本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-12-26 20:22 编辑 % ^( m( \- _8 E2 E9 l4 b
2 b0 D, x% d k: e" N6 F
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 27, 42. \1 w0 X( g. `# }
盟军ss在试图追击受伤的飞龙,即便ss有所损伤 也值得去努力。8 t0 N! A6 V& |- o/ V
仰光飞虎队对日军21军头顶进行扫场,结果稀稀拉拉,还好日军未安排直掩, x q+ D( K; G. S3 l
扫场结果显示:日军有21独立混成旅,4师团,6近卫师团,还有2个单位未确定。' ]) n$ f* F: [) ?* A
( q1 q _8 W2 ?/ a$ j7 W# y+ d大陆方向:日军14个单位从宜昌爬山到达巴东?当地守军为1500av左右,
$ F9 w/ @. ]! \% S1 J4 L5 g% |昨天还担心这14个单位要是有4K战力就麻烦了。
0 b3 ^+ j& g5 w0 O爪哇方向:集中荷兰陆军仅有的3只装甲部队反突击kalidjati,荷兰陆军是最原始的坦克和装甲车
. y5 n; e& g8 v+ ?0 ]6 q' S6 O# {$ H在仅有一个班组受伤的情况下,全歼日军空降部队,看来装甲部队是对付日军的特效药啊,6 h* E$ r& l. O, E; J3 t8 A
当初·真该从澳大利亚多运些ARM来。$ f' y# t0 ~( W
9 z$ h5 _8 p% v; K" M
9 D1 J6 j/ A" b0 Q
( i4 V4 D* v- A! ~# N& R% k% lASW attack near Toboali at 51,91
9 d6 ?% C9 B% q. s! AJapanese Ships, H G5 U; u& J. v- N
CA Aoba; s2 {5 z: k, N* A$ A% B) d
CA Kumano
2 n5 a5 M3 M9 h7 H- h$ V! S CL Abukuma
. p$ ~9 f2 ^: e4 c DD Akigumo
& z. ?- x6 c. ?% M" c3 r DD Amatsukaze) V5 c! k0 y* [4 o! h' g; o
DD Maikaze 4 J; ]; E4 M& V) J5 f6 f
Allied Ships
+ M) V: h0 D3 N- Y6 b, Y0 ? SS Salmon$ t& E# \, r, l9 f4 l& V0 i. J3 @
& _2 H* x- ~- [% w: } ~! DASW attack near Billiton at 52,92
7 [8 i' l R( U7 v$ g, VJapanese Ships
; w! n0 d8 |- p1 O SC CHa-13: s9 x1 A( f" P& O# H
SC CHa-20
; |, y9 |# l ~8 H2 x3 A5 Q& S3 i SC CHa-19
6 E# h* O1 \9 ~4 i9 P' w; MAllied Ships9 w: K4 O; _0 [! n
SS KVII, hits 6, heavy damage3 R2 t, r1 i) X8 Y1 e; ~# E" Z) g
! L, Y; m) @( Z" ]ASW attack near Merak at 48,97
( d# e, z7 v+ e. q$ h2 N, DJapanese Ships
) g s6 Z: m6 ^3 E: M/ x PB Aso Maru #3; O1 _- }' |+ k, o" l
E Saga* n. k% q2 t; A' q! }' L3 Y
PC Nire- p/ z! q- o% b' o
SC CHa-18
3 Z- W* `& ?6 d0 ?+ K SC CHa-17 { |3 U: y6 [# ~) S) P1 c
SC CHa-5
7 d4 c( a6 I) J SC Ch 23/ e* e8 O }) c/ F) u
SC Ch 18
5 J5 D% H9 f" q: l. B7 }7 N$ U SC Ch 3- Q1 o. |5 g8 V1 ^9 b
SC Ch 2
W! x4 z( X# I) d$ M5 C AMC Kiyosumi Maru1 r; E" B0 s k2 S) e
AMC Asaka Maru0 g8 ]1 O; l$ m. j$ b4 ?6 d( r
AK Tosan Maru6 c$ w' M6 D7 N5 d$ Z; W ?+ u2 Q
AK Sagami Maru
( a- X. U2 {" o% o xAK Tazima Maru
) Y6 F9 C- i: \1 x0 \8 ] xAK Rakuto Maru
9 b- F/ A3 i6 d1 W! d& w2 V0 v xAK Kinugasa Maru- B6 C+ R" b3 E% f1 B
xAK Kashii Maru
; X2 |7 @ U0 w+ u xAK Kansai Maru a ?& t' L$ q& t6 Z5 T
E Kunashiri
2 j% M. V: g% Y2 a' g E Hishu: O6 z9 f/ i' X3 N% z
PB Eiko Maru( z. j. z& I) q
PB Chosa Maru . E7 A t( D( f; x& f3 ]
Allied Ships
9 [! w* I& h- I3 B5 L) s SS S-37, hits 7( b, x O# P' D2 x5 c4 z' D
------------------------------------------------------ D# z, V; L8 W* r5 y) W
Morning Air attack on Toungoo , at 57,50
$ y/ D: V! a. f$ WWeather in hex: Severe storms - A8 r, a# A% z" h
Raid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.& |9 v2 ^6 k0 s& Z% d) }6 F2 I$ V
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes ' Q; ^6 b2 X! |% v: K; h
Japanese aircraft; @( j: h" p5 }4 T# i. S
Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 32
, h3 {2 T. i3 P4 H- v8 B, _No Japanese losses - }1 t, f1 T* V7 K9 w' O9 }1 a i7 q
Aircraft Attacking:& U* E6 T# I, X5 Q
32 x Ki-43-Ib Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet - ~: O1 s) G! q6 Z a& ~7 G
. o; B5 b: \" D9 ?+ p4 nMorning Air attack on 1st Division, at 81,46 (Patung)
. s$ H1 O5 w8 [9 H' DWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
& d. H2 H6 w3 LRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.- Q9 m* L7 n& A, P6 O" h
