DD Vendetta at 9,000 yards
+ }! ?/ T9 _- @# Q* _& q6 kDD Vampire engages DD Akatsuki at 9,000 yards
: j: K$ n' p. `0 w7 C$ e$ f7 z: tDD Vampire engages DD Michishio at 9,000 yards  R& ?! _, |9 p/ E" [
DD Oshio engages DD Piet Hein at 9,000 yards
3 {- z* @: E% r0 a! VRange increases to 11,000 yards* [" }4 N, j/ z$ D5 B
CA Chokai engages CL Danae at 11,000 yards7 }/ J3 b: w% }2 X. j7 E
CL Durban engages CA Takao at 11,000 yards
* ^) ]0 Q( o% V: f+ H5 l% l" DCL Kuma engages CL Dragon at 11,000 yards: j. _8 k0 D+ o4 d1 w
CL Sumatra engages CA Takao at 11,000 yards
, s4 r$ t7 z) }2 a: g$ uDD Ikazuchi engages DD Banckert at 11,000 yards
* }5 t! |1 J' |+ MDD Akatsuki engages DD Vendetta at 11,000 yards) y: O/ s3 @4 R& m
DD Asagumo engages DD Piet Hein at 11,000 yards* p6 T* o9 V9 o' J! ^9 x% b+ J
DD Piet Hein engages DD Yamagumo at 11,000 yards# o0 ~) u$ t, r' H2 G
Task forces break off...
% G. Q4 S: N4 j; x1 z2 i6 K& \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# A7 q5 o! z. A/ j
Day Time Surface Combat, near Singapore at 50,84, Range 19,000 Yards
# z* j3 F, f% }& U* N5 X2 VJapanese Ships
% R; S4 ~7 J$ O9 }: ^* c      CA Kumano! H* B7 b$ R: p
      DD Arashi1 L: e; S, I2 h! R$ R4 j# l  \
      DD Harusame6 X( ?8 B: x1 @4 N% w5 U8 [4 V3 a
      DD Asagiri
7 m! T9 y3 N% D3 i( C2 Z      DD Sagiri 8 T0 L; D3 V* a& l% ]: E  p
Allied Ships
# {6 y3 {2 a  [9 K! w3 Y      CL Dragon, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk! f) k3 ~5 k7 o- p* A
      DD Banckert, Shell hits 15, and is sunk 3 g  c4 K1 a# I  C) M" E
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
( q: k3 `; ?, GRange closes to 21,000 yards...
$ P) }! }! _: b- ~Range closes to 19,000 yards...
6 z( w1 e! o/ v3 ~! w& r3 P. e7 eCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 19,000 yards
- R0 Z) d7 [9 R. rCONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 19,000 yards* X. S! A1 q$ K' C; Y  k" v
Tanaka, Kikumatsu crosses the 'T'
) b. Y( M) o0 [, e0 Z, VCA Kumano engages CL Dragon at 19,000 yards) T+ d1 D* ?$ [& @* s  f
CA Kumano engages CL Dragon at 19,000 yards* E' t* Z4 @( s' o" {
DD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 19,000 yards3 e9 l3 J0 u1 W; x6 A8 Y, d
DD Banckert engages DD Harusame at 19,000 yards
2 \  G  r; A& M) O+ {  v. @Range closes to 16,000 yards. g1 u$ ]/ ]2 o5 @: N# e: x$ A
DD Banckert engages DD Asagiri at 16,000 yards( t% g  w# @" u' R7 M7 H
DD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 16,000 yards
( y5 {8 @- Z' KDD Banckert engages DD Harusame at 16,000 yards
* F, o! N- V" s3 |. X  F) f1 ]7 yDD Banckert engages DD Arashi at 16,000 yards
5 G8 s$ z  V8 CRange closes to 12,000 yards3 G$ J3 ?% ^  j) L2 c: [3 H; U* O
CA Kumano engages CL Dragon at 12,000 yards
& Y4 H: l& P- T6 W) ODD Banckert engages DD Sagiri at 12,000 yards5 _0 I: B" k& R# g! ~
DD Banckert engages DD Harusame at 12,000 yards3 @' n: q6 [% o
DD Arashi engages DD Banckert at 12,000 yards
" T; j3 ]1 ]0 q) M! n1 ?6 yRange closes to 10,000 yards
* @0 G: _3 ]# R8 H- ?CA Kumano engages CL Dragon at 10,000 yards' S% s4 c0 ?. F
DD Banckert engages DD Arashi at 10,000 yards
9 V' K: W0 a% v) b& r3 dDD Harusame engages DD Banckert at 10,000 yards/ m- v& p/ i% y3 m" _/ C* j% ?
DD Arashi engages DD Banckert at 10,000 yards
( P" O; o+ p* c- C! B1 [Range closes to 9,000 yards/ O4 u" B5 M" o; Q) M
CA Kumano engages CL Dragon at 9,000 yards
; b: P  _7 U$ U: |; n. UDD Banckert engages DD Harusame at 9,000 yards
" \# I/ m7 s" z* E! l0 }  }5 NDD Harusame engages DD Banckert at 9,000 yards/ Y) [6 d  u. O' `
Range closes to 8,000 yards
; Y+ @4 Z# G9 }- w6 F  A9 GCL Dragon sunk by CA Kumano at 8,000 yards  ~& ^3 ~7 Y* K- d/ b* Q
DD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 8,000 yards
, ]; _6 C4 L4 |! P5 l+ d6 nDD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 8,000 yards  V/ a. k9 n( S9 l% s, Y0 V
DD Sagiri engages DD Banckert at 8,000 yards% ?$ k; A$ I/ }! C. t, k
DD Sagiri engages DD Banckert at 8,000 yards
; e& r  s- Y6 R, ~% q4 }DD Arashi engages DD Banckert at 8,000 yards
* M' e& G  H( }5 GRange increases to 11,000 yards
$ ~5 I, ?9 i" P) [DD Banckert engages DD Arashi at 11,000 yards* J& S( k. z. _, p" E
DD Sagiri engages DD Banckert at 11,000 yards4 O  Q6 q: U: S; f0 C/ C
Range increases to 12,000 yards5 q% Z2 J; A8 ]4 K3 m8 U/ u$ Q
CA Kumano engages DD Banckert at 12,000 yards0 L3 @# g3 N  C
DD Arashi engages DD Banckert at 12,000 yards
; |  r: ]# K9 v9 q& G$ XRange closes to 11,000 yards
" k; c. q" u! ^& U5 [' v3 DDD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 11,000 yards
$ w% n; l& H! N2 D0 sDD Banckert engages DD Asagiri at 11,000 yards
+ U" ?  o4 b$ h$ rDD Harusame engages DD Banckert at 11,000 yards
4 h9 ^/ {) c" bRange closes to 9,000 yards5 i; a( h. X* G; K# M
CA Kumano engages DD Banckert at 9,000 yards+ m: j$ s% M+ j8 q% s) ]
DD Asagiri engages DD Banckert at 9,000 yards
  P! l5 e& ~( M2 r+ HDD Harusame engages DD Banckert at 9,000 yards6 [6 _, [; `2 S8 F0 g
Range closes to 5,000 yards
0 [0 T5 |- |! L+ l3 UDD Banckert sunk by CA Kumano at 5,000 yards6 O8 w0 Z: j; B/ b( f8 T
Combat ends with last Allied ship sunk...
