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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2015-3-29 16:06 编辑
3 x  _9 K* v  e. S: q" q# C7 ~- c+ ^- }* f
% i- H3 T$ w3 Z0 ?. y0 [* j/ T大战之后的风平浪静。, W1 w- V: T0 G; c1 e5 I8 i
---------------------------------------------------------------------------2 [  S" V3 J' _4 o
Morning Air attack on 87th Chinese Corps, at 76,51 , near Chihkiang
0 k9 y3 ]2 D' g$ I/ m! h+ D) MWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
) T* v4 _: t* H: P2 \7 z9 j  l( BRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.) @8 b7 t) `+ ]5 C# O: b. a
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
4 ]+ c* Q* T0 |3 D7 FJapanese aircraft: Q. [: d7 W* k3 t* i4 n8 ~2 T
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 15
) }9 O. E  h, \5 Z- Y) v5 n2 H2 h2 tJapanese aircraft losses' F% L& B, \: F
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged4 O2 [. C" n. J5 e  n* N
' f4 ^. i. I5 ?$ p% j" H3 j6 D& YAfternoon Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
9 U3 p2 W% O$ A9 E2 \/ MWeather in hex: Light rain 3 M# `- ]7 _+ [8 Z, M. V  n
Raid detected at 35 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.7 ~9 Z! d* Y1 a# _$ j1 r9 X, T
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes & z2 O$ ]* k" J3 A4 `) ?
Japanese aircraft: X3 @) j# M" A
      G3M2 Nell x 6
! w. N8 L5 G$ f% ~7 H) a! r/ M      G4M1 Betty x 7
0 j: ?/ L/ H% l+ N( `Japanese aircraft losses
$ t0 k7 O+ o" j  C& g' E+ J      G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged % H- _% U: U2 s4 D
Allied ground losses:
) {" y- `% ]6 t: m% a# D0 e9 Z" S' O      6 casualties reported
2 @# ]& d& G; O4 z         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled/ K+ [& X9 o" R$ X
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled* w; W' p8 J# j3 F( M/ z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' N$ O5 f- u2 Y* j. c
% n( f3 M& l0 ^8 p2 t# P4 y5 N& c1 zGround combat at Ankang (82,42) - e$ X1 H# J6 _! c
Japanese Bombardment attack 7 Y, l$ w+ i! u1 b+ p
Attacking force 62402 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3156
& M# h0 A0 ~' \: h* MDefending force 164280 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5988
) O0 ?/ w! s* O# ~3 g$ lJapanese ground losses:0 o0 w. P% |4 |2 H/ q3 A7 F
      27 casualties reported: h: i2 o( Z& y: e6 n: _8 G& l4 N8 V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled8 A  V5 o# B+ W# N; G
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* n) {  ?" r, i! [. L0 b) D/ e" J, c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. q+ m1 m* t% o% C6 s* oAllied ground losses:
4 F: t8 }$ \+ s7 w: C      67 casualties reported+ Z0 n% J5 ?& C1 l
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled$ Z. {1 a: H, t% v3 ]+ k+ z
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
  B+ n" N* Q2 S9 f. z8 ]5 p) M         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
6 O' l0 ~' C" O$ M: ?; n( ^7 Q-----------------------------------------------------------
5 a2 @) c# M" l" b" n; ZGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) & @) j- x3 ~. D+ \+ Y. J" r+ y
Japanese Bombardment attack # x1 O# i0 F5 j+ o+ U( c& }
Attacking force 110537 troops, 1543 guns, 482 vehicles, Assault Value = 2687 9 D! j8 n' q3 A* P/ }
Defending force 77641 troops, 1014 guns, 795 vehicles, Assault Value = 2155 2 @" G$ G! |7 d' w1 Q% z
Allied ground losses:
9 X% R- \+ A- t      70 casualties reported
- u1 Q( U! f. e" s) i2 Z         Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
6 D  p3 k: B1 x2 m( p1 c8 b7 [         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
  u4 z, x9 W# M) P& H2 m$ S9 p         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 y$ u3 I% e3 ^7 R4 V/ I5 q万隆上空再次被日机覆盖。
4 u. D* n# `, q1 C2 }: l----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 H  F  I/ k: W1 U/ VMorning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
' i! F- |8 F% ~0 z& x0 _% v: lWeather in hex: Light rain   ~$ k. d1 u7 l: K* D( T& H0 k
Raid detected at 42 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.3 G5 A- U/ k* W; O
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes 4 _" O' O: g4 V- G! ^
Japanese aircraft! j, R$ ~9 Z8 x* X- V% L3 p8 [
      G3M2 Nell x 26
: _9 U: z2 f1 B4 l6 `2 x      G4M1 Betty x 6 : L) s0 Y$ E2 U3 C& P/ T. F
Japanese aircraft losses' W8 p1 P5 K7 D, a1 S- ]2 \# x
      G3M2 Nell: 6 damaged
& m) `, R: M9 A0 e      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged# e6 n% Z! A# ]/ X
---------------------------------------------------------------. D* m+ b8 [4 s+ \$ v. A
Morning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 0 P2 v. U3 @$ w$ i/ ?6 v  k
Weather in hex: Light rain * @, `) U6 Y/ \- L
Raid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.4 s( @! c! I: E/ a+ F8 Y# @
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes
! A1 u4 N9 \3 c6 ]# V/ kJapanese aircraft" ^% V7 R" Y  O9 y7 i" d! j; k
      G3M2 Nell x 3
! v, W/ u& d) V; L; w  L      G4M1 Betty x 11
5 v2 }/ k2 n) z1 r! o8 o/ q" a      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 29 + K8 @$ B7 O# c. f% c; B' q9 s
Japanese aircraft losses
3 o! @) Y$ s8 J0 j% _      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged4 c+ N. C' }- q! F. i3 u* ?2 o
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged" r0 S2 _1 f5 a/ D4 S
0 E5 {8 D* X8 H9 x( pMorning Air attack on ML-KNIL , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
, }* o# z5 t) P, o( n8 D* jWeather in hex: Light rain 6 E9 ?8 _* u7 `
Raid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet./ B- G. a: }2 n" W% |' d: `/ h2 Z
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes
, e/ {0 L$ B$ s2 |9 M) vJapanese aircraft
" c' N2 N( t' j% v8 |6 A1 R      A6M2 Zero x 22
7 k% _9 a1 r0 v0 p+ L; O      G3M2 Nell x 11
( s. m* G; ~& s4 H$ V      G4M1 Betty x 12
* B7 k, h7 n9 kJapanese aircraft losses
+ p" k1 O) g( _      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
3 y" z1 Z/ O; z% aAllied ground losses:
5 S. x2 M1 R& d0 ~+ f      14 casualties reported
& x; z+ }' T# z0 o" s         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 h/ N) r; y9 I: C! z2 ^         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
# C- y% U. s7 x9 N9 h4 k- V         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ \0 K. z4 T% F$ I3 C) O, R
-----------------------------------------------------------' K2 U9 i0 ^8 m0 R0 [/ ?6 v( {& [
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  # l4 d( n, t$ F3 {3 P8 S
Weather in hex: Light rain
& w( ~  e9 l% nRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
% W- W5 C8 |& Z% J( v, rEstimated time to target is 11 minutes
+ T* a, v0 l* U& [  [4 bJapanese aircraft
! g9 b& I$ N- K6 P1 h1 h  a      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27 + g0 c, G$ h, `6 K7 `
Allied aircraft
3 ?% a' `2 `: U1 f: B6 R      no flights
7 ]6 M7 b' @0 _/ V  iJapanese aircraft losses' @) k) k8 D1 c" h" a% ^( g+ V' F7 Q
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 8 damaged 9 ~5 }; j. R0 _( C9 V: j+ W4 C0 m" S
Allied aircraft losses8 }- m: ~  s2 P7 q" s. \1 V
      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged : K1 I1 g* q) b" x' c% ^
Allied ground losses:
5 ~: G/ [7 e3 x/ Q$ e! K, o      6 casualties reported
3 L5 m) }4 v2 X1 R1 i/ y) g1 F         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 M3 h& N6 _+ R6 l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ {# A" x" J- {5 b6 K8 f0 X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ; s' u7 ^* L  [
Airbase hits 7' h6 M# q8 f7 x, C1 Y- k
Airbase supply hits 1
# W. x; I9 P4 K" X% tRunway hits 43# [' @+ s# |/ @
4 [" y( Q' I) n  m' O* M" M! PMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  9 f) {9 ]! a) p5 m. ^0 R5 K
Weather in hex: Light rain ( Y* f' |) F2 Q0 f4 I3 n1 ~& V! d
Raid detected at 45 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
9 z. C' N( ^2 }/ q5 c+ oEstimated time to target is 12 minutes ( |/ V0 n, l/ _6 l8 m& k' B: I. J6 O7 h
Japanese aircraft
- Y# f- m3 H" D6 z      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 228 R$ x& I: _( o+ p) O: S6 p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41
  i. B: J5 i/ e: I2 _* P; xAllied aircraft
2 n! h( I+ X3 n* j5 S: L* d$ b      no flights" ^% ]' j* F7 ~5 q
Japanese aircraft losses
- j8 N0 m- e2 S) L, f      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
# q$ z4 I4 |8 L( m. Y- o7 CAllied aircraft losses
, g3 q6 N# A% T& n      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged ) _  c& i1 m9 L0 H7 n
Airbase hits 2; ?& Z% S6 J# }; ]! v. x) L) N
Runway hits 7
$ }! F* N  N5 d& }----------------------------------------------------
  n& Q( ^) C. p& l' @Afternoon Air attack on Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
7 Y7 s4 m+ ]9 u. l" c6 wWeather in hex: Partial cloud   D0 y3 u! u$ L, |
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
& o% L4 {) S. ]0 uEstimated time to target is 25 minutes 8 J2 A' m$ |* @
Japanese aircraft% D! I7 v! x% e  k  L* t
      A6M2 Zero x 60
9 S% p, N9 ^4 M4 G      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
0 |& ?2 p7 O# ~" }- V/ n& [      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 24- ~" P! J7 S4 `- \; S) p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 282 e& {! S: ^: ^0 y
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 42/ W! D1 G3 M0 S- v
      Ki-51 Sonia x 18
! e. H' p+ S! zJapanese aircraft losses
2 c. T8 v& Q) m% I* B* S- p/ D      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged. q- O9 h/ r8 p5 n. _2 z
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 15 damaged
0 j4 q/ X. L% I: u5 k: H      Ki-51 Sonia: 2 damaged 0 V# w1 _# `9 d2 o
Allied ground losses:4 Q3 T; V3 [7 c1 ?2 \, @
      23 casualties reported
, |7 |! p/ \" y$ g* P* U7 m         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled/ M8 Q2 u3 K+ J2 n  p5 X; S
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled, q5 s( V. ?2 Q% G3 X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 c4 P& E3 J# d, k----------------------------------------------------------
% U: k! g) [% ^) D4 _  i4 Y: fAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ' ~9 k& y: M9 i
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
# j' S. a0 ~- k3 k4 |Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
; b- h2 D. Q" H' C$ m5 uEstimated time to target is 11 minutes ! }; \& n# J, g* C
Japanese aircraft
  y% j0 N1 ?/ b2 C( C      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 32
: r1 z" D$ g6 l9 i2 E      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 417 _: j; m# o# V3 P5 @% j1 w
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20
  x% |/ h$ M3 M  V& _8 Y2 o      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
+ Z' u; U. [# s7 B8 XAllied aircraft
& O$ X) o! O  |8 `6 w/ V      no flights 0 X/ o! d1 N) J3 Y) Z9 U" f8 h: P
Japanese aircraft losses  I5 Q2 T$ i- t' r
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged; u0 }- R6 D6 P+ U: B
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 4 damaged0 M7 _* j' `7 V" X& J9 n0 H
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
; V0 N/ [$ l. B! t$ Q1 pAllied aircraft losses9 @0 F1 g. n" f: w. w
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
( L* S6 ^; n- s0 u) a      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground0 o& G  T* u7 A( }  Y/ N4 u+ h
      PBY-5 Catalina: 2 damaged
( o$ B, R5 S2 A1 ~Allied ground losses:  o8 x% U' H/ x3 }
      53 casualties reported1 M$ S7 e+ b5 J! p9 C  f! W
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. q* |; V# R7 O7 _7 J2 U( N: ?
