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3 W! ?( I; m, l# V6 \吸取了先烈的教训之后,天煌玫瑰赵对爪哇战事格外重视,不但联合舰队倾巢出动,KB从太平洋千里迢迢赶回增援,就连一向在国内坐阵的联合舰队司令部都亲自出动,山本大将挥舞着指挥刀冲在了抢滩的第一线,所幸大将机智过人,选择了一个完美的登陆场,空无一人的海滩,摇曳的椰子树,都似乎冲淡了几分战争的气息7 u/ G' e# v9 B) x; T& m! r8 e

+ e, I6 E4 M7 z# D- `  m& U" h1 O--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 c" }7 }/ P4 J' D5 R4 @8 R. s4 IAmphibious Assault at Semarang (53,102)
- a1 ?3 \. h( q* u, W# ?0 m9 T
TF 239 troops unloading over beach at Semarang, 53,1026 j; f2 r$ s4 m2 l* ?: h

1 K  [( I2 k1 i- i0 U# iJapanese ground losses:, W1 i& z) o; i# \
      418 casualties reported
4 [! w6 R, j2 \+ ?         Squads: 11 destroyed, 0 disabled
/ I( f& \9 z9 m: Z0 d         Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 f- G0 H! e# t8 h2 e: F         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 v# m3 M/ D0 B# R      Guns lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)
8 x) ^, {$ b7 |- M& {+ l1 e
+ {  {- v+ V8 D+ v5 z8 Z1 O6 }# O
& w) }5 L0 L) @* E! P/ D
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div /19 w* w; K; A8 [+ t
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /12 @2 m; y9 c" }- _' Y
16 troops of a IJA Cavalry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /16 v: K0 r7 ]) @% U0 w! d
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div
. [6 A5 Y5 |3 ^" q9 Z20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div
* z) `# J0 @6 w& G+ B) Z1 H2 \19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div
$ C! L8 t( A/ R0 Z( x20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div
" e6 ?1 e1 j: V7 \6 A9 R$ u" S19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div( ^8 m. F1 M: ]% P6 R2 d
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad lost in surf during unload of 54th Div4 A8 X0 H$ i7 ]6 n! i) Q3 P
8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of Combined Fleet /21 b# F" z6 X; c
8 Naval Support troops lost overboard during unload of 1st Fleet /22 Z8 `- `( |  I2 y  O- x& K) X
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /2
( |6 U% _8 R& o8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 1st Fleet /2
' p$ O* p3 t; D: X& m7 V19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div /39 _+ x  p$ C7 B$ p% F
10cm T91 Howitzer damaged beyond repair during unload of 54th Div /3
+ N% ]2 x& t6 j2 d0 b# W19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 54th Div /4
! q, o, C: t  c19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /4
6 A# [4 g  L# g" m! u19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /4; k' c5 C* D9 f* [0 R5 b
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 54th Div /5
9 o" ~5 \7 @. g7 i) r% j4 d19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /59 {6 U+ V5 l/ s6 \0 z& b6 e
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 54th Div /53 j, T% o1 U2 Y, H; V! \! s
8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 14th Shipping Engr Rgt
* V' L( S3 o. {8 Naval Support troops accidentally lost during unload of Combined Fleet /3
+ H; d0 W8 ?' ^( m! M8 v8 Naval Support troops lost overboard during unload of Combined Fleet /3
- O! e4 q& J, e8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of Combined Fleet /3
) l1 ]" N; P* X; Q  n7 `5 {8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3
9 l9 h3 C9 U! z# X8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3
; q7 s) ?5 w; W  S$ O& t8 Naval Support troops lost in surf during unload of 1st Fleet /3
" X; q0 `! Y  g+ C0 F4 j0 p8 e7 m( l  c

# x# @1 b3 ?3 g当天盟军对日军滩头发动了猛烈的空袭,但是由于KB的存在,空袭毫无意外的无一突防,全天盟军损失了70架精心训练的鱼雷机和战斗机# g4 o- z5 e) b; O6 D) W* [% ~
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-5-26 11:37 编辑 ' i2 |4 \5 a; z

