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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2015-2-5 21:22 编辑 % `! [* D( V8 o1 X0 V4 m" m

! l/ ]4 s+ o: m1 KAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 21, 42
; w* Z; b2 s# d. ^日军低空轰炸万隆机场,荷兰空军基本在训练,只有少数几架战斗机从训练状态转入拦截,2 _: @6 b0 A) M1 f
- Z' W, F( f3 U( Z, q双方损失约各60架,盟军主要被炸毁在机场上,日军主要被高炮击落。, t/ j" I, l/ W8 l
1 ~1 i/ ~% ]7 I! N: h居然打出1:2,所幸盟军主要是装甲部队,损失很小。
( T6 R4 c* k: Z& C
3 |3 r( B' h2 @- D/ K4 h---------------------------------------------------------------
- ~; a. B/ \; EMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ i+ S8 w  c: i% a$ }+ ZWeather in hex: Overcast
. \2 ~; J( _- B% |7 l; @Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
$ l# u& \& q) O5 wEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
7 F) d- S% a3 j4 F9 ^$ |2 t- LJapanese aircraft4 g0 D, @1 t- G
      A6M2 Zero x 44
. u- g; e% q2 yNo Japanese losses
: x8 N8 x! J2 U; d+ z! eAircraft Attacking:5 h4 U% s; d5 q. T5 r4 `
      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
) W9 |* C: S. ~0 C4 M* _% Q! t1 R--------------------------------------------------------------
0 X! C% z5 @9 K  M) B1 ^) YMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ B; s% i( K; @Weather in hex: Overcast
. H) @4 V% M. Y9 t4 lRaid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.  G4 a" x( U, p1 o  v( s" x
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
8 q; N8 e. Y. ?& U% Z' UJapanese aircraft' o5 K5 N: x4 r0 p" b
      A6M2 Zero x 36 + n" y5 r3 ~9 D; ?; r
No Japanese losses # h9 x* ], `% X
Aircraft Attacking:
9 {4 v& Q! T/ z3 k$ p) f+ B      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 4 m/ ?# o* B3 t- o% d6 l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) a) E" Y2 a( A3 ?6 T5 a6 z
Morning Air attack on TF, near Semarang at 53,102
; _* v6 Q1 @4 ^1 w, W* ?0 Y* r6 }Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
( z: G& Q. G) H$ U9 X+ W7 U  mRaid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.- w4 N( D  Q! P; s: J7 [
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
/ }* I0 M- i. M  u$ `$ EJapanese aircraft8 N; v% A0 H) x" l$ J
      B5M1 Mabel x 6 0 o" @- O' s3 d; J  @2 Z
No Japanese losses
1 S! d/ N+ U0 r8 X" }% B4 NAllied Ships( V, ^6 i2 j9 q7 h
* n' W) b  A. P6 ]; R      PT-35
) C2 p+ l& K2 s) Z1 L1 h* dAircraft Attacking:" B8 X. k3 _" m1 k6 P
       6 x B5M1 Mabel launching torpedoes at 200 feet: c! T3 P( k+ Q
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo5 z0 Z  F0 f+ O  h
-----------------------------------------------------------+ X# y( o2 _! |2 A' ~: ?6 T
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
) G' b' F2 M0 }7 Y* }Weather in hex: Overcast $ B8 T- C# e4 U" O% C1 g/ u* v
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
& Q% r1 ^$ z6 HEstimated time to target is 24 minutes
" i" }8 r# C; n1 v! B5 N# o/ ^Japanese aircraft( X  a4 h* q+ x+ d
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 48- l2 x( T: N! Y8 t8 ?
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
. e# Z3 R. ~8 B- d5 {7 R% S3 _Allied aircraft5 ~2 p% C! m0 k1 Q
      no flights
0 A2 _# r3 @; e, E4 A7 kJapanese aircraft losses
5 S5 m5 \% _9 r2 q" k/ j- L8 r      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed, 22 damaged9 E4 C9 D* J2 B; m6 o# o2 Y, q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 destroyed by flak8 ^/ `7 n0 ]* n  x1 N5 f
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 7 damaged
/ Z$ \8 n2 a) M3 x. U& |# G      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 destroyed by flak
  {; T$ O# r$ u/ F. jAllied aircraft losses3 {! H- i$ K2 S1 b/ l* m
      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed on ground8 _: W) H: n9 E( n, W; [4 [
      139WH-3: 31 damaged5 j- N* t: U7 t- L
      139WH-3: 6 destroyed on ground. v0 {5 [/ W' l7 j, t: k! c" k$ l
      DC-2: 3 damaged6 ?) }1 L& `, W. M
      DC-2: 4 destroyed on ground  Z) H+ G+ h) @: A+ F
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground: x  `$ Y  G4 Z" Z9 S2 ]3 {
      B-25C Mitchell: 8 damaged
0 W" h; H) ], ?3 O      B-25C Mitchell: 2 destroyed on ground
0 n' {; ~  r  v7 l4 R      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed on ground
  d0 m+ j$ _' x/ l# ]) V      FK-51: 1 damaged0 F4 h. Q3 ]( H
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground. Z) V8 b% Q/ R) \$ G) O) o9 s
      B-339D: 5 damaged8 ^, d2 w! y& w
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
# Y- D0 S1 B3 R8 f# b. b      T.IVa: 1 damaged ( k8 a6 h" G- w: {; ^" {
Airbase hits 14( E3 @5 m" o& ]0 k
Runway hits 30 9 |3 s# h* a2 P7 C7 V8 Y; H2 r+ u" j' t0 n
Aircraft Attacking:
' {6 w# }. i$ o  ?- d      15 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet' u' a, E" w+ ^2 k1 a+ f
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
/ C( o/ r# t  q! v       4 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
8 }% Q4 U# t4 u6 d- K               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb# Z0 U4 s3 H: ]! G3 N
       9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet/ \  b9 M% i5 T! k8 M0 g; c
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb& M( g* V. C. }; F
      25 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet/ g5 G7 {5 ^: F& |
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb - t3 B4 ^" I. [  a2 ~
CAP engaged:! X- {8 |7 L* v5 G. P6 o, C! p; ^
1-Vl.G.IV with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
8 b7 b9 r0 y7 A2 M3 O      8 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
2 w1 v+ `" t% k5 f      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.6 }  @9 C3 ~- U
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 7 minutes 1 F. t- S) K7 X) R2 L0 `
Training flight from 1-Vl.G.IV has been caught up in attack
2 e" Z0 ]9 N5 a! A" S; j( Y-------------------------------------------------------" j- D6 \8 X9 \
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
: J# E6 A/ g* K7 GWeather in hex: Overcast
& ^: f! _$ o  B$ kRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.! B8 A0 S& E2 j. m" ]4 H7 n! z0 E
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
$ a9 O$ {0 p) oJapanese aircraft
6 D9 Y: x. x: o      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13 # d. _. g. z, |9 _2 ^9 Q
Allied aircraft
/ B- V& n- s4 `7 ?$ h1 b      no flights   j  n( o+ o- s% M9 _
Japanese aircraft losses
' |& S7 E$ D# q7 z& Z$ Z      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged5 w/ Y: o! L8 U
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed by flak
+ P/ v- E. ~% {" ?$ b7 z* lAllied aircraft losses' b+ U. m# _8 |+ ?, F! t
      139WH-3: 3 damaged6 F2 b7 ^  D+ B
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground6 l3 O6 Z  ?- W3 W3 S* n" z: o. m
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
' Y; d; z2 R; [$ M& H/ M      T.IVa: 2 damaged
8 m, z' P6 o- e7 qAirbase hits 1% y) B, I" {( U6 u
Runway hits 2
% A& `4 f% d! H" T$ HAircraft Attacking:4 Q* T2 u& g% g9 L! F1 L4 Y) ?
      11 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
0 I% H2 C5 v* P$ H% T/ b               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
0 k3 @$ \# E- M---------------------------------------------------------------
: I) X/ P1 W) E$ w) V+ S2 b# v9 V6 sMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & q9 z" J2 u5 U3 G, R+ `: c; `
Weather in hex: Overcast
5 U) `9 O. l. Y) `$ WRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.0 B! ?1 R# P: C' k" H& B1 D
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes % r, S# V+ K: m+ B$ L' \: ?
Japanese aircraft# y- s" t. M6 u& A
      G4M1 Betty x 32
' S3 s9 ^6 `" M4 ]Allied aircraft
! U+ S7 l) L1 n9 z      B-339-23 x 6
- k  |" Z4 R' h7 I& ]$ i; P+ GJapanese aircraft losses
7 n% f6 \% L( P% @1 [% R1 b& Q8 b  f      G4M1 Betty: 25 damaged
$ A% u2 ]5 c! k$ ?      G4M1 Betty: 3 destroyed by flak : X4 m! s$ ?& m- L3 S
Allied aircraft losses
0 T$ l5 `/ j9 B) H- X) f2 ^. \) {      B-339-23: 1 damaged
# a( j9 j& y' @! ^7 R      B-339-23: 1 destroyed on ground* I% t& }# j  x: I( N
      139WH-3: 4 destroyed on ground. H, W8 A4 C9 l' R% y
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground
4 m8 z2 j2 N' @! z      B-25C Mitchell: 4 destroyed on ground
, I# {$ R3 d  Q# A3 j. E% A      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
$ t( p$ _9 w4 M5 A( b      DC-2: 2 destroyed on ground
2 z- P) C% X6 I! l& `$ i9 Q1 oAirbase hits 19
4 E2 Z5 {4 Y% }6 CAirbase supply hits 59 N: q2 @0 v# p2 n
Runway hits 23
; ~+ i* p/ z6 K9 A* x3 eAircraft Attacking:' b7 ?3 y% D" |. H6 b. z
      19 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
4 r8 }8 I/ K4 v3 a# T               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb! X. ]! [3 M2 v6 {) w- B
      11 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet/ `1 h! B: P! [0 b. l
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb2 r, k& n5 Z$ ?
4 w( _! C2 l8 n  @  l0 |Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  * r+ ?1 f8 y% K# ]9 y) t
Weather in hex: Overcast 4 ~0 X# @, f1 @2 @# I  ~  X: u
Raid detected at 47 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
+ d& R# s# x) Z, ]$ b$ d* _2 s5 c% DEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
6 [  p, |5 ^$ j5 m9 i. rJapanese aircraft6 R* Z; C' g( F$ S/ x% h& Y& k
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22 1 Z/ ]* K& T  d
Allied aircraft; u) b; H- @! A$ V* V; w
      B-339-23 x 6 % F. i/ t( U4 }+ m7 _: _/ o
Japanese aircraft losses
/ L7 @0 Y' ~/ o      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 16 damaged% a* B* W$ x4 x8 a; S
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 destroyed by flak 0 |+ J$ b* |1 b+ o) Q
Allied aircraft losses8 ~3 ?6 X. N5 [! G9 l
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
0 s0 ~: i2 R9 m      T.IVa: 1 destroyed on ground& p* w& S! n5 A" ]3 K/ d  u2 w
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
) Z" U6 K- y3 P. W: p      DC-2: 1 destroyed on ground4 X  I5 G. k+ X1 w, E
      139WH-3: 6 destroyed on ground
4 \' P" _  Z0 B( Z4 FAirbase hits 3
( B. M$ K5 b# O  ~1 F1 X. o% ^# d: jRunway hits 9
& U2 Y8 N( ~- b( Y0 H3 q8 L: ^Aircraft Attacking:
% O) M. F3 n( n- |      17 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
: V4 c5 N' X5 B" n: \) y  ^+ `  S               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb% r0 z- N+ |3 h* t
' h' f% l8 G, X: q$ Z0 {Ground combat at 58,48 (near Magwe)
& F0 ~5 A5 ]# `: y! F& P3 ~Allied Shock attack
# a9 t: c& d7 t9 uAttacking force 5909 troops, 69 guns, 522 vehicles, Assault Value = 405 / d% E- }( N$ C* G$ l) G0 {7 G
Defending force 4361 troops, 48 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 147 ( a7 H5 I3 Q3 e9 M: U7 g
Allied adjusted assault: 161  4 t0 U) ~/ b$ Y% A/ l
Japanese adjusted defense: 198  9 a3 z+ y1 h; L
Allied assault odds: 1 to 2  ' a2 V. J) L8 p8 Y2 F: Y
Combat modifiers
# X" m& u; C. E6 t, z$ vDefender: leaders(+). b& y/ ~: M' g1 Z8 i
Attacker: shock(+)
3 ?/ s: S+ _4 U. i/ lJapanese ground losses:
; ?% W% f( ?' m0 F; f      747 casualties reported* `: u* w* q+ d: k8 n
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 53 disabled; o! Q* J# c& [9 h+ B
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
% R: H  T0 E. r) O* r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled% c4 P% P9 i# _1 D3 {" J  n0 ^2 \
      Guns lost 11 (1 destroyed, 10 disabled) # P' _) N+ j: u) d/ C5 N
Allied ground losses:' P) g1 Y$ J2 f1 A- z* W
      86 casualties reported
. h! z8 r9 N0 P. |5 y         Squads: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled
- i$ q+ ?; ]9 @7 R         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled7 `. `' q  Y; B2 m% q5 Z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 ]: b, k4 N9 A$ p1 p+ A      Vehicles lost 10 (1 destroyed, 9 disabled) : \! c8 E# J- B8 z* d( Z" D
Assaulting units:
. u8 [* f7 o" k    255th Armoured Brigade5 m7 a& Y; t7 K' ^. [- u3 u
    50th Tank Brigade
) g- m! n9 n, M+ U: s    254th Armoured Brigade! D* N  ~9 T, T+ r
    7th Armoured Brigade
9 K* y6 j: c: c7 @% CDefending units:! o0 U& w6 B/ i
    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 22, 42( h* Y" k1 p! E# B
0 O, r' `6 y4 z/ u" I不过此后盟军凑不出4条PT了,剩下的两条只好撤退了
4 H$ h! m) v" K: T: h) H3 J# J日军这次以1w高度轰炸万隆,由于昨天被炸,荷兰空军今天已经全部升空,. ]5 n5 v* h9 ]* S) H
  X4 Z& Y- t% ^( J5 Y2 i7 O当天日军损失飞机近160架,其中陆攻近140,
# x0 M7 a! T% k" z8 |8 W, b菜花天皇火冒三丈,宣称一个月的产量又没了。
  |2 S* h# c9 v0 @9 e
4 O. `! T! V) R9 [-----------------------------------------------------------
3 b2 Z/ h8 r+ H4 g3 e$ Z) a6 W# zDay Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,98, Range 2,000 Yards
& b8 E( W: P! T, u1 _- t0 FJapanese Ships
6 A  H: J- O2 A* D      E Hishu, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk) X2 R0 s- M/ ^* M
      E Tade, H: _! Q0 |2 o- ?1 P' B8 `( _% n
      E Hachijo5 U# J* C( O* q: i
      E Kunashiri, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
8 Y' u' L& Y: m, vAllied Ships% o; b* `& v( U7 \! E- l7 K3 `
, a6 _, P$ C, H1 L$ P2 \: r      PT-33, Shell hits 1, and is sunk& F! g' B+ E2 E+ q
8 L  q1 ~, Q$ t; G      PT-41, Shell hits 9, and is sunk& K* T9 P# o/ ^6 B
5 q9 |: B+ p  o/ I6 z+ g* lMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
7 {: a- Z1 D* d9 @3 PWeather in hex: Overcast
7 O% g+ ~  n9 |/ I3 rRaid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
( J( b- s/ D7 E( o7 mEstimated time to target is 23 minutes
8 G. s* o$ U  S+ {7 S4 zJapanese aircraft
' j6 c7 i- I0 u0 F- Q! G      G3M2 Nell x 66
, w8 c; F7 U8 {+ Y9 C      G4M1 Betty x 72 5 ]8 _3 F; D3 u1 W; X
Allied aircraft
$ `; Q8 j6 m( q! E( t, ?1 ^      Mohawk IV x 89 J0 i8 o& f# W. L
      B-339D x 6  A# P" P/ h' B) n  R
      CW-21B Demon x 3
* O- O/ n! F/ N( c0 u! ?9 r" S      Hurricane IIb Trop x 108 }; F" O6 Q% \  h) I  m
      P-40E Warhawk x 15) Q7 o0 R1 d4 D7 }
      B-339-23 x 7
7 z3 A, t3 z3 c' ^Japanese aircraft losses
" c4 P, S+ Y/ h( @$ B2 W      G3M2 Nell: 29 destroyed, 14 damaged
. X% w. X, r/ H" z4 _* \: O      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
! p- S+ u3 o! R4 |# ]3 d      G4M1 Betty: 10 destroyed, 23 damaged) x, G7 S; H3 l7 j* P
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
8 t3 o" k9 o+ ~Allied aircraft losses# P6 T( n9 K" F( c) X) b% N9 l) T* I
      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged
/ V& s+ `) v' x! r" l1 A+ n. L      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground6 A2 u/ u% u8 W' g2 o+ v' f
      T.IVa: 1 destroyed on ground
2 K* v# o5 |' c  i      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground - O% W! n* ?4 N% j$ T, ]  K
Airbase hits 6
9 V( m2 n& r; F3 b% ^6 O, {Airbase supply hits 21 G# ~, X% {! z3 `* _8 [0 m
Runway hits 37 - h5 }3 T6 D% [) k
Aircraft Attacking:
4 }: v& @/ G) S8 k( g) c8 f, B      20 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet" t% K  O7 ^, d
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
; l, E( R: g+ N3 f' T      15 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet *
$ f( H* m$ p% u               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb1 v! p& Z) Q( T; \7 `- l/ h
      25 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
+ k9 j  t# U5 V" l& t3 x- U               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb1 g7 J* @5 P$ u, M! l  h! y3 ?5 k
       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet" p" p5 t* T  i
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb- A5 M( \$ U1 c- m$ B% s' }1 }" H. o
