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; z% a. Q2 o  p4 m安汶的岸炮将一只前来填油的ak击伤.
0 C6 i6 [" S1 Q! |万隆的补给已经全部耗光了,接下来只有等时间了。
$ N7 o* G, T3 N! s* O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* M) K8 f( ^' R3 X! z. Y! JPre-Invasion action off Ambon (76,109)
9 x; E) X! U' W7 h4 o8 H* QDefensive Guns engage approaching landing force # |( u; W* E4 P1 ^5 I
36 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
' [. N4 {% ?+ N8 f8 kJapanese Ships
. x9 p/ J/ |7 w3 l8 H: ?# E, l( q      xAK Kasuga Maru #2, Shell hits 3,  on fire
& n" v# ?- i, G. h* M- j$ d      DMS W-18
; z1 S# J$ G+ g2 [Japanese ground losses:
2 d& j% v4 {# m: l. h+ o      49 casualties reported
$ M8 t7 w9 D& J2 o0 ^         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 S0 Q5 Y+ L; T; N- |: s
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled+ H0 ~4 o4 n1 e5 j! X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 D4 I7 e* n9 ~& p* ^0 C, o
---------------------------------------------------: }1 |, m2 W" O2 ]$ |" k! ~
Amphibious Assault at Ambon (76,109)
5 }, M/ @0 T' e+ U/ _( RTF 21 troops unloading over beach at Ambon, 76,109 + Q& Z. S5 K% n4 e' B! U  q( R; n
Japanese ground losses:0 m- ~2 [$ O$ ^; I$ n. H2 w
      15 casualties reported4 p8 M5 g1 S6 |. A/ g3 q( w/ S; n
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
' R9 R' v* ]$ r: _5 |. g0 k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled0 i1 ]- [5 j( K
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 a8 H, T9 T, ^; Q( w      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
+ P7 z: E. h* W6 a; I; z37mm Type 01 AT Gun dropped into water during unload of 52nd Nav Gd /1 $ I! f; R9 _8 K/ x2 W
9 B. M" g3 h4 Z# V0 Z# jInvasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)
' i8 f' n) l) t8 ]( w$ W, `Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force . t0 O3 z& `4 D( x6 Q0 K
26 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
! J: L; {0 B# q8 LJapanese Ships
5 j" [5 P+ M: N      xAK Kasuga Maru #2, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires
  l5 o2 f/ P; U: b# m: o      DMS W-18
, q# w; @5 O6 L' ?Japanese ground losses:
! t: {8 k# ?/ a      22 casualties reported8 c1 D# i* Z% |4 T
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% o3 X, O9 ]- y; I, q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
4 X! b- P" U, i; z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, @$ h' ?) n: Z7 r" n---------------------------------------------------------
6 `: j4 t3 E; VMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
; _/ z6 n  Y4 Y1 K8 KWeather in hex: Light rain 4 B" F+ k9 t9 t* `3 s: x5 g4 H: K
Raid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
+ ~" M/ ]' c/ U1 g/ W: |0 N" vEstimated time to target is 25 minutes & @: v+ U+ F/ l! q
Japanese aircraft
4 H6 f1 u$ T! g( e5 h6 H0 [+ E7 y# ^      G3M2 Nell x 23
' {# e1 H, |9 I) b/ S& s" T      G4M1 Betty x 22
, T1 m6 _8 I* I& N! H6 Q& L& lAllied aircraft, l# r6 S  C4 j
      no flights # d: w$ O  L8 z( w" I
Japanese aircraft losses5 h/ T3 A/ u+ p/ d* l
      G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged
4 L  n" K. Q) V1 t4 T6 }# @" ]      G3M2 Nell: 3 destroyed by flak
6 b2 t2 j: u* w8 N: G7 a      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged8 k3 R; A  V1 o3 e. ?5 r
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
. n  K! q9 C- K* C, mAllied aircraft losses
# Y3 S* C- U: C, u6 }- y      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
$ v0 k# F, O4 E2 x      139WH-3: 2 damaged % d  t& f& e% O
Airbase hits 8- t- v- ?' s( `& V: B
Runway hits 17 8 X3 C" @4 {; ~% V1 }- b
---------------------------------------------------------, P; v1 N4 c2 Z
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
4 w' g. K+ s4 w% K" x2 SWeather in hex: Light rain 6 }$ }' c: }+ K; f2 m
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
' }& ]8 C6 j2 s% P* b8 EEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
: r0 P2 |; z3 |( e, v8 EJapanese aircraft) m  J' ]" P* u
      A6M2 Zero x 10
, {0 U& B6 d, ~. [      G3M2 Nell x 175 w! i5 \6 x+ j2 O- i
      G4M1 Betty x 10
# a4 h/ Q# M6 r5 j  CAllied aircraft
  t: T& r, ^- p" ?! s      no flights
7 ]. l0 i" J6 f8 q: h. M* KJapanese aircraft losses
& Z* T7 P' p% Z" a9 Z) [      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged
& C2 |$ v# P* I      G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak
% W% R' M8 f, U/ O0 x      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged
" t8 Y/ B  Q+ X- z  D      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
6 B6 k& n2 c. U, Y2 jAllied aircraft losses
6 {1 W3 f2 r& U8 T      FK-51: 1 damaged 1 S! d8 C0 ^  X: i# Z$ `( f
Allied ground losses:
0 e0 V" r5 A, `9 W0 ~      5 casualties reported0 K! n* n; k/ G; o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ c6 b+ E3 R- J: d0 W% e4 L         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) S$ `, A) A2 ~+ k" R& ]- f         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 1 I6 u' X& s0 m  d! V* P2 f  n
Airbase hits 1, |, e7 A( @/ a% t# Z1 M
Runway hits 31 X; v. @8 w; ^8 e
$ p; s( I. }* r4 U- m! bMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  2 e* ~8 W7 U% N( R! c. d! t3 }
Weather in hex: Light rain
0 l6 F& d9 G+ l. b+ k7 }4 WRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
; |$ v. Y& j  v- z1 P! T' f7 _Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
4 M% x- _& P' u' O: b$ BJapanese aircraft2 H5 o$ o/ q( I4 B
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 221 U6 n# ]! q- T
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 31
4 h6 U# P* {- d  `) G      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 22
- |7 _; w7 d, {' |6 k$ ^$ M9 cAllied aircraft4 f" O+ Q3 T8 D: _4 J  s
      no flights ! k6 T. w" [3 v( L1 T
Japanese aircraft losses
' @$ p$ f7 e! P) A2 ?6 k; N7 O      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 11 damaged  q7 A% J1 f2 ^# }; s
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 destroyed by flak   Y8 D$ z  ?9 j3 L
Allied aircraft losses$ Q' c; M5 G! y4 V0 `! ]4 f
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged- w; S8 t- E6 z2 c7 E
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged& m6 S0 ?' J3 x! h( ~1 a/ ~
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
" M- b- j( \6 E( c. F      139WH-3: 1 damaged 4 y: y* V: x  ?, Z& \) h! J" k5 c
Airbase hits 41 Y+ K3 m9 W/ F$ a9 }1 @& K0 t
Airbase supply hits 1
/ b& m$ J" |& f3 [Runway hits 152 Z. p8 v+ V! `; H) C
" g! d" J, L3 v  }7 [Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
. s, B2 x: Y: R0 ?4 u. W6 ^* f: `4 OWeather in hex: Light rain  w  O, J% K  r* ~+ J/ J
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.- d) R0 a2 m" Y: q
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes 3 Y( p" x- k8 Q7 V+ s, ~: o
Japanese aircraft+ ^0 C6 r2 f' h& v0 c
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13
8 k- O' p& G; P& zAllied aircraft
, r; F2 Y- M0 b4 }- ~5 e* ]% `$ j      no flights - |/ W: o9 h( G
Japanese aircraft losses
% Z9 [$ M. ~# |0 e* Y5 h5 \      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
$ l2 C4 V$ E7 i, o      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak 2 _0 |* I; F9 B0 o
Allied aircraft losses
' I* d' h7 G" w/ |6 y      FK-51: 1 damaged
7 b9 S, F) U8 k      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged - d6 [' f3 c" N( p
Airbase hits 13 X5 I9 J9 n4 Q0 [* A: X+ m7 |
Airbase supply hits 35 m, @4 V" G# S' W1 `0 ?
Runway hits 59 T9 Y" Q! D7 d8 |; v. g% q
6 E' e' v9 A. e) D2 uAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
+ K; ?1 Q0 r, ^. K% z% DWeather in hex: Moderate rain
. q9 I# @- \9 k  G* uRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
/ w- ?  ~: r; Q* s! l, C" JEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
. T% S6 _% `$ l' EJapanese aircraft
/ W# ~# B! T7 q3 D. V      A6M2 Zero x 31
, P7 ?2 E5 Q+ }' {/ f8 L      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15
# {0 O2 q5 n) ~9 t0 M; i" H      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24# y7 \& A) e& V) e; p
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 7
; d# B2 r* @" J& b      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 9 9 G: p1 D; f! v8 z; T: B6 N
Japanese aircraft losses
8 P. ^3 }4 d" p. ]- G' e$ a      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 12 damaged
. B) v% E" V, p7 A( O      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed by flak
$ ?) I3 X  k  V      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 6 damaged
: @  S" F; N/ D; n      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged
4 s8 a# D' o# ^8 v; Y5 T! N      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 destroyed by flak 1 D0 H# ^$ f, l7 E" G
Aircraft Attacking:; m0 H+ Z' }/ D. J( r
       9 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 10000 feet  K% @  p# ]' O/ {  I/ v
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb/ Y' {# C/ V! g
       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet7 U" t1 c) `0 H8 X6 B, e
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
7 c9 C& n# l/ Y: m3 d       7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
3 X( G% r, F5 [               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb  Q& X, {8 F9 n8 f+ u
       4 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet
% H4 Y3 e, L7 j               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
, x! P, k/ A% U" m% H* y! R       7 x Ki-45 KAIa Nick bombing from 10000 feet
# j- i- a+ ]+ [- N               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
/ _' Q2 O7 o4 j* W$ _: k% W) L-----------------------------------------------------------------; b' I7 x0 X$ W
Invasion Support action off Ambon (76,109)  x7 ^- p+ M. c9 c
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force
5 f! P) D9 z9 w( N) |+ @20 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.
4 W. u" n, x: I7 n, u& S3 X$ |5 m( VJapanese Ships
, _: d( b' z- ^7 l+ [( @- P$ R2 [      DMS W-18, Shell hits 7,  heavy fires,  heavy damage / `" u& H7 g4 W' V: a: }
Japanese ground losses:8 d1 L# ~" a! L8 X) t
      5 casualties reported' k" z7 I- b2 t% w' M1 w
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 E; K/ x0 |" f9 H5 h
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled* S% O+ Y; r6 B6 H/ l- v
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 ]7 i9 Q8 x' h7 H. d3 A3 D1 @/ J- h万隆继续在躲炸弹,同时两只国军部队在试图主动投胎。
. w, u! n+ q% D4 q# F--------------------------------------------------------------------, n9 H% b  i4 ?8 ]: e: t
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
6 V! W! T* z; K8 t+ OWeather in hex: Thunderstorms 6 y4 f, w  d% f, p* `% Y; b5 @, ?
Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
. X7 V; `, b( \) |, G3 D, k: ~Estimated time to target is 28 minutes 5 _  {1 t1 O* D9 V- E% \
Japanese aircraft9 i+ {4 a( `8 O
      G3M2 Nell x 12 7 F) h) D& b7 W# n
Allied aircraft6 s3 k  p$ h, f: T) |0 S( v8 q
      no flights , o% H! z% S1 L: n
Japanese aircraft losses% c: R. H. i* c6 v0 l
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged 2 B! b# i# T' K
Allied aircraft losses
1 @+ q6 `) X7 I. T/ ^      139WH-3: 2 damaged
+ O7 R6 m% ~  V0 d5 `- s3 W      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
8 V( q. U- G0 O2 u2 l      DB-7B: 1 damaged - Z/ ]" |$ V, o: z4 `% a# x8 V
Allied ground losses:  V3 G- C* g+ J( |8 R& X
      16 casualties reported' W9 v% ]. f/ k$ ?
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. h4 a+ b1 [3 G! V, w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled: \, G0 L! u1 j9 N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- I4 M+ `; p6 f6 C; T4 s& c# H! ?( sAirbase hits 3
: R0 r) {, P% E, _Airbase supply hits 1
( q: l& w6 R) v& z. S, f$ i5 {Runway hits 2
& \, X6 _6 O0 v& l! yAircraft Attacking:, F6 P! ^" S$ G6 E
      12 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet * ( c/ b4 `6 t1 p6 m, Q& s
               Airfield Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb& h; X5 e% C3 Q9 \: J( N: R
* r' d0 Q1 j2 Q/ s5 q4 s- [% r, zMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
! q5 J' R% b" Q% D+ N1 FWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
7 L2 P% ?8 Y) m- I4 n  pRaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.1 @7 L9 {2 L5 Z, I/ R' R
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes % L/ B4 [; R% }, E3 c
Japanese aircraft
8 m8 ~, _( n( x& G& _/ C, g1 v  J      G4M1 Betty x 15 3 m7 }5 k- X6 d: C2 A, Y
Allied aircraft
/ [. x5 J- T' g0 b- q      no flights
' A( ^8 t8 k" I3 r& S( s) \Japanese aircraft losses: m' O1 C( g! e. T, [" r2 Q6 \
      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged
# x, m& r; v4 y! xAllied aircraft losses  e% Y2 I5 L& s' g+ X! v5 H( G
      139WH-3: 3 damaged+ E: i4 ~& i) s5 A- e) \# b
      CW-22 Falcon: 3 damaged
8 Q+ b0 N1 p. e3 g      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
7 b7 ^+ ]9 f6 m7 f( e      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged
; w7 S- U6 W) ?4 k) j: ^* t. VAllied ground losses:0 D0 _; ^$ Z  X1 a9 t5 f  F
      6 casualties reported
" b* `$ t/ N8 L4 z  L, L* M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 L6 j2 t& G6 B( r
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
! Q- W, c  m0 S' p4 E         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 k* }5 e4 ]0 M6 \7 Z/ \Airbase hits 5" N& w" F- j+ C4 n- h: Q$ Z
Airbase supply hits 1: S( E) d* Z9 X6 A
Runway hits 232 r+ T! i; W4 Q  M6 C  G
----------------------------------------------------------0 L; {1 A# j& V
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ R$ Y5 Z4 `8 w- DWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
3 t6 {0 v+ x8 yRaid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.: B) P# z3 R" B+ d: Q
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
$ W* B# t5 u" o  }* G' QJapanese aircraft
' h+ X, P' s; `) a  A      G3M2 Nell x 11 8 _7 T# A5 `, ?6 b$ W
Allied aircraft/ S2 x+ J% F5 K: O( F
      no flights
! b6 l) B9 ?6 h9 }, j% _% ^3 JJapanese aircraft losses
  M6 \$ H1 N3 ]" s2 c* I9 E) G; |' {      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged 6 l6 [7 z7 A3 I7 N: d- k2 G7 ~* t
Allied aircraft losses/ c& p9 G4 Q$ }; i1 [/ {0 e  B& x
      139WH-3: 1 damaged
$ {/ e( Y  E& Y: L6 e8 k/ {Airbase hits 5+ X& @3 @6 n0 w
Runway hits 2
# z! c! U1 e4 N0 R8 t& U. [--------------------------------------------------------------. P# v  o/ [' x
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ; d! `% G! u8 e* _0 W( n
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
- l7 c0 f! z8 S6 _Raid detected at 71 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.8 G0 m! B4 k( R& j
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes
  O5 G$ J7 A: F5 r. fJapanese aircraft
# n; h* l9 t3 S% f7 Z1 M      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 17
2 G" O# W( W0 J# r2 Z8 N5 [Allied aircraft2 ~4 Z7 g" l0 y, G9 Q9 ~- C2 E
      no flights   Z* h1 A5 {1 a
Japanese aircraft losses
- j6 J' }7 D: N: v4 T      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged 9 N9 `. C, c- D( X# d3 b0 K
Allied aircraft losses
. X2 Y/ `8 P, F$ b  _" [2 m/ z      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
% |9 j/ Y& [: n/ T      FK-51: 2 damaged
+ B+ w" F: F/ Y' k      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground5 T$ I. Q$ _6 `+ I  r1 g: m, H) q" J
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged
) v$ K/ w6 l- [% F. v3 p/ I1 t  w      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged ) B- i* F6 s) O% u* j' C
Airbase hits 1  |: }4 ]( }# L+ o- @% B
Airbase supply hits 1
+ v0 s* V3 K! p! _* r9 @* \( gRunway hits 92 T5 o) x1 ?* R1 \. y' D" J
% [, _; B  f: q1 Q; r1 H% Q2 ~! ZAfternoon Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
9 _3 l/ A* d$ R3 H9 fWeather in hex: Light cloud
4 r: d% Q( b  ]Raid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.& C" X+ F, S& Q* b
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes
7 ?3 F8 h9 i, T: O+ JJapanese aircraft
1 T9 @1 K0 ]% F+ `$ k3 O" w, x  V      A6M2 Zero x 54! v6 X3 V1 S6 Z0 r, A
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 13
% E. A1 I$ Y# Q! b6 M8 M5 P      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
" C2 y* }, [" H$ z! l      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 55) f" a1 n* _- G; y( ]
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 21
6 j1 a4 D1 T6 w8 q9 B      Ki-51 Sonia x 16
  v5 {, p9 z4 `4 e- o, cJapanese aircraft losses$ G3 k: y* E! C2 s, j- C, u$ Q1 z2 u
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 11 damaged
; n; z& n+ d0 J: N. Y3 O      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
  j# g  a6 [+ ~1 ^/ Z* |' G      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged 8 I/ l1 N* f/ P1 m
Allied ground losses:# G# E" R9 a, ]3 l8 D
      8 casualties reported. p+ U6 V! _" T7 N3 y2 t# V. V) c
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 D0 Y. f/ V: f2 C
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled/ G6 g! k$ q* j: t" X% d, H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% i# b! G  o; T! E5 L7 ?! v0 U. i
--------------------------------------------------------- 6 T2 j  F# a: C5 ~
Ground combat at Tanna (120,157)
* ], Q  }; @+ W/ AJapanese Deliberate attack
6 ^+ G1 ^% i6 Y. a. p. tAttacking force 1072 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 34
3 X) F5 P* m' o  Y; \, b7 SDefending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
+ J5 |4 C0 S3 w8 `" JJapanese adjusted assault: 34  3 t; o6 O* h- [7 d; y
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
9 ]+ w" b2 c/ w' d: `. u% xJapanese assault odds: 34 to 1 (fort level 0)  ( L- t1 W9 g7 ]$ k- i6 B# F
Japanese forces CAPTURE Tanna !!! 6 W  F  ^  a7 M& J! y/ {
Combat modifiers
, [- p1 x3 W- m  u" A) H1 _3 a1 zAttacker: leaders(+) 0 U$ h. m, m4 Y4 I
Assaulting units:
+ X$ X. U  z3 a8 K) k9 M    83rd Naval Guard Unit
( `4 c  M8 e6 l2 T; n4 k# s  A. p---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 w0 R5 W. ^. j
Ground combat at 80,50 (near Changteh)
7 k8 J0 F2 M0 y* m( f. T, xAllied Shock attack 6 j! [; o4 b$ R6 ~/ {: r8 h8 ?8 W
Attacking force 1908 troops, 25 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 10
! ?/ j! K5 |, {0 C3 G. n9 yDefending force 36829 troops, 519 guns, 369 vehicles, Assault Value = 1099
  O7 F" O0 y, P7 A; F7 kAllied adjusted assault: 0  4 I( [; X" ~( Y
Japanese adjusted defense: 7201  / Y+ H4 A$ E* \, ^/ i
Allied assault odds: 1 to 99  & u% G2 G, i, N, _
Combat modifiers/ k, L3 w8 a+ j: p
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+)
! e- E, J6 e1 ?: m( hAttacker: shock(+), disruption(-), supply(-)
* Z1 s0 n" f; C! zAllied ground losses:4 F% Z( i. Q1 c8 R8 R8 C2 Y" F% x4 O
      729 casualties reported  h! ~- P% g/ f2 k) f
         Squads: 12 destroyed, 0 disabled
# C3 W/ I# y# g0 d5 M( M         Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 131 disabled/ ]8 ?9 l3 W2 j0 ]3 Q8 F
         Engineers: 18 destroyed, 0 disabled
. V' s4 b! b( m* H      Guns lost 30 (30 destroyed, 0 disabled) * i+ P- F, p& i% a+ [4 P' J5 l7 d  O8 E
Assaulting units:. b! p) F9 [8 ~0 B, \) f0 ?; \
    72nd Chinese Corps5 M& K* ]7 {; ~/ d! n: Y& `( G
    20th Chinese Corps
3 t. Z( u% Y9 n4 `7 p: GDefending units:
( Y' v( B  H) ~    40th Division7 x$ a- J' G% L( ~" i
    102nd Infantry Regiment/ u7 U7 T5 |# w/ g- K) c
    104th Division) e' L' \5 |  I+ c; {
    Kyuko Naval Guard Unit' ]: D! ^) [! |6 q% _2 t% X9 o$ o
    51st Recon Regiment
5 W8 k9 w$ l& `    11th RGC Temp. Division% d& Z+ m2 V' e
    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion. a6 Q+ Q0 M! B  }9 P8 w
    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment, W% _2 D3 _4 m# y3 A" S
    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
  ^( M" x# w  z; L) D    8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion, Y& Q: p# R- l
    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment
3 z4 q* M1 C7 Y, B    23rd Army
6 q8 Y9 f, H) p1 L    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment# ?6 k/ {( @! [
    21st Mortar Battalion
: a2 v' b% }# M    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment' }- L! T) H! b5 Z' R
    2nd RF Gun Battalion( L! ?, M% V1 Q" R
    5th RF Gun Battalion
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 20, 422 H/ M6 U5 ~/ m. D' D
日军对万隆的轰炸是浩浩荡荡啊。. }, |8 Z) y5 u( {  [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: P6 L5 p1 ~' |+ k' q( c
Sub attack near Phuket  at 48,69
$ t# k0 U7 Z1 E8 m1 l$ z" v1 P5 SJapanese Ships
) a$ R$ E3 A  E+ Y9 r      SC CHa-17
& Z& ~$ x- K! ?% \* G8 M      PB Teibo Maru #2% M4 v% j& l  ^
      PB Sozan Maru
/ q. u$ [; \/ |; |6 }; u+ SAllied Ships$ Z  T  B% i1 d8 ~, |- T7 V8 q# h
      SS S-36, hits 26 b. v! u5 g* d4 B$ |* v7 h# T  d
/ }$ }" Q  A! P( I. QASW attack near Phuket  at 48,69 2 D- ~/ X! R0 ^1 i
Japanese Ships& [: }3 L1 J% I5 q9 U/ q! I* D
      SC CHa-169 b# a2 }% d5 O6 W
      SC CHa-17
5 S9 s9 Q+ H% `% l% c      PB Teibo Maru #2
; I+ T; l$ Z4 P/ a$ O      PB Sozan Maru ; M" g6 j' O2 u
Allied Ships
3 q' i" G+ Z2 K- |0 a1 p      SS S-38, hits 3" j6 q1 J+ `% t$ l$ _: Y3 S
--------------------------------------------------------" M' V, k2 W, \9 ?) _3 t9 s
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ; O, V4 c/ b" J4 W
Weather in hex: Overcast
0 \6 _3 v/ [4 I3 J9 u. u  f& S+ mRaid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  P* b6 b' N. F6 |' W" }
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes 9 ]' Z, T% d" E4 q& e! `
Japanese aircraft
7 D6 `8 ~& G& z      G3M2 Nell x 35 H' H5 T  p% g* j
      G4M1 Betty x 16
0 F, w, f2 ^; h5 e' N  oAllied aircraft
& K7 F, l& K9 J4 L/ o( \& z7 Z: a( ^) L      no flights + m! |8 T- q. r/ ^* y7 B0 E
Japanese aircraft losses
2 y3 n; u/ Q- ^: n1 y6 K. f3 O7 r      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
8 t" `2 ]) [4 [8 m5 J, d  [, l+ j; q. \      G4M1 Betty: 8 damaged 1 t- W# n/ h# w4 r# A5 F; b1 E' B
Allied aircraft losses
% q; r% m: I; g* K5 L! J      Do-24K-1: 2 damaged/ _( |! c; L) D: \3 N  ~
      139WH-3: 2 damaged% Q# R2 K$ P' E2 ]9 X
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
4 Y7 [2 h' \5 k+ a! l      B-25C Mitchell: 4 damaged
3 l! s6 [% y& G* G' m, s$ Q      DB-7B: 1 damaged 7 @  B0 P# P' S$ z: m8 L
Airbase hits 8
/ `) l# v6 K  F; W; C' cRunway hits 31
% O# G& g# {/ ?  ^& b' B9 w-----------------------------------------------------------
4 k9 ^1 T4 _# G) c" DMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) % f) r: x6 B! J. u2 u% `' |
Weather in hex: Overcast # x) R: _# ?2 P3 A9 X% t0 a
Raid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.* I" l, L4 N: y$ ]  J
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes 5 f1 s; E3 F" [
Japanese aircraft5 H2 c: O% t0 {# V/ a" m
      A6M2 Zero x 194 H: c0 H# [) w0 ~4 ]: Q
      G3M2 Nell x 9
/ A7 P7 C2 ]4 y1 L; w; F7 z, B7 \      G4M1 Betty x 9 2 A% c$ c7 M. {9 ]
Japanese aircraft losses  ?$ M( f& ~# A* J) x) O! Q$ S
      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged) u3 F- ~' v6 X
' e9 \, g3 z' N4 gMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  1 T2 b; d/ }! ?
