我来翻吧,做点贡献,翻得不好请指正+ y% ^' @4 A2 g5 G& w" W( n
9 H+ e' |$ Z# \: E# o5 f. t* x回信/ ]3 | u/ ~6 K2 w! ]- d
Hi k* u( W- y5 g- Z" R
6 o2 O' n2 W1 E+ i0 s
I have checked proposed scenario and I would stick with standard chs if possible. There is a lot of changes and i am not sure about playability - chs has been tested intensively even in late war.
$ G" K: a f- y$ i& A: j我(对方)考虑了biku提议的剧本,我坚持使用chs标准剧本(难道开始提议的是浆糊的剧本?). 因为这个剧本(我方提议的剧本)有不少改变,我不确定可玩性-----chs已经被很好的测试过了.
, O. F( }( M- c2 p- P% Z
1 D% d9 O: M4 `Witp definitely favor Japan in ship and plane building, I think no need enhance this difference.0 t8 T( Y1 h( @/ Q! s
Witp 无疑在船和飞机的建造上照顾了日本,所以我觉得无需再增强日本了.) B, K6 s- t5 v9 f! F( }
$ r% t A* j/ f: r1 ?, v/ {& FThere is my HR list. Almost everything is negotiable. I want play Allied, and almost all HR favor Japan - they purpose is a balance game.
8 b$ S% f) K! Y" u+ G5 K# X以下是我的房规(HR),可以讨论.我希望玩盟军,这个房规是比较倾向于日方的-------为了游戏的平衡.- L1 O* x, Y0 O& r
% n" I* K& |; }1 H* l5 {4 [Hi Matthew, (这个我没看懂,难道是两封信? 怎么中间来了个hi?)
3 v4 X5 h( ^' z6 a" t+ z" b5 @. h9 A5 Z
$ H6 Z1 \, I: h: B/ S4 o3 r
There is my HR list. It is my attempt to be closer to RL and still having fun from game... I am open to discussion. I play two games now, 1/43 and 2/44, so the HR represent my experience. HR can not cover everything – soundness is the most important. Play as you think Allied commander would do...
. Q* I+ W8 V4 {# s2 F5 C1 ]这是房规, 我的目的是为了接近实际(RL 我猜是 real life)并保持游戏的趣味. 房规可以进一步讨论. 我现在正在玩两盘游戏, 1/43, 2/44, 房规代表了我从我经历的观点.房规并不全面----- 公平是最重要的. 我们玩的时候要考虑到盟军指挥官实际怎么作战的(翻得不好,就是不要gamey,要真实的意思)
) c& {2 ?4 w% g; x' e8 {4 r/ a: I$ L8 K3 H" {
Day 1 第一天
: [% u& k8 u. U) t0 \ ?- ^& M8 \& n
1.No attack on CV.
& {3 @6 A) S; k4 {& r* Q不许攻击CV4 c. I1 c8 G( p) ^% H4 f
2.Only 1 port attack. - F3 Y3 @0 ]& K$ b2 M
6 j! z& D3 ~# S q* L5 Z# G+ N0 A/ t3.Only 2 attack on PH during the first couple of days, then at least two weeks no attacks.
# G) B' I' E9 w9 r/ r在最初的几天只能对PH攻击两次,然后2周之内不能再次攻击.7 ~ P" x: H* v8 R2 e5 K$ ?" o
4. Only realistic movement on day one (no PM, Pago Pago or Amboina landings).$ i$ H K( }/ D5 I
第一天只能作可能的移动(不许在莫尔思比,爬过爬过或安文登陆)* g' R B4 H# [
5.Allied player can only change orders in china.
! t2 V. ~+ a/ t7 ]第一天盟军只能在中国下命令0 [- [7 f' A1 W/ r1 v
0 L7 s2 \& C" P. Q; ~! `
6 U G! f- Y) d. @# T9 }# D) z" H( E8 |! S$ Z) j+ ]
1. Russia must warned one week before invasion (i.e. declare war and wait one week).$ R( I: ~. c% z0 U1 q$ |
入侵苏联要提前一周通知,即激活一周内不战! D/ Z4 W% i2 ^# m
2.Allied pilots must come from pool. If the pool is empty, unexperienced pilot can not be taken. Chinese, Dutch and Russian pilots can do that.
( n A2 w+ ]% J! N# D$ l9 x/ J除了中国 荷兰 苏联以外,盟军飞行员必须从补充池内来,不许用菜鸟( h4 f; ]$ }: ?