6 b" K9 D2 u3 s6 h8 p2 f! kHQ加成是其次的,联合舰队搬到爪哇目的有2.- H1 g  T& s  N4 Q- v$ B  o
其一是使用登陆占领的5级港口三宝垄,利用联合舰队和第一舰队提供的海军支援单位,就地组织可补充CA弹药及KB出击数及鱼雷的基地,准备爪哇战事不顺时可长期就地作战,同时,也有利于伤船维修和加快运输部队的卸载速度。- m1 o/ f2 o6 L1 z  m
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
8 G9 O7 ]  a5 |3 T9 U9 {# V
* I4 x+ Q9 F& {$ j1941年12月7日——1942年1月7日
* t: F) _0 z$ t3 u) o/ {# w, R4 n# ?6 @' V, i, H
* ~& c" h  C+ P8 L7 z
8 ~* [- h3 O8 J2 r中国战场:  a2 R" Z) F! t; v/ I

' R) |. {) q1 k" c; q' @! q派遣军和华北方面军在得到关东军的重火力支持后,相对国军拥有较大优势。
, _) Z& n" v# I$ n" D4 G/ z6 r5 }: z! |0 [
0 W" z0 z5 s" u0 D, u
华北,分别在南阳和洛阳击溃中原国军重兵集团20余万人,占领中原三城。其中洛阳的国军主力被击溃到野外山地,南阳的国军已被追杀至西安城外。国军游击部队不停的蝗军后方捣乱,数个旅团的部队正在全力围剿。1 f4 W; V2 N$ u% v. J. c" c8 y

* T9 O3 m& H7 U2 _8 l华南华中,相对比较平静,蝗军已经攻克江浙赣全部基地,正在往湖南境内迂回。6 k! W/ z- W3 x4 N( z
8 l9 K: z, y/ I0 }. a! m0 |' \6 M

& `$ o9 q9 N$ k" M2 i5 e" F7 Z* Q1 O
, ~! c+ J) K/ L$ W2 r9 ]2 |
马来战场:5 ~, p9 [9 x6 ~0 u& E( v
% V% u  H+ ?( C, K( X3 P
' Z$ u2 i7 h) r2 w5 `; J
5 K# q# |/ z! |+ \南洋战场:
  p8 F; t# \" Q. e. K/ ~; W+ B2 M# g. [4 A. X' O

8 d+ C7 U- ]+ y( A7 G攻占苏门答腊后,蝗军在巨港和山口洋集结了近2K战力的部队,于1月5日,兵分三路,分别在陆基和KB的掩护下,强行在爪哇三个基地同时登陆,爪哇岛上的盟军已经被拦腰斩断,预计不出1月可解决整个南洋的问题。9 U' C4 ]2 R, n, q! d1 e3 K  A
" v7 G  @' Z$ e

$ d+ t- P5 n7 A+ \安汶、肯达里、万鸦老,3个重要基地已经或即将入手。
3 F' p: b9 X% n( N* b1 e# E
; }/ S, x4 f  ^1 Y中太南太方面未有大动作,蝗军在巩固已经占领的腊包尔、莫港等基地。% h6 x- e2 H. Z: R; E
% K2 ^% H% j# A; l2 _% m8 F9 y# S
KB机动部队行动路线图,可以说能够顺利推进的关键是KB马不停蹄,掩护蝗军攻城掠地。0 u3 s, \3 ^2 ^" u4 r0 r' {9 i  A

9 O  w& }, H& i
3 |( a0 s0 \/ X; r3 Y+ h  F
# c+ e1 Y( e4 `# ^# ~3 N; E* ~截至42年1月8日蝗军情报界面图,已经击沉盟军各型船只近200艘,不过值钱的东西不多,大舰已经被米酋集结到安全地带,至今未见58的踪迹,蝗军真正的挑战在后面。
7 z4 H4 l" F0 Y4 R2 Q# E3 A; V# `0 S. V1 I1 F# B2 @. i& I$ L
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."