       5 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet * , j6 ?; \4 \6 G
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb/ `# N4 S8 U! z. v' F
       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
/ R, e. x. b% b% F4 R9 |) r               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb. d' L" j% T3 k9 f1 H
2 X  V% \9 r: iMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 m! P( Z& z5 _8 x9 X7 JWeather in hex: Overcast 8 X2 s( x4 ~; q7 ^) [$ I
Raid detected at 56 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
, C7 ^2 R  |3 l$ F' ?" yEstimated time to target is 19 minutes
/ S3 M% U  Y& u9 _$ x3 PJapanese aircraft$ i- O8 J5 V0 P
      G4M1 Betty x 20 ; b# i. N! L5 t. G, |$ o
Allied aircraft1 Y/ @9 ?' Z6 C$ F5 C/ Z( i* c
      Mohawk IV x 6
& o3 J7 A: u3 z8 W" s- `      B-339D x 3
6 S' u1 d/ ~3 a      CW-21B Demon x 2
/ Z4 Y, c- ?5 M0 \3 v' e      Hurricane IIb Trop x 7
# F% {' ?+ u7 m: ^3 _+ s      P-40E Warhawk x 87 j7 T, f0 H  P; L$ g' q
      B-339-23 x 2
- @$ d) l/ y0 X3 _7 I1 yJapanese aircraft losses  j+ t9 ^  `4 U& x# }- M
      G4M1 Betty: 10 destroyed
+ `. {% U9 K8 c& O7 {. s      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
; k8 }8 D0 O0 ^* b2 PNo Allied losses
3 L& \6 e3 m* T" f2 W4 ^----------------------------------------------------------0 v8 {+ z+ R$ x2 d% f) B0 ~- W
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 E% v  b8 O; F8 M- A+ i* U. R
Weather in hex: Overcast . S- a/ a' J5 m: z$ E
Raid detected at 23 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
$ u; T2 h  Q) F* A; N7 |Estimated time to target is 9 minutes - L2 B* [: w$ w+ X% S2 K- _/ o7 R: ?; M
Japanese aircraft) Q; W2 {. m  z; P. s6 L
      G3M2 Nell x 20
) h3 Q3 l- }7 H+ q/ D6 N; p9 hAllied aircraft
& S! c/ F+ S% @  p; o      Mohawk IV x 4
  e& w, ]0 s+ I; \. u      B-339D x 1
+ i" [: `7 a6 Y5 U# h; k2 [      CW-21B Demon x 1# u# [; H/ V' v. |
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 4
7 U# F! ?/ \" W9 Q8 L; n; i      P-40E Warhawk x 52 s8 W. g  \. L$ L* W) H2 X+ c9 X
      B-339-23 x 2
4 J# D& ^: i' K: L( a' z) KJapanese aircraft losses/ @' Y  R8 O/ {
      G3M2 Nell: 8 destroyed, 10 damaged
' l9 `2 B6 E- y2 x, ]      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak ; G) |7 f  ^& ]( i5 |
No Allied losses , S" ]( |% t! e7 y! I
Runway hits 1 6 r# v! e- Y: @! ]
Aircraft Attacking:" t! ?, X1 o3 h8 a# s0 f
      14 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet *
8 g8 }3 s; {# K' F) K6 k; S               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
& n- x; e9 L/ a, _  A----------------------------------------------------------
5 T$ y6 ^% i5 K$ sMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  2 c& `) r, C9 R  V, f4 o) H
Weather in hex: Overcast ) \3 w4 {  k# D, H! {
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  V" {& r/ K6 t; [( `, U
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes 5 P& m% r, o- `" d' \  g7 ]+ e
Japanese aircraft
# Z) K  y. U, p6 ?2 N8 M0 E$ t3 @      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 411 {- D1 T8 p( y( i8 s8 K) ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 11
/ g% ^. H4 @' A6 ^% e  f" C; |      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9 0 P% e0 T1 \: m( Z3 W1 L5 k3 E
Allied aircraft4 C: m1 I/ b' a8 P" u
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 2
* m; I3 l7 v" Q& l6 x+ q! g      P-40E Warhawk x 1 , T" r* E2 O  Z0 Z  n
Japanese aircraft losses
! U) B+ I3 Z* O6 @7 s      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 damaged
' H, ?' [$ L" c# T; q# O& \      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak7 ~& \- q* E4 X, [
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed
; u% W  i2 G( I1 f5 r" z( a      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged   E( x4 X- h- F/ h; O. X# d. h
Allied aircraft losses1 w5 G' K) m2 K* i1 ^$ O% f! E
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
/ Q  t: W1 ]$ A2 J5 K. h      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground0 A( D( S, U6 w% ^* Z1 m
      DC-2: 1 destroyed on ground
( ]- V! `  ?4 s" [      FK-51: 2 destroyed on ground ' G/ h' ~, W9 j5 A
Airbase hits 4' t7 w5 O  L. R7 F
Airbase supply hits 2# T. o5 v+ c9 _+ K% R
Runway hits 15 ' h2 y; _, {, \! N
Aircraft Attacking:# Y8 j- [: y, ^! ?0 v5 z7 t
       9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
* w. y- U8 o  l8 H% ?. S               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
- u8 v+ M7 f8 r6 r       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
3 R# Y. q! L4 ]) Q: v+ J/ x+ b% N               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
) ?9 V" x8 S7 n4 M/ Y; z# w" V       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet# k6 R1 h" W8 x+ R5 u' ^
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 l6 f& h8 t9 c; ?+ Y       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
* H. t; b/ i+ `2 e" @               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
0 T( k$ J( H, ^- r' z; ^9 v* A      21 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
' g' K3 o; {3 G: ^2 X               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb' T  C* |4 j# x3 M) A) o% U
-----------------------------------------------------------! s" \, v9 V8 F0 V" o$ h# F& M( D
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  0 z; z8 q) I3 r0 ?  j
Weather in hex: Overcast
; H/ {' d. t8 T: S3 y7 D% ORaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.% x1 X4 w/ V  L: X# y, S" [/ t: ~
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes / {9 ^/ S- j2 a6 [* H
Japanese aircraft6 v$ A/ P& C7 m
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 6
# B3 ?( u( }9 z& ZAllied aircraft
8 ~2 K0 c+ Z/ z2 F      P-40E Warhawk x 1
  j/ {' Z$ [+ WJapanese aircraft losses
( @- L, [; I, p* V, q      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged7 J" N; e) Y  o+ C; p" K* R3 u
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
. i9 W9 F" z4 Q3 x9 kAllied aircraft losses
- e) k, ?% x7 F. `4 c      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground ( C% G- @5 t( R6 I4 D" j
Airbase supply hits 1
% m7 ~# ?0 M2 m) O! ~Runway hits 2 & q; D- e8 k$ w1 _" R
Aircraft Attacking:
. X7 W# C8 R6 I& a1 `0 ^/ Z       4 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet3 _8 L" ?1 P1 G6 k, O6 O+ Y; s; I
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
) L' Y, B! k1 t1 N1 }; H$ N' |2 T----------------------------------------------------------" ]( \  i9 v# {- D" T; i
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
) `. v" l' U- I9 b" WWeather in hex: Overcast
0 O& \( V( k& iRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.% K; r2 e1 H% E, q' Z* E
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
  l* O3 H/ Q* SJapanese aircraft
. N$ G  G  O3 F: E. N, Q- A$ @      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7. ~$ z) X( T$ T; q# h1 G  a% _
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 28
& ^3 s' Y7 B( kAllied aircraft
8 {: H! i3 S$ n' D& Z      no flights 5 }8 h- c" D! W; h
Japanese aircraft losses
  q: m) f, `7 L( E/ {/ M      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged
) f. v6 ~' E/ s! U$ ]4 sAllied aircraft losses
- W, k) ]- v8 o" J1 m" {$ B      139WH-3: 1 damaged ! Y' C. A8 u( \! `- P1 p+ _
Runway hits 1 7 w1 S% t* |( e) O% w
Aircraft Attacking:
1 K+ s; U1 D: w2 @* V7 J! {       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet" d. b7 z& X4 |( F2 F
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
5 N# j6 [+ s* A3 J/ P------------------------------------------------------------------8 Z, c) X! f* R: i
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
1 W  s/ J# V* zWeather in hex: Overcast
! Z4 @: _* T2 ^5 [+ S7 _Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
8 w! O# q' d3 g9 X) {7 N- L8 ?Estimated time to target is 13 minutes " ^2 o: t) c) H6 m; ^' K8 F
Japanese aircraft
, W: H% R8 c7 @* k9 f$ K( D      A6M2 Zero x 43
4 k/ ?0 S* p4 b( }      G4M1 Betty x 13
2 ~6 `. k0 C  b+ x$ ?Allied aircraft
# H( t: x7 L. Y3 z# z! p      no flights
5 n& b; o: @7 V: _/ ]+ n+ \) XJapanese aircraft losses' X9 i! |) s0 Z" L: n
      G4M1 Betty: 10 damaged* T! l" O: z3 U6 m$ y
      G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed by flak ) v  @/ r/ J9 x5 m. _
Allied aircraft losses/ @' g& |2 f  \4 m! [
      T.IVa: 1 destroyed on ground& B% L, {( g( r$ f) }5 T
      139WH-3: 1 damaged" `% J1 ]. Y, y2 @: d' Q. @
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground 6 u$ R9 H5 u* T1 l" D
Airbase hits 2$ X4 V( k3 v2 q! a, ~; M" `$ K
Airbase supply hits 1
6 |  u6 X/ Y0 A7 \) DRunway hits 1
- |  t4 ]' L6 _Aircraft Attacking:, x5 S9 M+ O2 ^
      12 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
! |, M5 a+ R8 B$ Y% F* ]* F               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
# M/ ]0 r. J4 w% o$ [----------------------------------------------------------- ) S' @7 M) R( u, p
Ground combat at Babo (83,111) ! c* C5 E, J+ I/ c) i' V9 S
Japanese Deliberate attack
' E. c. b+ R7 T( D' d) Y+ h. \Attacking force 1414 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 59 * \3 p1 ]. @  a; W( K
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 ' X; t5 A+ P! ^
Japanese adjusted assault: 29  
! d0 T+ O1 a0 o: ~, mAllied adjusted defense: 1  1 S& V- o& [+ }4 A5 E9 E) r) ]
Japanese assault odds: 29 to 1 (fort level 0)  
; }5 S  c0 j2 X9 g0 a9 O# QJapanese forces CAPTURE Babo !!! 0 `/ N& o* x% N
Combat modifiers
& o1 C- W# b0 V* l( `Attacker: leaders(-) 4 u0 m& `% C3 s" ?1 P' u7 b  x0 B
Assaulting units:+ O2 M: `3 W# M+ I% y: i& y
    52nd Naval Guard Unit
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, b, `' K! S6 U/ V日军扫场仰光和万隆,荷兰空军为了躲开日军的报复,已经全部转入训练。
3 H- M# ^- I6 F, l3 @# }, O仰光空军死扛日军的扫场,大体以20架战斗机的损失,交换50+零战,盟军相当满意。  q( `, H  H+ w* o' F& M

( J5 N! m4 @; [, H-------------------------------------------------------------- F2 Z, z5 n: D9 j. m( q- a
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
1 ?' [: w" I4 h$ s4 `3 MWeather in hex: Severe storms
6 Y! v! X. V2 e; t7 HRaid detected at 20 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
5 F7 |$ ^" w0 n3 mEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 4 S/ _- M4 _$ |
Japanese aircraft7 y# D7 m( \" G5 [! @4 J; c: D
      A6M2 Zero x 15
5 {6 ]) x; ^- l3 YNo Japanese losses
+ C4 l% P2 E2 s$ eAircraft Attacking:/ L4 ^8 F$ Y1 X2 F0 ]/ |6 |  d& {6 P
      15 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
; N% c# a3 a. S5 z  Q& B# Z4 x--------------------------------------------------------8 m+ z) @8 A8 ]: m
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 o1 R: b8 l6 l* k
Weather in hex: Severe storms ' p" R) o+ [5 U& F' R
Raid detected at 18 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.5 p2 i- r# s4 |
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes - u+ X& v9 A  v- G/ [4 q8 E& y
Japanese aircraft4 @) n$ [/ D3 U& E
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10 ) c  C# U/ O4 a! m. v# i
No Japanese losses . }( E  j- L; \! e9 B  G
Aircraft Attacking:- S& X0 y% C# r" |1 n! x$ u
      10 x Ki-43-Ia Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
  m2 a7 [% P, I* x. [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ K1 a" P+ T5 s( ~, a8 r
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
4 Q- N' Q- [* CWeather in hex: Severe storms ; O& R0 I) H* R0 O8 m4 [; _
Raid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet., M! `2 _9 }/ [% w: v5 c6 d
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
# _" t$ K/ }9 D+ [4 O: z7 GJapanese aircraft$ |) U8 }" D& E/ K; u1 ~( p
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 30
+ S9 z: S2 ]; @4 q( e* g7 rNo Japanese losses
2 `( ~4 ]8 x% `1 H8 N1 R7 W5 nAircraft Attacking:6 U' z; X* n0 w
      30 x Ki-43-Ia Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet 4 W3 {) J5 Y2 [
' c! d* F: B+ q# C! `, cMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 p, G8 X5 o. k* ?! g
Weather in hex: Severe storms
; O% ]$ h) l1 I8 ARaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet." c) W; d1 D. t# P" Y6 ~# F6 J
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
9 p' Y* H4 X1 |) }5 p7 eJapanese aircraft
$ s% y3 Y" [. Q0 u8 Y      A6M2 Zero x 36 & y. \/ k* g% k" H* ]9 U$ v% M
No Japanese losses
; }) F5 k5 R/ U7 |/ ?8 {Aircraft Attacking:
% t* C% Y/ C/ y3 M# N$ B      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
3 C  g2 y$ W% a2 v------------------------------------------------------
* R6 {$ X+ G% b  F  qMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100 7 r: k2 ~2 _" {3 c" Q$ r( M
Weather in hex: Severe storms
2 `( \4 c/ a% R3 O2 dRaid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.1 y9 B0 ~% r7 \2 a9 p; I! D
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes
( Y2 y3 s2 _7 a/ U3 |Japanese aircraft
! N( }" b, o& |; t, X. N      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 42
3 ^) _9 H& O- ^, d/ L7 Q" V% |No Japanese losses % V: B& j% I- C+ A  v) p& E4 j
Aircraft Attacking:
8 d. H6 q: \5 D1 w/ N0 a  l* X      42 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet . h" A. l5 b" q& B
------------------------------------------------------------# E" K3 C/ y* a8 [9 v) }8 [
Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  % D* ^9 v+ O2 R' u1 Z
Weather in hex: Severe storms
" K/ o7 i0 W; V4 h! [$ ]% L( ]1 KRaid detected at 17 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.# d. {, Q9 Y( j3 F0 E7 Z
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
8 Z2 _* K- q% R  ?  ?4 SJapanese aircraft
; d+ g) c' S1 E- i: C% }      A6M2 Zero x 25 $ n; g9 ^0 B* O
Allied aircraft  ^( L; T( u4 q
      Walrus II x 6/ }, ?+ m0 q- r. h" R5 |- ?* Q
      Hurricane I Trop x 28
' `1 u* @0 e3 b/ V5 d3 t+ M1 N      Hurricane IIa Trop x 16
. w& p& q) M. x0 [1 U      Hurricane IIb Trop x 52
2 T. W# w6 t7 ~4 v2 T7 U      Seagull V x 1
) l7 E! f6 e7 r+ |) W      P-39D Airacobra x 275 Z; _" P  d( f' x& G; l+ }9 K5 r
      P-400 Airacobra x 27' g& x9 g3 `$ Q0 i
      P-40E Warhawk x 27
, T3 ~- U! T( u( O: z  |8 BJapanese aircraft losses  A$ Y7 Z/ d# s: w- \) \
      A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed
+ S- T  k. L% K* [5 w. E5 UAllied aircraft losses
! ^8 R! U+ g/ O& q  @      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed" k2 ~0 [: m8 O- M+ Z; D, H
      P-400 Airacobra: 1 destroyed / o& V1 z. ~4 C5 @
Aircraft Attacking:6 e0 u, {6 @. s7 b
       1 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet7 K8 _3 o+ h; P$ M" b8 [
0 c8 t( \! Q; p2 E# |Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
# ?* Z: n! \$ T* s$ N, }Weather in hex: Severe storms ' W7 @* d$ A0 d
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.$ ?. h  b- e7 v; ^2 W
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
4 x$ O0 D0 a1 K0 _# ?) \  DJapanese aircraft" }& [( h$ v0 \5 \2 q
      A6M2 Zero x 24
4 _( d% |, `% I% K* e7 x* o; ~Allied aircraft' N4 J% P  m1 C1 ?/ `/ W* Z
      Walrus II x 6
* H) A/ C; V: Y) y0 l2 ~      Hurricane I Trop x 26# D5 o4 Y! u$ {
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
4 e$ r+ Q: h$ e/ @      Hurricane IIb Trop x 49
# b9 S1 M- Q' {1 m; }2 H      Seagull V x 12 L/ W0 K+ Z; |3 Z
      P-39D Airacobra x 26
+ F6 w1 i& M7 v+ S      P-400 Airacobra x 266 w, U" M& O) B1 P9 Q$ U
      P-40E Warhawk x 27   C' P) K  b, c, S/ ^/ Y
Japanese aircraft losses( \. m" O/ T: p- V- |; E8 U; F: y
      A6M2 Zero: 4 destroyed + v' S+ q7 x0 f' ~9 V7 ?
