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6 x/ A/ m( H2 {Two convoys are detected near Port Blair,with little protection.
5 m2 }# i# m6 A" H7 |* hA Group of 5 DDs has been send to that port from Rangoon
( U0 j& e0 |9 b1 X' Plet's see what will happen tomorrow+ f3 c& t- ]5 u5 ]8 f$ I1 [8 J
At least 15 units were found near Tuyun,no less than 100K troops, 4 H- V5 {; \3 j2 i
Tuyun certainly is the next target., r+ k. K* k1 c( ?, ?* D6 s/ a
we manage to ship The 6th aus cav bridge to java,
- H( e- L# z  i) k. e! L8 ]the AFVs in that unit might come handy when defending Bandoeng
# G! f6 v% f7 u% ]+ {& l3 L2 J
$ N/ p! Q, [# J" B-----------------------------------------------------------------7 o/ P! u/ {4 {/ G; R) b- B( O
TF 45 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98)   h. |3 o# T- k$ Q4 K
Japanese Ships+ Y2 \. p& _* p7 L. @
      AMc Wa 6
9 @/ o+ \" B- g& l% n& a20 mines cleared * R# L: C- v1 {
2 j) U' {- C) t- G( UTF 45 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98)
- k0 G4 m4 L& [5 E3 o$ qJapanese Ships1 K* i/ n8 G+ b; \. H
      AMc Wa 6
3 z, K% i8 A' {. [' E1 H21 mines cleared
1 R" @+ R, O$ m--------------------------------------------------------------------- o) v5 r2 r1 o. p
Morning Air attack on 17th Division, at 73,52 , near Tuyun 7 h7 {! o7 w4 Q6 p/ f
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud $ {+ r) X2 t/ p
Raid spotted at 47 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.( V9 O' f& N/ T/ v, j2 T+ T- f
Estimated time to target is 16 minutes
0 y/ W+ |6 A5 S4 G, ?4 T' t' rAllied aircraft
2 G" d- a9 L' v7 U2 k      Blenheim IV x 16
1 X, r& E3 h, k. bAllied aircraft losses7 _+ {0 L5 B9 r3 M! E! L' [
      Blenheim IV: 1 damaged
) L$ S6 o" I9 Z2 d8 NAircraft Attacking:* l; r: Q. @) Q4 ?) b- [: a
      16 x Blenheim IV bombing from 6000 feet5 s( c0 x2 q! z' @0 w
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
  R) }1 W) G% i) M------------------------------------------------------ ' {" b+ T- U8 o: y# b2 u/ h1 R
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)   [; ~7 K5 ^* a
Japanese Bombardment attack 4 d6 p1 D1 P: Z
Attacking force 21692 troops, 302 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 733
/ @4 T. s, l1 ^Defending force 76485 troops, 1034 guns, 517 vehicles, Assault Value = 2364 2 [6 ]- u  M* y% ~# \
Japanese ground losses:
" T5 {; V( T5 N# i( \! y8 H) h      14 casualties reported
7 P- ]% ~$ o6 h4 S         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled- S8 u9 W+ g+ Z5 S
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 J& t- ?. K4 g- s& L; A9 D         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
  p; u, o( @9 K. c. L8 TAllied ground losses:7 a% d0 F& k" g- @: y1 N
      9 casualties reported
- h+ C7 T, w$ o8 Q         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled( x3 C! a. d0 d; e; ^
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled2 {) D3 x1 E8 m8 Y& }) K$ G
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. Q# x- A' e6 r) k  v& g+ }! GAssaulting units:  f+ j# U# r2 v& ~- j
    11th Infantry Regiment. P1 ^5 G/ q8 Z1 F" p
    5th Engineer Regiment% v6 L1 J6 C5 p7 f
    21st Infantry Regiment$ L: K" M8 ~7 a9 c
    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment  O! ~) n- Q- \; G* C' v
    56th Infantry Regiment# D& R1 `7 v6 ~2 u7 B( r0 X9 _
    42nd Infantry Regiment
2 p- s% U/ N, ^! h8 A8 h" e    148th Infantry Regiment
" n) g$ c; X$ q' U+ q0 S. n    5th Field Artillery Regiment
2 J, X4 ^0 o1 |3 h    25th Army+ O# E5 y' t7 \$ t& z& y' a
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
- D. J  J6 n3 ^; ]" z    16th Army- x% `6 R3 N+ v9 [
    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
/ s7 O( L8 w9 `/ w" ]    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment$ C) S/ q5 w. _
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
, O- ^* ?0 r/ g7 c( N2 A    41st Field AA Battalion # W" R3 U+ B: U3 e; ~
Defending units:
& Y1 f" V+ s: Y8 q    1st Regt Cavalerie % p( M# C  P0 P8 v! i
    Zuid KNIL Battalion/ Q. o- X5 ?) y5 _4 n! H; }
    Makassar Garrison Battalion
3 f/ i/ X; r* p8 m    VII KNIL Battalion0 D: K+ r  s( ~' E% l
    Korps Marechausee Battalion  q) X$ Z; R6 T5 l: H2 o6 }* _
    Van Altena Battalion. _) f% f, U' t, G2 J4 ^& m
    VI KNIL Battalion* H% c  H" Y  `6 [; ^- n
    Samarinda KNIL Battalion# Q5 M4 ~% J" C- i( O
    Barisan KNIL Regiment) b" I5 E  j( h) D
    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion$ k% m+ t' {+ x2 }9 t/ v$ L
    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
: z# k) s( R4 a9 F    Marinier Battalion
# X4 t. N7 d7 l* r% K9 @    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion
# q# _! b/ Y- i. |% }1 v3 L    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
* C4 i1 t& f( T    Manado Garrison Battalion0 d; Z' I  V, W* ?: t
    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion# [+ k8 p' _0 P; H( D1 l2 f+ k7 [
    Rifles of Canada Battalion
# p8 M/ Z5 {9 U4 t) b" Z$ C2 J0 R    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion
+ G' G6 K  d  x4 O- u7 V    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion, v) g$ {# W* F1 ?
    6th Aus Cav Brigade
) o- c! u  L0 f% M  {- {: l( x    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion
$ Z  i1 s; n7 j; J7 A% s. z    6th KNIL Regiment
5 k' J$ d5 R) X9 y% V4 P! v7 ?    2nd KNIL Regiment2 K5 `) g2 k4 q
    Dili Detachment ( J, k7 q# j6 M$ q1 U! h
    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion
/ a$ x- p" G% G4 p7 }    1st KNIL Regiment1 \) @6 j, ]# C* ]7 i: ]
    18th British Division0 v' d- z! @/ e3 H7 |
    Sarawak Force - Q7 u  ?2 l9 K8 k# k) X! J, w
    Riouw KNIL Battalion2 K& q; l4 k: p" B6 J8 a" P
    4th KNIL Regiment
+ s; ?0 q2 y8 s    Afdeling Ritman
' a# R% ^$ O& u7 f8 |- ~    West Borneo KNIL Battalion
0 x9 Z3 h9 F, r! ~    Kendari Garrison Battalion6 s- [) S  i7 P! C* c$ r8 i2 R6 A
    Prajoda Garrison Battalion
: I+ m$ T4 t1 O' y    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion
2 j7 t. {3 y/ {5 @2 e: V; _/ p    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn 3 W, M+ Z: p: a
    Roodenburg Battalion9 @3 P. N9 L) |$ w& V1 y% h+ ~
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment! M- Y; @! I9 G1 X0 Q% s  }
    Timor Garrison Battalion
$ E1 t: Y/ t9 g+ U2 V) {    2/15 Punjab Battalion
4 a6 z1 Q. Z9 V    1 ML-KNIL Aviation
* ~! d) T# e% N4 ~! T3 J1 B    North Borneo Base Force
7 S  l8 R0 C1 J, l( \3 E; l    South Java Base Force1 g, b3 A/ O! M& R- e) e
    North Sumatra Base Force* k9 O/ Z; @$ a  ?/ I
    1st KNIL AA Battalion
/ y7 b: A2 Q. n  c! G0 y+ X    KNIL Army Command
0 }- b# d* k  j0 k' b. j    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
1 C0 u4 I' A1 `! `( a- X    2nd KNIL AA Battalion% X1 `  p  o$ G9 s1 X6 u6 S
    North Java Base Force
6 }$ r1 J3 d0 q9 W4 n, E0 v. d    Commandement Marine 4 X/ ^1 U) Z2 L
7 e* B; o' h2 z* j8 g( e7 D6 {    Batavia Base Force
: B) ^3 l* S# h! _% A, G8 y" j    3rd KNIL AA Battalion
0 o4 L7 G( j" \1 `8 E: ~6 X    Celebes Base Force
2 l; S' A1 t7 T3 v8 i    Bandoeng Base Force2 }3 V3 ]9 z3 D) {9 b5 N( v
    Tarakan Base Force
" w8 _# Q* P/ c5 O) Z# C" A    Palembang Base Force+ _" K$ ]0 e9 E! H
    Tjilitap Base Force/ E" ^/ T$ o6 X) V# D
    South Borneo Base Force0 ?; i# Y9 [: t4 D# c
  B* N. i4 }) W' ~$ x2 |- r; F" Y    Teloekbetoeng Base Force: V. ~% U7 }9 l; O7 ?; g2 l; b
    West Sumatra Base Force& X/ z7 {! }" D* k2 P; B. u5 M
    Balikpapan Base Force
, b5 J1 P4 Z; u% O    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion
( K# f6 c* F2 V' N2 \9 Z! K- M    Timor Base Force2 A2 C, \) V+ u
    ML-KNIL 5 a! o4 B: d8 j5 ?% \
    23rd AA Bde    v4 ^, _& N% }9 t8 s: F
2 m! K2 x2 ?8 P# B8 j! j4 t2 E6 H- ?Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45) 3 y/ ^+ O* q5 n9 D
Japanese Deliberate attack
3 o: W( ^: ?8 U$ B* V+ j8 \Attacking force 3416 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 260
9 Y7 x$ q4 V. a) rDefending force 2118 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 12 / Q, P& h% D+ ~: H+ Y! V4 S5 B8 m
Japanese adjusted assault: 32  , `, F- T$ B, D7 Q5 Y) X
Allied adjusted defense: 5  & u2 ]2 Y6 B2 W0 V: l2 f, g* V
Japanese assault odds: 6 to 1  9 H4 V- L/ z* @% S, Y3 e# e. h
Combat modifiers' o. }- `" P, j6 U" c  S! }* T$ w* {# {
Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
5 V; `/ z6 V. I( }9 g$ O. p0 ?Attacker:  % B- N% U6 K. w& X- j  o" P
Japanese ground losses:8 y* y) K" J$ G1 t: c( Q& g1 }$ I
      19 casualties reported4 N/ s0 c  v* K5 E
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled! _7 T5 b3 U7 g7 l) r
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! d8 F6 K+ P% V3 V
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled % F# _% f) Q' D+ {6 w2 U9 r+ I
Allied ground losses:
  ^6 P9 `- i1 H      80 casualties reported- g$ g+ i/ S( T6 i& R2 h% a. M
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 8 disabled
) ?+ I* I6 u2 J$ t+ A" m  y) c         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled5 `0 t# f/ H5 z& W. t7 m
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
1 e7 R) F: t5 d: U7 Y1 \+ R, M1 ?Assaulting units:% ^. F2 ]7 T6 u- P$ e
    12th Indpt Infantry Regiment
" S: e( F1 J1 r( i; T4 K/ G3 C    23rd Tank Regiment0 n% R+ X( A1 Q9 t0 j6 c
    18th RGC Temp. Division9 i8 X" L5 W6 O/ x& f; f% h
    39th JAAF AF Bn * ^4 D6 W  n* i, T8 p8 |2 p+ E
    51st Const Co
( o8 W3 L7 `. \& Q, |    15th JNAF AF Unit
# \4 x1 M7 e8 }    16th JAAF Base Force
1 |: b8 K$ \( p- |, y3 G    10th JAAF Base Force
& O" e3 `9 n0 J0 w& C    53rd JAAF AF Bn  
" V( @0 f3 t! y7 m' NDefending units:' l2 f4 E% C- R9 J* F
    55th Chinese Corps
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±???×??ó?? zer0 ?? 2015-1-17 20:54 ±à?? 0 v) U' b& U6 ~/ X7 V' E
) e7 p6 e& \+ q, w
2 v! I/ g/ o9 y  i( E7 t, \one convoy was destroyed along with more than 3000 troops4 i5 S: Q  `$ A
the other made it,they will take Port Blair tomorrow' E$ j+ u% H' c3 P7 {
1 [" e$ X8 D* X, r' T1 q
) h! p& w8 {. l. A0 {TF 45 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98) 9 j. Q; w) |6 @$ w! h4 k
Japanese Ships) V! n5 ]4 F6 s# A( {9 e  y8 {/ s
      AMc Wa 6 ) y1 r( T: H/ q" A
23 mines cleared
- e+ b  t# X6 _-----------------------------------------------------------------
2 k( J0 ]# I4 S# }: m. nASW attack near Rangoon  at 53,55
! x' a/ ]8 U6 W2 h2 K  ~Japanese Ships# `# u% f' P' t* Z
      SS I-155, hits 3
  l* R+ V: L$ a+ ~% w( W% DAllied Ships
3 h; m: X  Y' J# L1 z7 V& l# c      DD Tjerk Hiddes  I! o2 U+ ?! A+ v0 G
      DD Nizam
7 g+ y* h) A0 p5 a' B/ K      DD Napier # A& W" O" M) l1 W# Y# s2 r
SS I-155 is sighted by escort
1 @" h! l9 A' ?9 |0 Q7 hDD Nizam attacking submerged sub ....
$ N8 m5 y$ S8 z  |DD Napier fails to find sub, continues to search...
( f1 d& P. A! dDD Nizam fails to find sub, continues to search...
" L4 M& a: v; ^; G2 rDD Napier fails to find sub and abandons search, G( m7 `; @$ z* W/ ?; d1 c2 {
Escort abandons search for sub 1 M$ A' f4 W' m4 r6 @
, C6 K! X7 Z- {. K: pNight Time Surface Combat, near Port Blair at 46,58, Range 2,000 Yards 0 n# F# H9 x+ ^0 N4 e
Japanese Ships
, _: _) z/ H7 r      DMS W-3, Shell hits 7, and is sunk
: n" I* V: q1 D2 |3 E      DMS W-12, Shell hits 23, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk- m1 ]% Y, F) z( D) |2 D& A0 q
      xAK Ginyo Maru, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
; z$ {- r2 m+ ^' u- M/ s      xAK Hakkaisan Maru, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk ) m" @. t+ T; C) [2 Z
Allied Ships: }' H7 B, G+ l
      DD Isaac Sweers+ M" d5 {; ^& }) K! z
      DD Tjerk Hiddes
/ R- u; b, e4 w  |      DD Jupiter0 [; [4 t& R0 w4 i1 Y. b
      DD Napier, Shell hits 1
) ]3 p# u. f! D4 D5 l2 e6 a7 `" t$ o      DD Nizam
/ q" K: s8 H. ^, lJapanese ground losses:" I1 c% m3 \7 I/ m" t
      3461 casualties reported
* S( l) k3 b' K8 w2 X         Squads: 112 destroyed, 67 disabled
& f8 i3 }( J- G* u* Z         Non Combat: 82 destroyed, 105 disabled. `+ u! k# `7 l8 }2 ?
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled+ `, p/ B2 c3 X" H2 \2 C6 b. j
      Guns lost 30 (26 destroyed, 4 disabled)
' P# ~2 X/ h  A9 lPoor visibility due to Rain  with 60% moonlight8 F' i5 V; f; M  ]" T
Maximum visibility in Rain and 60% moonlight: 3,000 yards
: V) |+ H9 s2 u! uRange closes to 10,000 yards...# k* o4 s" u0 {
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
2 o2 S7 W2 y8 V: S/ l, b: L7 ~Range closes to 6,000 yards...8 m+ z; v6 t" X5 C) {
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
9 h. W/ D- ]1 q" ZRange closes to 2,000 yards...( e% O! }! H6 P; M0 Z
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 2,000 yards
5 c( O0 M4 |: F  v  O! l  a" KJapanese ships attempt to get underway5 T9 S' S' E) L2 r, V
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 2,000 yards, E) |. O1 |7 Z: O. [
xAK Hakkaisan Maru sunk by DD Nizam at 2,000 yards
) L/ E7 P% a" I6 R, lDD Napier engages DMS W-12 at 2,000 yards% t- G  p$ C: P9 Z# G6 Y
xAK Ginyo Maru sunk by DD Napier at 2,000 yards
1 g# w9 y7 Y9 \/ G  r, K- @Range increases to 3,000 yards9 t' b. Q( I1 a- D0 L& A
DD Nizam engages DMS W-12 at 3,000 yards
/ y" ^3 R2 R" g" C2 SDD Napier engages DMS W-3 at 3,000 yards/ X% V% J& s) |5 Q& q
Range closes to 2,000 yards
0 b( J6 e) g% }" qDD Napier engages DMS W-12 at 2,000 yards. l( f4 `- Z  y% n' a
DD Napier engages DMS W-3 at 2,000 yards
! G  s: d. a0 IDD Tjerk Hiddes engages DMS W-12 at 2,000 yards
! H. m6 `2 a  F0 M/ L% x7 ]9 ?3 DDMS W-12 sunk by DD Tjerk Hiddes at 2,000 yards; V1 |+ j5 H$ K0 ?- ~" h) }
DMS W-3 sunk by DD Tjerk Hiddes at 2,000 yards4 `* n9 X3 x6 X+ ]' K. }
DMS W-3 sunk by DD Tjerk Hiddes at 2,000 yards
+ B3 U/ W9 S- q1 s* ~Combat ends with last Japanese ship sunk... / x4 h* A2 S3 R/ n' m7 H
5 T3 A( h6 k1 B2 Y6 V; I5 Z9 DTF 45 encounters mine field at Batavia (49,98) 9 Y( R+ E' K5 G/ k' g' [, |
Japanese Ships
( G& a/ B! n* |2 }. n6 b7 n      AMc Wa 6 $ i* {1 h0 c9 F5 ~' P! n
18 mines cleared8 K9 f3 h5 v4 w) X3 o8 T
, a) @" t0 J2 V% R" q* |/ ~Amphibious Assault at Port Blair (46,58) $ Z6 @* r/ s9 G; a
TF 115 troops unloading over beach at Port Blair, 46,58
- z  j' y% W+ A( W) eJapanese ground losses:6 I# A: t' Y0 I: Q" j4 ?
      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled) & _% u1 a) x8 |7 N5 u/ g& ?
