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1942年2月13日-20日% z0 T7 T- Y! I! W( [1 H
6 I5 Y: u! Z3 t+ P7 b! t4 u8 K0 t# }
+ s- p7 n  o3 E1 A$ |; E1 B9 O
; l+ G) t' u- G8 c3 U1 F5 H这些天的重头戏是中国战场,蝗军在西北和华南分别取得较大进展。/ \  o) L5 Y# h: ~" D7 ]0 ]$ B  ?7 z

1 ]" O7 a4 J$ O2 t8 d0 O% R西北战场:7 V: r: i# }8 Z5 L- n  l/ Q
早在41年底攻克中原南阳城事,大本营就制定了2套入川计划,一路蝗军沿着西安方向公路推进,一路直接从南阳出发前往安康,穿越一格山林地带进入四川盆地,为此蝗军准备了5个师团1个旅团的兵力,在第1军指挥部和华北治安军指挥部的统帅下秘密入川,达到奇兵的效果。截至当前已经顺利击溃在四川盆地内进行截击的国军2个军,杀入剑阁城下~~! l  L$ |2 f4 U/ ~5 S, R; Q
Ground combat at 78,42 (near Kienko)7 [9 `7 W; b3 M. {6 ]

) N! F. f1 V# w7 \" f* Z: |- qJapanese Deliberate attack
0 H5 k% ]: Y' s8 |. F3 k3 A: V: ^
' Z" R  f7 g8 e' f& j/ bAttacking force 23275 troops, 196 guns, 64 vehicles, Assault Value = 13325 \0 p/ l! p1 N9 n( s& y# ^

- X! H+ T3 A, V# FDefending force 12304 troops, 77 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 293/ b0 I) q* l5 A8 [

) `& m+ @2 R! {. ~( j" oJapanese adjusted assault: 358 8 g7 @8 H3 }. [% d

0 x, J) v% @3 u3 u0 TAllied adjusted defense: 20 & _, c  H. `; o3 N4 \/ D+ p& \- }
8 y9 G4 h, `! c+ z7 p/ h: {0 j
Japanese assault odds: 17 to 1
5 @, ?9 m5 Q2 s
& x& u0 Q  v' L1 m0 e8 xCombat modifiers$ v% C, t: O7 L
Defender: leaders(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
; P" M+ q' N: q) z! tAttacker: disruption(-)8 c2 N8 s8 {, Q6 `

! a9 [( h" M( I! T! e8 m/ E. i  G' GJapanese ground losses:
$ ]. K! o+ d' Y- h8 C      182 casualties reported# A- C4 e; S3 V9 [. n: w; y
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
' j/ B" v/ e6 X, r         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
7 G2 q. }* b- n  Z         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
9 y  C/ u' L3 `9 ]4 R$ p6 l + j9 Z$ g4 j7 G6 F# G: A; }

7 Q" G# }8 J& H% `Allied ground losses:6 c1 A/ h4 B$ S0 V9 {: y
      4500 casualties reported
/ O! B( I& g2 y8 S9 n         Squads: 230 destroyed, 0 disabled
+ \% ^- z) @1 M/ Z6 i4 [         Non Combat: 258 destroyed, 0 disabled7 ^* f, C" a, M% g! R8 e/ m
         Engineers: 3 destroyed, 7 disabled% g/ [& z7 G1 _6 g1 K
      Guns lost 2 (1 destroyed, 1 disabled)
2 Q) r  \1 i5 u. Q7 H+ U5 V      Units retreated 10 z! r& G2 Y) i
% e* x5 U7 f: C. d
$ k4 j9 ~2 L7 [. ^, ?- o! ]$ p7 u
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
0 R- o! \) t9 ?# f* h
( M5 j, }( b' J) F! L9 o2 ~# e/ q  aAssaulting units:7 w7 _0 T$ j" q- h6 Y
    37th Division
6 G+ q2 {) l' ]3 g& T    35th Division- x* W, t3 M/ t1 a
    41st Division
- U' ?0 p/ ~; Q. o
/ ?+ a. g) W  }4 mDefending units:
7 C  i$ V/ u/ y' Z5 H    18th Chinese Corps$ s! }. F* c! P+ e4 Z  }  t

+ q4 M) [: M- C% q3 i3 l& x! U8 M# I; O
' d! J& I# ?; S" S# o, S
9 V& }  f' G% N: _6 W- _& ]: d* j$ S, G6 A  S
  V1 D4 I4 E( r2 e% G1 p3 [; }8 {$ X; \  K  H% S1 c. M. ^' a+ o
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.

