AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 01, 42! |' y5 T0 D; C& S; D: [' A8 U; q) ?
6 `' j! z# ?/ Q, B3 I& m) L: @/ J训练的战斗机居然重创了一个来袭的日军陆攻中队,本人目前不打算采用训练大法对付日军,
. t) ]$ S+ |5 B$ t' V' x决定取消战斗机部队的训练,让战斗机全体升空CAP。% C; U! i* V) }. j+ r
澳大利亚方向的日军编队往努美阿方向移动了,盟军成功的撑过了日军登陆加成期。- m7 ?4 y3 J7 g* R# h8 p7 S
% Y" v, V- U9 A% @( I0 M----------------------------------------------------1 n! A6 z2 N8 ~9 b- z
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100
+ z I. _! i2 q# B0 Y. G0 _Weather in hex: Moderate rain
& ? g" k8 o3 Y' s3 r5 mRaid detected at 24 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.0 ]* J# A5 a3 Y C x9 H/ {
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 1 P/ }3 ~5 y2 Z" @6 _
Japanese aircraft
) h% v$ \2 a5 A7 P! F8 w) _ A6M2 Zero x 44 / A# G2 Y" w; O/ G* [
No Japanese losses
3 A7 ^: S; L' b0 f& x* sAircraft Attacking:3 P8 I, \2 v1 s) t. ~1 ?& O4 ]
44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet" e- b7 b6 p1 W0 `8 J, |2 j$ D
---------------------------------------------------------9 v0 i) C& N E# G% w% S1 J0 n& [
Morning Air attack on 254th Armoured Brigade, at 57,49 , near Toungoo
3 H- o$ E, y7 p6 u0 U) Q$ _' DWeather in hex: Light rain
4 m7 d2 w! d8 U- e" c3 |6 H: [Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
7 B! R! h' O* o) M8 Z' F: S) |Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
+ j- _5 Y7 @8 r$ |8 [Japanese aircraft
8 {/ h, x& n" A& G# N0 i0 Q" C A6M2 Zero x 206 V. x) n$ ]5 B# U
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30# P" r1 \& W4 O( v; u" N o2 b3 l
Ki-51 Sonia x 18
8 l, L, M/ l2 INo Japanese losses 0 }' k/ T0 l0 O t# h' e( F X
Aircraft Attacking:3 }0 B# k- N' u b9 t
18 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet
( _; U0 o3 R( q2 `3 s1 d Ground Attack: 4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
6 S9 k; C2 F2 |# [Also attacking 50th Tank Brigade ...
1 h, a/ A% A0 K: r8 `% K# O$ D$ kAlso attacking 254th Armoured Brigade ...' d5 K6 R6 |- {- g4 L
Also attacking 50th Tank Brigade ...
0 R1 O/ V; i( d8 K: }Also attacking 254th Armoured Brigade ...
& l0 Z! M6 F. q----------------------------------------------------
: i8 w7 Y; T! `) t0 pMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
- _, {" \5 b0 ~Weather in hex: Light cloud : `7 i7 I1 Y5 s" w, O8 B
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
$ `, u/ c9 |7 ?& c: Y! E. e; i0 Z; jEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
; z% n! W4 K/ D* c: L" M/ B7 tJapanese aircraft
3 @! x3 M' N$ k. u& O6 A Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10 % N4 [& e1 M* `
Allied aircraft
, P) j# j$ Q( }7 ` B-25C Mitchell x 9
% e+ q4 k" z- G7 o' ?No Japanese losses
7 E% W' f$ m% M3 DNo Allied losses 4 r+ Y$ U+ D7 J, {, D
Japanese Ships* J; u2 ^" p& ]
xAK Sanko Maru9 g$ n& ?. U$ \2 S0 }" X
xAK Nissyu Maru
4 Y4 t# z s0 |5 n8 L xAK Tatukami Maru - A6 U- X, _: s' P# @ A$ h
Aircraft Attacking:8 X6 ]- r' k7 \/ a
9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
0 i8 k2 q7 o/ @. n1 { Naval Attack: 6 x 500 lb GP Bomb % D$ ?# P# ?. J# b( Y
CAP engaged:
* P9 O2 y. {& ^$ S3 y3 J/ R* j84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-43-Ia Oscar (2 airborne, 8 on standby, 0 scrambling)1 U1 j- c0 f y( B2 r- ~% {
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
' G; \7 x9 R* A Group patrol altitude is 20000