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
5 e7 @7 W: R0 {3 D; T4 t9 `# ~Japanese aircraft8 @" F. f: C: F# o% l5 v8 [
Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 6 2 s8 Z9 r( P2 g1 U8 `; [! t0 T, S
Allied aircraft5 Y |! g2 v3 ~9 Y& M% x. {
A-29A Hudson x 7 ! Q7 |1 D# m4 w j D% I
No Japanese losses
* J7 z9 h8 }, I0 A/ h: XNo Allied losses
( H( j, L/ E( ?! J1 I( LJapanese ground losses:
% X2 o! I) ]" W 6 casualties reported
s9 A$ c, T! F. v Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( Q z+ }, s& j: V" H" X Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ V& E( K* w& w1 ]
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled % w* E' ]8 V& \( H" _
Aircraft Attacking: R8 X; p3 H7 @
7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet
, a2 v3 n; a6 H8 T Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
0 m% {$ T- N8 U$ ^----------------------------------------------------6 \/ Z. r3 G6 l: B
Morning Air attack on Yokosuka Assault SNLF, at 50,99 (Kalidjati)
$ M& O" _* D ]* {' o) L( g. @# U' aWeather in hex: Heavy cloud 7 }* I( M$ o, @
Raid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.$ X- a% P# o# ?& |; O' @ |
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
, N. {/ U- V* C1 W% Q3 [Japanese aircraft
. q' A/ A+ W p8 ~ A6M2 Zero x 13 3 Y+ c5 l8 N9 ^+ I9 D/ J3 m% Y
Allied aircraft; y: o. x: P+ h+ |( [
Mohawk IV x 6
5 W9 w- K9 N. V; i/ r+ L w; k CW-22 Falcon x 18 / _" Y9 q. T! f3 A, P. p
No Japanese losses % a, ? j% C2 i
No Allied losses 2 [2 e" t1 C: R( Z( e9 r7 ~
Japanese ground losses:
B% p) z# }# ~ 9 casualties reported) ]6 \% }: ?5 _, E/ K: V2 ~
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
2 f- ?# |2 p' ]9 `. Q Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 @/ l) O$ X' j( T! O/ l Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled t7 ^& R! W: X$ O
Aircraft Attacking:
$ [9 V5 Y4 I" e: S- A0 [ 9 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
" b! c: P0 y) s$ k5 q8 Y Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
% ^ f$ Q2 b3 ^% `( t S- ~ 9 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet" m0 [/ P; ?1 v( ?+ W T
Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
# k! ]6 C" f- h* f- l9 P5 J------------------------------------------------------------6 [8 I" Z: H5 D C" c u6 I
Morning Air attack on Yokosuka Assault SNLF, at 50,99 (Kalidjati) ; u. z9 k& i& I2 i2 Z- J1 r) n
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
" c. i9 S0 y/ ERaid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet. D# N9 \ H0 d
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes
2 X k2 {9 u8 W, m) A$ c( P) mJapanese aircraft
, _9 A; G5 g3 Z A6M2 Zero x 17 ; |% `6 J$ ]9 r7 \$ g
Allied aircraft$ p! v7 j* G( b
CW-21B Demon x 53 K ]; l0 d8 W$ ^
L-212 x 9 : B' B4 r0 q# C4 J' J" @
Japanese aircraft losses) m7 w; m7 x! w# ]' K
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
/ d$ M @0 E0 ?- A# @: bAllied aircraft losses
4 s( m- ?# h" D' W. H( c+ X4 ~7 l( H CW-21B Demon: 1 destroyed
& i5 g0 t. l2 v- }, x- l* W: y$ v L-212: 1 damaged
3 z! t9 s1 |3 O, c1 u$ e7 E! I9 {. j! KAircraft Attacking:2 Z& Q6 o! u( c8 x! _+ Q2 h
9 x L-212 bombing from 6000 feet
! Z) H: `. V( h' } Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb9 c- [0 L; Y8 }0 y
------------------------------------------------------------------) C/ ^" u$ Z! o" [5 P
Morning Air attack on 21st Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 56,53 , near Pegu