Allied aircraft losses
8 F% q5 J1 H& E8 D' D: w' l      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed
/ b$ K; E0 a+ O0 W3 I  O  ^      Seagull V: 1 destroyed
* b3 S1 ~8 L$ B* u! K      P-400 Airacobra: 1 destroyed
! U! |$ N4 i7 Z6 _' s$ s# `      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
7 q1 M, c& }. j; ~. v6 VAircraft Attacking:( B+ g8 J( [# v$ F9 X
       8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet; P! }9 a" Q; p( ?' R5 \, P# x- H
6 A1 E0 \5 u# {Afternoon Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  , A' |8 `% j" A6 ^6 q
Weather in hex: Severe storms
2 H: f# l# x+ ]6 hRaid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.+ B- u; U. Z; `7 B
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
# v2 a; d, S* {Japanese aircraft* A6 O9 v3 {0 t+ D+ v, v! b8 h5 G
      A6M2 Zero x 22 $ G" t& g. O0 n: x
Allied aircraft
7 n6 V6 m7 f% u; k$ I& c0 G, u      Walrus II x 65 Z9 m  M5 q' s& S0 K5 g
      Hurricane I Trop x 19- D8 w* g' t" a* u
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 14  i5 ]. E) i$ U9 p8 ^% Y8 ~* @
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 46% U: Q: p8 i! \) s) W
      P-39D Airacobra x 244 r, A9 T& F1 H3 Z' F
      P-400 Airacobra x 21
4 ~1 V6 H+ Y7 k  c+ L, S6 D+ R      P-40E Warhawk x 21 ; ]% R* r1 d3 D9 m3 \- I- k
Japanese aircraft losses
9 Z  Y% U4 L8 T' G      A6M2 Zero: 5 destroyed & W9 e' u( f+ f' F6 l; [4 h
Allied aircraft losses; u0 I- d- i$ {& N( y
      Walrus II: 1 destroyed$ g: X$ e0 ~. v# r
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed ' Z' X# _2 P9 m
Aircraft Attacking:$ Y& S. ^1 _+ C
       6 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
  A2 X8 x( S% s, ]---------------------------------------------------------+ N  R0 E" |& n/ G7 s) l
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Semarang at 54,101
8 N' i7 g2 m4 I' {Weather in hex: Clear sky , E; a* ?" e8 X9 I) [; b+ E  f$ {, s1 Z) I
Raid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.8 D8 M+ Z5 `# e" s3 K% g
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes 4 `$ \& M1 D; ]9 N) N' t% a
Japanese aircraft+ F/ t6 n# L/ j! W+ Z7 V6 H3 C
      B5M1 Mabel x 6
9 F; f8 P' T! l; Y; x, I6 ?! A6 iNo Japanese losses
% \9 ?( o8 {0 S- ~Allied Ships
: ]% [5 b+ H% E- J% b- g      PT-35& r& k  b# o. ?  _" y
" W) C+ }- `$ p5 A: ~Aircraft Attacking:
" s1 J$ x; C+ }' ?1 d. E       6 x B5M1 Mabel bombing from 10000 feet * ( q8 _' Q2 [6 j, L3 c4 [3 p- H5 l
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb ) z' h$ q9 t$ Z9 x
PT-35 dead in the water ...' \: }. t/ e$ {% u+ E" x" g
PT-32 dead in the water ...% x2 c% P8 Q+ [
-------------------------------------------------------------0 G0 J& G( Y7 r6 S& q* ~! n
Afternoon Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 58,48 , near Magwe
% v" R6 H: A- n. i8 w$ @Weather in hex: Moderate rain $ H1 p3 T* |3 ~2 |) P0 u! t
Raid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.4 g6 Q. P$ m( r0 I8 v, X
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes 3 L  W* P6 |2 F( X
Allied aircraft
3 ~; n* B4 [- e$ \: E% e1 ^      Blenheim I x 57 l7 t- H8 r0 E+ |' {0 q2 _
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 16 & C; d0 k# I" O
No Allied losses
% G! X( h4 ^2 J9 J" M- mJapanese ground losses:
( Q) q( D: t" G* I4 T7 j      10 casualties reported1 G% Y# `- Z" b$ N+ h. H6 O
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled& `# K% O7 v1 t5 P
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  `+ \% C/ a; z+ W& B
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) L$ Z4 w+ V+ N, BAircraft Attacking:+ a  C. B: n, r% S
       5 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
. v5 P$ x& ~* c) H8 }/ t$ ~: E               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 24, 42! }' t# m4 S" B% f  L2 I
日军继续轰炸万隆,盟军的高炮输出还是比较稳定的,, b- N: |1 |5 d' p; T+ x8 ~0 r
6 _* j7 p5 R+ o; m* o4 _) n在装甲部队面前,日军调整异常难看。
6 u% ], Q+ G, s5 c# ]" O! a. u4 {6 h" E" F4 f9 ~5 b
/ M# D$ X2 Z1 c+ kMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  7 c7 B2 U& h+ ^) M# q' `
Weather in hex: Severe storms
, A9 W8 V2 V7 e; N6 |Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
# O6 t3 t. [& k2 q) z9 DEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
( Z: P; s: ?' ^( W- TJapanese aircraft4 p- W2 B) ~+ `" {' p9 R; ?
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 28% m8 ~: ^& ^6 Q0 H/ W$ y
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27$ `( p0 w7 W' |) D' d+ Q  s
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 14
; k- \4 r2 U; k( b" U  YAllied aircraft, Z4 Q/ k5 D, V) v  S) o& _! o
      no flights 4 S& V, X% X! U. v5 n
Japanese aircraft losses6 c& u* ~& t, r8 Y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 15 damaged
! N9 @3 q. {( e4 W4 K      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak
8 j  N8 A. F! S+ a- J      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed
* J( d7 a  I3 q0 j) R% u9 k0 K      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 damaged! A9 D/ `# A+ j4 @4 \& U8 W# E# x
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak 2 h0 E, ], @) Y% y  z  ~
Allied aircraft losses
4 e5 f7 O! k1 c2 v9 V      B-339-23: 1 destroyed on ground" x- ~/ ^% b: ]0 O
      139WH-3: 1 damaged1 \% ~6 t9 n: B+ l# K9 J
      CW-22 Falcon: 2 damaged
  @) R5 g( W/ J, r5 h      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground   ~1 G& M7 h5 _# K9 Z) N) z
Airbase hits 2
1 T8 V* a! t8 @. uAirbase supply hits 1
/ w. {4 S$ J8 `" u* R8 x, Q& Q: TRunway hits 9 0 N( w5 b$ n7 J3 I1 n
Aircraft Attacking:
4 R! D1 q1 Q$ ^9 d' s8 V# l# b      14 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
; G8 R, ~! B! o% }% w" U) ^6 v               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
' U) {4 m4 \4 }       8 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet1 z; m' {4 J9 j7 h6 _; i8 y/ e$ W
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb, l- ]7 O, q( H, B# ~
      10 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
0 V1 d2 [6 k$ Z1 X4 M% V( E; k               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb: f6 k8 s5 p3 s' B$ h4 |
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
! }! t1 \+ H+ {/ }( B: u               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb' [) ~. `& a/ v2 m5 A% E
       5 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet; X, l* ?: M; `; U# k% `" @
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb - M! C& j$ |) p! ]; Y% X! ?9 z
CAP engaged:4 S" a2 T2 \: V" c- L/ x
2-VI.G.V  with B-339D (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
6 \, k8 C; |' i/ k4 \5 I) b7 e      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
6 M* w8 D! Z( Q3 b      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
8 R  X: n6 t3 t. l4 f/ s      Raid is overhead / x* Y! {& X( g* x( M- C
Training flight from 2-VI.G.V  has been caught up in attack
: ?, M! D- k$ \9 R3 z  O1 T; a5 G, r# V------------------------------------------------------
# M2 o$ z' z. FMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! e: _2 }3 y& J9 r, C/ K
Weather in hex: Severe storms - q# L3 |4 S2 a: F) J' \& r, |
Raid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
  E  X* C. e: T* g- k1 A) b9 OEstimated time to target is 18 minutes 2 @5 E# k% S9 Y- o5 W5 _1 z$ {
Japanese aircraft
! I. d% }$ X0 Y$ z8 d      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9; c* V- _& v* x2 R" x' D0 b6 E
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 6
2 m& k! N" m/ }2 |- k7 b9 _; \Japanese aircraft losses
1 \  _. q+ k& m/ J0 y& X4 l      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
( I  t, Q' @+ H& l      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak ( Z. P2 W6 ?5 A6 I
Aircraft Attacking:
( o1 a7 m; l+ S; ]( m       9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
4 n7 {" o. o& {8 I- L2 S9 e               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
! o8 @! _% w+ T* _, j: [-------------------------------------------
; {; P: S; Z# T. S" ]Morning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 58,48 , near Magwe 7 P0 t# [3 q3 [0 p/ }: w
Weather in hex: Severe storms ! p" O3 E1 H7 D/ r1 v( ?
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
! x# p; Q4 Z5 l1 p( cEstimated time to target is 6 minutes / o; j( ]" M  L, k0 u" @7 a% [
Allied aircraft
3 f  T9 Q, a  a      Blenheim I x 10
/ Z& Z$ k2 T) C* A! A3 dAllied aircraft losses
$ B7 Z7 g' S$ k7 y3 V      Blenheim I: 1 damaged
( S2 q4 q7 U* @3 y% UJapanese ground losses:
9 v1 d  m" ~# h# r+ R" t$ q      20 casualties reported* M& g; a/ }% U/ @
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled5 T: l2 Z0 u  O$ k
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
5 i3 u# `5 G, h" ~2 u         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: Q) {  B8 b8 @* U# }9 G; Q% u3 ^7 T# AAircraft Attacking:
- P! C+ b# K4 r, s, m      10 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
1 R" d1 M) @4 T, ]6 [& Z; R               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb % N8 s/ ]/ \5 H
; N# S' L3 M3 rMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
8 D6 x# j8 u! g) M, @2 |Weather in hex: Severe storms 9 N0 o+ G$ ]  M- v* ?: Y' C
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet." B2 ]# M# u' Y) K, K
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
  k5 w) y. U4 ]7 F' RJapanese aircraft. c* s2 g& j3 R: o& F) z
      A6M2 Zero x 79 # `6 F/ K$ i* _+ n# u  {8 E+ n
No Japanese losses
" x; z" n. ]) S5 `) V1 }7 [Aircraft Attacking:% u0 Y6 }0 A+ i( k& L1 c6 G3 R* W
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 2 a0 T6 L) s3 _7 Q3 a/ |/ @
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 ]+ `; G% v; T/ @. P
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
1 w9 e+ c" g! A5 J9 E" ^$ T3 PWeather in hex: Severe storms
" R( R- ]. F1 L# s& D. |Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.% ]+ ]: V6 W3 E  i) s9 ]2 A! I
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
" s) L) A% g3 t8 I  t/ t5 F' H; C( PJapanese aircraft/ G' r8 ?1 T  \' R! g
      G4M1 Betty x 20 ; z1 _- U/ A) B: T9 ~* x
Allied aircraft2 y" f- V; R8 Q% w9 B# V
      no flights
1 b& }! M: }+ u! HJapanese aircraft losses
1 w. }  ]; U8 k      G4M1 Betty: 16 damaged: x2 u0 j* T. x% p  v# W( X- c5 \
      G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed by flak 6 D+ B1 G% U  t, G
Allied aircraft losses
( w( N7 G+ X  k# N6 P8 K      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged 2 B+ `3 ^+ E. j
Airbase hits 2
, I8 A0 y6 {0 Q3 A$ m6 x4 @Airbase supply hits 1- z  p; X, j2 T+ Z4 w$ x: }
Runway hits 8 ' Q- z, {6 K- i, c" z% |
Aircraft Attacking:2 I8 Q, b3 ]7 Y* M  H$ H3 \" g
      12 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet/ s! f8 Z( m* m4 E& I) ?- J
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb/ y1 U- S( j$ s, Q, k* e
       6 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet
- c) h6 W7 J. o) |- ?               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
) w8 A6 Y9 l, OCAP engaged:
$ k0 z0 d, r4 eNo.243 Sqn RAF with Mohawk IV (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)  d2 g- @* }0 m5 Z# x: s
      11 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
2 g- Q* d2 D) |% Y      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.0 t. _. ~  u( U/ s5 X
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 11 minutes
; L% r. S% Q/ g3 u) vTraining flight from No.243 Sqn RAF has been caught up in attack$ I& Q5 g- l, O0 u) ]6 x. k
2 U5 G2 p$ u6 c& l6 _! sMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 q7 t, L# h% l0 X5 R; |7 Z5 U
Weather in hex: Severe storms 5 Q" S& b% S8 V, R/ A
Raid detected at 63 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.6 _  @) `! K& g+ n" Q& @' }0 Z
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes
6 M; g) ~9 [# j; cJapanese aircraft
; R4 Y% d$ P; e) n- w) r) Q      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 11
, B; y' }( w& n# p* d' a      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 40 - i& i5 \- z# s2 }; ^
Allied aircraft4 V3 {! _3 N7 |- {2 P' A( o& d/ c: e
      Mohawk IV x 11   x6 |3 j8 @7 z" X6 o
Japanese aircraft losses
. I9 n4 D1 S0 Y0 m+ j      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged/ I/ w8 `8 C- \7 C9 z; l
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak0 D3 ^5 i& r& y4 ~% Y
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 4 destroyed ; D0 Z- Y( r" l$ Y7 {/ `
Allied aircraft losses- b2 V: h9 p: Z8 U/ g; {
      Mohawk IV: 2 destroyed
" G: X7 w' X' f' l0 n      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground % _7 w8 F& [( q0 a) A  v7 B
Airbase hits 1
; X8 W) Z% d3 Z7 L7 H7 RAircraft Attacking:
! N7 Q+ D9 E  o  @3 h3 x) |      10 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet- l$ F' F( _" C" n
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb2 l: G  O+ Z) \5 f2 Y/ M- n. |6 P
       2 x Ki-43-Ia Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet$ V1 T8 l. a, b
      11 x Ki-43-Ia Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet) d, y- f4 y0 S; \! S" |
( U1 y& z, U; f* fMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ I& J8 U# m  V" `. y5 fWeather in hex: Severe storms
+ U) h5 U/ Q  Y/ @Raid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.: k9 w" E9 h! B# j2 d0 F( X4 {6 r
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes 1 t! ?) {2 s# X! H/ }
Japanese aircraft6 u# o, R9 d: C8 k2 O( X
      G4M1 Betty x 11
1 w( U' C6 R; O+ HAllied aircraft
, B# e* a$ {& o' U- I5 @2 E      Mohawk IV x 1
: g1 g2 F9 _1 p0 R+ m: S2 H      P-40E Warhawk x 3
" S  y, ~2 @# }/ T: AJapanese aircraft losses" H/ q: x- p  d: x  r
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged4 m6 n6 }, P! E* C" c
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak 6 g% v% Z% @2 H; Q8 C
No Allied losses
$ F3 H1 _; d' D& i3 u. R! WRunway hits 1
. I/ S3 M: L  TAircraft Attacking:$ @; }# A' {! N% U% t
       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet  q7 q$ l/ ?1 O9 d0 w4 ^
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb' n; U- Z. p! K9 S; {7 d
# F" m+ g# g% U# ^) _5 p$ w4 N/ ^. JGround combat at 58,48 (near Magwe)
& E+ B* n3 e" S" R/ N2 rAllied Shock attack
* D& H/ [, r# y, hAttacking force 5876 troops, 69 guns, 521 vehicles, Assault Value = 398 ! y( a& _. \% W" Y9 Z; p3 ~
Defending force 3844 troops, 47 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 100
( g: x% a1 a; s" ^Allied adjusted assault: 430  ; p, U7 d1 Y: @$ \  M* E8 \* w7 s
Japanese adjusted defense: 16  
2 C) k. K1 k; T$ \5 C; a# f2 OAllied assault odds: 26 to 1  
% h$ C( d9 z  K8 M& KCombat modifiers9 B6 G0 U+ f- n% Y% [9 X: O
Defender: leaders(+), experience(-)
  v: n  k! Z& kAttacker: shock(+) 7 O+ R" m; H* I
Japanese ground losses:: \$ i$ v# [# X- \
      2660 casualties reported7 o5 |; q0 R# N( c
         Squads: 58 destroyed, 18 disabled" o( w! d$ O1 Y5 O- s( u
         Non Combat: 42 destroyed, 21 disabled( B, Y6 l( m# _( B/ g) ^( V6 y
         Engineers: 6 destroyed, 12 disabled
% x, Z. ?4 J/ i, V, ~& {3 h      Guns lost 20 (11 destroyed, 9 disabled)
9 R: D" ^: W! n' \3 V1 I      Units retreated 1
9 n' S* T3 ~+ t0 X  \( oAllied ground losses:- O7 n' u- L! B6 w/ A3 [- K1 l
      171 casualties reported
! J) |5 F2 T. W! y1 t" p         Squads: 1 destroyed, 24 disabled& b; m8 W% |. X0 r9 Z  Y8 `
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
# v4 }4 O: z* P# I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 ~5 o" @4 s: P% i
      Guns lost 11 (2 destroyed, 9 disabled)
0 s9 Z6 s+ |2 J1 h      Vehicles lost 13 (1 destroyed, 12 disabled)
: i3 @  j' N! GDefeated Japanese Units Retreating! 8 a1 ]3 m  E( Q
Assaulting units:  L8 x4 b" n2 T
    50th Tank Brigade3 K- w- z: L6 k" u0 ^
    255th Armoured Brigade. |. j4 T+ N" b* |9 W0 h
    254th Armoured Brigade
* t' X1 {4 M0 B* ^4 r4 Y: }) _    7th Armoured Brigade
0 h) U$ `' M7 n" l! Y- fDefending units:+ q; Z2 g2 c8 T# {1 s
    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 25, 422 y; g( J& M) v6 c
日军继续轰炸万隆,当天KB再次出现在盟军的视野里,不过盟军ss已经大部分北上了,2 j0 N4 ^" Y. C6 z; ]& i/ H
只有两条重伤的还在泗水紧急抢修,日军地面部队快到泗水了。! l5 K) B+ G& f4 R: E2 o1 \

) e0 I- L& ]# d; ]7 b------------------------------------------------------------
+ b; i& I9 n" n5 F  VMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ; n/ v9 }/ N& t
Weather in hex: Severe storms
* Z/ H. d, O$ _# \Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
/ K; K) [1 o7 ]Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
- T, F4 D( S6 q  @2 AJapanese aircraft
+ q1 }/ \" E2 l3 d& s' z0 v      A6M2 Zero x 36 % {  l  \% o( t
No Japanese losses
/ y6 _* I7 a* z9 U3 i7 sAircraft Attacking:) r8 S# T* s, x3 S1 v
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
+ y2 N5 [# ]) I$ H  @$ }' e! }-----------------------------------------------------9 S3 `) k6 m: S' I  X( u
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ' Q; [& `+ H) z& y1 n
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud % T8 u' y9 v' l
Raid detected at 66 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
% c6 b4 o( d- f1 N7 V4 xEstimated time to target is 20 minutes 2 @7 L- M! X! C) v  B0 u( V, J$ W" b
Japanese aircraft: t7 l  S2 F/ R; }- T
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 131 k( r/ v* D6 [5 a2 p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 55
9 v- P* s5 H1 ~. Z      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10 : I  e* y; ^$ h- y
Allied aircraft" [# {) r! ^  u& L
      no flights 8 m; y6 \5 M; j; B, Z; s
Japanese aircraft losses& W! t2 Y* m! [4 O# y9 C$ q. a; S1 }
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged# a7 Y8 x% p0 [' Z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak) Y4 L2 l* j& |- d# S
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged 6 n% p- G% w4 \9 K$ J1 [
Allied aircraft losses
3 ~5 G4 E9 N) {      L-212: 1 damaged
8 G! Y8 d: |. j. h& v      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged 4 S" M4 V1 S; Q7 l0 H+ {
Airbase hits 4: B$ ^0 G' `6 w/ g! Z
Runway hits 9 ; O* {$ n! h: e
Aircraft Attacking:/ \, j3 r+ k  }# l
      10 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet& @+ D) e  G5 l5 Q  C+ M
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb3 \8 M8 ]) ?2 ?3 x
       4 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet5 i( O( ~- `3 P' a6 g
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
. e7 ]6 w; `1 r. g1 ^* \       8 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
$ v) A3 m+ J6 G, c7 t: L$ v               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 _& u) s7 V: Q-----------------------------------------------------
+ M5 E' ]+ f$ `9 M) V& e. k. p; XAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 U! I4 u0 M$ s5 iWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
# c9 s: Z* W! O) N+ ZRaid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.  X+ g! T6 |( c
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes
+ Z' _; h& c( |. tJapanese aircraft
  j$ m% Z2 t$ n8 K4 @$ W) q      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7
& s7 |1 P* @3 J; b% z) ]8 m      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 18 $ g1 f" F: y& A5 E5 ?