# G5 \, p4 L0 d3 a1 e( p& z6 M6 @--------------------------------------------------( A. _1 l: ]' B& k) v# m3 R0 r
Morning Air attack on 1st Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 81,43 , near Ankang . z( v/ L. Q# N7 D" ?
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 1 Y0 a$ u# K; e+ B9 R
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
0 Q/ O# W% w, ?  G# Y8 qEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
1 \! u0 u* R6 y8 tAllied aircraft
7 P1 t- H3 C3 X# B# {' _) O      A-29A Hudson x 8   h1 w0 }3 ^6 t2 Y% z0 Y5 X
Allied aircraft losses
0 m, x3 I- ?0 [7 h" Q& X      A-29A Hudson: 2 damaged $ w% p. ?8 X1 g# Z! ~+ @' b
Aircraft Attacking:
/ ~( {+ ]% B! f- H( m) n       8 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
  ], M6 l& J7 |- l% G* C               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
2 w: @: S4 ?5 t* o6 H/ K' A------------------------------------------------------------1 z" p# `; T3 X7 @
Afternoon Air attack on 1st Raiding Regiment, at 59,48 (Taung Gyi) 2 W& R" P5 L5 a% }4 }" w
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud   X/ b3 P5 m& Q. ^! v$ |
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.: A% H- ?4 C3 m0 Z# _! S- l
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
7 U. D: ?* [' {) O7 x" c# @7 JAllied aircraft
6 t- v' d/ N  K  t) W$ `% D1 h* p      B-17D Fortress x 17
4 m, C) x1 Z$ M: d5 wNo Allied losses
: I. A6 z1 m# n, vJapanese ground losses:
. M, M  C$ y1 V- t" s" s" S- y      19 casualties reported; C# X( m1 b# A$ X4 @: ^4 H
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# b4 N; u+ w  i- L$ B+ x
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled! `9 \! U3 }1 i5 E  u2 _' ]
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 F' [3 @% E/ |2 d5 BAircraft Attacking:
% N- V2 I$ i+ [) D! r/ }       6 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
9 F$ S  P' L# M) l. c2 R' n6 B               Ground Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
( ]6 O* ]( b9 M3 C+ `/ S1 n       5 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
1 y4 x  y8 Y( Y- x( c$ @               Ground Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
) j% `* F# H3 P0 b       6 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
; v; ?4 w; ]3 R/ y; X& A               Ground Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb   t) Y, C- o! }4 o" x7 S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 `2 _1 Y( [" y7 z1 r/ L
Afternoon Air attack on 1st Raiding Regiment, at 59,48 (Taung Gyi) & S; F/ P6 n: M
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
5 n0 k" n3 g4 u3 E# o9 J: c6 MRaid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
2 J( b0 C2 |/ rEstimated time to target is 1 minutes ; d" m8 a9 ^4 ?6 _8 g
Allied aircraft
: D# G. E) o2 i  d      B-17D Fortress x 7
0 O* ~6 R' }5 `- [, zNo Allied losses : Y' U" q' S% z: ], e3 a
Japanese ground losses:
! G6 ?0 B6 G1 i0 q9 F. [' I      21 casualties reported
6 j, Z% S* s  B9 q( s         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled; ^" |7 L; [8 H: {. N
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled! ~9 @. u3 n+ l; k3 ?
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ g1 B2 f! j) b3 P9 [' ^9 m# PAircraft Attacking:; t4 Y9 e$ I: ?
       7 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
7 ?& F2 R" t9 U8 ?& Z5 X$ S& E- E  h               Ground Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
+ T; e; F$ p& c/ U7 }------------------------------------------------------- 8 O$ ^9 z$ S7 g2 t8 @' I: {  B8 O" s
Ground combat at 99,130 (near Port Moresby)
1 t! a, X" i; `0 G( gJapanese Shock attack 3 g+ K& F1 v$ c: K- |- S
Attacking force 11879 troops, 139 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 411
4 x/ x% Z: ?4 p+ B; ^Defending force 4844 troops, 31 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 77 # i6 a- R, \2 H
Japanese adjusted assault: 365  
3 L2 A6 ^. f+ |: R7 d0 uAllied adjusted defense: 115  
" C- P% Y! ]- j' [; ~" H% G6 DJapanese assault odds: 3 to 1  : V* D+ P7 Q# ^$ P0 E* X3 j
Combat modifiers
3 k& j$ B7 N2 m, R; D& U" xDefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
' F/ y: f  {% M: Z% xAttacker: shock(+)
7 |7 N) z  r* Y3 }' qJapanese ground losses:
3 Y  x1 N2 ^3 {) G9 z      168 casualties reported  G# w+ b1 D$ S2 v2 Q: J
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled
2 n  @$ G% L2 F# w  r- p         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled; |, a9 v' S1 m  i( c6 @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 {! ]7 @0 E. U4 o9 g" c8 K5 UAllied ground losses:; b( Y$ s, K+ R/ I6 w
      1424 casualties reported
* O! h9 `( c( v         Squads: 68 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 M" c+ V/ r; d0 r7 r         Non Combat: 121 destroyed, 0 disabled
, F9 j' q+ w! u# c5 f         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 `  P4 N4 ^1 ]3 T0 ~
      Guns lost 9 (4 destroyed, 5 disabled)
8 O0 A2 Y# s5 Q, j5 v6 l) A      Units retreated 2 4 o+ t5 C9 Q! Y
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
; o; d6 ?3 Z* u: W9 k3 Y' _& U7 b  dAssaulting units:
6 W! L  R, b9 c& R) ^    146th Infantry Regiment
! x1 h3 d& `" ~! a4 a    144th Infantry Regiment; K& d1 @- F* }+ l$ W
    16th Infantry Regiment, D: ?! B0 f' F$ b9 V
    2nd Field Artillery Regiment
- ]: H7 R& H3 u) _- Q; o2 ZDefending units:, }* B$ ^1 h& y3 ]7 n: P
    1st Australian Division: y! ~0 u: p! k$ x
    15th RAAF Base Force
# _( Q( v0 y# K-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : t" {2 G+ P( o6 a, r% }9 E* s
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
# n; A) K0 R9 x/ {7 c' JJapanese Shock attack
7 {9 S% B  m: f3 N: D  mAttacking force 4527 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 181 5 R( B6 A- }$ x. R
Defending force 1542 troops, 38 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 27
. v+ ~; v3 J& }; DJapanese adjusted assault: 142  
; w5 m, R4 a, Y( N# h5 zAllied adjusted defense: 58  
! D" ^- i; s# f! V4 F9 A% @7 M2 W  qJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)  1 l; P8 r( W5 G$ M3 [4 b' J' G
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 0
# s$ o0 d5 _3 d8 P% R9 pCombat modifiers
# ]: Z6 T0 I; q3 T; [, T$ l$ h4 FDefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), morale(-), experience(-)# H1 {6 q. ]  k; T1 D
Attacker: shock(+) : E% J2 \8 j6 f, G/ Q: g% j7 o( Q
Japanese ground losses:+ P4 c# D) u7 A, j) m0 {' c/ W2 s: G
      130 casualties reported' u+ g( y4 E8 }, j
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 12 disabled' n1 K  H8 Q8 \
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled* F+ ^$ n1 K9 ^4 x, T& Z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 f" X2 E3 T9 I9 m: ~8 RAllied ground losses:
( ]+ T+ b& a* m' x9 \  U$ s      153 casualties reported' m, b4 x3 f$ _$ K& A. z; U* C% ?