2 H5 a: A% E Z; OWeather in hex: Thunderstorms & x8 v( a: a( @; a6 W& O0 g
Raid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
3 T) S$ a! e" d/ }Estimated time to target is 8 minutes
& B3 P2 F# x- N$ ]" w# ?, BAllied aircraft' L4 m2 ^0 d/ S8 D: c
Blenheim I x 12 6 Z! Y6 ?/ U" M. o: a
No Allied losses 3 }1 z g7 `! x
Japanese ground losses:) D- G% e Y2 m$ y8 ~9 ]$ y) ] v
6 casualties reported8 o7 {8 Q( u* L3 q" _
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 |# u% \" v- z8 R Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
- C* T; V% }0 y# ~5 a Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + s+ u5 V. B! @
Aircraft Attacking:
! a$ w B3 ?- P5 Z' b; u4 H 12 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
; ~% v( ~& E, d. C3 V C8 E Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
; F# _4 N4 x0 e' Z& x$ lAlso attacking 6th Guards Division ...* y- u3 ?! J7 y5 P+ L6 m
Also attacking 21st Ind.Mixed Brigade ... 3 Q& R5 z5 z1 V0 c. R, ~* i
8 V# E! @* R* V3 ~* XAfternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu * d0 [4 Y0 G! T# n
Weather in hex: Clear sky
5 K3 M y# g7 {4 yRaid spotted at 45 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
. s$ `. Q8 k) z1 U( t% @Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
9 I( z& R: _/ |2 mAllied aircraft
. u) l7 S5 U' S- e3 T P-39D Airacobra x 18 8 N, y+ @6 I, a; \/ P7 Q$ R' k1 {4 ]
No Allied losses 7 f( {7 o: V% a o& s1 R1 i6 A5 W
Aircraft Attacking:
' G J; d5 }, i/ F9 L) u" d 18 x P-39D Airacobra sweeping at 20000 feet & ?" j6 ]# K/ i9 v, ~8 X! y& p% B
2 g& g* W# a1 [5 m8 zAfternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
& J# G: N2 D7 l5 d7 p) q2 o5 kWeather in hex: Clear sky
/ @7 ~: b; s" \Raid spotted at 41 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.) k- }. n" Y9 H* z
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
" C2 ~( R+ E6 N7 c- [Allied aircraft
1 t% @ c, b( n. X P-40E Warhawk x 18
* N4 U( c1 S8 l! kNo Allied losses ' D" z8 i2 p+ u7 U7 I/ j$ f
Aircraft Attacking:' S- V% F4 t2 [8 t; R$ ?8 d
18 x P-40E Warhawk sweeping at 20000 feet
2 M" X% f& \; T4 o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' a, e( H2 T: W( c
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
1 m- p! Y0 ?1 Z( Z3 M' QWeather in hex: Clear sky 1 m0 i0 G' U* w, z+ N
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet." P; B$ x! N7 X# R
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
! {2 |5 R4 j q" yAllied aircraft3 B9 s4 V7 }$ V) v d( D
Hurricane I Trop x 10
' l0 O5 d+ A' m( F HNo Allied losses
* P9 O! _0 N4 S( P) T, JAircraft Attacking:0 c3 z8 G u+ f8 a2 Q
10 x Hurricane I Trop sweeping at 20000 feet \' e& c9 y2 {
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------! D$ y" g! b# S2 G* q
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu ) m# C7 g& w' t5 k
Weather in hex: Clear sky
6 G" p0 L, V9 u f1 uRaid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
2 W0 ` K1 ]! qEstimated time to target is 7 minutes ; N. m0 X. i2 v% q" K9 a; r
Allied aircraft ^+ ] W! \2 E1 W( A9 H
Hurricane IIb Trop x 9
; ^, L4 u9 q; t6 F8 k. @No Allied losses
$ t* {" Z$ V+ a7 k% _* pAircraft Attacking:1 B7 ~; M3 f1 e- T: u5 B8 z
9 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 20000 feet + j5 z. t2 d; d
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% S: i0 }, F/ w6 `; o/ e& Q