# m7 T5 [) K% I1 K8 _
3 `. e) @% i& Y# f仰光沦陷# d9 R/ F; _! @/ b
6 i8 H( M$ Z1 G8 K( `7 J( e- j
" ?; `% H! A" y  @- A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------( u: B4 T( @+ |: Z7 g) b9 `5 A
6 X" Z+ `: {. R; v, X- d
Ground combat at Rangoon (54,53): G* J3 a0 r: D

7 R9 ?* J" J2 X& B4 {Japanese Deliberate attack) h! Y' e. y, a8 ]- P

( ^6 W) l  R* K' Y2 i9 F# F0 ?Attacking force 9631 troops, 103 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 3637 w9 }  V' A% N7 V  r; D0 {8 F
) {$ z; @% u1 D: M" f
Defending force 0 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 0" S0 l4 G0 \) n( P7 V# T

* M& z: H4 j3 n; w! K2 B7 VJapanese adjusted assault: 155 ' Z- l* k+ E. [
7 X# u4 |+ q6 b0 W) h0 _
Allied adjusted defense: 1 1 L/ U3 ]# G8 \$ f* y- Z# ]

% R, g7 }; V) s, x* L9 ^# yJapanese assault odds: 155 to 1 (fort level 1) 5 [" z$ u1 e6 y5 w, j9 r0 X

) Q0 Q+ \% N+ l+ U6 S( B' FJapanese forces CAPTURE Rangoon !!!
  r! m7 @( m( m, w0 H1 ^
, Y& k. d. [1 a4 aCombat modifiers
2 B2 p2 P  }4 ?+ uAttacker:
/ Q9 B) L2 M4 ]. K$ p' F6 j, c
. V, z* C5 R8 k% Y' |
# z( [( c, D' Z3 C+ V. y1 K. F
- D5 N8 l2 S6 W. ~- MAssaulting units:
& n) J6 U4 f! L- c/ W) A$ k3 |    2nd RTA Division
) Q0 j4 c4 Y$ O    15th Guards Regiment6 a3 p9 A8 V; n- \$ ^# B
    4th RTA/B Division
7 y6 i" ?& w8 t/ C6 |- o  g2 l
4 y6 d) X3 R- R. `) Z" \: M) P' d4 a, X0 G2 @  L% L9 u
0 Q; N9 E% e# i& k' O' G& M
荷兰舰队残部偷渡至菲律宾一带,今天在台湾南部海域击沉了8艘日本小艇1 g* G9 d4 a& v0 v% u
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 I% z: G/ X$ M
Day Time Surface Combat, near Hengchun at 85,68, Range 4,000 Yards
' p: N: S; W; K6 p' @5 R. l& R$ _# Y. d; n
Japanese Ships$ z* @" \: J/ d; n5 R0 b4 K
      SC CHa-5, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
/ q- f& V% F* d& D- t* h3 I2 Z) s7 R6 l0 b      SC CHa-8, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
4 ?2 n' h( j3 e8 s. S      SC CHa-17, Shell hits 2, and is sunk
, E4 p) M3 z1 e: z2 g) a0 k      SC CHa-20, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
! A! n$ ^  _% f) T& ~, J; m
* ~% Y+ V" p1 C$ n; l8 KAllied Ships, T  E) N0 o3 w( `5 m- N- m# N
      DD Vampire' X$ l' S/ x: X9 z7 L, C
      DD Vendetta
; v. C3 v$ H; D. k2 P# F      DD Banckert
1 O: _$ ^* A% a9 R3 z9 m      DD Van Nes
) N/ I0 }. T! r& t* A- P      DD Witte de With
. ^: ?# o1 A! a      DD Kortenaer( u# ^. c# W! l/ Q
      DD Piet Hein$ F" R5 A) t: \% W. M! h# g
      DD Van Ghent$ E: p: P% O- U! v% ?7 d# X% A

# @# u+ L' [& k--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 ^' ?4 F( v9 h' ]* Q! ODay Time Surface Combat, near Hengchun at 84,68, Range 4,000 Yards2 \5 _& w) o- N' h/ {+ H