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 15 disabled
4 |- r- G, b2 o% M4 m8 |5 b; c+ u         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 5 disabled
2 ]) M7 m4 X1 D* N4 e' ]; j         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 a2 E4 a( D; B4 c# @Assaulting units:( ~* S3 X# d9 E8 }( d
    15th Naval Guard Unit, h4 L; W( S0 a; d, M
    Kure 3rd SNLF
0 t* P1 t+ Z3 [+ p6 q8 J9 P% r    I./124th Infantry Battalion
+ G  x. b3 A! s8 A' J3 M    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  
# ~7 ?, Z: H8 J4 TDefending units:$ `$ X. D, \; o. K2 F; }' j* N
    VII KNIL Battalion
& b. \7 _2 H; I6 c1 N1 }$ Q: e4 V    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion+ n! S4 n( U0 n0 n
    Tarakan Base Force
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 05, 42: K; I& ^# Y5 }% e  C
. X' U) O5 N2 D& K2 q日军玩命的炸巨港,有必要炸这么烂么。。
4 _- c$ F8 `" n0 p. IKB继续北撤,已从侦查界面消失,会不会去仰光打击当地守卫编队呢?
0 X" N4 q3 T  R3 U, ]! _推测对方应该会绕道回新加坡,毕竟瑞鹤中弹了,老拖着也不是个事/ M. }# |3 u) J4 c& c3 W
已经派10+的ss到马六甲海峡附近去布雷和伏击了,看运气吧。1 b* y+ K  u- s  o! Y' W
4 b8 F8 m' N# E1 AAfternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
  l! T8 q; }5 h$ R$ P( B9 Y5 NWeather in hex: Severe storms 9 ?) L/ R7 f% U% A
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
* q4 d2 z2 W' nEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
: r% e4 g) |6 cJapanese aircraft- p$ `/ N; P; h: l
      A6M2 Zero x 45
9 R/ W5 Q8 {, [5 H      G3M2 Nell x 32: M* L! ?% I8 K% ~0 w/ ~1 n+ e
      G4M1 Betty x 450 `7 v: x' E+ {. X6 b
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 32
& t+ d, D$ ?0 A% F4 `Japanese aircraft losses" M- }! }$ X' Z2 J
      G3M2 Nell: 7 damaged: E) t0 [% o. O# \) R* O7 o
      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged " Y. _1 X4 M7 d" C
Airbase hits 5
* M; w# Z% h* H* w) PAirbase supply hits 3& L0 o5 V! j: w- D/ v. Z( ]
Runway hits 18
  M- [& _/ w, v5 c8 [& ~Aircraft Attacking:7 L" g( C' g7 t/ i1 \9 V
      18 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
; o. d' o9 e3 ^: t* J& N$ q               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
) ^5 a3 O1 ?; R  o1 [# W! o; t      23 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
7 f1 u5 C& y) l               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb& q$ ]) A' o$ @0 y( V' A+ V* u
       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
4 D4 w0 g6 s8 C! M( n1 e8 A% P               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb7 v% N" y, P1 Y2 O
       9 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
9 n) P) D4 l/ w' x% U9 W, f               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb3 l+ m* X' ^; j
      18 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet, Z! I/ Z5 ~2 ^4 [2 f
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
* d: m! [1 d+ H8 e9 M% s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 x# l3 K( b1 \- }" W0 f
Afternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
. f$ K' T) P& J/ zWeather in hex: Severe storms   N9 s& P. v2 @
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet./ _5 O0 u' Z& v$ v. {7 a+ H, G  T4 H
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes " |* Y/ A- O! v) ]& f* R4 ^; ^
Japanese aircraft; x$ U) t$ c/ J4 T8 s% p
      A6M2 Zero x 17! t% g2 R* D1 v8 N- D0 `
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18
( Q! A4 W& `' w      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9
; g6 x+ C6 O1 S      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 22 & r' S; X; w3 q' K; G8 ~% I4 _( K2 k
Japanese aircraft losses% H9 p7 H' m% N' ?+ @# e
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged% x. \- A0 ~" H7 u. H! t5 E& f
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged - s( n6 v8 j. D. ^6 q* G2 M
Airbase hits 1
! A% [- @9 p! |' aAirbase supply hits 1
2 f; h. h' P5 P! H: k6 _: kRunway hits 3. `* U6 T3 z9 g" P0 m: Y) C+ h
----------------------------------------------------: E% b2 c( g4 S+ v3 s8 p5 g
Afternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  + _% ^5 g+ b8 C
Weather in hex: Severe storms 8 q, L8 D5 c) K. f0 \& h; x
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
+ J$ v2 M% {" YEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
+ ]8 l1 u8 N% u; G# t1 F7 }Japanese aircraft# [! I. q% q" @  v$ r9 v
      A6M2 Zero x 17
2 v) l2 Q( K1 K6 A! l) a$ y      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 14% X! K# T; \) o, g8 f
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9
  |& b7 f7 H6 \* B; S$ `. B  S7 aJapanese aircraft losses
2 z2 U. T$ d) Q9 S: t) m$ C      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
& D; c" h7 |0 m- f5 z4 z& O$ ^2 B      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
* U, [! k3 o$ `0 F- o9 nRunway hits 2
/ L/ ]8 K8 @, L6 jAircraft Attacking:1 k/ m, M& J3 k  L* F
      13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
1 U9 P' g* s4 V$ ]1 p8 M) `) H6 t' L               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
1 a, F( Y2 V7 j' t: @: o/ O7 u------------------------------------- , w1 F5 ~+ c( n' j1 E
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) 7 z. O1 S. F3 I) n0 D5 |0 z
Japanese Bombardment attack # ^9 w- G/ H6 D# h
Attacking force 61232 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 1992 : u$ G$ C) Z# E$ p; f$ G* i
Defending force 77037 troops, 430 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2125
2 ~5 q% I8 \: _, Q( E- H9 ^6 J5 rJapanese ground losses:
: R2 I% i, b( \/ |      9 casualties reported
9 D. t6 g, V+ l/ e& b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, R, S+ ?* ]; n0 S' K         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- d" \0 f# B5 v$ M
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 ~" b- _" u9 F5 V1 c+ D9 TAllied ground losses:' h+ O0 w/ B3 P4 {
      62 casualties reported. L8 e! \$ g2 ~' r0 w
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 12 disabled
% M9 f) o, T" }  y3 W! C         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
6 b/ ?7 C/ a( m  l0 j9 @9 \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# G. O9 i! _  H
--------------------------------------- " v7 U- R" ~- o; s. m
Ground combat at Tarakan (67,91)
/ z) P7 `1 b! Z2 Y* fJapanese Shock attack ; d9 ~0 e0 l! U: t
Attacking force 4437 troops, 40 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 173 ' S- _: n5 s, z8 J1 N8 G
Defending force 1409 troops, 38 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 16 + ]$ \; u: u; `; m# E
Japanese adjusted assault: 107  
; [5 R, D, h! L0 F2 v5 ?Allied adjusted defense: 22  
$ t3 _) G0 S3 f8 t% eJapanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)  ' u9 a+ l, I5 r6 e
Japanese forces CAPTURE Tarakan !!!