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
, [  Y. G2 `+ P/ X+ y# x+ H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 8 |. w6 x4 G4 u
Airbase hits 5
: L" j8 {- e' i7 k& O7 _Runway hits 153 W7 f, D4 Y* z6 a( z
- ]$ s& F8 ?4 V. _" b' |; mAmphibious Assault at Bima (63,110) ! t/ o# D/ S3 ?6 z  h1 I* V
TF 27 troops unloading over beach at Bima, 63,110
+ l4 U/ U! C0 p! NJapanese ground losses:
, U! q" {- y% ?; W      122 casualties reported' k; Z8 k9 `' K" [/ Y' P! E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
" o: g+ t$ g* N/ z4 f         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) _$ {, ~- Q/ P4 k         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 5 y( U+ t( w" R3 l( {+ u+ z
+ e8 e3 ~+ n8 I8 z& q% d: dGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
6 F& L+ A5 b6 J: L& l+ TJapanese Bombardment attack ! Q2 H6 g8 T- |4 Q4 B9 Y! [3 F
Attacking force 62414 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3156
$ d8 v4 W6 Z$ O, @4 e, w1 V+ V2 |Defending force 164259 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5991 3 N5 r7 S/ z, [/ q
Japanese ground losses:2 L! ^# K0 ~) z1 a+ h! k5 L
      49 casualties reported. v7 _- S# C3 e. G- m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
( e# D3 ?8 q% @+ n3 ?         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 C, @4 `! Y& j- r4 r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 O0 A, ~7 u5 e. d: S; V* \* k. HAllied ground losses:- `" l  R7 x. c$ C6 c. ]
      57 casualties reported
" ?4 w& x! J: o  T         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled" w1 s" T  Q+ R+ e' ~7 h, O
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
; ~$ G1 F0 Z6 s7 W3 W* V- ^2 F  X  B         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, A% k2 [- }" f9 n6 |3 E
/ r3 Z; z/ v& }, [) {% X( kGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
3 u; T& s2 \; HJapanese Bombardment attack
- }6 ~$ {. l! X$ p( q+ t" vAttacking force 105098 troops, 1447 guns, 480 vehicles, Assault Value = 3058 3 h, K7 K: R- r) J) g7 V$ P( m
Defending force 77713 troops, 1011 guns, 795 vehicles, Assault Value = 2178
* P' [) p; }9 H0 m+ m( Q( V8 lJapanese ground losses:
1 C6 E% v' @, b+ S      12 casualties reported+ b4 n3 X0 Z8 t/ P( D5 _3 S, S
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled  C  y& W3 _& d; N" N. R: s: c* S
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 b& y7 f1 c% ^* F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 [: Q2 \( \) g+ c$ v+ z9 F( c& V" dAllied ground losses:
) g0 _3 A# }' p% z; p      79 casualties reported/ z( u6 O3 H+ N' ]7 D) W
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled/ M+ `6 W' r$ Z6 B& `9 s. l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
9 n3 w( K/ j" I7 \         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ e( h4 d; B' v' i中国空军在打游击,也能捞点成果,打下一架是一架。 " ^6 ]0 e, `$ }# v7 J
1 b/ W9 M3 a& R( p4 E4 R, zMorning Air attack on MLD , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) / R3 \; n/ t1 r& E+ |
Weather in hex: Light rain   y' C5 J2 d8 l0 l1 |4 M6 m$ [
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
- j- H" n2 M; F6 U4 E/ [# fEstimated time to target is 15 minutes & `  y1 {& h5 A- z! D, K7 {& w$ W) {
Japanese aircraft# ~; Z4 k  w. s6 m
      G3M2 Nell x 266 O- n/ D! \. ~1 ^: I
      G4M1 Betty x 11
# n1 E6 s  p3 `8 n" GJapanese aircraft losses, ]% G' `& D" |0 C
      G3M2 Nell: 8 damaged
9 `; F5 E3 H. U- M# P. g      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged
+ P9 W8 s! f' HAllied ground losses:8 |  W2 ~3 q& A1 x
      18 casualties reported
, ?- t3 b" L, `0 p, M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% K; E* `) \7 Y1 A3 g' E
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
% W0 @, j: j0 f' L+ Q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ U7 V4 G* q+ x
      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled); R0 O! v9 d  i& A
-----------------------------------------------------------------: t7 G! F$ H  R. F5 y: c" P
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  + T9 C# k2 b; \
Weather in hex: Heavy rain
' W- g! h" c4 c2 ~% {, K2 VRaid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
" _# Q) M$ v* [; _Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
( {1 C" A4 q* ]$ q, J* ~5 ?Japanese aircraft% Y) M2 d5 m% y# c. Q# q1 c- L
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 3
6 }! L; D+ g/ V3 A1 z' ~      Ki-48-IIa Lily x 12   y' h- l" q$ b3 G  l% `# V8 e
Allied aircraft
; Y* S/ k$ J3 }      H81-A3 x 2
% m' b' B8 D( i' G, s      P-43A-1 Lancer x 5 3 A+ @( `) R( h, S$ \" L/ ?
Japanese aircraft losses  z: S( B1 ?1 O3 n: y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
4 k8 \7 Z3 }  G2 M4 ?* o      Ki-48-IIa Lily: 4 destroyed, 3 damaged) U. _7 B; O0 k2 S7 M6 m: r  l6 {& ^+ N5 C
  z4 n0 w7 N0 @  r6 I, a9 D: L0 UMorning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
. l/ r: x# m! `  Q  R7 ]Weather in hex: Heavy rain
+ k& _) O: |" D8 ^3 GRaid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
5 O! R- Y. ~; W1 D7 dEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
. P  ?% W* _# @3 T- sJapanese aircraft+ g6 w$ M, f- Z) d' A# m
      Ki-32 Mary x 18
; }9 a8 J9 a' B  \      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 11 + ^' C) `  P* F! `, U" `' q% K' I
Allied aircraft
# s) s0 E3 X8 y, K  K      H81-A3 x 21 `2 g* y# |- I
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 2 , N7 i% y& M& g0 o5 |
No Japanese losses 0 K' Q1 y$ [# o  B/ q+ e" r$ ?1 _
No Allied losses , Y5 S& l7 }( t$ B7 j& m
Airbase hits 1& @# a9 H- j# z. l1 ?9 _, ?
Runway hits 2
- d! l3 a) K8 u: j" a3 F----------------------------------------------------
5 n4 z7 v2 N2 ^' q9 SGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100) + i% |5 l6 e- B" T9 V" L; j
Japanese Bombardment attack
% M% U5 y) I9 q; Z- c" QAttacking force 104021 troops, 1422 guns, 480 vehicles, Assault Value = 3170
$ b8 t" W7 H2 a& @; i& m6 h2 qDefending force 77805 troops, 1006 guns, 793 vehicles, Assault Value = 2196 ! {% l+ c0 l4 T# h7 F
Allied ground losses:1 O4 X& x+ P9 }2 \+ A- i* ]0 M
      47 casualties reported
$ S& w% h7 L& o6 `$ w* M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled9 G2 R6 T3 ^! J* \; X- ~+ K5 e+ w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ W5 y1 l5 I8 a+ x- Q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 05, 420 {5 ?1 s2 q4 Z3 c5 a- ^; A
, h" J; |& \) Y0 W0 r) g---------------------------------------------------------------------------------) J  z  b1 o' l7 y" n$ [
Morning Air attack on 10th Light Horse Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
) ]- `* c. }+ p' x0 z/ g  |Weather in hex: Partial cloud # T1 I6 z" }7 ?: l5 }) f6 ?0 W
Raid detected at 60 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.% n) a2 O- N* e! B
Estimated time to target is 23 minutes
" n& E$ _0 {$ Z4 l! fJapanese aircraft* Z6 Y: s* ~' `% G0 e9 ^0 x
      A6M2 Zero x 22
3 `) Q% B7 S9 V& V      G3M2 Nell x 15
# \. t# s  @9 ]2 O% e5 N2 j( f$ g      G4M1 Betty x 9
0 Y" R" n6 Y, v5 e4 h# pJapanese aircraft losses/ u0 G( x7 k* w9 ~- ?+ ?
      G3M2 Nell: 3 damaged
$ i# V6 g" Q/ h; m. m      G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged# C7 ?  M% T% k! X( {5 v9 S- {
-----------------------------------------------------------; @4 p4 z  `8 i* i
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
) |) d1 q: \9 R. m) |0 O6 ^Weather in hex: Partial cloud
, W, s2 w( [* E: B7 e6 \Raid detected at 71 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.: V1 G, H; s% Y1 I7 |' B/ i6 N2 h
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes
/ j0 i' m( M8 `Japanese aircraft
3 [9 U( L- }* a2 B2 g      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 43! ]9 T* i  [) s% u
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 24
9 H, ]3 }9 `2 f' e3 r      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 28
  R* m4 R8 U8 z9 Z% g! b      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
1 D& c* X$ Q* n- b5 x7 R2 n      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36
0 x& g0 _  c# A- ^$ H      Ki-51 Sonia x 36
- f4 e, q* X9 i; B7 Z1 tAllied aircraft4 c6 H$ Q( h" f4 D
      no flights & n# `, O5 I. B& G+ }" x* q# h. K
Japanese aircraft losses
% Q4 q, L8 D9 h      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 8 damaged7 D! a7 X2 [$ A& t
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged0 c9 q, [  p4 D/ N0 P% X( y2 K
      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged   P# w, l9 y: C
Allied aircraft losses% a* u, s: @, M4 R
      B-25C Mitchell: 5 damaged
) P+ t% n, b5 S+ ?% l      FK-51: 1 destroyed on ground
+ q. K1 L$ N4 h      139WH-3: 1 damaged4 a- s3 r7 b  B  V; D4 F7 S
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
  |0 N5 ~4 C4 _/ Y1 q6 KAllied ground losses:6 \, Q8 V5 U; e' \
      27 casualties reported. r% V- J& h& a4 L: V$ D+ q' ]# O
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ }  z1 K0 {8 ~8 D$ B# L/ _         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled) t  I& z: O  f% c* f. s2 Z2 V% p" g; A) c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# f5 n; F# B+ K
% o# L2 t$ V& a# A6 {% O6 }Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 2 W, P7 `& c% ]% A. `$ r
Weather in hex: Partial cloud , l6 d* X9 W0 u  o9 X- F  ?
Raid detected at 73 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
' N. V3 e7 h5 |. Q0 G2 Y, lEstimated time to target is 24 minutes
) N1 n1 e5 a% p) R" CJapanese aircraft
- A. C% A# o0 s- p# @      A6M2 Zero x 59
4 `' S4 t: H) `- S/ M      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
1 J* K8 u" `9 E      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41
+ s0 v# c6 d2 p- v9 o      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 42 # t9 K% H5 N# L3 J" m: X* G: H) r
Japanese aircraft losses  f. o9 H: k# j5 U) X5 |
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 2 damaged
' F7 i$ T- }9 S      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 8 damaged; S" s4 o9 o+ i- u2 A/ R. u4 }
----------------------------------------------------------5 B% H! Q9 n/ i0 h7 Y  f' z
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
( Y! l3 u( v+ Z1 q/ `Weather in hex: Partial cloud
, U- l/ _1 i9 F5 B$ }5 U- jRaid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
7 W1 l# D5 O% r- hEstimated time to target is 10 minutes . q8 I6 y4 R5 N9 z3 b
Japanese aircraft7 v) Z- P, I* C. r! X( U
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20' I" u7 B1 l  M: o
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17 9 ~; _' m! }0 M; N
Allied aircraft; v. _( t' Q5 a
      no flights
, i6 _& v+ V, }) Z3 jJapanese aircraft losses
" n: u  u" w, L2 g" t      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged
3 T9 j& {' O8 p$ }! D      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 2 damaged 3 b5 q& @) f. u( N
Allied aircraft losses
0 V$ D* V+ p8 t& G) Q      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground
0 Y% A" {6 g; K* r) `1 u4 G7 r' [# h      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged" d+ O5 N7 N* S  e
---------------------------------------------------   V) z* N* d+ e; K
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
4 `, G  W" i( y. S/ u, V  W$ x) \9 x" nJapanese Bombardment attack
$ Z( g! K9 L1 a: s* V/ d* yAttacking force 62323 troops, 984 guns, 438 vehicles, Assault Value = 3350 9 U. B* z/ [1 [
Defending force 77733 troops, 1006 guns, 793 vehicles, Assault Value = 2194 / p( s$ E0 `, H3 u; t3 Z" u
Allied ground losses:# ?. i) e# N: F
      28 casualties reported/ h. G$ Y, E" Q  `) \
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled' E! `$ Z% t& `, T) ~+ N
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled* K- o) `& F  {9 w) W% d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( \2 c  c6 j3 s/ m日军在安汶迟迟不发动进攻,不知在等什么。
! K& Q% Q. C& y; N$ n--------------------------------------------------------------------------% Y9 z. O" y" b& x8 p' H/ K
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  ) _( Z8 i4 }6 E0 ?: `( |' L
Weather in hex: Light cloud
( J2 r8 l% t1 d  [Raid spotted at 18 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
' T. \* N% A. T; z7 ]$ k7 ?Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
+ @# r3 l" U6 f  }' r/ sJapanese aircraft9 {9 h  H" e- a7 q" J
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 3
' N1 l0 Y9 L: B      Ki-48-IIa Lily x 15
1 _% Q0 b0 S) J, g" i" AAllied aircraft% a) a9 [+ l9 \% f1 T7 d# W  `
      H81-A3 x 16 W' p, `0 K7 j' u, P) a8 c
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 4
  W8 y( c" k! I/ vJapanese aircraft losses
8 _" v4 P  D, e7 u% |      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
7 |( I, u, w2 B$ V4 \; z      Ki-48-IIa Lily: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged 7 v' @6 t: S/ Y! C$ M, {# I: Z
No Allied losses $ ^9 m6 J- w& S  b" D2 y* R2 ^, o9 s
Allied ground losses:
6 \7 A; T  @6 i* O) f  s' Y      4 casualties reported
1 h0 B( Y- \. A: Q5 @! p         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; b$ r/ M9 }+ `3 U3 F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled' U1 x7 k# y! _( e6 B* f! H
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
& S$ C1 P3 y. U) B) e6 M) A. }- V: }--------------------------------------------------------% h- a& q( B2 d6 V
Afternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
" N, F' V% K+ @& z1 gWeather in hex: Light cloud
0 Y+ k6 {8 H0 ^: P, |Raid detected at 65 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet./ o' H0 q0 n% p, r' N7 g
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes
; d& r) ?8 j# f( O% h$ M# e2 y% Z( WJapanese aircraft
" Z" C5 q) D( N# e# ^2 d( {      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 16
! Z% [8 \9 ]7 K& P7 V      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
6 w, v* Y( a3 d1 M      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 23 $ d# B, p$ z. a/ h" G& O/ V7 {
Japanese aircraft losses
/ l$ b6 N; I6 l/ g4 s      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
) d2 m- p; ^) `' e( g: J3 {5 g9 L      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
8 c$ s+ ], }9 X9 a5 \+ c9 x4 m7 t      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 10 damaged
$ Z1 x) G' [+ M1 n9 J9 nAllied ground losses:
8 H" R: ~3 j0 t$ B( |      19 casualties reported. Z1 [" x+ z+ y4 V
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# s1 i6 D  c5 V
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# E% p8 _- Q# r, q$ @1 N
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 t7 s( l2 Y  c$ O
4 F- u2 ]5 N7 dAfternoon Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  , s# k* I! w. j% ~( L
Weather in hex: Light cloud * i/ U, v( \) b( N
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.6 O# \) {2 }+ w8 p0 d8 G
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes " [- T: k# B/ Z
Japanese aircraft" M: F8 M' Y4 H5 @
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 458 {* U) G* S) Q
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
& D8 p5 A% G* x      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 27
4 z' Z6 t7 u) F" S# h4 v: b# j      Ki-51 Sonia x 36 # e: t8 w, k7 c- c& y* N
Allied aircraft; M4 w0 a3 w! o2 M! {8 m
      no flights 1 A" ^! \. c5 i: ?
