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, T; _& P; ~" U) A( X; f+ Q( b+ b+ K. B( [0 L! Z  B) Z: B
南方战线:# P) b6 H1 Q3 s$ B

6 v9 c8 q- g. Z3 A攻略万鸦老的蝗军船队,暂时后撤,MINIKB过来增援后再发动攻击,今日攻陷棉兰老岛达沃以及马来半岛的维多利亚角,南洋东大门已经向蝗军敞开!
6 Y5 `, d6 m1 ^4 m. H2 v
- Z- M. a' T( fJapanese forces CAPTURE Davao !!!# J- ]# D& h# R" p4 E. y
Japanese forces CAPTURE Victoria Point !!!
% v3 A# g) Q8 R+ z5 u; K
- z. Y' v5 F% v! Z9 ]' k中国大陆:# C: j! q+ a7 S9 O- q
  |! e9 d' V, U! P! |( E. ]& H4 M
0 I4 Z; t* [$ E, B9 i0 v--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 b6 g9 s. d8 d! I; O) h

, Y8 J) g1 `* k% Q( x1 x1 RGround combat at 84,55 (near Nanchang)
, A7 j8 N: \0 U& J$ b5 s3 `
4 v" M9 @4 ~8 _+ FJapanese Deliberate attack" ^, J/ G( |& k) K- y- \# O$ F- ?

6 e- O* R  \. j. ^2 {. {Attacking force 17455 troops, 142 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 595
1 G( e' i  ]2 q7 M' y
" V/ d: D+ ^; y/ z+ c" XDefending force 19753 troops, 135 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 660
: y! w4 v# J8 R- H' L
" @! o  I$ z9 E, bJapanese adjusted assault: 506 * \% E% f6 @3 V$ F2 a

! p0 f1 y9 P+ [( h& X$ C5 Y0 w- ?Allied adjusted defense: 126 $ V+ h% ~0 |/ A6 p% W6 A# q

. B& K& g# u7 v) h1 zJapanese assault odds: 4 to 1
5 Q8 b2 @" i6 ^* \2 ~
& {- ~4 c) V: sCombat modifiers
. M3 w& M2 _" j  R: kDefender: op mode(-), leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)
" D# V  K7 V- {* OAttacker: 2 S9 c) g/ i- x5 e4 t% R

" l& e; p. ^, kJapanese ground losses:
' C: }0 D+ ]& U( H      565 casualties reported
% b) q( ]0 x$ d0 ]# S         Squads: 0 destroyed, 43 disabled+ \9 i# j8 Y2 a
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 32 disabled
2 ]( }" B0 T2 \) R: a$ C) m. `         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 10 disabled
' j, }: @. j/ Z 8 P& l) \/ J# `( a; G4 Z8 ^  l

$ Z" q4 o. d, rAllied ground losses:
0 `  w7 J3 ~# S1 z: l% ~- p      5388 casualties reported
5 V" J8 E0 X+ n' p- x2 q         Squads: 198 destroyed, 9 disabled
$ Y1 f& }1 T8 |9 U! |         Non Combat: 228 destroyed, 3 disabled- K: L3 ?4 ~! e
         Engineers: 10 destroyed, 4 disabled
# ^0 Y' H' r8 U( r      Guns lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)
' g% p  B. Z- z      Units retreated 4) E" d4 r* I$ @& d! [+ V

* I7 _4 H* |- T6 h$ H' d
, m. R' |" S$ W; zDefeated Allied Units Retreating!0 l( ~/ U  i9 Z* r
2 Q0 F7 X. i; s1 g3 n$ k
Assaulting units:
0 P5 l3 j3 A1 \; u7 f' l& J    39th Division/ B% j$ T; ]) d* m% N
    12th Ind.Mixed Brigade. r; K  Q5 Z& r( G4 W. G
) O8 r( F  |  m" g' T& ?
Defending units:. j' c7 Q2 o5 }: b
    21st Chinese Corps) g: F* C, _! U, Z1 X, [5 i; C2 [
    70th Chinese Corps# ~& g( F; N. w# f* G$ B" R9 D
    3rd New Chinese Corps
9 ~4 ?+ m6 o- R, Z  j    32nd Group Army) [* Q. w" o8 {) m& t7 J+ |

0 a9 ?$ x+ u+ `蚌埠北铁路线上的国军89军再次遭到毁灭性打击!$ Q5 w/ i2 ]( h+ k* E! {. z
+ [( _' P3 A3 {3 N: p: o8 y' G9 A: ^7 w
) J, i; L  ^. j/ h' v0 `9 b
8 o0 j. g( A2 B2 D+ `, l. qGround combat at 90,49 (near Pengpu)
- A# A1 {/ s% U4 o! o' m ! r  ?+ e/ L( E, H/ O( U3 z/ ]2 {$ v
Japanese Shock attack
3 \) k( w* e  M( U! d0 Q
8 j& c1 S* S6 o* O* CAttacking force 5166 troops, 38 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 162
! t! I; a; Z3 v9 }( `
2 ], O# I! A% B: D. |$ ^Defending force 772 troops, 16 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 14
( W" ]" `8 G& j4 X
0 F/ _! {, s' [# z6 M3 G, PJapanese adjusted assault: 244
7 a( S1 o% _9 U
, V: Y' L; R% H7 f( Q+ xAllied adjusted defense: 1 & _  C' S' C- P4 _/ e# \) |
* |* w$ {/ ~/ l, y: j
Japanese assault odds: 244 to 1 ) q4 K* F9 o) g" ^$ w

2 a" W1 a# v) o6 GCombat modifiers
6 \2 Z5 t3 h1 S7 h& U% uDefender: morale(-), experience(-), supply(-)
6 X# \+ J. P/ H  ?  [Attacker: shock(+), leaders(+)
! Z5 b9 k, f! J
; ?' T" }' W; T- aJapanese ground losses:
" h4 m1 j* J& O3 W5 ?      13 casualties reported+ P$ _; e& g, S+ g$ D5 f& I" c
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled! \6 t! N# g" b9 F
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
8 a3 x* f5 B5 F5 m5 Q         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
% a0 i5 S5 k# ]8 t2 n8 j
% y0 K) Z# H, P" X3 P. s 1 ?6 G: I( S( g0 R
Allied ground losses:
' Y4 y' t! d5 C      654 casualties reported
/ f+ k( G. W) O  |0 ?) Z! }         Squads: 32 destroyed, 0 disabled
0 x  e! ?8 M8 G0 M' }1 |/ U; X         Non Combat: 38 destroyed, 0 disabled8 i, I9 C* S% ^6 r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 R; r( J/ V9 a: s) s; r
      Guns lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)
- s# W+ l3 s  W; i1 S% h6 @      Units retreated 1
% D# r7 f% e) w$ t& M ' s; J" F( K3 b6 A
8 \$ S0 ]. {6 h) G4 B( ]* d
Defeated Allied Units Retreating!
$ _( X- R1 t+ j! e2 Z& [7 G+ a * J! j9 P  H$ d0 C/ {6 F
Assaulting units:( W! v$ H3 t1 t, `: y3 c0 t6 v
    13th Ind.Mixed Brigade
) b& b# b: G( H0 t  B/ ^1 K
# H, [' ]! j' z( F# fDefending units:
3 G) o  o1 S: R$ a: Z6 w    89th Chinese Corps
+ X" l% G6 z4 f. ?
; b  i2 z7 D: M7 Y; i中原重镇-归德,不知死活的一个杂牌51军被32师团击溃!3 L6 q0 i2 G# W, j0 }6 J
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 G8 b' F; A. G) Y