13.2mm T93 AAMG lost overboard during unload of 66th Nav Gd- \; G. g% K2 u
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 66th Nav Gd /3
$ c! F7 i; `+ S* ^0 e-----------------------------------------------------! A  w' Q& B8 X8 }* K0 ~6 p6 i0 c$ F3 v
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
/ u- d+ R, t8 I) ?  DJapanese Bombardment attack ( h& L( P) R, I& J& |# g5 J
Attacking force 61922 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2053 0 [6 o8 H  K" A7 M( M
Defending force 78463 troops, 428 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2196
. Y5 S# g  H9 _% ~; o9 tJapanese ground losses:2 I! n( B! }/ k* A. y: w
      52 casualties reported3 F. u+ T) U2 ~0 t" |1 }
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 T2 `4 s$ A) g0 g         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 z, M! i$ s2 v; M, u( G5 `: Z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
6 `1 ^  ]& X, J- i& RAllied ground losses:0 c" J* i. j' P' t0 q8 j7 N/ Y& K
      68 casualties reported0 \+ i$ x$ u9 v
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
6 U$ e$ H  M. i! L/ p         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled5 L$ ?/ U* P9 P! e9 M
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled! f; C1 k' |; r& z/ W/ n9 f% ~
-------------------------------------------- # U/ r$ @4 l, g7 J9 J
Ground combat at Patung (81,46) 4 D) H0 `6 `2 P1 g# O8 T6 B
Japanese Bombardment attack
) w9 }; `/ N- `; NAttacking force 29897 troops, 378 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121 % ~* y  g# c9 Q, z" u
Defending force 47697 troops, 280 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1802 0 }+ |# ?1 `  P/ W0 H- ^% k7 @
Allied ground losses:
' x7 G; G8 J( T* W3 H      4 casualties reported  E, p9 y# p. _$ K  S9 r
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 n4 m( R( }* w1 N9 m
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) ]; H, M# {& V; `2 r: _  F
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
  h4 |5 L6 p1 z' u3 v----------------------------------------------------------
/ N! {! Q1 g! V! b& UGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
' N9 f2 T  Y# [0 p8 f- J2 lJapanese Bombardment attack & s& e  }: }8 W! N+ I/ U1 X4 c0 _  U
Attacking force 21804 troops, 302 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 869 5 `6 i0 ~( y$ J
Defending force 76701 troops, 1035 guns, 521 vehicles, Assault Value = 2371
3 s/ |1 j: _( m# G, E& BJapanese ground losses:1 [  V$ I# H) l* X4 X+ @
      11 casualties reported
" c+ A9 j4 s3 J         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled4 c1 @% b  _, q% U
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 K1 O* Q; x6 m
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 w& e9 Q) P# z4 q# D$ FAllied ground losses:( Z0 C6 [! t  o/ Q3 L' j) a6 M7 `# d; Y
      8 casualties reported4 P* P! {0 U; r
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
) U* M5 j0 U- \5 _) I- X5 ^6 ]3 u         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. ?* o9 r( {% |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 t1 G2 G+ `8 `# \
------------------------------------------------------------ / F& e* q; m$ q; t
Ground combat at Nanyang (85,45)
! ^4 U5 k4 N! {& eJapanese Deliberate attack
8 b% \  Z) I# aAttacking force 3407 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 259
, O; @0 X- O. O, tDefending force 2096 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 10
6 b" m5 V7 N' L* L8 j$ ^/ B: |Japanese adjusted assault: 29  ! I% K2 v' b9 U
Allied adjusted defense: 4  
! E& {& q6 ^0 }5 w/ Z( V! m5 r4 \& z& BJapanese assault odds: 7 to 1  
, |* P+ y2 K7 A9 QCombat modifiers2 r6 M; D5 O( q: C( _# P
Defender: disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
1 [% N! u) h0 ?5 w) HAttacker:  7 \! M' N% ~" h0 G  `2 c
Japanese ground losses:' Q7 z- x! I( |7 ~
      12 casualties reported
% `' t! E0 [* X/ w3 n5 a( x         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# _6 _0 [- h  ^6 W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
: w8 h1 B0 m: c5 l% R* j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled , t0 P/ S! J) }2 U* `6 U
Allied ground losses:
8 a6 s9 S. F7 p1 e# }  w& N5 b      82 casualties reported
( o4 E5 X, H1 u; e/ W/ |         Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled; L5 C& z" n7 F- n6 f! y$ b/ y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. s) @8 q2 F" y- ?! s- z' e: |         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
: g/ |, x. r+ q* ?Assaulting units:
" x9 N) w7 {* F9 ~3 ?( a4 n    12th Indpt Infantry Regiment
/ b# g& _9 u, k9 F7 [, _' s: Q& s    23rd Tank Regiment
1 M9 t+ \! T  S3 T" d  E$ x% G    18th RGC Temp. Division- n& {  t) A) i) }1 Y( F
    15th JNAF AF Unit
2 M& F- o8 O% x! c( l  F7 |    51st Const Co 2 G/ }3 e5 s* Y6 v# \. B0 ]/ w- g
    16th JAAF Base Force5 I  \% ?: G" K" I& N2 y
    10th JAAF Base Force+ ?9 `/ g- O# ^: Y8 M  t
    39th JAAF AF Bn - i7 h9 y$ R" k; u2 `; W2 W% j$ g
    53rd JAAF AF Bn  
% a& ~! w  r) h0 U# ?- nDefending units:% N* t" l+ r% {8 V, O
    55th Chinese Corps
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0 t/ ^% W' s3 m9 \Tuyun will be the next hot zone,fortunately reinforcement has arrived
& f" Q% N# i% f55th chinese corps gain their tickets to heaven,they will be reborn soon
! Z) G, K3 [& X1 u6 o3 V5 o
( r& r5 i& s' B/ K: s% m3 J4 ^, R- T------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 T/ |* ?: N0 h7 uMorning Air attack on 55th Infantry Regiment, at 50,99 (Kalidjati)   q. T: j) Q& G1 [( {
Weather in hex: Clear sky . U+ G) Q3 U7 v0 }
Raid spotted at 39 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.# l" ~( M* e1 {, L% w
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes " I! _5 e( \- r6 R3 k5 ^& H+ m
Japanese aircraft: o* I7 q" z- p0 D! M0 N. x3 j
      A6M2 Zero x 7
0 w- M$ u9 R, g4 y9 X2 P; P7 QAllied aircraft, ^. [% v( ^9 l" p. d' ~
      L-212 x 4 * c& J9 g$ G7 ~9 K+ W$ L5 |( x* {! s
No Japanese losses
  h6 |) N/ F2 E# Y* c' vNo Allied losses " i8 h! k9 B! `1 f) m* g+ C
Japanese ground losses:
6 @8 i: {  S- E      3 casualties reported/ u1 {7 n+ {2 C1 C& f
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 \$ K+ ^% B4 T. {" G0 O         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# V1 z. ^$ j! F' q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 J5 L$ g* o+ h* m5 C
Aircraft Attacking:, E/ L: J/ g+ ]4 P
       4 x L-212 bombing from 6000 feet
' m* k: @4 n, e& D2 n               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
3 ~. n) V: t: C# @5 |---------------------------------------------------------------
: M8 o/ m' z2 E4 x- B& E' ^Afternoon Air attack on Tuyun , at 74,51  ! S8 r* L; L8 |" V& C' s9 o# T
Weather in hex: Light rain & o0 s$ r+ H6 n/ C7 \6 T+ C
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.* j, C9 `, b- E  y# J5 k
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes   I  `9 S6 S$ m3 `2 ?+ f
Japanese aircraft: g  V% c& }' q% ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 8
* G+ r/ T; B5 [# h$ _9 T! z      Ki-51 Sonia x 7
. D0 f' R$ O1 D0 Z( Y! |No Japanese losses * c7 d; r7 J) X$ l4 W
Airbase hits 2
5 _5 ?8 p1 \) i" A2 bAirbase supply hits 2
9 F9 s9 b- d. aRunway hits 12 6 z- a: L) W, `) g. W' X, F; v
Aircraft Attacking:9 r# o3 }/ M' z. t
       7 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 6000 feet% e, q2 `# P5 R! J+ _5 {
               Airfield Attack:  4 x 50 kg GP Bomb
2 N- Q; l/ m8 e' U! M7 A, u+ k$ k-------------------------------------------------------------
+ Y5 \: j) \+ P* f$ UGround combat at Nanyang (85,45) 6 y2 O  Z; t5 \, b6 L3 `
Japanese Deliberate attack + D9 o  s8 ~  v- N" d& x
Attacking force 3398 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 470
& w' A, E  K# uDefending force 2033 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3
' x* j, R! ?+ \3 n% d" n1 N2 |0 gJapanese adjusted assault: 63  
, d# ^" E  I) c7 P7 EAllied adjusted defense: 3  + H. Z9 M  Y$ B. d3 A. D$ u
Japanese assault odds: 21 to 1  
- m/ n. l) U  c/ t9 R# B* m" lCombat modifiers
- S/ a. @& ^( Y+ ?5 H3 L1 F3 jDefender: disruption(-), preparation(-), experience(-)
% {; Y# G* A3 d7 o/ @9 gAttacker:  
$ @" V) {6 c8 dAllied ground losses:
8 p6 p) M+ ~- V  z2 f      100 casualties reported
' k2 q' }- Z- Y& V$ m         Squads: 6 destroyed, 0 disabled  j; S/ @9 f5 H, n5 K/ E
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled) b2 w) J: B8 ^9 w& f- ^
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled9 [* }% [6 d3 `; w/ u# Q
      Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)
( y2 [8 Q, r0 u8 W4 u# v8 }Assaulting units:
3 C% d2 v0 k2 o    7th Ind.Mixed Brigade
, O% x  Q2 s0 ]. d4 t    23rd Tank Regiment6 N; D  c" ?' P; z6 }: n8 b
    12th Indpt Infantry Regiment. o1 E+ J# A4 k
    18th RGC Temp. Division6 k/ X, H! A. S, T
    10th JAAF Base Force+ a  Y" ?' R! a
    39th JAAF AF Bn
7 s% @# t9 c5 ^# K9 w7 w    51st Const Co 2 O& e/ S& @, O9 F( r, U2 G
    16th JAAF Base Force" o1 _. G; E* R/ }
    15th JNAF AF Unit ! r, f1 ~$ n; X. N. l
    53rd JAAF AF Bn  
5 C* t# c6 ^1 v5 d# ?Defending units:9 R0 b% N9 ?3 k3 Z) Z
    55th Chinese Corps
) B" k" R. N- a4 C0 U4 t, e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------: ^6 P' v: U  z' k5 R# w
Allied Unit(s) surrounded at Nanyang
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: P; ?) A+ {( ^7 p/ q, m% [It is a nice day,the dutch bombers dicide to go out today,
* N4 u9 C, N" G- Hand they hit something! aha, f8 L9 |6 a/ v% Y' n$ @; K) Q
Here comes the KB,nice and shine.
) S1 j9 }( ], v" T
  w/ M  j3 S' R9 i1 m0 y-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
. H% j, I, ?2 S* I2 n6 OMorning Air attack on TF, near Merak at 48,97   G7 b. [6 x# K
Weather in hex: Moderate rain / ^9 N+ v. m4 }) P
Raid spotted at 33 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
* Q. @% {7 ?8 p6 WEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
9 V# ^" O) @2 t0 U6 b* @  _* v6 TJapanese aircraft
" N; \2 q# d% g) {% E1 p. ], h      A6M2 Zero x 17 $ M- N  L0 f% M- y' Q
Allied aircraft
3 |. c6 R& K- x8 e$ S      139WH-3 x 14 ( _3 ^6 A) Z; [5 ?; y$ i' D
No Japanese losses
! S, w7 ?8 b, f& B  B8 \3 PNo Allied losses
: K$ F' k( c1 a. M# @+ k: O4 K5 XJapanese Ships8 F' l7 m+ q2 e; j) O
      xAP Kamakura Maru% v% b4 z+ r3 l
      xAK Zuiko Maru
/ D* o! d9 x+ C0 @8 |      xAK Miyadono Maru0 L1 [: v% j5 q6 U8 f+ B/ m
      xAK Kizan Maru
* b0 @; k9 q0 y5 F# IAircraft Attacking:
$ I# j, k, c: g. Z; v# @+ U# S  S; `       6 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
( d  J3 ^# Y- j, C               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
/ [: l* D; b% `8 k       8 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet! |0 X  D2 V0 n6 h4 @( g2 f
               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb # `% [( ?1 F% W% S2 o+ A
CAP engaged:
2 c9 b' B. G/ }" i* kTainan Ku S-1/A with A6M2 Zero (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
# p8 o3 j( j# T/ Q: y" H  s      (4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
% |! C, E( `# {1 X      4 plane(s) intercepting now.
! g  V/ x, ]3 Q4 I" R8 l  l& C0 t      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.0 v  i) Z5 N) k$ G8 a. e
      Raid is overhead
, B% h2 r0 a7 W2 v7 X12th Ku S-1  with A6M2 Zero (13 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
  l' o5 H8 K6 J  x. s8 T      (13 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
+ {) j# M7 b, s+ A* q9 x% H      13 plane(s) intercepting now.' Z; C! j) L9 ~' t
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
7 F4 ]/ i/ l3 `4 ^  U( @3 P      Raid is overhead
% n9 d4 \- O. Q; F0 `4 B8 h--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 d: \8 w3 ^8 f* A  R" VMorning Air attack on TF, near Oosthaven at 49,95 2 e/ t+ a6 o( ?% H
Weather in hex: Light cloud ( c% n' `) K! ^
Raid spotted at 8 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
5 M' w2 s5 l" m, {Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
0 M0 A; I; I6 L; [7 |% J" PJapanese aircraft& _4 A# L4 u) O$ o
      A6M2 Zero x 19 - Y7 Z# A( F, J1 B$ ~) b( F
Allied aircraft, S: m* y7 g+ t; @) r- b+ u
      139WH-3 x 18 - K6 m  Z$ [+ D8 g3 E. u/ D. c3 U
No Japanese losses
; O) l" Q- A( T4 X1 t( {' BNo Allied losses
( }, R# W$ k: u' e; W) xJapanese Ships
% I0 K2 \5 p, g" ^/ z: C      SC Ch 16
5 J5 e* a0 @) r7 }$ t' f  }  p# `      SC Ch 13% N9 a% x% Y6 K5 b$ P2 q  U; o, j
      PB Mikitade Maru, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage ) r$ |/ W& J5 [" ^6 L
Aircraft Attacking:
# |5 x3 n1 Y7 |1 A: p, x, Y       9 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
6 ]8 {, t& d. ?( z" l               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
  o) P) f; G- j# M: F: F  [       9 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
4 v! d# D8 y' n. l               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb ' q# A% l0 W8 E, V2 {2 X! N! v) b
CAP engaged:
$ T/ T/ n5 Z" ]; p: j' u, AChitose Ku S-1 Det with A6M2 Zero (5 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
& K* I5 e6 l' X+ p* d1 C      (5 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
- ~0 h. }% S; @8 E2 i. |      5 plane(s) intercepting now.9 r6 f3 ?  [8 Y1 |
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
* H% [& U2 r; [      Raid is overhead: v1 b/ B* Z) u9 m1 Q$ i
Tainan Ku S-1/B with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
3 r+ |, q* a+ X7 r2 e      (2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
% W9 D( F, t( ^' F( y5 ^+ k      2 plane(s) intercepting now.' o! u/ }: L6 d! U4 ?
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.7 ^$ {# `+ P7 o7 v
      Raid is overhead6 \* J" I$ \! t$ L% i
Zuiho-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)$ x" r: {8 K4 J+ N% A2 j) K
      (2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
7 q, F: e' h( E' m0 z      2 plane(s) intercepting now.+ y* ~) |0 z; o: u& C+ I, [) l
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
( _# G: s" _4 L2 L  }. g      Raid is overhead# ~5 U: h5 p8 o" |7 N# J
Akagi-1 with A6M2 Zero (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
' y9 q# ~# r& c& U* z      (3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)' [/ n- X! ]$ L( r2 |# R0 g, ^4 [
      3 plane(s) intercepting now.+ d8 A/ S$ P, I' D+ z1 a' a
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.9 O3 D8 Q9 Z3 o. H4 l9 V# ?
      Raid is overhead; n4 X' u; I* H  ~
Kaga-1 with A6M2 Zero (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)5 P7 ?& I" M3 V8 f
      (3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)" G$ d" T. r3 y& _
      3 plane(s) intercepting now.9 N! y7 a4 J2 C' K
      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.- T1 T, H  d  x4 G
      Raid is overhead
3 v7 E$ c8 Y0 Y% u0 L% XShokaku-1 with A6M2 Zero (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)! v- P) W* @8 M+ ]6 {# [; K
      (3 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
6 r; Q- ]( d* S" Z      3 plane(s) intercepting now.
4 {# s: O& H2 C; R: g! t      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
# {6 T1 }) l4 C. k7 O; \      Raid is overhead
# C9 W3 ]) _/ d+ c9 M- x/ {8 aHosho-1 with A6M2 Zero (1 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)  z. d. l& l- t! S) Z8 S
      (1 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
3 X* w6 K; ~9 j) x/ I6 }. D9 ~      1 plane(s) intercepting now.
' D9 J3 k. P! y7 x! c3 `      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
: a6 Q& M; P8 ?' N; B      Raid is overhead + c! P+ e, [' K2 _4 _
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring PB Mikitade Maru8 K" t" Z4 @+ y# u: j# T
- H  q- y* b, j! p: W. {5 AMorning Air attack on Imperial Guards Division, at 50,99 (Kalidjati)
. q& C( l4 B7 C( J" m, FWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
8 r2 E- M" ~; y- s/ hRaid spotted at 42 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.$ Z; ]3 G8 k# M' [
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
6 D* y& [: r4 Z# M9 eJapanese aircraft6 w# P0 s$ i3 {3 _
      A6M2 Zero x 2
" J1 R8 w. Y$ J9 u# d# V/ K1 r$ sAllied aircraft
; ^0 b- X6 S/ J0 f* E5 I8 y      CW-22 Falcon x 9) b4 y+ L' u1 N) x
      L-212 x 4 / K, [% x4 n1 `1 R+ C1 H3 y  s$ w
No Japanese losses 8 \5 N1 s/ u8 [- M
Allied aircraft losses
, a. m! l* i) ~  [. A+ m      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
5 c& m* O: I5 y; y0 z      L-212: 2 damaged 3 p8 }; O2 n8 t9 X3 S
Aircraft Attacking:
6 P, E+ H9 l. n. F' N       7 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet/ }" q- V8 @0 R* H* S6 N
               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb  Q! z3 k. o- X% J( j
       4 x L-212 bombing from 6000 feet' N/ ]  a% u" q7 T5 Z
               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb- ?* q' M8 Y* g, l, k3 ~

& b3 w9 y# ]" \* m0 o, T( s  i; tCAP engaged:
  t2 C( |4 k" N$ ], v: _0 e# YTainan Ku S-1/A with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)# _1 o0 R3 f6 n- F: r
      (2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)* E( y0 N4 n; `% L6 K% e" Q+ J
      2 plane(s) intercepting now.
+ T3 P0 Z7 p  S" G# M4 ~6 b      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.% {' d" K+ x- ]* w, `
      Raid is overhead 0 C0 Q; R% N2 o4 K  I: z
Also attacking 4th Guards Division ...
0 h$ |1 t+ r1 x! E  d4 ^Also attacking Imperial Guards Division ... & {' S1 n/ g1 `. \8 F" S
! O$ s. G" p/ s& Y9 w: T' RMorning Air attack on 41st Infantry Regiment, at 51,100 , near Bandoeng ) _2 c/ Q: Q) m8 v: R5 a% i
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud $ _. w6 N/ I5 S* y
Raid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.8 ?9 y7 X- q8 Y! W. I0 ~& S
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
* ^  g( G6 B- rJapanese aircraft8 C5 B) A: N5 Z$ ?
      A6M2 Zero x 4 # u& X5 z0 w1 \- C" O
Allied aircraft( N6 V. H& v3 X/ A1 h5 e1 K
      CW-22 Falcon x 3
9 {6 ]) ?4 J& C: y) J: ^4 jNo Japanese losses . _; Y+ X) o+ t/ u5 m
Allied aircraft losses
6 Q0 h; q0 Q/ P9 e+ N      CW-22 Falcon: 2 destroyed
: o9 f+ [/ }' o# o" k# ]  iAircraft Attacking:& c" F. d, ^, Q8 A
       3 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet. p. H/ P# |1 U; k; S
               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
$ d6 |( _2 V* S# p. `0 K/ yCAP engaged:7 h3 A0 C/ R9 C% s4 O6 |
12th Ku S-1  with A6M2 Zero (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)7 H1 x, U7 @  S0 N, V
      (4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
: S. f+ [5 T+ u      4 plane(s) intercepting now.
  x: ?+ z! P1 a" f0 e) G6 @8 W      Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 20000.
! n* [0 i% {/ [- q7 H7 }4 q      Raid is overhead
0 Y) e' Q0 T9 Z2 X----------------------------------------------------------------- ) Z( [6 b) c* K( m$ ~
Ground combat at Tuyun (74,51) % u3 _$ H% |4 W# L# |
Japanese Bombardment attack / q( M9 o8 h" B* @
Attacking force 84276 troops, 652 guns, 153 vehicles, Assault Value = 3149
' S2 B6 R1 ]" a9 J; _2 {Defending force 95294 troops, 601 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3212
4 q" x! w7 m: @Japanese ground losses:
' E, ~. X* E. t, a: V, a9 \* b      209 casualties reported
1 P. L, B, K: C2 v9 S) h( ~         Squads: 0 destroyed, 18 disabled
& z5 t4 W" M, l* G         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; H0 o) E  J/ X) x8 c$ \  L1 w
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
4 @5 @# i* Z4 m% m' T: b9 W- rAllied ground losses:3 c- T" ^; Z& N4 c. Q
      8 casualties reported9 e4 d  Y1 z+ f5 l7 o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
7 K  {; G, n5 A! n         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! |! ~0 s, _$ z$ X; u( ]6 Y         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 2 u7 I! v& o5 K
Assaulting units:
4 f* M) \7 A; P! o2 ?2 X$ {    110th Division
' _* d3 w5 j5 z    8th Armored Car Co 0 V/ W+ L. O$ c) K1 B
    10th Division
' U# {- P3 [! H/ o+ @; @& t) O5 A7 m    12th Ind.Mixed Brigade$ c  n  d! r" O
    2nd Militia Regiment
2 p+ G7 Q  g/ [/ \    2nd Ind.Mixed Regiment# v7 b: K5 @% o* H& I
    116th Division' M8 R0 @( p7 G2 Z( p# O( B( a
    15th Division
# G: Y4 p5 G4 m( k& U6 u1 \& y    9th Armored Car Co 7 o, ]; E6 q$ z4 W% r
    55th Infantry Brigade+ ?/ V% p) ~+ d9 p
    1st Militia Regiment* d! O9 O8 X" Y8 N4 f7 @! J0 _- N
    22nd Division
) P5 x+ I. A3 H5 r, b: b    3rd Militia Regiment4 }% N7 H! S+ l& q9 v- W* W* R
    6th Army . S: r4 m- @  M0 \$ ?
Defending units:9 U, j  p* j0 E- }/ ~( g
    18th Chinese Corps
% K1 s  L9 Q3 T    94th Chinese Corps' p! b/ p7 _$ Z& n' f$ |4 b
    52nd Chinese Corps
8 `, q9 ?2 W9 o( Q* C# ]    31st Chinese Corps. t6 R1 f5 Q4 }5 K; M( C# x/ V/ S
    3rd New Chinese Corps0 o* R* E( u( F; r# ~; T& x
    87th Chinese Corps
* P% G4 E6 X& a    8th Chinese Corps% x" x$ s8 \& x: M9 ?