Japanese aircraft losses, O0 T* I1 \2 w+ x; _- W, o" L2 n
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged; ?3 q; Q, c7 j) t
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged' s! O* f# ?' \) ?
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged8 p7 _3 A2 O  O8 O6 q  F' J0 ]
      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged $ Q/ o6 s" ?9 K- X
Allied aircraft losses3 s* r& W* q, {4 n0 k
      B-25C Mitchell: 15 damaged( ^) ]1 {  Y/ m
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground 2 o; d7 }) W) G3 j" j, j/ o
Allied ground losses:/ V* w7 ~- @% f' c- `4 M; t
      24 casualties reported. L) e' S+ v& \8 ~$ A
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 f/ N- d1 V8 l7 B  F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
' T% T: ^3 L' h0 B8 L         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; |  T0 [: R9 d8 Z4 ^* ?/ K7 [------------------------------------------------------- ; m1 S5 ]4 M" W. e5 l
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) # y6 n# U/ a% U7 Z# s* e
Japanese Bombardment attack
6 n/ r' a0 W$ P( T: a7 KAttacking force 63556 troops, 1014 guns, 462 vehicles, Assault Value = 3879
9 D+ A# d: z- A' o& j  hDefending force 77680 troops, 1004 guns, 791 vehicles, Assault Value = 2202 + \# z) U2 q3 G4 O. e* u/ v
Allied ground losses:
$ Z4 ]4 P6 d, ?) o      17 casualties reported$ w, f( C8 f# u" K
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# E1 x; U' B0 ~7 w; \4 v* Q( W         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ d3 U7 S7 X% |9 h& \) I$ q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# v, G# `! x) h+ f/ R
      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)4 h/ G% g9 l' X; V6 c' d
----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 ~; Y" l! m5 l" r# w+ O
Ground combat at Ambon (76,109) 2 @- K9 b  ^4 l0 R9 d
Japanese Bombardment attack $ {3 v. `. l: Z6 W  Q4 b
Attacking force 2657 troops, 29 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 170
+ J7 ?/ v0 n2 }( e* YDefending force 2680 troops, 29 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 92 . u! J8 u4 h% C2 g
Assaulting units:; R. B2 m! o- B% A" O
    84th Naval Guard Unit
/ A, a, W4 f* e& k  a7 R6 Z! ]% l% M. G    Maizuru 2nd SNLF! A8 `' |+ c) ^5 U
    52nd Naval Guard Unit
8 z5 m% ~+ @% j8 G( jDefending units:! @. `6 k3 u& w2 Q  j' j* ?! s
    Molukken Garrison Battalion
5 R) J  z8 @: V9 U" [( [    4th Coastal Gun Battalion3 O+ [) y) v; Z: P6 k( p- v
    Ambon Base Force
' m1 I, _$ ~! K5 v# f5 G6 w1 k6 c* n    Ternate Det. Base Force2 ]  o: e2 K6 y+ E9 l
    Sorong Det. Base Force
+ w! h- Z* I8 ^; i    Manado Garrison Bn /2
" q6 |6 T- z  W' h: d9 q在缅北抓到一个日军装甲侦查团,万隆日军还在继续增援。
  U% y' Q5 n2 \  t6 h8 j8 m: E------------------------------------------------------------------0 |- {# u0 x7 A& t+ }: D
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
' M9 {% h/ `$ l7 [8 CWeather in hex: Thunderstorms : }8 s, y! ]! Q7 z
Raid spotted at 28 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
, ~1 a5 L6 ?* C8 h: ]3 Z* VEstimated time to target is 8 minutes & Z! S9 Q: F" p* r5 j
Japanese aircraft
& K( i1 i5 s" y) F% p, I8 p+ O      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 3
- d  O2 V4 n  k! l      Ki-48-IIa Lily x 13 + A5 P) r. V6 I2 H) `
Allied aircraft
, s6 U  |! f) @# A  n2 l+ x# Q6 y      H81-A3 x 1# Z5 e! o$ P9 n
      P-43A-1 Lancer x 2
1 Z) X8 A  j! L7 @  i$ K) \Japanese aircraft losses8 D5 J4 p3 j! H; ?8 W
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
3 D: ?+ X% H% Z* r2 \8 H1 j3 O      Ki-48-IIa Lily: 2 destroyed, 3 damaged
# M/ M  ~8 c  v; M, T% j5 z---------------------------------------------------------
0 G& Y2 @8 ~! \+ D& ^( @/ Z$ SMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
( t0 q8 v) y2 ]: ~# q; o3 yWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
0 q9 s! F0 Y5 ?Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
# ]# Y- Y- B- m. l- w. WEstimated time to target is 19 minutes
- t7 \5 J. B. a; mJapanese aircraft( L; W4 F* n8 I8 ~, W, Y$ i* S
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
- J( c* `) I) t# \      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36
5 R+ \0 u9 b& |* J! @/ V0 ~- C8 mAllied aircraft
2 ?) o/ H3 a5 i  F$ Z2 Q" G! A      no flights ' |' m  A6 {$ }* g- o
Japanese aircraft losses
: e' p. t  h# @+ _      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 6 damaged 2 F; d: i& |* Z+ Q# Z/ x
Allied aircraft losses
& A- K* F) ?' D- z) _      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
7 L- g6 b- }% w1 V- X7 I----------------------------------------------------------------2 P$ A1 R0 i2 c9 k/ |
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
2 l' L; w; F- ?8 N! QWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
% y* P0 {8 U/ h/ {( ZRaid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.. Q' x) j& y9 X/ }
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes
& y$ w6 e  V0 e* TJapanese aircraft
6 ?3 K4 V$ R4 B" y# g' O      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 45: }$ O+ o, n" _
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 27
4 I' T3 Z& {' x! e" A: I2 D      Ki-51 Sonia x 36 % i' S! |& X4 |. [" f
Allied aircraft
$ i) c+ G6 s7 N, \      no flights
/ k( M+ D! z" BJapanese aircraft losses
% H& A/ |( D" _  ]0 P9 f      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 9 damaged1 M5 c, n6 a; F" [
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged! ~0 S, f7 V" n3 |1 @6 C
      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged
4 y0 W/ X5 M5 EAllied aircraft losses& N6 q% a4 v) \! i" g! D
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged 8 T6 t2 R5 ]. q* W  c/ {
Allied ground losses:
0 i/ C( |2 m7 l0 R) l* ^* f- m. ?      6 casualties reported0 S; }2 R  W# `/ l
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 I/ \- U2 v  f6 i
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled3 s% K) D* l; w) |
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* k" Q; U5 L6 @' c& R-----------------------------------------------------
- L+ |% s, D* ^& ]; ~; AGround combat at Ankang (82,42) / v# i/ X. O0 B5 p4 R
Japanese Bombardment attack
+ A# k9 j7 s) bAttacking force 62429 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3158
: q/ g2 t. [6 I, B$ d. ]Defending force 164341 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5998
$ y- t0 c/ s3 Z; B. `  @, o5 |Japanese ground losses:% j* Y5 O9 H# Y) a1 r0 O" t8 [& ]
      21 casualties reported
) Z9 v3 R) t3 R         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
8 B: I# M0 T' V         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( w! ]4 D) ~! P
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 Q4 C$ f1 X9 V. i+ Y5 ]
Allied ground losses:, H: J& p# m1 [8 I; T( m. q
      88 casualties reported
- o0 I' s0 g" v) a% |' w         Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled  L" C% y8 I; {' b; m0 c' a3 H2 d
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 O9 N8 O& A3 F6 u* ]/ q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 `  _3 N4 H* i+ ~* |2 N
--------------------------------------------------------- 0 H1 Y- Y3 T. w: v+ ]3 g7 g
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
0 D  H9 m1 P2 E3 m8 V0 j, B' ]Japanese Bombardment attack ( G/ C/ A% `6 |8 K, g
Attacking force 64072 troops, 1014 guns, 462 vehicles, Assault Value = 4029
- n# e! M2 b  m  n0 i+ {8 [9 F4 XDefending force 77710 troops, 1001 guns, 789 vehicles, Assault Value = 2211 , F  l; q3 G0 q
Japanese ground losses:
6 Y8 S, v# h4 t  n' b9 k      10 casualties reported7 V! i% T5 E+ E" H
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# e* C8 W' w% g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 q# X1 Z+ t2 G; _: ^9 v5 _         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( {1 Z7 U6 B2 ^, n6 e/ _0 [Allied ground losses:
, y8 W6 q7 a3 B" x: R      70 casualties reported  Y7 `; e. q& l
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 2 disabled
8 W- w- I: Y8 A8 n2 n: q. V! F1 S         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
% }, G/ I# z. U' d( L0 d  u         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled" [& O) W0 w, R1 R; b2 f, k
/ ~1 Q4 Y2 Z1 ?3 `Ground combat at Shwebo (59,45)
+ k; q, F9 y1 a8 z6 Y2 U' FAllied Shock attack
; G6 |0 ?, G, Z2 D- m. v1 cAttacking force 3058 troops, 26 guns, 307 vehicles, Assault Value = 196   c- c3 J& }0 z# W) ]
Defending force 1111 troops, 2 guns, 69 vehicles, Assault Value = 52
0 c* v, Q. |/ fAllied adjusted assault: 89  
4 s" @9 j! _( Z/ p3 a, kJapanese adjusted defense: 12  
9 [6 O0 U0 k4 K2 l! C7 `+ ^2 ?* I/ XAllied assault odds: 7 to 1 (fort level 0)  ( V1 _; N1 E' J! o, [
Allied forces CAPTURE Shwebo !!! / J: A& O; v( s  |  `. X
Combat modifiers3 h( V1 p' |- g' v9 t9 ]
Defender: leaders(+), preparation(-)
6 J! |# P6 I9 zAttacker: shock(+) ) r" b. ^+ X8 C" a: b
Japanese ground losses:
/ X- s8 [  I# G      342 casualties reported
; [: P7 |2 G! I% z         Squads: 8 destroyed, 17 disabled' \$ H; {% m6 }% B; ^9 q% H( F4 M
         Non Combat: 36 destroyed, 0 disabled. L1 ^( C/ I* N. L; d% V5 g
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, {- w% j' A, _+ d+ O7 [( Y, E      Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)2 C* m. {$ ~3 h8 E1 K
      Vehicles lost 59 (58 destroyed, 1 disabled)
3 p0 _' P/ l8 V& _  r      Units retreated 1 " M+ ~: M9 ?2 f4 Q; j. o/ l; X3 r
Allied ground losses:
" h6 ~, F/ A# N* I      12 casualties reported3 Z: |* W2 e. g' M% n$ m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
8 _% b" h1 J/ N  @5 D5 M/ b, {/ @         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ a) _$ B5 h" M3 y* k! `" j" |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* w/ V( @1 e* c! x% y/ v5 @
      Vehicles lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled) 3 y6 Q. Y$ R% N
Defeated Japanese Units Retreating! % ~! e- ~4 e1 s/ g. K4 z
Assaulting units:' }- [) q$ I1 L2 C
    3rd Carbiniers Regiment
% k' H# i4 l8 @8 |0 S5 L    7th Armoured Brigade
- E7 p- v2 i( @3 m6 Z) x* ]Defending units:
* M5 l* @& @& T6 f1 j    5th Recon Regiment
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 08, 42# i( i' H2 g; ]7 c7 N
5 Y) H! M/ G3 j( q5 H" V--------------------------------------------------------------------------% U5 }4 k' O1 d, l7 Q8 o6 b
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
8 F* _3 J' @. B+ [Weather in hex: Overcast $ f) S, ]5 _9 n" h! {7 g
Raid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.3 {; Z: A; c6 q3 l4 n
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes # |$ f1 Y5 n! Z' `2 w
Japanese aircraft4 L7 i5 S% h; e" w6 x  s. p5 v! O
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 5
8 N; k- a8 ]3 o0 @      Ki-48-IIa Lily x 13
- F! H9 V" g  X( V" `) r( hAllied aircraft7 ^% s6 q/ E7 t) G2 Q
      H81-A3 x 1   U* _  {$ F$ Q
Japanese aircraft losses
/ n3 S* u8 C6 y* r( ?0 A      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
6 w2 {! F1 r( F5 _' r! d      Ki-48-IIa Lily: 1 damaged - ~) v8 \% p5 p* n8 h: o4 W# |
Allied aircraft losses
" e& o4 G/ \; E$ T# ]      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 destroyed on ground + k. \$ B; k5 x0 M, C4 ^  S
Airbase hits 4+ u1 @: g2 t9 l& L5 S9 K. q/ `
Runway hits 18
# r  @, S! [( p% D3 P7 c----------------------------------------------------------------# l; Q- b; h, ]6 f3 ^
Afternoon Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
) h: W; f0 r% ~3 V' [Weather in hex: Moderate rain % \% B* I2 S4 \+ H8 }4 h# m2 h
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
" w4 X) l  B1 f0 `  P0 g# J/ }5 c6 [Estimated time to target is 7 minutes   h- O9 W9 t5 N# u
Japanese aircraft
1 O8 v; s5 f7 Z3 q! ^9 |      Ki-32 Mary x 20
, i; Z8 P0 `4 Y7 t      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 11 0 @" t) z: `& U$ B. C
Allied aircraft, L+ s) }5 f) T+ p
      H81-A3 x 1
2 F4 h; X3 C7 w  j; T: T& E" h' @-----------------------------------------------------------' a& \! j) I- K+ O
Amphibious Assault at Salajar (66,108) - [/ \$ N2 J; x  c+ `# z; |8 O
TF 27 troops unloading over beach at Salajar, 66,108
" W# y: {' t+ R- r) J8 nJapanese ground losses:1 {$ M4 R  ]0 z9 b, d- k