Japanese aircraft losses7 E  j5 j: ^7 V/ z  S
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
" u+ |4 e  f6 n) W& d' T2 \      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
# W6 V" Y! w" x! f7 b* fAirbase hits 2- E  r- V; d9 l0 {% f' k5 Z9 X8 \- X
Runway hits 2
: S0 s3 h0 a& r8 h* A6 H2 J% j0 ZAircraft Attacking:
, p6 ^% W% u' O  z       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet/ e5 D8 M# N5 x8 m9 r$ P+ m
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
5 H8 ~* F3 ?- A' B, |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 J* l; l, P  Q( ^7 ?# y, KSub attack near San Luis Obispo  at 220,75
, Z# V' m' ~$ \Japanese Ships! `9 A2 {  k5 x4 F3 K% D6 B
      SS I-3, hits 1
' |5 o' z8 @+ g- l, k1 A* L, x: S/ bAllied Ships) m5 n/ b1 F1 d( {4 F
      CA Vincennes
$ |; G. z" C/ x9 z* `+ |      CL Nashville
2 Q& R0 \  a/ _$ q3 B. [( I      DD Gwin, i$ B! @" }7 b( J$ K
      DD Morris7 j5 Y& j% ^% J- r6 D  ~
      DD Monssen
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 26, 42: s- _- B6 c6 O1 J
  T" t) X% k7 K% E已经离开泗水前往澳大利亚,泗水的油基本被抽干了。8 [& N: j  s  Y5 [! S: o) w0 J
8 k2 U( f! f" L4 x4 e6 J9 C
& D0 e. p& d/ ?8 ZMorning Air attack on Horn Isl  Det. , at 91,128 (Horn Island)
: [* }$ X" v0 i! w, O( i: J8 sWeather in hex: Overcast
' H% E/ G: E: u% iRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
  ?+ |/ t. m# u6 Y0 vEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
. {# W! z7 K! q5 mJapanese aircraft
. Z9 S" J! }9 i7 w7 c4 Y3 n      G4M1 Betty x 5
- g: t* Z4 G( Y' V* QNo Japanese losses
+ ~3 B% K7 c# ~2 P2 K  y6 V5 ^: HAllied ground losses:
5 I6 k$ n# S! F" r      5 casualties reported+ V0 K4 H# g! I( I; K
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 H  g6 P! k5 |: c$ H9 g* k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" A+ `, z& q# W, a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! I6 x8 L- y: W$ k# O
Aircraft Attacking:
' U& K2 Z5 b' H+ W       5 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
' W9 T3 |$ C8 `  U. k* h2 j               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb  
% y& Q( z3 _) K: X; Z3 T0 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& N$ a( J! n9 T0 B6 ~
Afternoon Air attack on 43rd Naval Guard Unit, at 53,103 (Soerakarta)
0 S4 P9 b$ X! F: cWeather in hex: Heavy cloud # M9 P. P* L1 B2 Z) I9 l4 f
Raid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.+ J( o8 D* \  Y- H$ D! X" a7 t; o5 p
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
0 K: Y1 ~4 l5 G( t: YAllied aircraft
: ^3 s) C4 Y' \  S      CW-22 Falcon x 9
7 s3 I% @- p' E# X8 z5 Q" BNo Allied losses 9 P7 H$ y5 j% P3 f6 X, D
Aircraft Attacking:
% |" m0 |' Q0 L5 Y0 |8 [  O       9 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
/ b7 F: m$ ^9 j$ d3 q: ?               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
8 }8 \/ @2 V; x( U+ k' D-------------------------------------------------------- : `3 `6 K# a$ D; K
Ground combat at Meiktila (58,47)
1 f& S" {. r0 b( Y2 }Allied Bombardment attack
. I/ b: h2 P* b+ @Attacking force 1156 troops, 14 guns, 102 vehicles, Assault Value = 377
) S* H4 i; p+ c2 k" BDefending force 2039 troops, 40 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 12 * U& i1 S1 {$ H2 L: a, s9 C: J
Assaulting units:* c9 f! W  M! R9 N9 t" f
    254th Armoured Brigade
# [. R( _  P6 C: r    255th Armoured Brigade& H" ~) k% G- L" [  t# S
    50th Tank Brigade4 H# ?* D' i: [1 s5 Z4 j# a
    7th Armoured Brigade
. Y6 d' `( f& f" D! xDefending units:3 C/ A% s. E4 p- _, _  d
    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 27, 42* w4 \4 @1 z) l( \4 ]) x; V: ]
万隆已经习惯挨炸弹了,不过AA的输出依然坚挺," q1 ~- e+ s' @3 X5 \( U. |
% M# F" m( F* ?' V当天KB出现在泗水门口,同一图中下方的编队就是刚离开的油料编队。4 [6 {" z* L% R! K: X1 M
1 C# p/ v: G) ^# @
2 K% W% ?" Y- w5 k8 [+ ?% d  w. r  m
) E0 Y! \8 Y3 P6 m" T& b--------------------------------------------------------------------8 `7 L3 v! Q* h. x5 w& j
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  0 H+ G1 C( }$ e9 a# M# ?
Weather in hex: Heavy rain , I+ L: r2 |6 k' b+ q* x
Raid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
0 @* \7 L: x7 ~& \$ dEstimated time to target is 21 minutes   }5 u; q; B, X) }/ W& d) _
Japanese aircraft
8 ?2 n8 t- j; {  Q+ _' D      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 21' v  @1 B( i. t" z$ {" m. V
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 264 ~# e( L9 R+ a
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 13 7 a& v; `) d/ W! a( H
Allied aircraft) f# L/ G3 X/ s7 {2 E
      no flights 0 h# }: |2 n+ u: B
Japanese aircraft losses& X3 z4 @- B2 P. ~; L
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged6 \2 R; X8 O8 R
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 destroyed by flak8 o2 e$ a7 s$ w6 g- [
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 3 destroyed, x7 L( k  P  T0 k' I# H; N
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 9 damaged
# C0 L; Y. I0 f) T# [% T5 @      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak
* {1 p8 T0 {; u" [" l5 m2 EAllied aircraft losses
. F2 H! y* _/ D( l      L-212: 1 destroyed on ground 2 G" c7 G) J1 [, }! O9 t9 o) ^
Airbase hits 44 d$ n1 |2 ^6 L0 w: n
Airbase supply hits 1
& v  e( [  Y% s. p, TRunway hits 5
; H  p$ a2 v. s2 E2 U7 S  vAircraft Attacking:6 _1 P! U+ ?9 q* D+ R: r# P
      12 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet: u0 `2 O( |( A1 g: W
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
3 X( L* P* s  E9 o3 f9 q+ d       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
" e1 ?1 M! T5 P4 O  `/ Y               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
9 a: m$ T: Z9 W  k7 Z6 v       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
! {4 {/ |7 n0 N( p6 y, C, L. A9 n               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
# {/ F: V4 Z# a& L- ~. `       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet8 `- f" M% G3 t% R
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb4 [/ B' I% J7 Q4 o$ L" G' N% L
       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet' b+ b* G! d7 {4 b6 t; V$ I
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
- G" s, E% j+ |; ~3 P+ n3 l6 nCAP engaged:2 L* E9 X2 X& @2 v2 J3 J
1-VI.G.V  with P-40E Warhawk (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
4 R* V9 W5 T/ f0 w1 M0 ]7 S- L* r      0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 7 out of immediate contact.# N& m. d( s) T, j/ x4 Z" H
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.3 I' i, i2 {0 j( x2 M9 a' b
      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes ; S$ `2 b4 M3 e6 ~$ K4 U6 b
Training flight from 1-VI.G.V  has been caught up in attack6 o4 Z: [, [  ^( }
------------------------------------------------# V' b4 Q4 S7 G
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  7 o9 a8 Y5 u8 _3 ?- o; s
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
) ~& `6 s, Q/ p: _Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
7 P) N3 k( k. R7 Q6 d1 \( k4 @Estimated time to target is 11 minutes " ^) Q) Y/ o. e' J2 ]
Japanese aircraft
! h- c" @" v0 s      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 34% d5 z. x  g8 e5 u) M0 B
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 48
9 o) p6 F# W: t" O/ q2 ^9 H8 @& b6 r( eAllied aircraft
  E" ~. s! t9 H5 u0 b+ {      P-40E Warhawk x 5   A8 ?: a% A) ]+ x3 P6 m5 c
Japanese aircraft losses, p& S! g8 s# Z2 s! W' X
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 18 damaged8 a" z4 V8 G/ W
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed by flak
6 P6 X5 o" z( K+ oAllied aircraft losses
' M" j: T, H( D- O      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed 2 n) d# Y9 S# A  I
Airbase hits 3
8 F. w$ k% \: ^, f5 e- R. S/ a* Y/ `) BRunway hits 4 3 n5 A0 m0 x. j$ x4 A
Aircraft Attacking:
  V. j- e6 i* `       8 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
% s" b9 W. ?. ]" @7 ?               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb; U# ~9 B* M) }$ q8 V) R. P
       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet* ^2 m, i2 ~0 h
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
( Z3 _. \- _8 G! p+ B1 ^       5 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet6 T6 P7 }0 K4 o( W5 S. D9 ~# ^7 t6 k$ ?
      17 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet& M( a& e) Z; R' Q& T
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
/ l0 m, Y1 W* ?/ a1 n/ P& t# W      32 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
# Y# @0 X3 J# p+ N-----------------------------------------------------
, @; a9 d" O- r  gAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
. W, ^9 v+ m& O0 n. CWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
9 }& d, J2 U8 F2 c1 v4 tRaid detected at 44 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.# F: a1 ]4 o* J' f8 D: a
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes 9 [- E: v+ M. N2 A( j
Japanese aircraft; ]! l% d+ T2 }: a9 I7 v, S
      A6M2 Zero x 36 0 \: n# Q' N4 x" k# _
No Japanese losses
5 @/ ?" y2 n6 @, g8 d3 }Aircraft Attacking:
. R" N4 u! K, v$ O" T$ G      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet + r- u! x, f& {( ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" m' n- k4 j7 N  _. ]" b, l
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  0 V, T! J6 k' A9 i8 z
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ( I/ {  {7 v% m  N5 Z# s
Raid detected at 17 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
9 c) F8 u$ F* \: yEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
; T& N( P! a9 v! Z( L& H/ R! T$ oJapanese aircraft! I1 u7 d# w) e4 O8 E; R( ~
      A6M2 Zero x 15
+ m( ~+ g7 ~, M1 ^+ e& @& c, UNo Japanese losses 7 I5 [2 `$ M1 S% [
Aircraft Attacking:
. s- i, }: e5 ~# \% \5 `      15 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
1 n/ q5 L! t+ q% Y' j----------------------------------------------- 6 e0 W0 y9 ]: X+ J. U1 h
Ground combat at Soerakarta (53,103)
% @! ^! k6 j) \, DJapanese Deliberate attack
* S9 }6 ^' l8 {: Y; }$ Y6 _Attacking force 1468 troops, 12 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 122
7 B! D( W$ \+ B+ ADefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
- o$ i& r% n6 s, k4 d: ^Japanese adjusted assault: 29  
3 p+ H# D/ N- M- `Allied adjusted defense: 1  
8 [* S8 m/ x  d8 w, n2 |Japanese assault odds: 29 to 1 (fort level 1)  
) w1 Y8 ]' Y1 U/ X/ j/ r5 C  eJapanese forces CAPTURE Soerakarta !!!
5 V$ V& W" E% R, o8 _: G+ A  e3 q9 rCombat modifiers
! d2 ]- t1 x. J! l  FAttacker:  
3 C- z8 ]$ _/ J: }2 G% iAssaulting units:
: P1 U0 K5 o" O    43rd Naval Guard Unit- l4 N( Y% W" B" z8 f
    65th Naval Guard Unit
( |, W# q/ z9 \( j& F: a) w. J! y-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 h) n2 p# o. R2 O" \
Ground combat at Meiktila (58,47) ' q+ b6 |+ T$ T( o6 h  ^$ Z
Allied Shock attack
# `9 n+ n/ N) w( z; d3 ^  d! UAttacking force 5953 troops, 68 guns, 530 vehicles, Assault Value = 381
3 P0 p4 ]  o# I) b) r6 q* Q* Y/ xDefending force 2049 troops, 40 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 13
; d* X9 C+ q- ]9 _: U. XAllied adjusted assault: 332
, Y+ b  G/ ]  g6 i, q+ s$ XJapanese adjusted defense: 4  
: {. ]. a8 D1 \% ?, K# R6 |Allied assault odds: 83 to 1 (fort level 0)    h* N: z* z5 ?/ r
Allied forces CAPTURE Meiktila !!! , I! ~0 m# R) P9 j4 [, M5 L! v6 b
Combat modifiers
  K5 ?% W5 i0 L0 A. BDefender: leaders(-), preparation(-)
, o$ l0 n% P, A$ W6 `Attacker: shock(+) . Z9 L' v6 N. r0 V' |$ h$ [
Japanese ground losses:8 G7 u5 G0 A1 G9 ?
      1372 casualties reported7 m7 {" U% Z! y" Y9 ~/ ^
         Squads: 64 destroyed, 0 disabled2 q& n. o8 b9 I, F& b* ]/ ?
         Non Combat: 36 destroyed, 15 disabled
6 g, B$ l7 l& B5 o  H         Engineers: 17 destroyed, 0 disabled9 t8 v3 s) g+ r2 O- b
      Guns lost 18 (18 destroyed, 0 disabled)
- t# Q. Z4 _: @& h) W) d      Units retreated 1 4 M* A' V6 j. f/ S# g6 x
Allied ground losses:" H: ?4 `4 ~# E( M' N
      7 casualties reported# B7 V: @! `6 {, c; n0 J
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ |% c* {; l. X1 x% q" F! P' _
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
. Y- {+ Q0 p- p" F; y6 g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled $ J' x$ ~! a2 \, v# p3 }6 o1 \+ {
Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!   t- C6 p- o5 O- P; q5 w
Assaulting units:
2 ^$ C& a" X: A1 X    255th Armoured Brigade+ [+ G& s4 F/ T$ H
    50th Tank Brigade0 r8 \- T2 a2 Y1 e) Q0 H4 y$ O
    254th Armoured Brigade
2 e& g1 S3 \5 X& U) ~    7th Armoured Brigade 1 \/ B9 L: Q# v8 m; e
Defending units:
. D/ G% P& D/ m3 ~    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
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9 }3 u/ K; p9 j% Y+ X) _居然在缅北发现了一个日军14坦克联队,补给编队即将到达仰光,) b5 A  p/ x  E- [
同时带来了几个高经验的英国旅,准备用来替换缅甸的这些民兵营及缅1师,) G+ t# y1 ?3 t7 d7 g$ Y) q. S
0 J, Q9 S9 L0 F! }/ r4 f5 k6 J; L8 F" O- i& x# e6 E! t! k
+ o( m' C; w$ v" `( Q! A
-----------------------------------------------------------------------7 j" M1 B( S2 V& S" N& X* A
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
: H3 Z& W& s, \- w6 ]$ ^$ l  `Weather in hex: Heavy cloud ( m6 E4 ?" o# T6 g2 ^  m  w
Raid detected at 47 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.8 v. E8 f5 z4 {& Z) ]# y- @
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes" c7 u. |# a% d; _
Japanese aircraft( W& Z! Q1 \0 `( ^0 Q7 q
      A6M2 Zero x 93
; y6 V0 B9 f2 D- Y; N5 c8 pNo Japanese losses % o0 a2 E5 J5 {& J
Aircraft Attacking:7 h" W! [6 l1 ~& g) i* c
      14 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet( W7 m3 f5 d: r8 y  H% F
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet1 Q0 K( v! D' _3 [' S( ~. K
  A5 F, A6 S9 L  Z$ p& XMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ u( \( h6 @% j1 x6 w+ t; V2 \( o
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
# A3 ]& I: W5 m. I4 S( W4 \, kRaid detected at 67 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.4 D- c9 X- d2 b
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
! C) |( |1 b+ e* O  W: T6 Y- b+ fJapanese aircraft$ H- E, P  c' M3 y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 31# e2 T: @4 Y! Z8 O
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 29
' y! L2 ]/ H$ \$ N      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 9
5 o/ ~1 Q& ], p! O' a# LAllied aircraft5 t2 H2 ~; k* d" S9 y4 Z
      no flights 9 J, |/ z6 I8 U# s) @6 D4 o
Japanese aircraft losses
5 b/ {/ k2 m6 I3 h0 U" A      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 20 damaged( T* c& W8 `; l! n% L% |
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed by flak; b: E% x! J) N& P
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed
0 K* M/ v' k' V! o0 w, {      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 damaged 7 z+ M4 t% O: [4 Z0 D1 k. H
Allied aircraft losses( S3 f: g( w) n; k: _, ?+ n
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed+ q" X5 K' N( X
      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
: ~, E/ ^# r" v6 A# ~. W      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged1 ^! F) T+ b5 k9 k: c% X$ m  A! L
      L-212: 1 destroyed on ground7 s2 X% K) v2 a" `$ o$ q
      FK-51: 4 damaged 8 c, N" d( ]4 S8 C
Airbase hits 10
+ y$ s. c' B* s! H, q% V* qAirbase supply hits 1
% `' P3 x) M2 J$ W- t4 XRunway hits 17
" L  t6 y. G6 EAircraft Attacking:: e2 O/ [0 H4 o. g9 O" c0 F
       9 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
% N7 s: {+ d' [3 @4 i/ B0 q3 i               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
7 p3 b; }( |  j: o) X* w       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
* r: M: T1 i$ l# K               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
9 {" p5 L$ t; b9 l5 }) I: I      16 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet4 n2 ~( _0 T: U2 _% k/ A
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb$ a* q# E: k& k9 j
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
9 @2 \+ ~+ l) V% a% A; D1 c. I2 K: V# ~               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
1 h0 v+ a; t/ T# k       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
# ]2 p! m: R5 R/ Q; i               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb ! Z& Q* H4 ?; i8 D8 l& J. _
CAP engaged:
6 J6 q9 {& v# W8 J1-Vl.G.IV with P-40E Warhawk (9 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling). @& J2 h5 M1 ~( e/ j) L6 m& X  D
      9 plane(s) intercepting now.