    54th Chinese Corps
. o3 a; ~* t! R$ H8 B+ Z    62nd Chinese Corps
5 x# W& n& C# x    2nd Prov Chinese Corps
! V/ `0 {# n5 R    64th Chinese Corps" q- A) p6 z2 `4 S1 L2 S* W
    6th Chinese Corps, Y' |5 T' n, f/ K2 P
    16th Group Army. W3 o" u+ r  e5 }+ X* D0 z0 [
    11th Group Army
+ G" w) _& _0 E9 H* G    9th Group Army  {5 p6 H6 G2 ?. E
    4th War Area & S# D  ?0 c. R2 t
    35th Group Army
: X4 W% W7 p# v2 o8 T----------------------------------------+ M& e7 Y1 v5 P3 L
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100) 8 Z/ }4 F0 w7 v
Japanese Bombardment attack
" t" `6 j# q# ~% i* M6 l) N3 y. tAttacking force 21807 troops, 302 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 869
- N' u5 y. Y) N& c5 N+ h" |: ?Defending force 76178 troops, 1028 guns, 435 vehicles, Assault Value = 2325
6 a: o0 O0 ?& `6 fJapanese ground losses:: J8 {% @5 {; g
      85 casualties reported
- Q# u" r$ M( f, |8 K0 h         Squads: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled" m5 j9 \) T4 v' [6 U9 V7 n4 }$ g. u
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ \& X' o+ `# {1 T; c; X' B5 g
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 k( k) {5 R  j7 Z) BAllied ground losses:
/ s7 L. \# m6 E5 u: n      11 casualties reported* {3 A' h: _7 e, Q( v
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ i- q+ R( o; T8 I7 y; Q
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled$ n' h. L+ j4 m+ j) I
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
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±???×??ó?? zer0 ?? 2015-1-17 21:35 ±à?? 7 [. F. E! `  n6 ^" e( }1 N
$ \. P  [4 h' r# X
4 |6 N8 N' j- }" Hthree units of ARM has arrived Give the enemy hell !! at least we  hope so $ y- r, T( C2 ?4 @& \
There are only 2 units remain on the battle front of Burma
, L, q" U* h/ W( c% F( Tan SA was ordered, fingers crossed.  @: [7 e% k! g/ y

2 p( Q  N0 s* \& G: @
/ i$ j) \3 U5 o$ o------------------------------------------------------------------
2 q/ g( H! p! j' V1 A7 e/ zGround combat at Ankang (82,42) * _4 A7 B: ^* W4 ?% d. I0 A4 q' {
Japanese Bombardment attack
0 S$ q- Z! R" p. O! wAttacking force 62018 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2058 ( S. {4 _3 I" G2 U
Defending force 78597 troops, 427 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 2200
" M& j/ m; ]  N9 r" \. ZJapanese ground losses:
  }, p' P% n% c      46 casualties reported
& E1 J+ c( X7 q6 }+ u$ i5 i         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
' k& \7 [, A$ D4 V, \: A: S         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ P. I/ G* g3 u2 C4 A5 [  ?         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled , F- M, \0 B( a" O, q- D, e
Allied ground losses:. m( S. l7 w8 S) {6 b7 c
      100 casualties reported; E+ O* j, N1 v: q$ F2 e
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
4 Q4 N% i, U, o  k         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! Y  x3 Y9 c2 w, j& N, F. ]         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled* {1 o, X2 Z. }5 q( k7 k
2 ~8 Y8 M. {$ W* zGround combat at Patung (81,46) & p: }, F  z1 D0 M& s
Japanese Bombardment attack 1 `: k0 X% H9 c4 e
Attacking force 29902 troops, 378 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121
4 u, j" e( m* N. ^; V% uDefending force 47811 troops, 280 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1812
/ C, G. [4 J; Q, ?Japanese ground losses:% q4 }$ A, H2 y# p3 Y8 A
      22 casualties reported
& y8 G+ z1 l( }8 [, L0 P+ T         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled" E' ?: L5 c& e5 Z+ f9 q# W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled% L  }# v& z8 C  n6 E" z& N1 U
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled : Q: O! x( q+ j& {- |5 T! d
Allied ground losses:
1 m' v3 m0 y( Q      9 casualties reported
4 B  m5 U* o# H. d3 A1 L) k         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
( M5 H0 I! O% A         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
8 q2 u* I8 A* V. e         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) e; O5 W6 t- N3 o1 o% m" k
-------------------------------------------------------- 2 ~$ Z/ P! f# {* ^
Ground combat at 80,50 (near Changteh) 0 y' {# C1 E* [
Japanese Bombardment attack : j4 w, t" Y: r/ q& ^! \- z' g) T+ V- O
Attacking force 40277 troops, 718 guns, 412 vehicles, Assault Value = 844 ! l/ B, g. n/ H; P* D% p! V) D, h
Defending force 4650 troops, 47 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 20
9 O1 S& W6 ^5 D3 X3 u/ MAllied ground losses:
5 x! n3 {, H3 |$ D) H/ I+ j! A0 |      158 casualties reported' {+ A  W; b5 o, X5 s1 y
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 9 disabled
  Y3 R8 k% j! @: I! T         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 7 disabled
. n# V6 T1 {! J5 c- c1 Q         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled9 M) p9 U, R( X3 L1 N
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
: y) E- T' Q9 X  w9 \6 w' IAssaulting units:
% A3 o: e9 x7 d/ J1 _    102nd Infantry Regiment' c  A7 `9 {6 x" n7 H2 `- x8 T1 R
    40th Division
: M! e& a, {0 l4 R- Z( ?* R    Kyuko Naval Guard Unit% W. n2 x- f5 v+ v
    51st Recon Regiment
9 t5 _, a; n0 b$ E- w    39th Division
3 y, O2 M, b8 {5 X6 L" `# X3 d    104th Division
4 o2 x+ ~0 q) V+ u0 f% {    11th RGC Temp. Division
% I+ w9 h, u( r; y6 d0 k7 ?- e    2nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
% ~& h7 _# g2 C& ^    9th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
8 O* K! W8 ~& W6 }0 \0 l+ E    22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
" F5 j& g" H- f# ^( K    21st Mortar Battalion
- _- c7 _( O: b+ d; J0 W5 I3 h    13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
0 q* t( _+ D# v# @% g    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
1 W" d$ _4 w! A5 V' o6 Q    2nd Mortar Battalion9 m% ~! K3 t4 J+ W
    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion8 ^( w$ v8 E) y4 l- D. v- v* r
    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
8 b  r- s) y$ q7 E( |    10th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1 Y! C# f" d' w, A4 V) K+ a    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment' l3 T: t) I6 X  g2 E2 Q
    2nd RF Gun Battalion8 Z7 q) v0 W& u) f6 b
    23rd Army
  Y8 ?5 `3 f4 \1 \/ b: ?' u% ~' [" R    8th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion0 U4 |$ H+ j) t5 L
    5th RF Gun Battalion
- S- N8 F9 n& i2 t9 N! \    Tonei Hvy Gun Regiment3 z8 l" x. B0 W
    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion , C& B& X) h' q
Defending units:
5 Z; y+ Q- ]0 I( f2 n    20th Chinese Corps8 Y; A& F) t9 n# I, C7 o
    72nd Chinese Corps6 _( a( t! j- V% q2 [7 s( V! C
6 f; r! A- n( q# b% P. }; WGround combat at Tuyun (74,51)
6 Q( \  j8 y3 }: XJapanese Bombardment attack
* W( j, X& b/ S" m- \Attacking force 84159 troops, 652 guns, 153 vehicles, Assault Value = 3137 : d! O" B' v, |9 b# W
Defending force 95317 troops, 601 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3210
8 V/ W% P4 W' o- N" ^' BJapanese ground losses:; }0 R3 N. b! a
      64 casualties reported) q; L3 p9 T9 w. U5 p6 I
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled/ C3 V) Y  ]. f' B
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled1 w6 C$ y" {  \$ ]8 C+ @  U! O
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 b  U) a# |; _----------------------------------------------------------- % u0 C0 H5 O$ L1 _2 T$ n
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
+ L/ Z  v: d$ P* KJapanese Bombardment attack $ W7 Z/ G+ V" v: a
Attacking force 21802 troops, 302 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 870
( K; G8 ~, E( D* A2 q7 I' BDefending force 65795 troops, 856 guns, 359 vehicles, Assault Value = 1878 & U% t$ T3 w7 i: g" M! T/ x
Japanese ground losses:9 b' U7 C; F5 b- ]0 ]
      21 casualties reported
+ E1 Q6 G0 o$ e+ X( F         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled% O8 H$ O( [) s* w6 J
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
, b$ S& y; {1 u5 D- x6 j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. t( b+ o+ v6 ?- v: E. SAssaulting units:7 V. G! a* i; T: q& E- p5 s
    4th Ind.Mixed Regiment/ @# A6 b& n9 K, k7 T! X: m# C# r% [2 w
    5th Engineer Regiment
3 I* A# {3 Q* p& L    11th Infantry Regiment
+ n* ~  p+ g1 b9 O1 ?/ j    56th Infantry Regiment
- S0 C( C$ p  |  O. O, o    113th Infantry Regiment; k9 x! R" v) P2 f0 i. G
    21st Infantry Regiment
3 \% x3 H/ i9 ~9 k    42nd Infantry Regiment
5 L% A& Z% b: G* S8 E    148th Infantry Regiment& Z1 [' b2 p1 A+ T& u, X
    56th Field Artillery Regiment
/ x* X7 a: V. H- i2 H9 X( E1 ?    16th Army
) R1 I( u2 s( }' J& f    5th Field Artillery Regiment
# X1 e: l- j4 h1 @( ?    25th Army
: A  S$ z7 ^2 `0 I( g7 L3 x$ [    14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion2 T, b7 a. O! i- v
    3rd Medium Field Artillery Regiment3 {: H) [6 c7 `
    18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment8 [5 P" {- W( W0 X: ~* h
    41st Field AA Battalion * y5 G1 }! @' ~* A
Defending units:
3 G' i6 ?. I+ d/ X4 R* X1 I2 ~    Lijfwacht Cav Sqn ' H) J, A& A5 S! i4 B: h
    Dili Detachment
& f/ Q+ b# k) u  w9 f( h    VII KNIL Battalion
9 e4 _3 ^$ l5 d; a    Rifles of Canada Battalion
- ?  |, e) Q+ p" W0 w" a9 A    VI KNIL Battalion
# y/ U6 D! Q) F( W) S- L; k    Timor Garrison Battalion
& T" n. I5 J3 @    6th Aus Cav Brigade' ^  k( L0 ]  b$ o/ t- Y
    Manado Garrison Battalion
1 q+ J' n) k9 q  t0 T/ Y( m    Van Altena Battalion
" @8 ^; P) h: _; f. }    Batavia Coastal Gun Battalion9 j& _6 F6 t2 M8 ^+ t
    6th KNIL Regiment
0 v2 J, w' n# u1 V, x# @% o+ P    18th British Division
7 E& C% I& z0 a- `( w    4th KNIL Landstorm Battalion
( r, E' H% {7 Z    So.Sumatra Garrison Battalion6 D# a, N" M1 g9 u
    2nd KNIL Landstorm Battalion6 b4 \5 N/ p; M0 h) J4 I
    West Borneo KNIL Battalion) x3 ^$ k: z* R# D0 R
    Samarinda KNIL Battalion. T1 |. G1 p8 T4 I2 ?
    Marinier Battalion/ H/ y0 i& C' J9 ]6 O9 e. D
    Afdeling Ritman
8 v% V4 E* s, A. A8 O- m- ^9 [    3rd KNIL Landstorm Battalion
8 g' z  g7 M" r8 x5 d2 ?    Kendari Garrison Battalion
1 F" |) `* L4 r9 N4 N    Barisan KNIL Regiment* Z7 [( d9 \4 q  J1 [, r# e
    Zuid KNIL Battalion! X' I8 j8 a) y: Q5 ]
    Makassar Garrison Battalion
: {8 g4 P- }( n    SE Borneo KNIL Battalion
& {$ G0 r% D' [    Roodenburg Battalion8 |+ G* g7 @& @; w9 y* L
    Riouw KNIL Battalion
& ~: t* R5 B" T0 q    Prajoda Garrison Battalion
1 i9 f7 c9 D2 P# d    Korps Marechausee Battalion. o# }/ l) ~2 w% {0 {7 s# T- y
    1st KNIL Landstorm Battalion8 s5 U7 h0 a& t2 S. F
    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion
; m. Z* A* o  o7 J4 e8 W% T    Tjilatjap KNIL Battalion) ^$ f! _/ e4 |6 {3 c* {- o
    WS KNIL Territory Regiment
* s) I" X% X4 o! }& U! A    Sarawak Force : S2 f; x! Y. z2 W. l
    2/15 Punjab Battalion
, B; G# F. [( I, a* B& L+ ^( S" d    Tarakan Base Force
- l  U7 y% f& |+ p* e+ S" l    Batavia Base Force& x7 n) F+ `/ k. ]
    Tjilitap Base Force# V, s. _' A5 ]6 z6 M  q3 g
    West Sumatra Base Force; H& s5 ?& z2 u/ v/ x8 C
    South Java Base Force
/ X- C  q7 F' z& ^    North Java Base Force
* L( y- W  N2 |/ F    ABDA # C6 J0 S' c( p( s. b. X
    North Borneo Base Force
- g: _8 Q/ Y. G    ML-KNIL
4 p: b2 A3 ?! {+ p$ S' Y    1 ML-KNIL Aviation
9 T1 p5 D! U) V$ f3 I    Balikpapan Base Force- T: [1 G7 i# K7 d) D3 U: c' @
    1st KNIL AA Battalion* }  O' l7 P: i7 c
    Palembang Base Force3 ^; _0 J! X5 ]: p& q8 f  W. M& O7 F
& a" j( i+ E* @0 X9 G    Timor Base Force
: N, O. q1 D" z3 }# f    Tarakan Coastal Gun Battalion9 s9 q( L0 J8 A" t
    KNIL Army Command # ]) t, w, P5 s, `/ k7 q
    2 ML-KNIL Aviation
! u5 D6 G) T3 v! x    Bandoeng Base Force( X) c( l+ C( h7 d) d  d5 l. d
    Commandement Marine
3 C3 Z: d6 u7 C, z. L: `) T9 n    Celebes Base Force1 l. g& [" W5 }5 h* q" v9 E1 C
    North Sumatra Base Force
/ X, ^7 j+ A9 B; ?. U    3rd KNIL AA Battalion
$ N+ G7 P4 d' y6 P3 z    South Borneo Base Force
: @8 O* z7 F9 T: ]) p) O6 E$ @" |    Teloekbetoeng Base Force
7 X$ Y0 y4 a) l: L) T( v    2nd KNIL AA Battalion
( C2 u6 Z- X& ^    23rd AA Bde
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±???×??ó?? zer0 ?? 2015-1-17 21:58 ±à?? 0 T6 m! m$ E: H% n6 K# G. E$ D
1 j: W$ s4 R& a& X# ~: A* @, i- U
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 11, 42/ L3 W  r# }( |+ @6 h* h3 `$ m
+ ~( ]. ?; l' k6 d$ H  [  Z# {The janpanese lookouts spot our PTs first,and they got away, right under our nose,how does that happen ' ^5 Y+ G5 F$ M5 Z7 d$ _$ `
$ e( J9 I7 p( ]; S9 ~one unit is retreating,the  other destroyed, good for us3 \- V0 r8 t: _" u4 @
it's time to clear the northern area of Burma..
9 Z/ W$ V6 V$ N6 O' d3 t* L6 m1 |( u1 @" O/ m) w% e: Y  W: n& j  i
" w6 @! I# `- s
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ U# Y( O3 D% ?5 I! C* y; ^, X; W! j% G
Day Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,98, Range 12,000 Yards % y+ t/ t4 s& M2 j8 R% L
Japanese Ships
- E% G; |9 |5 C      PB Takunan Maru #81 n' v1 q  `6 x+ K" r5 @* r
      PB Tamaura Maru$ d6 K# S7 I5 }& D- Y4 Y
      PB Tamo Maru #79 G; Y7 F9 H3 m8 _$ t
      PB Togo Maru2 h; a! A" j0 F4 C/ |
      xAK Zuiko Maru) T1 q$ V3 ?' @- L' g" d
      xAK Ronsan Maru0 L8 I& S$ x7 t9 K$ J
      xAK Senyo Maru' B6 E" k+ E( @$ J% u
      xAK Toko Maru* ?1 [8 Q1 i& D) |
      xAK Yamabato Maru- }' U( P# L: ^
      xAK Atlantic Maru
. [3 S; s! b3 t7 m# D, n      xAK Borneo Maru, ?: R# e9 O2 P$ p) E& {
      xAK Brasil Maru
' ?$ p$ ^$ y$ y, Q      xAK Bengal Maru$ V7 J* h+ G6 h/ e& i2 ]
      xAK Midori Maru6 t; u7 V3 P& h% m: B" _) S: L4 G
      xAK Nagato Maru
" G* ?+ G, X) G8 n) r! x( L      xAK Sinsei Maru
1 o* p7 m0 D; }      xAK Tatuha Maru% ?" w: S& n+ t
      xAK Totori Maru2 e3 U) `& G3 b( j- S: A4 E
      xAK Taian Maru: c; Y! W, i5 q, P8 z9 }' B5 U
      xAK Kizan Maru# P) a, c  t) O; u
      xAK Miyadono Maru
' M( Q" I8 Y6 A      xAK Ryusei Maru
3 A- u( u# ?4 u9 i      xAK Heiei Maru
" }9 y3 P) J1 g: u$ Y. t) ?* }      xAK Oridono Maru4 q, g2 g8 E  y! c
      xAP Kamakura Maru 4 D# I$ K6 h  {( O0 j* n7 ~# r
Allied Ships) o8 h( `3 V( r  Z" x/ A2 n; ]
$ G' ]/ |% T4 ?4 k- E      PT-32
& U8 x, c$ d. K: e. ], t: J      PT-33
1 d2 d" ~+ p8 m5 c9 u      PT-35
" w- ?8 Y& o! G8 ]( Q      PT-41 ' s+ ^1 t6 ?" D5 C; j
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 14,000 yards4 |# b! R( R! d0 ?
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 12,000 yards+ y- g: X; \3 ~
Japanese TF attempts to evade combat- U5 R: ^! S0 F& H2 T
Range increases to 12,000 yards...
4 O4 C, R) d$ l/ Q% z9 [$ dJapanese Amphibious TF evades combat  D. |+ b! p+ @+ R0 l
------------------------------------------------------------------------------; u/ q% L% N* L4 ]1 ?8 P- K6 J
Morning Air attack on 112th Infantry Regiment, at 56,54 , near Moulmein   j! z' S" m" [: P
Weather in hex: Severe storms
; Z5 H% X0 J" @: j/ ZRaid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
) x7 N2 X% T) X7 {Estimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 a( X" v6 T' c4 X9 V$ I
Japanese aircraft
( m* R+ C& }( ]3 ?1 e# [& E' ?      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 4 & j1 e+ Y; a/ H4 A
Allied aircraft
% \; j! s5 ]2 H0 g2 {5 a, Z      Blenheim I x 6
' p. y% b$ Q% f& ?8 f! FNo Japanese losses & Y& e) w( |% ~3 \2 `
No Allied losses
" J( G. n" |  N. W' G0 {4 G8 zJapanese ground losses:
0 D0 m% F4 U- d5 I, V& {      17 casualties reported1 V3 E- x/ d$ H8 t& x0 Z; \6 j
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled% x/ G" F2 _- [8 V% j' M
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
- o# i) T6 w9 t4 u3 U( u6 j         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# {. a1 I" ~8 E9 cAircraft Attacking:
1 A2 T* p% ]* P/ T1 b& L- {" ]       6 x Blenheim I bombing from 6000 feet
# H" o8 I9 C* [$ V' ?4 n3 {5 T               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
6 C$ Z: O1 A9 ?3 g! Y/ M. t) K--------------------------------------------------------------
- `9 i% q8 x$ r% T" O* y8 M9 x* ^Afternoon Air attack on 4th Guards Division, at 51,100 , near Bandoeng 6 c: _$ o% z* u2 b4 q' M
Weather in hex: Moderate rain
, }( f0 y$ n( U9 ~. z7 q& `Raid spotted at 13 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
& p- d# p  k# [/ h) ZEstimated time to target is 4 minutes / \& [# P8 s( h. F
Japanese aircraft5 G5 |! L+ p$ q
      A6M2 Zero x 44 I6 @/ \# H! r: q  d  B
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 7 ) t5 W- l( h  x( Q# o( G; H
Allied aircraft2 y8 d4 y4 N1 J* Y+ t# B3 z
      CW-22 Falcon x 9 & I5 M( h8 S' J4 t; `; p
No Japanese losses , l8 f; M. i5 t# N
Allied aircraft losses' W9 p) O( c) ~4 j6 ^: H; x# s
      CW-22 Falcon: 4 destroyed+ a: A) Q- Z* y
------------------------------------------------------------------& y( U: k7 f* D: f8 z
Afternoon Air attack on 14th Division, at 74,52 , near Tuyun   C4 \2 N: E; m5 t
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
+ r) |& l/ k1 c5 MRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  @- e  a1 a5 v; T4 I( d; B
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
8 x* I' E! A9 ]  K; FJapanese aircraft* G' f- A) J* |+ ~- J, u3 F
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 4
0 p" c( x4 q  V/ ]( o! r6 [Allied aircraft8 @1 j& B5 `& |% A* g; x4 W7 u
      Blenheim IV x 16
+ s: |. I8 V% |No Japanese losses 5 ~1 |& m! t' l0 Y! n' J
Allied aircraft losses
; [* J( ?# _- Y6 S5 e3 t' j' l5 _. A      Blenheim IV: 1 damaged % B; G6 d2 d2 {, b$ V
Aircraft Attacking:. z8 H) g) f+ E
      16 x Blenheim IV bombing from 6000 feet
1 c1 _6 \) v2 O               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb1 J& u2 @2 B# g; m  w  g
-------------------------------------------------------------- 3 r2 r5 e, t. A2 z+ s( d5 o/ K
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42)
4 M8 F0 a+ a1 l* B8 x  Q$ jJapanese Bombardment attack
5 U8 f% R2 f( i& A4 _Attacking force 61961 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2053
" e3 H  Q6 g0 ^$ C1 WDefending force 107331 troops, 541 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3363 1 U5 {, ]9 r2 _: r7 z# V8 i/ [
Japanese ground losses:; d7 J; ^1 h" X+ U1 _
      22 casualties reported7 v! P( }% L* U# y  U
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled5 O: h8 D) M( p* ?
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
' Y* N' x+ e. V! N; M9 h! \$ q' S         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
5 X, H- |* @& G: Y# SAllied ground losses:% C; Y9 m0 r+ u( t
      107 casualties reported
% ]7 ^0 ?$ h, z  N: ^         Squads: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled. c; x- }' q" ]& q9 [
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
- T! L/ r8 g% f& e1 j. r! s         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ k! V3 l2 m9 P7 m--------------------------------------------------- % B9 D4 p" x) {0 D' s3 ]0 E: T
Ground combat at Patung (81,46) ) l  @$ s0 l# b' l- {! b
Japanese Bombardment attack ) W3 ]: B) o) I0 O1 i# g
Attacking force 29901 troops, 378 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121 4 \! e1 x8 V. Z, n4 z
Defending force 47850 troops, 280 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1814
- P+ f7 n2 |- {$ mJapanese ground losses:
# G/ I+ A+ j. a0 B9 h# F- j      11 casualties reported
+ [" m! o, q( m: Z1 }4 G         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled1 n% C% n! q6 w7 G& {
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ g# M, a; o8 E
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 V1 N' n# T" ~" H% k2 E---------------------------------------------------------------
) D: {  ^4 U7 g) g' v* WGround combat at Tuyun (74,51)
" Y3 a5 D1 S3 y2 V7 zJapanese Bombardment attack $ x% y( W* S0 y" Y; \
Attacking force 84145 troops, 652 guns, 153 vehicles, Assault Value = 3591
3 V( E- v& q7 n3 B2 M  \" ZDefending force 114907 troops, 725 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3940
  F% K( E$ u9 R2 ^Japanese ground losses:5 {9 d5 m& e- g- a# p
      60 casualties reported- w7 o! w  X+ c& m. d
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
2 T$ w5 I1 X' |$ e         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled- c! t% Y: M, n6 @% I( M
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled 9 g6 E8 f! s( t8 k9 m
Allied ground losses:6 c+ h5 Y5 j8 p8 Z! R
      8 casualties reported
( p+ w. X0 F- v. ~2 ?% U         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
# w( o5 x2 r$ w( Y         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* f. R3 c& q4 Q$ K+ \% A* ^1 e         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled. C+ L: y) ^; L% \$ C
---------------------------------------------------------- , t/ e0 U8 h& @: u$ E, i
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
% V: _4 _+ f# g' _1 bJapanese Bombardment attack
' ?) p% o* V! kAttacking force 21829 troops, 302 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 1325 6 ]0 }. E0 r+ |$ Y% H: j9 l2 M
Defending force 69264 troops, 872 guns, 575 vehicles, Assault Value = 2054
0 \: f2 f4 W( m+ WJapanese ground losses:. a8 ]7 ^  Z" Q3 z1 s2 v7 K3 G
      36 casualties reported
! V- j5 n* Q! W: L         Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
# p8 i; r+ N3 x2 F         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 i& N2 t9 \) \$ ^& Y  R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ x' N2 N7 q$ C5 u! d--------------------------------------------------------------
4 m# D6 \6 ^) nGround combat at 56,54 (near Moulmein) - z' f$ ^  x1 n' W; M4 @
Allied Shock attack 0 }& b0 s) W& l' m3 z) i
Attacking force 52550 troops, 517 guns, 1307 vehicles, Assault Value = 2294 * i" V8 o3 U, P& J2 C3 h
Defending force 3478 troops, 28 guns, 9 vehicles, Assault Value = 126 & O  C$ p+ V: u
Allied adjusted assault: 1533  
: W0 O3 S- }2 p$ A$ A$ YJapanese adjusted defense: 9  
0 v& n0 G2 o8 y/ q8 DAllied assault odds: 170 to 1  & B8 ^, W  I+ Q, D; J. r9 Q4 O
Combat modifiers7 u" \# V( Q$ @
Defender: terrain(+), supply(-)" `! [0 m; h4 V: I
Attacker: shock(+)
; n  l; J1 t% T( V( ?/ OJapanese ground losses:. c; O( P; n/ o) n* b. l2 I
      3908 casualties reported
) F! W) ?% J# ~1 S+ L  R         Squads: 135 destroyed, 0 disabled
' R( b$ ~0 A" w         Non Combat: 47 destroyed, 47 disabled
  H7 o* }7 R$ O7 J         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 h9 ^8 _: f# S% N% o: [6 |" Z      Guns lost 29 (28 destroyed, 1 disabled)
/ X1 H$ z2 i2 f% J* h% K$ w      Vehicles lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)) q% p0 M2 J- l' f" C) H" h) _
      Units retreated 14 ~6 b; z, M- U
      Units destroyed 1 0 Q: u# }+ a7 U" V, O( Q
Allied ground losses:
, d$ ]# w. `' ]+ ^6 A2 y& a      344 casualties reported. q0 H, V8 E5 B7 a+ l
         Squads: 3 destroyed, 26 disabled0 X% d% k; @5 }
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled* R* l, P% I- @2 c# X4 ~5 X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
  ?9 N) B' L0 b6 N- l) L+ f      Vehicles lost 15 (1 destroyed, 14 disabled)
/ E0 f# G- S4 p  @; [/ ^Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!
