本帖最后由 zer0 于 2014-10-16 11:18 编辑
8 J- c- Q& O3 U' I% @" u6 h2 J7 t4 F e7 F+ l6 g
9 W$ D9 p4 M: K) o) B* m. Zpt成功偷袭哥打巴鲁,再次取得战果,12条鱼雷12中,击沉运兵船数艘,同时上千日军落水
4 N& e& c, N' { S& ?# Tdd编队再次炮击 菲律宾岛上日军机场, 克拉克机场开始被例行轰炸了。。- c, S- \' }* F( Z
拉包尔又被炸沉3艘Xakl,盟军表示无所谓啊,,不过300+飞机的kb已经出现在了7 G3 a7 F! \( f0 F P
6 ~! M* i9 k1 V0 k% P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ t3 M- H$ A4 N$ k. j; T4 m0 z
Night Time Surface Combat, near Kota Bharu at 51,75, Range 2,000 Yards
; \' S9 R+ k7 A1 Y" yJapanese Ships* X0 f3 x9 T( P) A6 H8 H% C8 m
PB Kozan Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire, d6 ^) ^4 T0 _0 s% v
xAK Tatuwa Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
; c$ q5 L2 j# c3 M4 c7 k xAK Yamabiko Maru, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, heavy damage8 h4 q( `% B& l9 U/ ~; A
AMC Bankok Maru, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
/ U! f! ^% f% c* C; x xAP Mizuho Maru, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk/ t; o( @. P3 x5 M, O' Z$ s
xAP Ural Maru, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk; y0 P% p: y9 o7 k
SC CHa-10
; m L9 D0 l' K F SC CHa-22
9 o6 ?* m/ u; x" XAllied Ships
( c2 J$ m% Y! ~& F S, S, w% i PT TM-4
9 Y% _8 y; {' y. w- z- g8 g PT TM-51 x$ F- f! P" O W4 I% s
3 H+ Q7 L* z _. N$ R PT TM-7' [6 P/ y; w# S0 i0 f/ v
PT TM-8* M W1 y' {: a# ~. ^8 z h
PT TM-9, Shell hits 1, heavy fires+ @# |% u! C& E5 G5 V/ W: v# R/ y8 [
PT TM-10
' b0 n) t, X2 W PT TM-11/ I t( M& U0 \9 M3 _0 G9 e0 `
PT TM-129 S% x- `3 u) p: h9 `
PT TM-13, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
! X" _& V" Q" ] PT TM-143 d1 q6 A G6 [- ^+ v
PT TM-15
; Q# a/ X i# h5 gJapanese ground losses:9 e) ], x: k& M& T) f
1119 casualties reported2 z: T4 z5 J# D0 W
Squads: 7 destroyed, 2 disabled
P- l0 T+ D' |) w$ { Non Combat: 138 destroyed, 115 disabled+ B; [4 x: R% V8 B& l
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
( a" S9 i7 d" M) [: s Guns lost 36 (36 destroyed, 0 disabled)
; D, a/ v! b8 U* X+ t. WAllied Ships Reported to be Approaching!
+ N% M) _6 U2 M, W: H" }/ d/ |Japanese TF suspends unloading operations and begins to get underway
1 x+ i/ ?: Q A/ A' M1 f! f' {Allied Ships Reported to be Approaching!; q, x+ q( L P
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 53% moonlight: 2,000 yards1 F& t: a# O/ E9 ]3 ~& h4 ]: Z/ u9 u. _
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
6 b. q, ?5 r6 r0 }: Q! aRange closes to 10,000 yards...
P. F: `* ?( x' | ^8 lRange closes to 9,000 yards...- O9 [ v8 f" w2 K" D
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
: H4 I/ C% B/ e9 w7 dRange closes to 7,000 yards...
9 [ E# I4 V: t3 O' lRange closes to 6,000 yards...
& \& ~7 U/ p2 F; T- GRange closes to 5,000 yards...* D0 N P' I# s
Range closes to 4,000 yards...
1 ~+ F% O0 N; G/ pRange closes to 3,000 yards...