! S8 x( c- l; A& O. t4 G: DCombat modifiers0 c7 [2 e# C4 l% x  A  o
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-)
. @; V7 H: w, w: X$ KAttacker: shock(+)
; r9 t6 ]5 ]# @: o  x9 tJapanese ground losses:, I8 v! m+ ^9 }9 \: S
      206 casualties reported, j# e/ Y0 _3 a( ]! o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 25 disabled( @. J6 U9 V1 {/ r( {( \$ @
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled/ G; s0 E( h8 U7 e
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) |0 z9 @$ u# k. KAllied ground losses:5 [: K( H4 T8 v: w/ ~, B
      542 casualties reported% p" N" ]& C5 _8 n
         Squads: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
) Z; V4 [" d7 R) U! Y9 g. w4 S         Non Combat: 24 destroyed, 1 disabled2 ]7 P* {; ^1 Z* P* f9 O/ }
         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 [* ^; c3 i" F& N# O' l4 g0 L      Guns lost 25 (25 destroyed, 0 disabled)
2 p! P  ~- q) ~1 \* s. [9 G$ R      Vehicles lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)8 |) y/ F; `; a
      Units retreated 3 ( j9 b: s( v* p% W( V
Defeated Allied Units Retreating! ! ?4 y* k: @7 u$ C$ A7 M6 U, r( H
Assaulting units:. W7 |# s; h; Q2 L* q
    Kure 3rd SNLF0 O5 N- }8 E3 w1 W7 Z1 P/ f! c
    I./124th Infantry Battalion
# c2 p8 [! p1 A* b% F; u    15th Naval Guard Unit) c3 e2 b3 H6 u
    1st Sasebo SNLF Coy  $ K$ Q1 E7 X) x) y
Defending units:  v7 x  V9 Q; x1 g$ S0 [: G
    VII KNIL Battalion' i: |( d4 P: s% u$ ]  O
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
3 N/ y' x% X2 i% `& o    Tarakan Base Force
2 z0 L9 e! D$ J& o" N-------------------------------------------------# p, S& `0 x( @* [( o) W9 A
Ground combat at 78,91 (near Davao)
! j, U, H  |5 h" q# n" \Japanese Deliberate attack
. x1 m0 ]# R& k* t& l% cAttacking force 1468 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 61
3 F6 u+ q# ]) E+ i9 N) \Defending force 107 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5 1 G( H7 K7 b% h6 `/ q0 I
Japanese adjusted assault: 56  ) n, M( H; x* |7 r
Allied adjusted defense: 1  ) v3 m  `9 i7 L- b4 Z  r' a8 _
Japanese assault odds: 56 to 1    }* g5 C$ T% i- _6 r# I2 W
Combat modifiers& S$ d" H, I; W* O  j
Defender: op mode(-), experience(-), supply(-)% z' J5 V8 m* w. e  L
Attacker:  ) ~8 T2 U, R) f  }
Japanese ground losses:
* V0 W9 P, ]. j! g      42 casualties reported
1 x3 f0 B: `' G8 M9 [0 [         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 t0 s3 V/ Q# t% x  J         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 P/ U4 X8 B+ J+ B& E         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled
! H3 L) {0 _, u- u      Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled) 8 [4 H5 L5 Q. d0 w' [
Allied ground losses:" R! q; f3 Y0 c7 J& L- L/ O
      65 casualties reported0 i6 U$ |* e4 r9 Y* _/ D, ?2 C0 s
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 {- h5 k; n: r: L. Z  M
         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 0 disabled; @. _- P! T( j0 F7 r' {! o+ D
         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
, [/ [1 a0 _: _- M      Units destroyed 2 * x5 e# r9 M2 g9 a1 B- ~' o
Assaulting units:# c$ W7 e& V0 P
    62nd Naval Guard Unit" m: L) r1 X. j$ u1 R8 q
Defending units:* @5 i4 s/ }4 |* j$ d
    4th Marine Rgt /18 d' v: ~7 m* a4 p# ^, Q
    Cavite USN Base Force /1
$ c' |" e) M+ l8 D2 p8 V* _  a
7 W3 E% i! t# |不过2个海警能否轻松搞定很是怀疑,毕竟也是过河突击,外加沼泽地形。
# w8 F9 Z, I+ P/ R本档的日军也休整了不少时间再突击,效果依然很难看,
# g( t, q* B: a在没有看到恰当的战例前,倾向于认为是当地地 .... r% X, L. d) p( N3 t' B$ ?
zer0 发表于 2014-12-8 23:06
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-12-9 21:20 编辑
$ H  _$ g! K1 j9 T1 J4 u
3 \  q# S4 t; H
没啥可怀疑的,我每次都这么干的,自从第一次直接登陆损失很大之后* |  k- Z& D, ~: r3 V. f' ^& T
wangqifeng 发表于 2014-12-9 02:12
7 q5 G" _! C+ z$ I1 o
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-12-9 21:13 编辑   `2 L. `2 Q. |8 N

' P; {& ^- i+ o- Y5 I! k
那个是日军伞兵第一突击营,一共4个, H: d+ f8 x5 k! |; y" r
reninhat 发表于 2014-12-9 16:48
5 X7 a* Z' s6 [, ~0 h8 B" p; a谢谢提醒,回去查了下,发现是开局位于鹿儿岛的第一伞兵突击团,满编38战力,
7 w$ l* s4 m6 m% j! p5 h0 K比一般营级单位27战力大点,号称一个团还是蛮吓唬人的 ! |! ^& ]+ n1 }) J& b+ d0 u8 \5 Y
看来日军是空降突击的缅甸,而不是从北面走过去的,6 u4 H; A) \6 q& u* G/ M& y
和本人用1102日军的经验不同,当天日军没有显示空降攻击,直接占领当地# i& }" ?0 S3 X! p: i' _% I
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 06, 42' |6 B  H( y6 l( X! ]7 N- c- i$ N
日军准备了快半月的爪哇登陆计划被推迟了,兵力又回到了新加坡集结,7 e$ b+ _. @$ L+ D! X6 x+ F
闲来无事的新加坡空军继续拿巨港撒气。( d0 s8 k# \) |: V9 K
& a$ l$ Y5 I- Z2 J" X. D3 H7 R-----------------------------------------------------------------7 |; z9 N4 D7 e( Y, ]3 b) z# `
Afternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  " \! I2 e6 I* |, L' t
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
! k8 l5 X! z. z- sRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
' L- N' Q3 F1 r; p1 q; H6 q, }9 jEstimated time to target is 6 minutes ! d+ G5 P0 p2 A! S
Japanese aircraft7 b; ], Y/ k' f5 M- ~" B% _
      A6M2 Zero x 34
9 W2 `1 `# b6 \( Q      G3M2 Nell x 31& V- w/ G6 ^, T( a% P5 H. g4 n
      G4M1 Betty x 260 g! _1 r" i3 s5 S
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31
  D0 _0 S+ o3 m4 I" B3 {Japanese aircraft losses
- ~4 z8 D' _' q% j+ a      G3M2 Nell: 11 damaged! U, Y- w+ n5 X1 ?