Weather in hex: Overcast & R5 Y: _: o% L2 K7 `$ x9 B$ l" ?
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.& a5 A' T" E/ I# c( w
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
: k  F: x+ y" dJapanese aircraft
, X( U, B+ r# P0 q+ |3 j1 c' e      G3M2 Nell x 6 . e9 A, w- j5 w- V; @4 h
Japanese aircraft losses4 C9 M7 ~7 j- b/ T& I
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged   |7 R$ L  P. v2 L) J9 L
Aircraft Attacking:
+ t$ U6 x! u/ a1 o5 I       6 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
0 T1 [7 n' c) L" Q; J               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
7 G9 A2 ?8 c% ^" `5 p6 z$ w------------------------------------------------------: ^5 A$ }) m" m9 k! A- {: f
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  % I( Y/ d3 r) p7 `
Weather in hex: Overcast
. S) T! V) y" W% \8 m9 O, CRaid detected at 21 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.' g' x0 I; I" k3 g# j: X' L% f. W9 F
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
9 ?3 f2 F; v; b' u0 R9 V0 a, A1 TJapanese aircraft
2 Y- G" G$ o- Z' }5 e. D      G4M1 Betty x 9
  j% D0 A4 Q5 ?- o/ Y5 w% D% A5 @No Japanese losses- D: T9 e" ]7 m
( p1 a* E  x! `5 |* pMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  * E3 a2 {0 t4 w" O9 v/ G& e
Weather in hex: Overcast
3 K+ `9 _$ S2 A! kRaid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.! {4 m* |1 [6 V) f
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes
- D8 D6 P$ B7 \* a' r9 t7 S0 Y7 ]Japanese aircraft. s* P7 _/ b: t) D
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 30) ^/ Y( u8 n9 a2 J8 o- h
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27; B1 L) ]' K  L6 X! \
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 32 I, l, S; d3 D3 u+ ~: ]
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 8+ K# U3 J  `$ |% {  @
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 70 [5 R9 [* |2 k/ y, F  R6 a
      Ki-51 Sonia x 20 % l) y& E. y# e) i5 }" a
Allied aircraft! K0 q) Z6 u# K7 G7 c1 y8 g; F
      no flights
* W* k* Y5 f0 kJapanese aircraft losses% \/ z& v; B1 ^: `
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged
) b6 s( a) Z$ H+ j1 ^& ?      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged
; \% ?: b, f' U: V3 {( X      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
  e" e  ^& |! U' H* ^7 a      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
& \4 H( q4 H; |! g      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged $ N" o8 x! D- s& a/ e9 {
Allied aircraft losses
! R( q( u" g7 Y6 S      139WH-3: 5 damaged
; {3 X+ k! g4 c. O      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged8 s5 [" R4 C# r1 E' S
      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged$ `) y; w+ ?0 v
      DB-7B: 1 damaged
7 u& y& L8 O5 o" DAllied ground losses:
+ x) n& f$ o! @! b7 A, e3 ~$ k. t6 I+ T; x      5 casualties reported! i7 T+ G; H0 I7 X% K* B
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; G4 m+ D" T4 i3 S
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 s2 H* p; @) p3 m0 J* B5 ^         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled / J3 U, V! ]' l% ?- A0 k- N
Airbase hits 7
# q; D1 ?5 o# i6 `5 H5 E  XAirbase supply hits 25 }1 h) s5 i5 L: J8 T( s
Runway hits 24$ v' P! @# D& \8 I* O0 P* S5 {
: Q1 |4 A& I2 N% n# a7 {6 uMorning Air attack on 18th British Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
+ n% G/ Q+ y& T- l# r* f6 J! ]Weather in hex: Overcast
& W9 Z0 h3 x9 A. LRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.0 V, n9 A) B& Y* v! {, X& E
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes . a+ ~: Y) @/ d* O) c
Japanese aircraft
) \) Z- J) x2 _. b# q" S% `2 f      A6M2 Zero x 60, x5 v/ l) I/ z" q& d  D
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 178 o9 V' o: b! V0 @2 T$ ^
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 15
7 ^* Z; j2 c" \+ _      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 25 + p" k9 V+ P6 E0 U/ [/ E
Japanese aircraft losses
; T1 q* q: F; ]) i8 U( v- v! B      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged8 B4 Z3 M8 j* s6 Q! C# g4 a7 u& m
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 8 damaged 2 w3 z$ z! T' Q. R0 y$ @# W
-------------------------------------------------------, O+ n/ @+ C$ a& u) h$ ]( |
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
( h2 h7 T9 N6 {' m* d1 ]Weather in hex: Overcast 2 o4 @9 c; x# Z
Raid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
) b! K$ {3 [6 K9 V" ?' e- D! m$ G  LEstimated time to target is 15 minutes 2 m4 w7 {& \( l
Japanese aircraft
( C2 A0 d% ~6 ]- d/ X      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 210 g2 z7 i* }3 q8 R7 i
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 5 F$ F/ ?# ^3 p; N
Allied aircraft) y2 `% B, v0 C6 Q" @' s/ I
      no flights - A& Y; d+ i9 J8 W/ j
Japanese aircraft losses8 f% Q' ]5 p4 }0 ~1 C( l' [  s
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
. Z; m1 b) Z/ J+ b      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed by flak 1 G# R8 A7 H! u3 L! `, S
Allied aircraft losses$ R" Z9 V3 B7 z9 X( v( z% i  ?4 P
      PBY-5 Catalina: 4 damaged
: `/ c3 G& I$ R6 S  P% ^' t7 I      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
6 I) N, y9 v% E8 c6 [      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged ! @5 |" m" X! S' J2 N* R
Airbase hits 11
4 Y( S+ m: z& [+ H7 \. D5 PRunway hits 8
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 21, 42/ x! f& p3 e" h& W
/ V/ K* o+ D" k: [! i盟军选择见好就收,撤回铁路线,缅甸暂时安全。4 s/ h2 _7 S# Z% x
( X$ t- ?( j& F+ J9 g
" q  j3 `1 W4 M2 _Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
- t. x& H2 }; _+ D+ O  u) [( \$ iWeather in hex: Overcast
0 {% z# r: D( h$ kRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
# r+ W" O4 x& }5 g/ GEstimated time to target is 14 minutes + A% l$ G' x6 n. T$ O- q6 O
Japanese aircraft
( }, f" A  W3 [0 E) I      A6M2 Zero x 10
& g% F6 ~% E: G      G3M2 Nell x 17
1 d' d. t) e3 M7 z  j      G4M1 Betty x 3 * D+ V0 X4 g/ E
Japanese aircraft losses3 p" R/ N5 A, S, u) L. r* h  p% ]7 N
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged ) v+ f( q$ F  ]3 e
Allied ground losses:
" c/ O! Z9 q5 d0 Z9 W- B* |      8 casualties reported
8 k# }$ A$ ]6 U$ Y3 b  _" Z0 v         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 I& g2 I9 W3 z5 d/ |
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 R& O7 n& x' D: i3 u1 E2 _
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# Y# |0 T+ i3 F- L* ]- Y+ ?-------------------------------------------------------
3 A: C( I4 |" k6 P; B9 _0 }Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
: F. c3 w2 y2 N% d! A9 N2 \5 jWeather in hex: Overcast
" p8 N4 H# j& u- a; J7 gRaid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.. p& u! a7 [0 M  u# O1 B% Q
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
1 [  X' x( Y( t) o$ K# o6 _0 Z( OJapanese aircraft3 z; C7 ^  q; A: ?/ q# A) e
      A6M2 Zero x 19
: c. T& W, v+ L7 l      G4M1 Betty x 19 : K, S4 x9 s# Z7 [9 x, x1 w# N
Japanese aircraft losses& C9 J" W7 i+ n) L( s9 X( t
      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged 1 b/ l0 D5 s2 D3 H& `& t/ p% q
Allied ground losses:: \. _$ x6 g7 v7 {
      8 casualties reported
8 }  q1 U" L" j2 W5 t1 [- n         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ X5 [: x. f) X0 M         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ t, t" k" |- q2 k
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  {' \4 Y7 P* {6 H* o----------------------------------------------------------/ X8 Y+ w+ J4 a" W, l% E$ W
Morning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
) M* G9 `  x  O2 f8 X3 q( b. oWeather in hex: Overcast
' V- p, |; l9 CRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.0 o% N/ q& \) s4 g0 L: v
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes 7 x6 j+ l; I- X: a
Japanese aircraft
* t2 J$ j- B  w! \* Q! f2 s      G3M2 Nell x 13
6 g, V& @7 E" b      G4M1 Betty x 6# V6 s; c, \& F& F1 _! }
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24
2 J$ j' l0 F  K8 n! L) VJapanese aircraft losses
3 q8 i3 L! ^- u" w8 Z/ i      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged : [( W! o' x; N: T  m% P/ T1 ^
Allied ground losses:
+ d4 x) I5 C8 O; d' z      6 casualties reported
, t4 w% U* G1 h: ?         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 N' a0 l7 f2 p" U
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled  j( O( m8 u1 K& e) l6 \9 I7 X6 T3 m
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 a# M6 |& M" T7 S! z/ X
/ N* }; z0 a, k  {! f  m) FMorning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 1 C7 d' M  a! p2 z: A3 ?2 p( P
Weather in hex: Overcast # \! K  M" {' \' Z2 E1 A5 S1 J6 g
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.9 f5 J% Y: t/ Z5 K1 E" ^! J' C
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes " }0 `+ ?  t3 T2 `! d
Japanese aircraft
) O  |8 r8 P. H+ Q0 Q      A6M2 Zero x 11
& ^& m2 r0 t6 Q9 r3 _1 r5 [      G3M2 Nell x 7 2 C# b0 U5 }& b6 D& q8 a7 K
Japanese aircraft losses9 m; l2 z& v( I4 J, C
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged # W0 |9 c/ p0 b
Aircraft Attacking:8 @  f7 T! ^4 |& G5 Y% b
       7 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
4 P, p; f. _* m) O) K               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb 4 |* J1 h' \9 D2 ^
" S: X: v1 R% \0 uMorning Air attack on 6th Aus Cav Brigade, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
' \3 }$ S! P# s6 B* i# k% s; W. WWeather in hex: Overcast 4 W, Y/ I. D* j1 l
Raid detected at 20 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.# |8 j) y+ w+ q7 g* m& Q) u* k
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
/ X2 c$ F# L6 b4 ~; a6 B* aJapanese aircraft
( G$ K! F7 X5 x# E5 T      G4M1 Betty x 9
5 H5 C6 `  K% w7 l7 ?9 d, ANo Japanese losses / T) A" L1 K' J) u2 }! K
Allied ground losses:
% B- N  E  ^* R" u  F$ p      4 casualties reported
( X) a/ l/ x  M7 V         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% F+ j. d( e; W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled  {3 z$ Z3 m1 x# A$ L* d* [
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 t. [: s' `5 c5 e& |Aircraft Attacking:( {2 s9 P; M, W4 z
       9 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 10000 feet( a& W( z  O) O" V
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb # ?, Q1 m/ `1 `6 c: C5 k
" ]+ P# J$ M4 o/ @6 H9 G! VMorning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
2 Q) a3 E2 P* G+ UWeather in hex: Overcast   ?1 E  s; z9 Y- W; t9 i
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.* Z/ u/ V$ O3 @! l" ^# _9 T" M/ x
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
+ [! B( r+ R" Y3 J6 @* FJapanese aircraft4 j& l: i4 ^. F7 p) ~- e( h! q
      G3M2 Nell x 13 * T9 e3 L" c( h6 q4 h. w
Japanese aircraft losses
+ D/ J- e* z- o: C9 K; C: R/ M      G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged . a5 l, n. Z, k) h5 |
Aircraft Attacking:0 a+ U: j0 P: E; ~
      13 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet *
3 j5 D# q0 Q7 ?" Y7 Z0 Z; }) `               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb' z0 Z3 W% q$ D0 b/ p8 \3 G" m; |
) `) ?1 U! B0 y1 g; zMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 y4 s" z: Z! k/ mWeather in hex: Overcast
" j+ n6 U/ E1 Z* G7 J& U6 j& bRaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.+ Q7 @" K' p0 `2 V
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes
& X; n; \' O- V. k; C, T9 H! BJapanese aircraft
: x' n7 L$ @5 b, O" V      A6M2 Zero x 20
, H; `6 O" g. n$ G$ e; e0 D      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 42
. b, j! j, U  T! Q7 w7 U% R( c' J      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41
# v; h0 j3 v% K. d) \0 k# V9 `      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
: Y6 s8 W1 C# _1 \( B8 ?; P3 H      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 26+ b4 @# l1 x0 e- m) L/ `; n  V
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 3' b$ l$ `& M, W
      Ki-51 Sonia x 20
0 }+ o" ]) y5 F4 W( YAllied aircraft
1 ]1 a# E6 _5 |4 k- `      no flights ; D6 `' H6 O# @3 N7 B  E# j5 j
Japanese aircraft losses
. K5 A& \% z5 g6 Z9 @4 C. q3 l- J$ Y      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged; K1 b, v7 Q& o6 u
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged
* _7 _( ^. N; r+ w* ?6 f; ]( a      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged+ [6 W6 V& d, m. B. a+ z- `
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged- E7 G  L: k+ r+ k: u
      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged
" r' l7 P2 b/ a      Ki-51 Sonia: 1 destroyed by flak 3 H9 A: R& F. c. k/ e
Allied aircraft losses0 j# V3 L$ h" P9 ~
      139WH-3: 2 damaged
8 P* A9 g) v% i- t0 c! l9 V      FK-51: 1 damaged% A, C! b8 W0 o: }& a
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
$ m9 b6 z% W& n, I$ `0 z7 b" A9 V2 s/ o      B-25C Mitchell: 10 damaged; [1 {; j' P8 L) D% M
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground4 L; n: G) _$ w# N: `" I& p4 e( i
      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
* m9 i. v3 u  P% p# E% \1 j1 nAllied ground losses:7 w2 H2 y1 [+ n6 ]' {5 k. y
      5 casualties reported$ V4 h- s* S4 c' k* G
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ z+ D' w0 H1 M* }) f
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ l' G* E4 v4 m: R3 _3 E: d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# q8 N- f/ u" `  Y2 x* dAirbase hits 2" l; {; T2 n9 D' [
Airbase supply hits 29 k) A1 a( M; ]& U8 e8 R. I
Runway hits 30
9 m/ m7 i4 q. U2 [' d3 ^6 W----------------------------------------------------------
: `, c( e; e- s4 e: x2 N; @6 nMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  2 ?5 S" ?) `) M; x! l+ U! f& T
Weather in hex: Overcast
* ^) s. M# V9 ~6 t: M, |2 cRaid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.3 C4 k9 D0 }; f5 _  N
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
9 |' U# s6 j: b9 N$ O( rJapanese aircraft
) F% [4 b' |; V- L* h  [      A6M2 Zero x 30" U$ J4 X9 B' O4 ]
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
5 q0 J) D1 b2 u      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 14+ b' a/ D4 X8 `% \
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 20 * f+ d7 L; w3 P$ D6 l% U, u1 K) H
Allied aircraft$ V5 M+ [" k! G0 k+ U
      no flights
/ C) J+ F7 h+ k+ x6 `6 F" SJapanese aircraft losses
& E, i* s* J7 m      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
! q5 ~1 o; k- s      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged
1 @3 Z$ \4 T' j4 I      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged . m* V) h% j& [7 V
Allied aircraft losses7 k* Q  v/ I$ B7 v& t8 w+ J& K
      139WH-3: 1 damaged 7 b" _4 u9 A, p7 p- W& ]! s
Airbase hits 2
7 O) r8 `3 @( b% f2 }! FRunway hits 5
8 Z9 R/ ]' C4 j7 z-----------------------------------------------------------------
. T% ^. J0 t& h& {' HGround combat at 62,50 (near Lashio) 7 K% p! w/ q+ [. R" ^# ?: d/ J
Japanese Deliberate attack 5 {1 b; V4 ]/ n$ }0 Q4 Y; B/ _
Attacking force 2114 troops, 20 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 81
0 h+ S' Z1 c: a9 _; @3 NDefending force 475 troops, 11 guns, 4 vehicles, Assault Value = 30 * J/ v; q3 v' @$ z2 o$ r; v
Japanese adjusted assault: 48  + a% J0 k6 z! t
Allied adjusted defense: 22  . d- Z# O, ~% K. t, X6 v0 z4 S
Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1  
! t: D" k7 o) `; Q. QCombat modifiers
1 L& f6 q3 P( S' |/ y2 y) l6 lDefender: terrain(+), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)
, B: k, o& @( E* J- g. k8 g% y1 A3 }Attacker:  
$ N* t( l& E% u4 c7 x/ ~- }Japanese ground losses:
# P: ~! E3 b' t3 ^2 t- X# Z      20 casualties reported
/ `% O. o6 r' |         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% x3 E$ A% T, ~! [" U. |+ G3 E. x6 `" Z         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 n, @$ Y$ ]5 Y- ~1 M, b         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ( _  U: R: ^" l9 P5 o
Allied ground losses:# m$ i5 J; q/ D) U6 t
      163 casualties reported
# g% R3 N6 h# u1 Z! n: F         Squads: 5 destroyed, 8 disabled- i: j$ @, a+ k/ A
         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 2 disabled
5 b5 K4 \+ }" {! B6 T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 X% J8 A9 j4 h% S1 Y+ ^      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)# |' J& s! F+ p
      Units retreated 1 8 Z& j  e- P1 r. S; ?' H6 M2 l
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
6 S6 y( z2 S2 \. E/ x" F) FAssaulting units:
$ k5 y0 U4 q: V  h3 N6 h  }    14th Tank Regiment
# ^  H/ H) y3 |  D) G" ~* J& }" v& j    17th Indpt Guards Regiment
9 M' z/ b* e8 z; ^2 HDefending units:
9 e' U$ a" k: y7 {% k    Rangoon BAF Battalion, |% X7 o8 |: Z8 m
--------------------------------------------------- 5 }" G" j1 [+ b0 p7 v  \, a
Ground combat at 60,49 (near Taung Gyi)
6 N& D& ?4 C  ~3 w3 fAllied Deliberate attack . \$ y1 @' I/ `1 P
Attacking force 6714 troops, 68 guns, 619 vehicles, Assault Value = 443 $ Z! x' S' E( C1 I) n7 [
Defending force 1406 troops, 9 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 52
2 D! b5 X7 N: o/ ]5 }Allied adjusted assault: 197  # Q) c4 |5 I# F5 X! y
Japanese adjusted defense: 28  , m' z% G; }  U8 M5 r- h
Allied assault odds: 7 to 1  
) X4 Z2 o6 ?7 VCombat modifiers
; a$ E. h; _8 X/ f) h5 CDefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), supply(-)
" w- `; M( r6 z. i6 P5 G6 q6 UAttacker:  
$ c+ B% ~/ m2 B5 p7 r) LJapanese ground losses:
7 F+ d% }! v/ E* b. _      914 casualties reported# ?( B1 ~; n1 I- o) |
         Squads: 39 destroyed, 7 disabled7 {! b2 W$ X9 W9 w
         Non Combat: 20 destroyed, 11 disabled2 k; M' [6 x0 P. y) T' w- C
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 0 disabled1 @# X2 a. W+ Z8 Y, y
      Guns lost 5 (4 destroyed, 1 disabled)( L! L' z1 `1 X4 O) X
      Units retreated 2 ; G2 R4 U+ Q) `* |: u# g! X/ c/ s
Allied ground losses:
9 ^% ^) P" u% i8 ]      63 casualties reported
! g3 k: c, A# @% Y         Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
' j( |  F  y1 v7 O% g7 C" p3 A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# N$ i8 w8 r1 F# a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled % x0 k3 p& X9 }& M) N3 E2 J. V- J; B
Defeated Japanese Units Retreating! 4 B! p6 K+ M  j/ ?