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
. X }% L1 C( e7 bWeather in hex: Clear sky
' B6 ]+ ]! h* d. M6 q7 H C, FRaid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet., F% G/ x1 v. c6 @2 K$ w I
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes
* |; U/ U) y! Q6 ^. aAllied aircraft
$ F2 a' ]% ]% A- U) ?$ e9 N Hurricane IIb Trop x 9
+ @3 s0 G$ `) U+ l9 rNo Allied losses! X" O% L0 z9 o2 i
Aircraft Attacking:) N: c5 V' w- a
9 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 20000 feet
3 d$ I2 b3 T% |4 h! \( I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 T! A* U- [8 L/ @/ a' M1 l* ~0 HAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,54
& g `2 L' G1 |' W* Q- W5 uWeather in hex: Clear sky 2 `1 l/ q+ d, f9 a, M2 C' D8 @8 g p
Raid detected at 69 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.8 C- p% T' r- y) d2 a* Q J& ]
Estimated time to target is 25 minutes 2 K. d- v: D: V1 W% J
Japanese aircraft l$ q2 U9 F; K+ e9 n. l7 f9 ?) C& G
D3A1 Val x 15
, B, q' U0 M. X- `3 d, hAllied aircraft+ }0 ]; H9 E4 [7 o6 Q0 ]/ t
Walrus II x 54 U0 L. M+ [: W3 c1 o q* G
Seagull V x 1
5 d3 G) T% O8 U2 P1 p* VJapanese aircraft losses
* b8 f" V7 `+ n, a& G D3A1 Val: 6 damaged
$ Q, n. c9 f" X1 p% g F( o1 ^+ s) Y D3A1 Val: 2 destroyed by flak
6 A4 ~ I( ?" f5 ~7 G) Y$ eNo Allied losses * B" y9 l' a9 r1 l$ l; b+ @
Allied Ships& v f' J+ R" M! B
DD Tjerk Hiddes, g3 O3 ]3 V [ X% L- l
CL Ceres
- P: `3 m9 [+ i7 x; D* Z5 l3 Y; v" u CL Hobart
, T, o+ x$ I+ N% D3 ] CL Glasgow 8 h- ~4 _( D+ Z& o z+ B4 W
Aircraft Attacking:
! _4 N# I4 `& N$ d3 | p 4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
* L" B, ^, {( F: I3 @' [. g! n Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
4 x! r6 n- u! W4 V 3 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'- h5 p6 a6 M+ O& h; R. P& I9 F4 w
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
# z, g# h" K5 i 4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'8 j4 H3 o8 i( x/ n6 M8 O: n
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
' s3 X3 W9 J; A5 S 4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'/ n# s @) o5 U$ m$ a0 r- z3 @
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb8 u$ s5 O! ^# T; v" j" a
-------------------------------------------------------( \! f. x0 I: I2 Y# L
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Rangoon at 54,54 * R' t `) J C0 z# d
Weather in hex: Clear sky
) M5 |- n. A [; aRaid detected at 71 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
! _! Y' L H, j! e. }& z6 a( P( ]Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
' k7 g% Q2 W1 _Japanese aircraft( N E) Z$ \" U5 X+ p, d4 l0 T+ W
D3A1 Val x 8
' J" V, L: s, GAllied aircraft
3 J$ e$ B# C, M2 g Walrus II x 3 ) I: \! Z9 ~1 y) {4 g7 E4 D
Japanese aircraft losses
* b) E* t+ E% g, g5 m# l* m4 P D3A1 Val: 2 damaged
7 X% P& S* N' b6 P2 a D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak & _& i" b; h" G( K( N$ _
No Allied losses
. l" W/ K/ N, G# RAllied Ships' h9 z( o: I4 I, r3 a9 k% p
CL Hobart
9 [! B* q4 `, b: f! M1 r0 { CLAA Van Heemskerck
* _" F: x: i- E' n1 ~Aircraft Attacking:* u) f; j3 E2 {& ]5 T/ I
4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'5 t* h+ g6 |) @$ o0 H7 D
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb- G. ^9 e6 N* W- A
4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 2000'1 X4 v* M$ j: n2 I9 N
Naval Attack: 1 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