      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged/ W$ T( U) w; T6 {5 q2 g
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak . L+ t  G/ _  `3 u
Allied ground losses:( w/ D3 B3 i/ p! }" }5 s) k+ _
      31 casualties reported
+ `- H" }/ @, e! A0 c         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" V- o; b6 g  z. [8 S. X) R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
: W- W  [" r- `3 H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 1 X8 Y, }# G' P9 u) G. x
Airbase hits 3" w! \% i+ U$ S2 j
Airbase supply hits 2
" z/ g& H0 S" Q8 uRunway hits 10
- Z5 \% F9 G% h3 e/ N2 \$ X3 uAircraft Attacking:
% s* M; e+ H$ c4 A      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet4 p5 h' C/ d' V; ^
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb2 e7 Y4 {4 r  Q& ]
      23 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet
9 m0 S" a% }2 x  X# u9 f               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb0 C* z" z9 r# f: j+ C
       8 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet7 S: o0 R( z5 d& D
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb4 G7 R! Y, l% R4 X0 A
       8 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 6000 feet3 E  d. X1 D! H
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb& G7 I0 y! i( g; G% }
; Z7 W3 v, {2 Z- `Afternoon Air attack on NS KNIL Territory Regiment, at 48,91 (Palembang) 4 G7 c0 R0 ]" A9 e) t
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
; d( Y" J0 S" QRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.+ F1 i  [9 G% `4 H8 @5 z! J* c
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes
" e. v+ }0 |- @# Z, j5 eJapanese aircraft
  P! h3 K( [1 }4 t- }' S      A6M2 Zero x 18
( T  W- @* W) _, G( L' t$ ?      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 170 L" }% O# O; l. B, ^
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 21
" p" d. d* [1 N# [      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 23 ; c- Y- K  f# C" ?' i
Japanese aircraft losses
" z! V2 Q7 B0 j* ~      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged4 P& r: F/ b, f5 Q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak+ i4 |' @- K. v- C' k
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 damaged 2 u" Y: m( T" \: R0 a
Allied ground losses:! t8 m6 ?( c' n! Q& W2 N- B
      78 casualties reported1 V& M: a* J1 ~8 i  M
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
3 v" r0 Q/ \3 r2 g  A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
. G5 F$ U/ F# D" I; Z: E: z; ?( n         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 }& w; E; D$ c( W5 ZAircraft Attacking:
& r' Z5 U2 I) M# E! M& h+ Z; W. d      17 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
! P: P# T) u; a7 L+ {) j: q               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb9 k6 y" U8 Z0 H( C
      23 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet' v% C; L. j  O6 C% C5 w& G' g% {
               Ground Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb4 p7 a8 L, A3 ~" Z9 q$ d- u
------------------------------------------------------7 d3 g+ C- \; {2 K" H* J2 K
Afternoon Air attack on Korps Marechausee Battalion, at 48,91 (Palembang) $ x" F& V9 M2 B3 {. H; c+ T
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 8 A$ }  F. [  H7 L3 J4 j  ~
Raid spotted at 4 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.& x/ ], `% R0 r" P6 P
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes
' q' U0 I7 W4 x& P  X5 gJapanese aircraft
4 r0 l' H3 B( s. d1 t      A6M2 Zero x 17; u( ~, w- H/ X% f0 s1 w$ ^. S
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13 0 S  S0 q0 A( m: c3 k( G# Y9 _
Japanese aircraft losses( x& S! ]$ x3 s: S5 o5 t, u  U
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
( ]$ q* X' M2 m7 `; dAllied ground losses:0 z3 i8 F7 U' R2 u' ^
      88 casualties reported- a' A5 \- w& I, d" g  u( Y9 l7 _8 R
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
* @+ O' j) Y! D6 h         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
) _5 o6 e  S0 I5 g: o7 r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled . w' W8 @) u' F! ]% P
Aircraft Attacking:% a6 v0 f' ^/ c2 D; T( X. Q
      13 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
4 w+ x: p- n) Y# ~: e5 A$ P% V               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 ~$ [( F5 [0 k' U5 }--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# h& ~& X0 j. a6 r/ Z
Afternoon Air attack on West Sumatra Base Force, at 48,91 (Palembang) 9 n4 }7 F- W  t0 u( c3 r
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 4 f. t% s  N: R3 e
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.- U) m  ?0 k; f7 q6 C
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes " w& @3 K8 g$ w6 ]0 N7 M7 E
Japanese aircraft
0 `' e  t6 u/ B' F/ r! ?. ^      A6M2 Zero x 24
8 j- ~3 z1 J+ m0 l: I      G4M1 Betty x 18: z1 I3 w& L+ L. ^' ?3 w5 Q
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 21
7 b( q9 n: Z, V1 N  I) D9 NJapanese aircraft losses
) ]9 c5 D. z& @      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged- d- N7 @" ~1 h& ^3 O
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak 9 A8 M- G9 j  N( q/ D
Allied ground losses:
) H' V. v# @# z8 J# C8 s9 s* _      68 casualties reported+ |' D; q3 j$ L; O6 c1 b
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 ~- x& d. R: S! _9 b; O* w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled
% L6 B0 C: `4 l0 H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 U- P2 t( O# h) hAircraft Attacking:
- V0 z  m7 ^% J- w+ f6 c      18 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet6 h7 q1 d9 D9 }! v# H  e' H
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb) Y: s: @. ^! o' o# V
: E# u6 e) R. D$ JGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
+ C: T, `6 H3 u7 S( }3 ^Japanese Bombardment attack   B) ?9 C. G& y; j$ o
Attacking force 61227 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 1991
- ~. v+ G. [# e3 u' R6 [9 YDefending force 77072 troops, 430 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2125
! K; ]/ n' d% A# |6 {7 i/ |. AJapanese ground losses:
9 C( m! ^  R0 ]      9 casualties reported% E& t) y: l- o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled* M) R7 `- I4 r0 k
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled" s; @2 w, L( m& R- H% F  w# d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ O5 E2 I- n; k' v: ~- FAllied ground losses:3 t; j; X9 p' A( ~
      90 casualties reported" H& q- v& T1 Y# a0 T* ~5 f
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled- V( z  S2 M# V1 c; y; W
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
' E( r( `. F& r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled0 X2 S" l& m3 C( @
! r- b6 u& I# k5 b8 e0 O+ Q$ V3 IGround combat at Singkawang (56,88)
. N! b7 v2 n# LJapanese Bombardment attack
% K; Q! s; v2 VAttacking force 1065 troops, 127 guns, 15 vehicles, Assault Value = 62
/ [7 R8 p! b5 Y3 }- J, s5 RDefending force 1535 troops, 10 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 38 ) a5 E  y' k, t: X* v' U' r( n
Allied ground losses:
4 P. N3 P1 V/ L1 X3 _      22 casualties reported
* q$ d' a  M# E         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled. c! s7 ~; \4 _* i
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" N1 x+ w' j( V* m. N         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled 0 D1 D8 ]9 t" x$ w1 |4 o% `2 H& U& W& K
Assaulting units:
: x! i2 J& ~8 l% L    22nd Recon Regiment
6 v5 G1 D6 y8 G: f/ k1 v& r# L2 u9 j, A    18th Mountain Gun Regiment3 K/ \7 t/ ^7 L  L
    1st RF Gun Battalion, B3 E! b) Z2 J9 Z
    5th Mortar Battalion
2 L0 k  b5 p! k, e, s    3rd Mortar Battalion' N$ F% j% Y0 ?: X8 z: E* Y
    12th JAAF Base Force
, ^2 J! l0 V# C8 F( d    22nd JAAF AF Bn  
2 V( n1 `0 S+ y, V1 A9 s# M8 fDefending units:9 B1 l$ E6 F2 Q; q* Q. R4 T
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion4 {/ w$ b3 k) W
    North Borneo Base Force 3 k) ~: l+ N. o+ T4 Y7 Q9 ~8 M% h
  Q# V5 y. t9 g" c+ M' KGround combat at Singkep (49,87) $ M8 Q  ~% e$ ?8 e7 @) D8 d' U
Japanese Shock attack
( \2 q; X' s) LAttacking force 1433 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 58 7 X& h1 \7 r+ ^: P
Defending force 177 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 9
2 X8 t. g* h) k4 r, aJapanese adjusted assault: 54  
, F/ a1 N& j4 |2 O, wAllied adjusted defense: 1  , x% G6 C. a4 z+ _' I% [
Japanese assault odds: 54 to 1 (fort level 0)  9 R$ `) [: k7 W& d# U. Y' s
Japanese forces CAPTURE Singkep !!!