      126 casualties reported2 k- V" e. |) z/ |) F# r# @" S
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 13 disabled
6 r7 p+ Z) X6 }; `1 F, F0 A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ B  f2 Z0 i8 M7 `# q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& ?- }. ?  U, S- Z. B( {
      Guns lost 2 (0 destroyed, 2 disabled) 4 X6 C/ x1 {6 T
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 44th Nav Gd /1
( y6 T( B/ v) g9 _-------------------------------------------------- 6 V' C6 f5 F% G2 W" P0 f9 M( R
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
. N; K6 g9 g. Q$ q1 \8 f5 R, [Japanese Bombardment attack - f4 U% q/ I' [
Attacking force 64563 troops, 1014 guns, 462 vehicles, Assault Value = 4173
, @/ s3 V2 O. ZDefending force 77736 troops, 999 guns, 789 vehicles, Assault Value = 2217
2 N2 x% P$ ~3 x: qAllied ground losses:& S* J+ I0 @; p, s9 T& S1 N
      17 casualties reported7 o0 b0 f% ?' _7 L* H0 X7 i0 f. m
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
* \5 v7 i; _) u% h6 R9 @" Q: g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled) Z& _" s/ i: ]* U3 y) i! `# x( ~* c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; E" C/ F+ S) w% D8 j! z# ?$ u
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
4 u: H, ^/ }0 t8 ?$ P--------------------------------------------------------------------------) F, v! l0 c4 [( R& ~
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
$ v3 j4 j3 T% K" t. f0 E( [/ wWeather in hex: Partial cloud
) [6 p+ J! P3 c( }Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
  V; y8 m/ t- D+ XEstimated time to target is 21 minutes $ {5 B0 ~, d& N0 O. c
Japanese aircraft% F" k5 {$ z4 b* R
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
! d# `( }5 k/ _3 v) d      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3
. `) M' r3 _5 v/ u. e7 M9 i/ a      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 101 O. B6 s- n; ?  A$ \
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 27 ) u! ]6 V$ |- x" J& Q& c
Allied aircraft3 W! F) N2 T& x! I% {
      no flights , O6 Q9 o7 e" D3 u8 u
Japanese aircraft losses
  Z) k1 F. Q( c, Z/ X* N      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
! Z& x4 I, F0 c4 R* X      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged- \/ S( c0 ~3 k: j% {* [
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged! o( N! f" f" H0 K
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged   E& ~( B2 _0 F
Allied aircraft losses
6 C1 Y# I8 c& V9 C' F# I$ h' S      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground   g1 z+ l6 q$ n7 x8 v
Allied ground losses:
# M3 N" {8 D4 r2 k      19 casualties reported
! W- v7 k, l* [8 F. h% R         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled1 r* M9 a) h/ d6 M
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 X/ v/ W! j8 ^/ }0 p9 D
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 Z/ ~* v& t- a& c9 K# B9 \---------------------------------------------------------------
/ v: r. z/ Z* Z0 U: _7 ^8 S. vMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! T- V5 u/ v  V% G+ l$ `1 H+ \5 s
Weather in hex: Partial cloud , g# p8 z. X8 v7 d" x- O# H
Raid detected at 72 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet./ e6 A, `( e7 w$ q2 r9 v4 X2 A
Estimated time to target is 20 minutes 9 u; B1 T+ w# |& I+ R, S
Japanese aircraft  k" S# n( p+ ]* R( ~- W
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 632 B0 p5 _9 f$ W# Y
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 177 F! }1 ^0 \+ o9 L; j. M2 i$ I
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 278 C9 h8 ~! Q+ l; \5 U( h
      Ki-51 Sonia x 36 . B- M( H+ m7 k5 t! s6 T0 t
Allied aircraft& P/ T" n/ d$ M8 `$ s1 ~: `
      no flights . y' b9 Z* p2 _* S% R7 K2 }: O
Japanese aircraft losses
( `; u! v% u8 L9 n  H* S      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged4 T, i' q6 f/ e1 U- w+ z
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
4 B/ P4 P# D1 |, U# c      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 4 damaged
! Q' O4 o& b1 x' D* z      Ki-51 Sonia: 3 damaged
9 e# }. r/ J  P. gAllied aircraft losses/ a' k: q# ]& H* I- k
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
6 @& e  c; t5 D& c" }" d      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged 3 E. J! y  i" r* b
Allied ground losses:% W: h( K3 v, r; _) A
      53 casualties reported
3 Q0 C2 c: ?' G& @" T         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled; q+ \8 K6 e, h# Q- L! o
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
' X) i4 R  X% _- @1 H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. s2 r* E7 B) V# h; i1 h: H
7 K0 U# }; x' r" }0 s% ~/ d$ ]/ }Sub attack near San Luis Obispo  at 220,75
" x6 I( l. n4 {; U* p; TJapanese Ships
! ]; y; @" o8 J+ k  U      SS I-3, hits 4,  heavy damage
+ P% ^- U. l6 f) w: D+ yAllied Ships
( ^# q$ S& T4 V# A- }2 s6 B: c/ P      CA Devonshire
6 ?: ?, Y# q8 L  z/ Q; r& q      DD Lang 3 L7 S# p( Z% S0 _, L6 {7 D3 W8 Q
SS I-3 launches 2 torpedoes at CA Devonshire# [. L- x: B/ W8 G
DD Lang attacking submerged sub ....: ]& j, C; |* R+ w; a& `
DD Lang fails to find sub, continues to search...3 M: Y4 U- q& {6 M: k
DD Lang fails to find sub, continues to search...
2 U4 M& ]+ M/ G$ f4 v& KDD Lang fails to find sub, continues to search...6 C7 l1 E2 _! G; m" [
DD Lang attacking submerged sub ....5 Q  s' A, ]6 e- o' x/ w
Escort abandons search for sub
8 J. p, [/ l  Q' Q2 ]; I------------------------------------------------------ 6 \, M8 h$ Q1 E$ H/ k
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) + l' J0 [. `$ ?3 G- E3 J- ]9 F6 I
Japanese Bombardment attack , P- k9 k# R# H/ H. n
Attacking force 132835 troops, 1757 guns, 899 vehicles, Assault Value = 4460 1 h  ~7 o% l( w; `! P5 n0 o' U; A0 T- Q
Defending force 77689 troops, 991 guns, 789 vehicles, Assault Value = 2217
9 e$ }8 _  A' o* a5 gAllied ground losses:  K9 C( Y8 e- @6 w
      68 casualties reported
* T: i" a# x. m/ Z3 {         Squads: 2 destroyed, 5 disabled; E6 D1 u! ?* Q% F/ c  n
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* O6 c2 a( I7 a         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( u+ Q5 Z& P4 V2 R
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)/ x) F! p* b6 |) f" @
      Vehicles lost 4 (2 destroyed, 2 disabled)
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 10, 42( s" U, L* b0 d& q
- P2 g+ R$ O" l1 K--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ G0 H  W" k* w! E4 {5 ~* Y( ?ASW attack near San Luis Obispo  at 220,74 $ a6 [' @) S1 B, S  b) ~5 m3 ~
Japanese Ships
' x- i4 J7 B6 o- a$ S$ b( ?      SS I-3, hits 15, and is sunk
5 e" m, g; ~6 a. w. ^Allied Ships8 A- a; P2 G9 x4 D0 D
      DE Fox: A2 u) k: l& G) m3 F7 [; k
      DE Stewart  _& P7 F$ c& u; w6 [
      DE Whipple. e4 c, @/ {0 y* J
      DE Litchfield6 d7 _' l5 b* I( L
--------------------------------------------------' K- k- M+ _) c4 ?2 a# |7 i% Q) d$ ~
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
3 Z& i, g% q  w' ^" I. a+ p0 IWeather in hex: Clear sky % ^, [7 l# ]) g2 u$ r6 V
Raid detected at 32 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.' g1 q' J# P0 ^  }
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes 8 ]& Y; B- G; U! X. H1 g
Japanese aircraft3 W) s% p4 T4 Y$ f
      G3M2 Nell x 9& q4 S" r7 x! i: t! w/ I. o
      Ki-51 Sonia x 36 4 R# D9 d& l/ r
Japanese aircraft losses
. `1 \% e5 C! n      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged
9 W  }5 L; p: t. I, v, a--------------------------------------------------------- _! |* p2 [6 N$ b8 P/ d& w
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! z9 z7 t7 k9 B8 c& `2 V8 `
Weather in hex: Clear sky ( p! K' l+ R, T
Raid detected at 51 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
9 ?) @9 q/ g- |. A7 ^Estimated time to target is 16 minutes ( u0 Q" l, i; x" r8 X
Japanese aircraft
5 c2 O) [# C8 L* r8 ~/ Y      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18# o# ?: S2 l6 Y
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
$ \3 `% C5 ]/ ?+ z      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36 - j# K2 g& e1 U/ O% H- j
Allied aircraft
# V0 V; C2 O9 P. n3 Y3 b      no flights
' t7 L0 W! G3 \9 {$ {5 u7 xJapanese aircraft losses
! k* e7 J4 G$ o& h" c      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
6 N* K( F. ~, I, _/ V      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
& e- {( s8 c% z4 g. {, ^! d& ~- fAllied aircraft losses
3 ]& a' b2 P" G, b3 b: B9 |; ], t" ?      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged# l% O. e8 d" D, F9 s/ y7 }0 [( c
      139WH-3: 1 destroyed on ground 4 }* ]" i& Q  u3 X7 a+ E
Allied ground losses:9 {3 s$ W$ @* ~/ G, d) Q! \
      16 casualties reported
9 S1 W* h% M) i! T1 E         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
: n3 h( v8 }8 T  p- `2 Z- v, k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
' U( Z2 `% F) A' ?/ r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! O) s: Q% A* [  E9 M-------------------------------------------------------  ^$ q: E% [# D# _% w  h7 N
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! Q# v9 X3 [! s% V0 U
Weather in hex: Clear sky   F$ V% `5 j! @0 l# X! V" V$ S
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.1 z7 z; }" e3 z% ^% k
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes + c/ N( }3 z2 v3 z
Japanese aircraft
5 S6 [7 a/ `/ E, ~1 [3 u$ ^1 O      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22
' }: `2 s0 o$ U  n      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17
4 k9 ?! g0 y6 C# CAllied aircraft  s4 b0 q" m# B
      no flights - L1 F& E; r' U- ]  ^$ R8 }
Japanese aircraft losses
6 g- [% v9 U4 D( Z3 o3 M6 W; c      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged6 @$ t, D5 A! u! n/ y% ~: V
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
% |# ]" h, b' b. lAllied aircraft losses
2 R5 w$ g& i) D- d! t( y3 k      B-25C Mitchell: 3 damaged9 p$ \2 K! L) y3 d* ~7 ]
% \5 B' K% n9 G+ jGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
: k& }7 e* Z* E$ X$ WJapanese Bombardment attack
( v, C; K4 l" c, |" J+ cAttacking force 139890 troops, 1807 guns, 903 vehicles, Assault Value = 4553 % W7 }+ N; l( N, d7 d$ k* w# i7 J
Defending force 77568 troops, 988 guns, 786 vehicles, Assault Value = 2207 : F- v4 y. n. e$ A/ V: f
Allied ground losses:
& |2 v3 n! [( j      24 casualties reported6 [3 ]& X( g' U8 H; T
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled# J, w2 O6 B9 @$ R. R
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
! q6 x0 r( b  d% X% s  k( r         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 P/ z. G0 ~( @4 [, ]2 L' [. q3 L
      Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
/ g# V' D" n; b; _  y3 p4 d6 {5 z钟馗二甲已经出现在大陆战场,缅北的日军装甲团被歼灭。1 \2 G2 |2 Z7 ~" p% k) N
: l; j  M+ Y, P" C! h9 c; jMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  . r9 P' V$ P$ \  G0 J
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud 0 y: P# B" S% q' }! [3 K
Raid detected at 67 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.1 H" g4 r! k, O) l# L( F- g. N. \
Estimated time to target is 21 minutes 2 j% I" u7 u2 B& Z/ B
Japanese aircraft$ p/ p! H- p$ o$ @0 d5 d7 Q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 409 g7 F9 R7 @# `: P; p+ h
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 10
# F6 \; G6 ^. x' C4 U' ^, `Allied aircraft/ Z: Z) N. x$ l- G$ |  p6 ]
      no flights   w3 u- q' W, r; J
Japanese aircraft losses
2 @& Y" B* {+ N      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 4 damaged
1 v/ R$ \8 V% R      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged
7 x5 |6 ?' T" ~9 S4 n# ^: aAllied aircraft losses
9 [  B4 m6 r1 m( d      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
: n* N6 J" ~5 n: Q5 y      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
. \, u5 Y  r. D5 m2 Y4 UAllied ground losses:
- r. c  N% v" A! r$ \! g      6 casualties reported
  f- I; _# X: `. L/ U$ ]0 C- V, y         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
$ z3 W' Y- j7 c  E' `9 S+ n         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled6 s$ T$ o0 L3 F6 s
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ l- `/ F0 A8 r( G7 ?