$ D  z. J2 d, g0 J; G" J2月份实际上还有一次没有硝烟的较量,在此贴出以兹留念
5 g: \( `7 M& u  h; b
, m4 y" ^. F) `, x" ~  X1 D从2月初盟军潜艇在新加坡水道发现KB几大批运输船的踪迹后,大统领9527就已经判断出日军下一步将展开印度战役,正在开普敦修整的TF58整合了美军全部4条舰队CV立刻从开普敦出发,历时10余天终于到达迭戈加西亚岛附近,进过短暂的加油后,全舰队直接向锡兰至新加坡中间的开阔洋面前进。, q3 z& W/ X7 P; u$ c" L2 O, \. t. M: N
" R0 E" F2 z6 s/ w2 j3 _0 R
- F, s- Q) `. V  O& n, h: D& L2 D. F$ b+ |* N" m
就在同一天,地球另一端的卢甘维尔发生了一场水面战,以数艘美澳新巡洋舰为首的联合舰队击沉了6艘日军驱逐舰,这些巡洋舰中也包括了数艘原属58护航舰队但滞留在澳洲修理的印第安纳波利斯号等,日酋老赵一番常态,借东京玫瑰之后宣布发现58在南太平洋。- s* O0 \" k- l9 v$ L
% L* I+ m" V+ D1 K5 ~/ X. o
心如明镜的大统领立刻知道58真是位置已经暴露,果断放弃了第二天追击日本运输船队的计划,58遁入深海,消失无踪。 第二天老赵果不其然将KB全速开到锡兰的东南洋面,如果58继续滞留当地估计现在已然全灭。直到几天后58和KB分别在卡拉奇和爪哇以西洋面分别露面,这场双方没有开过一枪的暗战才搞一段落
3 m7 w1 [4 d! m. g$ Z' r1 Z
/ S0 K5 E8 V) e( s7 O- b) U

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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
8 E- U9 ~4 P# B3 l6 g
+ Q: ~; V- z6 \1 G* x+ a+ C/ T印第安纳波利斯的悲歌~~
) x- }; Q5 N# {$ e, X4 L2 s+ W4 R5 S1 Z8 z) H+ d$ j' e& b3 X
$ D; @: w0 b, o: x% x0 _' A3 I
8 A6 l. V& s: P" l; O( {6 o& o/ _' u! k( ^
& ]/ j5 E4 N+ B0 H
5 W4 a) A4 \. j  \& O( \Sub attack near Efate  at 117,155
7 l) ^! U1 l  B4 L2 ?9 o5 b  j6 ]+ d2 Z# |7 ?
Japanese Ships
6 F5 C1 e) e/ _      SS RO-68, hits 1
$ g& W' t) @* b- N6 t/ H9 n. ~- u. k
Allied Ships
1 a9 H- H% Q: H3 c9 Z7 K. p      CA Indianapolis, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage. O) N2 I% P4 V& i
      CA Canberra
# p; d' t; f+ d4 N% Y' n( R      CA Australia4 A  J& Q# I4 \/ k" r# v2 [
      CA San Francisco
+ m8 `; |" ?* ]7 w) H      CA Pensacola) h$ ~4 V4 H5 I% a6 ]
      CL Perth7 E7 A9 ]& X/ _3 F8 k/ w
      CL Achilles
% q! ?4 t& T' R" I' Z      DMS Long+ a7 ]+ l3 Y. J% M2 @
      DMS Perry
$ W/ Z7 q+ \, d1 z! a      DMS Southard5 c7 t+ o' Z8 f' P$ B. \
      DD Case0 W1 W4 m* @2 f: v7 W+ p5 ]- z
      DD Dunlap
' Z! S& M) P& {# _1 h4 L; m1 ~      DMS Elliot
, y9 r1 X: p# Z' H; T      DMS Wasmuth
, s' k  b9 m0 Q0 G5 Z4 B8 @
5 a, h+ G% k, A$ v' y
  }# P, g  X4 m2 L9 ^* b1 M" u. w8 K+ W1 j( |- u
SS RO-68 launches 6 torpedoes at CA Indianapolis(同样是历史上夺命的6枚鱼雷,只不过潜艇由I-58改成了 RO-68)DD Case attacking submerged sub ....
$ H! B' t. U. @  p- ~# PDD Case cannot reach attack position over SS RO-689 X5 u/ Q! q4 e; }% e2 k( p" t
SS RO-68 eludes ASW attack from DD Case 5 {- q; x) m5 W
SS RO-68 eludes ASW attack from DD Case
; W3 B% N% r/ o$ }$ Y% ?  S/ sDD Dunlap fails to find sub and abandons search7 e& ]8 y# G" t7 U9 Y6 t
DMS Elliot fails to find sub and abandons search
6 a: h% ^! e7 c0 SDMS Wasmuth fails to find sub, continues to search...) N: Y& D, J5 S" T* |! H) @1 B
DD Case attacking submerged sub ....
  e, j0 [7 t' ?8 l& s# Z1 xDMS Wasmuth fails to find sub and abandons search' y5 J9 l+ m8 K
DD Case fails to find sub, continues to search...
$ |! t! X/ V7 S' RDD Case fails to find sub, continues to search...* k: d1 p3 G$ a
DD Case attacking submerged sub ....2 I2 l- G, G" \( O
DD Case is out of ASW ammo+ P3 n) y( O3 g& s+ J3 T% N* \
DD Case is out of ASW ammo+ t! Q- }, Q: w) P
DD Case is out of ASW ammo4 o  Z3 O) F. G* Z  }
DD Case is out of ASW ammo
) k. h* S8 b+ i  h' S( dDD Case fails to find sub, continues to search...' |- d/ p5 U2 B5 R
DD Case fails to find sub, continues to search...' J& I' N( ?2 g, \5 S  c: y' X7 |
Escort abandons search for sub$ O  N0 e/ Y& u2 W5 r' r
- ~- H4 h% F7 A- d( t
, ]4 u+ T, B1 f  B( E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. W3 H  [# n! ?% ]0 k' @& U
Sub attack near Lakatoro  at 119,152
+ O$ D0 N* R8 C: a( U) ]/ z& W2 o# L& |
Japanese Ships! T) F' U: Y! U
      SS I-1752 v; B0 n3 D5 k8 z9 I* ^1 s