& ~  X( S0 }8 m6 K" l. ~( KCombat modifiers
5 c" G' T) K  Z2 |9 m4 M7 ODefender: terrain(+), op mode(-), leaders(+), fatigue(-), morale(-): z9 X! W  `" T
experience(-). h3 U' V% z0 i1 Z5 |" e' R; {
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-) % a  b4 t* I8 Z/ L' F
Allied ground losses:! W* b: r. f1 Y% M7 _$ ~( w" \
      151 casualties reported% I3 ^/ ?, Z6 I2 X& ^  g
         Squads: 6 destroyed, 0 disabled# }$ x5 B! x0 ]& A* c; W
         Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 0 disabled0 f' ?! {  Q5 [& i; y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- K- d0 g/ }5 K" \      Units destroyed 1 1 F5 K; ^( S: e
Assaulting units:
5 z7 Z6 [& b. l8 I1 r! W& g    91st Naval Guard Unit
& E! o8 g/ Q& |1 h7 F1 gDefending units:/ v4 M" i0 w7 r" u7 X9 T
    Riouw KNIL Battalion
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 07, 429 o1 k9 D9 T3 f- C; h
. k" G+ w6 q2 q/ `闲来无事的新加坡空军继续攻击巨港,荷兰战斗机训练了几个月,无所事事。
, ~$ |# N2 M6 {: T( J) T已经下令去巨港附近打游击了,看明天能否有所收获。
* B: ^, v- H: T为了北上进入马六甲海峡去拦截KB,当天ss强行通过新加坡,顺便击沉了当地一艘布雷舰。 7 v$ \, n+ e! C) o' D
3 ~9 K* {1 a; |+ C. [. ONight Time Surface Combat, near Tandjoengpinang at 50,85, Range 10,000 Yards
9 W9 r6 O  J8 e: gJapanese Ships- A. n: s* q9 q! y" I7 z$ p. Y
      CL Nagara9 V0 Z6 t  a( l; f% J. g
      CL Abukuma
% o& a2 ^# z" K- l  i: o/ p      DD Yugiri
0 m& X) o* V. @' Z. k2 I      DD Amagiri
% O9 J- ]: B3 x# u8 u) s' H$ `      DD Satsuki% R2 ^2 }$ {6 Q/ Q: M
      DD Minazuki. N/ q, O0 W, n1 w
      DD Fumizuki( n- d4 v0 I6 b3 v+ L
      DD Nagatsuki9 p" S3 i; D0 k3 d0 `! ?( E9 \6 t
      DD Tachikaze
. ?! I0 C* e/ g( k8 aAllied Ships/ u4 i3 @& f* s/ L. {
      ML No. 310, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
$ L; {0 T: x1 e) q: F- l: A: j      ML No. 311, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
0 [+ I: v* O5 j3 v8 P      ML No. 362, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
0 f) {  j1 z/ B+ L; C      ML No. 363, Shell hits 4, and is sunk3 O/ f# U0 V0 T8 ^
      ML No. 432, Shell hits 3, and is sunk
% ~9 F$ }" O# I/ T" i( n9 {5 T      ML No. 423, Shell hits 1, and is sunk% P2 f, @1 d- [( i2 c) P
      HDML Pahalwan, Shell hits 1, and is sunk$ o- W' i6 o5 W# j! {: u- R3 m6 A
      HDML Panglima, Shell hits 2, and is sunk# [4 m0 A2 Y" e0 `6 x5 l
      HDML Pennigat, Shell hits 1, and is sunk/ T5 B2 t6 z4 v0 [- M
      HDML Panji, Shell hits 1, and is sunk- k! c4 p. K3 A, i8 d+ M
--------------------------------------------------------------. \+ ]  a4 J' R$ Y: S9 a6 ?
ASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84
7 q1 M6 o% P2 k6 aJapanese Ships" G# M' k* W: \& s
      CA Chokai# r4 G' f8 C# M
      CA Takao
9 w: k" K% h8 Y      CL Kuma
- s; b1 |/ W; y( [7 j, P, q      DD Michishio
0 U; N; R" O% }6 l/ w      DD Oshio
0 x& x' }  N3 Y/ P- w7 X      DD Hagikaze, Z* \: z% J+ p4 K6 H1 [
      DD Ikazuchi: c& B. B6 _3 X7 ~6 R9 u# k# L8 _$ y
      DD Akatsuki
: C6 ~/ K8 o1 d2 F# n7 N' a  i      DD Asagumo
; y) @0 Y- ^0 S( g- m/ MAllied Ships
8 W( t3 [- P9 l( o' _- i      SS O23, hits 1
5 x$ x% U: W0 U  ?6 R- Y0 j- Z------------------------------------------------------------------9 S& R) Y0 E- w$ G
ASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84
/ |3 R; w# F) r" r! }( z4 lJapanese Ships
7 Q, |; G# p: t$ W5 S      CA Chokai
( }; P8 z/ C  w% e6 ~      CA Takao# B$ O7 x6 ^, {
      CL Kuma8 n4 P  R- E' V0 I. i$ x
      DD Michishio4 @* z$ s! ]0 h: j- y# q. R3 g
      DD Oshio
! O2 {' i# s# V% d      DD Hagikaze
; d, s0 \) O* o( l3 k" F& A      DD Ikazuchi/ Y& E. P  d9 W( ]2 I
      DD Akatsuki
1 b: q, O8 x' V3 D4 y      DD Asagumo
8 _4 m# u' o. r9 b  Y; LAllied Ships8 @" o9 l/ M! C" X6 D  @* S
      SS O218 W* B2 h% R1 i  m
( P# @# |& F( x# SAfternoon Air attack on Palembang , at 48,91  
# [0 ~; }  W! r* cWeather in hex: Overcast 5 B# c9 ]' E. H; q
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.0 P# s' C6 H# f4 u. U) X2 C
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
# S8 X* }  ^1 w  S& RJapanese aircraft
) z9 L; v2 o7 f% B, Z      A6M2 Zero x 28
, Q4 J; O9 F% \2 Z; |& Q/ U  Y      G3M2 Nell x 30
$ k. R" K  y7 e- [/ X      G4M1 Betty x 18
( ]' i! o) U# E5 I& u% u' O      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 34 ' Y- g: n" W6 |: S& G4 z
Japanese aircraft losses2 f; Z2 _1 l9 T0 Q4 b' N* n' l
      G3M2 Nell: 13 damaged
. w, t" u8 W! p1 H2 l  c& `( l! }      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged , v; u/ ?1 m& X  g2 Y$ X  K. C
Allied ground losses:
) U8 Z+ R9 S% k  s& k" c      56 casualties reported
; k" i/ |/ |+ [3 u         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  Y+ \& C! }# z# U- K
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled. B& q9 |1 z2 y4 Y7 \( _0 V4 E
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
* I/ ^: @2 s/ I4 \" W3 zAirbase hits 3
4 @. t3 E+ N0 B1 `Airbase supply hits 2
; i3 P8 t' p" l/ l# ^8 @. vRunway hits 17& Z! w- \5 M) E6 X% v& w1 H! d
0 l8 H; [" s8 M$ LAfternoon Air attack on WS KNIL Territory Regiment, at 48,91 (Palembang)
( X+ N4 P1 M! ZWeather in hex: Overcast + n7 q1 b4 N8 o& z
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.1 H7 o9 [: G* s) {" `6 M
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
$ U7 Z3 H  _9 C9 v3 aJapanese aircraft" S. f0 F* m3 S) i' c
      A6M2 Zero x 148 R3 P- b& C6 a5 Z
      G4M1 Betty x 7
5 j* ]+ q3 v; O8 n0 p1 G% X      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