8 Q: g4 P7 {- B! L3 }1 h" X8 {# r8 GGround combat at Kweiteh (90,46)6 N* }% o% r' L! }8 ]" ~0 g
4 v% X9 O2 p. V0 b: c" \
Japanese Shock attack
8 t& `% J: e/ a# _
' k: C0 v. _; Q! }Attacking force 11454 troops, 102 guns, 42 vehicles, Assault Value = 396: E& l2 _4 J0 i) q+ V
( `- G$ ?2 ]0 a' E! z6 e- }
Defending force 1143 troops, 2 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 420 |; U2 [5 U, V' C% c
8 G9 q  I) }4 ?7 b
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0" i& S" `% a2 `. P; o

/ \- g3 J4 V$ {) oJapanese adjusted assault: 348
$ ^# \0 a, p; @, q" u' Z0 \   b7 p1 h; N/ {0 P7 r2 y
Allied adjusted defense: 1
  ^) J. R) P5 ~5 X9 Z" l6 o% x- f " ]+ F/ |6 T6 v1 Y! Z* c
Japanese assault odds: 348 to 1 (fort level 0)
5 o* ^# M6 l3 \6 V# |5 o
7 Z: d4 P( r- `8 XJapanese forces CAPTURE Kweiteh !!!( h0 W9 C8 l5 f9 K

) E6 A* ?, _* Y; v, I3 }. \Combat modifiers
* m$ y" k2 L. PDefender: leaders(+), morale(-), experience(-)
8 q$ t4 q+ {& J  |" r/ t3 LAttacker: shock(+), leaders(-)6 l( {( y1 _  d( J

  m# @$ e  K1 R6 JJapanese ground losses:: j6 M6 x: B% ^% }# }! g$ r
      69 casualties reported
5 E, L7 l% J1 @2 R7 O; D% y         Squads: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled$ O3 A0 [5 D4 c3 e0 ?2 F: F
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled9 G  D4 V) Z4 `+ Z! k# E0 c
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled9 U8 _7 m- H+ F* Z3 e/ v

& `6 r- q- R6 q' U $ j8 k: O( C* G9 f, H: J' f& {
Allied ground losses:2 N4 w& J) w" T: _
      837 casualties reported
. O4 [) k5 h  R* ?4 R         Squads: 51 destroyed, 0 disabled& i6 c/ A+ u2 g( O6 k
         Non Combat: 37 destroyed, 0 disabled7 `/ q4 ?; A( J" A: C( T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled& k- e% P& j1 u: m/ N9 V8 N) d
      Units retreated 1
  Y" `7 U0 x3 S% j6 L8 W 2 x0 C* r2 r. r: G- w5 m

1 ^1 R/ M$ d3 i, NDefeated Allied Units Retreating!( @' J* ]9 F) R: x

) \2 W$ T5 A# b2 O; V2 pAssaulting units:# a4 }2 v7 R" ]; M) W7 M
    32nd Division/ V& P( I: k. H5 {
3 e6 y* M* C( X% \/ v9 _# j
Defending units:
0 H+ h; W9 l3 q; f! G    51st Chinese Corps, S' E) g  D+ E

* t8 i  _3 {4 c" z3 ?% ]0 l104师团和38师团对香港发动突击攻击,可惜天气原因,空军未出动配合,打出2:1,阴国殖民军苟延残喘多了一日,据悉,港督已经开战初就乘坐PT溜之大吉~~
" S/ s7 o% }' w& U0 K$ {# A2 [6 E/ _* Y0 J$ l4 N0 D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  c" S' D% v1 r
  |) D  X' v; a3 ]2 S! {
Ground combat at Hong Kong (77,61)
# k$ y5 _) v( e' E 0 B* t- v. [2 |0 G- R
Japanese Shock attack1 p) P) @) k# r+ F: n8 K
% O- ]" s& s8 l5 B
Attacking force 33647 troops, 464 guns, 259 vehicles, Assault Value = 10565 W1 E  X; ?) G2 i# t( W& e- \
: F- g9 w. m5 c; b% u* Q
Defending force 5408 troops, 117 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 1574 p; I  ^/ t$ Z0 m: A! r8 y
9 O1 T4 d3 {" m1 @. ]9 @' e
Japanese adjusted assault: 1112
* a! Q9 [6 R' N; b6 A, W  t 4 u+ |' j4 @, w7 A* E/ m4 Y# d
Allied adjusted defense: 401
5 b- j8 ~. o3 M0 \3 k) Q5 K0 Z/ w( x! N
* O/ K& L  n" @* I! PJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 3) / e! k8 b$ k+ V: ?; v) N- }
5 K! z# T0 e7 e- c3 y! `' x& t
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1
/ Z# H2 e" v6 I) h
! C) b8 @+ J( H- JCombat modifiers
% y- R7 X' O; C# R* l& L. QDefender: terrain(+), experience(-)" p9 q2 F0 B5 t6 ~  T0 _: e/ N
Attacker: shock(+)' r' v5 E/ U% j9 p. {* j

* U4 V1 j; a. i# V% {/ R6 z/ b' ZJapanese ground losses:  ?% I& T& v7 Y# m! C! y
      1144 casualties reported
3 Q7 p3 d+ ?! i" W$ x# R         Squads: 7 destroyed, 43 disabled
( X+ G' u; V9 {$ u% J  P. n. w         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 47 disabled( I( E! o2 M3 x3 F: r
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 20 disabled
  j& b: O! K2 y0 D) v      Vehicles lost 6 (1 destroyed, 5 disabled)! h0 O1 ~7 y4 K. r$ h0 g