7 z" ?5 N) Q/ _Range closes to 2,000 yards...; i' h- _; o' I
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 2,000 yards
, b" V$ Z+ U5 I# ECONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 2,000 yards; W& e/ o) \2 B2 d; U/ N
SC CHa-22 engages PT TM-13 at 2,000 yards
0 f: t. j: L" @+ @PT TM-15 engages xAP Ural Maru at 2,000 yards( Y1 q# X1 Q) ]0 e% Z
PT TM-13 engages xAP Mizuho Maru at 2,000 yards
- g$ T& M! v- m. U2 PPT TM-14 engages xAK Yamabiko Maru at 2,000 yards
" J- O( J0 Z- u6 k5 L, e9 RxAP Ural Maru sunk by PT TM-6 at 2,000 yards
9 Q8 a. A) c+ G3 _5 B! \% e- BPT TM-15 engages SC CHa-10 at 2,000 yards
3 }" N1 J( R( Q! u# IxAP Mizuho Maru sunk by PT TM-11 at 2,000 yards
5 O, P5 d' [- L8 c zxAK Tatuwa Maru sunk by PT TM-4 at 2,000 yards2 p8 A% \+ q, X6 f+ F
Range increases to 4,000 yards
9 s/ q8 c4 r1 I: s) ?. KAMC Bankok Maru screened from combat$ X' J- c) L4 b2 \& O
PT TM-12 engages AMC Bankok Maru at 4,000 yards2 ^8 o; G+ i. P/ ~# {$ Q' ]
Range closes to 3,000 yards
: Q* |4 M% r, Z- |. |$ l4 YAMC Bankok Maru engages PT TM-13 at 3,000 yards7 F. l/ S( S1 Y3 G v
Range closes to 2,000 yards: s& b) T3 f6 X: e
AMC Bankok Maru engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards
+ q3 ]# _% R6 h1 [AMC Bankok Maru engages PT TM-13 at 2,000 yards
* D1 y$ W" u. K; R1 z5 G6 |0 nAMC Bankok Maru engages PT TM-12 at 2,000 yards* y+ K1 }) x( K8 Z: [
PT TM-15 engages xAK Yamabiko Maru at 2,000 yards) ^5 _4 p5 F6 F) j6 o$ x6 z
AMC Bankok Maru sunk by PT TM-10 at 2,000 yards: n+ s/ A9 j; }& U x. m
PT TM-15 engages PB Kozan Maru at 2,000 yards2 b# k# l) U6 }6 H
SC CHa-22 engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards0 z( x5 K9 E* C
PT TM-13 engages PB Kozan Maru at 2,000 yards
5 o4 o' V, }9 ~PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-12 at 2,000 yards
: p6 L; H' w, g9 ]PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-4 at 2,000 yards7 s1 S; w3 p! M. b& H
PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-14 at 2,000 yards
! m! [ f# `0 i4 dPT TM-9 engages PB Kozan Maru at 2,000 yards
E+ Q: `7 K! F" l; |" }& S( oPB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-4 at 2,000 yards
- c% j9 [& w WRange increases to 3,000 yards3 @: m7 h& P7 i( e
PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-14 at 3,000 yards
? ^+ @! U. Z) ?% U7 A: Y- iPT TM-15 engages xAK Yamabiko Maru at 3,000 yards* \6 k1 P' `2 s- G$ g% _
Range closes to 2,000 yards7 m1 T1 \0 G2 U) g% N' k* O( W
PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards
! O N2 h0 |) ?5 Q4 a8 CSC CHa-22 engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards
# b! b+ E) W' T5 APT TM-13 engages PB Kozan Maru at 2,000 yards
% ^# }1 M3 B( x1 Q1 RPT TM-15 engages xAK Yamabiko Maru at 2,000 yards
( R- o% V0 N& u5 w/ lPT TM-7 engages SC CHa-22 at 2,000 yards* ]; p4 k7 X c; q0 v/ u3 C
PB Kozan Maru engages PT TM-6 at 2,000 yards- I3 k; Y7 B2 j: e" p6 A
Range increases to 3,000 yards
6 c5 E6 i& L+ M6 cPT TM-15 engages xAK Yamabiko Maru at 3,000 yards% H( V; p' ^! }8 n2 y9 P3 ]
Range increases to 6,000 yards& N0 e) H# l) Q
Task forces break off...