/ F6 k+ s9 @+ L# nJapanese aircraft losses1 m; s& b) p  }) n. s+ t; W
      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged
# s5 T6 O, m0 \# N& j6 N8 l: JAllied ground losses:2 o7 Y( E2 }. n0 ?
      5 casualties reported, J  w* F, @7 n) U3 C; E6 E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' y7 q% A8 E3 h) L. g+ c1 C5 h7 l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( a# C8 f9 f# D3 J* A6 |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 9 b" S2 U* n5 o$ k
Aircraft Attacking:
! q+ L' I8 j6 H  u3 F8 r       7 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet8 M+ b8 y7 B) ^; k6 q
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
$ ~- |! r: _; M- J1 x1 N----------------------------------------------------------+ i7 L( L& ^, x* i4 i
Afternoon Air attack on NS KNIL Territory Regiment, at 48,91 (Palembang) $ d- `9 N5 Y9 W! Y
Weather in hex: Overcast
+ N. Z! q9 L3 U/ c5 |1 GRaid spotted at 10 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.. o# j" l+ K) b  B  d0 m
Estimated time to target is 2 minutes
5 ^4 r% {, B3 f7 a/ NJapanese aircraft
0 T& S5 S7 J7 z0 T, h! o" c$ W  _      A6M2 Zero x 7
7 j5 n; s& ]6 m      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15; \8 D" U; r: ?8 r( y. A. R
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
9 O8 S# L9 M4 g; w0 J' B      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 21
* P$ r0 K7 y- v( _" T$ KJapanese aircraft losses7 P6 B6 I, _  q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged, }& t8 a  o+ y4 {
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged* J& c  m% P7 p7 m5 p; G
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak # ]" y* h! ?/ q" Y( b$ V: Z
Allied ground losses:+ w* q3 ~% b1 {
      64 casualties reported
; A: n- {8 O# L0 z# K" s         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
0 t/ z# b/ z( Q# |6 f6 f         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
6 C+ ?/ w' U/ C  \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( M  L1 x# ^0 C: ~, b& d, N0 R' WAircraft Attacking:
# Y, ]; _: w8 M. u; Z      15 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
5 ~4 h) b1 N  ?  s) g               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb$ }; L* E2 k" V
      21 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet- f% K4 w4 H0 I4 q1 H
               Ground Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb( q4 j- V( Z! s
-----------------------------------------------------6 c+ U$ e2 e1 ~" x
Afternoon Air attack on Palembang Base Force, at 48,91 (Palembang)   o0 M& [/ A; G
Weather in hex: Overcast 9 c. c5 \8 b$ P  R2 R" K
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.) j) q# f% g  n/ n
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
* h0 e0 a+ _& Q- MJapanese aircraft/ d/ @2 ]( g6 U0 w( P. j, G
      A6M2 Zero x 17
' B: D% W5 W% {4 H+ {( R      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12
& z; j2 B+ G+ t, ]6 }      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 21
* p% h1 c8 x( r. O  R. o1 lJapanese aircraft losses$ u2 {' d; T; q  ~! c' Q5 s* t
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
! b& @3 F' \$ c/ |) fAircraft Attacking:) {' w! @6 Y  ]* [
      12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet: c+ n3 v7 \, A! G5 Z( ?) ^' N9 ]
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb  T% h- n' m8 O$ o* B# u4 }! z
( t, l! b! Z7 @# R  V8 ]& O: ~Afternoon Air attack on Zuid KNIL Battalion, at 48,91 (Palembang)
/ O4 K) O$ i% G6 y# vWeather in hex: Overcast ! l8 Q. R5 {: U8 c7 g* S
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
% H  K3 B( c+ _3 nEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
" j. O2 T5 ~  D: u$ p8 VJapanese aircraft
4 O: Z/ n2 j- D, o$ S! y4 g      A6M2 Zero x 12
9 W: J- L. n. D8 B2 Z2 B      G4M1 Betty x 17
( p( v$ y8 }% l/ ]9 UJapanese aircraft losses
  D* T& v+ j. P/ T& A. s5 [& {& R6 O      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged
" H, ^0 x! f3 w+ F      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak 6 o' `: W) a- W
Allied ground losses:" V& G0 Y- `0 b
      38 casualties reported& c1 k0 L1 t2 ^
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
2 V  M3 Y* ~& ?- x  W. Y         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
  O8 }2 J% J# v0 k/ N/ s         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# H5 a7 [6 Z$ g  F. F# DAircraft Attacking:
6 E3 V$ S! q% Y0 d1 N6 E      17 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
2 L) e2 u: N$ G' L' d; i               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb 6 f: u7 Z8 k) P% [1 b8 m& D' A
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: g! x2 F  l3 D- |/ q0 D/ L
ASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84
2 j0 N# g: X: b) XJapanese Ships4 r" y4 X, }# r# d/ C; V+ \2 d
      SC Ch 2
) s4 V* w) d. D5 h5 ^      SC Ch 1( Q' V9 V2 M4 Q6 w; K4 v! K: d" [
      AMC Kiyosumi Maru
8 \) A! {* ~6 b' F3 u      AMC Awata Maru
; @8 i. K/ {4 f% }) o, }: I9 o* Y      AMC Asaka Maru
' ~/ F% h; J& {9 `7 M      xAP Naminoue Maru
( W3 n/ ~% p: f( M6 {' \      xAK Kokai Maru
$ ?+ q  F6 ?7 ~      xAK Keisyo Maru
9 w) w4 X/ P( ?# p" M      xAK Sydney Maru
" p& {% @0 Y* ~2 [; F- C' |# g" J      xAKL Tokuwa Maru" p$ J& @# |' ^! g1 U4 q2 ~, I; u" F
      xAKL Unyo Maru
0 C  g( r9 U- N7 q  u      PB Shinko Maru #3
6 a. ], K" ~& n. k2 U- q      PB Santo Maru9 z" \0 w: E9 `/ t+ T0 u8 d" @2 y) `
      PB Heiei Maru #7
6 Y" L& B( U  Z3 w5 i" kAllied Ships! `' m; M$ B" {7 ]2 M/ M
      SS O21, hits 1# w& ^3 G0 {; w# Z( s: h9 `  F1 p
; @! N. G8 N: t& M# tASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84 ( F- x8 _3 ]* W
Japanese Ships, y9 D& P  u: Y  L9 {& }$ [
      SC Ch 2
  t: O/ c+ H# N* E/ i6 L6 n$ M: [2 M      SC Ch 1% {. {# X; H" i) E( b) |
      AMC Kiyosumi Maru
4 B: l  {' \  b- [      AMC Awata Maru# T$ D# H3 l. m* x3 u
      AMC Asaka Maru& n% F7 `/ Z2 R2 N6 F' P  ?