------------------------------------------------------------( Y3 o% \: n; Z5 p& b
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ; t; L0 k2 k) a0 o/ m: i
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud " Z) A" Z5 c! w  ~$ g: o
Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
2 e5 c0 Y$ j7 DEstimated time to target is 12 minutes & {2 a0 R2 \  h. U
Japanese aircraft  f$ L& ]% O3 `  T0 I
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 23
2 x- g9 @  n3 D- v      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 32 ?9 g' k3 h3 W2 ]& D! D1 S2 w7 u  }6 l
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 27 2 }) e; g% }% ^2 N& x' @7 x+ [" d0 Z; A' [5 r
Japanese aircraft losses
0 j: p  Y- \* R3 a& C' u( G      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 6 damaged
- V: ~3 v. ?1 b) V      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 damaged1 ]' T. }/ Y, W2 S. A
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 5 damaged 9 U7 f" s5 M' H2 ?8 a
Allied ground losses:
4 D6 y& n( C# @7 @. f      7 casualties reported
; E4 [7 T% Q" q# z# k         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled: T0 [& x) a; L
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled: v& U; `, |5 e) R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ D7 \# b% ?* D. ^" P$ ?  }+ k-----------------------------------------------------
4 |( ]/ s7 i5 d6 \' G, MMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  , W+ Q2 X+ j, K7 m' }, R$ P
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud 5 @) y2 t% o% m8 y7 a' }
Raid detected at 38 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.' `5 x% ~3 h3 @% L4 _
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes & k' ?" l+ \. z
Japanese aircraft# @$ v* t- N# s7 q1 y
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 237 P( l5 _: H) a; @
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 17. p  Z, ~8 i$ [; Q9 g: g
      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36
0 r" R( k# y, n2 b5 i7 Z6 {Allied aircraft! b$ J6 V: |/ ^: f5 {5 o
      no flights
: M5 m7 J$ U9 P- qJapanese aircraft losses: [1 |, @/ d$ Z
      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 3 damaged 7 I5 t( p8 f: P7 E5 ]
Allied aircraft losses
$ |& e, i! V3 F7 f      139WH-3: 1 damaged
$ U, ]0 {& ]- p      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground
6 {/ I! [2 E. T, u7 @" T----------------------------------------------------------------
7 Q3 Q) j& }- d- h% {0 n3 ~Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  
% Y5 ~* a9 r, H* e$ M" XWeather in hex: Partial cloud , X0 f2 `$ u( ~
Raid spotted at 35 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.( u& J  q  R* [. n+ t5 K
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
0 I" `& T3 E% p$ v( T' k( Q8 m6 `$ pJapanese aircraft) s/ ^/ h" m( S$ I0 c" e1 \
      Ki-32 Mary x 25
3 G  z& g- Y( i& v  q* v      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10* h# k/ T1 R' {  |, M2 Z/ N
      Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 10
5 G* Y: m7 K. {7 Y8 l8 a! O0 NJapanese aircraft losses! {8 V9 K( S4 }
      Ki-32 Mary: 2 damaged
, ]  e; W0 K5 ?-------------------------------------------------------- * Z/ G) [+ c  d. h
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
- h; N& l; j, [- c4 [' ZJapanese Bombardment attack
1 p: A, o3 ?+ N$ B$ RAttacking force 140355 troops, 1807 guns, 903 vehicles, Assault Value = 5799 9 B/ ^. K  W- f+ |  h2 ~) f3 |
Defending force 77320 troops, 983 guns, 785 vehicles, Assault Value = 2188 6 V: i7 Q" L8 @$ [+ @2 s+ G
Allied ground losses:0 _4 C( v: J" V# c' ?/ `
      71 casualties reported5 ^& F4 ]. E; `$ u- I
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
; I% t' V3 y, {  j6 a* D9 l         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 `0 N+ k3 F; X# |% ~         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ g, D* O& p3 B# O      Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
: C( ~  `$ f9 d% n3 x-------------------------------------------------------------
" @3 P0 o( v3 m- m3 PGround combat at 60,44 (near Shwebo)
& _- i2 K& r! I, b! i; ]Allied Shock attack 5 Y; T6 E0 r6 [0 K. \
Attacking force 2496 troops, 26 guns, 224 vehicles, Assault Value = 145
" h! L; y1 h. [$ bDefending force 424 troops, 0 guns, 22 vehicles, Assault Value = 10
9 y0 t' S* J1 d7 ^" fAllied adjusted assault: 240  6 c1 T, w0 F3 [
Japanese adjusted defense: 1  
8 z& y# a$ q' u; E9 sAllied assault odds: 240 to 1  0 N6 s5 z* l. K$ h" w
Combat modifiers
/ e9 e6 G2 E4 Y+ b0 o4 ^Defender:
+ C0 i9 z8 z2 x  lAttacker: shock(+) 2 I- M5 b+ R: @: u) N
Japanese ground losses:
! g" {& ?7 H0 m      274 casualties reported
; N* \: G. H; @" f" G         Squads: 26 destroyed, 0 disabled# l5 k8 d/ `8 a1 N
         Non Combat: 23 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 w6 J; n% X& S% J# H; O         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled( r7 K3 r4 l* Y" ^/ f9 c# o
      Vehicles lost 28 (28 destroyed, 0 disabled)
0 S- i, V- a. q9 h5 X. O8 j      Units destroyed 1 # v/ {: L$ J3 |8 K
Assaulting units:8 E8 I) y! i7 h# @; v: @% ^
    7th Armoured Brigade ' A6 y! D" |' @. f) X, z- d) T
Defending units:
( ~# ^5 K% ^- i4 m4 E* H0 d    5th Recon Regiment
0 a5 C1 r: m& N! e2 ]万隆的日军还在继续集结实力,看来荷兰军队快要去日军那里吃饭了。
' L  D; g$ E( [: ]/ ~----------------------------------------------------------------& ~) v' q$ F5 x; ^0 ]
Morning Air attack on Ankang , at 82,42  / g) s/ z% t" l$ y' w- \
Weather in hex: Light cloud
2 Z5 `! w$ P+ V! E2 QRaid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet./ M1 D) U+ ]7 w3 u0 h3 ?' q/ g3 f
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
) y8 }7 F# J( A) E+ BJapanese aircraft
0 C9 y# }3 E2 q; b      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 7: H0 H" K5 c3 Z( i4 y
      Ki-48-IIa Lily x 13 3 A) j/ Q* n. v9 f& R2 q, Z4 O
Allied aircraft( B; P0 \* k: N- `; [# x
      no flights $ n/ Z& L* z1 d- Q
Japanese aircraft losses
* U" ~. E! G. `; N0 P      Ki-48-IIa Lily: 1 damaged $ H! s" k  H! o
Allied aircraft losses
# _* _, ~; G4 R, _" T      H81-A3: 1 damaged; l' j  A$ i7 n5 l% H5 `
      P-43A-1 Lancer: 1 damaged
' r# k: ?7 L7 L- K6 r* h4 x( q-------------------------------------------------------------- 8 [: X& K: m% G. D$ ~( Y
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)   l& t, J  q" O' `/ h( o( g
Japanese Bombardment attack
7 _! R1 ]) r4 TAttacking force 178044 troops, 2149 guns, 950 vehicles, Assault Value = 6136
. L, c0 z  \6 @  H9 U1 wDefending force 77229 troops, 980 guns, 783 vehicles, Assault Value = 2185 # {0 s( X/ x; L% _+ @# E4 v
Allied ground losses:" X, h- r' G# b2 S6 K
      29 casualties reported% }, @/ r/ x8 O" w, I7 W/ v- `' c
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
  t8 T! F0 s% V4 Z, s         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% z$ M! c( s, T# t. [3 G* i4 _$ s" v         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 \. x2 W$ D+ q( ~9 z日军再次突击万隆,以2万余人的代价,将城防降为2,
" m/ w1 [% @0 j3 u( u4 p此次进攻,打出了1:1,看来万隆离陷落不远了。: j& }8 \) H2 C& W" a% ]
------------------------------------------------------- r6 o5 D7 f; ?
Amphibious Assault at Makassar (65,106) ( n  k7 p7 [5 d  S
TF 27 troops unloading over beach at Makassar, 65,106 $ g# z. l' k% _8 T
Japanese ground losses:. [3 Q- w3 K7 `% U4 {, `* p- q* f5 L
      113 casualties reported
- |3 X, U/ x3 w8 L. O6 U         Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
  [$ @1 s' Z8 |' _1 _         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
" x' `, U3 E( F" M0 t; g' @         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" t8 W" F" w1 h. w9 u      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled) % F  B% K/ U2 i/ l% k: o0 X* L9 O
17 troops of a SNLF Squad accidentally lost during unload of 44th Nav Gd /1( D" _4 R( ?% f& X' y
81mm Mortar lost overboard during unload of 44th Nav Gd3 d: w) F4 u5 t+ q
$ i1 D- ]/ q2 P1 {" q( zMorning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng) " Q0 {' e. o1 x2 x5 C# [! E
Weather in hex: Partial cloud ) v, X. `' p. `9 ~# S5 t
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
/ @# V: g8 v2 }) @0 m% H) H% Y% tEstimated time to target is 24 minutes & }7 F% y5 Y  b4 R2 s( k
Japanese aircraft3 u3 m0 `6 @% e2 D3 M( p+ O
      G3M2 Nell x 40
, a8 E# S6 \! J# ^1 Q) c1 p5 N6 M0 nJapanese aircraft losses
# ^7 l$ [" t9 a# B2 }      G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged 8 \" Y4 O6 D( `
Allied ground losses:" \$ G5 [) s/ Q
      Vehicles lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)5 _" ]8 S, g7 @9 A
---------------------------------------------------------$ D. ^2 g! \$ W9 [0 V
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
; h/ o( _! R0 c7 x6 I% wWeather in hex: Partial cloud
1 G$ l% u) F, fRaid detected at 49 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.5 o: t$ B3 h$ G/ C; @
Estimated time to target is 17 minutes
0 f1 n' x! P% L# B, }Japanese aircraft
" `; Q, s0 \  [/ P      B5M1 Mabel x 5
5 h8 D0 B0 e: Q7 K  j" T      G4M1 Betty x 25
$ H2 y& t( b9 ?- |$ N2 N, F/ e6 BJapanese aircraft losses9 u/ K' h' P8 K$ L; _% w0 O
      G4M1 Betty: 2 damaged * m: `- ?- b; S/ l2 H
Allied ground losses:3 p9 D: U8 u8 @8 q- l! d
      5 casualties reported
* }) m; {) p/ v% Y         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; S! N8 _' e; ~$ k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled. C; X$ r$ z5 X+ W$ @6 W. |  O0 }
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 B7 z  b+ O+ Q
1 g- }7 g% E( e! K, {Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & `, z: F5 a4 r" t) }
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
/ W  N- W( p' k4 a0 yRaid detected at 75 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.! h: W! _( R, ?3 n  J
Estimated time to target is 24 minutes + Q5 K5 {$ m0 [/ W, W, Z
Japanese aircraft2 d1 G6 F8 o3 O: y/ l& |
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 18
3 u6 T( O" v3 q9 z2 z      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 54
# H5 D# i- S# C/ x. G/ w      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36 ) S( C8 c# w8 A& h  P. J
Allied aircraft3 W5 o  ?; x* i) x% C
      no flights ; l9 ^+ Q& ^! ~* g6 W
Japanese aircraft losses
& m& L; i" y5 U( M0 n- {      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 3 damaged
1 K7 x% M2 F# I. U! y% ~5 d0 }      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 11 damaged 5 J9 u( t0 A  H4 B
Allied aircraft losses
5 A1 m% Z3 r5 b8 R+ o' w: J      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged4 M* W/ c! `+ V* S6 p5 b4 f7 u
      PBY-5 Catalina: 1 damaged # s$ r/ T: o" p" j, J
Allied ground losses:
% F0 w4 y$ E6 s  W$ L) q      46 casualties reported) B3 N3 a( t2 Z. P/ M
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled9 B9 f- ]& o9 g+ G: ]8 s1 Y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
0 \4 Z* }0 G' ]# j  l8 A         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ b1 ]# ]/ W! w; E. `---------------------------------------------------------
! n$ ]2 y. h0 uMorning Air attack on 18th British Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
* w. j& o6 ~- G7 [6 h) eWeather in hex: Partial cloud
6 ^* g: {$ O  i  C7 T4 f  W' U  ?Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.5 O# K5 @7 k  |* w) \; n
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes : }7 F8 j/ E' ^& [
Japanese aircraft& Y, @0 T' {9 i/ ~( y! T0 u, Z
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 45% u3 D9 c6 z4 ~, M& {5 P5 h& y, g' l- |
      Ki-51 Sonia x 36