! t+ w+ J _9 E8 O2 T0 J9 G Time for all group planes to reach interception is 19 minutes
6 h6 T* D% N$ h; ]6 N--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 u# x+ ^/ c; _0 TMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 " A5 I4 h' i9 @9 u4 d7 { |
Weather in hex: Light cloud
0 E) ]7 R! D) }0 s/ L' E: eRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.% G* d6 q6 F% {5 q2 G- F# a7 a( @
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
9 n6 d' ?- f) ~! d5 iJapanese aircraft" R1 ~" T7 @+ ^5 o2 C N
Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 9
* e) c b& J; A' i! K* {Allied aircraft
/ Q- t* G: W4 G1 W 139WH-3 x 6
$ K) b _! E' C+ rNo Japanese losses
9 V; I2 @& H# X# C& M* YAllied aircraft losses; ]2 ]9 M3 e" ~+ @7 `! h
139WH-3: 2 damaged / R, }9 q! u9 C. ~5 K" [6 W
Japanese Ships" H" x0 l* C" O1 X+ g9 b
TK Hoyo Maru
7 i4 ^- J; L' I6 o8 _$ |, C PB Tenshin 3 B/ s. _5 n: B: F- R3 w/ D
Aircraft Attacking:
' N4 v, W, n: D" z. n' N' B9 H% H 3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet *
" l0 c' \ I" b$ H! h Naval Attack: 2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb9 d2 X- m0 Y! N- T. {$ V0 M% Y
3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet *
, y- S+ r: N5 [% N- x4 p" f Naval Attack: 2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb7 E" }4 I7 l& O
---------------------------------------------------* E# }6 l) A! M+ g, `/ O& M
Morning Air attack on TF, near Christmas Island IO at 45,104
! F. o. h2 z2 o; N6 d$ LWeather in hex: Severe storms
h$ }! G0 K: Y' F0 R9 u5 RRaid spotted at 6 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
7 E% a% Z: e/ uEstimated time to target is 2 minutes 5 `5 O/ M" o6 D
Allied aircraft
- c G+ w9 I9 x2 i* v4 f 139WH-3 x 10
& d$ L+ q0 O$ aNo Allied losses " f( u8 M. x: Q+ V
Japanese Ships8 m! W# K7 O# k
xAK Shinwa Maru
6 [# S. l2 e% S" FAircraft Attacking: k; ^7 i3 k; P' B" B" f7 e( T
7 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
! a+ P2 k5 t* l, j% m Naval Attack: 3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
. Y) K o6 u" v8 X" v6 m# A& D3 G 3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet A: k) r' ~- c
Naval Attack: 3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
% B" q+ d! D+ t5 e------------------------------------------------------------7 W! q4 c2 }- f! G# {2 Z+ I
Morning Air attack on 6th Guards Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
: b1 l, y( {' B, v, \" Q# a- {- FWeather in hex: Light rain
/ @/ v9 y# V3 ~; c! bRaid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.3 J( L8 V% q, }9 `$ h# d
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes
( v0 N# y) n- L& E- c( oAllied aircraft
1 K3 J' K. z+ E' ]$ ?$ e Wirraway x 6
% E L' j. l; q& q1 f( J, |3 rAllied aircraft losses }; P/ O# K/ j! E. ^1 N! s
Wirraway: 3 damaged
8 |8 L+ Q" G/ | Wirraway: 1 destroyed by flak
1 p) k- `5 ~% |' d5 ^Japanese ground losses:
0 k: E7 ]' T& s; q8 {# b6 Y 3 casualties reported" @0 a v. U2 |
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ ~6 k$ A5 s) L7 n2 b9 G/ l
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 C( O; c& I: X/ d1 z4 h Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; i, a# Y; S6 ^* i' D9 ?
Aircraft Attacking:
0 C% q, a6 w/ [( K- Z E 6 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet
" Q' P. q) e% A) f0 y% @ Ground Attack: 2 x 100 lb GP Bomb
& B$ F* o- v0 ?0 KAlso attacking 4th Division ...