- b. T1 p) N: n---------------------------------------------------
3 D3 a. m0 Z- w' Y6 DAfternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
. Y% Z) @+ |0 @4 {- AWeather in hex: Clear sky
* h+ |. W8 o. h/ HRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
! w# D x' f0 IEstimated time to target is 5 minutes 7 Z' x8 o6 g9 d5 l
Allied aircraft/ X) H( |; n2 c+ A5 e
H81-A3 x 5( p( l! o8 a3 O. Q% e
Hurricane IIa Trop x 47 B/ N/ ?8 q8 i
Hurricane IIb Trop x 10 D: l, s* Q9 B% S* j
No Allied losses
5 R: ~0 l( c: L& bAircraft Attacking:0 d& H4 V( x! G& w1 a; H- I8 u
5 x H81-A3 sweeping at 20000 feet4 [- e X N! h2 Y' ]
4 x Hurricane IIa Trop sweeping at 20000 feet
* W. i% ]/ [8 {7 R; ? 10 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 20000 feet
; o- u9 {6 S' u; b-------------------------------------------------0 e2 o* L4 G, b; V- i
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
. B2 j+ j4 o" Q; s6 ?Weather in hex: Clear sky 0 N6 S# J% z+ R3 D& u7 V9 N' F
Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet. g* U1 f5 o) ?6 L/ ?! T7 n
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
% }' v; L* ?- p @( Y1 BAllied aircraft* l& |: p8 J) V; M% D% h! w" T
Hurricane IIa Trop x 7 2 t( h. U1 q) h1 t+ n
No Allied losses
% H# ~+ @! ~3 Y2 r& _1 n' R* CAircraft Attacking:! A; I( Z R. h# R2 P: K! H4 C+ `
7 x Hurricane IIa Trop sweeping at 20000 feet
; k k( P) r* G" Z, s( n0 L- Z( W7 G' P-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j! r% X5 I v
Afternoon Air attack on 6th Guards Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu 4 A2 @+ c; n& `, x4 q+ _! j1 p% L
Weather in hex: Clear sky
5 b- S5 z: S/ D6 K3 I# p8 q& V$ uRaid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.$ N. u' W* [, |" I ~' f
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes 6 H4 r/ v! P0 q* p" p4 w6 f
Allied aircraft
/ v6 N1 k- c/ ^0 _ B-17D Fortress x 17
9 F( r& z: ` T6 t% c& uAllied aircraft losses
' X% W3 m u) x+ W4 p1 A) h B-17D Fortress: 1 damaged
* S r: G$ j# [% j- ?7 JJapanese ground losses:# Q3 V5 F a _( J/ b
26 casualties reported( \9 H+ j6 b; M8 X" ?
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( X( B( g6 C. T3 ~ Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
% F8 i, K( B- Y; N, X- A, B: k0 | Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; i# H) a5 V! h( S/ o
Aircraft Attacking:9 Y( ~; I) v3 Z
4 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet8 c: M6 N6 @1 E2 A' n
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb1 m9 f# a4 `* E( L. s$ \ d
5 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
( u9 I! S, Y, B2 S2 l Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
8 N, K1 z2 A" g Z, {6 ~7 `9 D 8 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet, c% R+ ]% X2 C% Y, z
Ground Attack: 8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
& L: Y- t& w [4 V5 r8 F' uAlso attacking 21st Ind.Mixed Brigade ... ; n+ i- N; [ {5 z7 M8 Y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 g$ A* ` z: h7 Q7 j- K
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
5 P* z+ y/ u D) hWeather in hex: Clear sky
# i7 R& G. X8 V$ J) j6 _! rRaid spotted at 44 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet." p4 _& _6 [2 n3 `5 E+ t# r4 R
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes / @* h. Z& e# c) V
Allied aircraft# U& }: W# r. } e2 ]1 \# @9 @
Hurricane IIb Trop x 9