* A5 k* l! s# W( }
* k; S3 E! B' W' e1 \! O$ JAllied ground losses:' J3 M- t# b3 Z8 g- x4 J' I
      439 casualties reported
5 G0 d4 u( X  m" o         Squads: 8 destroyed, 20 disabled+ B7 d/ u6 r! h) q3 l' E2 v0 t
         Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 56 disabled4 |0 C" J$ R/ f- X4 B& F+ r
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
2 @& ]1 H# E" O" a* i8 w7 w      Vehicles lost 12 (2 destroyed, 10 disabled)
" D1 Z; _5 r; n8 a: }7 W% x( B
1 ]4 k* E9 h/ \9 T7 ^
9 F. o/ F6 z+ b& [$ vAssaulting units:- d' a/ r" _& n# T6 m- z
    38th Division0 m; [" y: m/ z; m7 ~6 }- T( ^
    66th Infantry Regiment7 g8 E/ T' ?: \- o
    19th Ind. Engineer Regiment4 p) g0 ]/ Q* W& Z" ]  C
    104th Division9 N8 x( v& Q7 j8 H+ M
    20th Ind. Engineer Regiment: m) {5 c) B+ J; K4 b$ J4 b
    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment6 d4 E& n4 Z. a) W4 e$ H" U
    2nd RF Gun Battalion
0 U# F4 h, ^# c    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
0 p, F5 V- q$ t; y! Z9 E    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
+ u* A* E, `( a3 l    2nd Mortar Battalion
& e6 }/ [9 T5 C* }8 d3 t4 g    21st Mortar Battalion! q7 `$ U- N* F8 b
    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion4 |) d2 H  h6 u9 |, I; e, W  {
    5th RF Gun Battalion
/ w* Z. r. ?/ }1 Y+ A! l- A    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion+ p/ d( e5 D& M; {
1 ?: l5 r7 W; f1 t: E
Defending units:
+ B9 \) M8 ]2 w) w5 V    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion) J: o! l# W" O. q9 T
    Hong Kong Fortress
: V- ^+ u( u8 N, f    1st Middlesex Battalion5 a, ^8 x. m7 {
    Rifles of Canada Battalion/ o0 d! _  p- {4 x) S
    Kowloon Brigade3 B2 B+ Y# d9 }; K! I/ E+ P" O
    102nd RN Base Force
" i- X: @7 n4 F$ T/ V/ S6 p% z( n* y0 I! O$ k& U5 ?

/ O" c8 F- V) R5 o2 n% Z  l: d6 [今日,尽管米酋大统领连续多日使出YD的单舰裸奔大法,多数还是未能逃出蝗军魔掌,以下盟军船只遭击沉或重创:+ f' F# _8 }' [# |- z6 c

9 _2 q/ c' G( Z0 P4 r4 BAllied Ships$ ^  L" d3 W3 t' }
      xAKL Chengtu, Shell hits 15, and is sunk
& u. @6 t  p5 \6 y      xAKL Joan Moller, Shell hits 22, and is sunk
( Z! K: D3 x# u! I- u8 n0 d      xAKL Soochow, Shell hits 16, and is sunk
. P0 L. d+ V0 c) o- {0 O9 D  U      xAKL Yat Shing, Shell hits 21, and is sunk% w1 E* H5 X* u
       xAKL Bisayas, Shell hits 11, and is sunk& x0 B( A: E2 B, y, o( U" \7 ^
      xAKL Anakan, Shell hits 22, and is sunk3 M, b* s; v, w; u( ~* E
      CM Kung Wo, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage
2 m- N8 R/ }" ]" `/ v, P) B4 U      CL Detroit, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
. G7 c& P* B2 M8 V% h      xAP Macdhui, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage
! z/ H: w$ J4 i. M4 s      xAK Ellenga, Bomb hits 1,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
& o: a  y0 z. \" n      HDML Pahalwan, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
2 A/ B5 a+ j4 T! d5 e- N: ?3 e* I      xAP Dominion Monarch, Bomb hits 4,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
* a) C  m- ~+ i$ f( b      HDML Pennigat, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
, s2 m. v3 `( P+ [
6 \# c3 E( _. F- U1 W2 d蝗军损失开战以来第一艘作战船只,在南洋努美阿执行破交任务的SS I-10未能干掉盟军布雷舰,使其布雷成功,连触2雷当场沉没,AE港口布雷对SS的杀伤力非常恐怖,1雷基本重创或沉没。
: i1 m9 `$ t( `& S8 I4 U8 ^( Y, {
; v8 k4 x! y6 @$ X8 v( kTF 28 encounters mine field at Noumea (115,160)& b5 q1 b# n& u

* p- V/ a* p/ k2 z8 Q* ^Japanese Ships, y' ~+ G- w8 m0 W" M/ ~4 T* L
      SS I-10, Mine hits 1,  heavy damage( Q7 A2 e- M- q* E( O: T
2 z8 m! s+ J8 R4 \" \5 q# @6 E4 G' |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  h/ L6 ^9 t+ |7 [# w9 |TF 28 encounters mine field at Noumea (115,160)
. t/ Y' d$ ~7 L# [# Y/ Z7 B& U 6 S% m1 N  u' |3 d  J5 |
Japanese Ships
! T+ O4 h, w- U4 g      SS I-10, Mine hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 championzhao 于 2011-5-16 12:18 编辑 * \- r- ?, H% D* H7 s$ J: H5 @
, ^: M# F( w8 }8 X5 Y2 e
41年12月13日0 |6 p2 _4 D6 t5 d3 @8 G9 j, B" Y; ]
& \9 P' \$ A8 S+ L# Q3 c8 u
) D( ]6 x. I# i$ K; O+ V当天,“东京玫瑰”用流利的美式英语,向全世界宣布了这一消息~~  + M% s7 `$ w6 y
' s' j- Q7 l4 [5 T9 l
6 F7 S$ Y9 _% J! K+ a0 J1 F
% a/ E+ [. b, w! X
7 w! k: A9 N, S3 F% H# U4 k8 E- HGround combat at Hong Kong (77,61)0 C' Y1 Z0 L2 X
& B% i! h* }) q: Q
Japanese Shock attack' X% |3 q; M# e4 M
8 H% z. N, k3 J* H. b5 s
Attacking force 33013 troops, 464 guns, 258 vehicles, Assault Value = 10121 u! l! |! Z+ Q0 Z- g  t
/ B5 y1 r0 _- [: n* h6 `, ?+ s9 |4 ^
Defending force 4719 troops, 112 guns, 78 vehicles, Assault Value = 118
9 b/ Y) I# R  D7 |- H4 A' `4 i4 `; Q  {$ L$ M- ~
Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0
  b5 E8 k  d4 |* y. i; a9 E7 k$ _+ Q2 t7 v& w
Japanese adjusted assault: 388
! d; y6 W- C: S% O) k, i" i  t* Z$ t; e5 |6 O
Allied adjusted defense: 157 * m3 J* n5 P7 G& G