Assaulting units:9 R1 x  t# F+ E' }# b: {
    3rd Carbiniers Regiment  y( E% U5 y8 Y+ q0 S* t" Z
    255th Armoured Brigade& \3 C: A! Y7 G4 _
    50th Tank Brigade
! t* w9 x% b; C$ K4 ^% d9 A    254th Armoured Brigade
! D8 c4 r/ U& r    7th Armoured Brigade ' z' ~) G7 b( z% e5 f3 G
Defending units:* C# n7 }7 M) o1 ]
    1st Raiding Regiment) D; c  {! a4 ?* G8 g9 l) c
    1st RTA/B Division
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- u8 c5 e7 I) l& Q8 W& U) ]随着p43装备国军,国军开始了空中游击,能打下一架是一架。 - Z! s3 _0 h  Q( W( d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ w2 ^+ U9 C8 h. ?
Amphibious Assault at Luganville (120,150) , q, w) u6 N( k* p
TF 34 troops unloading over beach at Luganville, 120,150 7 a/ R! `/ S& N% o
Japanese ground losses:
. Q0 j: C+ A% r' Z8 ~      62 casualties reported
: `( {! h5 V. g% j7 q: n! c         Squads: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
, p7 M+ D( I* E0 _3 }& y         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* P+ Z: S+ g+ @$ D1 S/ e0 \         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 9 R* I9 ~: X: V: Y+ J- a
17 troops of a SNLF Squad lost overboard during unload of Maizuru 1st SNLF  6 ?) N9 z5 X: ~& F
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------) R! ~. F, P+ s
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) ! W6 v3 Y4 B" |# g: h, K
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ! F$ R( R' X* \5 H; A& |
Raid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.5 i- k8 B3 c) O
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
' a2 A' M. ?+ ^6 C4 b& A' D2 X& BJapanese aircraft- V6 B# C7 k4 p- `) s
      A6M2 Zero x 19 T) @# y; k- ^% J6 Y
      G3M2 Nell x 24  r$ t' a* Y. Y) G+ U
      G4M1 Betty x 29 6 L) N1 r2 a' ^) N
Japanese aircraft losses. e5 u) ]3 Z7 ]1 a5 R/ @4 V! x3 Z
      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
& O. `7 U2 L7 M! f: H6 L2 j- XAllied ground losses:% |* \7 }# F% E( R9 k
      6 casualties reported( S% y# n) ~, D9 W: h( z
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* d2 ?( _& I! \% |% q/ {; O
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled8 r3 p; U8 G2 T. u
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
3 ]9 q0 c* {) p/ q-------------------------------------------------------
/ g# ^; ~2 r9 c) P- R+ t. V5 tMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ v! S: K: ?* G
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
' Q  Y+ r; n" m7 z5 PRaid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
, r* h& w0 F6 {, ~+ v3 D9 qEstimated time to target is 15 minutes , n5 ~1 n1 F# i6 [+ z/ _" Z
Japanese aircraft
2 S6 s* f) k3 a  S      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 63 o+ b- G) ]; D8 n, V8 \
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 19
7 e9 [$ N) R6 K- s      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
& w6 |  l9 j. c      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 104 `6 D. H, d+ ^3 K& o5 [5 }( y, i! L% K
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 7
2 r" I" d0 B6 l* k# W      Ki-51 Sonia x 1
8 |& F# \2 f4 ~8 D' Q+ TAllied aircraft' c, f8 i) B0 F; Q; G8 P, D. u3 X
      no flights ( b6 q+ R' f# Z! H3 m
Japanese aircraft losses% I) K8 Z: T5 ]2 }: |+ L
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged& Z$ d& Z, ?5 S0 K  S0 Z
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 4 damaged
% h" Q2 [& r9 x* P      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged2 [1 W1 I+ [: U+ s' z
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged
- h& L; z; G7 P) OAllied aircraft losses; G2 J0 r& P* m6 w8 u. X* ?
      139WH-3: 1 damaged . l9 a8 r. `" ]% {8 I5 O9 T2 F
Runway hits 6# p$ o1 H# u- E% i% H" [5 Q
-----------------------------------------------------------! S) x: E8 q$ v, g% E4 Y" h  _
Morning Air attack on Soerabaja Base Force, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
. x1 l( B' n; N4 JWeather in hex: Thunderstorms   z# T1 \* P, w; ^) j3 D& Q
Raid detected at 51 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.! @, b4 B6 K0 c# N) |
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
, |7 t2 C& T: Q( Q, P8 J) ^" qJapanese aircraft
9 w5 F) E. R* L) S      A6M2 Zero x 43) w( f" i2 k" B, s; W: `* `0 d
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
) V, ?$ D7 ]) ?4 v% O' x$ A! A: y5 ^; Y      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 20
, ^  g2 `3 {7 }# f+ [      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 190 w  F8 T0 X% ]- o% }- n1 s' J
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 16
+ }! }6 y3 F4 g      Ki-51 Sonia x 18
; W" ]/ N" x' f6 E: z$ Y* |+ LJapanese aircraft losses
' Z% L+ I; a/ m# I( B) u3 J' u" F      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
1 }4 A) N+ A1 t% Q1 _$ j% X) K      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged% `2 X! x4 F. E2 j  |9 I8 F9 y/ F5 b' v
      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged1 H% f$ a: b% m1 ~8 |1 ?9 _( n. ?
  @+ z, k! o3 a7 x5 Z! P1 hMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
4 ^( |! Z8 _9 r6 U5 h  RWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
, N9 @  `  h2 f8 Q  T* n& g& ARaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.+ r0 A. K( h+ i/ u# F
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes % Z% C( t5 g4 N9 m' A3 p( N* h
Japanese aircraft
2 V, |% }% u' j3 _- }$ B      A6M2 Zero x 17
2 q, g" L9 r1 _; \; A! f3 x& F      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 425 J% ^; g3 ]2 N
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 30
' K* X2 F  u) v) L+ U- F7 {      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 9
& G) M/ W: S( p/ y- }Allied aircraft
9 R/ @# C; t: s- U* h  m$ V      no flights
8 E9 _' Y0 ^- BJapanese aircraft losses
/ O/ G9 D& w6 C( z) C      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged5 ]9 _( A# u& w2 [2 W+ [
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged * S0 A& m1 r  O# W
Allied aircraft losses9 E# W5 a% w6 o% x6 e. m+ r" S
      139WH-3: 2 damaged" ~# q, v. _" `& ^1 c4 k3 g
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged' n! \9 F9 m" E8 [1 Q3 f, S4 C) Q, s
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
: x  m$ p* G+ D6 y- lAllied ground losses:
; w! }- c# s2 U; Q/ L      6 casualties reported
+ G7 V, \4 F" ]1 S/ P         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 C$ t5 e8 x; V         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 [2 n. ~& n3 f% c. M' x; `         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled - m+ n# s: n9 Y3 z$ z1 _; D
Airbase hits 2
) w+ L" ~/ S+ h/ s* R  Q2 ?" @Runway hits 15* B- z/ V/ v" r% _) ]6 k( m4 m
----------------------------------------------------------% N3 W" Z( \$ v6 a5 O
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  / b4 L/ u+ a: g
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms ( A0 q3 V$ N+ K
Raid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
# d/ [  K; w" M3 l" l* @) EEstimated time to target is 9 minutes 0 P: l8 ^8 A; r/ f. T: q/ F' @+ x* o
Japanese aircraft
3 q6 o1 ^. z  j: s  S      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 178 e+ q' I6 O1 N# [3 R" e
      Ki-30 Ann x 21
/ O' v) g% o) d4 @( {, t, b      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 1
6 o" g! k( D' ^! s  K1 j6 k, {Allied aircraft
2 w* D4 L% ?8 C) t      H81-A3 x 92 Z2 A. H3 s8 e' Q) ^5 y/ t$ `
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 10 + H: a+ E3 U9 C4 o" ?9 O# a: {
Japanese aircraft losses
: A( y2 R2 R7 b# @      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 3 destroyed, 8 damaged; y2 k$ s) e$ P3 g* P; e
      Ki-30 Ann: 6 destroyed, 3 damaged) y  R. k! c$ @" _7 p, c: i
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged 0 R5 s. i* B0 ?( {% e8 y
No Allied losses ! ]7 T$ p8 b7 \& ]7 e
Airbase supply hits 17 p( V- k0 N' m7 ^( D
Runway hits 8
; ]3 G5 }. q' g; e0 @# s--------------------------------------------------------/ Q# R2 N* `0 p+ G7 W! B. {
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  7 P  _8 m6 k/ N. o5 {1 s
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
# h$ N+ p/ y- F, l5 R/ QRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.% ]- I9 ^. r3 _- A; \
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 1 O8 ], o& ~6 E& D  T$ m! v# g. V% ?
Japanese aircraft# D- T2 E8 L1 M" B6 s( K
      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 25
6 K4 s& b. q% q4 eAllied aircraft
9 y5 H3 d; z0 j# r7 N6 A, u      H81-A3 x 3
# k+ l! ]# i3 o- ^8 S6 v      P-43A-1 Lancer x 3
4 O0 a3 Z- F3 N( w! H, XJapanese aircraft losses0 I) }- _3 }' K; m! C: {
      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged 7 w: _/ \: s/ n5 b  `
No Allied losses
) ?2 b6 r, J# n& t7 A  B1 rAirbase supply hits 1
, C3 s. w3 B2 L; U* \% ~, _: IRunway hits 3* j2 Q4 E" X; g+ U8 h
-------------------------------------------------------8 m& n; b  O" [* x! r; K
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
. n* v# C$ S* s9 l( sWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
" |* _. R, n* k: p4 B' PRaid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
, {% Q7 P% I$ G$ `7 b0 I% ]Estimated time to target is 9 minutes . \8 s  n- |" h% N$ j- W
Japanese aircraft" n& ]7 I3 q5 I! N* F
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
$ e# q5 k: H( F* ~      Ki-30 Ann x 16 / h; @1 I: o! K( D  V
Allied aircraft
5 B  J# W5 K1 ]0 Y      H81-A3 x 15 \+ R3 R( g2 X7 J. f
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 1 4 S7 J+ X$ {3 Z1 k1 m
Japanese aircraft losses/ v9 H$ M/ l9 A" {
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
: E& A1 q0 I/ J8 [+ c      Ki-30 Ann: 1 damaged 2 R& b. k2 @# \3 |. {/ A
No Allied losses
7 V/ i. {( _" d3 H$ i( \1 iAirbase hits 4
& c; f1 }6 N& bAirbase supply hits 1) V' E0 Q' g9 h4 a
Runway hits 3' x. r# l8 t/ l6 K! P7 e1 T
------------------------------------------------------------( h+ ?1 x2 Q  ^( \
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
  F  V1 s1 u8 _; ~; CWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
5 r/ A* b+ V9 Z1 aRaid detected at 26 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.) W, Z9 v% k) i8 i
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes 5 m" L2 ?7 b+ v) I$ c+ w! Q
Japanese aircraft
) S1 o$ e' U  b1 h- W+ J1 c      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 " ^2 }* z- I( C: z/ s' t) W
Allied aircraft
# {1 T7 i' O! s3 [9 J( b6 }4 x      no flights
" o9 _! ~3 W4 `' o$ UJapanese aircraft losses2 C# h" N8 }; H' p: g5 e
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged , q! w% U4 Q0 N- e# Z  `
Allied aircraft losses9 d' V4 N* s4 c( \% G/ m  R) _
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged2 _9 C# d/ S# t& C1 }7 H3 Q
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
8 D, O  l" {2 P  d  pAirbase hits 2
: O) P2 O: ^+ |% a7 l/ S6 Y. ?4 XRunway hits 7 2 X" l2 y) o: l* Y5 S
Aircraft Attacking:* y$ y" C" Y. \
      17 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 10000 feet
& ~5 j" I" V6 a* d9 u' [1 y6 l               Airfield Attack:  4 x 100 kg GP Bomb* w& ]1 w$ i3 G
+ P4 g* R- h" z1 ]1 cAmphibious Assault at Efate (120,154) : t/ T0 I% k( \) N% m8 q4 Q( s
TF 73 troops unloading over beach at Efate, 120,154
5 e8 b, k: T0 z# m3 C8 M/ g& p* |Japanese ground losses:
! t: E2 `5 O! b1 X! [: G0 m' L      87 casualties reported& e! K7 W; U0 |, [5 e3 H) V' U0 N
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled
) ]6 L" f' O$ v, e0 A         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled! M6 d; O4 I5 P  h9 x3 S4 H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
& B# G- A7 n9 H! l3 z      Guns lost 3 (0 destroyed, 3 disabled)
+ O  i, W- e! g$ f/ G1 G17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 83rd Nav Gd: Z8 J; A2 o$ L( Y/ L' L5 c
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 83rd Nav Gd /5; a6 l$ `) ?+ f, g& d! h
  T# k. O% Z+ q$ \/ rGround combat at 48,89 (near Djambi) 0 w% F+ W3 e% x# i) a( P
Japanese Deliberate attack
- Q* n  Z: b/ mAttacking force 2109 troops, 9 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 79 8 T3 T  g/ m/ A- Y8 H
Defending force 130 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1
1 @7 x* U, n& LJapanese adjusted assault: 30 , N# e  C; W( P; Z6 x* }
Allied adjusted defense: 1  ; T1 B: V& N0 t% Y
Japanese assault odds: 30 to 1  
7 a8 e1 U" Y$ e% \0 BCombat modifiers- X# ]% \+ x* q: x  g
Defender: terrain(+), op mode(-), fatigue(-), experience(-); w7 b2 |* U0 R4 Z% o/ r7 @, ~
supply(-)% e# E, A/ N( P3 E- b0 W* ~) b  y) H
Attacker: fatigue(-) : S. t1 a  K# V" ?