; Y/ H- f- l; {3 b$ b9 S. pNo Allied losses : T6 L& U+ K9 M0 f, Q. l
Aircraft Attacking:. O' Q) e; @- H
9 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 20000 feet
e5 v5 ?) }6 x3 _, j |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* O/ j/ g2 j) J% p( j6 Z2 |* \Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu & B6 p: \& q; m- [0 P7 S
Weather in hex: Clear sky
l9 P3 R8 s) vRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.% N: R: }2 ^( u3 k& Q# Z* `
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes ; s9 Y5 f2 Z7 Z
Allied aircraft
6 j: d+ _9 }8 Y Hurricane IIb Trop x 9 5 [& K8 {2 N. n9 e# F* w: o; ^: M
No Allied losses
! O5 E8 P; L; ]7 u9 M7 pAircraft Attacking:9 O( q4 |8 X* i7 {1 w- v
9 x Hurricane IIb Trop sweeping at 20000 feet 0 }0 b k/ l% h* T; p, P6 I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. r5 `& K+ C# h9 S
Afternoon Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,53 , near Pegu
* v* ]$ M8 N# K( R% oWeather in hex: Clear sky
! f( R5 N" n# Z; a1 Y% KRaid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
+ P o( }* X! N$ x" l& KEstimated time to target is 8 minutes . m) c3 j4 K, L. C
Allied aircraft
) V3 j8 S/ s- N& p+ s1 t Hurricane I Trop x 10 9 F# m, D) K% H1 h, p" H& E& D
No Allied losses % t! E7 r/ K* k- B
Aircraft Attacking:
) b7 P) o. K% O4 n' b! K2 J 10 x Hurricane I Trop sweeping at 20000 feet ( V6 l- t. `9 y" h6 W1 h s! K( f
- S4 \6 m2 l+ qASW attack near Toboali at 51,93 : V( P8 k! d7 H5 C' z" D
Japanese Ships
7 G( ?, l' F/ Q# l* | CA Aoba
0 R2 O# L! N2 j8 M CL Abukuma
6 u$ X/ d& i# O. `0 h CL Nagara9 |) E# Q0 Z7 U2 H& x
DD Akigumo
! i# P* D8 z) H& S5 S% \ DD Amatsukaze
8 L9 X) B+ n4 ~" l0 u; w DD Maikaze
; z3 D3 J7 X2 QAllied Ships, A3 z! y" p. n: j% D
SS Searaven, hits 15 H+ r1 g8 L: l+ R
----------------------------------------------------------' o9 N4 p2 J# d& [
ASW attack near Toboali at 51,94 - @$ w2 m$ r% F+ _* j! g/ ^
Japanese Ships
- B- b7 \8 I. H3 } SC Ch 24
9 O+ z9 s) e- h5 Z" q: A7 A xAP Tatsuta Maru
1 }- j/ k x- L PB Kaimyo Maru
2 c5 F% l' y, i+ L( r PB Bokuyo Maru
& M( j* ], x4 |* _ SC CHa-1 9 g& O" s: o. ]- X7 E
Allied Ships3 I0 B, K9 k6 `" _
SS KX, hits 2; D4 H. o$ Z" {/ i7 K; a+ d" R
--------------------------------------------------- ( b" O/ z" N' D* V& }9 z: p/ u2 D! x
Ground combat at La Foa (114,159) 0 M6 L0 Y/ H2 e& R
Japanese Deliberate attack " R) F: g, d B$ |) `9 f
Attacking force 690 troops, 0 guns, 126 vehicles, Assault Value = 202 0 C7 o5 M# T8 W
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
, e u* i/ X% L& L; H( xJapanese adjusted assault: 82 / G6 G9 ^8 ]6 E/ Z. Q' u8 v" A+ h
Allied adjusted defense: 1 6 T3 N" @. F! R- T9 k
Japanese assault odds: 82 to 1 (fort level 0)
* a) C. s- n. M5 rJapanese forces CAPTURE La Foa !!! 7 n( C2 ]$ U7 Y9 v
Combat modifiers* O- N8 A5 q+ k- [' U! v! n5 @0 `
Attacker: " m/ M9 b8 o. r3 t0 T/ r, C: R4 J
Assaulting units:( U+ G& B: [/ `5 u0 F" G L6 a* G8 O
82nd Naval Guard Unit# y4 |% v1 K) F4 t
8th Tank Regiment. c* _3 Z0 U9 d
83rd Naval Guard Unit
- S' y2 ~, ]) @$ J! X" W/ x----------------------------------------------
7 i4 `* \4 m- |& a/ jGround combat at Patung (81,46) , s$ c% Z1 \3 l) r/ h/ [
Japanese Bombardment attack 7 f1 D/ S' n4 W& ~- Z5 ^; k
Attacking force 29900 troops, 378 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121 ) V; @* c9 B9 D; x+ F
Defending force 37250 troops, 206 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1484