; i0 V9 [) _; ~+ ^' w- v% H8 G--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ?& j4 S4 ^( \9 k0 \Night Time Surface Combat, near Kota Bharu at 51,75, Range 8,000 Yards
: G+ l" r; h5 z8 |2 a% h9 dJapanese Ships5 S& C7 P) t0 {9 N
CA Mogami
; G/ S" r6 q/ } T/ H CL Sendai/ ~, H. |" R+ O0 c& }1 H
DD Isonami. P) O" r# A; H. ^+ ]9 B5 ^. ?7 @9 t
DD Shirayuki& x) s/ c) x$ F. `# Y8 N/ b
DD Uranami w$ O, Z- i3 v3 G$ X; ^
Allied Ships8 v/ k/ u! E {9 C
PT TM-4, Shell hits 1, and is sunk/ g |& t: D5 J* f6 |- V8 }! u
" ^9 K2 \+ P6 R PT TM-6
+ L+ ?: _+ |/ g' o PT TM-7
; x1 z# y/ h: n% k. A PT TM-8
) r- c' f6 \9 S PT TM-9, Shell hits 1, and is sunk$ @) [1 \1 T; M' `
PT TM-10* _4 d5 t) E: m3 i0 B/ M0 g' n
PT TM-110 r# K9 w% M0 v
PT TM-12
: d: F) U! [( `+ |6 P7 {* w PT TM-14 k8 i5 F; F, u
PT TM-15 + i' _: p% N8 f; Z
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 64% moonlight: 8,000 yards0 p5 v0 R8 j+ J( z" j$ `
Range closes to 10,000 yards...% i. l% y, ]" e( T2 y: d- X3 M8 \
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
/ [/ \+ ]0 [& j2 I; pCONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 8,000 yards
$ o. |( y8 a$ q; P; XJapanese open fire on surprised Allied ships at 8,000 yards9 H7 ^+ {0 g0 B
Vanderhorst G. orders Allied TF to disengage* U* `, M" ]0 ~: g1 p3 x& W
Range closes to 5,000 yards
% S' o+ w) D, `- GCL Sendai engages PT TM-5 at 5,000 yards- i3 O( [0 s1 Q+ d
PT TM-4 sunk by CL Sendai at 5,000 yards
' G" N/ o9 z0 `1 jRange closes to 2,000 yards( i- P1 X7 B8 c- z
DD Uranami engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards5 A- \2 @& E* T
DD Uranami engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards
8 Z; E. s6 a2 h9 R j. XDD Shirayuki engages PT TM-15 at 2,000 yards+ b2 g1 k# y# K0 O' }, ^/ v
CL Sendai engages PT TM-6 at 2,000 yards
' x( `; @4 g4 v1 KVanderhorst G. orders Allied TF to disengage z$ S- C0 z, }" N% b; L
Range increases to 4,000 yards$ P% |8 ^8 l, l2 F0 ]/ @* Z; B
CL Sendai engages PT TM-15 at 4,000 yards3 |- Z9 x: F, Z& q" x w" f
DD Uranami engages PT TM-9 at 4,000 yards
$ l4 c8 @6 J, S: [' F- T6 [DD Isonami engages PT TM-15 at 4,000 yards
) D5 u3 U, S [7 E, x; @0 LPT TM-9 sunk by CL Sendai at 4,000 yards0 O5 m$ h+ ~' K& `+ @7 s: `& i
Range increases to 6,000 yards
8 t9 b# F& M" s0 `7 m+ QCL Sendai engages PT TM-15 at 6,000 yards* R5 y$ h- H' h
CL Sendai engages PT TM-14 at 6,000 yards4 b, M4 N& D6 `+ j) F
DD Shirayuki engages PT TM-15 at 6,000 yards" x) c/ _* E: |3 ~
DD Isonami engages PT TM-15 at 6,000 yards3 X; {& ~ P+ y
PT TM-7 engages CL Sendai at 6,000 yards
% Y8 A; i8 U4 v$ `# h( B8 MRange increases to 10,000 yards% g j6 q/ k( g4 r; x
CL Sendai engages PT TM-15 at 10,000 yards
8 H- Q. ^% Y; ADD Uranami engages PT TM-12 at 10,000 yards; c6 M6 `, B! N2 Z4 M1 F
CL Sendai engages PT TM-5 at 10,000 yards
) E. }0 {6 ?# s O% _" oRange increases to 12,000 yards5 i" B4 ~% Q2 m
CL Sendai engages PT TM-15 at 12,000 yards
/ v( E" B# n& J7 @( j% Y5 QCL Sendai engages PT TM-12 at 12,000 yards
/ `, p @: y% _4 c5 TDD Uranami engages PT TM-11 at 12,000 yards% F, d/ h K0 m7 s+ z
CL Sendai engages PT TM-10 at 12,000 yards8 U5 N Q) |9 ~8 l' C6 ^
DD Uranami engages PT TM-5 at 12,000 yards# E2 J1 z, @5 d8 r
Vanderhorst G. orders Allied TF to disengage- E O# B9 q4 u" v
Task forces break off...