% Z' ~* O; M- O& m+ g6 }Assaulting units:* C' D1 R( {1 F  \# M$ ]# u
    42nd Cavalry Regiment( X( |% c# [: h3 |$ ], i2 Y
    44th Indian Brigade
! o- j. F0 M+ u4 w    254th Armoured Brigade
5 d+ q2 L2 f4 `    44th Cavalry Regiment' O1 }4 Z5 C( V* f0 `/ K3 g
    45th Indian Brigade
6 g# n7 x/ Q+ l: E    100th Indian Brigade
" n) i6 W2 `$ c( k0 f% }    1st Gloucestershire Battalion
+ f: i) r# B* d" b    6th Australian Division
& n; ?' A0 Y, l) f! G' z    7th Armoured Brigade! e/ o$ w# ~; O1 l* g' C/ B4 U
    255th Armoured Brigade
# O6 u& t' ^$ P) }& l    10th Burma Rifles Battalion0 b  t; U9 y0 e  S! y, r! z
    13th Burma Rifles Battalion
% e. A& W, H+ M' W. T- B    B Sqn 3rd Hussars Regiment
, J  u' s9 S' s/ L    150th RAC Regiment+ d. R9 \; F% @% V" j: S- A9 _
    16th Light Cavalry Regiment
' A8 t8 {0 h) h( a* J  Z0 `    3rd Burma Rifles Battalion( h/ |3 h" T+ t! a$ M* J$ q
    1st Burma Division% Y3 g  r1 Q+ N  @
    46th Indian Brigade  s/ ], u1 N9 X1 J
    99th Indian Brigade
) F3 }$ t! ^: A    9th Burma Rifles Battalion
4 {  R) w# F, r: f$ i6 [    43rd Cavalry Regiment
, V; L- D6 ?. _% O( A" U1 L    50th Tank Brigade
% B3 Y3 R/ \$ g0 M; a  a    BFF Brigade
' X4 R* F; h/ E& \+ j- C    17th Indian Division
* J, Y/ s, ?9 c0 q- Z2 k2 j, ]" g. \( R    Burma Corps  * \: |9 S* Z+ P8 N6 V. F6 e. `. q
Defending units:
% D/ g1 n; {9 O9 n. ?8 `$ D    112th Infantry Regiment* J: u& k4 i- w. B
    21st Medium Field Artillery Battalion
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美军侦察机编队漂洋过海抵达加尔各答,却发现原英军两个需要召回的侦察机编队可以转生,* P, y' q1 w5 C5 d' Z! o
% M$ O1 |0 f# H! L- A国军顺利赶到都匀,日军应该不会攻城了," l% \7 V; O5 x3 S
目前日军对国军的轰炸,对补给消耗还是蛮大的。- D! s2 g) E* R) G! \" {  [
7 o+ A0 U" v( n5 l+ A
2 v, v: P' f$ ^! |+ c7 c7 GMorning Air attack on 41st Infantry Regiment, at 50,101 , near Bandoeng 0 C3 k6 c& `7 p* ]' k. ~
Weather in hex: Partial cloud * `7 a  l+ D; a% f0 z3 T; s
Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.2 c. ]5 Y2 O5 Y
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
1 X, q( b7 [6 y8 ]Japanese aircraft
& J; A6 N; V! o      A6M2 Zero x 3 % o' K- }, E5 O" O8 E2 b
Allied aircraft
! ?2 R! l4 u/ w$ W      CW-22 Falcon x 3& E: i( C$ a4 t( w' ~
      DB-7B x 3
2 X/ @4 P$ w. G9 _* ]3 eNo Japanese losses
) s1 e1 j9 i% S2 u, k2 Y3 p6 KAllied aircraft losses' G" Q3 i/ R8 }% P
      CW-22 Falcon: 1 destroyed
" M. N# i* |: y, [: _) g5 X; `3 K: y& }      DB-7B: 1 destroyed
% O3 B/ T  T* p% w7 G: fAircraft Attacking:- o' n8 B, X$ r" ~8 ?) P
       2 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
2 i' b4 s2 l4 |& Y- n4 h+ ^1 O! ^1 t               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb/ A- l7 G' |: w6 V" c+ ^0 ^6 Y' B9 Q
       1 x DB-7B bombing from 6000 feet
" Y0 I( i: i8 U5 b# x- H5 B               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb1 ]/ }: X; U7 B( i) b: C- R
-----------------------------------------------------7 S# ?' s) s3 t2 T4 p2 _
Morning Air attack on 1st Australian Division, at 100,132 , near Milne Bay * S- D: D6 K; @. q! _
Weather in hex: Severe storms
+ x6 i" w/ H) e8 N8 J' URaid spotted at 46 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.! z7 v  [/ F* z  A  G* V; C
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes
2 x; a4 @4 c: P$ lJapanese aircraft% C/ `8 Z8 M  m5 |( H8 C# p
      A6M2 Zero x 20
: @# a0 k5 {$ a4 N' {0 {" x      G4M1 Betty x 9
! I+ k) l4 G) i$ Z+ XNo Japanese losses
( k, m! M3 @( U& ]9 q9 PAircraft Attacking:  d0 O! I0 t6 ?/ Q! [4 G
       6 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
3 t" Q# ~2 k/ b( M3 t               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
7 [9 c4 G1 k; c4 S1 M. f$ F2 J       3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet2 n. ]. O+ G1 @% h9 H
               Ground Attack:  2 x 250 kg GP Bomb,  4 x 60 kg GP Bomb " \5 ~5 O8 J) M- m# R  J8 B7 U' A
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( C, Z" i1 O. ~" m$ r2 y. @. z  `9 w
Morning Air attack on TF, near Billiton at 52,92
* |# F% _, Q* H  i7 IWeather in hex: Overcast 5 c. m# G7 d) i$ e
Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.* x1 {: {& r& Y( b$ D
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
+ L; I* n( r/ i( |6 x( [Allied aircraft
. i+ g# H% a- H) D      139WH-3 x 8
3 {5 _3 H& L" s9 q2 X, `Allied aircraft losses) p: a3 L7 P& P
      139WH-3: 3 damaged 8 u8 j$ z3 r$ W: \
Japanese Ships
$ K; [1 l" j9 O; A2 w      BB Haruna
1 H: ]2 j# s; }/ w( c2 }, uAircraft Attacking:
. i* K9 l$ |/ ]0 G0 h3 F       8 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
4 m/ H/ A  I" X, e               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
0 O! j; \0 k4 ?6 `$ w/ G) R& Z4 g# K$ K----------------------------------------------------
% [& C# K" h- R. H% V0 S  U- wAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Billiton at 52,92
( K1 f# \) Z4 l  Z3 f0 AWeather in hex: Light cloud # T) t! c" }  j* F9 z
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
, s2 r$ W4 b: j# e" ^Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 0 N+ _1 v' o" z7 m4 p) n
Allied aircraft
  u; k# x7 @( n+ c. w2 i* w      139WH-3 x 21
3 a2 I$ L+ Q4 f) X* E) O7 K' QAllied aircraft losses
0 K0 l# u1 z% i# a% j6 w' f      139WH-3: 3 damaged 9 Y8 b& T3 ?3 y- U. X: l3 f7 Z
Japanese Ships
7 l* Q3 G! K3 b" _7 V0 W% N      BB Haruna4 w, b; G4 p) B* g0 {/ e
      xAK Taian Maru- E2 n/ _# K" Z
      xAK Oridono Maru
1 ]3 L" b# |$ |      xAK Midori Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire
, D! V" B* S6 o      xAK Brasil Maru, Bomb hits 1,  on fire" K! X5 P8 {5 p' J; {% J$ O4 F& S
      xAK Miyadono Maru " _. }$ B  |5 V/ w7 d6 P
Aircraft Attacking:2 d9 d% [+ \) G" W
       7 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet2 T; R; Q0 D2 ?! f
               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb. [) A0 R" h, x7 L8 d# a
       5 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
! _3 `7 }( V- b: s9 o               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
$ b# S4 s# |  {) q+ x6 s/ v       9 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
  K3 u7 z8 t+ W# V( X% B               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
, `, O, N2 P1 K! v- o6 gHeavy smoke from fires obscuring xAK Brasil Maru; i! z$ ^1 Z$ r/ V' ~  c0 z: t( q
--------------------------------------------------------------------- U9 W9 D2 R/ d5 M( l' U
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Toboali at 51,94 6 s6 h, D6 W2 S; A
Weather in hex: Severe storms
' J$ L# }6 D# z8 nRaid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
6 E: s( X$ x: q) j; a" HEstimated time to target is 5 minutes
( j9 Z# Z( Q4 O! H2 dAllied aircraft/ U( O2 [/ ~4 q' g+ m+ d
      139WH-3 x 9
/ z9 M0 [& W2 P. v9 h% D/ l) ^$ Q+ YNo Allied losses
$ |2 \$ K! e1 Y3 Y# XJapanese Ships
& R3 E! ^0 U4 K; q! Q      xAK Terushima Maru* G/ e% _" f/ i# H" Z  s7 e7 q
      xAK Ikushima Maru  {- O/ p- s9 G' J5 S
      xAK Arimasan Maru * R4 b2 j! D- k9 w4 T) d- v$ F
Aircraft Attacking:
- H% I+ B. F5 U5 |. N& d% Y       9 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet; R& s( f: z% F+ y: t. |& _6 z0 X
               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
* @+ s0 q2 S& ~-------------------------------------------------------------- ; d3 d: R0 e% X' v: P
Ground combat at Ankang (82,42) 1 V/ E! s3 y% Y! _2 V
Japanese Bombardment attack
/ P5 ?8 c2 c9 ~3 wAttacking force 61971 troops, 974 guns, 529 vehicles, Assault Value = 2055 / s0 Z! g4 W. \1 z
Defending force 107341 troops, 541 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3364 1 v4 J! J1 ^1 y; _( w. r
Japanese ground losses:
5 N8 {! v) I7 P' L* I      62 casualties reported' F$ p  V2 L2 l
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
4 d; L' r( a  K; z6 P         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled( D* r, p* \' ^, ^: h! f# B/ h
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
; p- F- h) G4 B# hAllied ground losses:
5 I6 A1 ~/ c! ^/ X+ b      128 casualties reported# C3 [; C: b8 L# J" S) @  v
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled$ O5 `; E8 o; X1 x: R2 s/ Y
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ I4 F8 G9 f  [- Q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled
4 v( X6 J# ~) S8 z: w$ t-------------------------------------------------------
$ T7 O( F! s% b+ K, XGround combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
/ O( {2 f2 R" {# BJapanese Bombardment attack
) Y; {/ F4 ^) }! T' T& iAttacking force 38241 troops, 436 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 1324 * Y# R* m  W4 i" k% S0 }
Defending force 69431 troops, 872 guns, 577 vehicles, Assault Value = 2068 6 X+ [3 k/ v! A9 [( \7 i
Japanese ground losses:
! |$ l8 u$ C$ |: f4 s9 C: b2 \4 {      83 casualties reported; t/ Y1 P; F/ y3 |/ d6 M* P" `" M
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
1 I) F2 D; x! W0 O" X+ Z& l6 g4 I4 J         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* K- D2 ~7 H; \9 I         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled * f2 F; N8 x, Y$ n" k4 M
" o* H2 b) N/ ]+ w: x. KGround combat at Patung (81,46)
2 Q6 b- y% ]8 kJapanese Bombardment attack
7 q- i1 O; n9 s0 a: y! lAttacking force 29896 troops, 378 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 1121 ! c: Q0 n. X) W+ {
Defending force 47865 troops, 280 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1814
' b: C( k" J% `0 ^- @' HJapanese ground losses:' s3 A+ t9 {/ Z2 O8 s
      7 casualties reported
& j( s6 y8 I) x0 i* \         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ F* y) U4 O! ]6 P
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled/ Z# ]- r5 q& u" ?3 k
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ ]* M! t( E; U0 B8 I; ]---------------------------------------------------------
& M3 E& N) G% DGround combat at Tuyun (74,51)
; K; ^; O( N9 ]/ wJapanese Bombardment attack : g& ^: o2 M. ~6 l
Attacking force 84161 troops, 652 guns, 153 vehicles, Assault Value = 4073
6 d8 {- U7 l  w9 |3 {' d6 [Defending force 114946 troops, 725 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3939 + J6 z* W. }$ }$ |, W! _7 `
Japanese ground losses:  d+ k! P& Q+ L3 w& I! v5 e
      148 casualties reported' b- m4 O* D  G! `1 H
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled$ Y1 M+ p3 B5 m% J- @$ Z" U5 B
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled7 q* h4 [! _. b, i% c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled5 o1 E9 @; B  H; ]  Y7 }$ `
-------------------------------------------------------- 9 ^- @. a$ l1 G2 A3 J: O
Ground combat at 50,101 (near Bandoeng)
7 w, x" O- {2 O5 {' mJapanese Bombardment attack
" Z; j8 N* F) Q& z2 r* a# OAttacking force 3632 troops, 26 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 517 2 X# W2 t4 l: p& ]
Defending force 11362 troops, 182 guns, 164 vehicles, Assault Value = 495 ' R$ b! l2 V! X5 S: D! J1 j7 S
Assaulting units:
0 t/ y, Y% B% E) I9 J4 `6 K- \1 a    41st Infantry Regiment
& M2 H4 H) F- l& e% t( I    114th Infantry Regiment
, W9 ], T  U* P9 a    81st Naval Guard Unit
1 O( L6 N, |2 ]" |6 g& }    55th Infantry Regiment
, p0 Y8 S, h1 U8 K. X    Yokosuka Assault SNLF   ?1 e1 @8 `2 u2 e6 `2 l( P+ V: Y" l
Defending units:
) k. s% A4 a) P, K" X7 R    2nd KNIL Regiment
& Y; D; y9 j* f+ C# `& m! N4 o1 N    1st KNIL Regiment
  J1 C/ t. v& E+ H    Mobiele Eenheid Battalion! U* I6 n9 B* h% n  O! I5 f
    1st Regt Cavalerie , ^9 }5 W! o8 G: l% w- B
    4th KNIL Regiment
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& s; Y; a: ^' ]7 o. v- C* |打酱油的PT今天捞到二两肉
% {' F3 F6 c: f% m+ Y- u0 i/ O5 y荷兰空军升空拦截,打下日军数十架轰炸机,自身也有少许损失5 G2 Z- c0 p. }! R' t, w% y/ D
由于荷兰飞机过了4月基本全停产,没啥后续升级需要考虑,吃光败光,身体健康吧。8 L1 X* a3 k$ O+ K
+ a  o9 B, a) F# Z  ]' ]" Q1 r最后关头,向万隆增援3个澳大利亚坦克团,希望能起点作用。1 E/ T9 J* \. O3 B1 F  E3 _! T; P
# h/ Y1 I; F( u/ L# X
6 S- i' B! [$ F: \- f
------------------------------------------------------------" }4 \* [7 k( T+ q
Day Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,98, Range 12,000 Yards . F2 f  ?* Q! P, @" j4 N2 S
Japanese Ships
! l% Q& ~) I+ O7 ?4 F      PB Sonobe Maru
! h1 k3 j7 k: K7 z- o7 R& s, m$ k; e1 X      PB Chitose Maru) \9 f6 o4 a* D( X: h) b3 x" m
      PB Shuko Maru #2. l) ?  X+ S; G1 R' B1 ]/ a% @
      PB Shonon Maru #100 S2 ?  E( C; Q" F7 q
      PB Shonan Maru #17
8 j4 C" a! J# m      AK Hirokawa Maru
+ f3 _4 l4 s1 f      AK Sado Maru8 Y$ ]; h, Y1 G
      AK Ayatosan Maru
. {: w1 k1 a$ g- @      xAK Arimasan Maru, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 |1 P) ~5 |  r- P' ~! V  N      xAK Keiyo Maru
# e6 E2 z4 K6 B4 p  b      xAK Nitisan Maru" c. w" k! Q( ^( W- A! u
      xAK Yamahuku Maru4 j2 W9 W+ O8 |/ q3 p1 j7 S
      xAK Manko Maru
2 g7 _  f$ ~  ~1 E) Q      xAK Ikushima Maru5 T& ^% |& W2 w: W' e; B
      xAK Tarushima Maru
; \! ]  x9 Q: ~      xAK Terushima Maru& J2 L, v7 @1 A- `5 D
      xAK Aso Maru
& x4 L* v$ W+ U. y      xAK Toba Maru) Q3 a1 r* }3 T- \
      xAK Hukusei Maru
4 {+ H! g  e2 {! c      PB Tatsumi Maru
( N" Z+ }' C# b' _Allied Ships
; ]6 n$ U; k( o4 u- ?- L* _      PT-31, Shell hits 9, and is sunk
2 {" ^. n0 v* x- r* ?      PT-32# J2 t) K0 B9 q7 }+ C1 S& |
      PT-338 W4 m% c; E& F) e* T/ Y6 i
      PT-35. W; V8 G" e0 V# F# m% a
      PT-41 2 S! K( F# q$ j+ \$ x
Japanese ground losses:
4 E1 v6 \5 R: X      354 casualties reported
. g: \' m/ ~* F+ r0 d         Squads: 4 destroyed, 6 disabled) h0 O& e5 K# J3 n
         Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 19 disabled- W1 W+ E  D* K6 s, R  A3 {
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 5 Y# I- E$ h  u. ]. @. w+ D
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
* Y6 H2 \" E/ l- I" y( a0 K! x) E' rRange closes to 15,000 yards...