+ \; I0 p( O. W- `- l+ q" F% Q; N, pAllied Ships
' c, x2 j8 M2 h8 Q1 N6 L& H3 b      CA Indianapolis, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage
+ |2 n- ?3 o( @      DD Dunlap
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
4 I1 N( B. v* I  X/ y: Y) F/ w, ]/ e" r
7 E& u* A3 w  w4 K* @4 I6 R& q1 N' a1 S! f& A* ], P3 J

6 ~3 l$ w1 C) k: [$ r% Z极度缺乏工兵的澳洲战场终于在东北部建成第一座5级机场,期待已久的盟军4发舰队大举出击,顺利压制莫尔斯比机场,为即将到来的反攻做好了铺垫, K* o# }8 |+ s. r0 w  ]' E
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ T, ]; j- n9 K% ^& R0 z
Morning Air attack on Port Moresby , at 98,130
( o. ?+ b* `; J- D  {% Y  B: `, h/ W
Weather in hex: Clear sky
6 b! V5 G4 b3 l& W+ t. Z1 M4 R5 h, `' a* f2 v
Raid spotted at 175 NM, estimated altitude 22,000 feet.. s  S& q: A% T& L
Estimated time to target is 54 minutes4 N/ O- W. W3 Z: D

% t' Y  m& H6 z! `Japanese aircraft% ~+ ]8 i& d% d0 }1 T
      A6M2 Zero x 9
* o2 q* V8 j: R# Z
2 C/ x* M& t1 x8 C; u
7 I& ~5 p" r0 P. E' {% J3 {& l, w. t- E& B) L) M; f1 p$ }
Allied aircraft. b% c" \/ ~- X5 s
      B-17D Fortress x 20) r: ]8 {; |% g
      B-17E Fortress x 14  {# H+ S' ~' S$ b& }4 o! z
      LB-30 Liberator x 12# }2 k3 i: @: T" J2 K4 S
! G4 b0 K9 n0 ^% s* A& b
& S! d+ E) X  p  Q5 H
Japanese aircraft losses
- P+ v1 }6 c4 W  T9 k8 y' S5 M. x! n8 ?      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
" Z& W' ~/ S3 c$ R      G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed on ground+ T$ _5 L) z# V: Y# L: d/ T* x
      C5M2 Babs: 1 destroyed on ground& x" f( ^) k# ?% s- h9 Z; F
6 B; ~1 \0 m! m8 n$ C- z
Allied aircraft losses
" G, _# b9 d' K' a2 b      B-17D Fortress: 4 damaged
1 X5 ?0 L% K/ j- C5 ^5 ?      B-17E Fortress: 1 damaged$ S7 W8 t& k2 T8 M8 f
      LB-30 Liberator: 2 damaged
1 E' }' E6 H. d, \; _! G$ ]$ d9 g) O5 {0 H0 ~
Japanese ground losses:
0 I" x3 b4 L) A" Y3 j6 H      11 casualties reported
9 _- @/ B  b, x/ S* r         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
* h- h; o8 ?2 x: f' b0 `# f         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
+ Z5 W* I7 t* P/ b         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
. |" m3 ^8 x9 U3 Y. ?+ i( ?0 C5 K4 y6 |
$ K" C7 T6 V0 w) y; v