+ o9 u. Q) c, d5 d  y! XJapanese aircraft losses
& R, U% H# k8 Z      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 damaged$ B) c$ f" o; g8 C( d6 c9 a9 G
      Ki-51 Sonia: 4 damaged
! ]' L9 `8 G; @  D; {! SAllied ground losses:$ @" g( p+ @8 p4 i- @/ ]* n
      17 casualties reported
& a6 @" ^) T- f         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
' D* T* a8 [7 C         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
  M1 i: O5 w1 o# u- @: H         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. W  F! u3 z1 n6 C5 \  K-------------------------------------------------------------------! w: P" {  j  P! g$ @, P% w
Afternoon Air attack on 3rd RTA Division, at 58,53 (Chiang Mai) / h0 s! o9 W% a
Weather in hex: Light cloud# X9 |& }$ Q; R0 \3 [: w
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet." n% D. Q+ j3 z* Q+ F0 k
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes
! p2 x, k9 R' b" WJapanese aircraft
* q6 X* e7 B, p" m) c3 i      A6M2 Zero x 87
2 B& O! f; @9 t) |" ?      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 60 , n6 O4 k) T* g. a+ v
Allied aircraft7 M6 @5 Y4 N1 R/ ?" }8 K0 @$ l# g
      Blenheim I x 6 - W, c0 m, H/ Z" ~( T
No Japanese losses
8 z$ @) R: A5 I! g* NAllied aircraft losses
! x5 F6 X* |8 T      Blenheim I: 4 destroyed! n) v6 I. t6 v& m8 U' p) C& R( r
7 p2 [! u9 M* f& a) L% y9 YGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
0 g6 u: _4 R4 l- ?4 y2 rJapanese Bombardment attack
% M' A$ @- w/ |$ x! YAttacking force 62508 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3166 5 d' N. ?0 d1 e4 b) v3 U: V
Defending force 164584 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 6025
* ~9 |7 O/ E( G, kJapanese ground losses:7 }0 h0 b' S1 _5 ^+ d0 l
      101 casualties reported- T$ Y5 n  i! w% U# G/ ^7 L* v- F
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled* z: y8 n' u; d4 z* D' M
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% f/ L- u0 X5 p3 Q& Z& q( t" L4 v         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
5 O0 B5 t& b% R* W- F1 j. R# x; oAllied ground losses:; I- ]+ q. g% n% {6 z' O
      74 casualties reported
. C. O$ q2 q- `/ D* x         Squads: 2 destroyed, 4 disabled
( k& X: p% l8 N: K# p         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled& S3 [  W$ ~' ~, v, d
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
6 j/ }7 D: h# e-------------------------------------------------------------- 2 y  b" E  ^. G1 g2 i9 W( U
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
4 |( s, z7 R7 P/ a7 O$ m+ G" QJapanese Shock attack 4 v2 o6 u, }5 c' s" j
Attacking force 193478 troops, 2279 guns, 1318 vehicles, Assault Value = 6506
- S" Q2 t6 Q: r& g8 [, p6 QDefending force 77051 troops, 975 guns, 781 vehicles, Assault Value = 2175 8 ~6 ~, {/ I' J: K5 @' H" N
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2 : @; a9 v' C2 h( Y8 o3 A" \* d7 n
Japanese adjusted assault: 4699  # G3 V9 B* E+ b8 x
Allied adjusted defense: 4114  4 f4 y* V: \, @  F  B
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)  8 _/ t4 _( [% Y  ]' u& O- h, U
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 2 3 Y3 o1 C' s. E/ x( T7 `
Combat modifiers8 P6 |- Z8 y" k* A- c
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)3 l# S; r" p. h$ A: ^) V- @+ d
Attacker: shock(+)
& }: A# `% @1 O4 m8 vJapanese ground losses:* B6 f; }  W/ c
      23959 casualties reported
9 z$ J4 ^3 X) X2 K0 r' B6 \         Squads: 366 destroyed, 1478 disabled
0 x$ c1 l5 D# ^5 Z* j         Non Combat: 80 destroyed, 189 disabled4 t* o+ N' G( r7 b% p
         Engineers: 24 destroyed, 176 disabled
4 H$ U/ a7 u1 A+ X0 e      Guns lost 231 (16 destroyed, 215 disabled), ]* C6 F: F9 Y# g' P
      Vehicles lost 47 (1 destroyed, 46 disabled)2 A* J9 w3 {; x& D# l. i6 M3 \
      Units destroyed 1 8 T# r/ O9 z. |
Allied ground losses:
4 k$ o6 K4 k5 ~+ y% H/ {8 K/ r      2220 casualties reported
. V. a9 s3 {. j# A. B         Squads: 113 destroyed, 238 disabled
* n' b& f; l' u& k         Non Combat: 15 destroyed, 194 disabled) b- T* d, W2 R
         Engineers: 8 destroyed, 26 disabled& d/ P9 t2 ^7 A6 _
      Guns lost 72 (17 destroyed, 55 disabled)
* I0 j$ O. z$ O1 z9 j      Vehicles lost 36 (3 destroyed, 33 disabled) * J- a, G, _* d+ T
Assaulting units:! Q- c- U" w, p2 p7 K
    4th Division
2 N" V" s% k3 c) f4 x3 g    56th Engineer Regiment
2 A  Y$ c% P0 y! O    64th Infantry Group . A/ b, \4 k4 t! {8 }
    Kure 3rd SNLF" g* f& ^! @* H: ~) @2 Z  i; N1 R
    48th Naval Guard Unit
4 x- T2 U: Z. ~3 C    38th Division/ A; p1 V+ Y$ E8 M2 I- d5 n
    53rd Division
# t$ d+ E( A* D# ^/ I2 E    6th Tank Regiment
& W) ~5 Q3 E* _/ X0 ]& w    6th Guards Division
% I6 \2 B% l$ J9 |! g    14th Guards Regiment
0 Q( y, Q% ^" h    52nd Division+ Y) I% z! E1 h1 U$ c. p4 m
    24th Infantry Regiment. u; C# I( T7 q$ G
    21st Division3 x8 [- S' T; d- n
    42nd Infantry Regiment" D9 d# {1 K& h
    19th Naval Guard Unit
7 \7 y& l5 a2 X    18th Naval Guard Unit
0 W' v2 Z; K9 ?2 N- S6 x9 w* b    67th Naval Guard Unit3 m; b3 c+ v0 g3 u2 ?9 ^; M& J
    Guards Tank Division3 s; B& J- x& o1 G( @
    41st Infantry Regiment
1 N5 R% P4 q8 h& v' w, B    56th Infantry Regiment
3 h0 _# O/ U6 a    81st Naval Guard Unit
6 T' e9 H. g7 ^, T    Yokosuka 5th SNLF; j  H0 t8 h4 O1 J# ^
    89th Naval Guard Unit* y& f$ B+ J- y9 [8 d" q7 s
    66th Naval Guard Unit& r. J. J* X9 Y5 n7 t
    Imperial Guards Division
: B- I) }+ X- G# H# A5 i    54th Division. U  v7 B8 q: R* F9 G; G9 P
    7th Ind.Tank Brigade
; T# M# D/ t; M( v" l* f& ~    41st Naval Guard Unit# P. J. S2 a3 H9 _# Z0 \
    56th Recon Regiment/ _; ?5 k6 u6 @3 S9 f/ R* L3 R
    21st Infantry Regiment+ k9 t4 }- G, {! p4 Y1 e
    148th Infantry Regiment
. [4 w. l; f* `, n% f    15th Naval Guard Unit
  D% [- t8 u2 N2 }- P  ]( I    Yokosuka 2nd SNLF
# e! O+ a1 P  ?& y" @    7th Division
) T; n* L/ j9 `5 u    12th Engineer Regiment( c, K1 f3 n: u7 L, i
    63rd Infantry Group 2 P& y4 I! F# q
    Sasebo 8th SNLF' K' G3 Q' Z1 A- V) D  `# ]' ?- W
    5th Engineer Regiment
, B! ?) x+ ^9 h( l    114th Infantry Regiment
" ~( y: t5 ~% t& r1 ^; L5 ~    4th Guards Division
0 i  g! R8 d! H) s0 G" k. z    5th Guards Engineer Regiment  m; e" f0 Y$ g
    11th Infantry Regiment
& M/ X* H1 n) Z& \$ q' Q+ }, |5 M    14th Naval Guard Unit, R" ]0 W* ~. |' h- r! D! @
    16th Guards Regiment9 S0 O$ R$ {& ?' G) V. H5 X
    16th Army
- n" }; t6 [$ @. b6 V6 L    11th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion
# b7 ?9 {0 E; [% t- p* u    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion$ s* \; }  A. y+ A
    5th Field Artillery Regiment
' X4 Z7 p0 e" M% X    26th Field Artillery Regiment
6 y8 N- A1 X  ^! F; p1 m    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
3 f2 L- S2 s- @9 ~* \- b$ S    39th Road Const Co
! p8 b* k" {/ M    Southern Army
6 O/ H. |: P9 b( J) r7 B8 o3 o( ~    71st Mountain Gun Regiment
8 h8 z! s. \& s* a' n    5th Mortar Battalion: j% g+ `# F% j+ s- |' w" `* S
    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment- V$ d3 J0 K+ H0 d
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment( d4 }! J5 a5 O3 @3 p/ t  R2 c
    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
- w+ k- `6 Y6 E/ l3 c; Z% d4 \    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
8 v+ V. c4 s4 K, V    25th Army+ p% y& V9 B7 a( F5 X7 V9 F- q0 ~
    37th Const Co
6 D: ], q  c4 U    36th Const Co
4 k3 o5 ^3 Y4 U    41st Field AA Battalion6 x. E/ w5 g# Z8 F# Y6 r1 }
    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment4 h1 l, W: k/ P) O  O- Z9 m
    2nd Mortar Battalion) r# `. H& R- G
    1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion5 E9 v) x  v7 d0 r  \. B: a
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8 ?9 A& f/ p5 v7 }$ T    56th Field Artillery Regiment3 k" z* P5 N+ b: I$ h  X
    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5 U: j: \/ O2 N  ~    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment( p6 P) v. o! P2 F# _* d
    12th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion
% O, V& Q6 F  k6 g' H    38th Road Const Co
. @1 A" i1 i% ]    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
6 a5 s0 W8 v" a* j    21st Army
4 v  m! ~( }, L+ a1 K! v* q7 gDefending units:6 O/ j. k: q; e! v/ `
    Makassar Garrison Battalion" S$ N7 Z- f2 [% R
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment* ]  B, o& V: b1 P! W9 V
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion& K8 g$ R$ ~: @2 s. p
    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
6 n- N0 t, w6 E6 l  j2 |# o    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion
3 m) y$ j4 g) \/ B    Timor Garrison Battalion7 u3 y% m4 ?* S% ]
    VI KNIL Battalion
- I; F! {1 l3 K/ @    Afdeling Ritman ! [4 |% E0 l1 J+ B2 \4 a- F* _
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
' b$ l, S7 u+ m* Q* N    6th KNIL Regiment- A: m" r( x% w$ L
    Prajoda Garrison Battalion! v4 s1 V5 r* a
    Samarinda KNIL Battalion; Z9 f  O& o4 s7 o
    1st KNIL Regiment3 O5 \' P1 b* p: P# m
    18th British Division; J# a7 s/ l+ M4 ?: Q
    Kendari Garrison Battalion
1 W" @( ?& i$ C6 q/ O3 G    Van Altena Battalion  k  @  l  i0 C9 |; z  O- c7 p
    Roodenburg Battalion
; d  V: j( [2 O7 @. j    1st Regt Cavalerie 3 r0 g9 l' R, ~. Z' j
    10th Light Horse Battalion
  u3 k8 F' E7 q' D. k$ e  C9 l    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion
5 Q9 P1 A# s$ ^9 D0 f$ n& m    Barisan KNIL Regiment- A5 U! [# z5 K. }
    VII KNIL Battalion) k6 d% M. {1 ^  L9 E! {
    Korps Marechausee Battalion
5 u  b( _& \1 z    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion
( A$ \# L) {7 y2 k7 t$ p    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn
0 Y5 t" H% F7 T( X& d4 ]1 q/ ~    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
$ S' J' l9 R9 h4 l3 `( ^2 k6 z    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion
6 k0 U" W* j! H! D3 `1 r8 r    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
! c  b* _- L- B( f: K    Manado Garrison Battalion
3 p7 o; s& s3 Z( J6 m( X    6th Aus Cav Brigade
: V( g. A  o: j4 i' [" x    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion5 E5 o2 ?& M0 N7 ^( @, ~  V, d1 P. J
    2nd Recce Battalion$ Y) p. y. s- p
    4th KNIL Regiment9 N' i+ C7 G/ t6 J$ X+ c
    Rifles of Canada Battalion
/ O2 F/ W) B( w% ~    2nd KNIL Regiment
3 m; @1 @; L0 ^2 B0 X4 ^    Dili Detachment
/ }7 Z$ s- r7 S: i    West Borneo KNIL Battalion# w9 v- W0 {0 M- P
    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion5 S& H# U/ h, s9 p4 v
    Sarawak Force
( L( b+ O& Y+ q5 W& o( u5 S    2/15 Punjab Battalion( |' ^2 u! |9 x+ ^) c! Z6 Y# l8 H
    1st KNIL AA Battalion% P2 b5 e9 N6 w. O3 Q
    North Borneo Base Force. _+ h7 I( u( P1 m0 w( i! n
    Batavia Base Force
1 J% p$ q! Y2 @1 `    Bandoeng Base Force
" y& g0 a, ]) {( T: B5 k    North Sumatra Base Force
  q1 C8 P' U" L% {: D    Tarakan Base Force
$ }; h1 @  C7 d9 t+ f- `    Teloekbetoeng Base Force
- P$ m! u) Q. ^% B/ w" O( s# U+ y    3rd KNIL AA Battalion
5 U% z7 Q* z  r2 v* U    West Sumatra Base Force5 p5 I- ~' s; L, J
    2nd KNIL AA Battalion" n( d+ r3 o  i! o3 G
    Timor Base Force
9 [! I3 r" C0 [0 M    Celebes Base Force. S/ ?$ [5 `- R# u) M) Z" m: X3 V
    1 ML-KNIL Aviation
( s  f  s+ [) S* ?- a4 A5 Z    ABDA
; ?- o9 c5 h3 K+ {) f    Commandement Marine 9 `4 Y% F6 V6 A5 g. ^, h: L) ]3 K* J
    Palembang Base Force
) D- @  Z9 G4 m1 v/ |6 h    5th Coastal Gun Battalion, p4 d' Y9 G6 X
    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