6 ]( N; n- p. LJapanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 0) 4 V& |+ n6 Q0 F' @1 a# V3 c

" [* l: S) C4 A, zJapanese forces CAPTURE Hong Kong !!!
& G. g% O7 g% B4 F0 _6 P1 h. u8 t- f% T$ n3 o, d0 x
Combat modifiers& e1 i5 C; [- X
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)* N+ D. b4 Q: ]% n# x
Attacker: shock(+)  V( |0 [, C2 Y
% h5 r! h# ~1 h
Japanese ground losses:7 _$ P* V* \8 k  Z3 G) t
      933 casualties reported
0 z( D1 c9 l% s3 F& m: j! E( M         Squads: 0 destroyed, 27 disabled; y# r6 B* p  I3 n
         Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 78 disabled8 m3 U8 S9 U- O# n4 j
         Engineers: 2 destroyed, 18 disabled" S; T) H/ a8 y& L
      Vehicles lost 9 (1 destroyed, 8 disabled)  i0 P8 [0 w+ a# d
5 R( e, b( n+ Z) _& a: Y
2 T  L9 u$ T/ ?9 k1 T
Allied ground losses:
, c) ]( a. y. X4 E9 A  j& ]      5044 casualties reported
# w) [. }' \% G# H' A( v( E. _         Squads: 185 destroyed, 0 disabled
7 I# }" o- V; e. e* G( R         Non Combat: 519 destroyed, 0 disabled0 K2 X9 e' `. W. ~% r9 ^
         Engineers: 8 destroyed, 0 disabled, M- B% W9 _) I2 I/ F. v
      Guns lost 155 (155 destroyed, 0 disabled)
2 B$ ^( |6 |6 l6 W  n3 @$ y5 T      Vehicles lost 100 (100 destroyed, 0 disabled)
$ i5 K# H7 \  N6 A8 g  Y$ r      Units destroyed 6" i# b) Y. i3 g" T0 ~! Y0 b$ L
" g. V5 k5 V! }

" j3 l+ O; L5 k7 N- q. a" NAssaulting units:* m/ c! J$ o: D2 p3 [7 @6 [
    104th Division# m7 y' ~) P8 O+ a- u! R
    66th Infantry Regiment
" Z+ {( V+ ~% I* U7 D1 h" z    19th Ind. Engineer Regiment
) n7 S* }/ W/ n. }    38th Division
4 o' [/ Z+ M- A$ u+ |    20th Ind. Engineer Regiment+ I$ C- O9 Z( Q$ x
    21st Mortar Battalion
5 P. T7 a+ z$ s! W, T    3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion  U' n0 J' i, m- q* U; Q
    2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion  {, F$ v* B% f
    10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment3 |; X! F1 f9 K( |8 f1 a  e! l+ a
    1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment% k- h0 V8 k9 k
    2nd Mortar Battalion
5 M# h7 a% h/ E7 F    5th RF Gun Battalion
, ^) T8 q# d3 m6 W    2nd RF Gun Battalion
( W" R# ~; T2 B9 G9 Q    20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
$ L3 I4 ~6 K& l! J$ {" |1 x% l  L- R, `
Defending units:, r) b/ y  d) `5 z. ^5 {) K# D1 Z
    Winnipeg Grenadiers Battalion
) J9 C" Z, B  s/ v9 Q    1st Middlesex Battalion* g4 X* ^& v# q6 \0 j: O% p
    Rifles of Canada Battalion+ L/ w5 k4 V# Z( P( N$ L
    Hong Kong Fortress
$ L  M, }/ G; r$ y+ V* Z    Kowloon Brigade0 D; h) t/ j0 ]6 o6 \
    102nd RN Base Force7 o9 i: Q( G  J" [
# r* d0 ~8 a. b9 o  ^( `8 v6 J  H
2 r1 l3 A- l5 `2 t
) ]0 R- k+ ?& S+ Y# T+ PAllied Ships
, \+ i8 m( |. H2 }      AE Pyro, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 3,  on fire,  heavy damage  i3 N5 \1 d+ n
      AVP Valk, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
* q- [' e4 c8 c0 [* F" z+ C      xAKL Magallanes, Shell hits 9, and is sunk& R; q$ N% w, t0 e
      AM Penguin, Shell hits 6, and is sunk
. w0 Q  J* W& s. C' x: T      xAP Rochussen, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage- P' \6 p7 C' B. S/ V& b3 e
      xAK Suva, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
1 c: f* ?! A3 \5 ^      TK Manatawny, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage$ I0 i7 R# x, ?+ h3 T5 h
      CM Oglala, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage
* I% J( V. f6 ?      ML No. 310, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk8 Y& D4 B! g' |2 w/ ]
      ML No. 311, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk  ], T1 x* m/ H1 H8 k
      HDML 1062, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk# Z7 h8 ^9 ]! _; f$ Q2 v) K8 u
      HDML 1063, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk- @" c! a' s9 C* r: _7 K
      xAK Hoihow, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
( E- f. G) N1 V) n( s      xAK Lorrain, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 2,  heavy damage
& J6 w$ N/ g3 P' I
$ j) a+ I! t$ k6 V开战一周小结:) |. w: i* J4 O7 S9 t7 d6 A