( P/ w- u% B3 I+ YCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 15,000 yards& a8 m& T3 U- Z: M+ P) W! w
Japanese ships attempt to get underway- I* p3 g3 x8 C; W5 V, V9 S
Range closes to 12,000 yards...) r2 A3 P, ]" D# t3 `: {) Y
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 12,000 yards
/ w2 E5 z7 C1 k0 A4 j! JAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , & [1 t9 |8 w% n0 l$ o- J) I' x
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru  screened from combat$ q' N5 Q: J' x2 V. i% b7 P
- escorted by PB Shonon Maru #10 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2, S4 l+ [% W# o# d
Range closes to 11,000 yards' J8 E0 X$ U% k/ U, B. ^' i. s
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , 5 @" }/ q2 V* t$ y6 g$ E# `0 `
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru  screened from combat. t, q3 P" k+ L3 f: Y) V
- escorted by PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Chitose Maru! E0 O. l# e: u; g
PT-41 engages AK Sado Maru at 11,000 yards4 Y, N# g- b6 |( F0 O: Q
PB Sonobe Maru engages PT-31 at 11,000 yards
8 E0 V" Q* ~( iPT-31 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 11,000 yards: L, k) C' v+ o* C
Range closes to 7,000 yards
  t6 A2 t! c; r3 y! b" vAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , - E$ K' g4 r. j! B
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru , + _( V7 ?9 K6 r* l2 S
   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru  screened from combat
5 |7 U5 w, C% |1 J' D; w6 X- escorted by PB Shonon Maru #10 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2, k% l% {% K6 W( c$ d, @
PT-41 engages AK Sado Maru at 7,000 yards7 c$ |" C% @  U" w2 z0 v$ q
PT-35 engages AK Sado Maru at 7,000 yards
9 X, {3 L& L3 }- J; a& w; ]PT-31 engages AK Sado Maru at 7,000 yards. X% Y' X+ ^4 X6 `$ \3 `; J
Range closes to 6,000 yards6 a0 Y" n7 m, ~
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
8 @! g- o6 d" N. H  |   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru , 5 P% D1 _/ F* d6 j" Q
   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru , 6 q; b2 x; @7 R
   xAK Manko Maru ,  xAK Yamahuku Maru  screened from combat1 V8 _3 _- ]- Q; o3 Z( y6 u
- escorted by PB Tatsumi Maru ,  PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Chitose Maru
6 J6 c+ c8 l8 J- M% A" }$ Q- v+ z4 jPT-35 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 6,000 yards
7 g) B  K) m7 Y7 ERange closes to 4,000 yards- m/ w* D! M) M- O& \% K1 u
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
0 C$ M8 w, Y4 D5 q! Q2 o6 T2 g   xAK Hukusei Maru  screened from combat
# Z. `$ n6 H9 m) c, I5 v6 k- escorted by PB Shonon Maru #10) ~$ Y4 m% U2 X, E0 j6 q3 ^. X4 ^
PT-41 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
7 L- A4 n1 m4 D8 A- pPT-35 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
) n0 ^* \7 Q' k# DPT-31 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
7 C/ P( R  F* L, C8 v- NPT-31 engages xAK Toba Maru at 4,000 yards
8 y5 M+ x4 O# g7 jPT-31 engages xAK Nitisan Maru at 4,000 yards
& x+ h/ V" P  A- J* z; wPT-31 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 4,000 yards9 L$ a3 I1 l. V4 O6 j7 Y% }7 g. v
Range closes to 3,000 yards
! Z! ~/ t  j' V4 [  {7 o' ^6 PPT-35 engages AK Sado Maru at 3,000 yards
% ~, n* P, L- a: {1 {+ j  FPT-31 engages PB Shuko Maru #2 at 3,000 yards
0 B7 J$ k2 A8 F# ]1 }& Z: Q. PPT-31 engages AK Sado Maru at 3,000 yards
# {" [2 t5 i, ]9 t, Z: |2 U+ @PT-31 engages xAK Tarushima Maru at 3,000 yards/ U$ C4 l+ X8 v9 n  P& o  x
Range increases to 4,000 yards
  W  g4 H' U/ wAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
; F2 T. m) i9 f6 @3 e   xAK Hukusei Maru  screened from combat$ O! O6 y; z4 N4 {4 Z, ]
- escorted by PB Chitose Maru9 }. ~2 k+ M3 l
PB Shonan Maru #17 engages PT-35 at 4,000 yards
( C% {' R: l! h5 ^4 v$ f4 OPT-31 engages PB Shuko Maru #2 at 4,000 yards0 \! c# q5 [: C6 Y+ y
PB Sonobe Maru engages PT-31 at 4,000 yards& {& \' U. f/ X( {
PT-33 engages xAK Tarushima Maru at 4,000 yards
6 P8 J' h: W  r( w3 v3 @& I! B, \PT-31 engages xAK Yamahuku Maru at 4,000 yards! ]0 t/ v( L! `0 h
PT-31 engages xAK Nitisan Maru at 4,000 yards
. ]; N* |& d3 Z7 x1 y# WPT-31 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 4,000 yards
6 ^/ y% c) M; N; n. @# HPT-31 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 4,000 yards( W7 k+ r* O' p  w9 ?" M2 K
Range closes to 3,000 yards
: D. |! v4 X% ]  @% y: MAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
. D2 V: V3 l4 i; l7 v2 o$ v   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru , ; w9 {# y; @: f- Y
   xAK Terushima Maru  screened from combat. \% ]9 k. Z5 f9 @
- escorted by PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Chitose Maru+ U" T9 H0 l1 x7 h& m$ ]
PT-41 engages AK Sado Maru at 3,000 yards
# Z) E5 r$ F- H+ m6 c1 ePT-35 engages AK Sado Maru at 3,000 yards
% g8 J7 m# }0 t) t1 pPT-33 engages PB Shuko Maru #2 at 3,000 yards9 a* ^/ O1 D' M" h# X
PB Sonobe Maru engages PT-31 at 3,000 yards
! k. r/ P7 ^8 H' |PT-31 engages xAK Nitisan Maru at 3,000 yards
9 U, Y, |" r; \, |' sPT-31 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 3,000 yards
( j9 i& |7 q* |9 |- r+ _$ jRange increases to 4,000 yards6 t' T1 ~/ c0 L% L# P' D8 _
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , 3 q& O. y/ ^4 k: G
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru ,
; j4 h7 w- O( t/ k   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru  screened from combat, r4 ^/ g& o  o: u& N
- escorted by PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Shonon Maru #10 ,  PB Chitose Maru
( F# V$ P$ k. K6 P/ R0 E: j) x& p6 `PT-35 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
& `5 x! R+ Z5 ~6 c  B$ z3 @; o' X3 |PT-32 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
4 }! \( O- m' e& d/ @% i- GPT-31 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
- h9 j/ U, ?! {  |/ [6 H# |PT-31 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 4,000 yards* f0 O7 C4 |- S2 U
Range closes to 3,000 yards6 [7 C9 d8 U2 ~) [# F
PB Tatsumi Maru engages PT-31 at 3,000 yards  T/ k0 x; o8 j4 O
PT-31 engages PB Chitose Maru at 3,000 yards
. h: B+ g' O( R/ J: y( xPT-31 engages xAK Terushima Maru at 3,000 yards
& J$ ^) g; m9 ~2 g9 w; G& aPT-31 engages xAK Manko Maru at 3,000 yards. b+ \/ Q7 R. Q0 }+ ~
Range increases to 4,000 yards* R; n8 R; t- q, b) s% m
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , . z! F& ?( }# L
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru ,
/ c% b, e: g" s$ |3 \4 E   xAK Terushima Maru  screened from combat+ u& j3 M' J6 C% h+ n- E
- escorted by PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Shuko Maru #23 d4 ]# h7 X7 }/ J2 ]- l# _
PT-31 engages PB Tatsumi Maru at 4,000 yards7 ^: Y1 w# j5 f
PT-33 engages AK Sado Maru at 4,000 yards
  ~0 G/ P6 [' `/ f+ [4 BPB Sonobe Maru engages PT-31 at 4,000 yards
( ]) x0 _" Q1 I+ M) c+ vPT-31 engages xAK Tarushima Maru at 4,000 yards
6 u  r! M1 y1 QPT-31 engages xAK Ikushima Maru at 4,000 yards' F4 s3 E/ j& ^& z! d; H9 M" o
PT-31 engages xAK Nitisan Maru at 4,000 yards3 _! i, I" w7 l
PT-35 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 4,000 yards& N. M. [. s7 ]6 h3 i0 B
Range closes to 3,000 yards
# s2 R4 ]7 v) N1 NAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru  screened from combat
! g+ Z/ l9 M0 U' f' ]9 d( rPB Shonan Maru #17 engages PT-31 at 3,000 yards
0 _; T* X, }! F7 SPT-31 engages xAK Tarushima Maru at 3,000 yards
) M- g3 ~& Z. `6 RPT-31 engages xAK Ikushima Maru at 3,000 yards5 Z" e8 I) L3 d
PT-31 engages xAK Yamahuku Maru at 3,000 yards: s0 P; O; v) r+ J* M# K+ Z
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , ; n  }$ G2 k7 _5 I# {) \
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru ,
+ f4 g+ n3 |& D% o   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru , $ y9 l5 n1 j' k4 _0 U( }
   xAK Manko Maru ,  xAK Yamahuku Maru ,  xAK Nitisan Maru  screened from combat2 s' x- |( y2 q& Z6 k
- escorted by PB Tatsumi Maru ,  PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2 , ( R7 {7 R( j7 W1 s
   PB Chitose Maru% {: }- w2 K/ y1 u% C  N
PT-31 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 3,000 yards- g' X, Q* S9 J0 a( Y
PT-31 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 3,000 yards/ H( k8 m6 ^: E& _+ f& y  Q  Q. i) ?0 }
Range closes to 2,000 yards
" I3 ?! L' Y+ O, |, ePB Tatsumi Maru engages PT-31 at 2,000 yards
* Y! P8 s. }. J" x) YPT-31 sunk by PB Shonan Maru #17 at 2,000 yards' u7 l% m! M9 q5 I+ V
PT-33 engages AK Sado Maru at 2,000 yards
. R3 n6 d8 p& z. n/ E( j" @PB Sonobe Maru engages PT-41 at 2,000 yards
' D+ u6 F# O; c: Q4 JRange increases to 4,000 yards3 \# E: h/ R1 v- B5 Y! d) s( o6 ?3 p
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
8 R' y; ]6 K- _$ P   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru ,
9 `( i3 f# M6 }   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru  screened from combat
- m6 `: t/ e1 Q! c* w# O- escorted by PB Shonon Maru #10 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2 ,  PB Chitose Maru
4 W# E2 j5 t/ R$ k3 v: x1 E" v! yPT-41 engages xAK Yamahuku Maru at 4,000 yards* S; f/ Q* C* q; t
PT-41 engages xAK Nitisan Maru at 4,000 yards0 A9 O  q: G; C, E) u( M6 O* Z% x
PT-41 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 4,000 yards
. F+ I4 O1 D. \# K, GPT-41 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 4,000 yards
. N8 d9 |' o7 v' QRange increases to 8,000 yards
* V. q* p+ R1 Q' a# X* A. MAK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru , * _: v+ u& w; Z  ]9 G/ ^
   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru , : T/ {, s" ]8 ?  C/ v" O- O
   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru ,
+ @1 x0 k0 D; f* i   xAK Manko Maru ,  xAK Yamahuku Maru ,  xAK Nitisan Maru  screened from combat
* }; W5 C3 |2 W* F+ k7 U- escorted by PB Tatsumi Maru ,  PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2 ,
% ~9 n( ?  _, d: n  f7 J   PB Chitose Maru0 H) p9 m6 F$ ^/ \3 }
PT-33 engages xAK Keiyo Maru at 8,000 yards* \$ J% s- O* u& o; [9 n! V7 l
PT-32 engages xAK Arimasan Maru at 8,000 yards/ x7 \# `! K  k2 w
Range increases to 12,000 yards! ~$ t0 V$ Y8 j( o0 E
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
/ H6 G" G9 w# M   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru , & {5 m9 G& V6 E8 S
   xAK Terushima Maru ,  xAK Tarushima Maru ,  xAK Ikushima Maru , . C% O, o- {, u
   xAK Manko Maru ,  xAK Yamahuku Maru ,  xAK Nitisan Maru ,
$ a& ~- A. F) E$ z5 `0 r   xAK Keiyo Maru  screened from combat' A4 o  ?# v' M  l( I7 L9 a
- escorted by PB Tatsumi Maru ,  PB Shonan Maru #17 ,  PB Shonon Maru #10 , . c7 C" y7 q0 O! H6 x+ @
   PB Chitose Maru7 @0 @1 R  F/ W
Range increases to 16,000 yards( p/ m. R4 \$ W- ^2 v2 J% c$ m
AK Ayatosan Maru ,  AK Sado Maru ,  AK Hirokawa Maru ,
) ~; C3 v1 a2 R  p( v- H% @( q" [   xAK Hukusei Maru ,  xAK Toba Maru ,  xAK Aso Maru  screened from combat
8 k8 Q* O% Q  c1 Z) s) l- escorted by PB Shonon Maru #10 ,  PB Shuko Maru #2
' f4 D2 O1 U% v, k3 wPB Chitose Maru engages PT-41 at 16,000 yards
) n! G( j$ O1 L. g9 w& EPiwonski, C.G. orders Allied TF to disengage  k* V1 j+ N  {0 p& X( t
Task forces break off... ; P! x/ @& H. e4 e- p) P, z. r
0 e9 u" \+ T0 v0 F( u% tMorning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,101 , near Bandoeng 3 U. ?5 ]* W* H' e% c2 v  g5 a: `
Weather in hex: Heavy rain / u( g- {4 [6 J4 }
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet./ w" y4 w! _/ G1 I7 Z
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 7 Z. J! h( e# ^9 P- Z1 I
Japanese aircraft! }* S$ c) N$ _/ h: E
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 27 # \) C- n# v" `9 j% Y' _% ?* x* D
Allied aircraft
' T9 @' l! R" ^7 A" s, v' |$ y1 X: b      Mohawk IV x 8
( u2 h# o- m- N& B: `9 w      B-339D x 7
8 H6 S" Y3 g: v9 w) l( A' T* {      CW-21B Demon x 37 f% x, Y- ~$ I5 o. J+ W
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 98 P  o+ y, D1 L. d
      P-40E Warhawk x 20
! w# V' D, X2 ?8 q: u$ W; v  _      B-339-23 x 4
+ b+ {; U" ~8 w0 CJapanese aircraft losses, I% A8 V8 d' ~* m
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 13 destroyed, 8 damaged
4 ]1 N! v1 i. f5 F7 p+ m- VNo Allied losses * ]5 I+ f. s2 l; y: k
Allied ground losses:
  J( l8 f1 Y3 t, d# F* f      18 casualties reported
0 m' W- q1 c4 c0 S1 y4 @; u! a  F         Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
4 ^! o9 g0 O7 B! X! |/ [9 j         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 V: ~9 @( K  U' o3 v
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! F3 |2 F& J" E+ \4 l% ^! T/ CAircraft Attacking:
+ }2 n4 w  \1 w% g6 Q/ G3 ^0 \       3 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet& J; X6 P- z( Y4 L2 A0 p* t7 B
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb% `7 n2 d. A% G
       9 x Ki-21-IIa Sally bombing from 6000 feet5 S8 K/ `0 M$ U  k7 e
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb; Y! i; {$ B6 _: H. q' p
CAP engaged:: v7 \' x; p! R! V+ `/ z) X/ a6 J, D
1-Vl.G.IV with P-40E Warhawk (10 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)# o0 d( F) B, C) Q! w5 H
      10 plane(s) intercepting now.
/ ~  n8 H8 E$ K+ \7 h      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
3 Y2 ?# |% t2 m1 @3 ^      Raid is overhead
: V! l* C3 Z0 y# N5 e( _% G, R2-Vl.G.IV with CW-21B Demon (3 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
* s! Z- Q' B2 P3 j      3 plane(s) intercepting now.
( M! g- T& b% G      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.7 B6 a- i  v4 B/ D9 P" y
      Raid is overhead: |0 D' W! ?/ n6 ^3 v( G) V
3-Vl.G.IV with B-339-23 (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling). i% z& o% B; z; {6 K) i# I
      4 plane(s) intercepting now.2 p  v3 T6 l8 A7 ]+ D  i
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
4 P: q) u- ^& C* O/ a5 ]8 }4 M      Raid is overhead
- z$ d! ^& J' L) G* P$ M$ L1-VI.G.V  with P-40E Warhawk (10 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)* X/ v% _  c' d# d& l$ T
      10 plane(s) intercepting now.; V7 X6 t0 Z" j6 g6 B  H- Q
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
; y- U( o$ d2 }+ z5 R+ k      Raid is overhead+ m1 l+ k3 O3 w1 c
2-VI.G.V  with B-339D (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
: R+ s, Z* X* b( V: Y6 d( g      7 plane(s) intercepting now.
: L: z: R) J7 q0 W% M      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.
9 u' T6 A( ^: [$ S( a0 v: A      Raid is overhead
! k' }+ h2 ]$ y3-VI.G.V  with Hurricane IIb Trop (9 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
9 r: V$ @; k1 H4 N8 M5 v& R      9 plane(s) intercepting now.
2 F+ e, f2 G! ~! N7 i' ~1 O7 h) c8 I      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.- e6 e- p; I& K  R- F: i" @* f
      Raid is overhead5 b! K* ?- n) s. N9 a1 A6 t, F; ~
No.243 Sqn RAF with Mohawk IV (8 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling): F# X- |0 H  N4 o# k: {8 t9 D
      8 plane(s) intercepting now./ f  b6 M' z  I3 {
      Group patrol altitude is 7000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 7000.! l) n; `5 M. R$ y7 C
      Raid is overhead - ^. M* n0 k7 q$ G
Also attacking 2nd KNIL Regiment ...
4 W) U' S* |. Z7 L# C( K4 O  c7 J) uAlso attacking 4th KNIL Regiment ...9 H9 L: w* v  k; [5 E
Also attacking 1st KNIL Regiment ...
" d5 k1 Z9 ^& o$ }5 {---------------------------------------------------------------6 m9 K3 z+ T5 L; h6 m( D' Z$ U
Morning Air attack on 41st Infantry Regiment, at 50,101 , near Bandoeng 0 v9 B  t+ F! B8 @; [
Weather in hex: Heavy rain # A8 e& j. M4 B) I6 D7 P
Raid spotted at 9 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
, X6 E( M% l4 h  r" s3 c: g% {Estimated time to target is 3 minutes
8 ~) @- _6 D$ ^5 QJapanese aircraft+ k" k7 V6 m" q9 I
      A6M2 Zero x 6
+ r" e2 p5 Y( e      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 16 ) t6 u% B, P* b9 C, B# K4 `5 W
Allied aircraft
3 h1 O" t+ d: s( P2 C/ k      Mohawk IV x 4
. k, K1 o0 f- c& W# F      B-339D x 6
8 W7 Y9 u% ]  H# F/ b) @; L      CW-21B Demon x 1+ e1 U/ {0 T( l9 h7 {
      CW-22 Falcon x 96 B2 s9 c* J! P6 G9 I5 G: R
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 9
/ r  L& V; W: g9 Q( a4 }1 I, KNo Japanese losses
- C) {2 X7 ^; eAllied aircraft losses
( n, P) j  ~! a. G6 X1 i      Mohawk IV: 2 destroyed# R( H2 @( p4 a9 y& [
      CW-22 Falcon: 4 destroyed, 1 damaged 3 S; }7 O0 W2 O8 {
Aircraft Attacking:
9 q9 P6 q8 `1 T$ H! z       3 x CW-22 Falcon bombing from 6000 feet
5 k) r+ Y; Q2 t$ O2 k. K               Ground Attack:  2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
  O+ z. _' @) K2 {. F------------------------------------------------------------
3 i& O% ~' f' s# s, X! RMorning Air attack on 1st KNIL Regiment, at 50,101 , near Bandoeng
5 q/ O! j# H% EWeather in hex: Heavy rain
0 _9 F7 p3 r8 ~+ r: X# t& ?Raid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
# t+ m0 ^1 T# Y: b) p  uEstimated time to target is 9 minutes ; ~8 s( H0 K6 C3 U% X- p
Japanese aircraft/ n1 f- x9 a+ t2 g( Y8 ~
      A6M2 Zero x 6& I4 B+ y% z$ x  W" T
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 12- w  U" d3 w( g  A: f- `6 q* y" M5 R
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 15 % W+ [+ f8 Y& d, X  o8 m2 g
Allied aircraft
. E' M/ D2 h) W. k3 u3 T1 f; N      B-339D x 6: I' e) [: C- s+ l- _: g  A
      CW-21B Demon x 13 F1 i2 |0 v' C# ?2 v, ^
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 9( H; n: M/ i1 H( r% [
      P-40E Warhawk x 14
; @. Z' `4 S& L, PJapanese aircraft losses
3 v9 ?# k5 Y1 j; U      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 7 destroyed
, z/ ^* {+ o. l- U$ Y* b5 i3 N# d+ F4 JAllied aircraft losses5 n% O9 J8 r4 I! p( }* D& }
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
6 f- f0 m' y/ V, o+ _7 Z----------------------------------------------------------
/ R1 r* M" u8 B4 lGround combat at 50,101 (near Bandoeng) ! N, b8 ]5 {/ V# E4 {3 F1 D1 q' ~
Japanese Bombardment attack
$ t. A# t* E! }6 d+ ]7 K  MAttacking force 14137 troops, 114 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 518
  ^$ a# t& Y5 @% TDefending force 480 troops, 0 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 2   A. ^. u7 k6 h, X, n
Assaulting units:5 R( B# b% I' `" I
    114th Infantry Regiment
9 A5 D; x/ b1 V0 Q* p( h3 H5 l    81st Naval Guard Unit
8 L! r4 o4 f4 l; l    55th Infantry Regiment" ~) h" r2 ]& T2 B/ h+ P5 X4 Z
    41st Infantry Regiment
% y) P) D: q7 c2 D    Yokosuka Assault SNLF ) y' g5 w2 U! g
Defending units:' v6 _. K- }" ~% Q: j, B3 r/ ^3 c
    10th Light Horse Bn /2
. X; ?! k3 k; p" a! T    2nd Recce Bn /2
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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2015-2-4 20:49 编辑 : E' N3 g/ D5 z/ e: o8 z  Y+ t
2 V1 \8 a+ v3 Z) b6 y: U/ X2 R
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 14, 42/ b- q" p7 C# j/ ]
0 x! X) u. Q' A! C- [4 ~5 ~2 b盟军选择在菲律宾展开炮击,发现日军伤亡人数很可观,( a7 D; ~3 M5 }0 V$ F5 ]
: @* S, f3 g& ^0 }. \" m9 y这使得盟军其实可以从这个方向展开反击,给日军添乱。
! n8 S: ^' `! y7 j. c现在日军兵力投入到其他方向,岛上日军估计也就是当地的这些,, r7 y% H9 F# I
而战力只有盟军的一半,如果被盟军反包围可就欢快了,& U8 y8 P  a6 {% c3 u
当然盟军在这里已经没有制空权,且反击也会快速消耗补给5 V+ T  f4 y0 I5 P) H
优劣一时难以权衡。; q5 W3 ]- U& J( I) G8 k) {9 H

, u4 w2 |9 }, x: |-------------------------------------------------------------
; W, _+ J3 t) N2 N' v, N& A1 V/ ^+ MMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  $ j- `6 x3 i" Z5 P9 {
Weather in hex: Light cloud + b: t! `0 @; y
Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.) e, @  Y6 M' B* c; @: a- P! J3 T, h
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes 6 b9 F+ T( }1 Z) [, M; r
Japanese aircraft! M" J! ^3 o$ u& |$ D3 H1 G9 }
      A6M2 Zero x 14 # W  h; q. Z4 r7 p& ?4 n/ v3 L9 D
No Japanese losses
6 @( n9 B+ }8 a# i$ PAircraft Attacking:
2 i; x& z6 t$ g" \& \* f: F      14 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
* K: x# X6 n" j9 B( M) @4 A7 z& I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% i4 L" A: |. L7 `5 I& ]
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
6 n+ w( U& ?7 A, e4 }" O' wWeather in hex: Light cloud
: x0 s$ y$ j( S. C- SRaid detected at 28 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.( i4 ?, |# q& L- v9 U* v1 w
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes - P" r: B% Q" A0 H
Japanese aircraft, {+ b! K: H5 I0 D
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41 / U: z2 D- L: M* @: W2 r! o6 ?