' I: g& O9 y0 l. o" \. t) w/ g      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.1 G3 W) t. `4 `" D; f7 Z7 X
      Raid is overhead
( `: ]7 c! n9 T9 q. `Training flight from 1-Vl.G.IV has been caught up in attack) z& l- v$ g0 d2 Z5 [
------------------------------------------------$ T! T* z& F3 f! y
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
6 \2 x' e* E8 c7 E( z& p' c: FWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
  |( Y* Y+ T6 \# b# X: r0 D/ wRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
5 g+ g; a/ A# ?( K; q& VEstimated time to target is 10 minutes " ~- z, `& ^$ u; T4 c# S& g
Japanese aircraft
7 c0 N/ K. B. _! b/ z2 g) C      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 120 x. {0 l0 J! R% t
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 36 : O' ^. C+ P" v
Allied aircraft
+ n% M. _2 L+ L      P-40E Warhawk x 5 & `" X) E$ @: a# I% v
Japanese aircraft losses+ x6 Q1 W' w+ p# I
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged- y5 W, [3 G* ?) c) ?% n
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed . w' A" I, U) |
Allied aircraft losses
# j; f. e; n/ @5 s5 L3 O9 l      T.IVa: 1 destroyed on ground ! x( J2 a! V. q- z9 _) F% L) B
Airbase hits 1) c, D- s8 B8 [& K: Q
Runway hits 5
2 e" \' Q2 ?( }Aircraft Attacking:
9 Q& C: b* Q0 ~" w" S, L7 z. s       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet5 {  s: e  n* K6 H2 g9 \
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb) f/ q/ a, L% D: w' V
       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
# K/ N0 \# j0 X  r               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb* N( _* _# A( ~0 l- |
----------------------------------------------------------$ A$ u* a+ r+ E
Morning Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 59,48 (Taung Gyi) 2 z6 |* @5 j# E4 {( a
Weather in hex: Light cloud
1 z# Y7 z' e6 l% q9 QRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet." T7 h$ e5 a0 {6 z* I9 \7 q# p
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
' s! U; Q. k/ o; ?% M' Y: @Allied aircraft
3 u. i* W' |# G; R      Blenheim I x 8
: {) r+ Q% U! B) a: AAllied aircraft losses" l2 o$ E' l: R" p4 E
      Blenheim I: 1 damaged
& s# @- @7 H+ [4 s1 GAircraft Attacking:: U' @9 ?. _; q- b; i. S
       8 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
% P, b0 p' N$ T  t  B               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 7 J3 d: `6 V3 z
Also attacking 1st RTA/B Division ...
0 ^9 z; ?  X8 d6 kAlso attacking 14th Tank Regiment ...
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# m* m; c  k) X* o, K8 k重创I-166,算是为大黄蜂报仇了,大黄蜂受伤后,整个58全体撤往开普敦,维修整编
6 I3 F) g6 ~0 d# O日军继续驱使泰国仆从部队去缅甸堵路,盟军已经抽调部分兵力去清理道路
; ~4 V1 [+ ~3 I) c- J% K' t
' e' I% H" n: f# I: G-----------------------------------------------------------------
8 l. `) A+ v" }8 _5 X3 gASW attack near Trivandrum  at 26,43 ; j3 N# Q8 v; L/ k* u
Japanese Ships
' F0 W* z- h+ I      SS I-166, hits 6 1 K% ^+ G. O! |4 z! k# q
Allied Ships
1 ~( M. \: l  }+ G3 l      CL St. Louis; U/ U4 A% F* ^7 N* A
      DD Maury$ I- _- c) n* X+ F7 g4 T: U3 N% ?- p
      DD McCall
9 R  p) l% q9 }' t9 HSS I-166 is sighted by escort4 u7 ~5 P! B& B- I
DD Maury fails to find sub and abandons search
6 m  E2 e4 z' Q1 F3 l* dDD McCall attacking submerged sub ....
7 [% l: ]8 S1 W0 m* }: `, dEscort abandons search for sub + H/ P6 O7 j7 H3 S) ?" r" |/ _
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ^5 |  s  g6 z* Z
Sub attack near Koggala  at 31,56
" H5 C; [8 Y, g* X0 x2 g( @Japanese Ships! `. E( F: d4 ^! q- M. }, n3 U2 S
      SS I-162
  v- m6 V, d  c* d, ?: S7 Q0 b% i) dAllied Ships
1 K  d; ?/ n9 b; k  A      AMc Merapi, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage9 B  P; L) @( q( A
      AMc Rindjani5 m. k6 R! t- t7 i, N
      AMc Merbabo
, T8 A, p8 t4 }) iSS I-162 launches 2 torpedoes at AMc Merapi$ V+ Z! v, T( C( H
Escort abandons search for sub
" ]0 ~% U1 L: g5 [% \+ r" ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------, `- d/ s1 z3 ?+ v! F' w/ Y3 p) N
Amphibious Assault at Sinabang (42,76) 4 c$ }( Z( n% N, T8 f
TF 93 troops unloading over beach at Sinabang, 42,76 ! J5 Y! @0 k/ [. W/ u8 A
Japanese ground losses:
5 z3 @& Z, I3 q/ h      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled) 3 B/ `3 x% C" {. Y
81mm Mortar lost from landing craft during unload of Bandasan SNLF   v7 n: }( W2 ~  g4 F) C  H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* K& m- Q2 M4 y. R# o/ U
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  : V0 x2 i7 g: @- a- b
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms : j/ y; l( r: o  e
Raid detected at 17 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.: x) i& {8 q0 W, h, K8 o) Q$ K
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
+ U3 X7 ?5 ~, Z# ?4 D- VJapanese aircraft3 U7 l; V( U: \/ Z. a
      A6M2 Zero x 15
& e: Q& n6 m, r2 ~, sNo Japanese losses
% y2 s. \% K7 g# d1 WAircraft Attacking:
8 _3 {' X! P+ Z  ^" _      15 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 9 H! G3 m+ k) \. X! l
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 A) I4 @- L% T/ L
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  / Y- S- j) q/ \, v. p8 Z3 ?
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
, ?) C% U9 g$ |- Y. j3 T+ |* pRaid detected at 12 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
+ ?/ Y$ P. q* Z1 T9 k& F$ d; D" LEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
0 k; o- \. H- v# o" d6 wJapanese aircraft8 I! D; l9 \! r4 m1 Q$ ?* j. B. f+ L5 }
      A6M2 Zero x 36
- W- ?& m2 B# w$ ?No Japanese losses 5 l/ d+ w! b; ^* a# U! ^% r
Aircraft Attacking:
4 T& B" x, i: D; r      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet% o+ t! F; i) V0 H7 W5 k3 A9 q
3 Q8 P: [" X( eMorning Air attack on 56th Recon Regiment, at 54,103 (Tjepoe) . A% c4 L: ]7 q" o. f
Weather in hex: Light cloud ; p% G! I4 N4 l) G
Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
( X: X% K1 f1 N8 c+ D% K7 ^Estimated time to target is 7 minutes + n4 Z& ]! V1 q% A) b* k% W
Allied aircraft: z" W2 h9 F' x9 a% M5 U
      DB-7B x 3 # Q, v$ d) t9 w- d
No Allied losses
5 x" i2 L1 y4 vAircraft Attacking:
* U+ K' ]; a1 M2 F7 b6 v       3 x DB-7B bombing from 6000 feet
# b3 Z6 ~. Z. [* m# o               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb % Q* l  z! w6 S
6 d- k) v) Y9 J; L; \Morning Air attack on 7th RTA Division, at 56,52 , near Pegu
1 w; e" ], l0 F3 n, w8 i" aWeather in hex: Light rain
2 }, x+ n9 |1 Y1 n8 E8 ARaid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
" C; h! E* D) [6 I, Z8 \6 l( CEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
7 a8 r, H# }0 ]/ H  ?Allied aircraft* \* a$ w9 @: t
      Blenheim I x 7
$ K$ u) q# L; g5 X4 fNo Allied losses $ P8 ]% m6 V) b8 R
Japanese ground losses:
. M$ b$ {" b0 B( J  m/ {3 b* b6 C      17 casualties reported
* m3 Q* q! N( v, D         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled& P, X( s: \- {( a
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. U% p+ M! o* N* U6 m' W
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled * [8 X9 [: k: C' N+ R
Aircraft Attacking:
( ~) K( |. [5 K: z       7 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet' c2 m2 U6 n6 U+ S% h0 k
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb$ X0 H* A' W- J8 D
7 |  h2 H5 u$ T4 e' G4 Z4 AAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ t+ k6 a' C3 r5 kWeather in hex: Clear sky
9 d2 K% t  W6 I8 `0 z- QRaid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.6 I1 V& \/ A6 e+ x, P5 I5 a
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
5 F0 U! k% Z0 IJapanese aircraft0 Z+ ~5 ^- w+ d- W
      A6M2 Zero x 43 / B# G- K" I  ^; Q
No Japanese losses / \  n/ e  f# `9 m
Aircraft Attacking:! D2 b, ^8 h$ w( o
      43 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet/ x2 j9 k5 m4 }& Y
--------------------------------------------------------   f: \% K7 U2 F# Q% A
Ground combat at 51,103 (near Tjilatjap) 4 e1 L% u1 O  q# w- E
Japanese Deliberate attack # Z2 I7 \* h8 Q2 E9 J" r6 Y7 X
Attacking force 5282 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 194 8 b( k) z+ P& j* ^9 D. U
Defending force 283 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 7
& C  L; r/ L- `1 N: t8 p( c* C7 CJapanese adjusted assault: 72  5 a( V9 _( @+ |9 v& u* E
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
+ k9 p( k+ y. x! @8 W* L6 IJapanese assault odds: 72 to 1  ! ?7 Y1 z9 ^+ a0 s1 C( ^7 w
Combat modifiers
% U; N* ]# p- q' mDefender: terrain(+), op mode(-), leaders(-), experience(-)8 j! w' D9 L0 d  `  m& q; \
supply(-)6 Z" M" ?& D6 r4 @
Attacker: fatigue(-)
+ L6 x1 O" i9 L* P& c3 XAllied ground losses:1 a0 A! Y; b! k
      401 casualties reported
, \# s- b/ \9 u% K         Squads: 51 destroyed, 0 disabled* q. \" F6 B8 t4 _
         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled  p4 g' D# N/ p+ i
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 Q- H/ V3 \6 d% i6 \      Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled); y( C+ p; y0 ]/ y# e4 v) N
      Units destroyed 1
; j2 i7 _* x) Q, w% C; eAssaulting units:. ~2 M% v/ I. w  K1 H0 Q
    41st Infantry Regiment
& Y8 U& c2 i8 F! I! B2 w7 H- A    81st Naval Guard Unit
" R7 P# P( v& c# p4 e1 FDefending units:. x" K5 N. _5 q- A6 O
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 30, 427 T. m; m( E- u6 h4 b
kb继续在新加坡附近晃悠,这两天在拉包尔方向发现一个日军运输编队,往凯恩斯方向移动。) [3 M; b. k# o+ f. c9 n8 r3 P
9 y# \% E1 a; O5 t2 }& {" _这几天已经将澳大利亚的ss及空中部队北调了,地面部队也转入运输状态,准备快速支援。( x6 H: u) l7 X3 J# \
( m3 H5 G  b& j6 E( ?
-------------------------------------------------------------) _! d0 n3 j' x3 y2 b$ ^
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 S# A7 _! h/ e: [# c& ]3 v
Weather in hex: Light cloud
/ z( r6 A  }1 R4 ~) jRaid detected at 11 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.5 p, v; Z. k. k4 P; c0 r
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes ; b/ q) A3 a. U* S. ]; }7 ?
Japanese aircraft
% u( u* R5 f$ T& w( q0 t$ S      A6M2 Zero x 43
5 N. @, f+ K) L7 t/ xNo Japanese losses - L2 [; E$ `) e5 R) O
Aircraft Attacking:
- o4 S  b/ u( ?) |7 [* S2 s      43 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
8 p5 ?2 S- F1 e( F7 Z------------------------------------------------! X9 m! q& D9 ^
Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
. f* _1 }+ ~4 w8 b$ |8 `6 J2 @, DWeather in hex: Overcast
$ k! P+ Z+ n! f( e, MRaid spotted at 17 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.4 E" l1 R( J  }! z& W, m
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes ( n. o8 \; m, h% l! o  X
Allied aircraft# u& J3 x; E) R$ x
      B-25C Mitchell x 9   D( j! X& \) r4 i0 ~' ]1 _
No Allied losses
" {- u# i. T" t0 W* S/ IJapanese Ships5 X- s5 z- B" H3 ?) R
      xAK Sanko Maru
2 Q& ]6 v( _& f' r      xAK Nissyu Maru
6 P% Q. q, Q; J" M( f: w      xAK Mogamigawa Maru 2 w* K# r& M% |# T- j
Aircraft Attacking:
+ d* e+ z/ s: _6 m* v       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet/ _& ^, ]% m1 F& C( m
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb7 H; F, ^) }% w  I
7 O1 z# e: C2 T) _4 TMorning Air attack on 56th Recon Regiment, at 54,103 (Tjepoe)
! _" W* j! N$ F0 S: }1 Z2 E# u* tWeather in hex: Moderate rain
5 Z. P" l( G. _, k7 t# i3 e9 M0 hRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.* ]  P/ K0 A: h$ K' E6 F
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
1 v: ~$ ?. q- pAllied aircraft
* U1 A; b, a2 T6 H6 N4 d" e& M4 u      DB-7B x 3 1 _8 [4 l+ \# C  K
No Allied losses 6 k3 k7 B1 e3 c0 e# s
Aircraft Attacking:* w! s, ^4 R; \: h" _
       3 x DB-7B bombing from 6000 feet% `8 n& T. A+ B! v1 s7 H# W; C( X
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb( x& U  U- ~, F$ E) T0 I+ q
) ?0 O6 R. p. c! l4 xAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ Z2 Q7 \* g9 a% l2 A2 N& gWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
+ b" E' o/ }: I; b: K/ oRaid detected at 46 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
1 q8 X* e! R- s4 Z6 f9 AEstimated time to target is 15 minutes , B% U, _& f# I0 U$ Q0 z7 X
Japanese aircraft" G' J* G" E& e4 D
      A6M2 Zero x 11
3 M- \7 T0 G  h* d) `No Japanese losses
4 i0 r! d0 b' _Aircraft Attacking:6 `  ^* s+ i0 W; A- [% C2 w
      11 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
. d4 u6 }2 s( [+ {( @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( @% p6 C7 N$ f* }8 ~- e
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
0 Y) _& ^+ ~" L! |6 S7 `Weather in hex: Heavy cloud 8 H. Y: F6 {/ m2 o
Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.3 T) F% Z* Y2 B1 ], ?
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes $ C; d9 ]4 K' H$ ^# O' E: c6 y
Japanese aircraft
0 x5 s% S9 w( P3 q      A6M2 Zero x 27 . g$ k& p  g: P6 N8 y
No Japanese losses ' e4 n! \  Z9 l7 l- M
Aircraft Attacking:
& J2 ?+ C9 |5 F% R* A+ `4 Q" T      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet 5 Y, `- n* O0 Y! Z' t" C
$ e7 J; k2 p- l) |+ D0 G" F0 rAfternoon Air attack on 255th Armoured Brigade, at 58,48 , near Magwe
5 E4 R9 T* K9 k% eWeather in hex: Severe storms ; o. j! f+ \+ K
Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.& t& a9 n5 U, l: T7 F7 w0 S
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 9 W- c0 Q% |1 X! y$ J0 c( Z) t
Japanese aircraft
# }; r3 X4 C0 n. W9 W% h- b" \4 Y      A6M2 Zero x 30! P. }, \" D* w4 R- L" B# o( o
      Ki-51 Sonia x 13
5 g5 o6 J. _1 b% Y. k4 q/ i2 MAllied aircraft' s) a, ]5 {5 @, x8 i3 p2 G
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 8
3 n( {: M' Q5 Z* O, qJapanese aircraft losses6 U, ^6 W* ?" I. ^8 Z3 D7 u: `  b7 `
      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
  V# g* ]+ n& S( q4 |+ b/ P+ {- i& fNo Allied losses
2 X+ C/ R, @& l* I( [Allied ground losses:( @8 ~9 s0 g5 H! q" B
      7 casualties reported
) D/ e+ B# y1 W" l7 E) r6 E/ M         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled7 m3 n% l8 [" Y; j
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' Q5 x( e# s  Z6 d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled   f) M# n* \. [8 y
Aircraft Attacking:0 r6 v, D/ |  |/ ?& F, A3 w
      13 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet * 6 \! ?$ ~2 M# e
               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb7 i* x5 N( v" j5 T8 j
3 P4 @3 s0 m5 m9 xAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Buitenzorg at 47,100
. M5 y5 i! C( W: r  V. R! }Weather in hex: Light rain 6 a% h* ]% \" s  D) c; G# Z
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.5 o$ l' N6 H; \8 R2 g' W; N
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes : M! i4 }" i4 n0 @* Y% Y3 D
Allied aircraft
: _$ b& c' `$ b! H+ d& e! A      B-25C Mitchell x 9
7 P# ~0 v7 C( E! PNo Allied losses ) u0 ~( G& ?4 p6 H( c
Japanese Ships, h/ ^' y+ U) r! d* b- m8 R, l0 I
      xAK Kazan Maru% a7 @9 q- s8 Q; S4 ^4 ~+ K+ U
      xAK Shinwa Maru
; E  M! g' M+ K& q' J$ [' v6 E9 d      xAK Nanman Maru 3 }2 h2 w* W1 y. o' Y1 G& i
Aircraft Attacking:
7 A( J, G" c9 o$ L3 u       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet1 X8 @! Q0 z! E# x
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
4 V1 [6 p" z9 P5 Y-------------------------------------------------------
6 H* V  x* u8 h# _2 w1 A9 {* yGround combat at Sinabang (42,76) 6 t) ^+ w$ h2 z6 v3 {7 U
Japanese Deliberate attack
" d; s( M# I5 g0 `! ]5 lAttacking force 402 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16
3 v' r* v( I2 s6 _; zDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
4 O! `/ J# t1 x+ cJapanese adjusted assault: 9  
  P( Y8 C  s8 b: m$ P! i4 YAllied adjusted defense: 1  
6 w4 d- v/ O, nJapanese assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 0)  
6 v8 i& `9 u+ m* BJapanese forces CAPTURE Sinabang !!! % i* y3 m* B. N8 b- o$ X% {
Combat modifiers: k8 j+ Y# f( r  Y4 X* H) n
Attacker: leaders(-) * K: o6 A, H$ l7 n
Assaulting units:4 N2 F% K' b) n: X$ r$ l) l  g
    Bandasan SNLF
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 01, 42! |' y5 T0 D; C& S; D: [' A8 U; q) ?