7 Z$ ~- `+ Q+ }1 \7 p% GAirbase hits 15# ^6 l2 M* ~7 ^7 L
Airbase supply hits 8; Z  |9 W5 a7 s. m' w/ \
Runway hits 43
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
1942年2月13日-20日3 G# W/ T; |. ?! I
+ q. o. |& g2 F  a% i4 ~( N/ U
本周各大战场动静不大,NG一代蝗军继续巩固既有阵地,南洋每天数百架飞机轰炸困在爪哇岛上万隆的1400战力盟军,消耗其补给。缅甸战场,蝗军攻克曼德勒后沿着通往密支那的雨林缓慢推进~~。印度 ...
% {6 C. x$ g7 J8 N0 ^championzhao 发表于 2011-6-8 19:04
# f. \" ~* x$ H3 Q. ~5 D
本帖最后由 hades1001 于 2011-6-10 11:19 编辑 ) o" ^! k+ J* Q, @$ d+ F3 g+ ?

6 g; ^8 L7 X. K1 B, R9 [, XAFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Feb 26, 42+ S; ?! ]6 v  k/ }$ M# X# K; Z

/ H0 X; ?' ~3 P+ z5 L2 y就在日军在印度忙着野营拉练的时候,盟军在南太果断展开反击,陆战二师下属的8th团和亚美利加师下属的132nd团以迅雷不及掩耳之势拿下了有日军独立第四营把守的军港图拉吉,在所罗门群岛拿下了第一个落脚点3 c5 w4 B) P6 {4 O/ V" j) p; H
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 v' M; n5 n. J; W& m. r
( u4 _9 L& _9 b: y
Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)/ R3 ~' w) l$ ~$ Q& L

  w5 D% A7 V; _1 l8 MAllied Shock attack# `8 L  w0 A: R7 D! W* [& a, e$ D
5 u8 W% V( t: m2 {4 U! k
Attacking force 6081 troops, 182 guns, 164 vehicles, Assault Value = 172
) X5 B, J- D1 [: i( a) F
5 P8 U6 G0 F4 D* {4 l5 `# ~/ U1 jDefending force 1125 troops, 7 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 412 x4 E/ }  g) s+ g
5 X( k4 q# U% Z9 w) ?
Allied adjusted assault: 183
& |, A& K* D5 ]$ I! n. j" N- W: M2 K  D
Japanese adjusted defense: 28
3 D) g, x9 s" @! Y6 Y4 `; c* ~* P5 e5 J8 X: m
Allied assault odds: 6 to 1 (fort level 0) ! v* P3 Y8 F" l& p

9 W+ W9 I7 ]/ n. d; g% oAllied forces CAPTURE Tulagi !!!
' ~1 _6 u: [* q/ j
& q0 p5 b4 J; hCombat modifiers
9 N/ y" _$ ?( Y( RDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-)
; L# r& q& G+ S! e0 ~: bAttacker: shock(+)
0 Y$ A' i+ \, y6 Q+ `0 L- Y. t$ G0 \5 i+ N2 D; a
Japanese ground losses:
- ]1 U5 u5 q% y5 d2 f      334 casualties reported0 O+ I0 d9 d7 S% F( T$ h- p6 B" \
         Squads: 1 destroyed, 21 disabled
8 j+ J; l6 X% w* n) M: l         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 16 disabled+ @- I- F  p" d) G- X# \- W+ @
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled3 L" c: Y/ `9 j7 i8 H6 `
      Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)6 b3 Z. K) {6 z! b3 m2 V
" R& ~$ i) A; }, J. @