No Japanese losses + y" l7 [$ s* j6 @
Aircraft Attacking:
. R* y; F+ V" B& K' V' K      41 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet6 k( ~- c# \! r3 K  C" w
-------------------------------------------------------------5 E/ o& W( {7 W
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ! F, P' E# I4 I: R! q
Weather in hex: Light cloud 9 }4 Y8 u9 k8 p% N! L% s# x6 `
Raid detected at 34 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
. K/ x  o; @* d4 e4 U+ KEstimated time to target is 11 minutes 8 X2 w4 s( X! l8 j7 t: V% t" B. c0 {
Japanese aircraft
2 F; {" ]3 \4 ~- a* H' X      A6M2 Zero x 36 ; b; X5 w: `2 O/ {1 _8 E  X
No Japanese losses - u7 a" G. o3 E) f
Aircraft Attacking:. X4 v; B1 s5 |6 U1 v
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
  r8 S  r, ~. K4 I---------------------------------------------------
+ Z2 x7 ^, `  O4 x: Y) U$ UMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ( h# z* L/ G7 D+ a0 i* [
Weather in hex: Light cloud + ~5 M/ c( v6 {# P5 V
Raid detected at 10 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
! ]- M. `) {" BEstimated time to target is 3 minutes 5 X' Y. W1 d, n- I/ b0 f. W' x. |0 A
Japanese aircraft$ r% a# r3 j! N  X2 z" o
      A6M2 Zero x 44
0 L! h. W3 V7 N6 B% yNo Japanese losses
4 k3 }8 s/ O; j0 xAircraft Attacking:
: B- A( j/ k4 \# P# L) C+ v$ k  J/ u      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet / g  A1 ]( U% I
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* l7 j" |; a  ^5 g% j0 x1 A% t
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Toboali at 50,95
! B& i2 h8 A- |5 z. Y, EWeather in hex: Light cloud + P9 d! n& l) Q- B% V# O" y
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet., l7 j7 I$ g9 r0 g# X* X+ r6 W# X
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes 3 O9 t& F8 ]4 n2 W& x1 F) F& X/ B: L
Allied aircraft
' K: b9 M1 h9 J# P" m+ ~  f! e      139WH-3 x 4
4 u. H1 g' n6 J2 y' o" O0 o5 j6 {4 TNo Allied losses
0 g9 Z: M' K1 @7 \( kJapanese Ships
$ o! P. c1 x" D" ?+ A+ }      xAK Yamahuku Maru
$ G2 O& h" U9 s( a5 t$ g" SAircraft Attacking:
* w- C# |' T/ T4 q" w       4 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
7 }' H# z; `: V3 C3 {) _               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb
2 w. P7 ]) v% g- N8 n/ S& S-------------------------------------------------------* E6 E3 S5 x9 U
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Toboali at 50,95 % ^; q6 d$ x' w. s9 z
Weather in hex: Light cloud
! Q5 R( Z$ f6 t4 Y2 F0 S7 u) BRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
3 }- k; L( b6 l- iEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 6 u+ L' R" T9 B  k. I( r( q( O
Allied aircraft
% Z! a0 e, L+ I/ e, N      139WH-3 x 5 & E9 }  X0 a8 X5 K1 S& a1 D
No Allied losses ) \8 e) O3 Z* |! P" D- L6 ]/ w
Japanese Ships
+ V. v& c# z: V2 f& _' a3 ?      AK Hirokawa Maru1 B( I5 B! q) b* p
      xAK Aso Maru
- e0 B4 U$ B" R+ [Aircraft Attacking:0 p( x, ?( e0 B, h  u( V* E
       5 x 139WH-3 bombing from 6000 feet
; r  Q8 m5 N" g2 H/ m1 S               Naval Attack:  3 x 300 kg SAP Bomb& \# x+ g  Y* H; ~+ t
---------------------------------------------------------- , B7 C" {# T8 Z; j, m
Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)
" B% q: u( f# q2 [9 C1 ~$ yJapanese Bombardment attack
) a" |, M# q1 g3 Z: `$ M" G( Y) h, sAttacking force 38393 troops, 436 guns, 60 vehicles, Assault Value = 2037 . A+ e4 S) o% b3 r
Defending force 81142 troops, 1055 guns, 750 vehicles, Assault Value = 2572
" Q5 r: H5 G* a% Q( I) U8 p+ `Japanese ground losses:$ k5 E8 `7 G; d# q
      49 casualties reported
) X" y& m$ a7 s6 |  @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled2 N3 X+ z  o2 J- Q2 ]. W
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled# S4 p) \1 N4 @; x8 i8 c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ |* m2 i8 d( I$ _: b, D7 f, X* ?------------------------------------------------------- ( ^* ^% T! z. y* |4 j
Ground combat at 50,101 (near Bandoeng) 1 u0 n. K, T- D9 ]% g" T
Japanese Deliberate attack 5 T9 M! D% F) E7 M' s
Attacking force 14127 troops, 114 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 973 : [; p. W, J% l& r% n+ Z$ {# F; K$ l; s, O
Defending force 480 troops, 0 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 2
5 I9 |2 u, i# Z3 F9 y. f- EJapanese adjusted assault: 278  ! o% [: h1 Z6 {) M' v
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
+ J) v4 f& [9 D) `' G, }5 \Japanese assault odds: 278 to 1  
* E& _) }8 U! d+ q# l% }Combat modifiers
! e. s7 c6 X- C7 G2 s' q! r) X6 NDefender: terrain(+), op mode(-), experience(-), supply(-)
5 H- Y' N) m/ i+ y) ~! tAttacker:  : M% g$ E- o0 T$ J9 U
Allied ground losses:
7 B" @; D# L4 Y      Vehicles lost 34 (34 destroyed, 0 disabled)% ^& C: `" ~! X/ u& K# c3 y5 w
      Units destroyed 2 ; R& r" j7 j, e, _* `7 k: O' B
Assaulting units:
  }2 g" r9 j- U    81st Naval Guard Unit
' j1 M0 n- F% d/ D    114th Infantry Regiment
& p/ e* ~- l" `6 ^    41st Infantry Regiment
$ E% u4 c7 ~/ c; K1 C$ s    55th Infantry Regiment
. w3 I  v/ ?; u9 Z9 ^, b* e    Yokosuka Assault SNLF- `! I: S8 A( {, u0 V8 x/ r" J* T
    4th Guards Division / u' k0 U" q# h/ s- u
Defending units:9 ~8 t5 w2 b0 i
    10th Light Horse Bn /2
1 K. w& y) n3 _9 `    2nd Recce Bn /20 b! m4 G$ \% L: L1 @% y! U
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 b+ L7 m4 s, ~$ k* J
Ground combat at Clark Field (79,76)
/ x+ T  c" W# ^Allied Bombardment attack % j/ Q4 R" U* Y  r
Attacking force 1600 troops, 101 guns, 86 vehicles, Assault Value = 2465
! |  e# R- G, N9 Y( p3 |* j" |Defending force 37097 troops, 394 guns, 446 vehicles, Assault Value = 1219
4 d3 G# c0 A1 ?  U" IJapanese ground losses:
' `) z' L* h' ]3 R      306 casualties reported
  w0 Q2 W: o5 ]         Squads: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled/ I- ^$ k2 i- i: @: l
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled
& [  @. v% |; i/ }3 X& I/ Z  l* V9 L         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled0 y  d6 h/ _  {' x: ~
      Vehicles lost 4 (2 destroyed, 2 disabled) 8 b8 \+ B0 m" C2 P
Assaulting units:" T1 g$ i6 I/ Q. R% _' M) \
    14th PS Engineer Regiment
, s! w7 \9 @2 N5 t& k- \. c    51st PA Infantry Division0 H4 `) D# W% Z, P3 D
    1st Middlesex Battalion
+ T9 T6 P* o, L- Z$ l( t; ^    45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
* ?+ a* M9 s1 \/ I1 P    1st PA Infantry Division
  x0 j% j8 c! i. Z8 Q  Y    57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
$ G- ]0 v" A4 j! A! ]    11th PA Infantry Division$ p' L& a2 W; i1 E  I
    4th Marine Regiment
$ G% K' Q9 l6 z3 a8 H    31st PA Infantry Division
# @' r: U( |1 f$ J: y2 Y    31st Infantry Regiment
: z$ s4 _4 c; o" b0 e. i0 U    26th PS Cavalry Regiment
. b+ @/ [- n1 }) i; F    Subic Bay Defenses
: t' ]0 Y1 q+ `  M    41st PA Infantry Division* @8 L5 P( b6 O& m4 ]
    71st PA Infantry Division
' h& q/ _$ c: k6 }( V! J2 |    192nd Tank Battalion
  P: g- g; H5 n: q    3rd/12th PA Inf Battalion3 C  d  U8 U. |. k4 ^$ K# R! h
    91st PA Infantry Division) C; C6 T* s9 b) W, N' G% \+ Y
    194th Tank Battalion
4 c: D' m$ k  ^  _    21st PA Infantry Division& W" |. j2 q2 E& S& ]. D! D- t
    2nd PA Constabulary Division
% ?- T  \- W( k4 k: K" W5 D    USAFFE
4 `* w2 ^6 o/ H    I Philippine Corps
2 y2 i" e$ {: `5 C' ]* a, ^    Manila USAAF Base Force" F- Y3 j. t' a# A' n& Q- f
    201st PA Construction Battalion
. i, E+ P- I0 N/ ?    Bataan USN Base Force2 E" c+ h! ?4 M4 k  f; `% h
    II Philippine Corps $ ~" x; S& C  N/ `$ Z: v
    Asiatic Fleet 5 x7 M3 Z5 I+ U4 b" v: X' d5 Z: @
    Provisional Field Artillery Regiment
' P; B& A; X7 W    301st Construction Battalion' J4 _8 m+ {# B: K
    PAF Aviation 7 n# x( H% `6 K5 h
    1st PI Base Force* e) ^; O' y1 R5 y/ [/ o
    Far East USAAF % p) R3 r. o2 ]! m
    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment# H" g% R5 K6 f# q
    Clark Field USAAF Base Force
$ Y+ r: h) [% I: c    88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
( }) {' c( w  U  I    202nd PA Construction Battalion! a4 q" j2 K* Y$ ?) I9 ^! Y) J
    Cavite USN Base Force
: D: p" L' ^7 n% x" [" ^9 V: e8 l    86th PS Coastal Artillery Battalion
! w' O2 J* j5 n0 i    1st USMC AA Battalion
8 G* b. A9 q, ]! Y& u2 o: T1 G    803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion
1 M  s, i5 l/ m4 Q$ f7 p    301st PA Field Artillery Regiment + G) W3 j9 f) P9 o
Defending units:
  R: |, ^) g. l6 i+ X    1st Formosa Inf. Regiment
  o; `7 a8 f2 l    16th Recon Regiment* ~# I$ D5 p/ o* w
    65th Brigade: p$ Q0 Z1 U3 J" W) h" W/ ~
    Kanno Det
0 n; [' t  ]6 Q2 s" G$ Q    47th Infantry Regiment9 I' O$ X4 y5 O0 g5 S9 ^& f$ F
    7th Tank Regiment
2 j$ V+ x" m3 s1 R& K( C4 A* t. |    Kimura Det
) @! a6 t. o6 Z/ I* }& s+ S    48th Recon Regiment* _1 J. R9 B/ q
    Tanaka Det * o6 C- M. h) N2 ^# I: g
    9th Infantry Regiment/ o9 E1 n& [2 }6 x2 u1 x& O2 P
    2nd Tank Regiment
0 j1 H6 c2 `' V    20th Infantry Regiment
, q' N* D8 _' I- w7 X0 r( T5 ~9 y2 e    24th Nav Gsn Unit " b  S' m+ M+ Y% R$ e
    48th Field Artillery Regiment. v7 P- f+ ~! @
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion& D  i, b/ N6 o
    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
9 d! u/ ]+ c( `$ o- i2 y    14th Army, A  f7 B9 h7 ]* X5 z3 e( u
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment5 }4 R! `: m: L2 `; b
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
7 L& s$ }; o0 u2 h3 Z    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
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3 L. f& n- B6 t% O8 Y0 c盟军的炮兵确实比日军给力,可惜克拉克的补给也不算多了。$ x1 p! J) m( n5 v) Y" D
/ [* a- h1 U) N# d" ]9 u' }岛上所有能动的盟军地面部队全去了万隆。, c0 d! B8 ~3 l
3 y. }3 m1 Y$ r- [; J! n5 i3 R- k9 S/ BHR禁止盟军毁掉泗水的当地设施,但是油料还是尽量不给日军留。
+ B$ I& J3 U8 R% f% `) D+ ]3 |: C. H
$ `# z8 |; _& a8 r* @7 k% q7 fMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  5 `1 z" R; a8 t/ Y
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms : D+ X& L( a8 `2 m- O& f) l: u4 ~
Raid detected at 32 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.5 _- ]/ _: A9 \/ X2 S" x
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes 0 z( l9 k0 C. Y. P
Japanese aircraft
7 @1 b3 i; t; d! X: G/ q      A6M2 Zero x 14 & I0 J3 B  S2 ]' p$ b9 N1 i
No Japanese losses   B$ N9 |: h6 O2 f: ]
Aircraft Attacking:
3 N! ~0 o$ E  U& w/ a: N4 m) A/ v      14 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
+ E. j0 Q0 A+ j% o" F  M3 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. u+ o. Q, s6 @' X7 [Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  * \' |$ c9 `8 r( y" I/ ]0 i( T& q
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
" Z9 _+ ?" q3 }5 JRaid detected at 18 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
' V& a( n! v0 T, ~. v' M' REstimated time to target is 5 minutes
" _! y* Z) x5 K; d& X+ w- T; nJapanese aircraft! ^; |# S/ G6 O6 v7 ^  O
      A6M2 Zero x 44 - R1 H( O$ H: X) X
No Japanese losses 7 u+ k4 b: s8 P) `) l0 s) @
Aircraft Attacking:0 B6 u0 ], p' T- S+ u" p/ r
      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
6 z8 T4 O! k3 \7 M/ x8 s% A2 ^--------------------------------------------------6 J  `) Y) ]; l9 R5 b7 a: g
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
* `% I. a% [+ fWeather in hex: Thunderstorms   E+ X9 t0 v2 \& p! d4 R
Raid detected at 45 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
8 P9 Q" s  u. C5 `# UEstimated time to target is 14 minutes
( T9 U; j) r3 c4 Z1 H* hJapanese aircraft* q2 T/ u- ]9 X  J5 i0 b1 [
      A6M2 Zero x 36 % P( p- T, f9 E- s  B* H9 N8 V2 T$ x$ ~4 R
No Japanese losses * d( W' A4 O" [9 ^7 |" Y
Aircraft Attacking:7 {3 ?9 c" V$ ^6 p
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
! d) m$ O' g) Y! h----------------------------------------------------
5 _- ?: R$ [: M- PMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
# w5 I8 z, c( V! MWeather in hex: Thunderstorms ' h) o" A: D- s
Raid detected at 28 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
0 w7 I* j( N) t+ l2 J2 T3 yEstimated time to target is 9 minutes
4 ]0 @9 @+ R. N: R" K; i9 a; N4 R& rJapanese aircraft% t  R2 {) G' e& x" Y/ p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 41 * X' E8 Q. T! o& H! e4 k
No Japanese losses
' |. t0 O# Z( O0 LAircraft Attacking:. M; a# A. ^. N* p5 G* n
      41 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet2 o, X  l) H! Y) ~  E6 F
3 |4 c& t! y( lMorning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76  
+ `2 i: z5 a) K8 HWeather in hex: Severe storms 8 b# W2 S. s8 O+ A) i/ u6 G1 t
Raid detected at 77 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.# g+ M1 k( b/ x, b% v5 ^8 z" c
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes 0 A8 F8 @: ]/ w
Japanese aircraft
1 Q' U2 A% f% ?% [7 N) ~% a      Ki-27b Nate x 30
/ z+ A# a- M. Q7 ]6 a      Ki-32 Mary x 9
) F( l1 I1 S- ^" ^* w' v; W      Ki-36 Ida x 4
0 y; t: o. y" t- |6 o: ?4 |1 L      Ki-51 Sonia x 41
; m2 N5 M7 {) D# D# yJapanese aircraft losses
7 u8 h; D$ `- B8 A5 H( ^      Ki-32 Mary: 4 damaged( _( Z; Y2 F2 n/ F, t
      Ki-51 Sonia: 8 damaged
$ H* K2 l3 k1 C& p5 K* K8 f* ?5 EAirbase hits 1
& r/ k* S4 }) F& ~: u; u8 w9 IRunway hits 29
' @# k- d9 O) ?9 r9 x4 U7 r---------------------------------------------------------------
) f+ S* @; b5 u7 ~Morning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
) B. J* E( ^0 z7 K* FWeather in hex: Clear sky ' p( ?, p2 ?9 B, p( y2 t
Raid spotted at 15 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
" n$ V1 y* D2 l7 z: x# f) sEstimated time to target is 4 minutes
4 \/ H+ P) y" R, h5 Q$ tAllied aircraft2 G5 S" f4 f' f# q) B9 _6 z
      B-25C Mitchell x 9 0 z7 W4 y8 c3 c& F$ p
Allied aircraft losses) w! }0 X, b2 g8 P8 X2 }0 W
      B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
8 E2 n: \5 s' p& ?8 P8 s. S% AJapanese Ships
6 I% B5 b, o9 o; P" T      AMC Kiyosumi Maru
; }/ N9 x" N1 a      xAK Sydney Maru. @- X: o" v* ^/ R( S, [% i0 \
      xAK Hawaii Maru
+ O1 U3 g, x3 s$ f  O7 rAircraft Attacking:. [4 k' `0 g4 Y: ^! U2 {9 E
       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet: Q8 E* ]$ ?. ~! e
               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb: X! h( t: B4 |
-----------------------------------------------------   c: Y, Z! D' ~- Y- B" B
Ground combat at Clark Field (79,76)
: l8 G0 k# L- l: q  K6 P0 cAllied Bombardment attack
7 p$ ?3 T% B3 z9 _' n  M/ iAttacking force 1600 troops, 101 guns, 86 vehicles, Assault Value = 2468 ) Z- o0 c) J1 C: H1 g3 u
Defending force 37051 troops, 394 guns, 444 vehicles, Assault Value = 1214
2 H. |. p4 u& wJapanese ground losses:
6 e' v, I0 T1 Z3 Z7 @- y      330 casualties reported! v: E9 r8 Y/ }5 x! M5 F* E
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 30 disabled3 `; j! m# |0 }/ g1 L& h9 t* A
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled6 t5 p# N# _1 b- a# Z
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 A( Q8 C9 t( L2 O
      Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled) - p2 b! Q& ?1 y1 }( o" b# |
Allied ground losses:
0 m% |( q4 \  t: V) b' r. |      8 casualties reported
0 ^' W3 g* v# q" r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
& p6 ]) M" u3 u3 Z         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ }' J( f# i8 Y2 |( ^         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) K- z  J5 Z  O$ o5 O* R' C
      Guns lost 4 (1 destroyed, 3 disabled) " x% K9 F5 ^) h& {9 t
Assaulting units:
4 F; y+ [' K4 t5 A0 X2 ?$ U$ o    1st PA Infantry Division
6 w* n1 t6 R, A( W. j/ R. n) O4 _    51st PA Infantry Division/ `' p1 \  H+ v
    91st PA Infantry Division! [% j! W! ]0 n; d+ ~1 X/ x4 ]5 @
    194th Tank Battalion
, K4 `& s5 {3 ?9 S! |    41st PA Infantry Division
5 ]! D' T/ ?9 e    26th PS Cavalry Regiment' @5 x/ F( w, K7 i' `  E: {7 |
    45th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
/ I( p* ]" M* e- s    Subic Bay Defenses
9 H1 ^: k. T# \, i! [7 {9 ^& K" ^    31st Infantry Regiment2 O" t+ B- B! w- |+ q
    11th PA Infantry Division
1 s6 l! F& v* N    4th Marine Regiment. y" h! g; k2 u& s$ r
    31st PA Infantry Division3 K, e3 |0 b0 L
    192nd Tank Battalion
# M( y1 F' Q8 A2 \& L% y. ]    14th PS Engineer Regiment
/ l6 _4 q( W( p# A2 ]3 u    21st PA Infantry Division! N3 T3 H0 R+ }  _; ~; F
    71st PA Infantry Division
# j2 M" W; t* E5 G: }    1st Middlesex Battalion
7 I; M( W6 h* a' A9 f; ^7 l    3rd/12th PA Inf Battalion4 C2 ~. T4 K! T) i. [. U% k
    57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team( \  r5 {7 ]. v! B4 D
    2nd PA Constabulary Division
% m. @% E, h) X& p8 m5 ?    USAFFE $ |+ u' Y7 M2 G+ P8 S9 S7 y, d" V
    PAF Aviation
/ i6 p9 B1 l1 g9 E6 z; y! Z# a0 Q    Clark Field USAAF Base Force
4 _; a; s' ~2 A% H! u; o    Provisional Field Artillery Regiment2 \& ]( d  m8 Q" d
    202nd PA Construction Battalion
( P& Y5 ]5 C: X" \    Far East USAAF
; ]5 |; V; F" e( E5 h    1st PI Base Force
! M; z4 ?5 O; g. ?( g+ O+ S/ ?    1st USMC AA Battalion8 |2 A0 ~+ T* l0 G
    201st PA Construction Battalion
' s& Y5 |6 H5 |/ {    88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
  D9 `. Z1 U7 W8 g4 J: \    Asiatic Fleet ) i5 ^4 ~$ N& _/ {2 h
    I Philippine Corps
4 y2 o/ R& q6 P' A    Bataan USN Base Force
# ~6 b+ @1 }7 Q    II Philippine Corps . \% S+ t9 r) G4 _1 E2 f
    803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion! ~2 T* v+ u3 m
    Manila USAAF Base Force
( x4 ^% l# b# n+ v0 q# |# Z    86th PS Coastal Artillery Battalion
( {: p3 G7 p' ~0 s8 `* o    200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment
0 Y+ \( a4 n: m# B' M* S1 Y# E    301st Construction Battalion
3 {/ ]4 t$ V# N    Cavite USN Base Force
  v; S3 Y: e0 }    301st PA Field Artillery Regiment
- ^) K' `' _; g9 B% w( TDefending units:
/ v  T7 B3 S% T    1st Formosa Inf. Regiment
% z& b# O6 G3 A$ ~* t) L( k    20th Infantry Regiment8 G0 {4 m# n  D5 m0 h
    47th Infantry Regiment
/ {, W$ `) B. d    65th Brigade/ [  S1 b2 o0 g( N0 Y4 m7 \# l
    48th Recon Regiment
  C# o9 ]( p  |; P" a, {( q    9th Infantry Regiment$ J2 R$ b& }4 L% S9 j, m& g
    16th Recon Regiment
9 D( k) s3 M$ l* d0 r0 {( s    7th Tank Regiment
' p% \. S% Q# ~# B/ t; l    2nd Tank Regiment+ k- C0 o. l) t( v+ [4 v2 n
    Tanaka Det 5 v% ?% [* \4 Y# n8 b) t
    Kimura Det
; O4 A7 Q1 ]+ W/ E% G& m! `1 {( ^    Kanno Det 2 ], X! H$ S$ ]" T
    24th Nav Gsn Unit / t# Y% N! f, T4 o5 v8 Z
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
. Q4 M2 \. r- s    14th Army
3 p. U. n& q" O7 \" T3 v/ D    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
/ ?  s) h$ c* Y! a4 @" h4 e- g    48th Field Artillery Regiment* V) b5 k) ?# O8 r& H
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion7 A" _8 Y2 N# U0 ]# U! Y  S
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
9 Y& `0 _- R' K8 l9 |    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
: e5 ]- X4 x1 ]/ C大陆战场日军3个单位突然出现在芷江对岸,- S+ ]; Y- p7 t  d. _& U
, d7 m5 C' [3 g$ g所幸回防的部队马上就到,为防止意外,同时侦查对方实力,
1 f: A8 _; I$ Y' o国军轰炸机倾巢而动,给部队回防争取时间。
6 d3 N$ D+ E3 f+ v/ qkb通过马六甲海峡,出现在印度洋上,难道KB知道58现在正在科伦坡升级??
* w% P# }4 Z. {7 a. ]; U! M  j# @9 {% p' Y8 p' R6 ^
) b" `' l1 T, c- W
-----------------------------------------------------3 S# @3 N9 P; n7 `
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
7 f& R: H+ `9 L9 M' @9 QWeather in hex: Overcast % n% i7 h, n$ r% p) T
Raid detected at 31 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
1 v, i" {" d+ v; VEstimated time to target is 10 minutes
0 h) S1 k4 \- v& [0 t: \1 Y' eJapanese aircraft# s& i/ K) S5 Q/ R4 E# E; c
      A6M2 Zero x 44
6 v4 C# B: q. o# ~: I3 }; fNo Japanese losses
& c3 q$ \' c1 Y% z7 DAircraft Attacking:! D9 }* C+ Z0 D
      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet: S6 Z, ^: n  l" z7 `
6 }5 b3 b( h0 HMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  & T, p; N' ?+ A5 W! a* f$ |
Weather in hex: Overcast
) G' Z4 c" [6 o7 i6 [Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.
; M+ Z$ O$ u3 P0 M! n8 x/ jEstimated time to target is 12 minutes
  e, W" Z" M- {Japanese aircraft
8 k$ n& |8 j7 p- Z# Q      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 42   q; c! \& p" s& U6 P
No Japanese losses + d! l; P4 x6 `6 }1 J
Aircraft Attacking:! J3 }) V9 |8 ]4 Q" {
      42 x Ki-43-Ic Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet0 R2 v* ^+ I7 d  K6 g
------------------------------------------------------: Q: X; |) `/ b0 t* y
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  - s/ ]$ I' E) z3 C0 d5 ?0 a
Weather in hex: Overcast : m- w9 W. u+ N7 K# U
Raid detected at 44 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.# g* r$ F4 I$ o3 Y
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
2 r1 z; H5 H$ m; i' zJapanese aircraft
5 Y, L: O8 S5 C$ D! v# M, ?) h      A6M2 Zero x 36 ) d6 q& v. t  x* E( u) V3 w4 Q
No Japanese losses
1 {4 c3 M5 D3 D* a* xAircraft Attacking:+ e0 O8 z* x6 w: `5 t, P+ n
      36 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet* Q" Y2 ^$ d+ j6 a/ S# C; O
---------------------------------------------------------------/ O# P2 p# ?! Z* r2 B! t
Morning Air attack on 27th Division, at 78,51 , near Chihkiang
4 A5 S9 s/ c) v, LWeather in hex: Moderate rain & @% y5 t/ g! |+ O
Raid spotted at 23 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
; L! N5 ^  t3 L( i* o: |; j. oEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
1 s7 A( ]  U6 Z$ G5 T% zAllied aircraft- j) B7 w4 N0 L- ^: A6 ^4 e
      SB-III x 12
4 }! U# N  C0 u2 m' S( Q6 n1 Y# ^      Blenheim IV x 16 ( }! ~! f( Z; m# M; y! @4 B& U% O& G
No Allied losses
% M* t( j3 E  m7 r0 yAircraft Attacking:" j$ u6 A; ?$ [# U7 l% M6 [
       7 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet; W+ y! j$ O3 Q9 m6 c3 S
               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
  z2 D2 h9 K4 W! C) j  S* O9 h       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
/ ~5 O- `5 H% h7 K; j( y( y               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
3 L" d$ H0 [3 D. P. B; ^2 q      16 x Blenheim IV bombing from 6000 feet# y) G0 F6 N' k
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb
. A1 S( g$ w6 [$ O$ Y$ SAlso attacking 53rd Infantry Brigade ...
0 a5 k) S( [7 A# z" I: oAlso attacking 27th Division ...$ R7 J9 g1 \6 m5 @/ U/ v
Also attacking 53rd Infantry Brigade ...