      xAP Naminoue Maru
$ V+ J3 |6 E" B      xAK Kokai Maru
3 f" r% [' q1 ~6 Y$ F% ]+ p0 P      xAK Keisyo Maru" R8 }. g4 y: v. P) I
      xAK Sydney Maru
; h; m( s0 r$ J. a: A      xAKL Tokuwa Maru7 j* f/ Q, [9 j; U
      xAKL Unyo Maru
/ l) c$ F) j; G      PB Shinko Maru #3
& ]( r: X$ u; Q( r      PB Santo Maru6 Z  y9 Q! `1 E& m
      PB Heiei Maru #7
* S9 G! u9 r) `/ d4 \7 uAllied Ships
  Z. v) Q' }1 c4 b; i$ D2 d. H3 i2 ^      SS O21
0 X6 }& m* i% k: y3 E--------------------------------------------------------------------
' M7 P+ o4 l0 x' OASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84 ! L/ ?! G, ?0 I2 C  ?
Japanese Ships
" J- C( c, L) U, \5 Z      SC CHa-1
) \0 C2 O+ m" l" C+ S. N      SC Ch 26 " ^# K" b( J1 \+ S. Z( E# S
Allied Ships) p9 `* D; e% T) o9 L* ^/ m/ i
      SS O21  |& W8 n7 a" [" B5 [5 [# A# U5 W7 a# B
------------------------------------------------------------------4 b0 V" R) L" a9 ~1 _: V5 b
ASW attack near Singapore  at 50,84
( Q: }3 _% L& [9 kJapanese Ships
  N/ A+ C& _. j! C: U* v- d4 K- R+ l      CM Shirataka, Torpedo hits 2,  on fire,  heavy damage) F( J& |4 L6 Z0 h
      CM Wakataka, b6 U! ]# p+ R6 Q( D
      CM Tsubame
$ l" }2 T1 j) j3 y  h& T1 L, e# b# c6 I      CMc Katashima
9 h3 C" O8 I' O& a/ k" F      PB Tokati Maru
3 N7 X7 G2 W2 Q& F) m& h# v) N      PB Shinkyo Maru
, G+ v4 j/ h, ?& Y; J: j# u$ K6 mAllied Ships
3 w5 {% C1 ~# U3 H6 ^1 K      SS O21
( }, R3 M. L+ u  M: t- WSS O21 launches 4 torpedoes at CM Shirataka
- o4 P9 V4 J4 L, gPB Tokati Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
, P) i: I0 S/ x# APB Shinkyo Maru fails to find sub and abandons search) `" i8 o0 A, r* j% q2 R1 L
PB Tokati Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...9 M& n2 O6 t  @" g$ ?
PB Tokati Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...  N" n( Y# a- D8 J
PB Tokati Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...5 P; P6 U+ p3 d8 {7 j7 F
PB Tokati Maru fails to find sub, continues to search...
9 P# e! y4 r3 G& O, UEscort abandons search for sub
' u# C, o4 U- f; r---------------------------------------------------------------
; n8 @- d3 t$ q6 L. M/ v0 B7 @Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) - i+ q1 e" d7 `, L* @1 e4 T" P( V
Japanese Bombardment attack
) O. {5 ?( u5 y  eAttacking force 61277 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 1997 9 p3 f, }* H: ]) g: f3 e6 `6 o: k
Defending force 77099 troops, 430 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2123
: U- u+ {+ O2 p9 ?& [0 kJapanese ground losses:
" p8 K" e5 s/ \" ^      23 casualties reported' x3 b9 ?6 H6 S7 u, x3 e9 m
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 ]) M8 e* _* ~, \' G  G* M6 ^         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 G8 r& S+ \) c3 m) T7 s
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 e/ }. e! T3 ]Allied ground losses:
% f; d( h, V0 I8 z7 s      92 casualties reported# Y" Q% _: O- u! y- ^' G& P
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
6 J2 L& h' h9 y3 f. W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled9 F( f& i; @; V* t' b
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% h/ z. A1 }. h0 o$ \  O8 g4 g--------------------------------------------------------
( L* {7 h- t" e; s5 JGround combat at Singkawang (56,88) 0 ^% z% F' g7 ]
Japanese Bombardment attack
; o# W5 _( o4 r# |- U! {! Q. E& |; |Attacking force 1065 troops, 127 guns, 15 vehicles, Assault Value = 62
* K7 z! d4 o" a" lDefending force 1529 troops, 10 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 36 7 q% G7 t0 `0 d7 q) v
Allied ground losses:
; Z& @: f# N  B) L1 l      10 casualties reported
! N' X( c% V7 Y; E  F" D         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, X* v' }2 @  B8 U/ Q5 q* p         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' [7 [2 N* J' g$ _* s9 ]+ F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 Y/ Z( N$ N& u& `Assaulting units:
0 [# ?8 [# l0 J% b) w  g    22nd Recon Regiment
$ ?0 I- |9 p0 C2 ]! W    1st RF Gun Battalion4 v9 q/ s" G4 A. V
    5th Mortar Battalion( X9 k9 ^- R, w1 Y- o4 E+ V
    12th JAAF Base Force: {/ a3 g7 H$ K9 I- U, k. [
    18th Mountain Gun Regiment
' i5 Z/ X: M" g) E/ U; K9 M    3rd Mortar Battalion
6 E* B2 e/ J4 l* X, O0 i6 g: Y    22nd JAAF AF Bn  
1 M8 B" s7 K/ C  K) Q2 G; y" iDefending units:% F9 A/ v% N5 t5 v: T$ K
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
# b1 l" r2 g' H: [    North Borneo Base Force
$ c6 c% C5 _: ^) _, D3 L1 C; z菜花透露当地没有日军(假定菜花没忽悠我),盟军3个团就在隔壁,为啥将曼德拉自动判给日军?6 ]* U! N4 }2 }. `* q% d& ~
$ y. @( w7 Z: r8 f* g3 ~
另一个问题是关于自动TOE升级,澳大利亚的几个装甲团TOE早就可以升级了,HQ也就在当地4 U1 a3 A) }8 M
& W; Q* H" ~5 E: z8 w  s9 i; x
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缅甸地区出现的空降兵,很可能表明对方并没有大规模北上,! H" Z5 g2 V2 |/ a' s5 j5 A6 |
9 V1 @" q6 k$ [( F! T) L: z2 ?$ |好在当时有3个团的预备队,可以北上机动防御,南部防守的部队基本没有动$ N8 U$ Y/ \3 j8 t: u- C  G
0 b! y, Q. ^6 c" ^1 r* I不过这次日军将攻打新加坡的部分兵力北上,准备一起过河,8 H( ^2 a( |. S* S! `+ {
面对增强后的日军,能否挡住目前还是个未知数。6 P  P% \' k! y3 y( X5 g
个人感觉日军在缅甸兵力过于分散了,集结兵力一个方向行动也许更有利' {. r: p& q" G3 F9 L