+ W$ g/ t: H8 [% [Allied ground losses:
5 w7 i4 i- ^4 I# H$ Q6 _/ P9 k( S      126 casualties reported
) _  y$ h) U# o1 g2 R9 R8 U         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled4 Y1 c" W  T* Z5 V
         Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 17 disabled5 Q2 B" D% G  K) L) X
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled6 f" a, r& f# o( u$ L4 [
      Vehicles lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)
) m5 o5 t+ U9 V' t% \; }3 }6 ?8 j& f9 I- B# ?( U1 S7 N

9 i5 g5 n7 ~( [) \/ P$ YAssaulting units:: A5 a) N" F$ x: O$ j
    132nd Infantry Regiment
% O% q: ^% T0 q$ M, R, q' L, o, v    8th Marine Regiment
, ~* k% T1 O8 s% d0 E) }1 B; K    148th Field Artillery Battalion
& ], Q' ~7 S4 @6 v; b3 g    131st Field Artillery Battalion
0 c/ B& |" A  k: U8 I    147th Field Artillery Regiment+ O8 X+ e$ E+ u9 E& ]
    2nd Marine Def Bn /3
4 E8 A" T# Q: ^+ L% R1 _
' k4 z9 n' j* d* [- [6 @Defending units:
) C. m9 L! x7 B8 A9 b    I./4th Infantry Battalion
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Mar 02, 426 i, \5 `( h- L* L& A

) c; k8 _' m& b% s, o0 U- i4 o4 J经过数日激战,日军独立第四营被歼灭,成为开战以来第一支成建制被歼灭的日军部队被载入史册1 Q5 O. q5 Z* r: J% B7 W
; N5 k# L5 D  y4 \, ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 v' r) f9 `9 @  C# O4 s& J$ L

* g( y2 k' q1 d$ \8 Z  e$ ?Ground combat at Tulagi (114,137)1 |  k( _: I5 t' [2 k! n

/ ?# ]$ n6 ?$ x4 X9 f! h- `Allied Shock attack! P2 A1 f: K7 {9 ^$ k, R) _
) _- z. ?' g( k) N
Attacking force 6224 troops, 187 guns, 163 vehicles, Assault Value = 163
0 p8 S+ F! k& J' x) B0 C. J! O3 ^' v0 ?( G* a* F$ _7 S- V& P
Defending force 572 troops, 5 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 10
) Q2 J9 C" L$ |% ^1 T: \4 o; L9 ~6 q8 S6 |5 I  h! ]% Z+ `" R, i
Allied adjusted assault: 186
. @) H% B  C' w
& p' G  R8 D6 s; }Japanese adjusted defense: 1 ! H: p3 j2 ~4 Z0 @$ S* d% I8 S" j) L
% m' w5 x2 M3 g4 g+ C% v  N7 T
Allied assault odds: 186 to 1
( L5 u  a# T9 I
7 v+ w" K4 ?8 P* ^$ s8 cCombat modifiers( o; H" ^+ D' ]3 w4 i6 d
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), disruption(-), preparation(-)
  ]7 B7 v5 R' ?  d, P& Y fatigue(-), supply(-)9 l( N( B6 `& Z- @
Attacker: shock(+)
: ^5 t+ e3 @( m& W! y2 o# H) n' G) v
Japanese ground losses:
* y8 g: ^+ m$ N' k1 r1 x      703 casualties reported6 }1 U) g# m, Y7 }* K5 l
         Squads: 34 destroyed, 0 disabled) P+ k, W& F1 {% k+ Y: r- m
         Non Combat: 51 destroyed, 0 disabled
) g) m* B2 x. g) @         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled) A7 F* {' w( z" n% b4 G% @$ m- N
      Guns lost 3 (3 destroyed, 0 disabled)
. r& D% C& p, ]      Units destroyed 1# J  J9 q; Q9 V4 y  V

1 B( J; G2 A6 M. ?2 S2 p, ]. ~# F4 o- n: `2 E' i/ d. b/ Y  o! M$ y
Allied ground losses:5 j' `, o( O) X3 H4 x3 L. }8 E
      15 casualties reported
: {0 {% e1 U. Q& U9 P, n         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled' t7 u7 `  b  \. r
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
, A) A. g8 g1 q, R         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
) w& A0 Z, B) i3 `; |; w9 W0 e+ W2 p* a/ n5 E( k' k  ]1 |. T