Allied ground losses:
/ p; ?. |2 c4 Z! |4 B( E      18 casualties reported
0 I6 }8 C: m5 i4 l# @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 }! }* }/ m4 |- @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
( Y/ y4 y' N& P" i! j  I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: ^* z" I0 i2 E3 O( d8 q$ @5 a3 ]Assaulting units:' k: r3 ~5 _% u, c; K& l
    41st Guard Battalion
  q4 D. t' l" n& G0 g) ]    2nd Recon Regiment
+ n% P+ i* f5 b% S) X: iDefending units:
' Z+ |, w0 o! ?1 }4 u' i    Medan Coastal Gun Battalion
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 23, 428 {- f5 m! Q% ]( u$ m+ e
2 b# b0 W( }0 Y5 O- o) K看来荷兰人也能放日军不少血。% a3 l% E! M! L' `; c9 T
----------------------------------------------------8 Y+ d, X: n5 R. g* c/ @5 p5 E9 E
Morning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
. e* r7 W0 O; a2 o! \Weather in hex: Heavy rain
3 \" j) m5 l5 b3 m! o* ARaid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
; u  D  N$ S; w6 y1 b* e% `Estimated time to target is 27 minutes ! ?$ f& d4 t6 b/ ^
Japanese aircraft
$ r( ~  e& ^: S0 R      A6M2 Zero x 11
5 U( v. l  R0 L, Y9 F. `      G3M2 Nell x 29
4 G+ w! H& t# n! Q5 _      G4M1 Betty x 22 4 r8 p6 x- b8 Z
Japanese aircraft losses
* P# T* E9 M! u      G3M2 Nell: 7 damaged
* U& x3 C& ^) R5 h6 `$ S. s      G4M1 Betty: 9 damaged
. P8 s7 y5 k, b5 W) [/ N0 e-----------------------------------------------------# Z; a% w# H$ y. W  _
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
0 L: J" v0 W$ g+ R- HWeather in hex: Heavy rain
/ S0 R% y# ?5 H: F! [Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet." ]( r% [! _+ y7 D3 i" C2 a
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
# B) m" S. Z/ @+ tJapanese aircraft
% ~5 n/ Z! e2 J- S$ s, [      A6M2 Zero x 13* G1 n& a' C9 F) `9 s$ s& R+ w7 X! V
      G3M2 Nell x 35 A! `- F% e) u1 @: F; n; P9 x
      G4M1 Betty x 27
: N7 Y6 _. e  G" NJapanese aircraft losses2 G! y8 K9 @( l- t4 U1 c0 k% W4 |
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged& p, d6 e, \/ ~$ @: Q
      G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak
' h7 O  V9 n2 O( E) |  iAllied ground losses:! r/ f$ e% x& l( F& U  u  t( \+ |
      6 casualties reported
, H8 a. @. I- Y. B+ d: c' s8 w8 f         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 ?' u8 C- }4 a         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( d% L: h, M, y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& b1 _7 R8 Q, X% ^& G) p3 F
  L# W8 h) g* q  c7 }2 BMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 1 M, A' Y0 O' k; N* m( T( `
Weather in hex: Heavy rain   G0 d7 j* _9 @+ i& R
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.6 g. n# N$ D4 W: j& i! P
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes
) ~, m3 v* Q- D& o, \& ^+ I5 WJapanese aircraft
3 C4 U' {+ u% C  G5 s      G3M2 Nell x 14$ y  m, z8 `( F8 }' f  j1 J
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 20+ J, L! x# l8 @$ C, y
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 1
0 M' q- ~; x4 i* [9 I# a% S# o( D      Ki-51 Sonia x 19
% h* }" Z2 o/ ^# NJapanese aircraft losses. S2 \& }8 N# `. U! D0 a6 z" K& z
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
0 I8 l, V3 O. b, |      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged* J% ]+ C% J  ]
  P: x* ^7 M3 Y8 m& V% M+ |% XMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ) Q8 E; H+ w0 L2 ]/ @& G/ r' C
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
9 S. H# ^2 t5 g* O3 ^4 x; }) BRaid detected at 74 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
! ^: S* S# u( _Estimated time to target is 23 minutes
* l" s$ p6 ?& |: M" z* dJapanese aircraft" s1 m: ?: T% k1 U' K* G) ]( S
      A6M2 Zero x 4
+ C6 }3 _8 H4 k6 e  G+ s      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 24
6 L; u, g$ b: M& Y& y      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 42
& d- V( r0 k( s9 A      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 35 h* {+ E2 }% P1 t% j
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27& _' ~7 _8 A. x& [
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 4 8 z! \# w7 D* _' ]* a
Allied aircraft" }+ f$ ^  |; t9 V
      no flights 7 |9 k) ?. [8 F8 \7 O4 t
Japanese aircraft losses
3 S$ J8 V9 H: y7 V, X& n* R3 V      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged
) z% q/ D! H; P9 ?3 a      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged7 ~2 r. y  k/ J+ S
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 damaged
- Y0 s9 u# O1 Z) Y$ F& x/ A      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 1 damaged   W8 Y( X: t- ^! I
Allied aircraft losses6 u* q* f' q; o0 c4 a* ^2 c& g8 S
      139WH-3: 1 damaged
( O' C, i8 N$ f# q" W  OAirbase hits 2
9 [4 ], L' E+ E( tRunway hits 21
. E9 r; t( M: N- O* T7 y9 {1 ^; ^2 p-------------------------------------------------------1 s7 X" e5 C  s* Z0 f0 D
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
3 w5 |1 b( i& ?& K) M) _% VWeather in hex: Heavy rain 4 M) y; a% Z- \4 r+ L2 ^
Raid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.! o3 c" O- K% U7 X$ X! \
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes 3 p2 j! H& D5 \: h1 I7 \
Japanese aircraft1 H$ S$ ?& r; E. @: G( q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
) u5 p8 m: C# ]' x      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9
, w# s& Y* b. A- n" w  x      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 15
. x0 A( M7 m6 h      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 12 8 C& C0 k3 D* r( y7 p  S4 t% n
Allied aircraft. }# {8 P4 E( `9 F! t7 F( G3 K& e5 F
      no flights # Y1 t4 p  u: u1 |! N! Z$ K
Japanese aircraft losses
6 [' A! @: j% s1 d( q$ k+ K3 D: V      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
1 A& X7 o2 ?; V( x& ^0 }( U- J$ p      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged: a) X& J% }- F% N0 D2 \' q2 t% D1 C6 k- Y
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 6 damaged 0 w& M" ]! H( S1 O/ `
Allied aircraft losses9 ]; Y% t. m  W
      FK-51: 2 damaged6 Z" X  Z! l6 Z2 P6 K( v3 D
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
- Q: I6 u  |* w      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged
2 L' }; v1 E4 ~1 K' K      Do-24K-1: 2 damaged5 |( ], D+ m" e
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
/ K- P" y- ~* M' Z; S" ?0 Z3 fAirbase hits 2
9 W# n  T$ D* z- qAirbase supply hits 2
9 e8 Z+ k8 @; X- MRunway hits 9
7 k4 R0 g' L2 O, U9 m- o* P( z$ U-----------------------------------------------------------: j( W8 Z% U) A" M2 y; J
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  ; ]/ |: U0 z; j/ r
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms" V' T; r* ^! H0 I0 J
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.9 n" \2 K( Y$ b; M2 X  c( m# G
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
4 N; ?8 b+ V, E; fJapanese aircraft
5 V" j* ]' C+ l0 A      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 271 Q, n% f% T/ h
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
! t' F: @+ W9 o9 e      Ki-30 Ann x 156 f  I: m& K+ \/ |6 k( G
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3
& k$ j, Y- N! l7 q& jAllied aircraft4 D# O+ J8 a3 w$ w3 w. X" [
      no flights
& m4 G6 q4 ~. K& u2 z; [Japanese aircraft losses  X& [% O* Y2 M+ G
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged' ^, s* |( V/ O
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged
% |: P" N6 J7 h9 d) zAllied aircraft losses
" u1 v$ D& S5 ^( s: Y: G& ^: D' M      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 damaged
3 x/ U! N# V" i4 v+ m6 R8 G' F+ b. ?: H      H81-A3: 1 damaged
* U0 [4 A% M7 m+ v      H81-A3: 1 destroyed on ground
9 ~+ g: k/ S5 B# n) h; QAirbase hits 6
. D5 t" ^( g3 ~7 |4 ZAirbase supply hits 1
$ q" v6 W/ O9 NRunway hits 87 k. T- u5 p) E, ?2 m
--------------------------------------------------- : O3 _( e+ L9 ^0 c7 W# x- }( g
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 7 I1 b+ ^* ^8 W( t* h3 Z4 P- h
Japanese Deliberate attack 0 f. V! j! L5 C. R. @, ^8 u
Attacking force 139718 troops, 1705 guns, 1047 vehicles, Assault Value = 4577
+ w* g$ l1 F8 @4 L" L, Q9 k5 tDefending force 81802 troops, 1048 guns, 802 vehicles, Assault Value = 2467
8 |" g$ U, ?; h4 w. E- O# @Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 4 & j" @" y' @4 p9 ^( I. J! g4 H. z
Japanese adjusted assault: 2406    ^+ L+ h' f+ a$ [( P
Allied adjusted defense: 9787  
8 d- @8 `' D; ^# PJapanese assault odds: 1 to 4 (fort level 4)  
9 T$ E! G/ y3 L& h% SCombat modifiers
/ Y( W! ]! I# d1 r6 |Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), experience(-), supply(-)  \( ?' H- {! h- `
* A% O8 @# F+ G. l5 q# WJapanese ground losses:
* ~, U0 q3 h9 `: }      22282 casualties reported
3 d0 |, s$ r7 d, Y! j- L         Squads: 345 destroyed, 1843 disabled4 {  V2 W/ \! H4 Y* h
         Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 281 disabled) ^% ~& m3 D" [% @
         Engineers: 5 destroyed, 162 disabled
1 N5 d+ y5 _6 }) a$ ~5 T* z3 @6 o5 V4 O      Guns lost 199 (34 destroyed, 165 disabled)
! ~5 M' |' y/ S, Z      Vehicles lost 73 (3 destroyed, 70 disabled)
3 c# Z4 `# I# h4 X6 D& O# i* q+ QAllied ground losses:
/ V& ]( W! G+ \. i4 {      2984 casualties reported
! \( [. S0 A( X3 ?3 w6 k6 G9 G2 \6 h         Squads: 71 destroyed, 173 disabled
  N/ b8 }% @1 O& S         Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 158 disabled/ W4 x' r3 K6 }% Q+ s7 X# I
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 22 disabled
3 e: b6 G& ^( ?! [# U: c      Guns lost 49 (7 destroyed, 42 disabled)
$ K2 ^9 r; I& p# t: h9 h9 s------------------------------------------------
1 `- x, U2 Z- T; cGround combat at 48,89 (near Djambi)
# ?9 ?7 ]9 a' b# @# U4 b; n: CJapanese Deliberate attack
1 {4 r$ B2 S  n' aAttacking force 2100 troops, 9 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 78
" \/ s$ @( y3 c' W  i) @Defending force 110 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1 $ s! a* }# a' `1 O+ P# b
Japanese adjusted assault: 54  . D1 ~3 a+ z0 d$ @/ H$ W
Allied adjusted defense: 1  - Z+ a. y1 z9 P' _" o, A$ w
Japanese assault odds: 54 to 1  
9 r  R' E* p4 x# L7 l# z& }9 X, `Combat modifiers
+ @2 E2 C* U- E8 ODefender: terrain(+), fatigue(-), supply(-)
8 ]" Q- K+ }* e( O, C- o/ gAttacker:  
7 t/ @' s) Y9 o. D5 U$ c. qAllied ground losses:
9 d* [4 E5 k1 ^/ K% E# x  ^      110 casualties reported
7 |. x$ g! y2 Z7 A         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 k9 `5 {( K, N( e  k
         Non Combat: 21 destroyed, 0 disabled
- R4 Y; S  Z  H2 ]0 }, U+ w         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# a9 e; y6 M5 u$ f) i) h      Units destroyed 1
4 X% R- ?. h+ U7 N3 C# V0 `* KAssaulting units:
, m+ ~4 u! ~4 q# {/ N    41st Guard Battalion5 b! n, z3 Q% m2 I# i- T3 }5 k
    2nd Recon Regiment $ a; c; X* {. Q- M: Z* X4 i% f
Defending units:% U9 O- g- X- v& V: A; `. G$ ?
    Medan Coastal Gun Battalion! \2 D6 G7 y4 i1 C* N
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . M! f; _. k' Z
Ground combat at Luganville (120,150) / Y3 [: H. ?5 \7 u: m( {. ]
Japanese Deliberate attack $ k* `9 _* U7 O( f, V) Q
Attacking force 1117 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 33 ! I* T# o, f2 M# d
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 1 L) Y# w% Z8 ^! W( `
Japanese adjusted assault: 14  ( d! O: i3 s+ @: T. m# s
Allied adjusted defense: 1  & x+ N6 v  q: P  F: e
Japanese assault odds: 14 to 1 (fort level 0)  , I( o) y. ?* \. c5 c% x, m
Japanese forces CAPTURE Luganville !!! 6 p& z9 d  I5 C% S3 o9 S5 y
Combat modifiers
' K3 e/ ]/ b5 J5 CAttacker: leaders(-)
& A1 z0 P/ r- T/ U) f! F& IAssaulting units:5 c. q# C+ H- R' @  {' b
    Maizuru 1st SNLF8 s: j/ Z" N+ z  }" v4 `
  H4 Q& R  `8 n, n0 TGround combat at Efate (120,154)
( D7 T$ N6 z% v2 }6 ?; eJapanese Deliberate attack
1 h9 k  [/ c; B7 yAttacking force 923 troops, 11 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 22 : N/ @" R; k; H: ?2 i# b( v
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0 7 r% A% B% K+ K! k/ k
Japanese adjusted assault: 11  ! O0 }5 c" y& x6 [* [1 X
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
- X2 b6 j& g3 c' I, V/ kJapanese assault odds: 11 to 1 (fort level 0)  ' Z" J/ s6 w& H- @2 x" t
Japanese forces CAPTURE Efate !!! : `0 {- ~! ]4 \2 J7 b
Combat modifiers
# ^: P( j6 M7 j% ?# [3 ^, lAttacker: leaders(-)   h3 d- X. X( P+ P
Assaulting units:
1 O# D; U3 G# J$ G1 n$ m2 C, @! i9 [5 v    83rd Naval Guard Unit
3 q. c6 ?3 u' g' D-------------------------------------------------------
, N  D9 I" N% f7 N, [Ground combat at Liuchow (74,55)
* j1 L$ A$ @3 cAllied Shock attack
; d' B) r5 G2 ^Attacking force 3333 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 92 * D4 ?" w' ]& k+ _9 ^
Defending force 11157 troops, 76 guns, 220 vehicles, Assault Value = 386
) ~  W) c9 w1 g3 X) P7 Q0 \Allied adjusted assault: 40  8 ~0 ?( h9 E9 h) E9 q7 _* y
Japanese adjusted defense: 238  1 b! `: n3 t" g8 w- c
Allied assault odds: 1 to 5 (fort level 1)  
2 @  F) Z- O. Y) Q6 e  `# FCombat modifiers
/ ^6 R1 t0 }" K4 mDefender: preparation(-), experience(-): s0 n* h9 s0 V* l4 }/ ^
Attacker: shock(+) * k, [/ ]- G( j* p( Q2 ^
Japanese ground losses:8 a; R. o4 ?) q3 [
      35 casualties reported
, U' Q9 ^0 r' E) p         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled' g) H; J# i/ D, H1 p" u8 r9 l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( j$ p& e5 s4 ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled * n5 t. Y# ~$ S: `1 G5 e
Allied ground losses:
8 m( L- `3 |- ]( a      739 casualties reported5 V7 p6 A+ m/ X; ?
         Squads: 3 destroyed, 60 disabled. N' l3 u8 [- b
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
7 D6 K! i# q/ R         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 12 disabled 7 b6 _2 d. {& s9 T2 f. n; \3 |
Assaulting units:, d7 o' M/ ^8 c, W- }9 D- T
    6th Chinese Corps 4 Z6 u; A, h4 H/ U0 K) `2 L. m7 y
Defending units:
. R1 Y% J- @- D5 D    4th RGC Division
5 a! @( e- \* p    2nd Ind.Mixed Regiment
* q6 G: G7 b1 |' g) }% C; j  H2 {    12th Tank Regiment
# ?* D( K  {0 F    12th RGC Ind. Brigade
- b# l2 @3 ^" y; O3 ]  @+ ^$ J    20th RGC Division
0 E: ]/ V3 Q9 M! k" ~3 L( A    17th JAAF Base Force
0 g* D6 K% v  o6 Q+ U    47th JAAF AF Bn
% i$ [% C- p6 ~  _3 T+ b4 r    32nd JNAF AF Unit 7 p' e7 {- Q6 {/ ?& m; w  z; n2 E
    2nd JAAF AF Coy
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 24, 42$ d2 [- z4 O6 K4 f/ n5 |# X
当天在印度洋上发现kb的踪影,- |# q4 D6 G3 @6 [$ }$ ^. v9 o
& |* |- R2 e. i3 |3 i0 w* E$ o8 k; ^' _1 F  L( d; x% X0 \' d- d: [
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 G: Y7 _. Y6 Z% I" H6 T
TF 30 encounters mine field at Soerabaja (56,104) $ O3 }+ q- E: V5 Y
Japanese Ships, {- p5 G4 U2 y+ [5 C& E) T: ]7 W; n$ R
      AMc Toshi Maru #8
, U$ s9 N! f% S6 L9 W, Y      AMc Toshi Maru #7
7 Z( V2 I( L8 I5 j      AMc Toshi Maru #1
3 I* b+ p8 K& c      AMc Takasago Maru . g+ W5 z4 L& b% v1 B7 i6 j
73 mines cleared5 P, c- m; Q: b( q
* ^& n7 A. C" E) c7 x; {Morning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
! J1 r: C! B2 e+ E; GWeather in hex: Light cloud " i! Q2 ]/ e8 T: z& c; B% ~# ?* H/ S  ?