6 `' j! z# ?/ Q, B3 I& m) L: @/ J训练的战斗机居然重创了一个来袭的日军陆攻中队,本人目前不打算采用训练大法对付日军,
. t) ]$ S+ |5 B$ t' V' x决定取消战斗机部队的训练,让战斗机全体升空CAP。% C; U! i* V) }. j+ r
澳大利亚方向的日军编队往努美阿方向移动了,盟军成功的撑过了日军登陆加成期。- m7 ?4 y3 J7 g* R# h8 p7 S

% Y" v, V- U9 A% @( I0 M----------------------------------------------------1 n! A6 z2 N8 ~9 b- z
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ z  I. _! i2 q# B0 Y. G0 _Weather in hex: Moderate rain
& ?  g" k8 o3 Y' s3 r5 mRaid detected at 24 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.0 ]* J# A5 a3 Y  C  x9 H/ {
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 1 P/ }3 ~5 y2 Z" @6 _
Japanese aircraft
) h% v$ \2 a5 A7 P! F8 w) _      A6M2 Zero x 44 / A# G2 Y" w; O/ G* [
No Japanese losses
3 A7 ^: S; L' b0 f& x* sAircraft Attacking:3 P8 I, \2 v1 s) t. ~1 ?& O4 ]
      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet" e- b7 b6 p1 W0 `8 J, |2 j$ D
---------------------------------------------------------9 v0 i) C& N  E# G% w% S1 J0 n& [
Morning Air attack on 254th Armoured Brigade, at 57,49 , near Toungoo
3 H- o$ E, y7 p6 u0 U) Q$ _' DWeather in hex: Light rain
4 m7 d2 w! d8 U- e" c3 |6 H: [Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
7 B! R! h' O* o) M8 Z' F: S) |Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
+ j- _5 Y7 @8 r$ |8 [Japanese aircraft
8 {/ h, x& n" A& G# N0 i0 Q" C      A6M2 Zero x 206 V. x) n$ ]5 B# U
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30# P" r1 \& W4 O( v; u" N  o2 b3 l
      Ki-51 Sonia x 18
8 l, L, M/ l2 INo Japanese losses 0 }' k/ T0 l0 O  t# h' e( F  X
Aircraft Attacking:3 }0 B# k- N' u  b9 t
      18 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet
( _; U0 o3 R( q2 `3 s1 d               Ground Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
6 S9 k; C2 F2 |# [Also attacking 50th Tank Brigade ...
1 h, a/ A% A0 K: r8 `% K# O$ D$ kAlso attacking 254th Armoured Brigade ...' d5 K6 R6 |- {- g4 L
Also attacking 50th Tank Brigade ...
0 R1 O/ V; i( d8 K: }Also attacking 254th Armoured Brigade ...
& l0 Z! M6 F. q----------------------------------------------------
: i8 w7 Y; T! `) t0 pMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
- _, {" \5 b0 ~Weather in hex: Light cloud : `7 i7 I1 Y5 s" w, O8 B
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
$ `, u/ c9 |7 ?& c: Y! E. e; i0 Z; jEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
; z% n! W4 K/ D* c: L" M/ B7 tJapanese aircraft
3 @! x3 M' N$ k. u& O6 A      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10 % N4 [& e1 M* `
Allied aircraft
, P) j# j$ Q( }7 `      B-25C Mitchell x 9
% e+ q4 k" z- G7 o' ?No Japanese losses
7 E% W' f$ m% M3 DNo Allied losses 4 r+ Y$ U+ D7 J, {, D
Japanese Ships* J; u2 ^" p& ]
      xAK Sanko Maru9 g$ n& ?. U$ \2 S0 }" X
      xAK Nissyu Maru
4 Y4 t# z  s0 |5 n8 L      xAK Tatukami Maru - A6 U- X, _: s' P# @  A$ h
Aircraft Attacking:8 X6 ]- r' k7 \/ a
       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
0 i8 k2 q7 o/ @. n1 {               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb GP Bomb % D$ ?# P# ?. J# b( Y
CAP engaged:
* P9 O2 y. {& ^$ S3 y3 J/ R* j84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-43-Ia Oscar (2 airborne, 8 on standby, 0 scrambling)1 U1 j- c0 f  y( B2 r- ~% {
      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
' G; \7 x9 R* A      Group patrol altitude is 20000
! t+ w+ J  _9 E8 O2 T0 J9 G      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
6 h6 T* D% N$ h; ]6 N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 u# x+ ^/ c; _0 TMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 " A5 I4 h' i9 @9 u4 d7 {  |
Weather in hex: Light cloud
0 E) ]7 R! D) }0 s/ L' E: eRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.% G* d6 q6 F% {5 q2 G- F# a7 a( @
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
9 n6 d' ?- f) ~! d5 iJapanese aircraft" R1 ~" T7 @+ ^5 o2 C  N
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 9
* e) c  b& J; A' i! K* {Allied aircraft
/ Q- t* G: W4 G1 W      139WH-3 x 6
$ K) b  _! E' C+ rNo Japanese losses
9 V; I2 @& H# X# C& M* YAllied aircraft losses; ]2 ]9 M3 e" ~+ @7 `! h
      139WH-3: 2 damaged / R, }9 q! u9 C. ~5 K" [6 W
Japanese Ships" H" x0 l* C" O1 X+ g9 b
      TK Hoyo Maru
7 i4 ^- J; L' I6 o8 _$ |, C      PB Tenshin 3 B/ s. _5 n: B: F- R3 w/ D
Aircraft Attacking:
' N4 v, W, n: D" z. n' N' B9 H% H       3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet *
" l0 c' \  I" b$ H! h               Naval Attack:  2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb9 d2 X- m0 Y! N- T. {$ V0 M% Y
       3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet *
, y- S+ r: N5 [% N- x4 p" f               Naval Attack:  2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb7 E" }4 I7 l& O
---------------------------------------------------* E# }6 l) A! M+ g, `/ O& M
Morning Air attack on TF, near Christmas Island IO at 45,104
! F. o. h2 z2 o; N6 d$ LWeather in hex: Severe storms
  h$ }! G0 K: Y' F0 R9 u5 RRaid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
7 E% a% Z: e/ uEstimated time to target is 2 minutes 5 `5 O/ M" o6 D
Allied aircraft
- c  G+ w9 I9 x2 i* v4 f      139WH-3 x 10
& d$ L+ q0 O$ aNo Allied losses " f( u8 M. x: Q+ V
Japanese Ships8 m! W# K7 O# k
      xAK Shinwa Maru
6 [# S. l2 e% S" FAircraft Attacking:  k; ^7 i3 k; P' B" B" f7 e( T
       7 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
! a+ P2 k5 t* l, j% m               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
. Y) K  o6 u" v8 X" v6 m# A& D3 G       3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet  A: k) r' ~- c
               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
% B" q+ d! D+ t5 e------------------------------------------------------------7 W! q4 c2 }- f! G# {2 Z+ I
Morning Air attack on 6th Guards Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
: b1 l, y( {' B, v, \" Q# a- {- FWeather in hex: Light rain
/ @/ v9 y# V3 ~; c! bRaid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.3 J( L8 V% q, }9 `$ h# d
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes
( v0 N# y) n- L& E- c( oAllied aircraft
1 K3 J' K. z+ E' ]$ ?$ e      Wirraway x 6
% E  L' j. l; q& q1 f( J, |3 rAllied aircraft losses  }; P/ O# K/ j! E. ^1 N! s
      Wirraway: 3 damaged
8 |8 L+ Q" G/ |      Wirraway: 1 destroyed by flak
1 p) k- `5 ~% |' d5 ^Japanese ground losses:
0 k: E7 ]' T& s; q8 {# b6 Y      3 casualties reported" @0 a  v. U2 |
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ ~6 k$ A5 s) L7 n2 b9 G/ l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 C( O; c& I: X/ d1 z4 h         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; i, a# Y; S6 ^* i' D9 ?
Aircraft Attacking:
0 C% q, a6 w/ [( K- Z  E       6 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
" Q' P. q) e% A) f0 y% @               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
& B$ F* o- v0 ?0 KAlso attacking 4th Division ...
+ e6 {# Z; v4 U  J6 @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 H& O# E! Z$ z$ I- n
Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
, S5 G8 N+ W. J- zWeather in hex: Light cloud ; \: Y% `' l' A9 N- x
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.. K* Y2 B9 h6 W- _# {+ |& ?8 s3 P8 t
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
8 u1 Y+ v. [8 Z: a# c( f, ^( ~Japanese aircraft/ Z8 o. H* U7 Y5 {3 X
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 8 0 m! q( O( r9 I0 p
Allied aircraft
4 \: A2 {8 j4 c      139WH-3 x 4
& r4 o2 ^9 N" Z6 u4 y) dNo Japanese losses - R7 ^5 x8 t4 C! P. @
Allied aircraft losses2 s3 X4 ]. Q4 h. I' P
      139WH-3: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged
  p5 n- T3 i  P; D2 TJapanese Ships* O0 |8 U- T4 W: n
      xAK Tatutaki Maru
: [5 l( H, ^0 Y' N  |6 p& jAircraft Attacking:) E. g* q" T7 @( S
       3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet * 9 a8 u/ |) T( J1 O$ r0 C
               Naval Attack:  2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
6 `; \7 b- Y) VCAP engaged:
8 z9 p" s$ l  T  H! L. K84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-43-Ia Oscar (4 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)  g8 y2 k7 N* g7 M0 t/ y
      4 plane(s) intercepting now.% k: L# s1 w! a6 V* G0 F
      Group patrol altitude is 20000
5 a% X: R, ^. c, r+ t8 a! `      Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
2 [) i& H5 Y' E& ]1 K----------------------------------------------------- f& |" a) X6 \6 q
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
7 \$ q2 ~* |3 i6 c$ QWeather in hex: Light cloud  Z7 O3 x) R8 K/ q" S4 \, i
Raid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
2 _+ O; c, B# ~- B5 u# \  N, ~# PEstimated time to target is 17 minutes
, ]7 j( v! |0 r  V: pJapanese aircraft
/ b$ w( Z( l) f0 |. ~$ Y! B8 B6 B      A6M2 Zero x 38
3 K4 D$ I* _: T2 E/ m7 wNo Japanese losses
' I% r! D' D* kAircraft Attacking:% z! l3 z& A6 e9 V
      11 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet6 J+ q. f. o, X1 f, G9 j. {' H/ m* C$ h
      27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
& N; }1 p0 v: V  D  p--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 F4 [' O7 ^7 p; L+ SAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  5 q* {+ J  ^- B$ ^  E' T
Weather in hex: Light cloud
' V* O3 x* H* n" O, [0 jRaid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
: `+ I" \* ?$ a' [2 r& TEstimated time to target is 21 minutes
: G: }. O4 J, C, K; G& e3 h) H9 iJapanese aircraft# h5 Q7 U8 {6 R0 ]5 p9 w! H
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 43
1 e/ m! n# }* O. q      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 18
7 X4 T5 g8 M' G3 m  MAllied aircraft
! L' O9 y: ?. F! g5 m      no flights 6 M. W, ^4 D0 }1 c$ E/ u# ]
Japanese aircraft losses" {) D- V- r  N9 e
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged
8 f3 [* ~, j/ y1 Q0 A6 s2 d      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 destroyed by flak
& c, _! B; |( rAllied aircraft losses8 i, f4 k+ K$ F: `3 s
      139WH-3: 3 damaged
0 R& x+ ?. g( u: O+ |4 K      DB-7B: 1 damaged
- I( y9 l3 x  R4 x. Q4 \1 WAirbase hits 5
7 z3 }% v  c; h# n, N) h6 ]Runway hits 5 ( W2 l# P) ^# c4 f; X
Aircraft Attacking:& W9 ]* Q- E2 _* @0 V+ V1 j9 I
      14 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet% V  |0 W# I' W; Z0 g4 \: P8 l+ O9 n
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
) T5 x; n# n/ g& Y9 s0 M3 v* \, S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" C% J/ f8 N  e+ [Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
6 m' l* m# P9 @3 AWeather in hex: Light cloud # _; v# f! K# s9 k3 b
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
5 b; ?! a$ p5 I6 e# q/ oEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 4 `# {5 i) S5 ?) W/ _! p
Japanese aircraft
$ c! y$ a% c- x' B      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 26
* Y& j  o. r8 Y+ W2 p      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12  f* u* O( {! i
Allied aircraft
0 E7 X8 V7 a' |3 P7 r5 g7 n4 |) j      no flights 1 T7 h) s, S" d% o0 n& A; p
Japanese aircraft losses
& [" D! j7 ^8 D) g3 [# p0 c6 t      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged
! [# k' f" s1 c3 ?      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
( f% d: B# m: ]7 I% H/ W      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed
( i" d9 U# X* I+ N2 [! V$ _4 ~& pAllied aircraft losses
. \& X  _: n/ m      CW-22 Falcon: 3 damaged
( k5 B) a7 A. D1 ~+ ?      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
5 C8 P  a! V* ^; g" i      139WH-3: 6 damaged8 Y/ o) |( ~$ |# q) v0 X6 {+ g
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground" q0 n: X9 |7 _
      PBY-5 Catalina: 4 damaged 3 i2 J( l* b; V" v2 f- b3 R
Allied ground losses:: _& Y1 {+ ^' f! Q/ X
      6 casualties reported7 @8 S1 Z$ l0 g  v4 y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 B& F) A$ }: ^. H+ g
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" l. u) O' f  k# o! l. o
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! n/ X3 {' K) c. e4 g
Airbase hits 5
8 I! k5 P* B- QRunway hits 14 1 \( k  y3 c' y% ?5 Z6 j/ U! q" b
Aircraft Attacking:
: Y: ?/ T! b, Q* I      14 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet- u+ i$ y- \4 B3 {) s) ]0 T
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb) ?7 j( y# g% s1 m& C, x
      12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
' p. o: p' R, |: D               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb( q- i/ J0 u3 v  p" |: i: q
  ]/ i$ ^( l! q8 y2 m/ X$ B$ P/ [7 tAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ S) T( K0 j7 i! n$ ]) _7 C1 c8 RWeather in hex: Light cloud
& Y7 K8 n9 Q  H3 c! S' b- ?6 ]Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
# R- e4 {- [6 W* l" @/ m/ t/ @Estimated time to target is 22 minutes , p6 u4 `% `! b% E2 z( A
Japanese aircraft
% e6 }1 h" Y" ~! c0 b      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 268 D( h  T/ f6 z4 `0 c6 y
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
8 H' k# @' V% f) C      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10 7 T) o  U2 w, z, r$ r. P" s
Allied aircraft
# X' m) F9 D4 |3 B+ }      Hurricane IIb Trop x 7
4 ]1 ]: i- i5 ~Japanese aircraft losses2 ^2 T9 y9 [5 K7 }/ |$ C' ^9 b+ `9 A
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 17 damaged+ r: h9 v$ z9 y9 v; e
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak" k) H" B8 o; ^! t" T4 a8 H
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed
: V& r1 \( d) J( C8 c. y4 `# R      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed . K8 [4 n1 C' x$ _9 m6 k0 D9 G8 ^
Allied aircraft losses
* D6 o$ v, \; y# d+ J      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
# l; F& }  ?( h( w/ C4 Z      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground( n3 Z$ v# W/ ^( ?$ W) |$ E
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
4 s3 w5 v6 k" e. }/ L5 j5 ZAirbase hits 9
) Q) v: Q. y4 X+ z( N4 g9 ^5 {Airbase supply hits 17 O9 ]3 Y$ {0 O- h5 Y1 Z% Q! \; s8 X
Runway hits 16$ Z/ h- ]! _8 M
--------------------------------------------------6 k. `& l+ B6 D- v! W9 m
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 , T% U- i3 |" ?; h% Z+ X
Weather in hex: Severe storms 9 z# V4 C6 l8 E: e7 ^3 f7 p
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
& ~1 u9 y! {4 f5 Y9 HEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 8 {- C" q# W# F2 l; L* M: {
Japanese aircraft
9 a6 I$ ]' j1 S6 Z. O! W      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 9 2 b! Q6 X8 F5 E
Allied aircraft8 e1 C% P1 Y1 M  B: N6 O/ P9 }
      B-25C Mitchell x 9
4 C- V0 g* [7 r+ s- a+ X+ bNo Japanese losses / F0 L. I% i  x- ~3 E
No Allied losses
0 D2 v) W3 N" w7 wJapanese Ships  V- z: p0 T5 y" B, o5 c5 H) X$ ?6 l
      xAK Yamagiri Maru, c5 t5 l+ h0 M1 S4 U: D* P0 b
      xAK Kogyo Maru# Y  n% G& D* W9 r4 t( Q/ I
      xAK Tatutaki Maru % O1 |$ D  }; b4 x2 s" a4 c
Aircraft Attacking:9 ]6 x$ c* d, x! v) }
       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
0 |+ z* ]" u, i5 i) v+ s. S               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
" d' E! t# T) r" {----------------------------------------------3 ]8 e1 C- n" @& g3 s/ R( a
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
7 p. c( h- @/ p% r3 {0 NWeather in hex: Light cloud
' j1 M: V, h0 @4 z0 a: K7 I6 b2 CRaid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
" `: I5 {+ G& b! x% ^8 R3 N! FEstimated time to target is 24 minutes " d5 O+ `4 v9 i6 S/ _
Japanese aircraft
: \- m# X) {- U! h0 s2 U$ w3 M# J      G4M1 Betty x 18
* H' U3 A& Q" i6 u1 uAllied aircraft. e4 U2 o# e( k+ `8 A
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3
* ~- m2 T/ h; C/ S' XJapanese aircraft losses! t* c% @' N3 I( `, g, i5 t
      G4M1 Betty: 9 destroyed, 1 damaged
" N9 p5 g& I' h* l. p      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak ) U4 Y% I8 e& M: d& p' Z' {5 l
No Allied losses
) p; H! ?4 @) @/ X0 o7 |Airbase supply hits 1
$ c" x- K7 y' A( |6 v! c8 Z# G5 x" rRunway hits 1 * ~  [+ [0 ]) F4 a
Aircraft Attacking:1 N% p! \) A3 _. V
       2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet) w9 u  H; e5 O. Y+ w9 z9 {6 b
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
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( w9 B( e  l- ^& Y, a+ k, Q1 X9 @日军登陆损失明显开始升高。
: [' _; E' |0 g缅甸日军主要由泰国仆从组成,骚扰盟军运输线。" j# {4 q* i1 B7 @
-------------------------------------------------------------7 E! M: [8 p2 ?