, S7 d8 J5 t7 IAssaulting units:( s& ^! t1 S; A4 S
    132nd Infantry Regiment
3 f* U% C3 X$ v1 o- S    8th Marine Regiment3 y% E" V3 x, ^& M! U0 g7 w
    148th Field Artillery Battalion
7 s5 t; Q0 r4 j7 {- `1 X9 J    147th Field Artillery Regiment
7 |* W. @+ l! Y/ m    2nd Marine Def Bn /3
7 W  ?: N& c, z  t" g    131st Field Artillery Battalion% [# B5 ~& \( v
    118th USAAF Base Force /1
0 g2 U: f- W4 L3 J2 A. P) D7 `: r: P6 Q$ [
Defending units:
# [' f$ w( o# D% J3 |    I./4th Infantry Battalion
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
+ G2 ~( D2 O6 s$ H) _* L
: ~, P% m8 H, R" a7 r: O2 W& s
7 i$ X3 C& n9 i% `  A% p6 Q: a6 d" z, b+ Q- o5 z
! N- O# b" i# p. i7 C$ H0 S" S) ^
$ y' ^: D$ Z5 J当天飓风大战0式和隼式,双方基本平手
0 f8 O3 u0 p6 x9 l7 d9 ], k--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( z& U% I5 V2 j3 W9 j8 t$ s' l
Morning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8 , s  V# X3 T& |( y

- w$ h" }  s/ P/ N9 ~6 P4 q8 e9 MWeather in hex: Thunderstorms$ d" d# J" T. Q) D

) I6 E, o; w' ?7 h4 ]6 g+ A7 ORaid spotted at 21 NM, estimated altitude 21,000 feet.! P* U6 {4 }/ x5 ~) j, b
Estimated time to target is 6 minutes# o# q1 {" ?( Y2 Y( c6 n# J

6 w1 \- {, a/ b1 x+ FJapanese aircraft8 h+ Z5 {3 e! x( `; ^
      A6M2 Zero x 19
5 Y) U0 x5 v  {: x' {+ b. t2 Z2 g' e% P* w6 |
3 P7 y! A+ e9 D" H% |8 M4 @9 ^

( g: p! k9 K6 C9 VAllied aircraft
. M* P$ m1 Z( y3 X      Hurricane IIa Trop x 161 V/ P) B* Z$ S3 ]$ L4 n$ A
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 60
+ N$ {0 }, F$ C8 b0 W" p* A* m9 q8 P+ z# i; I

4 x3 R% |( ?. @$ I0 O5 g/ ^Japanese aircraft losses
% X4 u8 _6 h7 D$ f( A0 e  C- v; g! B      A6M2 Zero: 7 destroyed+ \3 ?: B, M/ S
2 u* U5 K8 j$ e0 ]& L2 d
Allied aircraft losses6 G0 D3 s2 j* N  ~7 v, u; @+ K
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed
6 y* _& v* C+ M1 _! E
  s5 _" N2 ]3 W--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 c6 H3 q* S' b' l3 p+ @/ j3 a
Morning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8
' ^; h( Z2 h+ z' O9 [2 c
, S$ q# f$ Z* H2 r8 j8 LWeather in hex: Thunderstorms& S" ~/ m2 Z& |+ H2 C( W