; w- w- Y: \$ U5 E8 M帝国各个战线稳步推进,预想的目标基本达到,盟军飞机连续多日消极避战,空战战果一般。帝国飞行员想找菜鸟刷经验都米有啊!* d+ X1 {( P; r& y7 d8 l' Q- R5 b
一周来日军方面情报界面信息:  X+ l8 U* p( E, V& n, [
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The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
3 a+ {+ I7 M$ [- \0 m* M6 K
6 U2 ^9 E( `9 B2 u! J) ^0 s& n  Q今日顺利攻占南太威克岛及菲律宾的霍洛岛2个关键基地。
4 n5 f2 w4 V$ Q& X/ u% t7 e3 g9 PJapanese forces CAPTURE Jolo !!!, v" n* w1 @* o2 o6 T
Japanese forces CAPTURE Wake Island !!!
) P& e% Y7 z1 s0 u* j4 g4 e2 F' o* g2 n) A$ w' a3 O/ m
* p% p0 t3 B* z9 \* E  pAllied Ships
/ w3 W& u5 d0 g% ~/ @; P      CM Kung Wo, Torpedo hits 1,  heavy damage# k# z* x2 H/ T% G) P
      xAK Iron Chieftan, Shell hits 3, Torpedo hits 4,  on fire,  heavy damage8 S8 M2 f5 u" n
      xAP St. Mihel, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage4 \, i# p0 S+ g+ Q' H7 l
      xAK Laida, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 1,  on fire,  heavy damage
( k% w2 y; F( r' G* [1 b( Y      xAKL De Haan, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk3 w# E/ G8 |& f/ a1 P2 C! p
      xAP Kajang, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
9 z5 ?4 T. i8 R      xAK Whangpu, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
$ ^$ G! U' ?( M: h3 B      xAKL Siberoet, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
1 [! U5 B* j5 Q  v3 _      xAKL Siaoe, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
6 {" `1 o1 k6 u      xAKL Meroendoeng, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
7 u1 q  C1 R, x      xAKL Lematang, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
老赵,资源产地还是不要用突击了吧。。。。9 g2 K6 V9 M9 I3 \
chen0529 发表于 2011-5-15 17:33
8 Z: O! w+ l! {$ @$ E/ y& b# S5 h) S3 L2 ^" F' z: C! T6 @
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
本帖最后由 chen0529 于 2011-5-15 20:02 编辑
  T5 c( {! E4 t+ o
1 g. d3 c% {6 r  c4 E, l会的。。。我的巨港就是个悲剧,你那个是因为对方没部队,放100战力突击的话就直接悲剧了。谨慎不会怎么伤到资源
. O/ o+ S- e7 B9 r. }* A
, `. O" d; c5 v话说你战报还发得比较全嘛,不过都一周了,快把关东军大老爷们全数拉入关,哈哈哈
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 15, 417 E2 s, l' |* T% R" \3 ~. t

- ?6 _! e8 w& ^! P; E# k; e盟军4发夷平jolo岛,天煌好不容易占领的一个小机场立刻失去了作用( N0 j# v. w9 r9 v1 t/ X- O
1 d; L' |# M- H6 {; `
3 `/ y1 F; N' q) c  ~7 I  [: d/ mMorning Air attack on Jolo , at 74,90
5 N  q) R% E6 Y7 g8 O / ^# G& h# n, y) a; ]0 y
Weather in hex: Partial cloud; V- A* r5 p" ~3 c, K4 h8 Y

2 X' o6 V4 g1 T8 n- i6 hRaid spotted at 27 NM, estimated altitude 23,000 feet.
8 A/ F2 K! K& q: {0 Q' _$ gEstimated time to target is 7 minutes
! m) q* p& h. X) A6 T
3 X' \8 e/ }1 ~( p( ^1 s& J
3 j& J1 n9 `. a' C2 M9 LAllied aircraft2 @" B* B' k" X  K  D# O
      B-17D Fortress x 26
: R" Z$ w9 U* m. m6 a2 G7 i3 w$ u) p
5 q7 K+ R) X9 `) r' x
) Y; X/ k" q# h" vNo Allied losses4 O" ?; x5 A' a* o0 j" P! ~" A6 h
0 }0 M! W- o, Z' c& J9 I! Z% L# E4 h
, u. H3 R7 P; O0 `
& q" @1 r) S& `4 G( v6 O
Airbase hits 14
# ~0 z& z  p# u9 o3 g" a0 r, U% x: QAirbase supply hits 4
- S" }9 U4 Q: [" {% b" a/ ZRunway hits 72
* b6 e/ a+ m; J2 T  j' l8 O: F+ E" r+ C5 m! r$ a1 P; c# g* {/ H' j6 S
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
- |! s- q4 E0 G% x/ M# S
7 W! z# q3 \$ J! w6 P% p在万鸦老头破血流的日军重整旗鼓,纠集了miniKB 三艘CVL,CVE载机60余架刚刚离开了菲律宾的达沃锚地,气势汹汹再次紧逼万鸦老,同时北方的日军水面舰队集结重兵登陆了3级机场山口洋,日军初期的实力已经全部拿上了台面
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 17, 41. V, D6 p+ z: c) P/ K6 u+ o

" b' D. W! z- R; z5 J; b
* j' ^% s6 {4 e" e一代名舰,阿德莱德!8 t7 Q& U  k7 I; e, j
9 E( j, N4 Z3 N8 l: R( L; l
7 M2 O9 a8 I2 H
自从AE不能投胎转世,每一艘水面舰都显得异常宝贵,就连以往开战必死的阿德莱德号,都有了用武之地。1941年12月17号,是一个值得纪念的日子,盟军战舰阿德莱德号单枪匹马杀入日军肖特兰登陆场,当场击沉了日军两艘满载补给的运输船,打响了盟军水面舰艇击沉日军船只的第一炮!我们有理由相信,在未来5年的日子里,一代名舰阿德莱德必将再创辉煌,请各位看官拭目以待& c! i- N% i4 k) |, |; r$ K! h
4 b& m  {" Z9 N0 _! ?; S+ J) U
: z! i8 i( h. L7 W5 P) ~- z; h
* y+ j. b( o. Z7 e6 z% W7 @Day Time Surface Combat, near Shortlands at 110,131, Range 15,000 Yards& H( |8 f' u; y% v% f( l3 M1 c2 _* }

4 C' P+ q' _+ V  W) p, |- TJapanese Ships$ S# d9 v1 R  b+ ?1 e; y
      xAKL Kaijo Maru #2, Shell hits 14, and is sunk
6 Z. k6 B5 x' n  \  v      xAKL Tateyama Maru, Shell hits 14, and is sunk! D% O, i2 o% Y3 Y  D3 M9 g

$ G% n& O5 ]# S( g1 G7 A, `8 `) HAllied Ships
5 a# {) g. [9 n7 d      CL Adelaide
) `% J4 R% s7 A  O4 d* n5 M2 R
" f# M1 B6 L+ c: ?
. }7 O+ O) Y1 m' b5 p, h需要提及的时AE里盟军鱼雷机必须在有空军HQ,也就是带鱼雷编制的HQ的指挥范围内才会带鱼雷出击,大统领刚刚上任不熟悉军务,导致连续错过了两个击沉金刚兄弟的机会,各位预备大统领一定要注意,建议开战之初就抢运一个新加坡的空军HQ到肯达里或者巴里巴板,一定会给天煌更多惊喜更多欢笑
( V7 X" H8 @7 K
/ G8 Z/ r# Y; k7 [陆战方面:$ R6 t; d+ a6 W4 M% y