Amphibious Assault at Christmas Island IO (45,104)
0 p- Y7 p) h6 _' n, @3 k" oTF 115 troops unloading over beach at Christmas Island IO, 45,104 3 \0 D+ {. {0 q4 B! R! \
Japanese ground losses:6 k+ a: @. E) o9 [) A
      149 casualties reported- j5 G, u# e4 g' ~7 K; s
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled0 n, E- _; m% v8 J! I3 [' L8 |1 E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, F$ o7 L3 L( B% Y8 n. P         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled $ \0 y, M" e9 D
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 66th Nav Gd
, _9 {9 t% {: K3 S" m, X) I, e-------------------------------------------------------------
3 z. u. {7 Y( A5 xMorning Air attack on 7th RTA Division, at 56,52 , near Pegu
4 `# @% i) ]! M+ [$ b; OWeather in hex: Heavy rain " {% n' X4 A' J& t* h2 r( h
Raid spotted at 5 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.6 |$ _. U2 H7 `' \: z4 d8 @
Estimated time to target is 1 minutes
& I$ ^/ O; w! v9 Q/ JAllied aircraft
( h+ @' o) U/ {* |5 T3 a+ x      Blenheim I x 7! b$ e: C9 I' U3 J
      Hurricane I Trop x 15, ]5 I$ _1 y0 ]
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 161 `' W, s6 \1 v0 D( W9 p3 H
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 46
1 _. e, U. a. p      P-39D Airacobra x 27
2 l* v: r: W7 J5 t( Q8 c7 Q) X2 h      P-40E Warhawk x 27 5 F; @+ E6 P) i( j+ J
No Allied losses # D8 ^0 V9 Y1 D3 w* H9 s( _. h
Japanese ground losses:
1 L4 E* I& f& L+ \% I; o      13 casualties reported
- h2 Z- @3 N! e; V! }0 r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled9 Y3 d: y# L1 I* O1 S, D' W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. P2 I6 H! \: f) Q$ g8 L
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ i! x4 T5 g5 B0 DAircraft Attacking:
4 }: A0 y9 l* h. w0 Z  Q% }       7 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet/ q7 z5 ]7 _' w( u; N
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb ' m' k( D8 ^1 f& v+ a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 N7 q& g# M6 L+ Y3 o$ V' N
Morning Air attack on 4th RTA Division, at 57,52 , near Chiang Mai # l) \4 E7 S$ B- y5 v' N* ^: a7 \
Weather in hex: Heavy rain , R* r9 K% o. j% W( l# s* e+ ?
Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet., _( F* q0 l) y+ T
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 6 }1 z$ W# u7 ]% ?  e( V1 y
Allied aircraft' m# }) U0 N- @' a) u
      Wirraway x 3 8 ?( w7 g& D! U0 o6 ^6 t) N+ ~
No Allied losses ( k$ w7 a4 C. H. a1 I+ l
Aircraft Attacking:* q7 D1 P4 V% P* B5 j* D
       3 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet  {* @0 n0 F. J; Z8 J$ D+ ?
               Ground Attack:  2 x 100 lb GP Bomb . O) f1 V1 D, k3 b3 u
6 o' H! ?" N' T7 M" w/ oAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
* X4 \9 ^7 E8 kWeather in hex: Light rain ) x. Y) w; \/ k2 d5 }8 t- @
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
' g1 f" Z! q3 m: d% T1 l2 z7 pEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
4 x" \" m: }4 G& ~* m, _Japanese aircraft: [2 D8 u$ y. _& e! A; f& k  p+ h3 d
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10
% b7 A0 s$ W6 c4 RAllied aircraft
7 p- ~# P: D' i" [4 T! x: D2 \+ F7 `& \      B-25C Mitchell x 9 , @% j: C6 {: A7 @
No Japanese losses - P  O3 x  t' K. A5 V9 |
No Allied losses $ I9 z) S# d9 F; D- M
Japanese Ships
8 ^/ @" V; k2 L      xAK Nissyu Maru
9 W) _& @; Y; R9 {! B      xAK Naruto Maru% l& y3 ~3 ~# k+ M+ @! d$ n# e* N1 ~
      xAK Yamagiri Maru
( f8 S3 ]$ N7 }/ X' @0 q* uAircraft Attacking:, q0 ^, \% k' Q8 t) n  y# s3 r
       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
, V0 O6 o( U% S; j2 J               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
. w( e% z9 e9 ]2 Q: j+ Y万隆上空再次爆发激战,击落日军轰炸机数十架,不过自身损失也不小,
! r" B6 v) l- x5 e* _' {由于所有荷兰飞机已经停产,不久后荷兰空军将无飞机可用,
3 C. C* K2 \' ?经过这几天得激战,荷兰战斗机飞行员出了不少ACE,
& t( R& _) d1 V( ~: R0 {甚至有人成了教官,也算是不容易了,最多的一个荷兰机队击落近70架飞机,
7 _& N4 _3 c9 [9 E0 Z6 Z; N当天KB停靠在普吉岛,看来是集体去旅游了,日军真会享受生活.
9 d  a( y; P1 v8 V( b* k" e4 k. s$ X( l( s2 C0 P( x
$ t- b  O/ ~9 P8 J
8 \5 u, n5 C; q# V2 K( M: f3 pMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 `  z9 y  b0 f. V8 a- @  iWeather in hex: Light rain ! f, b) o: \  M$ p' V
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.5 Q& \4 D" ]! k
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes : i$ b- g# A/ |( q' d
Japanese aircraft
, f2 T; Q9 ~. e, k% ^4 l- T3 V      A6M2 Zero x 41% H* q. V. h5 h+ H5 C' l8 z4 V  U( {4 [
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 66
7 _( q% r( y, G$ g1 _, z      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 20# u9 o/ }* c3 S+ S
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 60
: ^( P  a! @3 B; Q( v+ d      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
9 D: [  F! ^7 J8 VAllied aircraft+ v% Y8 d9 [; y  d1 k! _
      Mohawk IV x 15
5 d& w1 |3 D0 {2 B6 I. e4 F% J      B-339D x 9) y* x' x- W9 j3 U) N
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3
" }% E1 ^2 e+ a      P-40E Warhawk x 163 x! c3 W( o1 ^( t( ?* g
      B-339-23 x 10 8 V; Y8 q3 S) v5 {) ]% a
Japanese aircraft losses
% E+ o! `4 _' E5 T" |5 Y3 u0 S. w      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed$ w7 ^: H4 P% z0 h; o4 u
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 destroyed, 25 damaged* i% G7 ~- w7 k
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak% c+ `0 T& g  f4 K
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed" U+ v) \' H$ \% {1 L0 V
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 4 destroyed( A: c* n- u4 \' [2 H: R$ Z* ~
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 destroyed, 6 damaged
/ d" ?3 ]' |% D      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak , B# P. G( ]* @7 x6 R1 j5 [* b
Allied aircraft losses( N( [6 \1 z$ z
      B-339D: 1 destroyed/ p/ S/ I; U( G. g# u' k, Q
      B-339-23: 1 destroyed, |; T+ t5 f/ |" n0 |* q4 o
      DB-7B: 1 destroyed on ground( m% @; X0 W1 b% v2 G% F
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
* p; c+ a% U1 m; m5 Q$ o. k1 k2 J      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
$ ~' X% v4 _! ~' M1 LAirbase hits 99 \& w* @+ J* N2 J0 L* W0 \
Airbase supply hits 2
( d$ p% S& T; ~. E+ uRunway hits 30
8 C+ _! o5 p# W/ N-----------------------------------------------------
7 M- e; d! w) w. T0 T1 CMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  * l3 k& @. ?* p- C, i; o# F1 M* E6 u
Weather in hex: Light rain   O- J( M: c- t
Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
8 Z1 `% y) q2 d" xEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
/ t4 }4 E  b4 y4 J, R/ `! @) \Japanese aircraft
! }8 @# _8 F. v; ?( n+ n4 i0 _/ b      A6M2 Zero x 44
- I8 m; B6 m8 E( b0 k" ^* T/ MAllied aircraft
6 j* L' f7 R6 Z  S' h! q      Mohawk IV x 10
- }0 N8 \# W5 C( D      B-339D x 7
& d1 q7 V& X& ]1 g5 v. g, k/ y      Hurricane IIb Trop x 3
9 E! W% [& r- e6 F# A& |+ I      P-40E Warhawk x 11
/ V' K: q& g8 ^# s- V: S3 h      B-339-23 x 6
6 N( N, G$ t5 DJapanese aircraft losses
: S  @$ F4 C5 e5 L3 I3 h      A6M2 Zero: 3 destroyed
5 V, Q8 }. l  u+ m# ^' v- _Allied aircraft losses- H6 f0 z% F; H
      Mohawk IV: 3 destroyed
% C$ W8 Z- p4 \1 Y5 N      B-339D: 3 destroyed0 I$ K9 W+ Z! ?
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
2 _3 i) R/ X# D9 R      P-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed
2 {7 P! t) L0 D5 J& Q! t& c      B-339-23: 1 destroyed
$ H8 @2 i4 |5 ?6 N  X) |Aircraft Attacking:
1 r$ C" o) ?7 F' F6 j      28 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet/ q* u+ z" t. N% |- K- y
" g1 Z) Q* o3 J7 XMorning Air attack on TF, near Christmas Island IO at 45,104
0 o/ P8 g" E1 W& F% c/ _8 kWeather in hex: Partial cloud
; j- y5 Q4 B5 g9 E+ Q& zRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
4 j% {( [# X- _- z% u. Y1 X+ ~8 vEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
& p' H6 T, H- v* P0 hAllied aircraft( v3 D- U' w7 X/ \" g% F
      139WH-3 x 3
- b; c. B. p' S) I8 m/ o8 \      B-25C Mitchell x 9
# p' V) J- J' f- ENo Allied losses
7 f; e, J) P2 k, r- j. U( \Japanese Ships' }+ {) Y8 i" Z/ P4 U, g
      xAK Shinwa Maru
0 A5 L% a; x" R1 P      xAK Kazan Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
) `- {* _  M; n4 m. Q. R4 sAircraft Attacking:
7 t9 B3 i% @  U/ \       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet( V/ l5 u  i  j* M0 s0 K. T
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb/ t% F* q2 p9 i5 Z. b* N# F: {
       3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
4 y; i/ c5 q" r( H* Z! {8 G               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb6 K! G! C7 w% |4 F! c# t/ @4 W8 a% p
9 y. m* z& m4 i' V, QAfternoon Air attack on 254th Armoured Brigade, at 56,51 , near Toungoo
! Z6 j7 V6 n( P7 X) C, c  ZWeather in hex: Thunderstorms , r. p0 R/ O# y* F
Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.0 a9 j9 |9 }( c/ Q, d% f1 ^' {
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
; R1 A% m* L" A% n( ^Japanese aircraft
) u( m. V) S& n- ~$ l2 H      A6M2 Zero x 124 t5 ]8 B6 F1 r
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30
4 [0 w  H- R1 ~: b! n+ ^* |8 W/ V      Ki-51 Sonia x 12 2 k. V4 e3 A0 K# k* V8 [7 |# k1 `2 c4 G
No Japanese losses
5 R8 e" N/ Z* A# A( b$ d5 |+ hAircraft Attacking:1 [, w: F* a; a1 A& w% c. H
      12 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet
, C/ e5 m6 k6 U1 S! s6 c( s               Ground Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
& _3 D+ `0 X( O" K! P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 |: }$ l& _7 fAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Christmas Island IO at 45,104 ' Q+ ^8 t- ~2 V4 a1 U, w, a/ {* g% X; q
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
$ J+ }# g7 T# T% RRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
% l+ f# i) d. f* s9 J; `Estimated time to target is 4 minutes . a% P7 y" c/ \8 c
Allied aircraft) K7 a$ M# N, Y% J; Z0 |% L
      B-25C Mitchell x 9
' w" _/ X+ m9 l% cNo Allied losses
  v4 W. u( X8 t/ O( VJapanese Ships- c, d7 W+ F% H  `- i' I1 Y0 X* {
      xAK Kazan Maru,  heavy fires
" H5 C8 S8 r  C2 e8 m% o+ i      xAK Nanman Maru8 b9 X. s2 u/ ]% `# O* r
      xAK Shinwa Maru
  j6 ]2 M8 s! P3 }Aircraft Attacking:+ {+ S0 y: a1 j  R  k7 I
       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
3 i% @; @8 i; C; W" H) T0 j6 q, M               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb ! e3 O, i# \+ l0 A6 E$ _, b: b' `
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Kazan Maru & a0 I8 d, W0 x
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& q$ h# d4 G$ c, w9 ~
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Christmas Island IO at 45,104 ' K* X4 A; y) W/ A5 z1 u
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
2 |2 L- P  w! ~" E; l2 w$ v. WRaid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
7 |0 j+ L7 a6 l6 SEstimated time to target is 2 minutes ! c5 ]+ T* B1 h& \! Y, X: g# w$ a
Allied aircraft+ _5 i7 {0 o; W
      B-25C Mitchell x 3 & K% T$ l2 g- Z- N- G% z
Allied aircraft losses
* H- c1 {6 F, a      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
  @- h; ~+ f( MJapanese Ships
2 I' D! a) U$ q9 y& m9 {/ A      xAK Shinwa Maru
  W: O* N: z' \( S7 k: {: sAircraft Attacking:, Y1 N- H& P' y
       3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
: P/ o6 m6 S0 f- p# W% j* ?% u               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb 5 L  v) }8 @# v5 I5 `9 P& f' @/ ~
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% p. Z. H. n( {' }
Amphibious Assault at Namlea (76,108)
$ j3 Y( {' ~3 J5 ]) x' l$ t+ WTF 98 troops unloading over beach at Namlea, 76,108
6 |' H$ U' d" G9 rJapanese ground losses:& y" r3 M( D- L& [9 t
      116 casualties reported- G5 Q8 E  h! m# d& M! d; `
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 17 disabled! a) c9 W! O- W# P  b% Z1 f: R6 g
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; M2 f% i5 F1 z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& E6 b# g/ S, A7 I5 r- u
----------------------------------------------------- ( I3 ?( `6 w6 E" y4 O1 u4 Y2 l: @2 h
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
' m3 ]1 t; P6 H7 z- Q. yJapanese Bombardment attack
% \1 T6 T# `7 }$ QAttacking force 151189 troops, 1454 guns, 266 vehicles, Assault Value = 5751
: ]: V' V7 ]. n) {9 T2 X7 W' dDefending force 83625 troops, 1073 guns, 806 vehicles, Assault Value = 2615 $ ^% n1 E# f) [5 s9 d
Japanese ground losses:5 J+ d" j, n3 L8 R
      48 casualties reported
7 d" n; c3 [( h: o  M! D         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
. x8 T& d. `4 ^6 [/ f4 S, r5 u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 ^7 J  [$ V9 }1 `0 e5 d3 @         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 S/ Z; [' |/ P- z4 aAssaulting units:
8 E; W( r8 n2 N1 E* M8 i0 P    Imperial Guards Division
, ]) @) D& X5 T5 W5 D    55th Infantry Regiment
6 r+ Q; r! g" h7 |4 W: S. R    114th Infantry Regiment
$ L- G* k+ ^0 m% l( n! T: L- f    54th Division
9 B* x) T3 B4 o/ Z- j    124th Infantry Regiment' ~: N/ K( {' R! K/ Q
    Yokosuka 2nd SNLF3 ?& u; y$ C2 e/ g2 b1 q) s% V" ]
    64th Naval Guard Unit
3 s7 |8 `  j" C) P# l7 L, l    56th Infantry Regiment
: J/ z2 S  g5 B' y, ^9 K    113th Infantry Regiment+ W0 Y" R0 K3 ?