Raid detected at 54 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
( E& K2 H7 p* T0 jEstimated time to target is 21 minutes 6 Y( N( e2 v( U- M
Japanese aircraft, m" \1 E; E" K$ f. l
      A6M2 Zero x 11
2 {. Y& ?7 D8 U, k$ w0 N! ~      G3M2 Nell x 154 e+ H& I9 C+ E! |/ R  |. R$ Q
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 20% w* S. u+ D" G! V" u
      Ki-51 Sonia x 19 ! U  ?4 C, A# Z9 ^, p7 q
Japanese aircraft losses4 g& C* f" ?) h5 L! r+ {
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
2 \2 P8 J" a) n. p: m0 e      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged ' l; I( k8 G% f9 Y; q
Aircraft Attacking:/ u2 z! R" ?* I0 C/ b
      15 x G3M2 Nell bombing from 10000 feet
4 b0 Y0 L0 E1 V- O+ F$ l7 e               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb9 Y. r! g% Z0 `4 A* P  S
      19 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 10000 feet" R. R  z, m9 @
               Ground Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb9 d6 ]6 G+ `, H* a
--------------------------------------------------------0 S& F" c- C! g" H
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ N5 V, A$ ^; j, m
Weather in hex: Light cloud 8 \' r9 }& \. A; m
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
, a: O0 M1 b9 ~. V2 e9 P; a/ B, BEstimated time to target is 24 minutes $ p2 W' j  W3 F; {+ Y) ^: x
Japanese aircraft
( |$ t# x2 e( h+ N3 U      A6M2 Zero x 6
, L% W/ y  Y, z7 R' i      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 42  e" F, e6 V( l
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 667 M: s( I. }& e/ E
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
1 n/ s4 W# t% ?' p* a5 U: N3 j      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10" m) B6 ?: h1 Y2 I' p9 o
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 18
9 D7 v. q& ^8 l7 N7 s8 cAllied aircraft
! h6 @7 ]1 I( N9 Y1 i& F      no flights
, T' z+ A9 U! f; \Japanese aircraft losses3 H1 l' N4 ]+ n9 m$ R5 b3 Q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged) Z# I) p$ T7 |2 |" [. |
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged) t0 e/ e: B+ |# R1 x) \7 [
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged  I. L2 }3 d3 f$ L: ^0 }/ F; _/ B+ n
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
# a/ g# j0 Y+ `8 {% aAllied aircraft losses7 w( `: h5 d8 F) ]% W1 k8 z
      B-25C Mitchell: 11 damaged
5 H5 P8 M9 z% b8 t1 R; A; W; P5 D      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
. F7 s2 P5 ]9 }4 A; l      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
  g' e; R, u, ~# h6 a, _! m( E' [      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground; r* n& L: w2 P3 q: |
      139WH-3: 8 damaged6 Y( s" `5 c9 R! s1 Z2 x
      FK-51: 1 damaged; B- O/ G! C1 m% \7 k' ~8 Z% f
      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged . n; ~4 q& a5 J' Y- ~/ B
Allied ground losses:
- j9 m0 a+ s- z$ @      28 casualties reported4 A: j2 W2 N3 t9 p) W  ~0 |
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ E: z% J7 o% ?6 m& `
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled0 [$ X1 h# U% }5 a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ) z( z. C9 V1 o8 c) m  d  R6 t
Airbase hits 12
( f) w8 v- u2 e- @* Z+ FAirbase supply hits 4
4 |/ [, b# o9 [- vRunway hits 41% J8 t& I" E& n+ _! v
) a- F9 s* M4 Z5 X: l1 d# KMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
! L" {3 G5 b8 U) h0 [Weather in hex: Light cloud
: Q8 B0 }0 R! V; Y* ~, A: ~Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
. C+ W2 O  t( N; PEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
7 k( B& E6 P- g7 Q' M, cJapanese aircraft
$ Z8 @5 ]- e1 Z: x& s      A6M2 Zero x 54
+ F3 c4 t# P( |- U      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 172 V- v1 `) |& n
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 18 0 c9 V( u( B. `7 l
Allied aircraft# H5 v- L, J) Y) d/ ^% R8 z
      no flights
5 `# C! H+ ^' P0 G, GJapanese aircraft losses
9 B% E" p; G$ m& o3 N: U      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
8 ~" K+ }; l+ w      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged
, ?6 a( Q! e) i$ CAllied aircraft losses
2 }* e5 g2 Z: ]* ^. d* W      139WH-3: 2 damaged
, i2 I( F6 N: I. e" IAirbase hits 5
: k. l! a4 \- [, G/ q! yRunway hits 11
+ {) Z! G5 O2 o( a---------------------------------------------------------
1 p1 W: x( e( \; O! d8 W. DGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 0 A5 m$ b) c2 F1 x
Japanese Bombardment attack : x2 B0 Y: Y. S, h
Attacking force 102680 troops, 1492 guns, 853 vehicles, Assault Value = 2865 8 d$ A% I3 [! v6 [6 {7 i' g
Defending force 79264 troops, 1040 guns, 802 vehicles, Assault Value = 2270
/ N- q% N3 k  s: Q1 D& hJapanese ground losses:, T0 U' R  A! P, [1 }
      21 casualties reported
; L6 Z" P9 r. y) Q( p! ~1 I: U! d         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
  J) ^" @1 T) r4 k( R8 X         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ E6 h- Y# }1 H- \0 s) E9 f         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* [0 Q& t$ s$ v5 Z7 BAllied ground losses:
% c+ W  @' s# |$ ?3 D, B' U      62 casualties reported6 F, v6 L/ x4 f: G# U
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
& u$ r  m' X" x% g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled) q% @( V# F( U  C) G5 o
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, ?: I3 r6 _% Z- @, V$ G. \
--------------------------------------------------------- 9 {, W0 F4 q( Z8 b+ o5 [7 `
Ground combat at Liuchow (74,55)   a' A9 ]9 k& u3 ?0 j  x- {
Japanese Shock attack. g2 v0 ~$ b) P/ b# o
Attacking force 7547 troops, 44 guns, 144 vehicles, Assault Value = 385
5 `+ e, n8 L2 b( ?1 Z9 s! _Defending force 2837 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 32
$ K, ^- N* w& I+ y- a( dJapanese adjusted assault: 343  1 \# F7 U9 |2 j8 L$ W
Allied adjusted defense: 4  / h/ U3 j9 @3 }2 F9 X3 C0 N* X  @" L
Japanese assault odds: 85 to 1  
$ ^  F6 E, O, u" \* d8 s6 G8 Z4 MCombat modifiers
7 X2 Z8 x) e' r6 U1 rDefender: leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
5 s$ U1 M" ^: E5 W: UAttacker: shock(+) 0 h( j2 h5 O1 d2 A  V3 E0 N
Japanese ground losses:/ J% a: L' ~- h! u) s) `
      68 casualties reported' t6 a! b; o9 J/ h, l) d% I+ |1 _
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
. N1 }, s0 Y1 V( y% @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled6 F  N6 ~  ^, _% N! z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, p; U: \' x! N7 J+ Y$ Z# ^" PAllied ground losses:
/ E# L" o/ f% w) N, S      733 casualties reported
% V/ s8 q) x+ |& s1 S. ^         Squads: 66 destroyed, 0 disabled
; V! X8 p. O( I7 @; G/ Y" a* G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled) m" N2 h; t7 }8 b: j0 X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled ; q. g8 [$ N. ^& C2 C
Assaulting units:
" e& E$ @. V0 c( M& T2 c% a    4th RGC Division
& M2 `4 d& V- \    12th Tank Regiment9 y; I; j- E6 m2 \2 f
    12th RGC Ind. Brigade) N: n$ G! R3 \* K$ ~$ g7 A
    2nd Ind.Mixed Regiment- M5 J4 Z( i* ]
    20th RGC Division
$ c. ^! H- g4 [* h+ ]7 `    17th JAAF Base Force
: b, z$ P' b  {/ m    47th JAAF AF Bn
8 M" t  A$ a$ h) y$ p    32nd JNAF AF Unit
6 ]) A( ^( j7 \7 z# L; `0 U# o    2nd JAAF AF Coy  $ @  z: N6 C9 w5 u$ g
Defending units:' i/ e/ V4 ?1 T; l7 o
    6th Chinese Corps
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 25, 42( R- u9 T" @" {( B
日军万隆当天恢复百余战力,国军又有两只部队成功转世。# K( G. \. n- g* C% ?/ u# _% c$ f
尽量将国军TOE在30%以下的部队都去转世一次。 1 m. q9 ?# i( }- b  U9 h
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& @: b, J$ e4 W& M, M: _& T8 ^/ C/ F
TF 30 encounters mine field at Soerabaja (56,104) 6 U+ t/ R) H$ k: f; c; j: s% b
Japanese Ships
, r( S6 B( t- m1 ]" u+ j5 A) O      AMc Toshi Maru #87 z4 X+ F, Q. w
      AMc Toshi Maru #7# O9 H% n6 y& D# s0 p2 J
      AMc Toshi Maru #1
. U. J1 N2 Z. T. ~& Y! k$ p      AMc Takasago Maru
: ?5 D. \( K. E1 ^. P7 s, o: v12 mines cleared
' k" z0 n. w2 n+ f----------------------------------------------- - d* D0 V9 s% w; M  }+ b! o
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) ) L+ P7 C6 Z6 ^. ?4 u3 O7 X
Japanese Bombardment attack
& `: w8 h% p/ q" w) }3 gAttacking force 104073 troops, 1494 guns, 856 vehicles, Assault Value = 2974
8 D8 @( U0 x6 pDefending force 79546 troops, 1038 guns, 802 vehicles, Assault Value = 2306
- I2 W7 \3 j* n/ uJapanese ground losses:
8 B# z0 ~) @# C" Y$ e      18 casualties reported
" u- _# g% I% V0 O         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 V0 k$ f  ]( G8 Q) P/ \         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" r6 l3 j. M  H# {; X9 O         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled : G1 j0 ?4 R" `, G5 H9 ], i0 p
Allied ground losses:4 F& a- `0 {8 R8 g
      31 casualties reported, i( D# Z( Y) d- o  D
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled/ g; ]- e6 K! V8 ]
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled& g" x  U. Z) a& d2 F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled  j' H) q: W0 y
      Vehicles lost 3 (2 destroyed, 1 disabled)
4 c6 N& o; N! I--------------------------------------------------------------
7 ~1 ]; U$ M% S$ H5 ]9 H0 ~Ground combat at Liuchow (74,55)
4 Z/ h5 I" v9 y! j' `$ M: sJapanese Shock attack
" v% _5 |5 d# A, eAttacking force 7499 troops, 44 guns, 144 vehicles, Assault Value = 377 # m/ [' C7 L0 U: ?$ i' D+ k
Defending force 2160 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2
$ e/ s9 A- O) Z- M$ M+ Z; XJapanese adjusted assault: 381  + r, U9 @% l$ A( S9 c  _. x
Allied adjusted defense: 2  
2 T& f0 ~8 z: L. mJapanese assault odds: 190 to 1  
$ c5 C; D" x. t  C% h: p5 k, [Combat modifiers
; T) |5 H& ]: P) i+ D' S* t1 I9 xDefender: leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)$ ?4 K+ N6 l" U5 d# T5 P. M
+ A6 X8 _! j0 P6 D0 \7 PAttacker: shock(+)
/ t; O2 L" w4 g+ |) g2 YJapanese ground losses:
: t/ ~$ V' t, k) \# O      13 casualties reported
! k; j) Z  q0 Q6 X+ h/ n2 ~         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# f) S, N! [: L6 H7 ?% _         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 E4 h$ H2 N! n" x( f2 _% k
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 W4 |# `& Y  O+ M/ [1 @
Allied ground losses:- W+ y8 Z# V3 k' |
      2440 casualties reported
2 l7 Z6 y7 H. G         Squads: 103 destroyed, 0 disabled
% S: G% t9 G  [2 h) Q% p" P         Non Combat: 76 destroyed, 0 disabled* @" @; l8 ^3 M2 O- m- t
         Engineers: 43 destroyed, 0 disabled8 e: V0 V+ k! }/ ?2 h- B9 A% M" i+ ]
      Guns lost 43 (43 destroyed, 0 disabled)! ?. B7 U" i' u
      Units destroyed 1 # g# X8 J! t6 f7 W( A
Assaulting units:
, m/ m4 t3 H  E/ _4 n8 Z    2nd Ind.Mixed Regiment; h( f7 y2 Y( e/ r
    12th Tank Regiment
* s, {4 ]0 G6 T$ b/ F    12th RGC Ind. Brigade
9 j9 f4 f; l: [. K    4th RGC Division9 P* }9 @  o* k; F
    20th RGC Division+ B9 F8 P; V0 ]/ h. O
    47th JAAF AF Bn
9 Y$ S4 F( G& U' H/ Y/ v    17th JAAF Base Force6 m( G% v. q/ T( R2 Z
    32nd JNAF AF Unit - O, V$ @9 B  M; ~  ]
    2nd JAAF AF Coy  
& t) r* ]; |. Z3 `7 D$ `9 }7 }5 z* IDefending units:
) ^# r2 P3 q; }0 G- l  m    6th Chinese Corps
/ T$ W4 a% f( M) L( X5 k--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 S% b' v, a, V2 X( B. |% qGround combat at 80,50 (near Changteh)
$ N3 z6 R5 v( f" O6 o: V' Q. H) x' E) FJapanese Deliberate attack 4 B9 A  B, f- r2 {/ O0 p
Attacking force 35054 troops, 519 guns, 309 vehicles, Assault Value = 1128
' s& Z' V7 a! _5 i/ SDefending force 1087 troops, 1 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2 , R7 m; X5 G8 Z3 X
Japanese adjusted assault: 1158  
5 }9 |0 H/ H( x) B  K8 k& H, ^Allied adjusted defense: 1  
  |9 s% Z4 k7 U5 _) C. SJapanese assault odds: 1158 to 1  9 p# R- K& R  C+ t0 Q
Combat modifiers
/ H/ _6 f+ j) iDefender: terrain(+), leaders(-), disruption(-), experience(-)
1 Q+ x, W% l  X5 a. `' O6 |- \8 D supply(-)5 y( M. R1 n7 w2 D
. y+ G  p5 S9 Z$ f3 n$ _2 I0 \Allied ground losses:  T: `: B/ [: Y$ y. c
      729 casualties reported
7 b  n: e; F5 p7 j' L9 d* C         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
) m0 ~% ?/ m, R0 z7 J$ `7 z         Non Combat: 112 destroyed, 0 disabled5 p9 m; v' [; v+ W, R4 B
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! ?3 |, c3 T- K1 w* a% z3 Z
      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
( u6 t3 n4 I' r) c  i      Units destroyed 1 9 i1 R7 ^& c, I4 B9 b
Assaulting units:
5 c/ d! C$ ?  A/ F4 h* U    51st Recon Regiment
" c/ A% X# s& `  k7 {+ Q    104th Division) T" d( M2 g" [: ]
    102nd Infantry Regiment+ N' v6 [- a5 b  E6 `: i
    40th Division
3 c7 u1 U; H$ y5 Z. U0 X9 O2 M, P    Kyuko Naval Guard Unit1 G" B0 \- H4 A# v9 Y4 m0 z! M( x# N
    11th RGC Temp. Division
2 ?; Q: b: f% m    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment, p8 d) c- S7 a# z: j; @
    23rd Army
: l0 d# ?4 H# @    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion0 t3 W3 M6 b2 W8 q
    8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion/ N" z' r1 D/ I' v: j7 J6 l
    2nd RF Gun Battalion0 m" P# a+ |: o0 I
    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment0 ~7 O* w7 t( L  N& q
    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment: |: L4 E% |8 L- c% j+ L
    21st Mortar Battalion
) l+ t6 m( T8 J8 L    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment# b7 E0 d: G+ `5 R& Q, r
    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment) C  ~! `# F0 b" x& L% q& F2 A
    5th RF Gun Battalion
$ z0 F+ B% h* M; CDefending units:
, {% f6 y3 k0 K) P    72nd Chinese Corps
- f& H$ o3 K% [. V* Q$ n: }国军的空中游击也能取得些许成果。
' h% f; f: z, p" t------------------------------------------------------------------
9 q$ I" c" L+ `/ n% V% P6 T0 kAmphibious Assault at Denpasar (58,108) 6 I9 ^7 z% A4 v
TF 27 troops unloading over beach at Denpasar, 58,108
  t+ k* k+ F& [/ qJapanese ground losses:
: [+ e5 v0 `& c4 ]' V3 m' T      89 casualties reported
( d# L) a9 s  e: ~3 {/ V         Squads: 1 destroyed, 10 disabled
+ Z, l0 F0 \8 b6 I9 n& z0 S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: `( o, Y7 e: ~) |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled   z; Z$ b3 Z' p# }
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 44th Nav Gd0 C/ O' T" u0 l, i" T6 }
' P; I& k. P$ V' BMorning Air attack on 10th Light Horse Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
% k( t) ?" z! K% c0 i! R' aWeather in hex: Moderate rain
# h, Z5 R' [8 o0 F9 ^9 LRaid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.& B1 ?) [' b9 T9 q% T6 S9 l+ K, h
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes : {8 H& X6 ]' C$ l
Japanese aircraft
7 R) r  `3 n, S3 t5 L4 s* U      G3M2 Nell x 31' \: H# g( m) A; Z
      G4M1 Betty x 217 `9 U( L: k0 G
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24 & r, h  @! t' `% V" M/ S
Japanese aircraft losses6 d5 e9 o# T& x7 Y7 j. @1 z# h8 d
      G3M2 Nell: 10 damaged! x1 P$ j" c/ R/ D
      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged
0 d+ m7 o5 S6 F1 d( pAllied ground losses:5 a; x9 I# u* K$ p+ O
      6 casualties reported% Y- U9 T) D3 X
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled' i7 z5 o3 \! K" a% k
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 Y- Z) P: d7 y0 h4 j9 D9 i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) ], N! S1 d. f) u2 L+ o4 u7 q! n9 W--------------------------------------------------: W" ?( \/ m( B; Y' P
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & w) Q, i/ Y* B' p) b/ P
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
: b, u/ X- B4 A; y! U. N& ]Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.! K  ^- _# u& S! c7 z% B
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes * H$ J+ F# G/ ~
Japanese aircraft  C) d* b9 L# h1 ^. S, I0 U. D* j' c: l
      A6M2 Zero x 509 ~( W/ i3 Z, j$ }; F7 ~
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 16
" ]6 F" E- }6 ]/ o      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
: T$ L4 R; z5 v' Q7 s, F      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24
; _+ f/ o8 L# h8 ~      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
. o! r. W  N( `+ w8 y# W& T      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 368 X7 p  F  C) W; _# s" ]& N
      Ki-51 Sonia x 19
4 N; g4 t7 }0 W6 z/ K' ~7 gAllied aircraft
0 g$ \" j# K: o8 i6 W2 A      no flights
6 {, q  |( t! R- n4 A& s& EJapanese aircraft losses7 N  j8 P! }2 a% I3 n4 o# r
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged
1 y+ A4 \1 N# h9 L1 q6 s) T% c      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged3 ?  P3 f% @2 i& l
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 9 damaged  C7 R3 r) O0 S! V7 P8 p
      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged
. V% x2 _8 p5 H' _5 j  Y9 C9 `Allied aircraft losses- I" k! R/ Y. e! Y- ?8 B, {. |
      139WH-3: 1 damaged, S3 N6 R: ]  L0 R3 |% s; \
      DB-7B: 1 damaged
* }- A$ h+ E' m  vAllied ground losses:9 G  j* c, j5 K: B) [7 E. k, a
      5 casualties reported7 r4 X; _! `- W  `
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 c, I# z8 ?9 k+ [. P) |         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
, P7 L  S6 B/ i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 1 W. W4 ~, J& N. v+ W
Airbase hits 2+ K1 F+ j7 z3 w& F9 s2 v4 O# F
Runway hits 2
2 a# w7 N2 t( d' Z0 V---------------------------------------------------  l& J4 r! a, [2 L# h$ c1 v
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
6 b: o8 t3 ]: c( HWeather in hex: Light cloud
6 g) @- [! d3 @$ ^7 F" F8 w7 \  IRaid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
9 S' N0 g* a5 k' f$ ^7 o+ sEstimated time to target is 13 minutes
7 V; ~( t1 X: _* M0 LJapanese aircraft
4 f3 c% H: G/ x      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 30
# [: M3 w8 z+ |% x1 F+ x5 u      Ki-30 Ann x 12
" p3 F8 q2 z4 P. h' C+ pAllied aircraft
0 [. }( F2 o% e6 M* S* J$ `      H81-A3 x 5! l1 D: R( R3 J6 i" U+ E. H7 N
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 9 / b$ B0 {6 S% z5 W
Japanese aircraft losses! S$ Z- A0 Y, `* r1 w( m4 g
      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 5 destroyed, 9 damaged
* n, x! R  e1 p  H! p) k/ D  l      Ki-30 Ann: 1 destroyed
/ N% K1 A- w7 n7 x; A6 u( d/ GNo Allied losses 7 c! A7 u9 l8 Z& \0 v8 S5 P
Airbase hits 2
5 V5 e/ f9 W" gRunway hits 11" i  L8 t3 Y3 N( E  X, o' {$ E3 T
/ `& {- c) r3 w3 T/ D1 E8 K  CMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  5 `+ g1 A& K  g' w1 q  u
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
7 J! a$ M, ^7 k* G2 ?Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
. s( d. [+ V# D3 ~4 y1 C' gEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
# Q$ ]" ]+ H/ a! z8 DJapanese aircraft; a* o8 s" N3 U/ i1 Q
      A6M2 Zero x 10- f* o; ~" ~! n' `9 Q/ r3 [
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 14+ A7 Z- |& ?2 W1 [
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 15 6 A3 [. Y' K5 ^; Q8 E3 P- p
Allied aircraft/ L2 o1 U* O& f0 ?  C
      no flights # p6 s) n# I, y) u4 l) n
Japanese aircraft losses
* n- @1 n8 M3 X8 \6 O& X5 o* x      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged& f' m- g' a* T. M+ \1 |
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged
; l$ t& `+ e/ I8 Y. D5 mAllied aircraft losses. q. _" ~- u' r7 ?6 p$ m0 \
      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged
" e4 k$ A( X% i8 K6 A. vAirbase hits 3
( X$ f& ]# X' |. PRunway hits 6
) t& s( o& F# F& v-----------------------------------------------------------  [4 E8 Y7 k$ C% p
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  3 q) g* ^( j% S* m; l/ }9 y9 @0 u8 |. b$ f
Weather in hex: Light cloud $ ]. ?/ r* W# ~$ n+ D# Z
Raid spotted at 38 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
5 z0 n7 Y# b5 T/ ?' `. q; xEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
) d% a9 C, A1 {, }3 LJapanese aircraft# O- q; m0 ?( b. o
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
: P6 S# V! C. z# s      Ki-30 Ann x 15 6 x7 ]% _% O2 m, w* O# y
Allied aircraft
4 ~# m. d6 w* A- `  b- b$ l1 i      H81-A3 x 5
3 Z% w. M- W) h) w3 L5 b      P-43A-1 Lancer x 7 / F) x+ g6 @' m8 k- K
Japanese aircraft losses
5 ?+ p" b; s& h+ o      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
4 G1 n8 T. ]* ?9 }9 G: d9 g; F- \6 e      Ki-30 Ann: 6 destroyed
1 m. x( ^0 }% q2 @; zAllied aircraft losses1 n4 b9 k9 H* Q8 l7 J2 F5 q* u* f5 L
      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 damaged
) c+ r7 k1 t# V3 }' u% w4 CAirbase supply hits 1( Q. O! A& m% I, ]
Runway hits 6
: O! n0 a" N" _8 ?" z6 \: x------------------------------------------------------------
5 t* i6 F2 z, J, W/ FGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
6 {, }4 P5 V/ V3 s! Q  iJapanese Bombardment attack . e2 L$ F7 y! g5 @
Attacking force 104844 troops, 1494 guns, 856 vehicles, Assault Value = 3070
- e0 O( Y# n, DDefending force 79681 troops, 1037 guns, 800 vehicles, Assault Value = 2324
+ N! d, b) i: [3 v( i  ^- W日军增兵万隆,貌似荷兰军队吸引了绝大部分的日军主力,1 G6 @3 L9 s% M5 K* k# K( W+ \3 f
缅甸战场的日军也有后撤迹象,这样看来,万隆陷落之前,日军在其他方向难有大动作。  Y: b9 i. |& e5 |0 S7 e
-------------------------------------------------------------------1 \5 H4 X6 R: j2 W  v7 h) O
Amphibious Assault at Belep Islands (112,155)
" W  z* p/ o) |$ B( rTF 34 troops unloading over beach at Belep Islands, 112,155
9 ^/ n3 T( k$ {" J2 vJapanese ground losses:: U/ ?0 a& X# ]/ d
      80 casualties reported  v0 Q" i5 p: h1 O" z
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled$ v7 w4 P1 e& X5 v& u
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 l/ e& x6 o( _5 U$ d/ d# \
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# a8 X9 {1 c9 L; P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 R8 k! G: ~" P" i# WMorning Air attack on MLD , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) . M/ ?' D( u- ?4 u' ]6 _/ j2 \
Weather in hex: Light cloud 4 j' O$ ~) Q% ^3 S* b5 Q* ]$ ~8 e
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
' X: O4 T# F# u$ iEstimated time to target is 24 minutes & g  b& }+ h' @5 ~! {
Japanese aircraft( _( t% C; g3 M5 n. R
      G3M2 Nell x 27
! R8 t$ `: V6 J- M( e( G      G4M1 Betty x 13 6 j2 B- G9 u( L& K3 }
Japanese aircraft losses
5 w0 a! I/ k- P( ?0 j      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged
% Z: s- }" A' ]# O, N, u+ o      G4M1 Betty: 3 damaged' a& n8 ^" N8 o! Q, O
----------------------------------------------------------  N! [: @9 y+ }3 p. y7 ]" d
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) . e: \9 Z" [. u  ^
Weather in hex: Light cloud - @( W2 x, a5 m. P
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
% E; i( u9 U- p) S- l% f- i! sEstimated time to target is 27 minutes 5 Z+ l: |9 S- `7 Z
Japanese aircraft3 A/ R* [) [) L' y' A$ \% ^/ o
      A6M2 Zero x 21; ?& K) t4 x: I
      G3M2 Nell x 15