& X) ]* ^/ e0 R7 F* r* }Japanese ground losses:1 d$ p" ^. T- G: W( Z R4 Y
19 casualties reported L; V+ U" {5 I1 h
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
# ~ L' |, ?1 c( {% Z Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled, E+ ^# }2 T8 C, w1 X1 N9 l
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 j6 }) d1 G: c. P1 HAllied ground losses:* q3 H% m/ t4 f
8 casualties reported: M$ L/ R: `, [- C1 } P
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
4 y6 M4 j9 k) b' w7 O$ \1 b Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 _# M9 ]' C- I! O5 J/ M Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + W. n4 G& i5 w0 ?. T2 l+ q) Y' [
Assaulting units:
. B1 E+ D4 Q: J1 O6 b" w0 Z' [ O 9th Tank Regiment9 @4 h+ _- n" U, b3 j
6th Division
+ ] f5 P K! _- L# A1 e) |, R 1st Division
: ~' X, g( ^! m, R- G( m, `7 M" e 13th RGC Temp. Division J& B) R) M* y- J/ Y, a- t
11th Army% d- P( ~6 T) D
52nd Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion, l, c( A$ I1 m
15th Ind.Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" N6 Q( J9 U: _) W, F* b 8th Ind. Engineer Regiment0 r1 ~9 S# }" w1 U
51st Ind.Mtn.Gun Battalion
- F8 T G! {6 _0 a. _ 1st Mortar Battalion
+ A7 J' i5 |- [/ e; V/ U0 p 2nd Ind. Engineer Regiment
. U: Z6 `6 m; c% y5 D9 W, h) { 2nd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
% G2 }" L8 p3 e( k( k, U 14th Medium Field Artillery Regiment/ m! J/ N( W9 F% ?% J# @: [2 W
51st Road Const Co 9 } U) b* L" g# P% h$ p
Defending units:
H% H' |! B0 y% C 45th Chinese Corps) X4 A9 b% |# y' j3 M: D- e- r' {0 v
68th Chinese Corps
7 b; a% Q6 D1 S6 a1 |/ d 32nd Chinese Corps
" E; K0 c% E* G0 }: v" d% m. L 67th Chinese Corps
# _# Q; v: R' e2 X5 n; @ 75th Chinese Corps
, O6 n, g6 ^5 t' z* X3 k# V# e 83rd Chinese Corps
5 e9 u; k% @* M/ z, M1 G4 d7 | 26th Group Army
- H6 x6 C- d3 H: J; i1 q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Y& W9 C0 J" Z# Z" e! r" CGround combat at 80,50 (near Changteh)
( O1 }$ x& N; c% d* yJapanese Bombardment attack - { K% w6 C9 O1 d- l
Attacking force 29542 troops, 343 guns, 202 vehicles, Assault Value = 1157 + K4 [# ~3 d+ C* k" P9 A$ T+ Q, `
Defending force 3165 troops, 10 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 68
5 z/ B* C4 Z$ tAllied ground losses:8 E; c4 A7 i* y% D! y0 H
82 casualties reported
1 w% x8 E$ a, p1 U C7 A* Z5 r Squads: 2 destroyed, 3 disabled
/ s7 O% Y2 |) B% H Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled5 @# ^7 U1 Q9 v/ \) v" _2 Q
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; Y0 {) b% s+ e. E M
Assaulting units:# ?1 t# D, W- Y+ [
5th Tank Regiment# m7 N- h8 z+ {/ K6 ^
15th Tank Regiment. Z L' W0 y0 L$ I
40th Division
0 K1 \& \5 m0 o* m% y0 s3 q 39th Division, b) P) W8 t0 `* Y
51st Recon Regiment
; o* m/ e5 E* T U5 A 11th RGC Temp. Division
8 D) N. y9 }5 B. k/ i 9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment6 t2 P' W4 ~2 x& a- I+ _* Q* m0 k% P
2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
+ W4 g# H# f. l8 j 13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
) A0 l# ^: n9 N5 C7 P- F 8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion# n7 s7 j6 H) q' t) w
Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment
1 ~5 x9 k. g, P( k 10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
. U( \6 S0 s) y& k1 WDefending units:4 H# ^; x& k7 k/ W2 c" I3 b
20th Chinese Corps
* U5 l& M( i) W& m- x3 ]9 U6 ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 ?7 H% |1 q7 l% O/ ^* lGround combat at Benkoelen (45,91)
/ R+ _# T; m2 T; p8 z, n8 @: U! }* [0 rJapanese Shock attack $ M: Y3 z& |7 ?0 T4 ~+ D+ j$ _$ h
Attacking force 16817 troops, 149 guns, 150 vehicles, Assault Value = 642 9 v/ {) o ` A W& w+ p4 q
Defending force 35 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1 ' m% [/ o* y6 r) B- w
Japanese adjusted assault: 807 2 t% V- X) q( B5 e
Allied adjusted defense: 1
- M& e6 T% ]2 \0 |) dJapanese assault odds: 807 to 1 (fort level 1) 1 Z* p4 n: k: w. S! w* S, D
Japanese forces CAPTURE Benkoelen !!! 3 E% M0 Q' ?" h% V
Combat modifiers
' V# l/ i/ b3 n/ D& n2 FDefender: terrain(+)4 k7 m1 \) S( c S
Attacker: shock(+)
, I- m4 O) g$ U5 R2 ~Japanese ground losses:
/ ~, Q$ o1 X5 c& R, @8 D: W5 u 43 casualties reported8 m, c& S1 `6 V3 h; S1 U
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' U: X1 M" ~, L3 _ Non Combat: 9 destroyed, 0 disabled
- I9 } o# Z* }% S: V1 } Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 9 L) V+ S+ k, L8 G: `
Allied ground losses:
& b9 b s. L7 W+ f9 H) I+ C' _$ K Units destroyed 1 1 C3 x ]: c, X) k+ |0 s3 i
Assaulting units:- z; Y9 d0 e ^. D# f# g" v
Sasebo 3rd SNLF
7 t5 P. e# M; ?, m8 t, | 24th Infantry Regiment$ ?5 g9 Q D: Z( U5 p2 \
2nd Recon Regiment
$ }2 a9 _/ M0 c/ ]/ G- `' _ III./124th Infantry Battalion3 |$ Q, C- c, {, e x0 v# p. m! h
Sasebo 8th SNLF( H; t8 |% z* y. |2 i# g7 \
Yokosuka 2nd SNLF
+ |8 B* _9 M" B II./124th Infantry Battalion) Y1 S# X0 `* J- C. d" Z$ J
6th Tank Regiment
9 F. F7 o( _% Y/ F 16th Guards Regiment
, l( |$ B: X X/ m; uDefending units:
. v, W c( h% D3 J, G" i8 d North Sumatra Base Force /1 + [ k w; L7 b m# z1 ^8 y
3 ]! T& _$ u; z1 d$ K! IGround combat at Kalidjati (50,99) * D; D5 P3 ^( [7 n
Allied Shock attack
+ t: o- T, A4 W: K! a# x5 @) dAttacking force 1459 troops, 7 guns, 143 vehicles, Assault Value = 83 * E* Q, H6 R. |/ N" V
Defending force 276 troops, 8 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 17 , w8 B! I w2 s! \& F
Allied adjusted assault: 72
) h' X1 N% ]5 m/ q" ^- V; {Japanese adjusted defense: 1
4 K/ W0 Z. K2 \' n, sAllied assault odds: 72 to 1
- w7 l$ Q- J0 J, }" u m3 v0 eCombat modifiers
( O" W9 Y7 s+ Q$ a8 eDefender: disruption(-), preparation(-), supply(-)
5 R# f6 D/ o3 p* O7 f2 DAttacker: shock(+)
+ z: K" U' p1 R1 vJapanese ground losses:4 I+ Q( ]* N' B6 m' z
391 casualties reported
+ C& B' I; U+ l6 @% a+ s Squads: 35 destroyed, 0 disabled% i) ?8 \9 }+ J0 z
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
: S% A! @, i* ^: A" G& U! o Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( @. R, m8 ]- [* ~* m0 x) { Guns lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)+ O0 z4 R( _, I. h* _, E
Units destroyed 1 4 X9 m) }. H, u0 q
Allied ground losses:# V% V$ {1 j7 m- t! V* R
17 casualties reported1 ^) F. h& f$ l& z F
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( ?, |+ [: Y' b# E4 Q Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. h4 q0 G& z8 v& i Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
' x# w9 L: V k2 |& PAssaulting units:: M0 r8 r: B e, E
Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
2 u Q4 [# @( [' K+ { Lijfwacht Cav Sqn * q3 ?, b) }" m
Afdeling Ritman
9 s' X1 p) `* j8 h! F! @ Tarakan Base Force 4 A3 b! K9 O" k7 e/ u- T/ o
Defending units:1 \/ t7 E4 N% f4 h4 Q- s
Yokosuka Assault SNLF /1 |