3 C6 {7 F0 T/ e$ z* i" A* ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 Q- N0 N; B6 S4 U! a+ FMorning Air attack on 53rd Infantry Brigade, at 78,51 , near Chihkiang
- {. g7 q" e7 e) Z# w4 v5 W0 Y( sWeather in hex: Moderate rain
& O0 }5 {0 |) X) B) q/ L: DRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.# M( A2 c1 g& t1 `" Q
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes
- x: C5 ?. x" V! fAllied aircraft4 W$ b1 ?( E; q3 k9 n
      A-29A Hudson x 7! Z8 w" u: N& ?# B2 N* n# e; c2 c2 r
      SB-III x 3 9 J6 [) ^# I, F# R9 W2 K! D
Allied aircraft losses
3 n0 B; F" r; k" [% B      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged9 R7 S) a7 S& D# e) q
      SB-III: 1 damaged 5 |+ M/ z; ]+ r7 w
Aircraft Attacking:
: L8 O8 }/ N6 G: v6 m2 M* X       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet4 E. _5 ~# {% \' f1 b0 z
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb) @8 Z: g% i2 a
       3 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet * 8 v' X$ `! N4 F/ Y1 z# Z6 K
               Ground Attack:  3 x 100 kg GP Bomb / C$ z' }( M3 n
Also attacking 54th Infantry Brigade ...5 g- y% u4 t3 Y) k. y, N) L" P
Also attacking 53rd Infantry Brigade ... 1 H# P% J) E# o
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s& F6 _) x- d3 W$ y, w/ d
Morning Air attack on 27th Division, at 78,51 , near Chihkiang
" B6 h9 a( X0 ^Weather in hex: Moderate rain
4 ^) |# ~. q$ B" a* Y% \6 gRaid spotted at 16 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.5 _" V7 C/ M8 J! u# S: X* p
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 2 B  E2 L6 a, P$ e
Allied aircraft$ B/ b4 L/ X4 i5 a
      SB-III x 10   e* b4 p$ a. Z, a, u
No Allied losses
- l; J2 ]* b- X: D- [  t8 rJapanese ground losses:# V0 T' n! v7 X8 q
      9 casualties reported/ k- i* p# A( P4 K* x% p# Y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled' M. h' m, R+ l! o$ S! @
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
. X* h. N3 j/ O& h% ~  u' I6 r( t$ h         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled + D$ B. _% A" V, M  F7 p0 m. F
Aircraft Attacking:5 z' m: T' ]* |
       6 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
0 J: X: k- [# u7 S+ c$ r" D               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb; D( x6 `% o4 i* v9 m8 e( D
       4 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet; l7 [% E2 A; U. L- u& L
               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb 7 L  U! K" G+ f) j3 @8 D
) H' k( l  k( U' N6 ~' ], GMorning Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
/ G" a3 r. ~! s6 ~Weather in hex: Light rain * @: C# \! T" G6 u! C( l; a: ]
Raid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.9 l9 g6 k' j% w, Y
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
& l8 Q+ S% o. i( JJapanese aircraft" [+ M. S8 f# l) C
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 32 ; t; B) t. X6 N* Y. X
Allied aircraft& L+ K" P, g# _9 x1 S  ?! l- o) D
      B-25C Mitchell x 8 6 `( t1 G* U. f: N, k1 D
No Japanese losses
8 D+ w! S+ x# c; z* iNo Allied losses ' [7 T5 G; K7 _: X9 I1 P4 E% L0 p# k
Japanese Ships$ K6 z: R+ @; u8 S& @  J
      AK Sakura Maru
! Q6 ^. T+ K. ~6 C3 I      xAK Anyo Maru
. S5 {$ G& l) iAircraft Attacking:
6 u5 ^+ F& P; q( Y$ y       8 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
6 ~- ?  _, W& C- \% a% x               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb2 a4 z  H. b! l" p: X7 k
2 |3 @; T. W* MGround combat at 100,132 (near Milne Bay) 6 B7 v8 ~2 @/ ~- J
Japanese Shock attack
; Z5 U( d* I0 C$ O4 G$ ~# CAttacking force 11694 troops, 100 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 421 1 `* r% o6 o# p* {5 a% w" i9 ?
Defending force 289 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1 ! `4 N8 `6 T. S- R$ s, u
Japanese adjusted assault: 501 ) ^) J9 N4 n, V+ p
Allied adjusted defense: 1  0 _' ~6 _% T, e3 o0 W! D
Japanese assault odds: 501 to 1  % [* M) Q8 b' q: i* z, @
Combat modifiers' X* U. H9 W  U9 Y
Defender: terrain(+), op mode(-), fatigue(-), morale(-)0 Z1 H1 \  e0 Z; B& T3 G
experience(-), supply(-)
8 u7 \, b4 c6 ~3 PAttacker: shock(+) 1 F5 t) e; W7 a$ z
Allied ground losses:
% r6 [4 _0 `6 R3 i9 W* {' ]9 w      335 casualties reported& n  C/ f+ V5 U& Y7 h) K$ f
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled7 G; U# U$ k2 j# q) o8 o
         Non Combat: 48 destroyed, 0 disabled
( Q1 S' K. v8 @- ~( i" T         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 V/ K+ j3 B; Z8 ?# }7 D      Units destroyed 1 1 O; O4 m, r0 I4 _, W! \
Assaulting units:
- ?' J! z6 V9 g    144th Infantry Regiment/ J8 P( p4 R9 ]' i) k
    146th Infantry Regiment
  l& K% i* t7 u3 X( s. O    16th Infantry Regiment * M$ J, d8 d" u1 V. b
Defending units:
$ r, P5 D4 r6 C* h    15th RAAF Base Force " A" w. m; L6 K0 {3 `, i* N3 `
-------------------------------------------------+ k7 t5 K" }& ~! F
Ground combat at Langsa (46,74) 1 _4 B3 \" X, V2 O: H4 b
Japanese Deliberate attack " A4 n% Q# U! S' W: v1 M
Attacking force 402 troops, 3 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 16 , Q5 ?3 W) X+ }  u
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
6 K& S0 O9 q( S5 F" t, s6 jJapanese adjusted assault: 9  " n+ A  a3 }. A6 w: i
Allied adjusted defense: 1  
& ]: }# o/ h/ w2 Z6 d6 V8 V. B0 mJapanese assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 1)  
: n5 b; T5 H* Z+ SJapanese forces CAPTURE Langsa !!!
  E- B; z  f3 k; E  q! r' \  VCombat modifiers8 T3 [) o' q: Q
Attacker: leaders(+), leaders(-) . X: x0 H& t5 N
Assaulting units:/ i! [6 u3 O$ M$ l
    Bandasan SNLF
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 17, 42+ C- s* P2 m$ U) N/ }6 M7 g5 ~+ L
KB往仰光方向移动,58暂时脱离危险(目前还在船台上升级,没法出海)  G' y- t( t! d  g' N
5 G7 [( Q  d* d7 M# d日军的扫场分波严重,且主力是一式战,双方共损失近百架战斗机- X$ e8 Z7 f; S  z# V9 \9 r
盟军对日军交换比大概为 1:2,盟军相当满意。* Z" G6 \2 e, Y% E4 ?+ W

6 ~" B; a6 z) F8 B1 O7 w$ A# A- p: Z# J9 d
---------------------------------------------------------------- P! y! c) N: j  |: J
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  # k4 V2 m0 Y7 v# Y& z# P
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms : V, y) x3 h+ }: T7 u; ]7 u
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
+ t) j/ _+ j2 mEstimated time to target is 8 minutes 3 Q$ y$ D, K- X+ x1 s. }! q
Japanese aircraft8 `* Z4 A) s( ~' h% v
      A6M2 Zero x 24
( B& h3 _9 q- ~& N% e  kAllied aircraft
  C( [; I( S6 o8 d# `0 a5 H" }      Hurricane I Trop x 32/ f/ _: h+ ~8 N0 V* `: Y
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 16: [6 j. }0 M. C2 \
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 62
: L% b2 B$ S3 _      P-39D Airacobra x 27
) s; \# V/ A" x5 r8 ?      P-40E Warhawk x 27 6 M% T9 T# }6 v% d" A3 e# V
Japanese aircraft losses
' B* H3 A' z# {, w+ h3 n8 u6 Q      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed % M- x% C: ]2 k+ i1 N; N- e
Allied aircraft losses) D! G6 K5 r6 {8 A4 f
      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed" Q6 t! M& s1 I, g# l
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
* ]% [5 f. _1 N/ R! \) R      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
/ X/ F4 B" l) oAircraft Attacking:& c6 e; v" e0 ~+ F# b3 J7 T4 Z# l, T
       8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
0 f) r2 f! D# s0 U- {6 B---------------------------------------------------------------
; w* m5 O8 i: G/ a: v0 H$ wMorning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  ; a, Q* x" ^, W
Weather in hex: Clear sky
9 r0 ~3 n" ?) ]  M7 Q* S- J0 GRaid detected at 17 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
# R5 M1 w% h' k) v# |Estimated time to target is 5 minutes 6 E0 k' M! |. ~' \& q, d
Japanese aircraft8 g. a  Z0 v6 N& \
      A6M2 Zero x 44
; {$ l0 u6 s$ b; kNo Japanese losses 5 }# ~3 |, h8 T% k. `
Aircraft Attacking:) w% E$ B1 `4 ~3 m* j6 S6 R
      44 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet& H5 a# H& w- `: p
-------------------------------------------------------4 ], ?" [  J7 i) j/ |
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  % k6 C# d: K6 T0 D7 x( x1 I
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 9 ^$ `: d6 b8 v$ }/ e
Raid detected at 23 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.. U* T: a; N1 A/ |
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes
3 G% ^: o! |; g" GJapanese aircraft( H; ?; m! ~) V; q8 h& Y8 H. ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10
4 k& a$ h" z! F5 u* O8 zAllied aircraft
, d. `# I6 D, ~  V& a4 N$ J      Hurricane I Trop x 29& L4 V3 L* |. f4 D) E4 |
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 16: w# A4 |, P8 U
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 56
3 E9 F  j$ Z9 p' [2 l      P-39D Airacobra x 20
2 J  w, F6 [$ S, W; ^      P-40E Warhawk x 24
  T- r2 O' u! b) I7 S# t* a" a9 e. BJapanese aircraft losses9 S  X! W8 `1 E1 ]: N
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 3 destroyed6 @  @' m% R5 l& z$ q( [9 @
6 A9 y" U  r' U  T/ X( h- t/ k6 A) hMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
* G+ N# |" s) Y# c0 }: o* s6 FWeather in hex: Thunderstorms 3 P* N  [; H0 I& S9 o9 p
Raid detected at 27 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
1 y0 K" c3 t; }' r9 x% o6 O6 S& n4 kEstimated time to target is 9 minutes 7 L% F* q- b& H
Japanese aircraft
( A4 O  k! G2 N6 B2 X! r: D      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 17 3 N% V" N6 J# Z5 ~
Allied aircraft
) D4 _. \  |  N. V  [3 d      Hurricane I Trop x 268 u3 q6 {% r) B7 @) p
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 16
' r. X  X1 u% k      Hurricane IIb Trop x 54
4 D9 I8 i$ P. O0 f      P-39D Airacobra x 19
5 H& Q+ b8 k: p' A5 P      P-40E Warhawk x 24
/ C3 ?& g  g4 B' {: cJapanese aircraft losses
0 U- B1 P) P6 ~# g0 {3 f      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 3 destroyed / }. H) k! a2 R, }5 ]( a! r
Allied aircraft losses
0 [/ z* L' t1 o& D9 K9 v      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed 3 m7 U( g, T+ [& G
Aircraft Attacking:0 }( y  {; p" [5 S/ M$ \5 n' l8 ~
       2 x Ki-43-Ib Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet) [6 ^( b8 O+ n4 E+ @- D
( l2 d1 l3 I$ S4 nMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  ! L1 P8 q& A+ o$ g
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 0 N) a8 ~) [( i2 h+ E- u& N3 I
Raid detected at 20 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
4 s8 Z6 N8 Q" x9 K4 V  HEstimated time to target is 6 minutes 1 B/ q9 O3 q# Y- v) Y5 K3 F
Japanese aircraft6 R6 m+ i; J5 O7 B) m* o
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 10
' [8 j5 C, Q5 H9 Y8 V1 jAllied aircraft
. M' A3 n) {2 @) x, U1 ~$ \      Hurricane I Trop x 20
3 j& G5 f+ R$ e: x1 B      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
) o* X2 y" u! f% [      Hurricane IIb Trop x 47
. a6 N) b7 l+ J3 q' Y4 e3 y/ G      P-39D Airacobra x 135 z+ B) G$ E0 B2 l3 K# D4 y& Z
      P-40E Warhawk x 19 - [+ M7 A1 Z* W6 g9 q/ n1 z
Japanese aircraft losses. W& {! z  P) o7 p
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed - P/ z) ?/ r4 R9 U/ [0 W8 W
Allied aircraft losses9 T& l5 d) y4 U/ ?2 i% ^$ l
      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed( k7 c' J! c% b7 G/ @. G
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed3 d( M8 Z% v. C% X( B8 k; l( [
% o8 ]# r1 ]; V2 b% z4 h! VMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
* D3 [' L' E" g) VWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
# l& @2 X1 C9 Z, C! w; g- V; n5 |8 R+ cRaid detected at 36 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.+ `' d' N- u7 n* }1 ?
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes ) h& i  T. Z) q- t# f+ e
Japanese aircraft: J: `' W' m. y% G  T
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 30 ( }9 \& i4 g8 E* q" y
Allied aircraft
% z; ~  X& s$ [2 I+ \5 L/ ^! v& m      Hurricane I Trop x 16
0 J. W/ \2 I* E& q# @      Hurricane IIa Trop x 142 u* @; K1 U7 D
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 380 B( @+ V4 H- T) t
      P-39D Airacobra x 12
8 [- ^5 o% R+ q      P-40E Warhawk x 17
3 X5 f9 }4 M5 l2 O$ H0 L" k: e3 UJapanese aircraft losses
1 Z8 `7 o6 n0 Y8 Y* v      Ki-43-Ib Oscar: 3 destroyed
: r5 }  T6 H! D6 |& G6 }" IAllied aircraft losses  L' Q* L) v1 }& h. f8 c& j  g4 L
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed) M2 H% v% P* I- z
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed
) U, B+ v4 {8 L+ I; kAircraft Attacking:; \7 B, y( V$ x$ D; a0 m
       9 x Ki-43-Ib Oscar sweeping at 20000 feet
; q+ R2 G/ w3 T+ U" G& y--------------------------------------------------------% }% u! \! s/ z8 X* p
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  8 W5 w+ v- y" G% X
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms / ~; B6 \. L9 ~' S% s
Raid detected at 14 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.: ]+ q3 O  T9 c; P5 T& V; D
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes , R5 `- b2 u7 l7 [5 [: b) u
Japanese aircraft- L4 I' U( z' d
      A6M2 Zero x 21 ; ?6 s" H. o, X# b
Allied aircraft
8 r2 k$ s& W9 t" n0 }/ O# {      Hurricane I Trop x 15% O5 i$ _; s9 i' E+ L4 H* m
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 9: M1 g5 @% |# r* g
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 27
" {3 W3 O# D+ U. v3 A      P-39D Airacobra x 9
) T7 k% b4 m' t0 O      P-40E Warhawk x 12
. ?% `6 X/ q& mJapanese aircraft losses" a* K; N0 y' W
      A6M2 Zero: 2 destroyed ( P& t. v2 g1 \/ I" I4 L
Allied aircraft losses
5 p3 g0 W8 c# A) O9 {+ E! s3 [3 a0 X      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed
' Z/ w+ }, D6 V7 y" P      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
5 T, [' Q  `5 B5 aAircraft Attacking:' v4 J. V- [) X, N
       8 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet, m8 l$ x1 c/ I* V8 d4 B
-----------------------------------------------------------9 Q, `9 C" h) d- I
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  8 B% n  x, @- Y/ b2 I6 `8 A3 l
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
  c4 f: G* v- T* iRaid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
; T- ~$ e$ V5 P3 mEstimated time to target is 22 minutes
. A9 m1 y  D1 O( g; kJapanese aircraft
3 ~' Y1 B2 }7 X: Z      A6M2 Zero x 3 : z. C$ `  n$ j
Allied aircraft3 b" A/ r, Z* k5 z
      Hurricane I Trop x 9
( ^9 c4 q1 Q8 [3 G( q) x+ n      Hurricane IIa Trop x 6
; C+ U/ ?* \2 r$ p. G/ y+ q      Hurricane IIb Trop x 22
6 N: j. C; J: P9 J6 W7 {" h      P-39D Airacobra x 51 Q2 w5 X* D/ [  M$ k
      P-40E Warhawk x 9
! V1 Q5 E4 w/ mJapanese aircraft losses
- z2 a$ @% {6 x! s      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed # f" I" s# F- D9 m; e4 J
Allied aircraft losses
0 l) I! r9 k1 e9 Y6 J      P-39D Airacobra: 1 destroyed
5 _8 s. g1 n3 O' |( m/ Z      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed% g* l/ O8 }+ B, x# {/ r6 Z5 s3 ]; i
! W3 w3 M4 A+ z7 N% yMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
) @( l- S' K! [Weather in hex: Thunderstorms 7 s! k. ], k7 t) J8 H
Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.
, h; u2 \4 ]/ x* b0 E: YEstimated time to target is 27 minutes
, R+ v6 p1 R" b, r# S1 {Japanese aircraft4 `0 ^7 L* L1 r) d: F; h' N
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 326 |- [" F' O. [& C& O8 j
      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 5
2 [7 e$ X6 b& U" g: b) ]5 d9 m      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27
" `0 o* f8 C( U. [# S9 t% d+ LAllied aircraft
3 H" A) e& L+ B/ [+ V  N      Hurricane I Trop x 8
( c& N1 W9 S) S6 G8 ~9 F      Hurricane IIa Trop x 4
' q6 {8 o9 z- O. f" p      Hurricane IIb Trop x 194 h+ e' I/ ~2 s6 W" ^$ p; m
      P-39D Airacobra x 4
0 P9 ~5 _4 P7 q8 d" y9 ]; I/ D      P-40E Warhawk x 6 3 X, T4 X8 B: Y3 s5 D9 u+ _
Japanese aircraft losses) k* J% g% ~  K% X1 u3 M
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed ! [3 U5 B# \2 B% V( |
Allied aircraft losses& \6 l# y% s4 }6 v
      Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed: D# S! I3 r2 r9 |
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed
- M( y2 Q$ n* Q1 I5 n+ E  D4 G---------------------------------------------------
2 ?- y9 F5 |, ^# J  O2 }Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
1 M8 X" f7 ]( s, OWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
9 l- Q( `. w" A" R1 c- q0 `Raid detected at 66 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.* g# h$ q; C5 {. S* c
Estimated time to target is 22 minutes " j+ [3 v7 W' ^
Japanese aircraft
$ O5 H2 Q$ V. y" V3 K$ {2 [0 F      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 2
7 ?$ h% c" ^! J# iAllied aircraft
$ {  W  J7 t9 n# X: C/ V      Hurricane I Trop x 3
1 @4 j& c" f( S  U- ?0 G      Hurricane IIa Trop x 4
6 |6 f* r5 ~9 f: C. o      Hurricane IIb Trop x 11* H( t( M( i% S1 i8 G
      P-39D Airacobra x 4
% s$ Y% P8 d( D9 U7 [2 {$ `- R      P-40E Warhawk x 6
4 p8 N* q5 A% |$ Q/ i6 P1 D3 M* X----------------------------------------------------------
3 c. i9 @8 D1 s: o, S+ uMorning Air attack on 27th Division, at 78,51 , near Chihkiang
% t8 N/ `6 R) p) `5 X8 CWeather in hex: Partial cloud   z' k, r& Y" v9 j2 x2 ^: J* H" l
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.! G6 n1 S# a% `7 }+ \
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes
( |% w+ I# ^9 A1 ]& {* f: ZAllied aircraft! _2 r' s! n# j3 K! n6 X$ l* x/ T
      A-29A Hudson x 7$ Y' `" e5 E) ]6 x& l5 k0 U5 ~
      SB-III x 172 T8 n$ N. g9 M. k. H! w/ {; a
      Blenheim IV x 16
- l& b8 T1 u2 d- Q: R! R3 w2 wAllied aircraft losses
" P% R# R1 v5 F& A      A-29A Hudson: 1 damaged / W  ]; B$ |. F4 M1 ]( g
Japanese ground losses:5 J, [+ I. n& X( k* i4 r
      20 casualties reported% q+ R, t; |. p& A9 Y0 ^
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
# u& A6 h7 G0 k5 j/ Y. W         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled1 Y5 D0 k4 W7 `
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled & M3 d% z) _; y7 |9 a
Aircraft Attacking:
( w/ A& {" _8 [% u       7 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
9 v" A2 J8 P6 Z, M  w" {! J0 f               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb% l1 |" u2 Q" h0 H
       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet8 Q4 M8 v/ `; m
               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
9 d. M. E6 x2 m2 L       5 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
' E# r1 E$ A+ _. E# `7 A  E               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb9 q0 i( a- ~% B! ]* O* Q5 O
       7 x A-29A Hudson bombing from 6000 feet1 Y' D: M. T  ^5 D, e
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb- C( b3 Z5 v5 H3 V3 x4 j
      16 x Blenheim IV bombing from 6000 feet( _: S  G# \3 h7 J7 p% \
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 lb GP Bomb 3 }1 b  A) e2 H* F
Also attacking 54th Infantry Brigade ...
) A3 `! g  Z( J$ gAlso attacking 27th Division ...) W) G: `7 j( {9 i
Also attacking 54th Infantry Brigade ...& o( j# L5 R. m- U; c
Also attacking 27th Division ...
& Q2 u# C$ l' w( G" l3 T1 V/ Z* q--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 w3 S5 M  _* |2 U8 fMorning Air attack on 53rd Infantry Brigade, at 78,51 , near Chihkiang 3 m) R+ b! L9 @  s1 y3 e- a& o
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
$ B1 L0 P) s) j1 b. n) PRaid spotted at 12 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
  _6 Y  F) M" DEstimated time to target is 3 minutes
! a- H" E' i! F/ `1 ?$ LAllied aircraft
9 v4 v* ?6 j1 u6 v  j+ F; h      SB-III x 10 5 A  y0 y" z+ n
No Allied losses
0 c+ P$ S! k- [- E* d8 J; NJapanese ground losses:
1 t* X' D( C0 [- Z: p. e7 q      4 casualties reported/ i0 s( I2 J6 W: w# \( Z3 o
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; m- _2 L4 X! e2 w5 L. o4 u. s
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled2 _0 Y  {; G" U0 o" b3 `  a
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled * R1 M3 G8 N" l! `
Aircraft Attacking:% w/ x  i+ J5 D( @/ g: o0 f
       6 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet
- `; ~! k9 G" n4 p               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb+ e$ p) }+ i/ z' V3 v( Y3 V# P3 T) m
       4 x SB-III bombing from 6000 feet( N: e# \" T, x1 r0 Y" w5 J
               Ground Attack:  6 x 100 kg GP Bomb
+ I& k" l' n" B, y& c" f$ b1 C-------------------------------------------------------
1 O8 Z$ I: ~4 H" Q- aMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
6 @6 {% B4 P, [  v, xWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
( i" H% m/ Q- M# k4 h6 i8 B/ t3 fRaid detected at 79 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.' J! D# I3 }& o8 l
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes
9 h- s+ \3 s/ S* o8 e& jJapanese aircraft
, A- G0 w* E% M      A6M2 Zero x 3
. y& s0 h) Q  Q$ k' M& B: bAllied aircraft! X) E5 y& [0 m, X  W
      Hurricane I Trop x 3+ R7 m7 v1 L! w9 D" @
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 4
+ @8 j5 S7 {! ^# B5 Z  T+ q      Hurricane IIb Trop x 11
6 s9 x1 B, K' H. O6 |# J% s3 f      P-39D Airacobra x 4
  r7 h8 g; S# A+ a$ L/ M9 u      P-40E Warhawk x 6
, Z; {, V/ |; J8 S: p6 fJapanese aircraft losses
: `' l: q: z+ L( y  Q: ^      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed   s8 L3 c( N7 Z  O; X
No Allied losses9 m9 F: [. \/ M% i# _* s
" }, `: z* Z  c* j4 V, gMorning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  0 @. f6 `  t6 w
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms   Z' q# ]! h* e( k5 \$ ~' F
Raid detected at 41 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.1 W+ [' ?- v' q* h4 Q
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes
  V1 M9 v4 ~; s) v" ?Japanese aircraft! l/ w" {5 P9 ]
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 10
& o4 Q( }# `" @+ O: d+ L5 J- cAllied aircraft. A" e3 v' r  m4 _/ w; C0 J) M7 B
      Hurricane I Trop x 3
; o/ n# e9 R4 X% Z/ x7 S& W5 {  `' s      Hurricane IIa Trop x 4
" e/ W; n% V1 q$ V! F) u      Hurricane IIb Trop x 10& f, K% y4 w4 J0 F6 F3 v" i
      P-39D Airacobra x 4
* }8 o8 {& D0 M0 z' y& m      P-40E Warhawk x 6
0 j/ I/ L+ [5 C; p0 ]Japanese aircraft losses" Y$ K/ Z& p+ \1 U6 ^) ?1 V- ?