+ e6 {# Z; v4 U J6 @--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 H& O# E! Z$ z$ I- n
Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
, S5 G8 N+ W. J- zWeather in hex: Light cloud ; \: Y% `' l' A9 N- x
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.. K* Y2 B9 h6 W- _# {+ |& ?8 s3 P8 t
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
8 u1 Y+ v. [8 Z: a# c( f, ^( ~Japanese aircraft/ Z8 o. H* U7 Y5 {3 X
Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 8 0 m! q( O( r9 I0 p
Allied aircraft
4 \: A2 {8 j4 c 139WH-3 x 4
& r4 o2 ^9 N" Z6 u4 y) dNo Japanese losses - R7 ^5 x8 t4 C! P. @
Allied aircraft losses2 s3 X4 ]. Q4 h. I' P
139WH-3: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged
p5 n- T3 i P; D2 TJapanese Ships* O0 |8 U- T4 W: n
xAK Tatutaki Maru
: [5 l( H, ^0 Y' N |6 p& jAircraft Attacking:) E. g* q" T7 @( S
3 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet * 9 a8 u/ |) T( J1 O$ r0 C
Naval Attack: 2 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
6 `; \7 b- Y) VCAP engaged:
8 z9 p" s$ l T H! L. K84th I.F.Chutai with Ki-43-Ia Oscar (4 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling) g8 y2 k7 N* g7 M0 t/ y
4 plane(s) intercepting now.% k: L# s1 w! a6 V* G0 F
Group patrol altitude is 20000
5 a% X: R, ^. c, r+ t8 a! ` Time for all group planes to reach interception is 22 minutes
2 [) i& H5 Y' E& ]1 K----------------------------------------------------- f& |" a) X6 \6 q
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100
7 \$ q2 ~* |3 i6 c$ QWeather in hex: Light cloud Z7 O3 x) R8 K/ q" S4 \, i
Raid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
2 _+ O; c, B# ~- B5 u# \ N, ~# PEstimated time to target is 17 minutes
, ]7 j( v! |0 r V: pJapanese aircraft
/ b$ w( Z( l) f0 |. ~$ Y! B8 B6 B A6M2 Zero x 38
3 K4 D$ I* _: T2 E/ m7 wNo Japanese losses
' I% r! D' D* kAircraft Attacking:% z! l3 z& A6 e9 V
11 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet6 J+ q. f. o, X1 f, G9 j. {' H/ m* C$ h
27 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
& N; }1 p0 v: V D p--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 F4 [' O7 ^7 p; L+ SAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100 5 q* {+ J ^- B$ ^ E' T
Weather in hex: Light cloud
' V* O3 x* H* n" O, [0 jRaid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
: `+ I" \* ?$ a' [2 r& TEstimated time to target is 21 minutes
: G: }. O4 J, C, K; G& e3 h) H9 iJapanese aircraft# h5 Q7 U8 {6 R0 ]5 p9 w! H
Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 43
1 e/ m! n# }* O. q Ki-48-Ib Lily x 18
7 X4 T5 g8 M' G3 m MAllied aircraft
! L' O9 y: ?. F! g5 m no flights 6 M. W, ^4 D0 }1 c$ E/ u# ]
Japanese aircraft losses" {) D- V- r N9 e
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged
8 f3 [* ~, j/ y1 Q0 A6 s2 d Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 destroyed by flak
& c, _! B; |( rAllied aircraft losses8 i, f4 k+ K$ F: `3 s
139WH-3: 3 damaged
0 R& x+ ?. g( u: O+ |4 K DB-7B: 1 damaged
- I( y9 l3 x R4 x. Q4 \1 WAirbase hits 5
7 z3 }% v c; h# n, N) h6 ]Runway hits 5 ( W2 l# P) ^# c4 f; X
Aircraft Attacking:& W9 ]* Q- E2 _* @0 V+ V1 j9 I
14 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet% V |0 W# I' W; Z0 g4 \: P8 l+ O9 n
Airfield Attack: 4 x 100 kg GP Bomb
) T5 x; n# n/ g& Y9 s0 M3 v* \, S--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" C% J/ f8 N e+ [Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100
6 m' l* m# P9 @3 AWeather in hex: Light cloud # _; v# f! K# s9 k3 b
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
5 b; ?! a$ p5 I6 e# q/ oEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 4 `# {5 i) S5 ?) W/ _! p
Japanese aircraft
$ c! y$ a% c- x' B Ki-21-IIa Sally x 26
* Y& j o. r8 Y+ W2 p Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12 f* u* O( {! i
Allied aircraft
0 E7 X8 V7 a' |3 P7 r5 g7 n4 |) j no flights 1 T7 h) s, S" d% o0 n& A; p
Japanese aircraft losses
& [" D! j7 ^8 D) g3 [# p0 c6 t Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged
! [# k' f" s1 c3 ? Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
( f% d: B# m: ]7 I% H/ W Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed
( i" d9 U# X* I+ N2 [! V$ _4 ~& pAllied aircraft losses
. \& X _: n/ m CW-22 Falcon: 3 damaged
( k5 B) a7 A. D1 ~+ ? CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
5 C8 P a! V* ^; g" i 139WH-3: 6 damaged8 Y/ o) |( ~$ |# q) v0 X6 {+ g
139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground" q0 n: X9 |7 _