% S4 I% o6 r$ b* m" R% F- T    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
- Z* U8 _! @0 P8 W& N% q& Q6 y    South Borneo Base Force, F! `9 G$ w. E2 X6 w0 R5 }% e0 d
    North Java Base Force
, a6 @% P8 @: k6 h1 X    Soerabaja Base Force
3 M0 h! q8 P0 Q* K+ O$ [    KNIL Army Command ' U  q3 z, n+ A+ B4 N
/ h3 n& L+ |0 m& D% k    Balikpapan Base Force
1 ^# j5 l  e3 x- `6 t    Zuid KNIL Battalion/ r# G9 m7 L1 y
    South Java Base Force0 d1 L/ q0 E/ G
    ML-KNIL 5 ]4 G- X9 p  f+ i! E% J
    Marinier Battalion* C) x2 [0 V' Y8 M0 C/ I
    Tjilitap Base Force
8 m! _* h; Z) V2 K8 G, J    Riouw KNIL Battalion
, e8 |5 m; ^. N8 {    23rd AA Bde
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 14, 423 ?/ V) d. r+ H. a) i  \
日军操作失误,几只工兵部队单独发起了进攻,结果却降低了万隆一级城防,- U# p# k+ V9 V- `
按惯例降一级城防,日军要付出2w多人左右的代价, # {% F) i" g/ v; Q% H
& z+ o& V) u# W0 E: L- a9 w( G' v----------------------------------------------------------------------------$ X9 k6 x! A" h. P3 D/ |
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
" `( Z: o: I+ A6 f2 E. U1 rWeather in hex: Partial cloud % O- b3 Q4 B2 y6 {. A9 u. S+ M% m
Raid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
5 ~6 P# |5 S+ O) i! M+ ]Estimated time to target is 13 minutes
5 g/ r6 N+ s" wJapanese aircraft+ R+ E3 j, H, D$ c# J+ B
      G3M2 Nell x 185 s9 P  E& g# m/ G9 E
      G4M1 Betty x 40
5 S* S& J9 w$ x; f& KJapanese aircraft losses' Q( u1 ^/ c  w# O$ M
      G3M2 Nell: 1 damaged
. k  ?! M/ K, F( Q: R+ Z. dAllied ground losses:! x" h" }# ?4 f1 U
      12 casualties reported
& g/ z* b( C8 B0 Y/ {+ b         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled% C; k  D7 B5 d8 R# F. _/ G
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled1 l1 p4 E1 Z, @! _8 J! K$ w
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% x6 I8 \6 f; M, n% W& ?3 i
& z( O1 R. D  i1 ]; VMorning Air attack on 10th Light Horse Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
$ |0 V0 b2 Q& V1 @% d! mWeather in hex: Partial cloud 2 n  y* M* W8 y0 G. V
Raid detected at 44 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
" l9 x. H) L" jEstimated time to target is 13 minutes 3 Z" E0 z' t; K7 N) L/ g4 f0 D$ a! W" V
Japanese aircraft
5 n9 _' M: l' R; u7 [1 X: u* u& H/ N- N      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 49- |0 Y1 C! b2 o7 j2 L2 O$ g, i
      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
+ E7 ?1 [& t1 e8 Y( ^! a3 T+ RJapanese aircraft losses
' X1 }# w1 e! Y4 ]% X9 E      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 5 damaged
3 F5 `& {9 Z: R# f# ]1 u      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
6 U, M7 d6 d6 T2 @; H0 dAllied ground losses:
. u5 A9 D$ x) S: ^9 ~      14 casualties reported# a8 Z) i8 y. a) B
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled& O7 {- d8 _. O# b
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
% M) g3 X! v# d" t3 K         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 ]8 C% a, z3 Z& ?6 _------------------------------------------------------------
0 a- a# T' D% D, VMorning Air attack on 10th Light Horse Battalion, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) 4 y  s* ?# M0 C  T; s9 ?7 F
Weather in hex: Partial cloud 0 U" B& s6 {2 v
Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.. q# _8 O* G1 |
Estimated time to target is 17 minutes ' g! k, ^/ E; s& K: r
Japanese aircraft  b: v4 i% p. }# U9 _
      B5M1 Mabel x 5
: g4 p0 F  [, X( t+ T" p8 m! ^      B5N2 Kate x 111 I! S5 Z  f  l! H4 T
      D3A1 Val x 7
" a3 w0 A0 e- _  o' b( XJapanese aircraft losses
7 d, P3 V$ r- F) V# H. L3 s6 y7 N      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged
" o& c4 K- r% i      D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak 8 O2 w# r4 @. g6 z0 k/ k( c
Aircraft Attacking:
/ e6 N( H  e/ f" [7 M# b4 w      11 x B5N2 Kate bombing from 10000 feet+ M4 K4 \! x% A0 z* H+ V. _3 C
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb
& O" \4 R/ [& ?' P- F       2 x D3A1 Val releasing from 3000'
% t4 @1 O6 y1 |               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb
  r9 x; L; X4 u9 s       5 x B5M1 Mabel bombing from 10000 feet. {/ v# M- |1 u
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb2 g" v0 @6 l2 A3 f
       4 x D3A1 Val releasing from 1000'
' ?% A! p: `" K$ m. [1 a               Ground Attack:  1 x 250 kg GP Bomb  z; C' d3 s, ?- Z
-----------------------------------------------------------, l' j. Y' P* g" A( c: \  N
Morning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,100 (Bandoeng) % n, X6 n" P* ^5 [/ `$ @9 H
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
# s0 x5 X4 P* @Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
' }4 ^/ W* \( w9 y% Y* }Estimated time to target is 25 minutes : h& D# K! _! Y9 X$ h4 p4 W; @, y  _
Japanese aircraft
0 O* t  X* c# m3 G      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 220 c- _% j2 T% Q
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 53
) y3 F1 x  e! Y1 aJapanese aircraft losses
$ m+ T0 d8 K# K1 O  }) k& r  }5 p      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 1 damaged
/ v6 [) n: l9 }) H8 Y2 n# p$ N      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged
: G( p, M; D) o) S- K* cAllied ground losses:/ M9 @2 Q1 N( B
      34 casualties reported
9 o! `8 u) t/ B% ]( L         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 U( y, u" }2 b* @3 C
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
% }* b) E5 P: U, F& q2 b2 X         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" g+ o5 m0 C* B3 kAircraft Attacking:7 i% ~: [" ^3 i
      26 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 10000 feet
, }$ j& K5 }9 G7 v) e! D& J, G               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
8 ]/ ]7 j; `! i) L. m# M      27 x Ki-49-Ia Helen bombing from 10000 feet. f( }7 S/ M) {/ i: d
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb. e$ u+ P1 ~' P& v6 Q# |2 Y9 v
      22 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 10000 feet" H$ ]3 V- H! K$ k% b8 s+ ~2 a
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
! z" t+ e6 y- m% S2 f& v! |----------------------------------------------------- F3 N, X; _8 T: g! D  n: e
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  : @& `- l! s9 P0 q8 k; x3 n0 D
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
, p7 s# Q( o1 K4 c, `( c6 DRaid detected at 39 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
9 H1 Z! H: s  X) z/ L* cEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 3 w' ^5 {- v$ ^1 W0 y, z( {
Japanese aircraft6 K2 @( b+ j2 M! O. E) K
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22! u" N) B* v% f+ M1 v9 F) j
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 209 z$ A& g5 b* ]& D4 w, t
      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36 1 g+ ~2 z; k4 B* g& P. Z$ v. H
Allied aircraft. Q& N2 l/ i  A( b& [0 [
      no flights 7 e2 R1 s( j, e5 x4 O- Q
Japanese aircraft losses) P% C& ~9 P, s
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged
) U7 X1 s; C' x/ C* f      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged
" P& b' U, ^* ]" y  aAllied aircraft losses
! L/ W' ?% u$ b$ M* L% ?; L      B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged$ N5 w$ V7 \+ z5 X1 b$ a9 M( j
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 destroyed on ground : k# I( Q7 o3 H8 H! M
Allied ground losses:3 S' u% t4 r. p2 A, h" M$ A
      4 casualties reported- b8 L5 n8 e* v. S0 A* ~
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled) K' d8 k, J1 T3 x4 _  i3 U2 c
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, O9 @: X+ O) c8 i         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. Z  j0 G4 [( Q7 X: @1 A7 c3 ]' ?" n9 R0 m----------------------------------------------------------- 0 s5 }0 O7 c' R, Q" |. I
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) * ~7 z/ _/ |9 q( M0 [# _7 V
Japanese Deliberate attack ; `$ U  \/ ], S5 t( \/ y  ]2 z
Attacking force 172797 troops, 2148 guns, 1312 vehicles, Assault Value = 4917
0 J1 a1 j& U4 j7 B4 gDefending force 72747 troops, 957 guns, 777 vehicles, Assault Value = 1830
( O, F0 d" D7 t/ a/ m, uJapanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1 . G+ P' P0 K9 j2 [* L% e( i
Japanese adjusted assault: 130  
+ u* C1 b* y& P! V/ C6 M* zAllied adjusted defense: 2965  - S" m  l$ p$ }+ l
Japanese assault odds: 1 to 22 (fort level 1)  
  q; r/ ]+ a% U4 F' |+ WCombat modifiers
9 t8 D2 v: u5 C% p* jDefender: terrain(+), leaders(+), experience(-), supply(-)
' A- I. n' ~. A7 b) P0 ZAttacker:  
# B  D0 v0 e' tJapanese ground losses:1 F3 S, n5 p4 Y6 }$ V+ O
      2170 casualties reported
0 c. q4 F  _8 y% k         Squads: 24 destroyed, 6 disabled
$ v) [$ U+ ^! b2 x         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 38 disabled
  ~5 o; Q/ w3 w' o' c* f) p; U9 f         Engineers: 81 destroyed, 34 disabled
* y( V7 M" V) D8 `% s6 H. i3 i3 D- g      Guns lost 13 (3 destroyed, 10 disabled)
! r* l9 G) r6 J6 e* U% h. Z0 \) t# ~      Vehicles lost 41 (3 destroyed, 38 disabled)
( e( j8 W/ N" F8 \5 f2 MAllied ground losses:
8 R) R" d1 H3 A& o5 r      255 casualties reported
, C3 O- J0 W' T1 |* H         Squads: 5 destroyed, 43 disabled& H, N, J6 Z# b$ D
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
. w/ d  h9 h- V- l, E: o         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 l0 z3 Y6 k  f" u9 ]7 G# |7 @      Vehicles lost 14 (5 destroyed, 9 disabled)
6 {. ~. a, \' g( W/ mAssaulting units:" c; c8 h' l# @- l$ D1 E3 n
    Yokosuka 5th SNLF9 H- a& R! m% {( S- o5 n7 S; F/ r
    15th Naval Guard Unit) _1 L* P' V, z$ j! f+ W+ o
    19th Naval Guard Unit
1 U7 u' G, W* `1 [5 C6 U    67th Naval Guard Unit' f' E* t' X, Q% w
    66th Naval Guard Unit
9 e2 I4 `$ O+ j) G7 J. D- y, P    4th Division
1 Z, H  J$ m5 z  n    64th Infantry Group
! V! n+ L3 L( b6 {" _& T    81st Naval Guard Unit( T7 ?9 c/ H: j2 w
    21st Division
' O. Z0 y+ H0 H4 G5 V/ E    52nd Division, [7 ?5 _4 w5 p- d7 w* x3 {: B
    14th Guards Regiment
" _( H- k. Z; U' e    41st Infantry Regiment, t% [9 p; E% @) l+ r
    18th Naval Guard Unit/ s, O$ g1 a% s4 x0 R& T+ n% f) `) U
    148th Infantry Regiment- \, z# n8 |# p0 G2 ]7 R
    12th Engineer Regiment
( M1 H# i# r' D' o  O9 T1 O    38th Division3 c4 }  ^8 g, e% `# ~
    14th Naval Guard Unit
4 e6 R6 e: }2 j9 ]: |2 x    Imperial Guards Division$ k  `! p* j5 c/ p; w0 b
    53rd Division& C3 E( p  a8 g, k1 h# `
    56th Infantry Regiment
) [, f6 N' c& Q* S$ [/ R    4th Guards Division
$ |7 C2 u5 B) C8 I% r    41st Naval Guard Unit
7 C& r2 V5 [  x/ h1 w    6th Guards Division1 \0 a  L3 ?( B
    5th Guards Engineer Regiment8 P% b9 u0 @3 O) O3 E
    63rd Infantry Group 8 D; x1 W+ [! |0 P
    7th Ind.Tank Brigade
( H; t( D; J( T+ N3 a8 J6 S2 j    21st Infantry Regiment
) L0 m& J/ A. @! }    42nd Infantry Regiment5 |/ k# i, B0 o9 |
    Yokosuka 2nd SNLF
- J9 Q; O0 z8 T5 l& f    Sasebo 8th SNLF+ V3 ^$ M9 p$ {9 I: e% ~) g
    7th Division
0 W$ [  i- H4 \    56th Recon Regiment4 A' b5 c0 c1 `1 {8 N/ l
    54th Division
/ z6 j, L7 `( P% S    Kure 3rd SNLF2 Y% v4 q) n+ _, H' |
    114th Infantry Regiment
8 K' R' m1 y: ^& j% A  S8 ]    6th Tank Regiment
1 X0 l% `7 ^! |* ]: g; ]* p- t: w: A    5th Engineer Regiment
1 @# e7 I& Z2 n5 h% A$ `1 V, x    11th Infantry Regiment( x6 j' P6 n3 y; e/ N
    Guards Tank Division
: D; u2 S+ |2 X$ Q' ~! r% W    56th Engineer Regiment
: c# M; Z1 z; Q  j5 y. p9 v! D    24th Infantry Regiment; i* B$ O4 G! J3 j- C/ z! j! B; m% p
    89th Naval Guard Unit
. ?: {) S# f; r8 D5 N( b    16th Guards Regiment  g: \& x4 u0 r* }; e; X, K' ?