0 J- _/ a( S( g/ T" P7 r3呢?
$ r7 Q& x/ E1 v' }$ \: U( e7 @- q9 @) S: m V9 ]
4. Allied units can be landed only from TF with at least one half AP or landing crafts.4 v+ h: X$ G8 R% ^9 N* b
5 H) D1 x7 D+ ~# L4 ?0 ?9 | f7 T5.Dutch and PHI units must have replacement off, if they have not any city with size 3+. Timor is not considered as Dutch territory.
$ W2 r. \; b! c5 D) i' i荷兰和菲律宾部队要关闭补充,除非在3级以上基地. 帝文不认为是荷兰领土(这个有什么影响?).
; d" q, ~8 t1 T5 T6.If Burma road is cut by Jap unit(s), all Chinese units out of china must be set as No replacements.
9 m P: d* Q( a, N如果缅甸的公路被日军切断,中国远征军就必须关闭补给.
( [% g, U1 n# ?1 x1 x7.No mining from planes
/ Y# L. D) H0 R3 y不许飞机布雷. g4 y* I) }( h
8. When the base is captured, AF can be used after the same number of days as AF size.
, X4 H- U- T$ v1 z& O+ ^一个n级基地被占领后,其机场要在n天后才能起用.
7 c9 w' o ^) g2 }! G9. If atoll is occupied and Japanese units are still present, the AF can not be used.
9 Y6 E1 M4 j1 U9 X2 s环礁被占领而且日军部队仍未被清除,环礁机场不能使用.( P' t9 d# R" ~8 J
10.Only base or dot could be place for landing (same paras). ( p9 _6 S4 C; w* z6 W
8 g' _# b8 H$ ^9 H4 P11. No sub commandos.$ I' @$ l1 d5 ^. L6 {. i* l7 |
禁止潜艇登陆5 N& Q# w' ~4 ]3 I. G
12.Paras can attack only as whole unit.
# o6 I/ W' b( a: K# |伞兵要整支部队使用
- Z' f( T* G* ~& Q% @% L5 H. t. t16.The shift of units using HQ change is banned., l9 ^$ T0 [4 c- M# t
% a& A# e. N% v+ H L/ J17.Units in Mandzukuo must have at least 8000AS
# @5 x0 x2 q: G8 q/ \- F; {" r! }- ~满洲部队不能低于8000
0 J' r! m( c2 a2 w: {3 P* \18.Jap units in China could be used only there, if china is not occupied. The same for Chinese units (Indochina is considered as China).
1 s" N0 G- v6 F7 O5 b如果中国战场没有解决,中国派遣军不能调作他用.同样中国军队也需遵守.(中南半岛可以算作中国区域)
/ G% Q) M& T$ |: I' s19.Chinese troops under SEA command can be used only in Barma.
) s, ~; Z. s# i东南亚司令部下辖的中国军队只能在缅甸作战(译者:撤退到印度行不行?).
% B) n+ `! A. v20.4E minimum naval attack altitude is 15000 stop.+ d% ?$ f0 r1 V" O" E
4发对海15000以上5 {3 D; i9 F& ?( u: U
21.No upgrade 2E to 4E with exception of Bolo planes.
6 p$ Q7 N& i. m$ a; ^2发不能升级成4发,除了开始的几个bolos飞行队
5 ]1 L$ d5 H. o2 o* j# V22.4E can attack from China from July 1943; no city attack on chinese towns.% M8 a; J- S3 Z; t( z
7/43后4e才能在中国作战,不能轰炸中国城市(应该是指战略轰炸)9 w+ z* l9 ~$ }9 E5 @2 P, K3 Q, ~3 q
23.No 4E naval attacks after 1942.
' u/ A) D* g" s, R1942年以后4e不能对海
) K7 X- k; I3 t- Q a7 `24.If the dot base is 0/0, AF and port could be expanded only to size 1.
6 U y* {7 Z3 |, w尚未升级成基地的"点",其机场和港口只能升级成1级
5 q+ A6 k5 y" u& Y9 m- C25.Max number of planes is 50xAF size and 30xAF size on atoll.; W& N& v c+ J& M
最大飞机数量限制:一般基地乘50,环礁乘302 v3 v# t$ r7 P. o! Z
26.PT boats could be constructed only in ports 5+. Max number of PT operating in one hex is 12.' W3 r6 L/ P3 ]8 B
% ?7 t* L# S; J$ h27.ASW TF max 6 ships.0 T# b. P; X7 B6 Z3 \
反潜编队最多6艘船; ?: F- R; {: V$ R
Check it and let me know.+ t% h& [1 S$ W% Y- O4 h
检查并告诉我你的意见7 _0 ]" U ]! ?, W
4 t: G& g$ x9 T0 t. tTomik
3 D7 Q* q" p. Z* r; ?5 K) O4 `6 z" S M/ d! D/ p/ s
[ 本帖最后由 zhengxuacmilan 于 2007-11-30 09:47 编辑 ] |