& k+ L& V% C+ A+ S9 WJapanese Ships: G0 H9 H) O" d# [
      SC Ch 5, Shell hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage* H6 V0 I& V! M. }1 R
      SC Ch 6, Shell hits 4, and is sunk& N  a. p/ \5 q6 `
      SC Ch 10, Shell hits 5,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& ]; z. n3 Q4 S: N      SC Ch 11, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
+ H1 o/ R% |* ]
3 Q8 w+ A# `5 g9 ]& M# yAllied Ships! q9 J$ F: e" `  t7 B. N: \
      DD Vampire
2 d6 W) H! k- Z! V/ z      DD Vendetta& }2 v" l: \' ^3 I( n9 D
      DD Banckert
5 @* F& m; u( o3 T" \( M      DD Van Nes
- Q7 Z6 y$ Y7 ~) K; {% P      DD Witte de With
+ R- ?" v( M  F3 y9 R6 w2 Y      DD Kortenaer
4 o0 q2 \9 b4 g$ N      DD Piet Hein) ^+ e0 s$ l2 f& `4 m" ?
      DD Van Ghent% s1 T8 a/ N3 Z3 }3 h7 u4 a5 }2 ~

  H4 y& E$ k3 a. e& y$ I3 t  p8 J% [0 T" I+ }$ \7 x

"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
另外鬼子谎报军情已经是习惯了,当时看到这个战果还挺惊讶的* ^% L! L0 H" p& D0 v( b, U
* o1 H  h# J+ M7 K9 V0 G" f
5 ~/ s. G" b' N3 N6 w5 G# Q/ q
! S- W( k- w* J! K% G1 \! Z$ p4 zMorning Air attack on 22nd Australian Brigade, at 49,99 , near Batavia
  u% Y5 b# c  m. j4 ~- O1 w9 B5 G& N1 c: C0 i, z- L5 L" @
Weather in hex: Overcast
' ?  g; K) j( e+ K3 ^  {
" @& L. u, _2 e: s" j( s1 k% NRaid spotted at 29 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.3 n: ]# [' |( M" h( B8 Z
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes9 Y$ o* Q8 v& r1 O/ ^" Y
* P4 S8 r2 ?2 F$ ]- O1 H
Japanese aircraft' a" _3 H1 h0 G+ @1 q
      Ki-21-IIa Sally x 123
6 _9 x; V% o- H7 N; z* \0 R9 v3 k2 o5 p1 z2 n
* p5 d" S% w! q" e# J5 M6 Y
5 x) D! E1 m4 F# u, J% K
Japanese aircraft losses/ }$ K$ g3 R- p9 t: K% g
      Ki-21-IIa Sally: 10 damaged1 d9 Z% k1 h; b, [' j

7 b6 w8 O3 z9 ~4 ?4 g; Z$ K3 q2 l" R; l
Allied ground losses:
. E. ]! W3 d' c! @% w; z      359 casualties reported9 X! \! y: @8 {/ I
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 30 disabled0 h" K$ P6 S5 K3 D# Y% O
         Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 77 disabled
6 j" C" O# ^% s. Q. d         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
3 Y1 \8 K0 a8 [5 a: L3 D- ^      Guns lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)4 \" H: ]" _3 [
      Vehicles lost 8 (1 destroyed, 7 disabled)
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
( [8 W/ k4 K- y& x$ O. f; [7 Y0 y! D
5 ~" A* D3 ~1 O" \. g- ^; r& U8 h" c# L$ e
4 _2 t7 L1 O9 R# I8 x' t
  I5 Q6 x5 p. @  z6 qGround combat at Singapore (50,84). j/ B* B  d% Q; L# ^. U, d; X
2 A# K  S; t( D& }. e1 k
Japanese Shock attack
4 e5 h& u  z% d
7 Q4 L- J" P+ xAttacking force 79650 troops, 689 guns, 676 vehicles, Assault Value = 2909
$ h* h7 ?. x% j* ~9 U# r
1 d% ^* E2 Y* mDefending force 28983 troops, 395 guns, 305 vehicles, Assault Value = 518
  c0 q; E( f1 _3 F% L5 l1 Q9 h
1 i: Y# q# `9 |Japanese adjusted assault: 2219   O4 e6 f& P: o* J$ f" g
$ g# k% V# p! d/ q* \
Allied adjusted defense: 523
' E: [6 n3 {  B& [6 H" E  \: Q& t/ e6 r+ |3 }
Japanese assault odds: 4 to 1 (fort level 0)
- M. ~- }, V1 S  [2 h% _9 N. j$ l1 r3 A7 q6 G+ L9 ], F
Japanese forces CAPTURE Singapore !!!. k6 ?/ u7 z0 T" M
8 J+ ~" O) D1 a8 h
Allied aircraft  Z+ D) u: y- l( C
      no flights, H: a1 R/ K& W# a
9 q  ?5 J1 W) Z4 M# N, Q1 A3 ^5 @
No Allied losses
) \) C3 L+ z  Q" [) C
) O( j  e& G' }0 P1 ?Combat modifiers
* q( ?. \+ G( V  p$ ~( JDefender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-). k# i9 t4 `1 y6 K) S7 s+ r
Attacker: shock(+), disruption(-), s8 L# T7 X4 ^