* R- A4 F* P( I4 C8 g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, C- `7 l* e0 |Night Naval bombardment of Aparri at 82,73 ( J3 J6 m* Q/ n& A$ R/ z1 Q" z. A
Japanese aircraft
* Z( k' M& }+ l7 h5 \& O. [3 | no flights
K7 g6 ?* g. pJapanese aircraft losses
9 a6 ^2 d' e; C+ @' o2 o Ki-27b Nate: 9 damaged
" }0 |3 ] Y% l Ki-27b Nate: 1 destroyed on ground
( }4 n) M9 r& O/ @# O1 U2 gAllied Ships2 d5 k, g& L, g! q% e" c4 U* r
DD Piet Hein0 l7 n5 M% a! Z9 i
DD Kortenaer; p2 v& t! z! ?5 G( Z8 |! z, e
DD Witte de With9 |& t" J. J5 ^# m8 R$ B
DD Van Nes
/ y/ W" _0 Y6 H0 f6 j$ d N; r' e; y DD Banckert 0 L) a& g2 X7 ]+ s: Z1 e$ N
Japanese ground losses:3 P# T0 k1 B4 ^; m- W9 m
13 casualties reported
% D- w. \. i: r. \. r Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled5 F, H7 ^$ B6 }0 b) n u8 K
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled/ F/ x& S' n! {
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ W, ]* f% `9 L' k/ }6 jAirbase hits 3
( w1 o* g$ B* KAirbase supply hits 70 g+ ]. n/ L* u; W, }2 z
Runway hits 33
?$ K; u, K8 K9 _" A3 s! gPort hits 142 q) Q- `! `7 y5 H. i: s
Port fuel hits 15 g, B3 O5 b. m8 d
; j8 H4 n- M, R C6 ~9 U' [- @Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
8 i( ~% N& V! `Weather in hex: Heavy cloud
6 N: p5 k. t2 @Raid detected at 58 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
& u; z7 y* t+ V' v, N& r$ HEstimated time to target is 20 minutes * {- F8 C, l8 P; G
Japanese aircraft
/ [- l/ l: X+ k' v7 H* a) j1 O G3M2 Nell x 16
0 f% I' h. C. r* q G4M1 Betty x 22
( @$ V( @* f! p* i. ]+ i8 W0 g; b2 g$ v8 KAllied aircraft8 ?- I" s% u' p; K+ ?# Q8 Q
no flights : I, ~: L5 C- |% ~0 U( j. `$ \
Japanese aircraft losses
$ m- L0 H! _# @0 L2 y9 S6 S G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged " Q; R6 F/ v9 A- r
Allied aircraft losses
0 {$ b7 b e: l L, S PBY-4 Catalina: 2 damaged9 i! K6 Z+ F* U9 B3 B9 D
PBY-4 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground! M* Z) y1 W" Q" T9 Q
SOC-1 Seagull: 1 destroyed on ground, t* A0 q) l D2 G$ _) Q) f
O-47A: 3 damaged: |& I( H' g! s X, p# x
P-40E Warhawk: 1 damaged
% W3 p/ w' R6 n2 b! v. f+ r P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground2 @ g5 \7 B0 G8 r
B-17D Fortress: 1 damaged ( M/ z7 R. ^6 F! r, q
Allied ground losses:0 P' E0 b3 ~6 s1 j- e$ o" d
4 casualties reported& c, ]9 E# N- i- j# k4 H2 d
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% W5 @- v% i8 v3 i. V9 x- y3 ^$ H Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