, e) l' a  E- C! _5 }; nRaid spotted at 46 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
: v. T, |5 {/ x4 [# _  l% L. M: o* MEstimated time to target is 15 minutes
# i$ ]! `& S- B/ [( K/ ^- l$ X/ s' S# d
Japanese aircraft- f( r$ B5 A( q7 [
      A6M2 Zero x 12
4 ^8 \% M, s" t' V/ Z) L5 x
/ k5 ]. ?+ C/ y2 {1 T1 r7 K3 O$ ~8 ^% `- {! P+ S
6 W! ?$ G% Z" i) T+ G+ H
Allied aircraft2 i  K1 A% G) s0 K$ V% }7 F4 S
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 15
* H/ u' F3 b; c5 o      Hurricane IIb Trop x 52
, D  S6 `: y4 U  l$ s; N; D; E4 F3 r$ h% B! B+ N
- m4 g+ M, Q$ s5 A6 U+ j
Japanese aircraft losses
) b* V* @' D& z2 I8 Z5 n      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed
- n2 k7 K4 f0 X& g# l4 b
. n: L8 G2 K% f3 X# ^, k0 aAllied aircraft losses
" u: f" Q5 N* S! O9 {$ a      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed
9 z( E  b" F4 i7 k% q
& x+ ]- r7 ]7 W5 U% }
% X' T9 Z. J) B, V) o( {6 D2 u--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& t2 A0 S3 @0 K7 r
Morning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8
# K6 `: I% U' W
1 r/ ~6 W) r! T( y: D- N& v: sWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
* V2 v. q+ {) E  @+ j1 K% q+ G6 Z' {+ T# G% W
Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.1 K, R( @" N" Z% t
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes
% W6 q+ r1 p; \4 R/ l
1 a8 ?8 M% ?5 U5 m% L: X6 F8 N* A0 LJapanese aircraft6 t# J& ]- v/ \1 K) S  r: @7 e
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 27
" K  b1 I& G% _, h3 i9 m7 {+ a$ I: Q) H
, N: p. c+ T) i. D8 H. k
$ K; Q3 P# g% @$ V1 t
Allied aircraft
0 ]+ c6 N* t  n      Hurricane IIa Trop x 13% d! Y2 H' X. r7 a
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 380 W1 [9 R* j% m- e, G) b6 V
6 u5 T5 r: `6 S! }" Y& C& Y; e
  z$ W1 y; `7 D) N- f8 C: W: r
Japanese aircraft losses+ Q: ~2 g8 P8 p1 b! C4 o, C
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 3 destroyed4 {# L% k7 w+ k' A2 E
: e( S2 v- t: b$ M8 Z# O5 x) l0 z
Allied aircraft losses
( U# s& g3 a( |8 w      Hurricane IIa Trop: 1 destroyed
' s! `$ L- j+ w" t      Hurricane IIb Trop: 2 destroyed
, g9 f( O$ a6 J- U# S( N, f3 D" z, P  D$ N4 q9 _$ ]

: Q; N( w3 O* z--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' s7 U1 o7 p/ O1 y
Morning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8 4 l1 @+ s; `6 g. J

3 z5 X2 R% r' W8 l' h8 wWeather in hex: Thunderstorms
& W7 {1 Z* W: ^+ V# J- ]
' w2 J. K5 e. B1 d; wRaid spotted at 43 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.! D+ ~2 N+ o% P
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes6 O7 e; V" T/ X& N$ g" j. k

/ D3 H. ~* L( z  oJapanese aircraft6 [+ R7 K5 N$ G
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar x 91 B& M8 N9 H! x
" V. N$ s6 y$ U8 r7 e4 e1 n2 U
5 u, O# x% v: G2 R  v
9 C0 l( N; q. c) {" S$ z
Allied aircraft
. f/ e2 x  i4 T- |      Hurricane IIa Trop x 10- O  n( y, _: Q" S0 a" z
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 29, ^. J( I  |3 N- N5 P1 h
/ O4 _+ \: M8 Q  N  v3 t' o1 _
8 O8 p( v2 Y6 G
Japanese aircraft losses( X3 M8 l( [6 n4 ?6 _+ I- A9 ~) ?3 {
      Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed: H6 j8 h/ ~! q; V2 [
# x* @  |1 x6 \/ K' a
Allied aircraft losses
1 t" Z$ N6 }/ }9 h' W7 y( a      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
( T! z& `5 u. z4 z, U6 F: S% v) k* P
( y/ y* _+ U8 W( N3 b" w, _
* H* X5 u$ u4 [# N/ K9 ~% GMorning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8
# y- c. [/ `  ~; v8 l' a  N. k: A+ Z
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms  ]  F0 ~5 w" r

4 A5 z$ v+ X) M; T5 ^1 r# M, URaid spotted at 148 NM, estimated altitude 24,000 feet.
) z4 n0 x" c6 y& [Estimated time to target is 49 minutes, N2 g7 v) Q% @, T
0 E% S/ e7 q: R" G( t  L$ b
Japanese aircraft! C- A3 |- `& X. R
      A6M2 Zero x 69 e* R; V% o0 z

2 o" n( @, y: T5 _9 F2 C6 `$ c% g
5 a3 S! F3 ^; _% x
/ K. G' n) |' c+ ?) {6 N8 R- nAllied aircraft5 M: W5 Q5 Y9 S
      Hurricane IIa Trop x 9/ e# s+ N- i' I( g
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 24
: _2 [4 s8 A1 _2 C3 O4 i% |
+ b+ ^' Z* }0 z9 y5 K% }) _( D+ u" @+ p
- ]- r; V! {0 ^# g7 j) R5 Y# j1 s3 rJapanese aircraft losses
  _7 Q7 E% U1 n      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed1 r$ B" `1 T6 O- w6 q