    16th Army$ w- Q7 w; c7 n
    25th Army
& V$ n. z. m8 n4 Q! h8 \    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
( Z0 a5 h$ [& G' K    Southern Army
6 d5 _% f$ K+ C4 u, i- o- H6 f    12th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion
# F% j) q. C6 J, W    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
- i- k, D" [+ s! X- A9 m    38th Road Const Co 2 i7 \0 z: ~5 u; C+ O5 T; e& [7 J1 ^
    39th Road Const Co 7 S3 R7 l* `- t, W- @; {2 N5 y
    6th Medium Field Artillery Regiment. R, n$ B, Q! e5 H/ x7 e# s: Z
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
( x4 }! _5 i1 K0 b    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment$ I; G* {' `8 p
    2nd Mortar Battalion. c8 L1 y9 r  q
    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
  W) W  W% ]) j+ n    36th Const Co ' C* M! B! [5 W5 g. T
    41st Field AA Battalion  {( L* N1 ^& c' a- A
    26th Field Artillery Regiment8 w/ p1 X% f$ g: @
    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion# t; _" l6 T4 K
    23rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment9 Z3 H2 }( W9 I
    1st Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
# ?+ `" ^: B+ L# r! t0 [    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion+ o, l& b1 z2 Y- w
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
1 l1 H, o& C1 I- Z- a8 b6 S* {    5th Mortar Battalion
0 g1 F, Y' ?% C! p5 h  ^    5th Field Artillery Regiment* M$ l, n6 R/ W9 c( E4 w
    7th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion; i/ e2 N" u" j6 v; o7 ?- h9 k8 K
    56th Field Artillery Regiment7 T+ @  v3 A/ ?( _: O
    37th Const Co
% V6 ~! u& f* G. [2 y) g    71st Mountain Gun Regiment
; Q) E* v9 C  U7 [" ?    11th Ind.Hvy.Art Battalion- I# B& P' A9 P3 g) l
    21st Army
& U4 @' E) g0 e0 {6 rDefending units:; }: E4 l( U+ ]
    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion
1 m2 C; }0 u! Z: S) O% D    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion
% u9 m4 k7 q3 ]$ p    VII KNIL Battalion+ w0 k+ O) @. L1 L4 b: S
    Afdeling Ritman
& s9 {7 Q0 `4 l1 L% n    2nd KNIL Regiment5 d8 i( R2 l6 M! R
    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion; O* n! D: B8 ]3 g/ C) {
    1st KNIL Regiment
  w9 `$ A" N( [" U" T  w    Barisan KNIL Regiment
) e' R  E& O% K    Prajoda Garrison Battalion  G5 Y* H# Q3 `- B3 Y* J/ |" Y
    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion+ w( V# y- \1 g: Q/ q' s& o) L
    Dili Detachment
8 D, n; K* Q* l    4th KNIL Regiment8 x: T, k6 [# B3 M# G
    6th KNIL Regiment
& k- T& y5 R' F: x2 q1 d7 n    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion
( i! \6 E9 _7 f; i3 P    6th Aus Cav Brigade
2 [( o6 J) p" C& {' v    Samarinda KNIL Battalion; l+ l' ~! y) T% R
    Sarawak Force " r; f" C! O# T) d0 i
    Timor Garrison Battalion6 w. F9 d7 f1 B. t, U8 P. p
    2/11th Armoured Car Battalion+ B6 z# r& X' _( l
    Rifles of Canada Battalion2 N2 T* R; y0 k3 w8 t$ K
    Roodenburg Battalion6 x# x3 @- d" M# D  Y( F3 x
    VI KNIL Battalion
+ p* j+ x2 c3 W) \& b" f6 k8 D    Van Altena Battalion
0 D! F7 ~* t& a9 q& h    18th British Division
* \% J# T4 v5 \& j8 X3 g    1st Regt Cavalerie : A; F8 Y: @( m- E$ n& u
    10th Light Horse Battalion/ C7 s' i1 s# U% J  g
    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion
/ a* \: |- A* T. l; m. O    Kendari Garrison Battalion
: R4 X, c( c$ p4 @% s# X    Korps Marechausee Battalion
; V6 e- {8 H) Q    2nd Recce Battalion
: U& ]8 U8 x9 Y, W5 l    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
; x/ l- Y: p$ ~+ D    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
' d5 v# N& Z) q, u% D4 \: ^    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion/ u4 b+ e5 q% K8 }3 ?6 v
    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn " J8 W- _7 R3 m. e& n7 ?% _8 n* Z
    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion$ e/ h: O4 Y6 R( e
    2/15 Punjab Battalion
9 E7 T1 }; I6 S, t, }9 l7 O    2nd KNIL AA Battalion
* z5 c# a' W3 u$ e: X6 z8 r) g    Tjilitap Base Force) A4 H. `/ Y: V- r; v
    Teloekbetoeng Base Force; s$ f, ~$ X( k7 z; j
    MLD 5 ^  C* U2 O2 C9 g  K: w
    South Borneo Base Force
- R' m6 p/ t% k5 s' b/ c    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
9 l! Q$ Z+ o; U6 A8 v+ S    Bandoeng Base Force
. n. J: b: P, U4 W9 C- x) W    2 ML-KNIL Aviation ! `$ v3 }+ G: }) W
    Riouw KNIL Battalion0 J: g5 s8 S  f* K, E+ b- G/ ]8 o
    Makassar Garrison Battalion- ?+ C! p2 P; g, U8 C
    Balikpapan Base Force
4 Y" Z- B* C6 @. h! ~$ m/ r# N    Batavia Base Force
& Z0 v4 _/ [3 w. J  v& k; A- v6 G5 c    Manado Garrison Battalion
4 K* n. K% a, h    ABDA , h% g+ V( o" s' C, {; a# t' O
    North Borneo Base Force# n/ Q5 m* s% z* v- k6 ~; G- I
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment: Q1 c% c, |; B
    KNIL Army Command
3 A( K$ A0 p2 F& f* o" m9 G: e$ p    ML-KNIL 4 h+ j- p$ R* e1 {8 _
    North Java Base Force% |! f& U# N" K; A5 V  l
    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
# H) [8 }& t7 H    North Sumatra Base Force
  w9 ~& y# h" O% E    1 ML-KNIL Aviation 2 T6 J6 v. Y9 Q
    Palembang Base Force, A( r' s9 X0 j
    South Java Base Force, D- [" X+ Z( N  Y# ?
    Marinier Battalion& ^  W: B9 P$ N& Z! o. O: F/ ?1 Z1 _) S
    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
" _2 \$ ?  {* s    Celebes Base Force; ^% _5 V/ N# {# ?5 @: g1 W4 t
    Commandement Marine
1 W7 L4 x9 W" g8 ^2 X6 S5 E    West Sumatra Base Force
: e5 Y) M9 e, `  ?0 B+ j0 _3 D    Zuid KNIL Battalion
2 F: Y& x1 T4 u2 J  G( E3 y    1st KNIL AA Battalion8 s" I" t6 Q1 \: j# l& ~) B
    Timor Base Force: J- q* i5 i2 m3 j* k) n0 \
    Tarakan Base Force! U2 w& @' {& P  I+ i6 W6 \7 o1 ?
    Soerabaja Base Force
+ \/ ~6 r( Z5 R3 @. k    3rd KNIL AA Battalion3 c$ T3 a4 J. Y$ d
    23rd AA Bde
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Jun 15, 421 Z/ E% v( y2 v' t
万隆上空再次被日军飞机铺满了。7 L2 C" b# n+ P  f9 V
0 _( T! ~- b- G6 g  ~1 E" W  u  hMorning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
& S/ _, c; r" kWeather in hex: Partial cloud ! q3 Z; s) f1 R- J0 ]) M8 I$ t0 l) f+ c1 ~
Raid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.( Z1 A+ m2 _$ y" `% r
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes
2 V8 r+ \! @9 u- l, p  M  N' V8 T4 g, yJapanese aircraft' J7 D9 B/ @; P9 _; i/ i
      B5M1 Mabel x 56 l3 Q& M: [  N# C3 R: ]  z0 E
      B5N2 Kate x 11
% L4 i4 T. \' ^      D3A1 Val x 33 u+ `' X; G+ i9 I. v) r: f/ B5 X6 r9 f
      G3M2 Nell x 12, W" ^0 [' P, G& \: Z
      G4M1 Betty x 40
* n1 i5 S5 k! y7 V" ?* hJapanese aircraft losses
" W4 x" z# |7 l2 [/ a      D3A1 Val: 2 damaged   Y# M$ z0 ]$ y# w
Allied ground losses:
1 ?, v/ {- V6 j4 _$ r2 T0 B      12 casualties reported
5 h0 G( Z5 Z. q0 n! v         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
3 l2 _# T/ n' u  K) {0 n5 Z! o# a         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
" G; u! ^; M# p' N8 u5 K- h         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled: {) W, T5 \9 P# B3 k9 Y
) b& b8 }9 b. j$ P  lMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & k/ _: C1 c+ z3 _+ L! j
Weather in hex: Partial cloud # R( V" s: k: [: ]4 J& u
Raid detected at 62 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.6 y% S8 l1 W5 O; D
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes & ^8 \) x. W! P! d, U
Japanese aircraft
/ v& K7 ?* g* {2 l" T- c0 u+ ?3 w! U5 l! u      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 22# o# I! k- x* I  m) B2 \& Z
      Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 20
& i3 r+ t% X! b) g- T2 e- \      Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27
( t1 M: j) t" ]2 O8 g2 a6 [+ h      Ki-49-IIa Helen x 36 * A/ H& C& F* T2 E" g
Japanese aircraft losses
: r! J2 {' y) m3 }  N* X/ K) D      Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 2 damaged
7 N9 s4 n" G0 ^/ L( ~      Ki-48-Ib Lily: 4 damaged
; J& a1 ^6 d* F$ P0 Y; xAllied ground losses:, h: I4 [2 y' T6 I
      14 casualties reported
5 K. M6 _9 u' f! o         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled! _& _' z# b% v2 o8 s: j  U9 U/ E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 6 disabled
/ y6 H( z0 }: }* W7 X6 l         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 Z" u8 F8 s' g-----------------------------------------------------
" ~$ R9 x  \4 u) h: f4 e5 xMorning Air attack on 18th British Division, at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
6 e0 o* T" y1 {8 p/ MWeather in hex: Partial cloud
1 u+ c" F: }7 f0 i3 y% d7 U0 ~# IRaid detected at 49 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.8 ^( s/ P+ m6 B, R! Z7 U5 X6 Q- o
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes . G2 `! F3 [2 }& D& }
Japanese aircraft
) }( l/ i; i1 G9 U* @      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 456 P- o) f, l+ x. L5 h+ [
      Ki-49-Ia Helen x 53
# r1 _4 A+ s$ b9 }3 a: d      Ki-51 Sonia x 36 " V: M9 M1 X/ m2 h: q
Japanese aircraft losses
$ W# V; x; T6 R: [0 b      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 3 damaged  @+ j* }* l# W" _& `
      Ki-49-Ia Helen: 7 damaged: p( D- h) G7 H
      Ki-51 Sonia: 5 damaged
* w, T: h) j) v/ f  ^9 V* RAllied ground losses:" L. I- w5 p( e* |+ @" T
      35 casualties reported
' T, C: ~- y3 U% m5 L9 B         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled, I* h, Y& Q" B% ^, k& @2 e7 @1 h+ w
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
" W0 H$ }. Z* ~+ }" L8 x         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled* r! i3 o6 z, c; c
1 I: }- D. Z! f2 z: y: G- hGround combat at Ankang (82,42)
) n& N3 ]9 |$ N# r+ ^2 ~2 TJapanese Bombardment attack
& Y' |; S% e/ v+ ^# }/ KAttacking force 62464 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 3161
7 j7 S  ]: k! b. G: Y5 EDefending force 164533 troops, 669 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 6026/ B6 k4 j+ B7 a1 P
. C  [" J" I" Z. U* \' o$ u0 xGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
& `# n7 T/ ^! ]* R; u" k" f: aJapanese Bombardment attack 6 C/ h: }& j: o' @$ C5 P$ ?* \( W
Attacking force 167648 troops, 2120 guns, 976 vehicles, Assault Value = 5097
% O/ k) k; h6 jDefending force 72139 troops, 955 guns, 771 vehicles, Assault Value = 1777
7 P3 W2 s3 S9 q5 OAllied ground losses:# }8 D! N6 |& J5 o0 E
      12 casualties reported# ?1 b' T, }3 r* [* a/ L3 g) h7 U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
( p. h* p! W0 x4 Y* Q         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 W) }, q' z5 L; ^$ t         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% x# g1 E( \' X7 g. Y& a9 N5 d% \+ M
      Vehicles lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)
本帖最后由 zer0 于 2015-4-11 21:34 编辑 , U' I) K! k9 F8 X; a- r( u
/ y$ Q+ t! d% I: t: ?! m7 o
, f5 ?: S1 _5 S2 X0 o4 L: v由于日军忙于万隆进攻战,KB估计在新加坡进行升级。: Z  \/ [6 B; U0 D. }
盟军继续往仰光运补给,当天又有10w补给到达仰光。! }  r1 U/ C- u6 J" k5 Z
, ~& V- S# D3 }$ L1 O----------------------------------------------------+ t$ g. ~7 \& ?1 j
Morning Air attack on KNIL Army Command , at 50,100 (Bandoeng)
5 \8 ^1 m* V6 O, |Weather in hex: Light cloud / b. }6 h& w& M2 |
Raid detected at 70 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.1 n2 A; v, I3 z
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes 4 O: I; j" M/ i
Japanese aircraft
/ V% I* b7 c+ O: v      B5N2 Kate x 12
* |1 C: Y3 H) }      D3A1 Val x 35 S, ?1 `" @8 H
      G3M2 Ne