4 H( {6 J8 e; U1 }8 nJapanese ground losses:
2 t2 x, n- H0 Y' K  Z      5159 casualties reported# W/ b, b" u4 U9 j& r! H7 }
         Squads: 16 destroyed, 269 disabled
, b/ }+ v  D7 Q         Non Combat: 13 destroyed, 142 disabled" [9 `" x# ~0 c
         Engineers: 1 destroyed, 37 disabled" p1 k6 N* F# y* }0 C# w" K
      Vehicles lost 32 (6 destroyed, 26 disabled)! k" e/ _( ]4 ^' R/ B' Q
      Units destroyed 1
; B: s+ F2 m0 p. I" O: z) G$ e, d, L. p4 w6 K1 N3 ?3 _% W  t

' h0 l8 K# v. B% _Allied ground losses:% t' i- l+ [/ v) l$ a
      27088 casualties reported
5 V- |/ d( j4 l1 k) A         Squads: 557 destroyed, 0 disabled
$ Y' K9 M" v7 _+ F# ?         Non Combat: 2263 destroyed, 0 disabled
1 U! p9 d, `" y0 _. b8 Q         Engineers: 125 destroyed, 0 disabled7 Z0 k4 n# Q3 H( _. G. r0 d  x
      Guns lost 277 (277 destroyed, 0 disabled). t# k, e* Y' Y- n1 f/ F, P
      Vehicles lost 347 (347 destroyed, 0 disabled)
2 C  N$ l% d! Q) V: p: T  t      Units destroyed 390 L# Q1 J9 a" N6 m  p

5 P' J5 r, ]7 S  ~/ v* d/ d7 h1 O( Y  F( v9 e- w& w! Y% f+ S
Assaulting units:4 i+ q# K1 J, Q" y1 d& d6 @
    1st Formosa Inf. Regiment
. g3 L7 l# f8 j% O% g    5th Engineer Regiment" ~5 [) }" j/ p3 Q% C+ X
    65th Brigade
' L3 Y5 D4 x. F' t. d    33rd Division% c5 W# F4 `( p( Z
    114th Infantry Regiment/ L6 @0 B& _1 W0 I) \
    5th Recon Regiment
2 s& g/ _: |- v6 L    55th Infantry Regiment+ d' e+ _: f! V8 ^7 I) K6 Q
    1st Tank Regiment) N, Y( E: ?+ [) M
    7th Tank Regiment
9 L3 _7 U  e# x8 `    21st Ind. Engineer Regiment) J6 t, P9 M1 M
    21st Infantry Regiment
0 d# U" s$ {: U6 L7 f/ p* x, Q    2nd Formosa Inf. Regiment
, m0 D; b/ D" O) m3 S! b7 A- M    112th Infantry Regiment3 K, ]- n9 u# J5 N
    II./143rd Infantry Battalion! i; d, ?) H6 A+ z. r+ G) J
    48th Recon Regiment
4 E- H1 r8 e1 O. ~8 h    14th Tank Regiment! B) j% u) w8 F1 g! @
    Imperial Guards Division
1 R1 c/ U9 i8 \2 ^- v7 g    56th Infantry Regiment( M, t4 D2 a- v! c
    42nd Infantry Regiment
9 _4 `. w0 `6 U( f% O% l    11th Infantry Regiment
7 h( X$ E' M% O5 g    2nd Tank Regiment
; m7 \; r5 V1 P, `3 z9 L9 g4 p( o    4th Tank Regiment
4 |2 m0 x# A7 Y* U+ J, L2 F    III./143rd Infantry Battalion/ o8 W- t! V3 r! U0 b) X( Z
    6th RTA Division4 V) W/ y- O; K$ f7 p
    5th Field Artillery Regiment% b, U& F( L( K3 T& c
    9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
5 M1 A$ ?1 H5 s  K/ R5 J    2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion9 w4 A' L; }8 m; f
    43rd Const Co - i: X& s# x  _0 j. K! h, m
    15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion5 S3 \0 @& |! O) t
    5th Field AF Construction Battalion
, W( p* s8 t+ k9 V! L4 H$ o    Southern Army
! c( X# B! `2 O) o# h% y! h1 S3 ^    11th Shipping Engineer Regiment1 f" `' `, c- V* M9 [
    1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
4 ^* p- H' Q1 @" y1 O  N    8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment! e" ~! g$ _$ P
    53rd Const Co
- z. ]8 V- l" Y6 p. @2 N8 i    54th Const Co , |# X, o* U: @- o& l