      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 2 destroyed
, H* p# d! W. s  q# {4 yNo Allied losses( V, l2 M& z% M( M* Q; u" `. l# d
------------------------------------------------------ $ c9 Q8 ~% ?% a  N4 \# `7 p
Ground combat at Tuyun (74,51) 6 e2 z% @2 _. v) X2 S" T/ H; r6 i
Japanese Bombardment attack   h( Z6 A9 S4 I% b" X( s
Attacking force 109637 troops, 872 guns, 264 vehicles, Assault Value = 4083
' f: d, M1 _; Q5 B" x* ?/ P! S+ [Defending force 107925 troops, 725 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3815 . Q( A: T! z* J5 B
Japanese ground losses:. M8 d0 w  h. v
      32 casualties reported4 ~& B! ]! x" K# A6 ]; I/ @
         Squads: 2 destroyed, 1 disabled5 z3 d0 o/ C* P' N% G2 N5 C
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled# L3 x% w3 g0 b0 ?
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
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本帖最后由 zer0 于 2015-2-4 21:50 编辑 ( f, {. t4 w3 h- d: d: p
6 b5 z6 c3 m% X+ Z) w1 U  J! u1 Y
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 18, 42- K& @0 [2 f) O# S
5 B3 f5 q) _; H9 K( D) L; l9 j. M驻扎在加尔各答的b-17选择去炸机场,期望能让日军雪上加霜,结果却有去无回。) O5 K$ [) w# p' F  Q! r$ Y1 g
KB停在了据仰光8格的位置上,一个CA编队已经分离出来,看来是时候了。" X' d% G5 z( X. s# P
2 p  Q  ^, w- p! o. s编队开启全速,下达了死命令,准备全部战死在仰光港。 / n+ ]8 c  }3 C1 b, e

5 S# N  o0 t3 L; X& ~
& ~6 t, {5 x  Q: L; P------------------------------------------------------------------, l7 z3 i& s0 a& j. P* r! Y
Morning Air attack on Bandoeng , at 50,100  
5 v& U0 i; c! z. V% ^$ d1 [Weather in hex: Severe storms 4 u7 h, k9 B/ O/ ], Q' Q; p
Raid detected at 48 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
" y  s) K0 _1 s! S% z. q+ xEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
( l. \6 P5 V$ \: A3 D: c0 m  dJapanese aircraft
. m6 [/ d5 O2 w1 c9 s2 \0 n      A6M2 Zero x 43
4 s- @: ]) F: D1 @. b' z5 INo Japanese losses
8 P* c2 a) K$ y8 N% S+ GAircraft Attacking:
8 X6 e  t- \* ?) Y& h5 }$ E      43 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet
9 l0 Y- ^$ L5 e+ X% L) Z' b--------------------------------------------------------
7 g0 p  P$ e% s8 x! Z# KMorning Air attack on TF, near Singkawang at 56,88 4 t+ G, A  a- D& E9 L. x& U
Weather in hex: Severe storms
7 p9 m% @0 m" QRaid spotted at 3 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.3 h8 ^9 u9 @) ]+ O) Q; ^, r$ L
Estimated time to target is 0 minutes 1 D3 _$ h' w7 ~
Allied aircraft. g* q7 k+ ~. A# z' {
      B-25C Mitchell x 9
  u- G) \' }; w, x% hNo Allied losses , F, s! o. {- [
Japanese Ships' g, C! I+ b1 ~
      AK Awazisan Maru
: X3 L/ O0 s" J$ I$ d+ U      xAK Arizona Maru 4 S' A) l+ D7 S$ M+ M* i
Aircraft Attacking:
( Z; n3 l% Z, c4 a       9 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet *
& b+ \5 S6 {) S- o9 u* B, `5 E               Naval Attack:  3 x 500 lb SAP Bomb2 E% ~7 k5 \: e. B) `1 X8 B' I
------------------------------------------------------# D! E1 H* ~! K
Morning Air attack on 46th Naval Guard Unit, at 51,101 , near Tjilatjap 5 Z1 `0 w# O+ s+ k* L
Weather in hex: Heavy cloud % h6 L7 S. c3 y
Raid spotted at 31 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
$ w5 }: A! B- cEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
# |. |5 O; a) A  tAllied aircraft
4 L  Y+ o3 D6 S8 F      DB-7B x 3 + @8 {( x* s. g# n$ @
No Allied losses & g9 w+ }, J+ j/ u, ~$ m& e
Japanese ground losses:8 d( z0 t+ P, ]$ Q5 U/ J
      5 casualties reported6 z' Y  c' T# o' P
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled; V! ?3 z4 `% {( D
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ ]; Z  g' r5 g. _
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled ! ~$ S. r8 D" w8 W8 u1 W
Aircraft Attacking:
9 v6 X7 L& Z2 O       3 x DB-7B bombing from 6000 feet
% |& ^2 j) S2 I: S; m               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
+ i% H5 g+ v: u/ p-------------------------------------------------------2 N* q) b1 Z( k
Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  
/ A! X' E1 \5 X7 h  l4 H  k6 X  PWeather in hex: Severe storms $ p+ c- L4 ^5 b# p4 v" w
Raid detected at 37 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
3 e# [$ ^5 q( rEstimated time to target is 10 minutes 3 g$ k8 ]0 Y" Q$ A
Japanese aircraft0 t2 u; j+ Z7 P  T# `$ a% _0 g
      A6M2 Zero x 20
) U, \* E: K. Y# L  ^5 F      Ki-43-Ib Oscar x 2
$ ]/ h2 E3 S* S+ mAllied aircraft8 ]+ `) a, p0 O( f
      B-17D Fortress x 5
! G2 h# z+ q0 HNo Japanese losses 0 Z  \( [6 x# G, s5 R
Allied aircraft losses
# \( N! _- y$ R  u) ~: C      B-17D Fortress: 4 damaged8 K, R0 ]( J2 l# l7 m8 Z. h) K) a: b+ s
      B-17D Fortress: 1 destroyed by flak
4 U2 L# `1 a7 O9 f- |# \Aircraft Attacking:! O6 K. [( |0 S! J% ^& _* w
       5 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet0 ]! y# z$ R4 B' j- q
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb& L8 G6 }; {8 w8 M0 x# K
-------------------------------------------------------------/ `+ N' z3 ^0 F0 |' V( b
Morning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53    U- P% L9 j7 a# m) P+ s( e
Weather in hex: Severe storms
% V5 A3 h4 P  d" G4 J0 F" nRaid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
  `" ]; B0 d, ~6 ^Estimated time to target is 11 minutes , I4 T0 t1 ~5 A& {
Japanese aircraft
4 V- Q# M8 ~4 P- d0 l* T      A6M2 Zero x 17 5 U. `  c- J) f& H/ n( x% ]5 r! n
Allied aircraft4 g/ a+ o6 ~9 u
      B-17D Fortress x 6
, U( y$ ]  a. P3 @No Japanese losses : L7 R5 Y% o+ G8 {5 h: z
Allied aircraft losses
0 f! Z4 a4 @1 u# s' i' z      B-17D Fortress: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
5 N" \, |9 @! o" kAircraft Attacking:3 D4 S# r" b: D) L  {# Y
       5 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet, O/ w  U: D! t
               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb) }, j$ E# o2 B6 \) h; l
6 B  S3 I4 ^( r0 g- M, FMorning Air attack on Chiang Mai , at 58,53  
0 X, R2 o: n, U) F4 ~3 Z; uWeather in hex: Severe storms 1 ^% {& R0 p) ?4 D- ]
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.6 }) A: _# |0 _6 F1 A
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes ' a* h) s! x+ z" n' c$ v
Japanese aircraft
3 {) X- h1 i' g& v- ?0 u3 f      A6M2 Zero x 13
( _% `9 s/ ?. T% UAllied aircraft
3 o  H0 p& a2 [0 m6 n. d& r  }      B-17D Fortress x 7 3 ]6 P) o6 f) y6 M
No Japanese losses
, f% s4 N5 N6 n6 z2 ZAllied aircraft losses- n6 Z- v" J) c: L
      B-17D Fortress: 1 destroyed, 6 damaged * {: C7 J/ I; B3 h; {6 m5 }) j
Aircraft Attacking:
6 I3 r# U6 B, t4 G$ ]/ t! d       6 x B-17D Fortress bombing from 10000 feet
, D5 ?# h5 `, M  m; Q' g* t               Airfield Attack:  8 x 500 lb GP Bomb
0 G' h% Y9 R2 x------------------------------------------------------------
) S; [- e" r. `( K3 pGround combat at Tjilatjap (51,102) ' X+ ?- p% A% G% i) y# \
Japanese Bombardment attack & z( D( x5 j" r
Attacking force 10551 troops, 88 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 890 4 c2 G5 t) |# p. ~; L; x5 Y
Defending force 1117 troops, 10 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 54 5 E7 }) M; S8 W
Assaulting units:8 Z  m0 ~9 _: v( Z- E
    56th Recon Regiment
  C; G1 i1 E: b    Yokosuka Assault SNLF. p) Q2 v" i7 i" m& `1 z
    41st Infantry Regiment
( `* s/ `$ V4 _  i% z) E    114th Infantry Regiment$ M! {- ]( u5 c6 ?2 `/ d. j, E' _' _
    81st Naval Guard Unit+ Z: i: Q. s, Q9 J  A
    4th Guards Division
6 I2 A3 W$ Q7 E* @" SDefending units:
$ M: S- a% h5 k1 l8 I/ ^    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
附件: 您所在的用户组无法下载或查看附件
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Apr 19, 42; @8 @+ q: F0 [
58完成4月的升级,考虑到kb就在附近,决定先撤往孟买,% X" K6 |8 C& E. _4 I/ j
& x/ j/ _' @; f9 k8 P7 n; d) ^上一次约克城没到手几天就中雷了,这次大黄蜂刚从东海岸到印度洋没多久又中了,唉。 / H/ ]0 R4 `; ~! ?% w9 M* J
2 h6 P/ K1 M5 T7 _# p9 t0 g
/ G, x% v) U9 U7 s6 [* m----------------------------------------------------------------------$ E/ N# Z& V0 w, r' \
Sub attack near Trivandrum  at 26,43 ) f6 p1 D% [* v5 K9 ~1 x+ M" d
Japanese Ships4 `/ |3 D! U- Q  ?5 L; A
      SS I-166, hits 2 : V: f5 U) ^+ k* X
Allied Ships
1 v% Z8 o6 O! ]$ s# l4 Z6 P/ p      CV Hornet, Torpedo hits 1" }, q6 X" [9 J* }' @6 q
      CL Phoenix/ b  @3 s2 I/ h+ p5 U* h/ S
      DD Piet Hein
! X9 }$ G  o7 W1 f7 c0 u: w      DD Vendetta
4 V/ x: h* K8 J& C% S      DD Panther
+ I( l& U' S# s, a% }% c      DD Paladin
9 T2 ~% C$ r3 r+ c+ _; r2 w8 y      DD Norman5 W) Z0 ^- `) @0 m$ j
      DD Nestor
9 l; ^: {/ q& Y2 t- S& P$ N- aSS I-166 launches 4 torpedoes at CV Hornet( ?9 v1 ~5 `; D" @# i' S  B2 O+ p* W
I-166 diving deep ....7 P& u" j  V1 H
DD Panther attacking submerged sub ....- F$ z$ c" s- h" C% d) N: A: n
DD Paladin attacking submerged sub ....
: C/ q! |. h' z7 p$ u& p: u* UDD Norman fails to find sub and abandons search
% x# w/ w$ _4 X6 {) Y" h* ]DD Nestor fails to find sub and abandons search
2 H/ i! o( i8 o% i$ ^" t" z1 rDD Panther fails to find sub and abandons search
* N, Q  U: u# {) {DD Paladin fails to find sub, continues to search...
2 G; a' [7 e  R% R4 p6 {DD Paladin fails to find sub, continues to search...4 h1 x& @8 p/ r
DD Paladin fails to find sub, continues to search...9 U, h% T. J# ^# O+ `4 F
DD Paladin fails to find sub, continues to search...# ^, z% w! e. `/ |0 ]+ ]  h% p# v
DD Paladin fails to find sub, continues to search...' Q2 z& u( G$ V/ [, Y5 m
DD Paladin attacking submerged sub ....
% m# L2 D9 A. Z2 VEscort abandons search for sub( c; @3 T* H6 y5 W
-------------------------------------------------------0 h; a( R" v, k
Morning Air attack on Rangoon , at 54,53  
6 ?4 o- i& `# u: g8 e/ WWeather in hex: Heavy cloud   E3 a! o& O6 m* T) |4 l
Raid detected at 68 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
$ \( ?' \' m( ~) GEstimated time to target is 23 minutes
) K8 I+ q( k, K5 c! p4 y, {Japanese aircraft
1 q* ]# O  b9 }7 ?$ n0 V      Ki-43-Ia Oscar x 7
3 w0 O1 \( T  ^* }1 O3 o3 f      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 4 8 B/ u! ^4 o: }5 M1 f
Allied aircraft! M6 O  T. v6 z. o7 x/ y
      Walrus II x 6
( m7 V/ |6 T" j" D; C! A' O7 {      Hurricane I Trop x 217 v7 S1 {/ X0 s
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
/ @6 ~) [  L- j3 V) V# z7 B6 {) ]      Hurricane IIb Trop x 57$ u- f; b4 w; J: C
      Seagull V x 1' f( v3 J2 c. V& F
      P-39D Airacobra x 245 c( A  O! \1 u! j; _( X
      P-400 Airacobra x 27# F- i6 {$ y* B0 _8 R, e- h4 U
      P-40E Warhawk x 27
  v: `  c+ Z$ F, _Japanese aircraft losses
$ l$ c$ ^: }" g( _. a: [/ V      Ki-43-Ia Oscar: 3 destroyed
: |  b& m1 M$ R- Z, q! M      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 2 destroyed5 q8 s1 @' H& ~0 i! M/ X
6 p& G& S- X( F0 O/ a" JGround combat at Tjilatjap (51,102)
+ b; n" w1 \$ J% t/ IJapanese Deliberate attack " \( j* p' }# ?; g# |
Attacking force 24801 troops, 214 guns, 89 vehicles, Assault Value = 1948
- \, w' ^! _3 b3 mDefending force 1122 troops, 10 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 54 0 F8 O* d8 a, o3 J5 `+ W1 r: S1 @
Japanese adjusted assault: 466  
1 ]/ M- J0 @. hAllied adjusted defense: 7  5 T" u5 l% O2 V. M2 g3 Z/ k2 m
Japanese assault odds: 66 to 1 (fort level 1)  
0 G& z# C4 L2 N) b8 D' z0 k+ HJapanese forces CAPTURE Tjilatjap !!!
, m' Q1 ?, x  z5 e! {Combat modifiers: `1 ~: H* C" u5 O
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-)
' q5 D- P0 `+ G" rAttacker:  
3 m$ @5 r. H* I+ b& r9 SJapanese ground losses:
$ \0 m. w7 u# ~      106 casualties reported
. ~3 ]/ @9 C7 v; Z& o* X         Squads: 2 destroyed, 8 disabled1 m! {0 h) b7 z8 h0 P. E8 K
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ m0 d0 N, Z% R; k+ b( E5 n+ @7 g         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
" w6 j& n7 d* c7 z) C* n/ BAllied ground losses:
, |. ~+ Q( c5 h+ T& h0 O/ M( P      688 casualties reported8 P' b: A" s" n/ I
         Squads: 24 destroyed, 48 disabled
5 m2 {/ E$ V6 w' e9 _8 U         Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 8 disabled" L4 ^: |- n# ], F. R
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& {* q% E6 u$ ]: @5 D1 X; I
      Guns lost 11 (11 destroyed, 0 disabled)
0 B( s2 L' ]0 ^6 O% B# g      Units retreated 1 0 N8 ], x0 d9 r1 g- L5 z6 l1 W
Defeated Allied Units Retreating! 0 R6 |, \" E& x) D0 Z
Assaulting units:& q; C% J0 |% Z2 X! n+ b
    56th Recon Regiment. d/ X' ^) N+ @6 ^8 A3 S3 |. x* Y
    38th Division4 |, g$ ?7 K  I4 b& ^: A, _
    Yokosuka Assault SNLF
; m( }# c. u7 {; k. A9 D4 I0 _4 e    Imperial Guards Division
+ S8 A3 z  P* i! r' v$ a- N    114th Infantry Regiment9 f; P+ {. v) b% N
    41st Infantry Regiment3 a, u: S5 }0 Z
    81st Naval Guard Unit
+ J& M. a! K3 Z    55th Infantry Regiment
. I" R5 ?9 v( @3 \) T/ P    4th Guards Division * W, o9 F1 {+ v( Y8 g2 [# D' j
Defending units:
0 j# S. ^! [3 i5 B1 m& }; z0 V; @    5th Coastal Gun Battalion
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0 x7 L4 S& _2 Y+ n' d# L/ C发现58后,kb又往前走了两步,难道想追58?  B( ~7 u5 ]6 h7 I8 x
# L7 k8 u4 `" O" x  h修缮一新的ss几天前已经从科伦坡出发,即将达到kb所在位置,看能否找到机会
1 n& T+ L1 K* n+ i' g' \日军已经开始冒险在巨港运输石油了。万隆出发的飞机能抵达巨港,只是命中率一贯很低。7 m0 G- O8 X. D+ n! Z- \
3 i8 w" V. V* W" K) G7 Z
/ C0 g  Y& ?; l) q$ _. X+ ]3 o3 pDay Time Surface Combat, near Batavia at 49,98, Range 14,000 Yards
" H+ }  d$ J' U" h9 G& pJapanese Ships6 q$ }: k/ m9 {4 a- x1 i, T+ x
      E Hishu' V' J$ }  \/ B. e  O
      E Tade* |$ z7 @. G& l: \, L; i* V4 F
      E Hachijo/ d. |) p' t: k
      E Kunashiri , u: n' Y, w+ Q+ z/ W) H* {. N
Allied Ships3 C9 X6 s  q# H. V/ S8 j+ S+ W
7 ~) \/ H8 ~& F5 G      PT-33; D* U6 |8 A% o  @
      PT-35, u# p, ?7 T2 Y
# @* `+ H: }' ]8 s- I7 t! H9 ]9 j$ H-------------------------------------------------------------------
; g- e) A6 l" x0 g, O6 KSub attack near San Luis Obispo  at 220,75
- K. z' N2 A2 M$ H, m$ {! lJapanese Ships
9 _: @7 D* V1 m- m1 e' W      SS I-9
* F( I7 k; b/ j. pAllied Ships+ P& G- h4 N0 w5 ]* ^% }9 L6 I
      DE Lawrence
- R. i: t6 p. |( @2 q* ]      DE Gilmer& D- i1 ]% X) {+ P  Q4 k: L
      DE Stewart
2 ^% ]4 R- U3 i      DE Whipple0 u" u8 f: I9 a# M
      DE Fox5 c* n4 \) }; b/ r1 \( c5 J2 p
      DE Rathburne& T- k1 E% A5 I8 ?& @0 P/ Z: K
      DE Kane& e% `" H- ^$ Q6 D% y6 p
      DE Hatfield
) v7 H% I( W( _+ O9 {$ V----------------------------------------------------------) z. a+ m9 V+ ]$ q; O$ ^
Morning Air attack on TF, near Singkawang at 56,88 4 ?2 h- G: u* z! Q  @8 C5 I
Weather in hex: Light cloud
  U; c5 Z9 j3 v: w. M6 BRaid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.  w/ f0 Z* Q: f. S* I5 j
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes
1 O' i3 r: I; A# \7 g# P7 K! u0 lAllied aircraft
1 ^' y8 L. ~% O. K4 p* m      B-25C Mitchell x 6 6 c( v( E+ S; q+ X" E0 R3 D7 e
No Allied losses / a) p6 l0 _: Z. G% X- I
Japanese Ships, P/ L: U! t6 D& ~
      AK Kinka Maru
$ S7 l+ F- `+ E  J% D      xAK Brisbane Maru % o  f+ O2 z7 e- A# \! }$ p) K- v" j3 c
Aircraft Attacking:# o4 l- h: \2 y4 J- G
       6 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet *
+ q6 g- C5 q" L+ }" l               Naval Attack:  3 x 500 lb SAP Bomb' v  _6 ~3 e' z/ E: U8 Z) b
------------------------------------------------------/ k  k5 i6 g% q; @6 W% G5 ~
Morning Air attack on 46th Naval Guard Unit, at 51,101 , near Tjilatjap
) X0 Y: i( C5 I* n7 X( \+ \  `Weather in hex: Light rain
/ `- U- M  ]2 S3 k& [' w/ {Raid spotted at 1 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
8 Q7 Q9 ~3 ^. W- m9 R6 }( XEstimated time to target is 0 minutes $ y3 s3 o% W# d7 C
Allied aircraft! {) K, ^2 c5 P
      DB-7B x 3
$ F! c+ g1 c5 S  X: u4 SNo Allied losses % i$ j8 J' d! u  r  ]. Q) }! K
Japanese ground losses:
% J$ R. J, c' G! N5 |. i4 L      47 casualties reported
3 g6 y) Q& I4 y/ M  A5 T9 @         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
0 P: E$ f4 Z7 J6 B         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled8 y9 D8 V' Q+ V: k7 j  y+ q
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
! g3 R" q$ n# Q( F8 Q& \) vAircraft Attacking:
/ e7 A1 H1 J- M6 x7 S       3 x DB-7B bombing from 6000 feet) d( @# Q2 Z/ S3 s9 e+ E
               Ground Attack:  4 x 250 kg GP Bomb
3 c% J3 U# k  r7 }" l: f4 Q9 Y-----------------------------------------------' }  A9 F% F0 u! F
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Palembang at 48,91
  M3 o9 `  a+ _0 O+ q0 i' H9 GWeather in hex: Heavy rain : o. H2 l& T! {% p, Y
Raid spotted at 20 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
$ H; {2 e3 V$ s9 v6 PEstimated time to target is 5 minutes + q0 u; h& b* f- O( _6 ~
Japanese aircraft' E# i3 z. l8 K  ^' B8 ]
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 33 7 q9 g/ |, t6 w# G9 z  \4 \5 f9 c
Allied aircraft
7 y  G* N$ T+ Z! l      B-25C Mitchell x 6
/ F* }! G9 _3 \# bNo Japanese losses , g! q7 z; b' C* L9 N( M$ c
No Allied losses - t' W9 @# f3 q2 C
Japanese Ships; R8 V) R1 \* {* H7 J
      TK Amatsu Maru
( y/ O: s* w: |# s      TK Mirii Maru 1 Y, g6 u/ ]6 W. d$ {
Aircraft Attacking:7 W! y9 R" h+ Q* g9 Z8 E
       6 x B-25C Mitchell bombing from 6000 feet
7 h  U! e3 C' O! @               Naval Attack:  6 x 500 lb SAP Bomb
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