5 s+ o4 b) |  \, R      G4M1 Betty x 13 1 `  |, }' H4 K& ~& s2 d- M9 R
Japanese aircraft losses
$ B4 f! G) e- v7 H1 ?* p! C      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged# _0 T$ j5 h# \9 N1 N7 N
% s  `% E3 Q2 w3 F5 lMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
1 k; R1 ~- ^# n/ j2 N) yWeather in hex: Light cloud
) z4 z- b* ~/ Y$ \3 ?4 cRaid detected at 76 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.; u5 \. s3 d) m. W( }, }5 E
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes 3 E4 r" j  E# o6 q& g6 c
Japanese aircraft$ ~* e3 ^! k7 E8 d6 F/ N9 b6 w+ p. ~
      A6M2 Zero x 1
# O( S$ c7 k. u! _) P5 E' Z      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 33
* d( p% J- V1 Z  p2 W! K$ L      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 54
9 B2 x6 Z3 ^# S: [* d" N      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 101 h; z% ]6 Q. O
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 7
0 n. S  W6 t5 p7 n      Ki-51 Sonia x 19 4 P) v' [! T- F5 L# V
Allied aircraft0 R$ }+ ~. J- n, A1 {" z
      no flights
2 n4 W, P) l4 k! U5 \. EJapanese aircraft losses( t) {  \* l' M8 m4 N
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged$ ^% O1 M9 I0 x+ |8 {  ?* R
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged1 e9 x# J9 W; _, x2 E7 k
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 3 damaged) f. p/ |  ~' W% v
      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged 0 A; \! J4 N. F6 S# ^) Y2 a
Allied aircraft losses
1 t2 @; b  H- c6 C8 K      139WH-3: 3 damaged
- e& c8 j6 i& n' b8 {3 ^Allied ground losses:3 W1 \: Q# z7 F/ s  F/ U& L
      24 casualties reported6 A6 H) W4 I1 m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
! O+ `4 r, U+ K0 |         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled& l) ^) K1 ]1 l+ I9 A9 N5 S
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ {# `- X! a* w/ O  eAirbase hits 2* d0 q7 e; j" ?# I  G
Airbase supply hits 1% M/ V4 D8 ^' ~9 q/ ^
Runway hits 129 @; I$ C1 E4 G4 q- |
------------------------------------------------------------8 Q% b& w) a. y4 j2 p5 K
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & K  h. I$ Y& q- T. r+ `
Weather in hex: Light cloud
& l5 |1 N- Z4 P5 ?, x  a9 u+ `Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.- A/ ^' `% t0 J2 i( a- Z4 k2 C
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes
1 n6 C8 }, w( n* D) XJapanese aircraft% f4 G; ~/ _6 v4 z  |% a# c
      A6M2 Zero x 57* Q9 H/ l. D/ O5 S( z! _' _
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22' Y: P! W8 h! k( I9 Z1 P+ {. b
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 15
+ g2 z3 c& q. Q2 N0 F& C  T      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 18
4 v) p  L9 P7 N1 OAllied aircraft
6 L$ ~7 I  N; W7 x      no flights
  V  x* {/ G6 j; s8 G" pJapanese aircraft losses
( P, `3 Z! i: C# u5 y1 {      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged* X/ a0 }* P/ O: a0 _
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged 3 l* v& \: v0 z0 D
Allied aircraft losses
& V7 n- Y- k/ q: ^& I      139WH-3: 1 damaged
+ U; X& [# o: S$ |5 Z0 P- W5 ~      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
) R/ X6 R& i7 i) h; W! X      DB-7B: 3 damaged. h  ?6 P4 `' ^! E( d) I$ M
      B-25C Mitchell: 7 damaged& ?) C+ ~) N# {, B( h
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
3 a/ i2 i3 d- Q% k+ `/ o* c      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged # D" ~4 e4 W9 O2 z8 m
Allied ground losses:
, F6 [" J: B  o! e      19 casualties reported
! v3 s2 _. a6 C% R         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, p" Y. k9 z6 g6 R& e1 H
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
) m% L/ n6 Z, R& Q7 r0 ^9 m         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" P) g: C4 f8 R# S5 UAirbase hits 6
( T1 M6 T7 h& ^; Y" H6 ^5 IRunway hits 335 d1 w+ Z  {. W* e& [& A
-----------------------------------------------------------# f7 c* U8 l  |& N5 F' Y  D
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  * j% E+ ~: ^6 e  L* v2 o
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
% n, n0 k) Q7 O3 D5 TRaid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
/ [. ]: k  t: ]2 G" R2 j2 nEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
. G& ]! J0 v) C/ ?( Q3 RJapanese aircraft
7 _- D6 T" F, E! x$ p% S0 c      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 329 ^. U7 ^/ E1 c9 C
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7
  w4 r: ^: n+ l0 W, `) a; X      Ki-30 Ann x 13 ! i/ N! e5 A9 j$ s% T6 Y! A
Allied aircraft
( |6 B8 v  L2 k* i      H81-A3 x 4! i% I! Z0 m$ m4 |# Z
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 8
' W, K0 C4 a% Y1 N6 t& JJapanese aircraft losses
: ~# d5 R: U* P7 f' o  o  ?      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 4 destroyed, 3 damaged
4 o. }5 O4 x$ [  ~& R      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
* S: L* y4 E7 _: g      Ki-30 Ann: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged 1 h6 C; U! k" r: R6 {. ~2 Q
No Allied losses
- M; A( I# e) c7 H# J. \: z9 CRunway hits 17
$ d3 L5 i* u  G8 \-------------------------------------------------------
7 m* U& a7 F+ Z! qMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  8 r' d1 {) G+ `3 S" A" R" j$ c2 _
Weather in hex: Light cloud " c( R  j3 E& h0 @$ s" Z2 z9 X0 Q
Raid detected at 55 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
4 `( L! }8 R; \. r. F% j! IEstimated time to target is 16 minutes
( ?# S# i9 H; q5 p. o; mJapanese aircraft  J: `5 D5 Y! V' f
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 10
1 Y! _" Q5 q) F6 {' L4 l      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
2 h' {* W+ G3 O* F$ f9 u; X      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 188 F# d( O+ {1 u* h
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 11
1 H5 i: S, I: v0 J: c7 j0 C* ?Allied aircraft- C9 d* s3 r2 h. f: p* @) ?0 I
      no flights
' u6 {' r5 J9 H8 CJapanese aircraft losses
6 @2 k7 a2 `  Y( x0 Q7 ?+ G      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged% X0 @& F  D" p
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged
) V' V3 r6 L- M& t8 x. Z5 M% ^6 x$ `      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged 2 }( W# I1 J0 N& W% _* E, J
Allied aircraft losses
8 J3 ?) C. F' k. ]0 {- s      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged3 \/ y6 `$ R1 x7 i3 }0 v
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground* _% V$ n* P& t, Z
      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
# ~1 j) {, X: E" U9 `2 j1 p3 Q      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged8 p$ P( {( p- ~
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground- T# {+ ]5 J: f! |
      Mohawk IV: 1 damaged  U7 A! s4 I) j$ X- s. y8 W# s
      139WH-3: 1 damaged
( h7 L2 r' g& H, O; j' N      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
3 f6 n2 j' U/ S1 n( LAllied ground losses:
3 M; Q+ Q2 G" j6 `% ]/ F  c! G      20 casualties reported' K& l4 P7 k" ?, M6 u) U/ H. G- t
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: y5 i( F/ F# u- N         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled7 {. {$ o  \- B! O% h$ I: U
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 r; N( }2 i7 G" r1 yAirbase hits 8: U. {$ @. B- o$ \2 g
Runway hits 48 n  Y! q* U' D% P
2 Z$ C( L; k3 }. `% r: k7 ]5 cMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ( k; Y; {6 w' S9 l5 v4 T2 u& l
Weather in hex: Light cloud
( I' w8 C) A# w! `% o( CRaid detected at 67 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
: ]1 Q" E* a, y( KEstimated time to target is 21 minutes + Q) ]( G7 w" M; L+ }9 g( p' {
Japanese aircraft; e) X/ q3 S+ S7 ^# a
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 0 B  o) }) s+ U1 N- h, \
Allied aircraft
& B" g0 M  i; q9 R' L( y+ t      no flights
$ B! g$ n2 X$ C! LJapanese aircraft losses5 R- k+ v. j, ^' o7 X* L9 [
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged 5 |  b+ s+ Z8 H( E4 B/ @
Allied aircraft losses
9 v& N2 \3 ^+ n3 d" x6 a6 Q      139WH-3: 1 damaged0 l& l: o/ ]8 Q! J! `7 c
      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
& `  x3 H' z% C' F' b      FK-51: 1 damaged5 }) z0 E; r6 n- @
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 damaged
. s1 l) u5 A+ V; p: yAirbase hits 4' x: Y, n: I) ]0 k" D% x: T
Runway hits 20+ m' s, C" D( v2 N' b; `& f
----------------------------------------------------------; X9 W2 i1 U' m
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  - x: X# p+ j9 \  J
Weather in hex: Moderate rain , v1 w4 j/ i; O. q' V
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.7 K$ }8 v+ W+ c" z) @& z
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes , D0 B; ^1 A4 _. S6 m6 y9 p
Japanese aircraft
6 G; j% {3 ]( p( c) T9 ^      Ki-30 Ann x 9
; W2 @7 {1 @" x: pAllied aircraft
# z1 C9 p$ ^3 ?! t/ z/ g: h      H81-A3 x 1
2 ]9 m4 g- O2 d1 y% j      P-43A-1 Lancer x 1
4 k5 i0 [9 X" x7 ]+ X! J- kJapanese aircraft losses% `# k/ Z1 c! b$ q: J9 f
      Ki-30 Ann: 2 destroyed
/ r0 k1 U4 ~+ ONo Allied losses
+ t' E( m* q/ |6 K4 N--------------------------------------------------------------- " D1 s: N/ U& q! p  l4 Y
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 2 s6 m6 y1 W0 z- x) s5 F
Japanese Bombardment attack 8 g9 O4 w; o3 Q2 x
Attacking force 107129 troops, 1513 guns, 858 vehicles, Assault Value = 3398 * E- O- w: U! K4 N3 M; L' w
Defending force 79802 troops, 1036 guns, 800 vehicles, Assault Value = 2345
( e7 A" J* i2 zJapanese ground losses:
# X$ a8 D: y+ w      21 casualties reported5 l3 }3 G) M$ c( p+ N& w
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled0 \1 Q" M! [4 ?" ~5 b& {6 S0 }# h
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 M" \7 {$ S! E5 w3 q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ h: t8 c) i/ Q! p- ]Allied ground losses:
9 z0 m/ g# G/ `& G6 `      24 casualties reported8 m. Z$ Q) M2 Y% o4 P
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ h/ I8 p' e9 Q/ ~8 e- t         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, B8 d, N6 ]1 @5 ?  O: _         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; O9 D% Z; }( T. R& c$ t
Assaulting units:
( x2 I: P5 Z! c0 F0 i    85th Naval Guard Unit. `: i: j# m; X+ z. B, u
    Guards Tank Division9 N5 |6 j8 y% _$ y. Q5 V: z! i
    54th Division
" g7 E' d4 ^# |0 S3 d" m8 y& G    86th Naval Guard Unit
! C/ _+ |7 s) J! J    53rd Division' X& _8 k  c: `% i( A
    87th Naval Guard Unit
6 f# w2 ~4 v( @, C$ [$ ~( O    12th Engineer Regiment
3 ~# s% z& i4 F) P6 d" D- W- w    21st Infantry Regiment; c: E9 S0 S1 a. e' ^3 U
    Yokosuka Assault SNLF
8 y( H/ B8 L2 A% N5 `; {5 p: n0 ~    46th Naval Guard Unit& B% ]$ n1 m/ ~& |0 g, d. Z
    38th Division
) H0 N& j* L6 J8 }5 l    Imperial Guards Division. H$ q# P8 |% A6 h
    7th Ind.Tank Brigade
8 [4 a( f5 {  F6 `    Sasebo 3rd SNLF
; I* u0 ?. U3 c/ @6 b' q    52nd Division
# w' J! ~3 m0 F    124th Infantry Regiment, q7 w- h" p: U8 m9 S; K  _
    5th Engineer Regiment
8 M8 {, }5 O% `3 S) y" Z: X    4th Guards Division3 e0 D+ `* e. z* N4 y5 v3 D7 X% [
    7th Division
2 d; P/ @2 j0 J+ W6 G/ J. S, a% Y    24th Infantry Regiment
7 V0 i& f. \" }8 H    16th Guards Regiment
3 G8 u* d9 h7 J1 g! {/ p, Y    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment* T: g5 C9 p+ K/ c6 A
    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
5 f8 \$ E( A/ P/ ~    25th Army9 M6 F9 M. I2 N
    26th Field Artillery Regiment8 M* @$ q5 k- R- Z+ H* |
    5th Mortar Battalion
4 X/ c0 G2 J; Q    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
# g! X8 f. Y7 H- d- m    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
6 ~3 t& \' h* K# e! O/ P! `    71st Mountain Gun Regiment
" K6 D4 X! F+ Q: D1 ]4 r7 G    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion; Z  m% u8 R1 j9 F
    1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
# m% }. u/ Z' l    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
: {( ]- c" h- f! c% s1 j7 }    11th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion1 L! P+ w. P  }" q8 |
    16th Army
1 |4 {5 S3 ^8 b" s4 s    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment1 W2 s( f4 t2 p5 {! ]9 Q* z
    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion+ t% ~4 n$ \) [9 k. B
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment4 N3 M& Z' {! ^' Y9 q) Q: Z
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
! M5 T. j* v( V, z3 p2 J4 B    5th Field Artillery Regiment
' }* M+ Z4 m2 ~& x- i    41st Field AA Battalion5 X6 V5 \+ w7 [
    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
( I/ A! `8 A& D: c    2nd Mortar Battalion8 Q5 C- \+ K9 {  |: v! e  j
    Southern Army8 z- n: ]2 [% R, K7 n
    12th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion / R. k: @+ h5 ~. d$ }
Defending units:
) _- ?7 y/ L  R; F    VII KNIL Battalion
9 N$ Q4 M6 m8 n' [    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion9 Y. G* |7 P: Y& O; h/ G; L1 M
    Van Altena Battalion
$ t# V  g& G8 @    10th Light Horse Battalion: w2 h+ @4 Z% Q8 s$ T) \; V
    Kendari Garrison Battalion
1 ]5 C  U, z. X0 D+ r0 F    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion* K5 B3 R5 ~. a  T- f. v
    Afdeling Ritman ' r5 P; Y8 m+ U6 ?3 f! z2 A3 w
    6th Aus Cav Brigade
  M, a: N: S, _5 i0 g' x    Korps Marechausee Battalion
- i6 J" s' ^+ ~; x) Y' ?7 r    Makassar Garrison Battalion
3 G2 F$ v6 d/ [- F3 d9 i    VI KNIL Battalion
# O6 P& Y$ U. ]; E0 m( t    Samarinda KNIL Battalion, K/ Q) v) \# N9 x
    Marinier Battalion' G% A4 ~) q4 b
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment" ~# r& K, X  j
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion6 n/ D$ F9 O7 P
    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion
3 }; g  W5 x0 u    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion
5 C  ~) }6 a' B+ G- z    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
: _0 h( O6 J( T, G3 m) d% q    Timor Garrison Battalion8 A* W8 A3 l' m2 T
    Sarawak Force 6 u$ I& N8 p% S" ?6 B, r5 m7 K
    1st Regt Cavalerie
* l$ K5 ?, p$ N" e* Y    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
+ i9 X. [8 v) }% ?. `) _" p    Rifles of Canada Battalion5 Z) E; [8 m  n* U
    1st KNIL Regiment
5 ^- w: b8 g; U0 d( A    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn 7 i+ s% G7 t) n+ f: w5 b" S
    Roodenburg Battalion7 `1 i9 e: _. b  M& C
    Manado Garrison Battalion" x2 I) i* w1 o1 p  D; S8 w
    Barisan KNIL Regiment5 [& ~/ a) N$ X+ G
    2nd KNIL Regiment
* O9 e- i! }% ~% a    2nd Recce Battalion# l  ^4 j) ^. z( I6 \
    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion
! H* V* D" I6 Y( y& K: \8 H9 r    Riouw KNIL Battalion* j0 I% a5 j0 j0 _, P' j9 ^. l
    Dili Detachment 2 b" k/ z0 e3 N- i
    Prajoda Garrison Battalion8 N7 s- M5 C0 L7 K, D
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
8 d& U& l4 O" O6 A+ g) L    6th KNIL Regiment  m% B0 i$ [) J  a# f4 \
    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion7 K2 p1 _8 f% j" @
    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion% V+ S6 N8 o; D) R5 w! |
    18th British Division) q6 s' ~  `9 i" W% Z5 S6 u7 t5 O; B
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion
( r9 b+ r. f0 V+ Q; ~3 i. `4 |    4th KNIL Regiment
- f3 o3 _. c% L/ ~    2/15 Punjab Battalion+ v, G* e1 D% Q. ^1 w+ B1 H
    North Borneo Base Force
- E% Z: z3 K# f; o. j, ?    South Borneo Base Force
' p5 u$ k0 g- S/ p- }( ~8 U    2nd KNIL AA Battalion6 K7 Z7 |% z5 j- ~+ P5 P8 O8 n
    Bandoeng Base Force9 j+ o  K9 J; Q+ N: I' W
    West Sumatra Base Force7 V' H$ A9 L$ W9 N: \. z# _  S- S
    1 ML-KNIL Aviation
. X3 `6 U$ }6 h( z    Tarakan Base Force# {: R  Z" J# X
    North Sumatra Base Force
4 W% c; u" u' z0 j' H1 G* g) i! ]    Celebes Base Force
- b  \' ^$ t  x3 P, ]5 E! |    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
7 ~8 w9 d1 ~* g- m4 k    North Java Base Force- l) ]& j. Q5 O% |/ Z
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion5 W4 }7 W6 ^. A3 b
    Batavia Base Force9 N' @! E- @/ j# _7 c
    Soerabaja Base Force- o! M0 t; Y8 {# U' e7 `* Q
    Zuid KNIL Battalion1 S+ _( ]) t$ K! Y, f
    Tjilitap Base Force
" f1 h0 s$ o/ B5 q% @( [    Palembang Base Force- g/ p! L2 R, G( k- T" ]
    3rd KNIL AA Battalion' y* M2 {2 K& w. ]; u. h+ p0 Y
9 y0 [7 J9 g: _; G    Timor Base Force
" D6 u1 E: c% n  O- X7 @    MLD   _+ g/ h: }. |7 w$ k
    Teloekbetoeng Base Force" c/ K5 K. e3 C$ i- Y" |/ b& ]
    South Java Base Force/ c! g6 s9 e# @2 r4 o* z1 s9 ]$ B( F! R
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
: l, N  a! r9 l    1st KNIL AA Battalion
3 U& ^, o3 r# Z) D, R3 P1 l+ c    KNIL Army Command ! V" d  g6 J  b
    Commandement Marine
) }6 f( d* Q4 s( x2 Y# r8 \1 C" k  }    ML-KNIL 9 _) N! J, Y- F2 z' A9 A9 g
    Balikpapan Base Force
, b/ }0 p9 s3 I    23rd AA Bde
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR May 28, 42% }% b1 n4 r: i6 L3 s
万隆在继续躲炸弹,大陆国军继续空中游击,7 m, ^! }& c1 M- w  k( x
近期日军进攻有点乏力,盟军也只能自保,战况有点沉闷。 ( V1 x4 G, g: X6 [/ D0 y
-------------------------------------------------------$ b- ?8 m5 \2 Q+ p) z
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ( d! Y: U+ o$ M: J/ f5 e( y' G
Weather in hex: Light rain
+ _* f' ?( Z) G- GRaid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.3 V* n$ e' P5 K2 j4 f
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes ' `: k9 N" L" n6 F5 R
Japanese aircraft3 {% X- |" @0 F# \7 X) E+ k' X
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 36
6 X3 V  K- @/ k# U      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22
$ M" O1 e5 ], g* ^/ S. g      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 55
0 A# C3 ~  @( ?% W* U& E! ^' A      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
2 @* F1 p  E9 r      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 107 x, B& U5 b# ~9 [% U
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 88 U& p& P( ~# @. K/ M' E5 F
      Ki-51 Sonia x 19 - U6 G; t& n" [! g) G
Allied aircraft; y4 p* E! s3 |# d6 V
      no flights % L9 n/ @% N+ I
Japanese aircraft losses
! ^, I) p+ S* i* O3 S( d% Y4 l/ j      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged# f7 @" a7 N" P5 g# c. d) t
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged
; q; Y" Z9 u; q! p      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged- a9 X  Z4 ~* C2 _" m
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 3 damaged
& S( c: m( D" ^/ I      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged ) Z0 B1 o+ p( S
Allied aircraft losses2 F! b7 a! }2 V6 t
      Do-24K-1: 2 damaged6 h) c/ j1 D+ y4 t
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
  }8 ~, W- S0 {) \( o% X      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
% _+ ~, g/ A# |6 q; X      139WH-3: 1 damaged
: p- N# c- R) qAllied ground losses:! x! |9 r% t+ D- ^2 W* b/ a
      17 casualties reported, N! ~& l1 @# ?+ M: g5 m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( K% }& N6 \8 h% _; ?5 }' T) W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
8 V9 Z5 K; `$ _7 k6 G7 B         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 W, f# V2 Q/ N8 R" m9 ~. x, aAirbase hits 3
1 z7 \- W7 [& e" G# k$ dAirbase supply hits 2( b% S0 _# ~& b+ J9 i  b
Runway hits 32
. G  j, u# l9 S& G" i# I( Q----------------------------------------------------
$ u: l3 |" P2 SMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  / g  u( @! Z" Q
Weather in hex: Light rain ; a. U0 g% q3 R( n
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.' [+ ^" [4 \$ R' h# ~
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes * ]- g8 k( K; G( A" m# p7 Q1 I
Japanese aircraft
0 Y( f& Q6 [0 U5 `      A6M2 Zero x 592 h& M7 M- G) O& E- X# s( o# R
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
, K- I2 m0 }$ N3 N( Q      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 15
/ \! u, \" }, O: i7 z3 U      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 18 $ ^4 _0 D& s$ y: j- A; F
Allied aircraft' [3 x* T" {/ e3 q8 F. v
      no flights . ^0 _9 \0 }) F
Japanese aircraft losses
5 r0 X; {. t6 J* ]4 x6 i      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
" Y1 R% k, c& J* ]0 @9 e      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 2 damaged 8 M, o2 m( Q7 U$ Q/ M* I9 h
Allied aircraft losses9 u* h( @  b  _& ]( ^1 s
      139WH-3: 2 damaged
, @2 Y) N; l& ]& G      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground& ^4 b$ D+ X2 P! N/ N
      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged2 Z, v9 [/ I. ^
      B-25C Mitchell: 4 damaged/ j4 l1 }- g8 n8 G) a( X: u9 M! m3 d% }
      DB-7B: 1 damaged
. v' q8 @& ?$ q! P  S: \) DAirbase hits 12& V. c- a) P& l
Airbase supply hits 18 [* O% h- z5 z/ ?2 d
Runway hits 18
0 k2 p) D- N1 X' l------------------------------------------------------------
7 z9 [) e5 b6 U+ s6 {8 m! ?% DMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
& l  |$ W4 h! b6 `3 T: C+ R- \  }Weather in hex: Overcast * i, g) g+ }) @! y
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.1 J$ K$ l! B+ r# B
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
5 w+ I' d  b& ?- o3 P' X$ x8 LJapanese aircraft
3 }1 L6 j# @0 i3 A. E      Ki-21-Ic Sally x 26 9 t* j9 r3 |9 r7 r
Allied aircraft) a- L) ~* p/ S# [: j
      H81-A3 x 6
* Q: d8 H2 u4 P      P-43A-1 Lancer x 6
( v3 X4 M3 C- E- @8 BJapanese aircraft losses, J. V& i/ _7 r2 ^2 F
      Ki-21-Ic Sally: 6 destroyed, 12 damaged 4 `' `8 ~" `0 T
Allied aircraft losses
7 w2 @1 [1 z& l: n0 R3 o: i      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 damaged
3 Q3 `+ E* d( y# p2 mAirbase hits 3
4 F) G, p3 S7 v8 `! [Airbase supply hits 1( j6 V, f' w4 r) f# @, O
Runway hits 167 j0 V# ?$ P2 \6 ~- f) K7 ~
---------------------------------------------------------2 u! a3 ~7 l( q
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
, w9 Q4 g; N1 W8 t3 iWeather in hex: Overcast , J5 R2 Y1 P" w7 w2 @( c! j4 z+ c
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
, h$ j4 W: D4 H( L+ a) d3 OEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
: m. @3 V4 ]$ ]- N. XJapanese aircraft" z3 v. }: s1 @/ s2 I- l( _  @
      Ki-30 Ann x 9
; O# a! y, |" j$ M) CAllied aircraft2 e3 [6 E/ Z+ n
      H81-A3 x 4
0 Q' w& `4 ]2 X5 S6 T# T      P-43A-1 Lancer x 3 - m2 @% \2 p2 ?! `) ~' h
Japanese aircraft losses
/ p9 [) u' G% p% ]% b' ?      Ki-30 Ann: 3 destroyed , E3 g8 w4 q. s
No Allied losses) X1 x9 |8 q! E" j: U# l
; i/ M3 I0 b! j8 c' h# sMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ x+ M1 O  O: I- l3 Z* c& {% |
Weather in hex: Light rain
! j4 ?& v; O* C3 \* E6 o. d4 ^1 [4 tRaid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.9 ?1 a+ h/ D% J( S, e0 j
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
$ M5 v: C1 P0 P: [Japanese aircraft
: i  `& M. [2 o& S$ H( Z) k, _( A" J      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 8' A" f! m2 H( r0 J