3 s. j! y+ }0 c2 U, I Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled 3 z& f' w) @( O
Airbase hits 6
6 H& P3 x8 t+ A) s yRunway hits 27
- ~% v) s" J, `2 z$ u* x C/ m------------------------------------------------
) R* Z# s5 W$ TMorning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
- G: o, K) r: |$ L9 T% ZWeather in hex: Heavy cloud ' k4 ]; U; p8 P7 q
Raid detected at 49 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.# t# L+ C$ W1 W o& N! [, c
Estimated time to target is 17 minutes # _' R* H9 |0 M5 U
Japanese aircraft
' I6 ^0 h" H# l, [- C6 W G3M2 Nell x 14/ x5 f2 G* O4 o8 ?& {: Y! m
G4M1 Betty x 25
/ p1 a9 D) {) Z) ^* AAllied aircraft
- {5 X" {1 l( x. d8 Z no flights
* x, i7 M, e, ?# D2 T) E8 ~; I5 mJapanese aircraft losses) B2 T% T( }$ D1 G7 |9 C
G3M2 Nell: 2 damaged- u1 Y5 z J* N4 d" Z
G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed by flak+ R2 f7 }) N1 g8 R/ C
G4M1 Betty: 6 damaged
9 u. H1 t1 x- n/ `# P7 Q7 NAllied aircraft losses
1 I/ ?: C# Z5 n6 A PBY-4 Catalina: 8 damaged& @5 W% f( C4 F+ ^2 v& |
PBY-4 Catalina: 1 destroyed on ground
2 z$ h/ s: u" U9 F1 L" [1 x B-17D Fortress: 2 damaged
; S9 Z5 Y: u0 }0 s O-47A: 5 damaged# C' `' v( E2 S8 p* e
SOC-1 Seagull: 1 damaged
1 Q! e7 ^9 [- t5 d! V# C) @2 t P-40E Warhawk: 4 damaged( P4 `0 k/ T, g+ f7 x
Beech 18-S: 1 damaged
O: ^7 D2 {% S; }Airbase hits 6. X# }& p& N, `. U. E: {
Airbase supply hits 1
# K% ]4 A! ] |" pRunway hits 181 b# o7 y/ j5 `4 Y9 e7 U
% Y9 Z8 ~; o0 a9 s, e. N. K$ R& TMorning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
8 b. i2 U8 h; w0 IWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
, b. J& T1 u) c! Z% v6 u* y; a' aRaid detected at 47 NM, estimated altitude 9,000 feet.
6 ^. s0 m W+ ^& _' S$ f$ GEstimated time to target is 16 minutes * a- @4 b6 O: n+ t8 L
Japanese aircraft1 d$ L8 @# s5 x) `
G4M1 Betty x 13 8 w. Q" t! K) l# o
Allied aircraft
# L% ]/ M7 X6 ?% I1 ?2 K! r. O( u7 B no flights
2 ]6 r, b7 ]* t# D4 m. oJapanese aircraft losses6 L- S5 L/ y; X s) u# p' T
G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged ( O$ J! y: t/ u& t, o- p) X
Allied aircraft losses9 D; M( ^6 e- {2 C! e$ L; c$ Z
PBY-4 Catalina: 1 damaged' {5 b* h, O6 v P) N
P-40E Warhawk: 2 damaged
& G' g* L( R A' A/ j2 `, [Airbase hits 4& C/ o; u& g0 x# ^
Runway hits 7
}5 S* N4 H/ j% r6 L4 N8 V------------------------------------------------------( `- s7 E- f9 W8 r- _0 K
Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76
" U4 O% H9 q; H2 v9 h5 F% SWeather in hex: Heavy cloud
2 T, E) o& f, L: r% w" ?Raid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 7,000 feet.
7 p* G2 L3 y0 `5 G& sEstimated time to target is 8 minutes
- e# b9 V6 P9 `7 J2 h8 aJapanese aircraft% E: O6 F. y& T( t5 p
A6M2 Zero x 26
+ B. ~8 f; W$ X8 n+ |* GNo Japanese losses 7 F: v [) A d- E
Aircraft Attacking:
' r8 n- I& g) B' q 26 x A6M2 Zero sweeping at 20000 feet8 u! _! l8 {7 b. X3 m
---------------------------------------------------3 I, J* g- Z) x: J
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Rabaul at 106,125
?# n( I5 ^: r4 v5 ~4 T7 Q: VWeather in hex: Partial cloud : n0 A ?# A2 E. o$ V
Raid spotted at 19 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
7 s5 @' g; x0 u7 Q8 p8 m6 d, sEstimated time to target is 6 minutes
. w3 D' @4 v& e4 Y: } I. DJapanese aircraft3 i" l! K) e' B9 d0 g( t
G4M1 Betty x 25 9 @" u% ? ]# v1 S
Japanese aircraft losses
8 U$ v4 G% D* d2 m( v4 c4 ?) T G4M1 Betty: 1 damaged
6 `, w# C' c4 G. fAllied Ships$ _% i+ x7 ]$ ?; M! T+ k) u' O
xAKL Caledon, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk( P S! U, Y* E" B4 c5 x
DD Fanning l% A5 y* C2 F' K; m P
xAKL Lorinna: V! H, W$ o4 k
xAKL Wear, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
5 k) N- a; P7 R4 k9 w1 f/ ], T xAKL Lady Isobel- r- p& p3 N$ S: }- r' M4 E
DD Ellet
, }( x3 S5 ^. h" |& V. s xAKL Kaiping, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk $ }$ ~- w: \( D' q z
Aircraft Attacking:7 D* w- S, G6 ^" a- G" V/ ^- s2 W
15 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet" T; }, E. q' Q& {; X: S
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
" \# F, z" z0 } 7 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
1 Z" X( G. m( x& k. Z: t- U) q2 ~ Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo* x5 i' V$ g( Z4 [3 \, Z: o t) L
3 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
! r7 D* Y; p* m1 N) \6 \ Naval Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb # M0 q) z: {! G7 ~3 v( X
Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Wear
8 i5 o4 z* N( Y6 h, g--------------------------------------------------------------------------------% c! F6 w% Q7 x3 W1 M4 a# d
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Rabaul at 106,125
8 R3 _ I1 u" A4 Y. \Weather in hex: Partial cloud
( B! h6 j% p# V |: n/ t, vRaid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
0 C7 P0 T( T- B) K$ y F" l0 m0 LEstimated time to target is 11 minutes * b& T$ }9 g9 S3 W4 i5 h* V0 q
Japanese aircraft& h* V3 W1 w5 \; T
G4M1 Betty x 4
& ?+ U, H! ^; c" z' PNo Japanese losses * A) w! u' H e8 a s
Allied Ships- L- @7 |9 ~6 X. i0 F2 i& I
xAKL Carlisle, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk * [( g2 Y5 ^# z5 a! r
Aircraft Attacking:# c9 x$ ?+ k2 k# g8 I5 E
4 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet5 X+ j! m: m5 e, Q$ f8 ]' }
Naval Attack: 1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo ( e6 `' i) B% }. _' Y' B" |
; B8 k# \, W3 v4 d# ~, [3 V' `% kAfternoon Air attack on TF, near Rabaul at 106,125 ' ]$ l9 p& ~* }8 y% a
Weather in hex: Partial cloud
2 F, ~% t$ p6 S/ s) uRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.5 g& i# u! Q0 W8 e# H
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes 9 t' w( l* b4 J. o' |9 w
Japanese aircraft
, [( [& {' R" l G4M1 Betty x 4 3 V- _* |2 c6 K
No Japanese losses
; j% }) z m$ T( [' j9 i# cAllied Ships
# G; M4 L9 @; D" @ z. m/ R DD Ellet ! [0 q4 [9 F' }2 y% ]
Aircraft Attacking:9 M) r# J c9 A% @" a2 Y: _" P
4 x G4M1 Betty bombing from 6000 feet
: h- b! e; v5 T9 X+ [0 s Naval Attack: 2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb, 4 x 60 kg GP Bomb
% l5 p0 s( F6 {- m! h* Y-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
. u) V* H5 v; i; J. s$ Q9 N. ?Ground combat at Wenchow (89,58)
# J% u( o8 C9 ~0 L4 R( D9 A# r+ PJapanese Shock attack
4 }( |8 I& i0 `& S4 r% bAttacking force 1025 troops, 4 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 38
! P. T! b+ }, {* n8 @Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0
8 ]5 q) Q y/ Z [, fJapanese adjusted assault: 76
+ P9 M& S: f4 ]- ]% I9 Y( PAllied adjusted defense: 1
) T1 B# o. g1 @, Z( a" `8 i5 g1 j0 eJapanese assault odds: 76 to 1 (fort level 1)
H b3 v/ A* `. s; \* VJapanese forces CAPTURE Wenchow !!! 6 \6 q5 U7 q3 z) b) i
Combat modifiers2 A+ J, q4 S$ l0 r, u" X3 d2 ]
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+) 9 `2 F; i/ E7 L
Assaulting units:
( d! _ U- o0 ` 51st Recon Regiment |