    53rd Division
  ?( r) Q# F  ^    18th Naval Guard Unit- M3 |3 l+ c  p) H7 {7 U
    4th Guards Division
6 T9 z* b4 ]2 O2 c+ L2 q    Sasebo 8th SNLF  W+ g% x; A5 E+ S6 u1 e
    148th Infantry Regiment& f2 ]2 M  m! V# I( N
    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment( |& m2 J7 [' U* D; M) i8 t
    48th Naval Guard Unit
- M& s' x0 Z3 B    42nd Infantry Regiment; O% x" R- ^8 o5 q
    12th Engineer Regiment. q) k* W$ m* f/ g+ L
    24th Infantry Regiment
1 j5 {( F7 m4 }' h& \    38th Division7 j9 x* S& w' \) b
    52nd Division3 V+ }$ v2 w$ e/ }: P
    67th Naval Guard Unit
3 _7 q3 i$ V" ]: W* ^' H    11th Infantry Regiment% e; R1 g+ j& S" \' A7 [
    41st Naval Guard Unit
" ~( O4 L# C) i( p6 W: A. \    89th Naval Guard Unit- ^3 r8 c3 o, ^, _- k7 g
    Sasebo 3rd SNLF( d9 B/ B2 L& H) E4 }/ z7 E
    4th Infantry Regiment$ E! j% r( l3 X
    21st Infantry Regiment
4 ~+ b! j0 c7 v8 M: h- \    63rd Naval Guard Unit
7 T9 ]2 J5 p* E' ?5 P; }+ J    Yokosuka Assault SNLF
6 z3 ^& c( g, x& r# o  W    5th Engineer Regiment- J" q8 A' ]6 c) K& N* }
    87th Naval Guard Unit
+ U2 K# P5 F  `+ k    7th Division
+ ]) \# d' H1 t# F5 b    16th Guards Regiment  }6 a5 h* F8 S6 `1 q
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment* E" a) u" s' r$ P
    5th Field Artillery Regiment- @/ V7 v- J1 U- w  C7 Q3 S1 B! Z
    25th Army
9 g" u6 G* a( p6 v: U/ v. \    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion6 b' o! ^5 j! s8 \, ~
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
$ c" ~# V1 X- M    5th Mortar Battalion" d1 Y& A2 ~7 G9 u; s" J4 l$ l
    16th Army
1 x' B) s9 Q1 m7 c) X3 f  q" M    56th Field Artillery Regiment
# Y8 c+ l* ?. b$ n    41st Field AA Battalion
& T, D1 p! h8 aDefending units:: q2 F% Z3 E; x  e. S" e
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion
( S: p# p4 p5 |5 d2 Y4 m    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn
0 D' W2 ]$ O) X# O    Barisan KNIL Regiment
! |# S5 G/ F, |, s    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion; P! J, k' S# N% W
    18th British Division2 g: l0 `, N9 W9 \8 n! Z# |
    Rifles of Canada Battalion5 I3 P$ ~$ ^/ U, w% T' f
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
- f6 Z8 n$ f. i; S+ I: l    Afdeling Ritman 2 a" {* l7 N4 k' s
    Riouw KNIL Battalion' L$ O6 c/ E. F- U  B% R
    Sarawak Force + n* Q% l" N' q( t9 L, [
    Timor Garrison Battalion
3 o, e6 Q1 z/ c# Y# i    Dili Detachment
8 ]; a1 f5 n* V8 K. Z* K1 Z    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion' B' J# p/ K' H4 U; B- \1 a
    Manado Garrison Battalion
6 C; S3 X) E; ]8 _3 q. u4 _    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion/ M/ v7 {( Q. y* u* P6 p& x
    Prajoda Garrison Battalion5 A: r0 M3 b- c  _' |
    2nd Recce Battalion# p* X0 {& A( |7 h0 H  `8 A
    Kendari Garrison Battalion; I' k! O" s! S8 @, m/ ^  T. k
    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion( w7 G- q( o8 _0 v- H
    6th Aus Cav Brigade' |  _: t. ]0 H$ l  p! V- `/ A
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion9 s0 W: d! ~* c5 v; A3 B
    10th Light Horse Battalion3 i5 q$ D( B7 c1 F$ \9 p) F
    6th KNIL Regiment
# ~# \8 n0 f) }    VI KNIL Battalion. C  O8 Q4 N. y% U
    Roodenburg Battalion' z) o1 V' ~# [* v* |
    Marinier Battalion7 Q2 O, {# d7 ^5 U' z
    4th KNIL Regiment/ C5 R) S( P, s4 ]$ [: i
    Makassar Garrison Battalion& p# K, z& i8 {* n- y' d/ u
    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion
0 @3 ^/ b" Z- Q% q( K" A: j    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion
5 f: [) k  R' G  K' R    Zuid KNIL Battalion
; ^2 ^$ s) G& Y0 K: Z! ^+ \+ K    1st KNIL Regiment4 a' L: g( N/ W6 |( |- p
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment* r& C+ P, A0 o) E
    2nd KNIL Regiment
, T( ]9 l% N4 e* T/ L, p    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion$ D3 i6 S* t  e9 `# A. _
    Korps Marechausee Battalion# X0 D- Q/ X5 {* S
    VII KNIL Battalion
  }2 w- d- b& S% a# r1 Q1 H  J+ e    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion$ J/ U7 S$ }7 L7 i5 N
    1st Regt Cavalerie
; A$ K. L4 g. z8 c5 d9 ~. q    Samarinda KNIL Battalion% o' t6 ?- n' i. `7 O/ S# [: e
    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion
" m) E& b' l+ b% x' h* u. H    Van Altena Battalion, i, \& }( W6 l& F  b5 ^) M
    2/15 Punjab Battalion1 \' u/ O3 `1 z
    Palembang Base Force
0 {( ]4 X9 M4 T9 G4 J3 @$ X9 a    South Borneo Base Force
1 Y- b5 ~% x" J0 q* y; }    1st KNIL AA Battalion
0 E0 s  X: g" {& Y    Tjilitap Base Force
5 b0 Z% ?: h+ X5 V    Tarakan Base Force* j' E) Z: k0 q& W& p9 |
    KNIL Army Command 4 s; j2 k& c2 [6 u2 q& ?) ]
    Balikpapan Base Force% y" P$ q  k0 g+ F
    South Java Base Force+ v& R* V, K. t2 a7 h" ?! `
    Commandement Marine $ q& x; @/ G2 [
    Batavia Base Force
7 |/ G3 v4 W+ n- n! x2 j7 A    2nd KNIL AA Battalion
/ z* l+ Y& f' h/ N    3rd KNIL AA Battalion+ A, p' ]7 c9 K5 Q5 m  T5 S& ?
    West Sumatra Base Force# I  q* V1 H- F
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion" C  m8 V8 X& o- f+ O% `
    ML-KNIL % D/ C& W( H0 |$ r  J2 d
    North Sumatra Base Force, M- }" K( E, `* F0 ^& C9 R/ C* t6 b
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
  j, l& U' I1 l  V$ u* w- r! ^. O    ABDA , ^# U: c- x# s! u' t7 V
    Celebes Base Force3 k# F; n, Q" K1 p* C0 b( }8 J
    North Borneo Base Force
" Q1 U9 o% O% h( \- J( O+ T    Bandoeng Base Force
* o, ?8 m6 f8 r/ Z    2 ML-KNIL Aviation $ s# [5 V. Q) i4 O) X
    1 ML-KNIL Aviation 3 c6 f" O; T, W: A
    MLD   P& C% d9 ^! i# t! \
    Teloekbetoeng Base Force
4 q- F; A7 p1 T    Soerabaja Base Force" m' f) w2 V9 K5 B0 `1 ~
    North Java Base Force
% s/ a1 T. Q5 Y8 `) a8 D    Timor Base Force+ u- C( v5 F: _# {& |- W
    23rd AA Bde 4 y, O, D! [$ h% @3 [
---------------------------------------------------------- - U) [& ~( _4 `. U9 \
Ground combat at 56,51 (near Toungoo)
# K7 N( t9 h* v8 Y9 xAllied Bombardment attack
' y2 I5 _2 A& t  J) ]! PAttacking force 2516 troops, 26 guns, 224 vehicles, Assault Value = 390 2 g: T. i% K6 }9 [# e
Defending force 4067 troops, 42 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 164
% c/ d+ V1 c5 HAssaulting units:. y3 J! f4 n$ ^* [, F- a* U
    254th Armoured Brigade: L3 z* @7 {  {
    255th Armoured Brigade
# a# u$ `  c, X: m8 S$ F    50th Tank Brigade1 Z! s3 n& y, Y3 a5 l0 Z2 T; Q
    7th Armoured Brigade
- v5 v$ ~5 ]# m' [1 i. V7 C/ CDefending units:
) l% P: S* s% p* t/ X+ h" B    7th RTA Division
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4 ~( ?: d1 A5 t1 w万隆机场再次遭到轰炸,盟军以后估计只能指望AA稳定发挥了。$ `* ^  L% V3 p& @; s: f! f: z& [# b
近6K战力日军云集城下,不知打算何时攻城,在轰炸下当地的补给消耗还蛮快的,# ^0 r) u% v: O; j
9 q6 A. y; m& }当初应该再组织一个大型补给编队从澳大利亚给爪哇运补给。- c) F4 d. X: O0 Y& f7 L! S/ ~
; K$ W1 t( e$ n) H2 ?1 y7 l日军暂时应该没有太多兵力去进攻其他方向。5 V' G; @+ K( D- ^
& \, _& A4 e& _7 ?; ?! a* V  C
--------------------------------------------------. T$ R2 s! V* F: U
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  7 N) J( c: j) p' j% j: u
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
& g0 ?$ E, X; }1 SRaid detected at 13 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.! H2 V8 E' m0 e8 L+ }# F
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes & Z* i6 _4 W$ O' H1 }
Japanese aircraft! R8 m* W: X1 @/ \
      A6M2 Zero x 39
9 f7 M6 g: E" G! ?2 z& ZNo Japanese losses " F9 v7 Q9 X5 K$ o# M
Aircraft Attacking:
4 H( O7 U. |% {$ b  t/ b) I      39 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
  _/ g5 T% g) Y3 t; ]------------------------------------------------& g/ _0 D1 n$ n" J/ d$ R
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
! t0 E2 s0 u' z7 B* bWeather in hex: Partial cloud / ^4 C, C- j. I9 K& Y
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
* T5 H+ K* ~% Q/ v7 |" aEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
, [, d3 a2 r% `+ a6 b. `: t5 RJapanese aircraft
3 w& ~! ]7 {' Q4 t& s5 ^, U( ]      A6M2 Zero x 15
; P$ E1 q+ ~) x: \2 e  c      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 26' M- _. N% _% K0 L9 b% _) t2 y# i- M# M
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31 , S- c( y  c6 K
Allied aircraft
' Z! e6 c3 c5 c, O6 f* d4 l      no flights
5 r; H' N3 r  c9 e: mJapanese aircraft losses
! u; y- _! `8 L) X7 {1 D      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged; r% E- r$ Z- Q; z% X
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 destroyed by flak
( u) s8 P+ r/ S. e# TAllied aircraft losses- a! F0 U, ]- n8 H. H7 ?5 s" C$ c$ `
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 damaged
9 C6 P1 J7 ]% c4 q$ W" o      FK-51: 4 damaged
* a+ ~. O  e6 H* y      B-25C Mitchell: 8 damaged  r! X3 \/ u  o7 [% k  F2 f
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground! V! |3 r8 M/ U/ n) ^/ X$ e: z0 u! M1 E4 B
      CW-22 Falcon: 2 damaged" ?2 x7 ^8 e7 _/ S3 h' h
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
* J! k4 o% r2 e      139WH-3: 4 damaged
' n( S- Z& [8 G% L( I. y      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
2 {+ d1 m0 T8 h6 T7 [( K' _      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged' W* j6 R* u& C. Z7 ^3 u/ F7 e
      Do-24K-1: 1 destroyed on ground
* l: k  j$ ]+ Y5 U- F! g9 @      B-339-23: 2 damaged. S) p2 ?% z6 ^) g; h
      Mohawk IV: 1 destroyed on ground
' b% B) h% R0 w  d4 `7 {$ X) `& XAirbase hits 7) R. i2 ]  @% _2 C. C' x4 V+ w
Airbase supply hits 2
, M5 ^8 @6 A0 t( c1 r, n. jRunway hits 15
" t! j1 e, z4 t7 ?# \- l------------------------------------------------------. s# s/ J+ Z8 R) A5 e. d' L" j4 k  ~
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  5 d: L1 U( ?/ d
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
- {+ i# h( t3 M  sRaid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.7 G( a7 P6 c, V3 H& k4 E+ A
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
! O( q' `; D3 k$ B" Q4 EJapanese aircraft3 Y2 V- w9 n+ w8 G* d
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12. O6 Z1 a0 O9 D9 A% I( v
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 29
5 i6 U% }) Z1 I( n1 V) iAllied aircraft% H, ?8 x, n" @4 X' J7 \
      no flights ( a' i8 b$ L/ _2 b/ `6 [% s
Japanese aircraft losses. y1 N, F% e4 F) ~
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged) N* Y6 |% d* D6 A. q$ Z  ?5 U( v
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
0 l* X: {: d! @" |Allied aircraft losses# q' q# G5 n* u; j1 P
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
+ q, O3 N' _4 Y1 J9 I8 Q/ b6 q      FK-51: 2 damaged
9 ~4 R; ~9 X$ M; F! H      139WH-3: 1 damaged- ]! R2 Q, y: ^% s+ {' `
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged- ?- i2 a( o" Z5 h: a  @
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
+ u4 p1 o4 W& \) G2 fRunway hits 3 5 c: z/ X  \6 f+ u
Aircraft Attacking:
% R" l# n% k( E5 I; A6 N      12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet) F8 u3 \) A9 X% z3 z
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb& h: m$ K- E1 e/ P
----------------------------------------8 j3 ], _1 {  z/ x; R
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  - r7 m. t% v0 j4 K; c
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 2 l' n  X: J% j" M6 m  R4 ~! B: Y
Raid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.  s1 ?4 ]0 a  }5 k4 y0 @( ?# l- Q* V
Estimated time to target is 17 minutes + g5 @, ^- ^" R7 M' g  Y! c8 G
Japanese aircraft
, r  b9 x  E2 }      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 174 w) |# p0 u3 C# r% V
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 25
' ?: v. \+ k. R" OAllied aircraft) F" ?+ n0 X. ^5 v4 C, n: P
      no flights ) k/ u+ }0 E2 X; R& L
Japanese aircraft losses1 m9 H2 o5 K- \9 f" G) X: z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged) B( Z8 N2 D0 K: I2 Z2 ]) P
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
8 r; i+ L" q. D( `Allied aircraft losses
  x; [, e' q* Y, r/ Q      P-40E Warhawk: 2 damaged
6 ]4 H; t3 {, s5 F  u9 {      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground
: F; b9 A; V" Q* i      139WH-3: 5 damaged
, e2 b6 f" _6 K& w4 J9 e/ B: @' _0 C6 ^) M. {      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
% l% _( O6 b$ D) M8 i+ m      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground# G  }' {9 y: |- V& G
      Mohawk IV: 3 damaged
4 b: ?+ w8 f8 u, y7 y, e" P  g      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged) k& V/ ~/ ^. x2 y1 n! T
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
7 W, v8 u% [( Y0 }, m8 _Airbase hits 55 w# K$ _" v* }
Runway hits 7
0 G# n. {' ~3 G- Q( pAircraft Attacking:+ U$ u2 u. }$ @6 Q0 g4 w3 [
      17 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet' _0 B5 u. C  J5 o7 w6 x5 T+ r
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
2 L8 Y3 R' f" w+ Z  M1 \--------------------------------------------------------
0 a  q1 c/ n* ~: h8 B$ |Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
: P$ }! D( p1 o) o; k+ a9 Y; YWeather in hex: Overcast 5 @/ d/ s# O+ z$ ~+ S, d  X+ Z
Raid spotted at 25 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.2 l* F, \5 v7 _/ m3 f9 r
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 2 x5 g& K. m! J# i) \
Japanese aircraft
9 G  ?1 w* L# L/ Q      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 12 , p" l: K# m$ @
Allied aircraft9 F  ~  t! y8 m6 ]
      B-25C Mitchell x 3 & Y% S- d8 d5 s
No Japanese losses
1 \' Y9 d4 J, ~No Allied losses
* c" P. [! O2 @Japanese Ships
$ P: V/ o/ w) M9 u- Z, n      xAK Sanko Maru
) B' N0 o  {3 v( E7 TAircraft Attacking:
# N% F+ `( \% Y! a5 D2 o1 |/ ~" D       3 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet, S9 H+ x3 D) K% R. D
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb/ |2 Y0 e6 \4 i! B3 B/ D! E! j
$ B, d1 Y- ?( BGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) ! S0 r* Z, {4 c' X5 t- V
Japanese Bombardment attack ; y2 o' z1 g/ {3 J/ J
Attacking force 158666 troops, 1506 guns, 266 vehicles, Assault Value = 5749
. R8 D; W) n! V/ |+ MDefending force 83664 troops, 1076 guns, 807 vehicles, Assault Value = 2614   a- N; N# z# e$ q
Japanese ground losses:4 |$ b) Q, u5 |+ `
      42 casualties reported" n/ d% O: V3 W& H; ~: }% k
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled' Q; V# D( U8 W& Q! I: S" ]; Q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 C" P  M# \7 \1 D% p! K! a  ]5 ]  v9 N8 b         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# ?% j3 T7 O( V* G% f2 Z" S* F+ ^, ]Allied ground losses:
7 p3 N9 _( C- T9 z      35 casualties reported3 K% G- \1 [2 H. ~0 O
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
' C6 S' i8 @3 ^5 H, s  s. V         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' l; i, Q1 U0 A( i
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 p9 M& K5 k+ ?% D# v( K1 m0 U
-------------------------------------------------------- / R5 @! x# n  b5 L3 U3 @
Ground combat at 56,51 (near Toungoo) , m, s" {& w7 T4 A3 Q
Allied Bombardment attack
/ L9 P7 q' o* o9 [. {* O" HAttacking force 2508 troops, 26 guns, 224 vehicles, Assault Value = 859 + v$ O' Q& X* W  G* F
Defending force 4064 troops, 42 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 163 & R! E9 t  N. a
Assaulting units:8 D3 [' A* F7 R  z, A( b' O
    3rd Carbiniers Regiment
( j+ s* L) U( g0 G& d    255th Armoured Brigade
  ?, m6 U) P) V) M# i+ N+ A    254th Armoured Brigade, I" J9 m4 U6 ^& t# {
    6th Australian Division
8 a, x4 s7 d/ M8 J) F2 o( n! G    7th Armoured Brigade 9 `3 x' Q0 y3 N+ S% P0 k7 X% f
Defending units:5 Q9 `0 P  ~7 X$ f2 B* q# g5 W
    7th RTA Division
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时间来到了5月份,盟军澳大利亚步兵班组和印度步兵班组都已经攒够了108个& b1 R5 M" K1 u. Y  @2 W
一般师324/3=108班组,意味着所有印度和澳大利亚部队都可以升级为42年班组了" U5 {' d2 U7 N' j/ L, Y+ U, d
从数据上看,42的印度及澳大利亚班组能力已经和日军不相上下,1 `* R3 d' R2 Y6 Z- j/ Q8 p
& W+ h7 C: J4 \& c' u* C
8 q6 h. q* G$ O. b& u
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