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
5 Q  x' W' H9 m! Q      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 11 " q2 Z* j% Y, K5 f1 i3 t/ ?
Allied aircraft$ W8 y$ @6 `! [8 }
      no flights
2 u4 R: R! p- C4 zJapanese aircraft losses
, n* K" g% ]' j3 w      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged& W' X: m4 k: Z4 C& A8 w
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
7 A/ o9 s8 l) s8 {; a3 z      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged
8 f* k/ @$ v: P: V$ k) tAllied aircraft losses
- U) d7 Z( a8 K; p% l( `9 D  o      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged7 e( T8 S' [! f
      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged
# m- b" p6 p; R      139WH-3: 6 damaged 4 s6 Z5 }: ]2 T8 h: g1 N
Airbase hits 4( @$ w: |; s- x9 V$ _# H% ^
Airbase supply hits 21 U* M7 T9 X/ U# f, [
Runway hits 6" @$ S  c3 ]+ ]) l! T7 F# s* d7 _
: k1 W& L5 ?0 GMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42    S% U: Y( E' o3 g( ?7 f" D$ l  _' o
Weather in hex: Overcast
2 V9 S) [* A  \7 q9 F& \4 a; ]8 RRaid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.% v* ?# u9 E+ s8 o" n
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
$ b( {  t: M, l5 T! _$ o0 G+ T/ CJapanese aircraft* z6 F, S& S2 S+ g4 s
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
5 A% m* n) I8 z, ~1 t9 ^Allied aircraft! [8 g4 F) Z! S4 U' ^$ Q6 O
      H81-A3 x 3
( b$ ~& c! Y+ d      P-43A-1 Lancer x 2
  _# `- U- f5 |0 rJapanese aircraft losses
% a4 X1 m0 L5 x      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed, 1 damaged 1 Z8 j6 c/ |' _  d. H! I5 O+ l
No Allied losses
2 ~' y; v6 p0 V4 H* D( F+ CAirbase hits 2
. d9 k# Q( F% R8 ?: r' y5 JRunway hits 5 ' o8 |4 z" P; ?  e! W, M
Aircraft Attacking:  E6 i, p# ?0 r: p. l5 G; X
       6 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
/ e, c% M+ A# K. d# Y               Airfield Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb' l# s$ D: f2 G: ^. x6 |
4 d3 q$ a' V9 Q- TGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
$ I" w) m9 @) N5 d: L# QJapanese Bombardment attack * J, f1 u9 w4 R- f+ h, k
Attacking force 113597 troops, 1561 guns, 858 vehicles, Assault Value = 3541 : k7 O: ^' W$ `
Defending force 79781 troops, 1033 guns, 800 vehicles, Assault Value = 2344
# V7 ]; w! p4 H: l- i0 x! l  ^) qJapanese ground losses:0 X1 \2 n. E* @+ Z& H
      28 casualties reported
# w7 p; A8 R% H& T) b" P, ]: q         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
0 w9 s1 j3 j+ V! \         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! _; b8 M( ^0 C- t8 k
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# B& w/ S1 u" p* nAllied ground losses:
) O! f& l4 J3 _      39 casualties reported
: D# U; Q. P! Y! ~) g         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled3 q; c3 H" W4 ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ r6 x6 _1 n0 x: ]9 ?; D: U5 {3 z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled5 I3 L, i. @9 O( y" x
---------------------------------------------------------- . K2 V4 a* H! F% I, j2 T* E6 ~
Ground combat at Belep Islands (112,155)
: ^, c8 H& j% X5 Q; j$ p0 s9 DJapanese Deliberate attack
: j4 Y, f8 F+ zAttacking force 997 troops, 20 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 27 4 z5 E/ M7 K( h" Y) z0 r- o
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
5 Z, [- S; G  \( v$ o* L1 q9 ZJapanese adjusted assault: 7  , [* ?3 n  d: Z+ l7 h
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
4 }  s0 q, N! E6 ?5 [Japanese assault odds: 7 to 1 (fort level 0)  6 l; c2 m1 `% w! X/ M4 v$ G2 E
Japanese forces CAPTURE Belep Islands !!! & t6 P+ F4 ^( s7 H: C
Combat modifiers$ N! z" b6 S$ [. e/ W
Attacker: leaders(-)
' ?6 K1 T8 |: s8 m+ M( w" }* s" @Assaulting units:+ K# M( K( h6 H3 V4 d* B
    Maizuru 1st SNLF
0 e2 ]$ ?+ I! Q* V7 g日军在继续增援万隆,看来日军开始赶时间了。( y; V) [: }) E+ k0 f, N
3 S3 a8 H5 z% M6 q- Z
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 l( B6 K7 `( u5 x2 c) u# n2 z
Sub attack near Koggala  at 31,56
/ Z; g% X+ x& {: I  cJapanese Ships5 e2 N- E( j) _- r
      SS I-164 5 L6 D" H/ ]* o, ]
Allied Ships
- Z! v  P! u/ o      AMc Rindjani, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage 4 ]& T& f8 M2 z) z
SS I-164 launches 2 torpedoes at AMc Rindjani  [0 D0 k* y/ K. h, z/ D/ q" V! r# Y
Sub escapes detection% J% r4 x7 T3 i' H1 ^1 }2 k
---------------------------------------------------) Q2 ^( n% t! c
Morning Air attack on MLD , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) * L3 @/ I) W! m" |5 @
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
6 U6 z" X0 Z  |$ [2 RRaid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
! t  [. @/ B* ]2 vEstimated time to target is 24 minutes ; G, `, N, P( V4 R9 {
Japanese aircraft/ U: j+ R' a3 }2 X* ^
      A6M2 Zero x 60/ t/ r0 t( L  g; L
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 35
2 y5 Z2 H0 g3 e5 b$ q  x      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24
7 m5 H3 p( [+ A) U2 n+ x7 w      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 25 ; M' t' z; O5 Q5 x
Japanese aircraft losses
0 B1 M7 q* T1 L  C4 W( q      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
$ y* D: W% Y6 g4 ~      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
! _0 p! M4 w- l+ R3 }-----------------------------------------------------------
/ d7 T( i. S; n  l, d) e4 \7 hMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  . ]- W2 ~$ W! C  V- Q$ q
Weather in hex: Heavy rain 8 O: |8 v, G) j, l% c
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
8 x+ ?- U, e5 N: m& R- lEstimated time to target is 26 minutes
6 N% C* x3 W/ j, |) B( _Japanese aircraft
9 M: Y: V! ^4 L6 Z      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 118 Q( M0 j1 i) _$ z# G
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 36
6 q5 }, `9 {" M6 |      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
7 c7 ^9 h7 p3 Z& W. H( K: M2 p      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 11
/ N( c: X8 m: Z8 [  e8 R# ?      Ki-51 Sonia x 19
9 m; ~" n4 R1 N/ w. a0 d# ]3 oJapanese aircraft losses& B0 T( P6 w- G4 ?. ?6 o( ~, ~5 h
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged4 i) x& t$ x) ~2 y
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged
- t- A2 e- h4 g. V' D2 w      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
1 s! [+ |$ A& c0 x! @8 J$ o      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged
5 E: I  s0 g1 rRunway hits 1
; Q: y" H' \  `0 A5 o* d-------------------------------------------------------------
+ @" ~* h1 G2 j# F2 zMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  ! t! z. e6 }" v9 S+ W
Weather in hex: Severe storms
0 B4 t6 V) H( m! ERaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
9 l- @. x  S, vEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
! V! S/ L4 k9 y% uJapanese aircraft
# @, D9 b/ w! F2 h1 O" [8 ~/ M, P      Ki-36 Ida x 12  f9 F0 Y- Z. h" X8 ?" n
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 12
# |/ W$ v5 ^3 {) [( D% w5 v* xAllied aircraft
% _) o1 j+ C0 k4 j4 A1 }+ ?      H81-A3 x 5" E4 U4 |- t( J# V
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 5 # ]; O5 g' A2 L( W  M0 l
Japanese aircraft losses
4 I( J. x: F% c6 ]# c0 N      Ki-36 Ida: 5 destroyed
, M. M0 A* j% gNo Allied losses " L) W. x0 F3 E/ i( R" a2 _
Runway hits 1 # P- C7 M  B; y6 l" Z
Aircraft Attacking:2 M6 C: x5 ]) v& V, g2 c8 R6 S
       4 x Ki-36 Ida bombing from 15000 feet
& j* [) k% ~4 s0 _8 G- D+ O               Airfield Attack:  4 x 30 kg GP Bomb
+ Q" @; d3 y4 I5 \: \9 W------------------------------------------------------------
  E. D2 X! J4 X4 xMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  ' _. [5 |- O7 x6 K8 E# U
Weather in hex: Severe storms
# L  _, Z, G1 w9 f9 \. `; zRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
6 y: a6 C# ]1 _: b" NEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 2 P0 F* _$ ]% Z& M, u0 J, \
Japanese aircraft
) U: @, |; m! _4 F9 X7 ^/ a+ d- T' q      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 3 $ |. b; v2 H# _
Allied aircraft) Q" [) u! w  s; r
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 3 : \% u3 A" C1 B. J! i
Japanese aircraft losses- Q) m( F- ^" B% p5 L3 o
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 destroyed 7 f! F6 P; T, t( g0 a
No Allied losses * [: a7 n; m0 I* m1 e
Airbase hits 1
6 X& |- D6 E) v2 HAircraft Attacking:/ R8 j/ r9 E" @% h  ^: L
       3 x Ki-48-Ib Lily bombing from 6000 feet *
5 q' d4 Z0 r" [, t  k  j0 S               Airfield Attack:  2 x 100 kg GP Bomb! g1 ~% A; x. i* T/ B4 }! a) x
. ~* f, ^- g$ m. }3 G4 lAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ( s8 v+ r' U/ [. b4 `
Weather in hex: Severe storms
9 @9 f2 @/ v- g: \Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.$ g# Z" L* L! b1 h$ i) X
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
# ]7 ~. x+ c3 Z( v7 Y" E9 |: sJapanese aircraft5 a2 t/ S0 S" h9 n# }$ F
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22" l9 `0 d2 X3 n1 I: x
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 24
1 l. u* K7 ~8 e# u      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
- f5 K& ?3 O( RAllied aircraft7 \( P3 y% S! t5 r) V2 J1 [
      no flights 8 B2 z: o9 d8 ~* P6 v4 ?
Japanese aircraft losses% [  @" E# E1 B3 Y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged& v; v# \. E/ i) p' _3 O
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
+ G) |3 Y5 D. K! mAllied aircraft losses; N8 }# z5 T5 N3 h
      139WH-3: 2 damaged
/ |0 O/ ?) P( m: U% g3 _4 L; J      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground' e* F. P7 z% }9 P5 a( W6 s
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed on ground
8 t7 N2 l$ h- j( {      B-25C Mitchell: 4 damaged  W+ x/ |! P$ E& O
      DB-7B: 1 damaged2 }- _8 o7 y0 Y5 S
      DB-7B: 1 destroyed on ground ; u4 e9 [3 H5 V  ]" Q: j
Airbase hits 3  M, z' O1 ~" x, J
Airbase supply hits 2! a6 [( G) y9 s) K
Runway hits 16+ t3 s5 A. R. ?4 C  M
------------------------------------------------------- . K& M: j5 E) w  Q8 ?- {
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) ( l/ V  [6 O" w' C; P+ O
Japanese Bombardment attack
  Y' S  x) f0 I1 W9 _+ ?, ]Attacking force 62319 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2086 * I" {# s1 s: U* Y- L9 D6 L4 ~- S
Defending force 164319 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5982 % w6 ?- @& w0 ?6 q1 o3 C
Japanese ground losses:
( L- V6 T' t  Q( b! a      51 casualties reported$ J; H) ^& v* t/ q( u
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled) A0 N+ G) e' I
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 d. e2 D6 B! J0 V8 B7 H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
/ ?7 z* s" x1 TAllied ground losses:
$ g' R/ P" s# k$ r2 B" T      125 casualties reported
/ `( E# y# B  B8 C- N1 y' U. ]4 T         Squads: 2 destroyed, 7 disabled( l0 g( z& C/ p
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
5 ?1 k4 j* p0 L/ w  m         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
. S  r- k* _. z1 Y---------------------------------------------- % N$ O# p  v' i0 c3 E$ d0 _, `
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
( w5 M$ B9 V# T$ S5 E4 tJapanese Bombardment attack
! b/ R6 y) l* i5 \/ o- Z" oAttacking force 93388 troops, 1343 guns, 861 vehicles, Assault Value = 3804 8 j4 V; D3 }# w9 ]
Defending force 79882 troops, 1029 guns, 799 vehicles, Assault Value = 2359
- y, A! v. S% g5 P0 C! q+ sJapanese ground losses:
0 k5 ]/ Q1 h' l6 q' A+ j0 h/ [, y/ Z      6 casualties reported
$ v+ D4 x0 s7 `8 ~- r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 X& W2 Z; E2 Z/ U: |0 n3 S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, k/ o- T( {1 h& ~  N! G         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled . r3 q- f+ x9 k+ w# ]# p6 ~
Allied ground losses:. R8 r  q* n6 q. u& J6 A! E. v9 o
      25 casualties reported1 r) k$ _5 ~6 [; d" f
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
% d0 A5 a) K8 r" _+ _8 |         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ P; t- P) \# t
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
. w% V5 s; {+ d) W58在开普敦维修,大黄蜂还需20天左右,干脆让其他cv也准备6月份的升级7 N! K# g+ j4 G! l6 n
) L. \) h* I7 Z4 R' m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! H# ]' g& x) a6 ^& M4 M  N. yMorning Air attack on MLD , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 8 N" F1 E1 \+ @! M0 M
Weather in hex: Severe storms
6 s" j9 `1 ]( K% v0 B( y# pRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet." R$ P# F/ Y1 Y( D0 R/ e9 G
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes . K" M, V1 x4 R  o% }2 |+ F$ X9 [. m
Japanese aircraft1 x* I# M# F0 K1 m. e- K6 t
      G3M2 Nell x 18
# u7 [, }' P4 a$ R8 `( E      G4M1 Betty x 27  I1 q- G4 R6 U* |, A$ H
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 9 , Q& J/ l; v1 B  G) R
Japanese aircraft losses
' S. {+ \) `- d      G3M2 Nell: 5 damaged0 p4 I! J& U% s$ L6 Q
      G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged
$ x5 n! F3 {7 G0 jAllied ground losses:/ b/ V. L! @- M
      7 casualties reported6 ~5 K, E. A9 e3 t
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 ~4 c: h' i% ^% t9 a
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 a$ w  ~. }/ W8 q5 n5 G         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 c) `, g; U3 a. I6 t' z: ?--------------------------------------------------
% P( _1 ^* e% r: X- yMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
; L* P1 W! F! C  Y  Y; AWeather in hex: Severe storms 8 _1 Y" r: t: w: ^
Raid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
1 W% X% E& v$ x2 M  kEstimated time to target is 20 minutes
# P" g$ F8 _7 X) oJapanese aircraft
, Y7 K. D% W# s: _. `, Y7 s6 \      A6M2 Zero x 43: n" V$ A; x4 J- F/ l, Y( w* E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 10, f% j* o! \- |2 l
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 22& r( n# \& p7 ~
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41; W+ O: \5 l/ ?2 K' [/ o
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
9 b% F1 N5 b4 @9 S* f      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 25 # Y2 r1 e  ^/ t) H
Japanese aircraft losses1 e# o" y- I! F& z" U0 o
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
) i0 M- ~* c0 g      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 5 damaged
8 y+ _0 R; {* ~% i4 @9 D& ^      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
6 m$ G5 z" h2 H- c: ^Allied ground losses:
. i& Z) I6 i, [7 e3 g0 x      5 casualties reported
( |( ~" z9 H9 H         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 @/ d1 s& E* d1 b% k6 e         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, C' d& o8 h3 @2 D5 F' g3 F9 A         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) O. ]8 w/ P! v9 B2 gAirbase supply hits 1
+ |* p& ^: {+ K3 }9 |/ H1 ^9 vRunway hits 26! f% T* N9 ^( }
-----------------------------------------------------$ x" X! ^2 {( q: X$ s  Z2 C/ ?