PBY-5 Catalina: 4 damaged 3 i2 J( l* b; V" v2 f- b3 R
Allied ground losses:: _& Y1 {+ ^' f! Q/ X
6 casualties reported7 @8 S1 Z$ l0 g v4 y
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 B& F) A$ }: ^. H+ g
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled" l. u) O' f k# o! l. o
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! n/ X3 {' K) c. e4 g
Airbase hits 5
8 I! k5 P* B- QRunway hits 14 1 \( k y3 c' y% ?5 Z6 j/ U! q" b
Aircraft Attacking:
: Y: ?/ T! b, Q* I 14 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet- u+ i$ y- \4 B3 {) s) ]0 T
Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb) ?7 j( y# g% s1 m& C, x
12 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
' p. o: p' R, |: D Airfield Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb( q- i/ J0 u3 v p" |: i: q
]/ i$ ^( l! q8 y2 m/ X$ B$ P/ [7 tAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100
$ S) T( K0 j7 i! n$ ]) _7 C1 c8 RWeather in hex: Light cloud
& Y7 K8 n9 Q H3 c! S' b- ?6 ]Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
# R- e4 {- [6 W* l" @/ m/ t/ @Estimated time to target is 22 minutes , p6 u4 `% `! b% E2 z( A
Japanese aircraft
% e6 }1 h" Y" ~! c0 b Ki-21-IIa Sally x 268 D( h T/ f6 z4 `0 c6 y
Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
8 H' k# @' V% f) C Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10 7 T) o U2 w, z, r$ r. P" s
Allied aircraft
# X' m) F9 D4 |3 B+ } Hurricane IIb Trop x 7
4 ]1 ]: i- i5 ~Japanese aircraft losses2 ^2 T9 y9 [5 K7 }/ |$ C' ^9 b+ `9 A
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 17 damaged+ r: h9 v$ z9 y9 v; e
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak" k) H" B8 o; ^! t" T4 a8 H
Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 1 destroyed
: V& r1 \( d) J( C8 c. y4 `# R Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed . K8 [4 n1 C' x$ _9 m6 k0 D9 G8 ^
Allied aircraft losses
* D6 o$ v, \; y# d+ J Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
# l; F& } ?( h( w/ C4 Z 139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground( n3 Z$ v# W/ ^( ?$ W) |$ E
CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
4 s3 w5 v6 k" e. }/ L5 j5 ZAirbase hits 9
) Q) v: Q. y4 X+ z( N4 g9 ^5 {Airbase supply hits 17 O9 ]3 Y$ {0 O- h5 Y1 Z% Q! \; s8 X
Runway hits 16$ Z/ h- ]! _8 M
--------------------------------------------------6 k. `& l+ B6 D- v! W9 m
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91 , T% U- i3 |" ?; h% Z+ X
Weather in hex: Severe storms 9 z# V4 C6 l8 E: e7 ^3 f7 p
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
& ~1 u9 y! {4 f5 Y9 HEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 8 {- C" q# W# F2 l; L* M: {
Japanese aircraft
9 a6 I$ ]' j1 S6 Z. O! W Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 9 2 b! Q6 X8 F5 E
Allied aircraft8 e1 C% P1 Y1 M B: N6 O/ P9 }
B-25C Mitchell x 9
4 C- V0 g* [7 r+ s- a+ X+ bNo Japanese losses / F0 L. I% i x- ~3 E
No Allied losses
0 D2 v) W3 N" w7 wJapanese Ships V- z: p0 T5 y" B, o5 c5 H) X$ ?6 l
xAK Yamagiri Maru, c5 t5 l+ h0 M1 S4 U: D* P0 b
xAK Kogyo Maru# Y n% G& D* W9 r4 t( Q/ I
xAK Tatutaki Maru % O1 |$ D }; b4 x2 s" a4 c
Aircraft Attacking:9 ]6 x$ c* d, x! v) }
9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
0 |+ z* ]" u, i5 i) v+ s. S Naval Attack: 6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
" d' E! t# T) r" {----------------------------------------------3 ]8 e1 C- n" @& g3 s/ R( a
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100
7 p. c( h- @/ p% r3 {0 NWeather in hex: Light cloud
' j1 M: V, h0 @4 z0 a: K7 I6 b2 CRaid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
" `: I5 {+ G& b! x% ^8 R3 N! FEstimated time to target is 24 minutes " d5 O+ `4 v9 i6 S/ _
Japanese aircraft
: \- m# X) {- U! h0 s2 U$ w3 M# J G4M1 Betty x 18
* H' U3 A& Q" i6 u1 uAllied aircraft. e4 U2 o# e( k+ `8 A
Hurricane IIb Trop x 3
* ~- m2 T/ h; C/ S' XJapanese aircraft losses! t* c% @' N3 I( `, g, i5 t
G4M1 Betty: 9 destroyed, 1 damaged
" N9 p5 g& I' h* l. p G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak ) U4 Y% I8 e& M: d& p' Z' {5 l
No Allied losses
) p; H! ?4 @) @/ X0 o7 |Airbase supply hits 1
$ c" x- K7 y' A( |6 v! c8 Z# G5 x" rRunway hits 1 * ~ [+ [0 ]) F4 a
Aircraft Attacking:1 N% p! \) A3 _. V
2 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet) w9 u H; e5 O. Y+ w9 z9 {6 b
Airfield Attack: 2 x 250 kg GP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb |