AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 01, 42% ?% S5 U, G: l/ n0 ~0 S5 p
, @( b8 h9 `3 q: a! h' M日军的混乱貌似也不高,导致国军损伤上千班组,伤亡人数国军8kvs日军6k,
7 y4 c9 Q3 |3 F7 s& R j+ ^就算是给昨天的日军回礼了,大陆战场还是让日军自己去犯错误吧,继续防守。$ f6 O8 y5 Q* U* e( u/ u
2 m$ F2 L/ @0 P& B# o当天仰光附近又出现意外,盟军炮击毛淡棉,拖延日军过河步伐,也许是为了配合毛淡棉日军过河+ ~4 T1 e/ E, l6 r: q
21军在未炮击侦查的情况下,突击盟军阵地,导致13K+日军伤亡,而此时澳6师已经到位( ?8 E' x0 q/ Y+ ]. x7 p% F% v" V
盟军伤亡还不到一千人,印度,澳大利亚部队就是比国军结实啊,估计缅甸还可以拖一段时间。# Q: P5 x4 @( V8 u6 ?
2 W, w) q s1 a/ K* Z3 F( K
: m. T7 [5 K3 X---------------------------------------------------------
. R1 V2 B B1 }& qNight Naval bombardment of Moulmein at 55,55 0 t: Z$ y: ?7 K
Allied Ships
8 w7 \& y; q& v, S& v, H CL Mauritius
+ O1 J: Y% [5 c E$ H CL Ceres
: j& M, s" v1 r6 ^$ ] DD Tenedos8 y/ i2 K, z2 l/ v1 K
DD Isaac Sweers : @5 i; @8 T9 Q
CL Mauritius firing at 5th Amphibious Brigade4 Z; z2 E, r K. X
CL Ceres firing at 33rd Division
# N% J9 `1 d/ R% b! eDD Tenedos firing at 15th Guards Regiment
5 L+ T2 }( z7 ?# V- Z9 p( }6 ADD Isaac Sweers firing at 33rd Division+ {1 L% H/ u$ `7 R! N
% i& Y, ]- W+ I8 {, }Day Time Surface Combat, near Merak at 48,97, Range 4,000 Yards W, N, S: s* a0 c' c) a" W2 k1 f
Japanese Ships
# I' i/ D/ m9 m1 W- R3 \ AMc Wa 6/ x$ M# m8 w* t* a
AMc Wa 9, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage4 x; {% F+ w; F5 }
AMc Kyo Maru #5, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage, r, S; Z- w/ p# r4 t
AMc Seki Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire
3 [+ a4 y3 F6 GAllied Ships
5 E% R7 B: M+ u. ^ PT-314 b1 H+ b7 V( }4 e" F5 H2 c6 Y
( z* M) e+ ^7 v1 B PT-33
& ^$ X L8 G8 n5 n1 ^" a PT-35
: a: |6 G, R! c9 N PT-41& A, n0 c U, E& E
-----------------------------------------------------------; j5 M$ `, [7 u, Z
Morning Air attack on 18th British Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
B$ i4 ]/ d( N2 T+ b0 Z6 jWeather in hex: Light rain / H3 R! Y, Y% i2 Z7 j7 T9 b3 [
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet., x/ P7 b- M, n- l: V* J+ M
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
4 J2 z! ^ N [& t. v- bJapanese aircraft# u+ n5 K4 q( ^$ U" M- o2 C4 U/ D
A6M2 Zero x 31
# A6 A" A! E* V: i$ b; { Ki-21-IIa Sally x 9
4 h; n( E8 V5 Y* KJapanese aircraft losses1 w1 E7 i7 [" d0 V6 Y
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged+ R- `6 p: y. b3 Q' ~$ I: d$ z- E
Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 destroyed by flak 5 m- w- d& g6 u0 H, j: K
Aircraft Attacking:
3 }% o! M% b$ c2 p 7 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet
7 T( u! A X# z e; }: b Ground Attack: 4 x 250 kg GP Bomb ! s7 C' s2 j0 X! W% r9 l5 V. P
2 V' \( r: ~9 H8 z$ T1 K HMorning Air attack on 23rd Army, at 79,50 , near Chihkiang 4 m, l4 x- ~# F! L/ C' r2 |1 B3 c
Weather in hex: Clear sky % n* `) p: G' H& f) v; m& X& k
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.. G& s( _" h- m! Z+ m0 `
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
% A2 }0 x) c1 O# zAllied aircraft/ P" w3 A$ J: i3 M; d+ t9 z1 |
A-29A Hudson x 79 v5 n) J# O+ H/ s+ C% i" Q: U1 h4 Y
I-16-III x 2
) S1 a) a( G; A; [0 j% N; D SB-III x 31 ' p3 M0 ?7 I; B% g
No Allied losses 9 a+ I7 H, m; J4 O$ t
Japanese ground losses:
9 e! `/ |; J1 S* f 9 casualties reported8 @" f9 Q9 Z" g3 }- f5 V
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ Z( \6 p7 m0 ~ s
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
* H* y8 c2 T/ W, F" r" H Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 5 e! I& U8 t3 I; I$ i1 e4 Y, g
Aircraft Attacking:
" {6 m. a% W- \# r 7 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet; N; O! x- [3 y, K& k
Ground Attack: 6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
" |2 S6 l4 B; E K3 @4 D 5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet% ^- w. p# O' Y# H2 `
Ground Attack: 6 x 100 kg GP Bomb/ u6 J4 K3 k8 m1 N" G0 ]
3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
" k& }: O% o* G( m- S& e Ground Attack: 3 x 100 kg GP Bomb0 O% k4 ~( s, D$ i E9 Z8 B
3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet * 9 O3 M( Y* J0 J
Ground Attack: 3 x 100 kg GP Bomb4 F' T8 J1 Z1 y- H
7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet J% E% D z+ ]
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
L2 m% ]0 L5 A2 X0 g* T 5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
! }$ s8 l2 W" E) ^8 n6 C4 T Ground Attack: 6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
7 R. Z9 {$ E3 d' y# b 4 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
$ _6 O& {9 K* R* z! n/ \ Ground Attack: 6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
" m; w% K- |! T( ?- {3 S 4 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
! I5 o! _+ @, E: V Ground Attack: 6 x 100 kg GP Bomb + `9 }: Y, t$ @6 h9 F% c. q
Also attacking 104th Division ...& ]: R* g6 V% f( F' R
Also attacking 40th Division ...
* u* J8 K! `9 q- w8 J9 {; T3 nAlso attacking 22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment ...* m6 T$ ~: y9 ~$ p( j9 n l
Also attacking 23rd Army ...5 P N0 Q4 z& G) W/ d {* T. F0 A
Also attacking 40th Division ... 1 B) R% Y- y; y2 f' ], \3 ^
0 n3 g& ^; @9 W6 r: c; f( H S" iMorning Air attack on 39th Division, at 79,50 , near Chihkiang
9 M7 O6 Y6 U: q* ~+ t7 |( ZWeather in hex: Clear sky , c$ W. N3 q; C: m# `+ x, f* I
Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.% @$ H, @" N, D# S# ?! ]
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
& T, Z7 {# k1 m. N( K4 iAllied aircraft
% z: d! l% `9 s& F SB-III x 4
& @( E- r' U! B- \ V. E* K/ NNo Allied losses 4 S) h1 ~# B, ?( w: S
Aircraft Attacking:
6 r% p: q& [" r8 Y6 W, U 3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet *
9 _+ S+ d# U) v7 K! P Ground Attack: 3 x 100 kg GP Bomb
: I$ Z! N0 Q4 B0 U/ p6 ~ 1 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet * + C- `$ }5 p9 ?6 n) C/ X) L3 }
Ground Attack: 3 x 100 kg GP Bomb ! C/ E& w$ n4 b
0 B8 q) Q% J* m( U& EMorning Air attack on 55th Infantry Regiment, at 49,98 (Batavia) - c: m$ `( o" c0 i$ S
Weather in hex: Light cloud
, K$ u6 h3 M3 w* g+ f4 }$ L, ZRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.$ F; G0 t( Z5 @( @- a t
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes % c( h4 n& u/ F( A$ i
Japanese aircraft
4 `, p/ C$ E* G& M A6M2 Zero x 1 0 V$ C6 _' q' U' A
Allied aircraft: A9 C1 n6 L# o
CW-22 Falcon x 9 G- {$ z- ^, {4 g; p9 F3 f7 ?$ @. [
No Japanese losses 3 O1 A3 M6 z" L0 {
No Allied losses * s$ W+ T- S0 A+ X; _
Japanese ground losses:
: H9 @; `; X4 W# T9 K 13 casualties reported3 g/ a4 \, [0 P- R9 }3 [( [, ^
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; K& F. h9 h+ U" U Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) n2 T- ^' p9 Z4 v Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 0 R+ O3 |/ _$ }1 t l/ f4 ^# Z7 D
Aircraft Attacking:
. M9 ?2 y" l* n4 z5 G7 {0 z m 9 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
) k: _$ a4 j [7 ^" T Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb, h. q6 e8 A4 z4 c1 D
4 e* Y4 p9 A) @- X4 t) D& GMorning Air attack on 7th Division, at 48,99 (Buitenzorg) Q9 O9 ]5 T2 T& @1 e
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 3 W+ Y# ~2 o/ q" R
Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
1 `6 {" E# o# b! h _) GEstimated time to target is 5 minutes + c4 v5 X5 J' F: ~- _
Japanese aircraft
; r$ I2 O' T9 L7 Z+ }7 Y4 _ A6M2 Zero x 4 ' R, D8 {" S" v- B$ t7 v
Allied aircraft
6 A' Q4 U* j1 h CW-22 Falcon x 9
+ ~: ^ g2 a3 U+ l" eNo Japanese losses ; N3 G! k1 Z+ L
Allied aircraft losses1 _6 E/ h% B% S, [1 L
CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed by flak ; c5 B+ E5 G, y2 u0 @
Aircraft Attacking:% G/ O7 e7 w+ H* w# r0 ?
9 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
7 d9 o2 n9 D; k+ p Ground Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
' p5 g8 c' n6 j8 Y: l. i------------------------------------------------------------------
- f) E8 [/ j* P9 p/ IMorning Air attack on 4th Division, at 56,54 , near Moulmein ( H) ]5 y) C: i9 }/ B$ g2 o% f
Weather in hex: Clear sky * B! `9 {& c9 a
Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
0 Q- ?# E* V1 ^) Z# {: ^Estimated time to target is 5 minutes - W" |* G" s L( @# }2 D
Japanese aircraft
0 ]: Z& g6 K5 J- Q2 o6 V6 u- B5 a& e6 p Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 7
( e4 N, ]- z5 _, d7 j6 [Allied aircraft
9 n1 j, B" S4 I" n/ Y3 S Blenheim I x 7 8 |8 }0 u# ~; P3 f9 `( X1 H0 {
No Japanese losses ; `$ d' r7 W+ e* w& s
Allied aircraft losses1 F& Q3 q, u! G- k; W
Blenheim I: 3 damaged
, l1 e6 W; @8 n1 o& VJapanese ground losses:# b. [2 h* l' m# k) ~
10 casualties reported
% A$ b& N, _/ e9 ?8 m$ C1 I& j Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled0 i3 w2 F3 e, _
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ j0 o( z$ G5 Z: F, f
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 k. r2 i! P7 d0 @$ R9 Z5 H
Aircraft Attacking:
: i2 p1 @9 A# [7 }, J 7 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet, t2 |) m1 n3 s0 T' N4 q5 d
Ground Attack: 4 x 250 lb GP Bomb4 }$ [: ?, ]3 z/ O: O& e" C
-------------------------------------------------------! _1 v# [6 I; [8 L3 n" V
Morning Air attack on 17th Indpt Guards Regiment, at 57,50 (Toungoo)
; l8 W0 Z. L0 R, K2 NWeather in hex: Severe storms 3 k5 f8 t l3 B: w
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
+ o1 a E& z7 W9 ], UEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
4 R) W0 R& Z5 Y6 Z# _! w: C/ ^Japanese aircraft
5 m" D, [' S9 _: Y+ G3 c Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 1 - N# R0 ]$ \4 \! @
Allied aircraft
( t! w B G( W: S* \' d Q Wirraway x 6
* J( z1 i" l% Z% L S ?. \3 xNo Japanese losses " h# r& ^" i( u/ [7 [% X4 c, Y1 `
No Allied losses
) a: Y" j$ H7 E% V4 FAircraft Attacking:' A: x1 b/ l0 F! Q* F) ^4 M7 ^- o* A
6 x Wirraway bombing from 6000 feet) I0 H7 m, t ]9 L6 s! y
Ground Attack: 2 x 100 lb GP Bomb( @4 y' f; E' E2 v8 c3 q
--------------------------------------------------------------- , t$ U! S9 c/ R5 P
Ground combat at 56,54 (near Moulmein)
9 u9 r4 F7 c3 |" ^8 g$ a) I. EJapanese Shock attack
: G' n) j; h& R8 ^9 MAttacking force 45134 troops, 426 guns, 90 vehicles, Assault Value = 1584 - f) z# ]3 a$ r5 s! U& s
Defending force 44081 troops, 420 guns, 423 vehicles, Assault Value = 1688 ; p# D( u2 T; M; E' O0 j( S* V
Japanese adjusted assault: 528
~1 R3 a( s, a& ^0 k' d9 [Allied adjusted defense: 2631 " l f% J+ o! |$ i8 @$ Y7 a0 [6 P
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 4
0 l; F- `! r( E7 }/ Z* @: GCombat modifiers. U" K4 H6 K W+ G: J9 J) W* b6 n
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)
% J) O" V, A0 |& N5 X/ {Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-), fatigue(-)
" X w% n6 }8 Y5 w& }+ G" C0 UJapanese ground losses:4 I$ y [0 z; X W! G# `7 D
13497 casualties reported$ R2 t/ |3 `$ Q8 u$ l' g
Squads: 356 destroyed, 316 disabled- d+ Q. f2 ~ Z+ E* |! _# N
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 131 disabled }7 }4 ?* g) S) x3 q- v# Q
Engineers: 51 destroyed, 64 disabled! Z! e. d0 }/ Z# V
Guns lost 85 (15 destroyed, 70 disabled)
. G: ?% I. J$ q/ ^/ \, \ Vehicles lost 25 (4 destroyed, 21 disabled)
& y4 ]. O$ c+ y1 R6 f! _; vAllied ground losses: w& ^! f! b; f- w# `. V% R& j2 c
610 casualties reported
6 P$ O: `! I; Q, N0 E. ]2 s- _ Squads: 57 destroyed, 99 disabled) B# s) l5 L# U. X2 D* K1 v6 l
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 35 disabled, o2 |/ N" J0 J% z# D1 P6 {6 {+ _
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
, f; ^9 E1 V, g; \; ?+ o8 J3 K Guns lost 11 (1 destroyed, 10 disabled)
- v* I" |4 L+ a& F1 g* b- X' n% qAssaulting units:& [! B/ m' ~0 K+ D+ X
21st Division2 k: f& y: Q: z6 S( ?6 A5 j
4th Division
2 }7 r9 Q( t9 J2 X; n$ f+ u( X 6th Guards Division* S/ S% Z0 s/ d7 D: A2 e& t
21st Ind.Mixed Brigade( d, b$ O S3 W
14th Guards Regiment
" ?& y* Y* G! {' ^Defending units:
+ H/ }2 {! o8 C+ i7 y5 B, U Railway BAF Battalion
' m# U3 K" M6 A; M& \" |2 L( K4 P BFF Brigade9 h' N; c& [& s9 W; b
3rd Burma Rifles Battalion. L8 h7 P/ [' S. [6 Z# x" c/ |
6th Australian Division
: Y* X1 M# Z# M2 ~ 1st Burma Division
/ o% u0 j; ?' d! g; p% x4 H 13th Burma Rifles Battalion r* u9 e/ I' G
46th Indian Brigade
8 k9 m9 x0 z5 U6 Q( t0 [; q9 Z; ~( m 99th Indian Brigade
4 J7 T8 i( i Z$ B* ` Tenasserim BAF Battalion3 K; ^, |, D/ l3 r
10th Burma Rifles Battalion
- q* ^4 b2 }2 \ 9th Burma Rifles Battalion/ R; {3 B3 m- B6 R, J
45th Indian Brigade' n9 i. Y2 L) T6 h# }. w; v m
1st Gloucestershire Battalion
4 V4 h: Z8 z- N0 S0 ?# X 44th Indian Brigade! O7 N8 ^5 t/ U& Y$ C9 [4 g7 X
17th Indian Division4 A) C% ~: [ f$ Y( f
Burma Corps % U. O! y) P" s. @* L
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 I; s7 K* h* ?& S" I
Ground combat at Toungoo (57,50)
! S5 g$ a% A$ o; XJapanese Bombardment attack ( l$ A; D; F. N5 r1 M j
Attacking force 4340 troops, 48 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 145
8 |5 `, d. H2 i3 N% J/ z% o2 EDefending force 583 troops, 5 guns, 7 vehicles, Assault Value = 8 2 L5 x" x% q+ ]' Y* B
Assaulting units:6 w% P3 T6 D7 [0 B) }5 J
17th Indpt Guards Regiment
: {/ Y; O+ ~2 CDefending units:# C* F4 g! [. Y
108th RAF Base Force ' m9 p! L" }8 ]; N. I4 h4 `' r9 Y
5 \% ?5 h+ u# t9 P( CGround combat at 79,50 (near Chihkiang) 9 i* R. s& j) G+ }' Y+ w; C' ^
Allied Shock attack ! P7 {: Y- s4 M! p! w y7 S/ b
Attacking force 156822 troops, 829 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5654 6 a8 L) s& d. B
Defending force 45683 troops, 723 guns, 514 vehicles, Assault Value = 1068
0 @9 n# b) e& R3 \Allied adjusted assault: 1536 2 K ~; U: y l' O
Japanese adjusted defense: 892 ' ^6 m. O0 _1 X3 Q& |! I. [
Allied assault odds: 1 to 1 ' P: C( l) r7 W2 d
Combat modifiers
+ U1 L$ G% G2 ` uDefender: terrain(+), experience(-)- k; G. {5 ~7 h8 k$ ]: g; B
Attacker: shock(+)
1 D) K. D; N6 c- D C& s5 \) [. S3 HJapanese ground losses:
4 p p( D" b8 E& Z7 }" ^6 N& b 6143 casualties reported
/ ?! w% W* z) a' o. a7 U Squads: 44 destroyed, 318 disabled
1 ?7 t f! f: `. j Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 128 disabled3 C! x$ V4 V3 e, A" K# ~3 o+ _
Engineers: 6 destroyed, 47 disabled: ^% }, H" \* Z3 n- m
Guns lost 166 (7 destroyed, 159 disabled)1 D) R) e) p$ o2 t/ o
Vehicles lost 40 (2 destroyed, 38 disabled) . g( ]" b9 `, n5 Z8 s: W4 i2 y" j
Allied ground losses:. |# V% `. `2 h( v1 s1 J& N
8800 casualties reported1 r! j# g: n' r! s" O
Squads: 72 destroyed, 1032 disabled2 E/ g6 A4 ^/ M3 F7 r
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 108 disabled) N# ~' G7 {% O) H
Engineers: 8 destroyed, 35 disabled
, l# v& m! E! M' R, d Guns lost 39 (4 destroyed, 35 disabled)
2 p/ i# Q% Q/ I9 HAssaulting units:
( `# }8 R! L- _" Z/ C: T5 ?2 N 72nd Chinese Corps' d. ~" q" U0 p2 s: r
74th Chinese Corps% _' b' X: @+ }4 g+ f9 j
37th Chinese Corps! V* Z9 n2 Q$ G$ x2 p2 U
59th Chinese Corps
1 m% B3 u9 l" ^0 s7 Z' L/ s 58th Chinese Corps
; u' z4 ?5 a! T+ A ^8 G* v3 F 7th Chinese Corps
5 A: O9 ]1 b+ G9 E( N- j7 x 70th Chinese Corps
+ v( z. Z& a5 n |2 m 86th Chinese Corps
5 ]4 N2 C# c% j0 X; Y. q X 10th Chinese Corps' V( l' V2 u) M+ m" K; k5 w
49th Chinese Corps$ n: l! c2 ]: S) x, `; b) B
28th Chinese Corps
. S& s+ W0 b! ]1 \ 9th Prov Chinese Corps: M5 O* H$ A; z1 V; t2 }
88th Chinese Corps9 V, s/ s* o: [: Y8 G
99th Chinese Corps+ h* p" E9 Y# W& R8 J
78th Chinese Corps4 i: X5 b. k/ o+ z
79th Chinese Corps @6 Z" b! ]$ e7 ~0 u
50th Chinese Corps
" |- l: N. B; `: \8 [. T: ]9 R" k 26th Chinese Corps
: _ L( \/ D7 u8 s( y 4th Chinese Corps
& x3 O3 X' U; ]+ V4 n 20th Chinese Corps
3 U: Z9 v: {8 M9 e$ x: \5 o 84th Chinese Corps
1 |6 S2 z! f- Y* R' f* w 100th Chinese Corps4 j0 U" D ~! X+ f* r
19th Group Army$ `$ c/ v" D+ J* o: o7 f
10th Group Army
5 T$ @2 r r ^8 M 30th Group Army! V) T# }, u1 a
3rd War Area $ g: i2 M* U8 @& W) J O R! G j
23rd Group Army; E' c& |$ q9 Z- F# V4 @. l6 p
29th Group Army8 b$ Y9 D- s* T2 |! Q% ~
32nd Group Army7 K1 x6 E2 s$ \* v( ]8 z
9th War Area
( q8 H5 n6 V$ A F0 C/ E- e 27th Group Army
0 G" @; u& {! p& r. A0 X 25th Group Army
6 B% O, [! Q' I7 F- \ 33rd Group Army $ C) F D5 L6 X# d d& B: v
Defending units:
9 m( A, d: c0 ? 39th Division
2 x" y& d2 o2 c8 H; ]7 g% F 104th Division/ I D% d1 Q& c& p
40th Division. q" m# B5 C: M- x( \* v, |
51st Recon Regiment) G/ m6 ]8 E6 ~
102nd Infantry Regiment
- b" L1 i" J" y6 F A& p4 g! ]$ I/ n 11th RGC Temp. Division
/ s0 P; e4 w/ m 10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment, \' q8 i7 m* z1 v2 o, Z, X5 y) O
2nd RF Gun Battalion7 x5 \7 j$ G9 U& o6 ~$ |9 s
8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
6 ?6 O- D8 W4 G) } 10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
6 I5 ~( k7 }, E! Y% T 2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ N7 M' F; U( }
Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment
, n* a v: W- W& l+ U 5th RF Gun Battalion
- J" Y' N/ T+ Z: P! q 2nd Mortar Battalion* B6 m. C; K$ X8 h; d. k+ u. C8 F' \
13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
$ {2 m8 ]# o: z% n" |& o2 H" m8 ~! v 22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 X$ @; I2 d/ [# I/ g7 L, Y0 a B
3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
% P/ _# Y( M5 K4 [7 x( P9 ]+ S 21st Mortar Battalion
) n g: g/ E4 x/ A3 o% S5 M 23rd Army
7 J& X G* A1 t' r1 Q ?4 B+ j 2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion" n" s' ^$ I9 o- _* G
9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 w% c. M7 C! h3 y- |
1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment8 l- A) q9 v3 k$ u' W& [. Z
Kyuko Naval Guard Unit
6 b4 \6 T& Q! m. f7 y- K: S 20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion - u" ^% q+ G5 _' k% c% m3 q
$ P. \! w- q" d$ J6 ?: ~5 r! VGround combat at Nanyang (85,45) / ~! \' |" b+ L
Allied Shock attack 2 }8 `7 ?% S6 y; ^7 ?# j9 m
Attacking force 2700 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 71
7 S; g6 L6 W1 B# f/ I$ zDefending force 9706 troops, 66 guns, 212 vehicles, Assault Value = 91
3 k( G N* D uAllied adjusted assault: 58
+ s& o+ k4 V9 cJapanese adjusted defense: 96
6 E2 v9 {0 q) Y- L' B8 z2 mAllied assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 2)
3 b! w8 m5 J; j# s: Q) H6 lCombat modifiers1 L' e& _9 D# ?2 ^
Defender: preparation(-), experience(-)# P* `1 u; ?, E) H9 f5 ]
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+), leaders(-) . r$ t R: \7 ~1 W
Japanese ground losses:
% d* x8 h5 D# ~5 \/ d' v6 N 39 casualties reported
, z) _2 C- `( @! ? y! `# l$ J Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled" w# ]% h* X; J. q; M
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
_% c. N& I9 x) L) F Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled 7 K4 O. p3 ]! D- o9 P
Allied ground losses:
+ C! J0 U1 C2 g% S 89 casualties reported" t1 z2 u+ o- y6 L/ i8 I+ x
Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
; W, f% t! E3 I* l5 d Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ B; Q8 j% y) z l8 Q* s& X: X1 l
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled $ Q8 [6 Q1 @; `2 A6 D8 L! x
Assaulting units:1 ?9 M$ M z" w
55th Chinese Corps
9 O4 S* w) M, [Defending units:
$ d0 n+ \) E2 a; l* J" {; J 18th RGC Temp. Division5 s! E* T4 ?( m( v# i7 `2 @/ E
51st Const Co : j5 K$ I( Y7 L7 u3 ?) k' _
39th JAAF AF Bn
$ @1 @" q! }7 s$ \( Q# ]' r) V w4 I 16th JAAF Base Force+ H0 o, B+ G1 O! l3 E- A2 r& Z3 |' Q
10th JAAF Base Force
* p6 { }7 t1 ?. N0 S% W9 }5 j) a 5th Army
0 v: T* T0 w2 b. j% ?0 e; T8 r( d 15th JNAF AF Unit ( W# v0 W. G0 \ T$ J
53rd JAAF AF Bn |