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  / _1 }# }4 n, b% M( |* b
Weather in hex: Severe storms
3 r" K: U* ]: ~; V4 h' NRaid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.+ T# L7 j% ^+ o2 k+ H% d
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes
. C9 P0 v; B  h( b; ?/ t: j& \Japanese aircraft
1 k/ Y7 q5 H: p" V+ ?4 B      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 34
8 q. y- ^/ T- m7 ^5 |. r' l7 A  _      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 12
7 \) K- j3 S4 q) A, |1 m2 y      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
" ]' i7 {" @& B3 o! F7 _      Ki-51 Sonia x 19
& D8 \8 E+ P+ A# X( s0 WAllied aircraft  X4 a5 ]% U' S; X8 z+ S
      no flights 0 A0 f! Z- ?2 ?/ X. _% q$ j
Japanese aircraft losses# v2 v0 c$ X; K, V
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
) o- Q1 z: N0 J6 d      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged# @' n& D% q  H) R
      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged 5 v0 y7 S+ j6 `
Allied aircraft losses
2 j- E$ Y" R" w" ~( C1 M2 J      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
# y/ z0 X) B( C- `! y5 _, l% D# x      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
& r1 f3 q; u/ f4 Q# r+ S  o      DB-7B: 1 destroyed on ground
, |1 q: P; ~6 q$ T8 U      B-25C Mitchell: 7 damaged# T. Y4 A  _9 R+ `
      Do-24K-1: 1 damaged, w! H! o# R" z
      FK-51: 1 damaged
7 }6 X; T) b% V) G4 {Airbase hits 3
+ ]/ T, a* V0 O! i! s/ bRunway hits 173 z5 _) S1 c/ B1 S& C5 `8 m
---------------------------------------------------------- ( H7 Q; E+ Z6 F" b
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) 3 _! {& v* c; `' M
Japanese Bombardment attack   o0 W( u* e3 N; J% E' H4 b
Attacking force 62373 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2144   b7 I3 ]+ g3 O/ L5 ?
Defending force 164325 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5989
2 u% U" \0 w& tAllied ground losses:
& y9 Q1 N# n4 P, {" p      139 casualties reported
( w* Y* n* X: _6 F: [         Squads: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled
5 t7 r6 z1 y9 I! k2 s' ]         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled( c: N! z$ n! `# {
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled* D' k4 ^( u% B* M- D
- B- R1 B5 {+ i. [, l. }9 CGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 5 G3 v* W8 m% ~5 L! r" A
Japanese Bombardment attack
2 Y+ u8 I4 ~9 ?" m6 {Attacking force 100520 troops, 1393 guns, 861 vehicles, Assault Value = 4049
8 v4 B; i, k8 ~8 J( P# PDefending force 79911 troops, 1026 guns, 798 vehicles, Assault Value = 2369
& l5 @7 M( |& P( WJapanese ground losses:
8 M6 Y$ Z, m$ z+ E( @6 K8 w      91 casualties reported4 Q- I# ]* Q* L& N% o! d% B
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
' {' i9 C$ R  H         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- F+ A- b" T! m# Y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 7 T" ^: K' N6 K# P& ]; {$ ^& M
Allied ground losses:3 p# e0 b8 i* x: \
      44 casualties reported7 n2 V+ R: e' F5 U' i4 L( z
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled; X- U4 H/ H" D, l% ]+ |* Y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! G' ?5 P7 t2 ?! M) g! y
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" `& J# e% v6 a9 ^! e* a4 @0 @  D- f从印度运来了26师和澳大利亚第6师,将缅甸第一师替换下来,拉回孟买去休整。+ \7 N8 u) I4 i* a; ^  d( w
并逐步完成英印师的升级工作,升级后的印度42班组和日军不相上下。+ f3 r" n9 C! y/ y: [
  d! H! t( O% j" P4 q3 m
7 ]) h: g- a; _+ p, ?: yMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  / j' L% U! z9 d* t
Weather in hex: Clear sky   K0 h, H+ T& L7 `
Raid spotted at 36 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
* L6 b& ]; z6 i3 n$ H( MEstimated time to target is 12 minutes   f9 v% x% K7 \# F1 n5 z
Japanese aircraft2 p3 ^) M+ a0 g
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10 5 _9 z6 n0 F5 y9 K6 `) _$ X
Allied aircraft4 o( d. X9 V/ D
      H81-A3 x 50 C' l! V4 ?9 Z$ E* l1 w5 E2 b) F! [
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 8 & K; i4 |3 L4 h4 t. U
Japanese aircraft losses
/ r/ A  \6 a: h( U3 E) s      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed + u! p+ [6 V5 v7 F$ Z
Allied aircraft losses$ U; b! M/ K4 P0 t; c) q+ E/ |8 {- @
      H81-A3: 3 destroyed4 w' A* X( i/ m+ }8 r9 h& d" v& {3 U% r
      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 destroyed
1 ^' @' ?8 U5 u9 PAircraft Attacking:
- B) F+ Y' R+ J  ]9 i( h" l       4 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet& L+ r4 T. R# U  k0 N
------------------------------------------------------------/ p: f4 q. j6 e( u
Morning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) * C4 j# z( b/ w- K) I- I
Weather in hex: Severe storms & ^7 `( U" l% r; |$ p/ a  S
Raid detected at 64 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
. F  p2 k: u- q' L& NEstimated time to target is 25 minutes $ c) r$ b; [% N3 N: F
Japanese aircraft0 I. L: L3 d5 Z- i6 {# z- k2 C
      G3M2 Nell x 21) s) I/ G0 o& b) `# W- }' Y$ T$ o
      G4M1 Betty x 15
1 {8 W# z1 e$ p$ S4 QJapanese aircraft losses" ?+ g  I$ R( R( N
      G3M2 Nell: 4 damaged- k9 \- u4 ?- l5 @( _
      G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged
0 d; T3 G4 g! y8 e2 A& J# Z----------------------------------------------------
5 G$ U/ b* O8 s1 B( H  yMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ L5 k. |2 [* M1 n* v$ k, J- w
Weather in hex: Severe storms
& z% [- W. q" a  i7 q! e( D, ERaid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
" b' R% o! y; E* I( M& n; VEstimated time to target is 25 minutes
  `5 W" [% w. V( {9 d( G+ h2 hJapanese aircraft
5 ], J8 b. P  l- H$ g9 u      A6M2 Zero x 44" V( @+ E6 q% x7 u( K! j
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 44& R9 Z# I' K- M0 P9 ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 24! i0 A& K$ N; S6 \
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 33
% R% K( n4 T% {- ^      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
9 o" \3 a/ o$ b/ _) F  v( m' _      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 39 7 _, f6 y& h" {, _- u
Allied aircraft, Y' ?$ M7 F, x
      no flights
  I9 T8 L; [2 [+ @7 y- yJapanese aircraft losses8 W( n  D4 t0 O6 [) L; l9 z2 q' E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged
% h" J. D/ w# d8 q      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged
2 |: }" O9 {* N: }" X. d& A      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 11 damaged
9 W, y1 A6 W0 D6 J1 g: \- G0 o7 oAllied aircraft losses
8 i- w# b8 J: q" w' H      FK-51: 1 damaged. _- [! X+ ]8 a
      139WH-3: 1 damaged. I$ z2 T" A: L4 D
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
8 Z& \* p' ^2 \2 i8 ?. l% F1 H% KAllied ground losses:/ @+ c/ L( Z' ]2 N/ l& V. p
      5 casualties reported- C& j3 U# o7 T0 R4 t2 p
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. c+ U. h& ^" d/ M         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ e2 R7 P# r$ z. c2 p) `         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ) V  q) t& B5 G3 c0 D$ g
Airbase hits 8, a7 ]) Y6 `0 ~- L! X
Airbase supply hits 3
: p, r2 X1 {7 j, bRunway hits 39
- y. O/ U" k2 @7 N- o----------------------------------------------------% p5 M) @, z1 l+ D
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
; o. Z# u9 F* Z7 JWeather in hex: Severe storms
% h) I6 V( |( R# Z1 V8 P! tRaid detected at 61 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
& ~# L# Y& s6 S6 {  z2 QEstimated time to target is 17 minutes 6 f+ x9 K/ h# U
Japanese aircraft7 B+ a# p1 V5 ?9 c0 ]% N1 C
      A6M2 Zero x 1( B9 F* V" l, H9 O% p6 ?+ `* V' Z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 30/ K: W0 f0 r: U; g; v
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 37
) k9 R. U2 p: k' O& m4 j6 n      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20 % V, I3 v: w* R* K
Allied aircraft" G9 g; L. _) f5 m+ |& D; t, ?1 g
      no flights 3 Z) k2 m0 Y" I: R. I, e# O& U, R! C
Japanese aircraft losses+ ~4 }3 ]3 s$ f/ F! n$ J' c: Z4 f
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged3 W5 p/ P& Z8 P& P5 J
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 4 damaged   ^& e( L, ^' o; r, w, U
Allied aircraft losses3 D" P  ?0 n1 e; }" N* V
      Do-24K-1: 1 destroyed on ground- Z4 t( K/ o; F
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
2 t: m# f2 h$ n$ s9 G      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
& f7 Y' ]  y: \) z+ o8 qAllied ground losses:' ?4 Q* r* s+ D
      5 casualties reported
+ v1 V5 l/ _& }. w! S# p9 S         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
- m& ^' x2 |5 I$ s8 ^# w         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 C- `1 B' H5 D2 w1 q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! Q; p9 N5 @+ d! t$ T& n% iRunway hits 2
  L, a2 m7 p( V/ G: f1 u------------------------------------------------------- ' K5 ^& P% c' L& x( V: t+ k/ U1 L
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
5 |) P' R& h6 B) jJapanese Bombardment attack
% o. v) v, S1 B$ K; S% ~Attacking force 62357 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2143
/ C4 K& ?1 p9 `9 B: H7 Q7 ?Defending force 164240 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5983 , R+ U- R" {  `" w* P
Japanese ground losses:
& {2 z' H/ c) k      25 casualties reported
$ z* I0 X7 Y7 R) v  t         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
# c& g! X% m; N5 N  E0 @7 I5 Q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 T8 o; Y6 {. G6 i
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled , B4 r1 F  M4 T2 o2 R" D* P
Allied ground losses:7 J4 N1 F( O5 F: [
      144 casualties reported
5 W' x# ~% a* D! a" ^1 u# X% G         Squads: 2 destroyed, 19 disabled
% x2 y2 f. `% L         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
, Y; i  _& U7 \5 g, y1 \, V/ p         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled$ }9 b' P+ J+ @4 X' o( w/ m' r
& F$ ]: U% g9 X+ [Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) + {6 F& B; {% V5 ~
Japanese Bombardment attack 7 h7 ?) t' l0 t# ?0 `# d
Attacking force 100983 troops, 1393 guns, 861 vehicles, Assault Value = 4127
9 a0 _7 {/ x$ }7 w- Y0 K: d# {Defending force 79777 troops, 1025 guns, 798 vehicles, Assault Value = 2366
8 t8 L1 y  w& b3 _Japanese ground losses:7 B9 k! p( x" K1 J: P- b! U
      17 casualties reported
( c9 u0 N) j3 v3 U( C/ p2 b% a         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled) b3 ]; _: ?3 |& x
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- {8 W0 q" n% n
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled * n" a4 W8 d/ \5 Z; H% v" n
Allied ground losses:
& c: y* u0 o$ g$ P) h      18 casualties reported' s/ ^* l$ J. i  W+ P+ U9 a
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 _8 N/ w( I! h- P& _5 ~4 l         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, m6 C9 w% t0 t
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; L" w2 B; g6 L8 n      Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)
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AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 01, 42  m0 P$ D) H) J) l) @/ j0 M
时间来到了6月,值此儿童节之际,日军发动了新一轮的万隆攻势,以表示对节日的庆祝,1 t* n# D9 g9 V& g' H! S7 _
; E0 P$ c8 E  h8 m- j2 W! {3 R" C- m' _6 |; u' a$ \
4 ]# O" O3 g% U$ {! d) h: YMorning Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) , D, Q9 D, T2 D7 @- K! C# b
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
+ _7 m( u) S7 a* F  p" GRaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.1 v0 N+ }( c; m$ t! L+ t% f
Estimated time to target is 31 minutes % _+ \& J2 z1 _  p  W2 d
Japanese aircraft; E: Z; U# J0 `+ B1 f# f
      G3M2 Nell x 23: o  ~0 P% l6 \* O. a% r' I
      G4M1 Betty x 21 & o6 _# _% I1 _2 K* q
Japanese aircraft losses/ T$ ?7 c8 l- h+ a( q) e
      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged3 Y/ \5 C) h7 {, |1 p: b, {
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged 3 _' ^2 z2 p6 l/ d2 {
Allied ground losses:. `2 c6 T7 Y5 b+ k" [! J+ {& J
      7 casualties reported
# `* i" f, L  H2 B! H+ {* ?$ x         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% Z6 \. D2 N& `, L- ~1 r
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled0 x, \9 \! l7 e! @0 x5 o& J  @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ k- P- v% F  L& O2 ~0 _
------------------------------------------------; e+ a' H6 l) T  U
Morning Air attack on 2nd Recce Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)- ]% _! g  a2 n; R) T8 w+ O
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
/ [( `- j  h, T. `! w+ X! F* QRaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
- w- v7 U0 h" ?& MEstimated time to target is 31 minutes
! U5 D) q, x1 }: HJapanese aircraft
$ ]5 {; m2 n# @, L4 e: a      A6M2 Zero x 22
7 x5 z2 P$ d& y; J+ [      G3M2 Nell x 14
4 t# M! [; p" V      G4M1 Betty x 152 E$ y6 s- k9 _7 n6 M; ^
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 15
' z- b( n# m4 ]Japanese aircraft losses
3 O7 D6 l' O8 Q" X# v/ s      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged
2 Y+ n. g: }8 L- i/ yAllied ground losses:
5 l# ?9 D5 N$ r      5 casualties reported
- J5 A& g7 a; D! W/ c# a1 L5 B9 }         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 A& {& I, t8 w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 K6 ?/ N4 L' H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 Z8 J, E1 B0 f' W* ^/ {$ l
1 ]: T( E' c1 L9 _+ D9 gMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  / [. q) i: d! Y- {! V& o5 I
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 5 g/ v0 i1 U, O' @/ B
Raid detected at 78 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.# C* Y. j( u1 O& M
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes
0 S$ j% b! l+ HJapanese aircraft+ z- w7 L; \& d4 I9 m
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 61% H' A& ~, ^" B3 U# S% ?5 Y( Z
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 9
% J6 b" T: g& P, h0 }      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 49
1 e  G+ [$ C7 t$ m- L8 E      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20
9 l5 {+ I" g( t6 e" s+ Z- ?9 c( x% f      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
/ O& G  @/ {! G2 G8 t      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 15 * R& b/ L* k; {, b/ K
Allied aircraft
$ C+ y8 @3 |) s& G* n      no flights   Q# l( O- V* d5 Y# J$ r
Japanese aircraft losses/ Y2 F) I3 f6 q3 \& ~
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 14 damaged
0 K/ a' N: e) ~3 u8 T      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged: C8 [! Y# m; \
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged3 g, l7 t  O* c* l
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
$ j- ^) ?3 }% u; N9 @2 _4 \& Q) XAllied aircraft losses( f2 u& I! v9 E  ]
      Do-24K-1: 2 damaged- Y& e4 u' S1 M) v4 I0 N
      Do-24K-1: 1 destroyed on ground
- g& S  \; Y8 k4 x' @* w      B-25C Mitchell: 13 damaged
+ ?( K2 q+ V3 I# N8 `+ k7 H" X      FK-51: 1 damaged+ z  z4 ~& z( q: b+ C  `
      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
& z3 u- c9 j- K7 N) z      139WH-3: 1 damaged+ C( t3 x5 q& e4 }$ Y
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
# H1 j* p+ q6 q# g- j      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged
8 V/ s$ Q9 ~( O% \Allied ground losses:
9 E4 L3 Q0 k2 g  U" ~      25 casualties reported
3 {2 F# W& u8 _$ G5 z% P) G         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! J: i" M3 Z, Q! D         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled6 k1 N! p" q. i2 H% T, B  r% A3 z" ~
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled : L+ m5 K4 p( D2 c" ?. `
Airbase hits 161 q, [% ^2 ~1 b. u0 t# Z: k
Airbase supply hits 83 _: E( a, K2 X2 R  m/ x0 l# u( R
Runway hits 678 G: W* L. Q: Z& a
' z" \! a" _0 [8 {. vMorning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
( j, F) W; [* r$ w# S6 y: a% H) ?Weather in hex: Partial cloud
# ], t! f2 @. V3 q$ w3 f6 h0 A  _6 NRaid detected at 43 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet., D; |& ]' a) ?! l( \
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
+ K' A' }5 y0 M+ g# GJapanese aircraft5 R* P. L4 G! X( j: H2 s1 J2 \" i
      A6M2 Zero x 38
# P5 _2 D2 i. C$ h- L" ?2 j      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 15
7 m1 L  g$ b; S$ i( i      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 218 ]2 m: T. q" \8 E
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 24 1 i' P% H' y5 n) l3 e1 N4 x
Japanese aircraft losses& ]2 x+ ]6 ^* U: [" i
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
3 F1 G5 ^8 d, K3 }2 J; h      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
" z3 l4 i& [$ E6 T$ {: `" s1 yAllied ground losses:" F* P* f$ t! P: k  @! u
      7 casualties reported# U" O  Z- x! m) s+ j. Q; ]$ G
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. A, v8 V. w, {: ^9 \7 [6 O         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; X# Z/ K. h2 j* k6 \% S9 d$ I. r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled : z# x- ~# m* j, `7 l% N, ?% S
0 t9 o  H1 `' |, FGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
: B8 [  b1 ?% m, I. [7 ?" Z  nJapanese Bombardment attack % t: T8 D' ?) v) J" h
Attacking force 62394 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3154
& N4 n" K, x2 O' a3 m" Z# U; V: h) SDefending force 164290 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5991 3 |! F. R, M2 x0 i( w5 }
Japanese ground losses:
8 m: G, c0 Y# ]; e% S3 e6 F- L      38 casualties reported
( N3 D+ K; s) A: s         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled- s) y4 `5 n0 {# q: U
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ \- g7 z% J# H# L0 G0 B& x         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. I; v3 l7 h& A/ vAllied ground losses:
- _1 d- N: l3 p6 N* Q      70 casualties reported
0 ^! t; @2 F9 k0 d         Squads: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled3 R& |3 b( I& T
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
* l- w. }# x6 G0 T/ [* d         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% j8 r& C/ M- B' ^---------------------------------------------------------
$ O! F1 {# b5 K1 r% |$ d; iGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
6 @2 y8 n3 o* K; e$ v. S, z& h4 QJapanese Deliberate attack & Z0 k- B& [& m6 i' G; i; r$ p/ h
Attacking force 132312 troops, 1679 guns, 1053 vehicles, Assault Value = 4238
, |6 {, w; D! r2 @  p8 T. @. u( eDefending force 79706 troops, 1024 guns, 797 vehicles, Assault Value = 2365 1 k; k1 D) ^7 y/ a1 G* M8 b+ h8 W
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 3 0 f& q: `5 }/ v( }; ^0 F
Japanese adjusted assault: 1685  ; u  K  Y1 d, }) O; r
Allied adjusted defense: 7423  
7 \2 C# J. ~! C; c  SJapanese assault odds: 1 to 4 (fort level 3)  
  O1 s* C8 z9 w" ICombat modifiers- m5 `: m# k% P- j1 b
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)
; _( `) `+ T$ V% jAttacker:  
4 G! g8 a' }( R" h8 H5 @Japanese ground losses:6 T- m$ T1 g+ v# b! g- W
      24818 casualties reported! e7 E5 R( s6 _" q2 {& a, g
         Squads: 377 destroyed, 1733 disabled0 U% j5 h* K$ j* }
         Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 186 disabled
: W. m" ~( d, e! @$ a: ~& F0 R         Engineers: 25 destroyed, 184 disabled* v; h2 e3 _/ A2 f6 ?# w7 R. m
      Guns lost 231 (29 destroyed, 202 disabled)* Q% A( x, D, h" A
      Vehicles lost 53 (3 destroyed, 50 disabled)
* X( o/ E' |8 N# Z  U9 I6 Y  S) ZAllied ground losses:
0 }# T- }& K7 o) u5 g      1665 casualties reported
# M0 h$ |" ?! h- ]* `3 o$ j- y) U         Squads: 15 destroyed, 165 disabled! K+ u* r0 W8 m; Q
         Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 92 disabled
5 j1 w: q. h. ]9 Z& I0 q         Engineers: 4 destroyed, 26 disabled( J, v( d- E9 A" a( A0 E
      Guns lost 43 (4 destroyed, 39 disabled)( b4 v* J/ w5 X! B  ]' L! }2 ?; J* `) D
      Vehicles lost 15 (1 destroyed, 14 disabled)
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