/ w$ J+ j  H) s2 O+ w校长在大陆不负众望的节节败退,日军占领了婆罗洲的第一个基地山口洋,伞兵占领了印度洋上的布莱尔港
. O0 R0 s9 x0 w( M
/ U) }  S1 T; H; u. V$ m2 {最值得一提的是关岛守备队连续以区区8个步枪班不到百人挡住了几千日军连续3天的猪突,恼羞成怒的天煌玫瑰赵扬言要调来轰炸机解决“关岛问题”* }, F2 o2 t. \, b& G0 |' u3 S
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 c% V1 \" A( P& I9 J4 l0 g/ ]
  U3 r! J" E6 g) _
Ground combat at Guam (106,95)
8 u! w9 \; ^3 L5 ^. K
' V% X- K5 _; K% o( k0 M8 W" @Japanese Shock attack
3 g/ y8 p/ I0 x7 R5 z1 ?% b3 S1 l
' U' v% B  X( `# y5 X* bAttacking force 1478 troops, 19 guns, 2 vehicles, Assault Value = 59
: }3 n/ X3 M. l& s8 j" `* r/ g0 |: \' ?. w& M) v
Defending force 755 troops, 0 guns, 32 vehicles, Assault Value = 106 L6 Z5 ]: Q( Z. z1 f: A7 i1 D
9 H3 O) p7 Y* j9 m) p$ s
Japanese adjusted assault: 44 & N* b. s2 H5 v3 h$ I( ~8 r

, \+ Q& a+ I0 \) rAllied adjusted defense: 27
" m" S. r, r. X2 X- ]$ @
" [+ ]1 l% {- ^# s& ~Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 0) % J7 i. Z2 ]" d& J1 C
) _2 }; G! S( U* M  g5 L
Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 02 t( m. J# w' L! K3 S

6 b4 p9 t  G; X, i8 u4 q0 }Combat modifiers
4 E/ Z' V( o6 QDefender: terrain(+), leaders(+), leaders(-)- u2 U; O  |$ Y; l
Attacker: shock(+), leaders(-)
, O* C% M& q! ~& L( r
7 V/ `1 D- R0 z; {/ E6 N' Q% t2 iJapanese ground losses:
% A  c* Y* D& H) L      31 casualties reported
  R; C# ]5 t; q8 n2 D' V         Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled+ H1 T1 R- F; q" l+ }- p! d
         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
2 H8 u! a) ~0 w5 z) h- o         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled8 F  e5 c+ f. K0 T7 z3 |
& t; J- |' S3 F
0 C" y- v5 [6 D7 `
Allied ground losses:
5 k4 Q! d; d7 m      12 casualties reported# c3 K; R; O  Y; y
         Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
- I& v2 a* g* ~3 \. I         Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 4 disabled) o, D  W5 d' w/ q2 |. q: w7 T
         Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled4 _: ^7 `, W% \% p$ R3 e
  i0 n4 {# }# r/ ?2 {- F9 m
) y. N7 \0 H& I" ~( K5 a
Assaulting units:
4 N" y0 z( r$ V; F( Z    Maizuru 1st SNLF# M3 o9 q! Q; E! }7 k9 \

# B" J- x) l& [Defending units:% D5 H; V2 H/ \0 O6 y
    Guam USN Base Force
"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."
* |; U; B8 \% v) y$ T/ ^9 j( C1 O5 {$ E4 C: [& b3 q
$ _. x0 S. x0 J; O/ X* @
* a# ^# h( {  M! P
7 r: ]% x" g2 X4 [5 f: [万鸦老,41年12月20号夜,月光3%,雷雨0 z$ v- _! k3 j, I7 D. W

9 h* Z% S9 I2 w+ G0 l几天前被ABDA舰队逐走的日本登陆舰队在海上重新整编后,再次气势汹汹的压向了万鸦老。大统领随即命令英国名舰反击号担纲,纠结了南洋地区Z舰队和ABDA联合舰队的大部分主力,在月黑风高的夜里杀向万鸦老,誓要阻止日军的第二次登陆尝试。
" A6 j, {# r/ u$ y5 s+ u& a6 t' e" _8 e- N! ~9 d- w! d  R
* h* C8 d/ X+ w  c
8 d2 ]- t# h2 ?
+ L4 |0 B2 Y: ^3 R7 Y由于天太黑的缘故,双方水面舰队在2000码的距离上一顿乱打,反击号在混乱中了一雷,不过损失轻微。击退日军护航舰队之后,ABDA联合舰队对日军登陆船队发动了一次突袭,当场击沉击伤10数艘日军舰只,1000多鬼子喂了鱼。实是开战以来的第一大捷。
" ~7 M0 i/ }2 H' q4 a8 L8 _1 X: X! E+ f; K% B" Z! x
* A/ h, T, r; V9 n# @2 N/ @( rNight Time Surface Combat, near Manado at 76,100, Range 9,000 Yards
" ]- B' r2 |. a- f* Z  F3 z% K1 r% p6 a
Japanese Ships" L9 N( B% P1 \+ c" h+ W
      CL Natori, Shell hits 3- x& _: q# S5 ^" i3 p! i, i! o4 r
      DD Yamagumo
1 s0 g: L6 B  f) x5 s$ i$ X      DD Ikazuchi, Shell hits 25 ^6 k8 y7 ]% ?1 s6 z7 n& d
      DD Inazuma! r7 S( O" ?1 x. c# G2 z$ @
      DD Satsuki
( O" P: W) j8 K+ ~) s4 t      DD Minazuki
" G* g2 w) B( h; ]  f      DD Fumizuki
: C7 S" I' N/ i; ]6 A8 r' B9 N! G- w      DD Nagatsuki+ R5 S. e+ D/ B% {5 S4 ?
      DD Harukaze, Shell hits 1,  on fire( K  X; A2 w- A5 @- A, i
      DD Hatakaze
- F+ T( p  R9 X      DD Tachikaze, Shell hits 3,  on fire/ S" u: I2 w( V. }6 Z! _

) I7 W( B* L( ^Allied Ships
  ?  o9 Q% Q6 T  e      BC Repulse, Shell hits 5, Torpedo hits 13 B6 ]5 T8 m5 J* [
      CA Houston
8 U. z9 D0 w4 C      CL Danae, Shell hits 2: T+ X' J/ J! ], y, P5 a! e
      CL Dragon, Shell hits 17 p# Q. U* ~' O, b- e8 h
      CL Durban8 x) k. r; o7 H7 b# A. {2 [" U
      CL Mauritius& W0 w3 A& p6 t: E* K0 I
      CL Marblehead
" {; p6 D" q/ L/ E      CL Boise
4 o+ W  n. E; w0 j      DD Alden; s# ]7 t) o3 O6 |, t% v
      DD Barker9 H1 W: E6 F. c% G
      DD Edsall
8 y& h# ?; B6 w% W: \      DD John D. Edwards
; A" {/ ^" n# G! |% X, i3 r      DD John D. Ford
" D) Q* d' h+ @1 S1 ~2 b      DD Parrott, Shell hits 1,  on fire/ J8 V$ `% N2 G9 F
      DD Tenedos  K2 w3 z  G0 J7 o* F' f; m+ @0 C
      DD Thanet) U$ k2 ]" ^4 X! E* k0 Y7 `$ F
      DD Thracian, Shell hits 2
+ w! d" T1 I, h' F6 [      DD Electra9 M" J( q5 C8 J
      DD Express, Shell hits 2
3 Y6 d% j( m0 \/ f1 Y( m0 K! P4 p: g