5 w3 X2 [0 l3 R8 W7 J' s& bDefending units:
, }& w* T  [: P! t% h" F/ o    3/16th Punjab Battalion
/ [. \  P& T8 H: Y8 v5 B9 c: K    1st Malay Battalion& i+ U! e6 {0 ^% N; |3 B! ]- ]1 u
    SSVF Brigade
  u' c$ T5 d5 A+ b    27th Australian Brigade5 i4 H/ k/ Y2 K. o1 {( `
    Singapore Fortress
$ ~, j, S9 k3 E0 O) s& y    3rd SSVF Battalion
- m0 W- z3 ?% {# o; D3 y    2nd Malay Battalion) h6 G2 w+ N* Y: N& z: D+ y+ W
    2nd Loyal Battalion; l( n( C2 q5 Y; |
    5/14th Punjab Battalion
3 ]2 v( j# s9 W    5/2nd Punjab Battalion
1 k; h( C! h  V& @8 s    22nd Indian Brigade
8 x2 W* U# ?$ M    2nd Gordons Battalion' x& M( N+ p0 U9 {3 M7 K  k
    3rd Cavalry Regiment) x3 T- A) h1 B5 L" z& o
    28th Gurkha Bde /1
3 s) `/ f4 C# B2 Y, z3 `    1st Manchester Battalion
! P5 a: [' H- ^  ]: d    2/17 Dogra Battalion8 Q& K( u: _% I
    22nd Australian Bde /1- F- n( L4 }9 [' H2 e" u
    2nd ISF Base Force
$ E9 L3 h$ @! N) P6 V    2nd HK&S Heavy AA Regiment: {& _2 k  }; T) \# f- O# L
    223 Group RAF 6 v' a; O9 q( P! p9 X
    III Indian Corps
. |  c! A0 C. L  h7 j    Singapore Base Force
9 s1 _$ q0 c" n    109th RN Base Force( F  n* w1 d0 [+ j
    29 Battery/3 HAA
& i& F6 s4 @) b: h2 L( v    24th NZ Pioneer Coy 3 V1 X8 o" m8 U' O) ~
    110th RAF Base Force4 z* ~3 `5 I) l/ ~) B$ l4 j
    Malaya Army
" J; l+ {3 z4 u! U8 t7 X    1st HK&S Heavy AA Regiment
; u$ _' U1 `4 m, R& y    1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
, V2 l8 C2 P9 O) w. C* a  x    111th RAF Base Force1 d2 B( Y  [; V( p1 t" U; k% A5 B
    11 Battery/3 HAA
+ H$ F3 m/ k% o- O' E4 a    224 Group RAF
3 ]: n. c) j9 M8 r6 T    137/155th Field Regiment6 Y% D9 U- Y. C" G
    112th RAF Base Force
  y0 l, u& Q6 Z8 K/ w3 ]. j7 ~' f/ P    AHQ Far East
! B$ L+ p- \* i    22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
1 ~! h3 ?6 ]9 `7 Q& f    2/215th Bty 80th AT Gun Regiment
( ^3 j, u7 F, b4 `8 r    Malayan Air Wing
4 [0 }! r. U2 A5 V    272/273rd Bty 80th AT Gun Regiment4 N0 w2 _5 r, M- R% e& ^5 S2 k7 J8 l
    5th Field Regiment
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."