. o0 E) Z3 @2 t. |& h2 f$ k6 o' qAllied aircraft losses9 V* u' u' x3 z( @' x- A% Q! ?
      Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed0 ]: j) O2 M$ i% Y4 o0 c

6 a: `: T" @% s# E7 e% Q  F8 @" W. y' Z' w5 g1 n# X+ U, E- P
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w, e6 t# ?' q, C. g, @  `8 X
Morning Air attack on Karachi , at 40,8
9 y4 [; F$ C5 t9 k% ~+ j7 y2 E* E2 k. \" U* T
Weather in hex: Thunderstorms
) d; M* V/ a) B. s% B; |( b3 d3 j* u4 L- V3 E; P7 U. a5 p1 g# w1 A
Raid spotted at 141 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.4 j8 Y3 N1 o9 i$ F9 G! E! }& i
Estimated time to target is 46 minutes
% H* e1 m3 p, R# `& W( q1 H) \7 M/ R% G! X6 z% |7 a! p
Japanese aircraft0 B' {  r8 |* |% e- a
      A6M2 Zero x 12
; a% R5 k! Y" H( i4 m5 l. \% j7 V0 f0 a! {2 H9 j; I' _1 q

5 @  ]1 O1 [# K5 a; l
) |% t3 Z# ]; H: w! p7 ^Allied aircraft
( f" r5 c( T1 o8 A$ `      Hurricane IIa Trop x 8; n! T9 V& E0 F4 D5 n3 X4 ~
      Hurricane IIb Trop x 199 z% j( j+ F9 u8 B% M/ a9 w9 `
; V3 n% a; ?) {7 q% d

5 n( ]. T. y% n/ x! K% s' V0 oJapanese aircraft losses
& v1 f' E9 y! O, E# }  @% a7 @      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed0 C. t7 X5 c& T6 u$ L. K/ U8 ^, Y

- |+ g3 p1 ~" v& i$ V6 |6 d# ~* lAllied aircraft losses
. }5 {/ M! m! g  L# u      Hurricane IIb Trop: 4 destroyed
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
42年3月3日) _% x( T3 Z. y# O6 ~

+ l; d" E, d; h! d2 C卡拉奇航空战~~& v6 S6 l3 n1 ~" q4 k
$ I& g9 S4 C' |/ a0 m5 f$ l4 e
* B+ l2 `+ j' Q3 p8 a
今日以苏拉特为基地的我蝗军陆海航健儿,主动寻战卡拉奇盟军英军战斗机群,当日蝗军以12格超远航程扫场,尽管客场作战,盟军损失30余架,蝗军损失不到30架,战损比基本1:1,蝗军稍占优势,歼灭盟军印度航空力量的目的已经达到,全部盟军印度战斗机已经损失过半。) g5 Q9 m9 X. i

7 t, @% s9 G1 J. b南方军主力一部,今日汇集孟买城下,炮击之后侦察显示战力比10:1,明日即将攻城!
! R3 E1 {7 m+ W4 c3 x% v: @( O% F& o* E$ B, l

- ?$ m- Z4 W1 E" l
- }" `* S% S2 ^# |9 H* X$ {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ `1 x# B: [& N, I' D6 c
/ _6 x+ ]0 s6 T( O; O1 QGround combat at Bombay (36,24)6 C) o& I: o; L
/ n( G+ H8 Q( i. Y: }
Japanese Bombardment attack, |4 P* F* k1 z' T; g% h4 n& e& D
8 \( U- a9 g" [% d* w% J: G6 H6 Y
Attacking force 2700 troops, 225 guns, 158 vehicles, Assault Value = 2525  ^- f' i& _- l5 I" N% [

7 G- F5 S  d( u" oDefending force 9621 troops, 81 guns, 59 vehicles, Assault Value = 245- a, J$ B4 h. w- t0 |
* m% Z- D9 U6 A4 L

" Y; _& e+ I* S) V7 B7 }/ PAllied ground losses:
8 h. i; Y0 n3 v; }( v      20 casualties reported
0 {0 {# c. ^4 n, y1 a* l9 c         Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled: ]  A- C; e  G
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled$ e, d1 u# V- |. H5 L/ p4 w
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.