% s6 w/ M  [! g/ ]8 y--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 X; Z, b& r& u: u
Night Time Surface Combat, near Manado at 76,100, Range 5,000 Yards
6 D: E1 [, O- k0 [& ^. f+ z1 q* r; @& V* b
Japanese Ships
, \: W( z+ a$ R( q. M      DMS W-7, Shell hits 12, and is sunk
" m2 U0 M. Y5 d' J$ z# k$ k      DMS W-8
! c9 a/ r: I9 `# K      xAKL Tomozono Maru #3, u1 @8 w& a; u& }
      PB Kanko Maru, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
6 b3 h  N5 m3 w+ O$ @4 j+ u/ V      PB Gamitsu Maru #1, Shell hits 3, and is sunk$ p4 ?9 p& \' n" r6 A
      PB Nichi Maru #1, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
9 n! g2 w, D9 v2 A) L4 R' ^4 C      PB Showa Maru #3, Shell hits 1, and is sunk2 i' U$ Q4 S7 q" C
      PB Showa Maru #58 B$ t) g7 D2 X
      xAK Myoko Maru) J% K0 S  W9 B' |* e/ _" P
      xAK Shinanogawa Maru, Shell hits 21,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
2 w( c6 G+ l& p1 U+ r: {$ a      xAK Shinryu Maru, Shell hits 4,  on fire) O# e' M% c( |  O4 h: v/ q
      xAK Taifuku Maru6 W/ {# N' E: n/ \
      xAK Yasukawa Maru3 C+ w6 J8 c# N" C: ]: z
      xAK Shinkoku Maru, Shell hits 14, and is sunk0 v0 F8 e0 l6 V( M7 j9 |( Y7 d
      xAK Taihei Maru, Shell hits 1,  on fire: n3 o' C5 ]0 W
      xAKL Ujigawa Maru, Shell hits 10,  heavy fires,  heavy damage) U: _/ e: ]% R
      xAK Yamafuku Maru
$ }% g/ e8 \$ q  a: M0 N0 c, I      xAKL Heiwa Maru, Shell hits 1,  on fire
6 F% c" m* G% F      xAKL Kashiwa Maru, Shell hits 37 a3 Q7 A; A* s  E$ m
      xAKL Kidokawa Maru
' _, K% v# v6 S% b1 ?' ?! o      xAKL Hitora Maru8 [5 _1 K1 _2 _2 c' n8 b" o
      xAKL Higari Maru, Shell hits 2' G( ^% |/ k& l8 o% R  x8 F
      xAKL Genmei Maru) x" q/ V; K. Z# l/ D" r- f
      xAKL Daitei Maru
- m( }) m2 F8 A6 i, b$ H      xAP Hakone Maru, Shell hits 4
2 O4 F, A1 x- G  p2 y0 @      xAP Haruna Maru
$ l+ |* C/ z- E. t4 I2 c6 _5 W7 [      xAP Kongo Maru, Shell hits 13,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
% n: z) I! F, ]: ^$ j5 m
9 X' G0 j5 _* k( u. \3 KAllied Ships, l6 B8 q1 K4 e  J. ^9 U7 `
      BC Repulse, Shell hits 3,  on fire
2 L4 L4 U! c- \: V      CA Houston, Shell hits 1  f7 X& u# H. m' L0 k$ I/ Q5 d# g
      CL Danae( _* s# C' E+ r1 P* \# C0 o
      CL Dragon
2 @& Q; u% ]. J) d% D3 K      CL Durban
( G# k% T: X' a8 R+ o, N      CL Mauritius
! ~% F' u7 F( N) M, p' z, P6 K  i      CL Marblehead
# |) f# ?; x, \9 R1 t" w1 B7 T      CL Boise
' R& m: n9 _2 u3 S6 u+ m# C( K      DD Alden
) @% T, M# s# ]4 M      DD Barker0 ]: C! B  X  R( G* x  g& v% s
      DD Edsall; I. @# k! N6 D7 i5 _
      DD John D. Edwards
: g" e9 R2 G/ {4 j, x% }      DD John D. Ford1 p6 W) Y# j( D3 I7 t  R$ u3 n1 ]
      DD Parrott,  heavy fires
8 D% x! l* V8 ~. w3 {- J' F      DD Tenedos
; \& H" d. q1 _2 L9 O, E6 L      DD Thanet3 M' H4 u( Z3 ?  d
      DD Thracian& N  Z" ~' d" o  X6 Y! p5 k
      DD Electra
; D' R* \, ]" A  P" f      DD Express- u* {2 l0 p; f7 O$ i
/ F0 W% O) `: o8 W
$ u5 r/ w  Q( g; _3 \. m
, n" d) C1 T$ r: ^2 H
0 L4 _" g1 _& `
天亮后日军的miniKB姗姗来迟,0战被从吕宋撤下来的P40E痛打,折损了11架,突防的鱼雷机也因为各种干扰准头大失,15雷竟无一命中9 @2 {2 ]# L5 O9 w1 B. Z; |2 Q" m

6 q3 b% h1 X2 ]/ j, f: {2 s--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 \: l6 Y4 R$ {5 CMorning Air attack on Manado , at 75,99 7 R7 C  T4 f/ T  |% v5 d
9 M8 z6 h9 A, r, @; D1 J
Weather in hex: Light rain
2 r8 X" B5 A/ y7 m. m" q# H: U7 V* V1 k' \. g0 \. S
Raid detected at 108 NM, estimated altitude 25,000 feet.
% R2 p: N8 M0 IEstimated time to target is 35 minutes
' b" x( G7 \8 Q) w. ~
& c& d& d0 q: P* s6 s- c3 _" d- _Japanese aircraft
1 L3 Q; X1 t. G* p! F2 w! ]1 k      A6M2 Zero x 16# N. J9 [& S; _0 ?% Y& Y

9 c9 U, M/ @8 E5 t5 v$ N6 K  Z( b1 A/ K0 B, A4 G) A% p

) K' s# `' {1 WAllied aircraft
2 [  C+ ~1 H/ \9 M- M      Buffalo I x 12
) T! v5 q8 z: I) v      B-339D x 14
) x, k  h* S; B, O( Q      P-40E Warhawk x 408 K$ Z/ a! S8 ?
$ U, ~* |1 N) b4 s# Q4 t

* L4 y% w6 h9 R6 I* V+ f& dJapanese aircraft losses
, k! S4 Q( G1 f$ F      A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed. Q/ R0 o1 M  H7 h1 r4 W
  H  k1 d' i& w* ?" r5 A
Allied aircraft losses
+ _4 E4 x! |1 S9 Q      Buffalo I: 1 destroyed0 c% l$ W0 P$ L
      B-339D: 2 destroyed! U- M- ]; z3 g4 R8 m: F. g
      P-40E Warhawk: 1 destroyed! y. w8 O' a5 Y# `' ~: f$ M# R
$ V! l, @& i/ \5 G

, D, F. b" z: l+ v-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! d% S) k, Y# a- {+ K/ [3 i7 H
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Manado at 75,995 I7 ?% s& M2 n$ z

" s* t$ P6 x% @6 d9 SWeather in hex: Thunderstorms% U2 L* y$ R* c9 z% D
; [* E" b, d1 w: N, \/ x
Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.% s7 L. N! a; Z* x8 L3 X1 U8 V
Estimated time to target is 37 minutes
  D9 a3 a8 c8 P% g
. W* f5 L1 v9 U) \7 M4 EJapanese aircraft, n, Y5 K9 u! ?1 [1 T- s7 N* g! a) k
      A6M2 Zero x 32
. s8 [+ t1 @) W+ b9 P      B4Y1 Jean x 6, A; y' M6 A5 d2 n/ H" D/ s
      B5M1 Mabel x 61 M3 [+ r7 ?1 a9 V$ I
      B5N1 Kate x 9( a. I3 q; B2 n9 B/ R
5 J% X; h! K* T4 u
+ D3 m! D; H' v' ?1 ?5 Z

3 C; `; w; }+ h, |0 DAllied aircraft2 v7 w( \5 C9 h, P2 v
      Buffalo I x 7
, [6 D& M+ B; @& _6 F1 x  E. j      B-339D x 68 k* l2 k, L# d! ~$ c) L
      P-40E Warhawk x 330 O0 f. s9 i. k
" `  F9 m( N6 u1 ]& F8 b

. _, S# }- a; D$ o, q" N) B0 r* y- ?Japanese aircraft losses
( s- U6 y0 n  k( V5 K6 B6 a, P      A6M2 Zero: 10 destroyed
0 N( m# L" B$ Y/ H' p- _$ d* }      B5M1 Mabel: 1 damaged
- }8 z  X6 \9 W& |' `      B5M1 Mabel: 1 destroyed by flak
8 v! P) J9 [" m! c
& T; D) H$ H9 A6 ~) uAllied aircraft losses7 p2 G- T2 R8 I/ x
      P-40E Warhawk: 2 destroyed& u2 l, b* H4 }, _! ?

4 h3 k0 h$ h9 P; [# g8 \Allied Ships# I# g4 ], ^6 s2 A( G. ~& [8 K
      DD Tenedos4 p% s- z) Q& G- k8 M
      DD Stronghold
* R, n0 V7 x6 E* t4 @      CL De Ruyter# k9 X  K& _$ _8 L" c& l' ?
      CL Tromp# L& U' L( Y6 d( t% h. M
      BC Repulse
1 h% `( K% ~* ~  q1 K      CL Java
: x' k3 K8 s  E
* y4 X& E5 n! `& H; H
" S; a4 q- E7 H  v. j3 U7 T+ h; n9 l% T5 T' O; t
Aircraft Attacking:' j, }7 n6 o4 E5 J3 J
       6 x B5M1 Mabel launching torpedoes at 200 feet
1 A9 {* {/ v0 l  Y5 S" n+ x               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
. J/ k5 {- N+ O* Y) A# Y9 ~4 P       9 x B5N1 Kate launching torpedoes at 200 feet) y  u4 t: g& y" d# s
               Naval Attack:  1 x 18in Type 91 Torpedo
4 P4 j: p8 E- v: C" m% h+ _( F* P% k8 W       6 x B4Y1 Jean bombing from 10000 feet! J; R$ J- q3 ]
               Naval Attack:  2 x 250 kg SAP Bomb
) u, F0 V, L; b; w+ I
4 B, e' W/ `& v0 \6 |2 U; N0 S; z1 o' t* ]! `, m* d6 i" x. U
荷兰名舰德鲁伊特号更是大发神威,单舰痛击了逃亡中的日军船队( Q: `& h. A5 H* ~1 o1 p
3 |5 Q( q0 ^. w: u. M$ B- tDay Time Surface Combat, near Manado at 77,100, Range 21,000 Yards
7 \* v) M7 U. A/ k1 c2 _1 h* L9 T. }- O$ M6 d/ u1 J1 k. e, Z  ~
Japanese Ships2 N/ j( L' t7 Y5 I
      DMS W-8, Shell hits 4, and is sunk
" |0 P6 j( ]; H) u, }      xAKL Tomozono Maru #3
# E. n, t9 r9 D/ w& b      xAK Myoko Maru, Shell hits 9,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
# Y" Y6 P/ C9 u      xAK Shinryu Maru,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
1 y  f. e  Z$ A6 o9 ^: x+ c' z: l      xAK Taifuku Maru- |& W/ \; _7 L( |/ j
      xAK Yasukawa Maru, Shell hits 1. I) X# t- l8 f) R3 w/ j/ O
      xAK Yamafuku Maru, Shell hits 15 ^; R4 s9 y! G# a; N8 }. C: z5 m7 u
      xAKL Kashiwa Maru$ Z* g& Z, D/ B! \: `
      xAKL Kidokawa Maru" Y& a% ]+ q6 d$ X7 }8 y
      xAKL Hitora Maru
$ g3 o/ N4 \/ u" l  P0 U) ]: F      xAKL Higari Maru5 s2 Q# j* @& F3 t/ e2 q
      xAKL Genmei Maru
: h, o! N* G& e2 Y) r      xAKL Daitei Maru  F8 L$ j! ^9 p/ d9 K
      xAP Hakone Maru
$ }( D  f( E# l& t3 N      xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 6,  heavy fires,  heavy damage
( T8 b1 _/ n8 D- E3 l. B3 P1 P. z9 t! Q+ L& Y
Allied Ships
$ @% Z, a3 n$ U9 h& Y! Y! x' V* n      CL De Ruyter, Shell hits 1" u+ E, z) _: m
6 S6 }3 l3 S- ~2 w' \7 j5 ~6 q
" S$ M8 A3 b( |7 G+ c: T, N( @& Q1 k
! r1 f2 q9 _0 R0 L! \, k( B0 c: m
陆战方面:/ C# q5 `+ {& H3 Y
- @7 @3 B- K1 [- I6 u1 e& w
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"I have nothing to offer but supplies, fuel and women."